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Almighty Father, we are grateful for this evening as we

celebrate the ____th birthday of our beloved Cherme.

We thank you for gathering us so that we can celebrate
life, the life you have given to each one of us and to our
birthday celebrant.

Lord, please protect and guide Cherme as she continues

along the path you have chosen for her. Give her the
courage to follow in your light, and feel your love
wherever she goes. May you continue your abundant
blessings to her and to her family and friends who stood
by her side in her journey. May your fruitfulness and
grace be with Cherme as she faces new challenges and
another milestone of the days ahead.

We pray that You will bless our time together. We

commit to you our celebration that this will be a Christ
exalting one. All these we ask in Jesus’s name. Amen.

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