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Evaluating the Conversation

SPED 875: Advanced Practicum with Exceptional Children and Youth

University of Kansas

Dr. Martha Elford

Brent Seager

February 25, 2018


Collaboration Assignment Part Three: Evaluating the Conversation


The collaboration conversation with my para educator Mrs. Carmen went as planned, as

we discussed the selected student his progress in all school environments. We also discussed

other students and concerns within the classroom, as this is another essential element of

successful collaboration. I believe that Mrs. Carmen and myself were in sync during the

conversation, as we share many ideas and opinions about instruction. The topics of the selected

student, other students, concerns, issues, and ways to promote a better learning environment

allowed the collaborative conversation to move forward, and I did not feel strained or pressed for

time when collaborating with Mrs. Carmen. Prior to the collaborative conversation, I intended to

discuss the selected student, other students that we provide services for, concerns, issues, and

ways to improve the learning environment for all, and these were addressed during the

conversation. Overall, the collaborative conversation was beneficial and allowed me an

opportunity to work with Mrs. Carmen about addressing concerns and planning for future lessons

and activities.

Communication Strategies

There are several communication and partnership characteristics that need to be in place

for effective collaboration to occur between educators and other staff members. Mrs. Carmen

and I have established a healthy working relationship based on respect and trust, which allows

her and I to collaborate effectively and address issues and concerns within the learning and

school environments. Mrs. Carmen and I have the utmost respect and trust for each other, which

allows her and I to collaborate and implement the necessary changes in a timely fashion.

Keeping each other on the same page is essential, as Mrs. Carmen and I are more aware of the

student’s needs and any pertinent issues that arise throughout the school day. While we are not

able to sit down each school day like we were able to during the collaborative conversation, we

do communicate frequently about each student and how to best support the students. Even

though I might not have thought about all communication strategies that were and would be used

in the collaborative conversation, I believe that the trust and respect elements allowed the

conversation to be productive.


While some collaborative conservations and third space dialogues can promote hostility

and discouragement between the parties and individuals engaging in the conversation. The

collaborative conversation between Mrs. Carmen and myself was a positive and productive

conversation, as both of our opinions and additions to the conversation were valued. This

harmony helps to project the sync that our collaboration and teamwork bring into the classroom

to improve the learning environment. The collaboration that Mrs. Carmen and I bring into our

classroom and the school environment is a great example of how effective communication and

collaboration can provide the best learning environment possible for all students and staff. I

believe that this our collaborative conversation was positive and helped to move forward in

continuing to support the students in our classroom.

Partnership Components

There were several partnership components present during the collaborative conversation

that were effective and show the positive learning and collaborating environment that Mrs.

Carmen and I have established within the school. While Mrs. Carmen and I are happy with the

level of partnership and communication that we have established this school year, we understand

that it is a process that needs to be consistently monitored and improved upon. Providing Mrs.

Carmen an audience to listen and address her concerns and issues within all school environments

was essential to the partnership and collaborative relationship that Mrs. Carmen and I are

continuing to improve upon. I also felt that Mrs. Carmen provided great partnership skills in

assisting and listening to my concerns, which is a sign of effective collaboration and

communication within the learning environment.


While there are several goals that I have set for the future, or how I would like

collaboration within my classroom to look like, I believe that continued growth and learning are

essential elements to accomplishing this collaboration goal. During the conversation, I

reaffirmed that Mrs. Carmen and myself have a healthy collaborative relationship and this can be

seen in the gains that our students have made this school year. I look forward to continuing to

work with and grow with Mrs. Carmen in the future, as she is open to new ideas and techniques

to best support each student within the learning environment. I would also like to demonstrate

effective communication and collaboration with co-workers and other staff members, as I believe

that Mrs. Carmen and I can show our co-workers the benefits of collaboration. Despite the

challenges that this could bring, I am dedicated to continuing my usage and development of

collaboration skills moving into the future.

Suggestions for Improvement

Even though the collaborative conversation went according to the plan designed for it,

there were several elements that I will improve upon for the next conversation. The first element

that needed improvement was allowing for additional time, as I felt rushed during the

conversation and I believe that Mrs. Carmen did as well. The second element that needed

improvement was providing an environment where Mrs. Carmen and I can collaborate without

being interrupted, as we were interrupted several times during our collaborative conversation.

The third element that needed improvement was making sure that I have an agenda to document

the conversation and refer back to as necessary to ensure that changes are being made as outlined

in the collaborative conversation. I believe that moving forward requires commitment by all

parties collaborating, and that Mrs. Carmen and I have the commitment and characteristics to

continue successful collaboration within the learning environment.

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