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Weekly Empowerment

The Ultimate Self Expansion Kit

Yes, you are ready!

© 2016 Ascension101 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any manner, electronic or
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ISBN: not-available-yet
Every week for the past year I have been putting together, and practicing a self-work project,
exploration or exercise which the Ascension101 Team and I call “Awareness Expansion Kits”.

These kits developed as part of the membership benefits at Walk With Me Now and are weekly
practiced by many individuals with amazing results.

Creating and using these exercises has been a highly rewarding experience. It involves tapping
into the Higher Self, Collective, Divine Consciousness and bringing forth what we could do with
most at the present time.

One of the hardest parts of compiling this book was to choose 52 out of nearly 100 weekly
exercises! So, we decided to add a few more.

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. i
How to Use This Book................................................................................................................ 1
Week 1 - Change Routine .......................................................................................................... 2
Week 2 - Playing with Physicality ............................................................................................... 3
Week 3 - The Objects Around Us ............................................................................................... 4
Week 4 - Actions Toward Our Goals .......................................................................................... 5
Week 5 - Music .......................................................................................................................... 6
Week 6 - Looking at detail .......................................................................................................... 7
Week 7 - Taste Perception ......................................................................................................... 8
Week 8 - Touch Perception ........................................................................................................ 9
Week 9 - Smell Perception ........................................................................................................10
Week 10 - Do Nothing ...............................................................................................................11
Week 11 - Developing Psychic Hearing ....................................................................................12
Week 12 - Developing Psychic Sight.........................................................................................13
Week 13 - Developing Psychic Taste ........................................................................................14
Week 14 - Dealing with people who are “low vibration” :) ..........................................................15
Week 15 - The “I, me and myself”. ............................................................................................16
Week 16 - All Senses Psychic Development .............................................................................17
Week 17 - Let’s Clean House!...................................................................................................18
Week 18 - Smell the roses ........................................................................................................20
Week 19 - What are you doing? ................................................................................................21
Week 20 - Experiencing our “rainbow” bodies ...........................................................................22
Week 21 - Looking at Karma .....................................................................................................23
Week 22 - Walk our Talk... ........................................................................................................24
Week 23 - Let’s look at relationships... ......................................................................................25
Week 24 - What are we ingesting?............................................................................................26
Week 25 - Hoʻoponopono .........................................................................................................27
Week 26 - Religions and Dogmas .............................................................................................28
Week 27 - Breathing .................................................................................................................29
Week 28 - The moment we wake up in the morning ..................................................................30
Week 29 - More Cleaning..........................................................................................................31
Week 30 - Detecting and Deciding on Energy Cords ................................................................32
Week 31 - Reconnecting with Gaia Exercise .............................................................................34
Week 32 - What is your core animating energy? .......................................................................35
Week 33 - What is the core animating energy of the groups you belong to? .............................36
Week 34 - Time for a book :) .....................................................................................................37
Week 35 - The Art of Listening ..................................................................................................38
Week 36 - 20% Processing 80% Joylightlove ...........................................................................40
Week 37 - Drop Control ............................................................................................................41
Week 38 - What are you manifesting this moment? ..................................................................42
Week 39 - Time to Daydream! ..................................................................................................43
Week 40 - Look Around ............................................................................................................44
Week 41 - What defines you? ...................................................................................................45
Week 42 - Stop to Smell The Roses .........................................................................................46
Week 43 - Pick an Object. .........................................................................................................47
Week 44 - Letting Gaia Support Us ...........................................................................................48
Week 45 - Allowing for Entourage Support................................................................................49
Week 46 - Sacred Space - Altar ................................................................................................52
Week 47 - Stepping out - affecting others. ................................................................................53
Week 48 - Joylightlove in what you drink...................................................................................55
Week 49 - If you had 10 Million Dollars .....................................................................................56
Week 50 - Expanding our Perception ........................................................................................57
Week 51 - Becoming aware of our “edges” ...............................................................................58
Week 52 - Stabilizing energies ..................................................................................................59
Bonus Week 1 - Exercise: Smile often ......................................................................................60
Bonus Week 2 - I am fully satisfied ...........................................................................................61
Bonus Week 3 - Generating Beauty ..........................................................................................62
Bonus Week 5 - Gratitude .........................................................................................................63
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................64
The 7 Steps to manifestation…..............................................................................................64
How to Use This Book
The best way to use this book is to start the first exercise when you first get it, then mark your
calendar to remind you every week to do the next exercise.

You can also read the book from cover to cover when you first receive it, then as your alarm
goes off every week randomly pick a page to do for the week.

Some of these exercises and tools are super good to do on a permanent basis as part of our
daily routine. When you find one that you want to integrate on a long term basis, mark the page
and go back to it week after week as you do the other exercises.

Remember, you don’t have to stop doing an exercise just because the week is over. You can do
one of them for several weeks before you move on to the next one. You can also take a break
and come back to the book at any time. Pace yourself and also push yourself a little bit every
week to step out of your comfort zone and into an expanded state of awareness.

Week 1 - Change Routine
This is an exercise that I have encouraged individuals to do many times before. It is a great
one, and one that I do have to remind myself to do on a conscious level every few months.

