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Instruction Reflection

I performed an ELA lesson for a Kindergarten classroom this week. The class consists
of 21 students. Three students in the class receive speech services and 1 receives special
instruction. The DIBBLES test was administered in January and the results show 9 students,
almost half the class, is at Title 1, in need of recommended intensive intervention supports and
weekly progress monitoring. The goal is to improve phonemic awareness and letter recognition.
I developed a plan with the learning objective that students will be able to identify, read, and
write the words are, he, is, little, my, was, she, with. These are high frequency words they are
working on.

The lesson begins with an explanation of all the parts. First, we will read the words are,
he, is, little, my, was, she, with, from high frequency words cards. Next, they will write the words
on their own card. Last, they will listen to sentences read aloud and identify the word on their
word card. The students began by reading the cards. I modeled how it works, then the whole Commented [MM1]: 3a. Communicating with students.
My explanation of the lesson was clear and appropriate.
group read the words as I pointed to the cards. They did a great job participating.

I asked them to go back to their tables to write the words. Transitions are still a
challenge for this group. I asked them to go back quickly and quietly and I thanked the students
who were following directions, using a positive behavior approach. I had to count down from 5
to begin the writing part because 3 students were still not sitting. I then explained we will be
writing on cards. I had two different color cards yellow and green. I explained that we would Commented [MM2]: 3a. Communicating with students. I
gave clear directions and expectations.
write are, he, is, my on the green cards. We would write she, was, with, little on the yellow
cards. On one half on the board I had students come up and write are, he, is, my in green
marker to correspond with green cards. On the other half of the board separated by a black Commented [MM3]: 3c. Engaging students in learning.
The students contribute to the lesson by modeling writing
line, I had students write she, was, with, little in red to correspond with the yellow cards. I then the words on the board.
explained again that the green words are for the green cards. The red words are for the yellow
cards. I asked the whole group the green words go on which card? The red words go on which
card? The yellow or green? They responded with understanding. I then explained they were to Commented [MM4]: 3d. Using assessment in instruction.
Students provide feedback for their understanding.
choose 1 word only. Then I gave them a partner, asked them to think about which word they
were going to choose to write and then share which word they would write on their card for 1
Commented [MM5]: 3c. Engaging students in learning by
min. with their partner. I circulated to assess if they understood the directions. I then went to working with a partner to further their understanding.
each table and let them choose a yellow or green card. I asked which word they would write. I 3b. Using questioning and discussion techniques. A think
pair share was utilized to promote further understanding.
then gave them 1 minute to write the word. After, I asked them to take turns reading their words
Commented [MM6]: 3d. Using assessment in instruction.
cards at their tables. I modeled sitting at a table and asking them to hold up their word cards. I I was able to assess understanding and lend support to
students who needed it.
Commented [MM7]: 3a. Communicating with students. I
gave them clear directions and expectations
read each one and then I said, now it’s Addisons’ turn to read. Now it’s Masons’ turn to read.
Then I asked each table to take turns reading. I gave them 2 minutes. Commented [MM8]: 3a. Communicating with students. I
gave clear directions and explanation.
3b. Using questioning and discussion techniques. Modeled
After that I asked them to write their name on the word cards and then find their way to expectations with students and discussed what we were
the carpet to listen for their words in a sentence. The transition from table to carpet was a task. 3 c. Engaging students in learning but having them help
I encouraged with a positive behavior approach, followed by count down from 5 again. I have model the expectation for learning.

begun to say LLP for listening, learning position a Total Participation Technique and it has been Commented [MM9]: 3c. Engaging students in learning.
Student lead reading in small groups.
working. I explained now I will read a sentence and if you hear your word stand up with your 3d. Using assessment in instruction. I was able to assess
understanding by circulating while they read.
word card so we can see it. I asked a student to help model the expectation. They were losing 3e. Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness. I felt they
needed more opportunity to work within group for me to
interest as a group. I then began to read the sentences There are clouds in the sky. He has a assess if they can read the sight words and for them guide
blue umbrella. She has a yellow one. What color is your umbrella? My umbrella is blue with their own learning.
Commented [MM10]: 3a. Communicating with students.
stripes. It was quite a storm. I played in my house with my friend. He is little. By the last
Clear instruction was provided.
sentence they were mostly following direction. 3d. Using assessment in instruction. I used the cards for
formal assessment of writing.

I am still struggling with transitions and timing. By the end of this lesson I had lost Commented [MM11]: 3e. Demonstrating flexibility and
engagement. After I read the first sentence only one student stood up. I tried again and then I responsiveness. I utilized different instructional strategies
to ensure engagement and understanding.
had to say “I see that so and so also has are on their word card please stand up. Please look at
Commented [MM12]: 3a. Communicating with students.
your word card and if you have the word are please stand up. The first 3 sentences went this Clear and appropriate directions were provided.

way. The lesson was too long for them with too many steps and transitions. I have to continue Commented [MM13]: 3c. Engaging students in learning.
Students help to demonstrate with understanding what we
to work to build up to this. I believe they need more opportunities to further they’re are going to do.

comprehension of the high frequency words they should know and they need more
opportunities to be writing independently, not just tracing letters from a work sheet. I am seeing
progress in their letter writing and letter identification. I would like them to be able to move
around the room more but they are not used to it and the transitions are taking up to 5 minutes.
I have been able to shorten times with count downs and using a positive behavior approach.
They need more practice and consistency but a few students just cannot focus on moving
without using it as an opportunity to play. I also have to redirect the same ones when we do
partner work or group work. I have seen progress with partner work. They are able to share
and stay on topic and follow direction. They struggle when it is more than 3 students
participating and there is not a teacher with them to assist in the activity. I am hoping that by
the end of my placement they will be better able to work together.

If I were to do this lesson again I would not have them make the last transition back to
the carpet. They were doing a great job and with that transition I felt like they were ready to do
something new. They had demonstrated understanding of the words the entire time. The final
part of listening for the words in a sentence was difficult to assess because I could not
determine if it was a lack of engagement or not understanding. I then provided so many
prompts that I could not determine their level of understanding. I was essentially telling them
what to do. I will continue to work towards moving the class from whole group teacher directed
instruction to more student focused learning. I am seeing progress. I believe with more
opportunities, more flexibility on my part and more consistency with clear expectations we will
get there.

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