It is very simple. For the next week, do something completely different in your physical life. Here
are some of my personal favorites, choose one and stick to it for the entire week, or go from the
most comfortable to the least comfortable and do one per day:

1. Wear odd socks.

2. Wear clothing that is completely opposite to what you would normally wear.
3. Wear runners, sneakers, or sandals if you normally wear formal shoes, and formal shoes if
you normally wear runners, sneakers or sandals. This can be on a situation to situation basis
per day. If you go to a fancy restaurant, wear sneakers, if you go to a picnic, wear formal shoes.
That type of thing.
4. Drive to work using a radically different route.
5. Wear a hat if you don’t wear hats, or take it off if you always wear hats.
6. Have your dinner at breakfast time (it helps if you cook it the previous night), and have your
breakfast at dinner time.
7. If you normally wear jewelry (earrings, rings, necklaces) change their style or take them off for
the week. If you don’t normally wear jewelry wear some.

The aim is to physically shift us out of our linear time construct by making us aware and taking
us out of our unconscious routines.

Most of all, have a lot of fun doing this exercise!

Week 2 - Playing with Physicality
Most of us have asked ourselves, “why am I here?”

The answer to that question has been highly discussed, and many different reasons are given to
us. The most popular in Western culture, are that we are here to learn through pain, learn
lessons, and repay our karma.

Imagine for a moment that all the above are nothing but games, and that the only reason we are
here is to play with Physicality. That the game itself is neutral. What we do in it, we choose as a
species, a collective, is ruled by resonance and vibration. And imagine, that the compass to find
out what physicality experience we are personally here to have, is resonance.

For this week, let’s put two notes next to our bed. One for the morning and one for the night.
The morning reads something like, “today, I will become conscious of all the moments of
resonance I experience, no matter how small.“

The one for the night, to read something like, “now I remember all the moments of perfect
resonance I experienced today.”

Feel free to recall these in your mind, or make notes and write them down.

Let’s do this!

Week 3 - The Objects Around Us
The objects we surround ourselves with are charged with energy, meaning, and “history”.

They are the “anchors” that make our linear time, and timeline, energy specific. What helps to
keep us grounded to a certain reality and not another.

This week’s exercise is short, but it will be difficult for some, and very easy for others.

This week pick between one and five objects per day from your environment, give them away,
sell them, or trash them.

You can, or not, replace the objects with ones that reflect and resonate with where you want
your life to be, or really resonate with you now.

Week 4 - Actions Toward Our Goals
This week is an exercise which is pretty well known in the area of “manifestation”. Where we
have a goal, or an image, of what we want our lives to be, and every day we take an action
toward it.

The suggested number of actions per day is between one and five. These numbers don’t
particularly have any significance in and of themselves, except for our own sense of comfort and
capacity to do on a daily basis. So I would say, choose your favorite number, and take that
many actions per day toward fulfilling your vision.

Examples could be:

 Acquire an object per day that reflects your new reality (it can be small or big), and place
it where you spend most time during the day or use it (depending what it is).
 Dress in the manner in which you will/would dress if your vision is real now.
 Visit a location, and stay there for a few minutes/hours, that perfectly reflects your vision.
 Do a manifesting exercise (The seven steps perhaps - see Appendix) toward your goal
per day.
 Add photographs and paragraphs to a vision board that illustrate your new reality.
 Do small, simple things that will achieve your goal, or you would be doing if you had
already achieved it.

Week 5 - Music
This week I’d like to invite you to join, listen to or express music that you would not normally
listen to or play.

The exercise is to broaden our auditory reality. This does not mean music that you don’t like, on
the contrary, find something that you do like. For example, if you are English speaking, find
traditional Spanish or French music, or something from India, the Andes, Africa, China, Tibet,
whether modern or native. If you only listen to rock, listen to classical or channeled music. If you
only listen to spiritual music, then listen to rock, jazz, hip hop, or some sort of popular music.

It’s important that you resonate with the music you choose to listen to. One song or piece per
day, close your eyes and simply listen or play. If you feel moved to dance, do that too!

Week 6 - Looking at detail
Following on our last week and expansion of auditory perception, this week I’d like to invite you
to expand your visual perception.

This exercise is very simple and a lot of fun. If you wear glasses, feel free to wear them for this
exercise, but it’s not necessary as what we want to observe is not what’s there as such, but our
perception of what is there.

Each day, we want to look at one close up item, and also the horizon.

For the close up item choose anything you like. A favorite object, a flower, a hand, a foot, a pet,
a lamp, a crystal, a blade of grass… whatever you like as long as you can hold at a comfortable
position from your eyes.

Put on a timer for about 10 minutes, and look at the object. Observe it, examine it very closely,
perceive it with your eyes. You can go over the time, but try not to do it for less than 10 minutes.

For the long distance observation, try to get to a place where you can see at least a couple of
miles from where you are (about 3 kilometers). Again, observe what you see, the colors, shapes
(if any), sense with your eyes what you are looking at.

Week 7 - Taste Perception
The development of our senses often begins with a reconnection with our sense in the physical
world. These senses can then be expanded to be used in remote viewing, bilocation, and astral

For the past two weeks we have expanded our visual perception, and our audio perception. This
week I would like to invite you to expand on your taste perception.

This one, I find, works best if started with one’s eyes closed.

Close your eyes and taste your mouth. Describe it as fully as you can. If you have a notepad or
you are at your computer, start a document where you can describe the taste as fully as you
can. Make drawings and use colors too if you can give them shape and color.

Open your eyes, and taste your mouth. Describe as above.

Now, once per day, choose an item to taste. It can be something you eat every day, or
something you have never tasted before. Do the taste once with your eyes closed, then with
you eyes open, and describe both as fully as you can.

Week 8 - Touch Perception
This week I would like to invite you to reconnect with, and expand your touch perception.

We touch, and feel touch mostly with our hands, but we also touch with our skin all over our

As our hands are the most familiar parts of our body we touch with, this week’s exercise will
concentrate on touching something with our hands. As we did last week, we will be doing this
exercise first with our eyes closed, then with our eyes open.

Reach out and touch whatever is closest to you. It could be a computer or phone, a chair, the
clothes you are wearing, your hair, another person or pet.

First touch this item with your fingers, and describe to yourself exactly what you are feeling. You
can start with a temperature, for example. Is it hot? Cold? same as your fingers? Then texture,
rough? Smooth?

Next feel what other experience you can get from your fingers.

Now describe, and if you can write, exactly what you felt. After that, do the same exercise with
your eyes open, and make a full description.

Every day this week, choose a different item to touch and explore with your hands. Try to make
it really different each time. For example, a plant, a pet, warm water or liquid, cold water or
liquid, ice, wood, fabric, metal… the list is endless.

Once a day, if you feel inspired, also close your eyes and feel the air on your face.

Week 9 - Smell Perception
For the past four weeks we have been expanding our awareness in the physical with Touch,
Hearing, Taste and Seeing.

This week, I’d like to invite you to expand your Smell perception.

I left this one until last because smell is in fact one of our most powerful senses. Not only does it
give detailed information about our surroundings, food and people, but it also holds the most
powerful memory activation abilities of all the senses.

Some individuals lose their sense of smell. If you find that you cannot smell at all, then use your
memory banks to do this exercise. If your sense of smell is diminished, find things that have
very strong smells to do it with.

Otherwise, use the examples given.

This exercise is best done with eyes closed.

For the next seven days, put your hand against your nose and smell it. Smell the palm of your
hand, the fingers and the back of your hand too. Take deep, long, slow breaths in, so that the
smell goes really deeply into your awareness field.

Make note of any memories, thoughts or emotions that may trigger when you smell your hand.

Next take a piece of clothing, this can be yours or someone else’s, and smell it like you did your
hand, and make notes.

Make the third item you smell be the food you eat this week. Every item of food you are about to
consume, put against your nose and smell it first. Very deeply and for one or two minutes. If you
are at a restaurant, it might look a bit funny, and in many cultures smelling one’s food is
considered bad manners… so if you feel uncomfortable doing it in public, you can stick to the
meals you have in private. Or you can explain you are doing a mystical training exercise :)

Week 10 - Do Nothing
Next week we will start integrating the expanded senses into our mystical work.

This week it’s about doing nothing.

This exercise is one that we can do on a regular basis. It’s one of those things that we can put in
our calendar for at least once a week, and it will have amazing results.

It is very, very simple, yet can be extremely difficult to achieve.

For one hour a day, for this week, sit down or stand up (don’t lie down or you will fall asleep)
and simply do nothing.

Don’t surf the web, watch tv, plan your shopping, make lists, process anything, make phone
calls, catch up on your email or anything else. The exercise is literally to do nothing at all for one
full hour per day.

Week 11 - Developing Psychic Hearing
This exercise is the first of a series of weeks where we will be developing our psychic or
mystical capacities of sense awareness using very simple exercises.

This week, we will develop psychic hearing.

If you haven’t already, please do the Week 5 exercise first.

What we are going to be doing is to listen to a sound, then close our eyes, and replicate the
sound in our mind. The sounds we can alternate throughout the week are things such as,
someone talking, a piece of music, a river, the ocean, a bird singing, cars going by, city noise, a
tv show, radio playing, the sounds of us moving or walking.

Replicate the sound in your mind as accurately as you can. Basically, we hear it in our mind’s
ear. We “imagine” the sound as though it was real.

We start with just a few seconds of it, say about 5 seconds, then grow the time longer and
longer as the week goes by.

Your ‘psychic’ ears, your ability to hear will be much more pronounced through the use of this

Week 12 - Developing Psychic Sight
Following our Psychic development theme, this week I would like to invite you to work on the
following exercises. These will develop your inner seeing both at the conceptual level as well as
the interpretation level.

We will be working with different levels of “seeing”. If you have problems with your sight, do this
exercise with what you actually see, or think of what something looks like.

The first part of the exercise is to look at a two dimensional image, a printed or digital image, for
a few minutes, then close your eyes and reproduce the image in your mind in as much detail as
you can. Make sure that you get the details from the center as well as every single corner of the
image and the left, the right, the top and the bottom. Then open your eyes and compare your
mental image with the real image.

Next, pick up an object from your environment. Look at it in detail for a few minutes, then close
your eyes and reproduce the full three dimensional object in your mind. If you can, do move the
object around to make sure you go the front, back top and bottom of the object too.

After that, grab a three dimensional object, but instead of looking at it for a few minutes, close
your eyes, then touch it and create an image in your mind of what the object looks like in detail.
Open your eyes and compare your mental image with the actual object.

Do this exercise at least once per day for the next week if you can, but do try to do it more than
once per day if you have the time.

Remember to have fun!

Week 13 - Developing Psychic Taste
Taste is not normally something we would think can bring us information from a state of
expanded awareness. But it is.

Depending on the culture we have grown up in, taste will play a different role and level of
importance to our overall sensory experience of the physical world. What we taste and how we
taste it is rarely discussed either socially or even to ourselves.

Yet taste can often unblock and stimulate a hugely clear past event memory. This is why taste
can be a great sense to develop at a psychic level. If we receive a taste as a form of data when
looking at a specific question or location, what that taste means to us personally will be a clear
indication of what we are sensing.

This exercise is to be done at least once a day, but if you can do it at every meal for the next
week, then I would encourage you to do so.

It is very simple. Before you ingest food or drink, first place it in front of your mouth, you can
look at it or simply place it there and close your eyes, and remember or imagine what the item
tastes like. Once you get a very clear sense of taste, take a bite or drink and compare the
memory of the taste to the actual taste. If it is accurate, give your body a thumbs up, and if it’s
not accurate, commit the taste to memory so that the next time you ingest that item you will
have a better idea of what it tastes like.

For example, grab an apple, place it in front of your mouth. With eyes open or closed, imagine
what the apple tastes like. Then take a bite and compare your memory to the actual taste of the

Week 14 - Dealing with people who are “low
vibration” :)
Many of us will be having to deal with sharing time, space and energy with friends, family and
work colleagues that are low vibration and sleeping heavily.

To work on this, and the huge collective energies of loneliness and despair that are triggered
sometimes, I invite you to work on our resonance/dissonance detection and what we do about
situations that are dissonant.

Due to the intensity of this topic, I encourage you to do this weekly exercise for the next two

The first part of the exercise is to set up an hourly alarm that will go off every hour the first day,
every two hours the second day, every three the third day, and so on, until you find yourself
naturally stopping during your day to ask yourself the following question: "am I in resonance or
dissonance right now?"

Don't think or analyze it too much. Your body will tell you by either feeling a "positive" or a
"negative" emotional, energetic, or mental response. Sometimes you will get both resonance
and dissonance, in different percentages.

The first few days you will be simply getting acquainted with the "reading". After that you will find
that we will naturally listen to our resonance/dissonance state and become conscious of it
without the need of an alarm.

The next step is sometimes harder at a social or personal level as the aim is to move into
resonance and out of dissonance. It is important not to judge ourselves or the situation or
people involved in dissonance.

We simply observe what is happening, and then without making ourselves or others right or
wrong, simply moving physically out of the dissonant space or interaction. There are many ways
in which we can do this without creating further dissonance, so let's be creative during that step.

And remember during this week to have the intent to be at least 80% of your time in resonant
joylightlove, and spending only 20% on processing and dealing with dissonance!

Week 15 - The “I, me and myself”.
As we move into empowerment, and sometimes the reason we moved into empowerment, is
because we became conscious of the Self.

This often will result in an overly stimulated sense of importance of Self, or self (with the little

This exercise is very simple, but can be quite hard to carry out for any length of time. And we
can fall into little traps very quickly too!

So here it is: For the next week, write, think and communicate without the use of the words “I,
me, myself, we, us”. Every time you catch yourself using one of these words, look at the
context, sentence and usage and see how you can change it not be “centered on self”.

And here is one of the traps, we will often start thinking of ways to communicate the same
information, desire or whatever by simply replacing the words with other words such as “one” or
your name, or “this person”, things like that.

This misses the point of the exercise. Basically, the exercise is to remove the “self
centeredness” of our reality temporarily from our experience. Why is this useful? Because focus
of self is the smallest awareness field we can have. Once we move past it, the whole world, and
all experience opens up for us.

When you catch yourself using the words, and being self focused, don’t judge yourself. Simply
“edit” the communication, the thought, the expression, to be universally focused.

Make a note to see what happens when you remove the “I, me, myself, us, we”, from the thing
you wanted to say. Does it lose or gain importance? Does it becomes more or less relevant?

Week 16 - All Senses Psychic Development
For the past weeks, we have been developing our physical senses as well as our in mind
senses in order to develop our psychic awareness and interpretation of data as it comes in. This
has included all five known senses.

Some of these senses will take longer for us to get familiar with, and develop, than others.

This week we will use an object, use the full array of senses with it, and look at and learn to
interpret the information we receive from it.

Even though there are books out there that gives us the meaning of things, signs, and even
dreams, but these are just languages. If we don’t learn the language, we can’t interpret what
things mean. For example, a smell can mean a thousand things, and what it means to us can be
completely different to what it means to the person next to us.

In order for us to fully understand and correctly interpret the information we are receiving, we
need to establish our own language, whether from a book or from our own knowing.

This week we will be doing an exercise that once it’s established, we can then do once a week
for as long as we need. This exercise will both bring up information for us to become conscious
of, as well as starting our own database of sensory meanings so that when we get extrasensory
data, we can clearly see it and know what it means.

Do this exercise while alternating eyes open and eyes closed. Take an object per day, any
object, and touch it, smell it, taste it, look at it, hear it (if it makes sound, or what you can hear
where you are at the time). Then, put the object down, close your eyes and imagine or
remember the entire experience within your mind.

While you do the physical exercise and the mind exercise, take note of any emotions, thought,
or feeling that come up while you are connecting with the object. These will give you important
clues to how that object relates to you in your interpretation of the world. When that object,
smell, emotion, or sense comes up for you with relation to a situation or input of data, you will
know exactly what it means.

Week 17 - Let’s Clean House!
Time for some Cleaning!

For this week I would like to invite you to clear up your human linked energy lines and energy
bodies. We can use some very simple methods to do this, but first we identify what’s low
vibrational and dissonant in those areas.

Our energy lines can be financial, emotional, social, familial, geographical, intellectual, work
related, and all other areas where we are connected to people.

These energy lines are not time specific, so we may be carrying some from the past, and have
some from the present and even some from future plans or fears.

Some examples:
1. We lent someone money and they never paid it back.
2. Someone is emotionally blackmailing us, or is psychologically abusing us.
3. We have unfinished, pending debts and or favors.
4. We have legal matters pending.
5. We have had formal closure to previous relationships that need closing.
6. There are still situations in our memories, or in present time, that push us into a victim or
aggressor role.
7. Our focus is in some future event or situation which brings us stress and fear.

There are two methods we can use to deal with these items. Both require us to make a physical
representation of each item. So, let’s get some paper out and either list each one on a piece of
paper, or make a drawing representing it. We can use photos too.

The method I would like us to use is the ho-o-pono-pono method, where we contemplate each
item and chant: “I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Over and over, until we
feel resolution has been achieved.

If no results are achieved using that method, then use the method described on this video, this
one works on the toughest issues and people:

Inelia Benz - Cleaning up our negative energies


We can also combine the two, and as you take each item out of the box (as shown in the video)
do five to ten minutes of ho’oponopono then proceed with processing the item.

A simple way to practice Hoʻoponopono, is to chant these words over and over again until one
feels release: “I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Which addresses our co-
creative participation in the issue or subject we are looking at.

Week 18 - Smell the roses
Last week we did some Cleaning and this week I would like to invite you to smell the roses :D

Often, when we are involved in accelerating our growth and empowerment, we can get so busy
catching up and dealing with what’s probably been in our reality field for hundreds, if not
thousands of lifetimes, that we don’t have any time to enjoy our amazing planet or present

For this week, let’s spend at least two hours per day involved in an activity, observation,
contemplation, space, that we find satisfying, pleasurable, happy, complete, and fulfilling. It
could be the simple observation of a beautiful flower, the going for a walk in the rain or sun,
playing in water puddles, observing a kitten play, watching the sunset or sunrise, hanging out
with positive loving individuals and really being present and allowing them in our energy field…
the list is endless.

Week 19 - What are you doing?
This week I would like to invite you to look at something which relates to how we live on the
planet. It is an experiment in Observation and Contemplation.

Observation is when we simply look at a topic, object or person, but do not have any
“interaction” with it as it were. We observe and experience the observation of the topic, object or
person but don’t judge it, thoughts about it are thanked and released, we step out of the way,
and simply allow the universe to observe the item through our eyes.

Contemplation is more interactive in that we engage with the item. We think about it, process
energies that come up around it, see how it relates to us or our reality and examine the data we
receive from looking at it.

“Contemplation is the thoughtful act of observation or study of a certain object, idea, situation,
person, energy… anything at all. This will often lead to great insight and free flow of

The results will be different for us during Observation and Contemplation.

The topic to look at is simply stated:

“What am I spending most of my time on during the day, every day?”

The idea is to sit for half an hour or so to Observe, and the same time to Contemplate one’s
memory of the activities and actions we do every day. The type of things that might come up are
our jobs, how we feel about them, sometimes guilt from programs that say we have to do more
XYZ or less ABC. Do the activities relate to our survival, meaning of life, enjoyment of life or
something else? As we look, we can process any reactions and programs, we can also step out
of judgment and simply see and learn. Take note of the difference between our experience
during Observation, and during Contemplation.

Week 20 - Experiencing our “rainbow” bodies
Have you heard of the rainbow body? Others call it the “light body” or “energy body” and there’s
a lot of beliefs around it saying we can only step into it, or become it, when we “ascend” or move
to a different dimension. There are also beliefs that say only certain masters or mystics can do
it… not for the likes of us!

Well… we can dissolve into pure energy and embody a “rainbow body” at any time.

We can begin by visualizing it.

My suggestion would be to visualize it after meditation or contemplation, when we are in altered

state of mind. As we visualize it, we step into observation and simply experience the colors,
shapes, dimensions, mass... and other expressions of the pure energy that we are. It can be
totally trippy, but worth it :)

Remember to do it like a "flight of fancy" a "daydream" a "playful visualization"... so you let go


Don't forget to "resemble" yourself afterward! Fully solidify and incarnate into your physical
body. Or functioning in the 3D will be a challenge... hehehe.

This exercise, because of it’s nature, doesn’t have to be done daily, although I would. Take
baby steps into it and self adjust the timing and depth of the experience yourself. Also, there
might be a tendency for our physical body to freak out. Help him or her process fear of
dissolution into non-existence (or death), and start over.

It’s playtime!

Week 21 - Looking at Karma
Karma is a word that came from Sanskrit (India) and the dictionary definition is: (in Hinduism
and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as
deciding their fate in future existences.

However, the way we use it in the West, it means “payback”, “fault”, “bad debt”, all sorts of
negative things that are mostly consequences of what went before.

What I would like to look at this week is the possibility that Karma is simply a pattern or cycle
that one is stuck in unconsciously. And that all that it takes for us to get out of that cycle or
pattern, is to become conscious of it. That’s when we move from reaction (unconscious result of
being in pattern), to response (“oh! I know this pattern, now I can choose how I respond to this” -
exit karma).

Each day, in the coming week, sit with something that you think always happens to you and
observe, contemplate or meditate on it. It could be in the area of work, relationships, people,
health, love, anything at all. One small item per day.

So, for example, the first day it could be “there are no enlightened men/women”, the second day
could be, “all the men/women on the planet are bulimic”, the third day you might do, “in every
job I’ve ever had, the boss become jealous of me and I get fired.”

As you can see, there are no limits to the “truths” we now think are uniform and non variable. To
find them, we look and see at any belief that has the words “all”, “always”, “none”, “never”:
“all/no men…” “all/no women…” “all/no sheeple”... “all/no cars”...”all/no jobs”... “this
always/never happens”... “it’s always/never this way”... you get the idea.

Remember to keep them small if you are doing one a day. If you want to tackle a large one,
then do it for only 20 minutes or so per day, spending the rest of the day doing stuff you totally
love to do.

Week 22 - Walk our Talk...
Conscious walking is something that is practiced in many monastic and religious schools. The
reason behind it is to bring us back to present time, and allowing us a respite from our minds
which makes our connection with our Source energy and Higher Self much easier.

This week, I’d like to invite you to do about 20 minutes of conscious walking (of course you can
do longer if you want to). You can do this indoors or outdoors.

The method is very simple. If you can, do it barefoot or with socks only, but if it’s too rough or
cold, do wear your shoes! Although best done with eyes closed, do keep them open if you need
to see where you are going. It’s good to be in a place where your body and you feel safe.

This is what you do: Take about a minute to do each step and put your focus on every single
movement you do while you take that step. Feel the air, the ground under your feet, the sounds
you hear as you walk, or lack of them, and feel the muscles you are using on each leg and feet.

You can count to 60 while you do this when you begin, but soon you will not need to, as you will
get an idea of the pace you are taking each step at. If at any time you get cold, hot or sore, do
stop, adjust your clothes or environment as needed, and continue on.

Really enjoy the experience! When your mind wonders off to your work, shopping, problems,
plans for the week or whatever, take a deep breath in and out, and gently pull it back to focusing
on your walking.

Week 23 - Let’s look at relationships...
Sometimes we get confused with relationships and our roles in them. Particularly friendships,
but also with relatives, coworkers and acquaintances.

This week I would like to invite you to do a really simple exercise. For the next seven days, each
day, look at three people who you spend time with in person, on the phone, or on the internet
and ask yourself the following questions:

Is this person a friend or a project?

Do I feel I need to save this person?
Am I required to put on a mask to interact with this person?
Is this person here to save me?
Am I this person’s project?

Don’t over analyse, and if you get any feeling of guilt, or shame, or anger, or any other low
vibrational judgment type energy, process it and look at the relationship again.

This is not about ending or changing relationships. It is simply to become conscious of what our
own personal interest, or agenda, is with regard each person, as well as what roles we fall into
when we create relationships.

Happy seeing!

Week 24 - What are we ingesting?
We eat, drink and breathe every day. The need to breathe, eat and drink appears to be a
program that keeps us dependent on the consumption and use of the environment to survive.

There have been various individuals who have bypassed the eating and drinking part. And a few
who have temporarily bypassed the breathing part. But the breathing part was done by making
the body go into a type of hibernation. Not exactly very useful for everyday modern living :)

Eating and drinking are not necessarily undesirable. They can provide us with full awareness
and contact with our environment. Giving us a huge amount of information and connection with
where and how we live.

In modern society, the social aspect of eating and drinking, as well as the full experience
ingesting liquids and foods, has been mostly lost. Most of us unconsciously shove stuff down
our throats when we feel hungry or thirsty, and don’t even have the time to fully taste the
substance. Let alone become conscious of what our body is doing at the time or get any
information from the substances we are eating and drinking.

This week, I would like to invite you to become aware of what you eat and drink. For one meal,
snack, or drink a day, take at least ten seconds to chew and taste each bite of food, and to fully
taste the drink before swallowing. Take very small bites and liquids and keep them in your
mouth, biting and/or tasting. If you can make it to twenty seconds per bite or drink, even better.

Listen to your body as you eat. Sometimes it’s easier doing this exercise with our eyes closed.

Happy eating!

Week 25 - Hoʻoponopono
Many of you will be familiar with “Hoʻoponopono”. This is a tool from an ancient Hawaiian
practice that if used with the right intent, can actually have very powerful results. It is even more
powerful when a group of individuals are using it at the same time.

In case you have not heard of it before, its Western interpretation is the chanting of the following
words when we think of, feel, or experience an event or situation, project, or person, that upsets
us or is not working out: “I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Sometimes it is
used with the tapping of the eraser end of a pencil on the writing or picture that expresses the
situation or person. We don’t do it “to them” but to the feeling and thoughts we are having about
them. It’s self processing.

The theory behind it is that everything we experience is agreed with, or generated, inside of us.
This includes all co-creations with others, our entire human species and what’s going on on the
planet right now.

For the purpose of this week’s exercise, I would like to invite you to use this tool for dislodging
all connections with low level (often dramatic) situations, projects, events, environments, and
people from your life. You can do a “blanket” cleanse, or concentrate of one or more items.

Don’t limit yourself on the time you use to do this exercise. You can do ten minutes a day or,
you can do 24/7 if you feel inspired! But do take time to step into Source energy (joylightlove)
regularly, thanking and infusing all thoughts and energies into Source. This bit is not part of the
“Hoʻoponopono” theory as such, but it does boost it tremendously as otherwise we might tend to
get “stuck in processing” with no respite.

Week 26 - Religions and Dogmas
Religions and dogmas have been used as a tool of disempowerment. Which is actually the
opposite of what most of them were invented for.

This week I would like us to simply Observe religions and dogmas for about 20 minutes per day.
Particularly those which have had a direct effect on our own lives or which we have adopted as
being true for everyone, or the only truth.

The act of Observation is when we simply look at a topic, object or person, but do not have any
“interaction” with it as it were. We observe and experience the observation of the topic, object or
person but don’t judge it, thoughts about it are thanked and released, we step out of the way,
and simply allow the universe to observe the item through our eyes.

It’s easy to fall into the victim/aggressor cycle, or judgment, when we look at or have opinions
about one or more religions or dogmas. If we fall into these, we can use the Fear Processing
Exercise method to get past it. It is also not about “accepting” or “forgiving” or “understanding”. It
is simply Observing.

Here are the definitions of religion and dogma from Google dictionary:

re·li·gion: noun: the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a
personal God or gods. A particular system of faith and worship. A pursuit or interest to which
someone ascribes supreme importance.
synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; sect, church, cult, denomination

dog·ma: a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.

synonyms: teaching, belief, tenet, principle, precept, maxim, article of faith, canon;
creed, credo, set of beliefs, doctrine, ideology

Week 27 - Breathing
This week I would like to invite you to Breathe :)

Unless your nose is blocked, make sure you breathe in through your nose. Breathing out is
optional (nose or mouth). If your nose is blocked, visualize the air coming in through your nose.

1. Releasing tensions and emotional leftovers: When needed, or when you wake up first
thing in the morning, and as you get ready to sleep at night, breathe deeply into your
abdomen (take as long as you want) and breathe out very quickly. Do this three times, or
until the “upset” is released.
2. Nourishing Breath: Take between five minutes to half an hour per day to find somewhere
quiet (indoor or outdoor), and observe your breathing. Make sure both your abdomen
and your chest raise as you breathe in. Feel the air going into your body, and out again.
Imagine Gaia’s top vibrational atoms going into and out your body as the air you are
breathing. Sometimes it helps to visualize it as sparks of light.
3. Whenever you remember through the day, become aware of your breathing. Simply
Observe it.

Week 28 - The moment we wake up in the morning
We very often wake up each morning in a state that is different to our regular state in life. During
our sleep, our being goes into a different mode of existence. Sleep has been one of those
oddities of living in a physical body that is still filled with mystery and an amazing amount of

Scientists have tried for a long time to find out and explain why sleep is so necessary to living
organisms but have had no definite answers.

For this week, I would like to invite you to “register” the first moment of being awake in the

1. What state is your emotional body in?

2. What state is your physical body in?
3. What state is your mental body in?
4. What state is your energy body in?
5. What state is your egoic body in?

This is simply an observational exercise. It’s aim is to become conscious and aware of those
first moments each day, and see/feel how it is the same or different to our “daily life state”.
There is no judgment, right, wrong or any type of secondary action to take during this exercise.
It is simply to become aware.

Week 29 - More Cleaning...
This week I’d like to invite you to clean up your physical environment. What does this mean?
Well, it’s not just about vacuuming and dusting. You can certainly vacuum and dust, and that
would be really good!

Look around you and find objects that are no longer in alignment with your present intentions or
life choices. These could be photographs that you have never really liked, it could be clothes
that no longer fit, or that you have because someone gave them to you but don’t wear or like. It
could be food items that are past their date.

Basically, let’s clean our timeline anchors (physical objects) out, and keep the ones that draw a
path, and a view that reflects our highest potential and intent. If something doesn’t say to you
joylightlove, then look at it closely and make a conscious choice of either keeping it or
discarding it. You can throw things out, give them away, or sell them.

Let’s clean house!

Week 30 - Detecting and Deciding on Energy Cords
Energy cords are our connection to people, places, things and situations. They are not bad or
good, but they are part and parcel of our life on Earth. If are all connected to some degree.
Some connections are much stronger than others, and some are super strong, we call these
last ones “energy cords”.

Most of the time, when it comes to people or places, we have energy cords mutually connected
to each other. Sometimes we have one way cords which other come or go to the person or
place. These one way cords are sometimes connected, and sometimes left dangling.

Remember that you cannot have a cord connected to someone who doesn’t at some level allow
you to have that connection. And no one can connect one to you unless you have agreed to it.
Most of the time we agree to these cords in an unconscious way.

For this week, let’s simply look at the energy cords we have going out of us or coming into us.
We are not trying to “fix” them or “cut them”. We simply want to become conscious of them.

If we do decide we want to cut them after we become conscious of them, that’s up to us. Just
imagine holding the cord with one hand, cutting it with some scissors (or unplugging it from your
body like an electric cord), saying thank you to the person or place, and handing it to them.
They might try to connect it back. This is when you gently say, “thank you, but no thank you”.
Infuse the place it was connected to with lots of Source light.

You might decide to strengthen a cord. The method is very similar, but instead of cutting it, you
would allow it to become stronger.

How do we know if we have an energy cord to someone or to a place (or thing or situation)?
We ask ourself, “do I have an energy cord going to [name]?” You will get a definite yes/no

This is the simplest way to find out. Sometimes we know there’s a cord because we can’t stop
thinking about the person, location, thing or situation. In this case, we might be putting out a
cord that is not being picked up, or we might have a cord established on both ends. Remember,
if something affects you, such as an energy cord, then you have the ability to affect it.

Once we know if we have a cord, or don’t have one, we can decide what to do about it. Do we
want to strengthen it? Do we want to cut it? Do we want to create one? We ask ourselves, “do I
want to keep this cord, or cut it?”

Remember that you cannot have a cord connected to someone who doesn’t at some level allow
you to have that cord connected to them. And no one can connect one to you unless you have
agreed to it. Most of the time we agree to these cords in an unconscious way.
Let’s get conscious about energy cords this week, and see what happens!

Week 31 - Reconnecting with Gaia Exercise
This week, I would like to invite you to strengthen your connection with Gaia.

If you have access to natural locations such as a forest, mountains, beaches, the sea, hiking
trails or parks, then spend some time there this week. When you get there, make sure your
body is safe, so there are no predators, or dangerous terrain, and sit for at least twenty minutes.
While you are sitting, feel the air as it enters your body. The air is filled with information from the
trees, animals, rocks, water and plants. Imagine the air sparkling with bits of “beingness” and
“experiencing” of the life around you.

If you don’t have access to natural locations, or can’t make it to one this week, you can do this
Gaia Guided Exercise at least once a day.


The MP3 for this Exercise is here:


You can also do both for optimum results!

Week 32 - What is your core animating energy?
This week I would like to invite you to start on a journey of exploration.

It’s important, when stepping into this journey, to move away from judgment or preconceived
ideas of “what it should be”.

The exploration I would like us to do this week is to ask ourselves, “what is my motivating,
animating core energy?”

When we become conscious of the core animating energy in ourselves, we can choose to
strengthen it, allow it to exist and flourish, or remove and change it to something else without
judgment, but with conscious choice through resonance.

So this week, let’s explore and observe what energizes us to do things. What energizes us to
create, to go to work, to get out of bed.

If you find yourself going into judgment about yourself, or going into judgment about our
species, other people, programs, motivating energies, or other things, process the judgment
(welcome it and allow it to express), and explore some more :)

Week 33 - What is the core animating energy of the
groups you belong to?
As a species, humans are relationship based beings. We relate to our environment, but also to
different individuals and groups of people, and in different ways to each of these. We may work
for a corporation for example. We may still have an extended family, or small family unit. We
may identify with a particular group or religion, or even nation or geographical area.

Following last week’s exercise, I would like to invite you to explore “what is the motivating,
animating energy of [name of group, nation, corporation, family you belong to]”.

Again, it’s important to step out of judgment or preconceived ideas on and about the core
animating energy of the group you have chosen to look at. If judgment, or other emotions or
thoughts come up about the animating energy of the group, process it and then start again.

This exercise is designed to become aware of these energies so we can make conscious
choices to which ones we continue to partake in.

Week 34 - Time for a book :)
This week I would like to invite you to read a book. If you are fluent in German, I would suggest
you read the original version.

The book is “Momo” by Michael Ende.

This book covers quite a broad range of subjects, all super interesting. Even though there is a
movie of the book, I would highly suggest you read the book (or listen to the audio book) rather
than watch the movie.

Week 35 - The Art of Listening
Due to our cultural overstimulation of internal mind chatter, it is often the case that when we
have a conversation with another person, we are not actually listening or connecting to what
they are saying, but are instead busy thinking of what we are going to say once they stop
talking. But what they are saying is actually affecting us whether we hear it or not.

Becoming aware of what is being said around us is part of the toolset for navigating through
resonance and dissonance. In order to develop our listening skills, for this week, I would like to
invite you to practice active listening for at least half an hour per day.

You can do this with someone in your home, work, environment, online or on the phone.

What is active listening?

When the other person is speaking during the conversation, we put our full attention on them. If
our attention wanders, or our mind starts planning a response and we stop listening and are just
waiting for them to stop talking so we can say what we rather talk about, we can use the

Reflection Statements
Reflecting is when we paraphrase back to them (don’t repeat exactly) what the other person has
said in order to check that we have understood what they said.

Clarification Statements
This is us asking them questions to ensure that we understood what they said. Ask open
questions that allows the person to expand on certain points they shared. It helps if you ask
questions about the points that interest you most.

Summarisation Statements
In your own words, repeat back to him or her what the person has said. This is done sparingly
and at regular intervals. This gives the person the chance to let you know if you heard him or
her correctly or not.

A couple of hours after your conversation is over (it’s handy to have an alarm to remind you),
write down the key points the person spoke about. Remember this is not about pretending to be
listening, it’s about us learning how to actively listen. And it’s not about making the other person

happy because he or she think you are interested and listening to what they have to say (these
methods have been used to do that), it is literally to practice active listening. So, if you find
yourself terribly bored or disturbed with the person you chose to listen to, end the conversation
quickly and kindly, and find another person to listen to ;)

The things we want to avoid when we are in the middle of the conversation are:

● Talking about ourselves.

● Interrupting the person to tell them a story that’s related to what they said, but involves
other people or us.
● Yawning.
● Fidgeting.
● Looking around for more interesting things to look at.
● Forgetting what the person said a few seconds after they said it.
● Thinking and planning what we are going to say when they stop talking.
● Thinking about other, unrelated things while they are talking (work, shopping, our next
meal, our spouse, kids or other important relationships etc)

As we use this exercise, we start actively listening to everyone around us and will make it
obvious who is sharing data and energy that is resonant to us, and those who are sharing data
and energy that is dissonant. Listening actively helps us to navigate into relationships and
discussions that are better, easy, supportive, interesting and expansive.

Week 36 - 20% Processing 80% Joylightlove
For this week, I’d like to invite you to take note of your day, each day (preferably in the
morning), and have the intent to spend 80% of your time in super fun, joylightlove, inspiring,
super happy and satisfying activities. And spend only 20% of your time processing fears,
programs, and situations that are low vibrational.

We MAY need more than one week to sort this one out! So this week is to establish the intent
as a reality in our personal paradigm.

Week 37 - Drop Control
This week I would like to invite you to drop control at least once every day. The method we will
use is very simple, but can sometimes be hard to do when we begin.

Sit or stand quietly for a moment. Breathe gently in and out a few times, and then accept the
present moment completely and absolutely.

This moment has taken billions of years to orchestrate, so as we loosen our grip and control
over it, it will continue to be perfect.

Allow this moment to exist and express fully around you, in you and in the world. Relax into, and
allow it to happen. Breathe in and out a few times as you feel the weight and heaviness of
controlling the moment leave you. Simply be in it.

Week 38 - What are you manifesting this moment?
The exercise I would like to invite you to do this week is rather interesting. For one thing, it
makes us conscious that we are indeed manifesting every millisecond of our experience here on
the planet. Secondly, it CAN trigger a lot of emotions and programs from guilt to joylightlove
when we look at what we are manifesting this very moment. These will clearly illustrate the
programs we are running.

The aim of the exercise is simply to make us conscious of what we are manifesting, and what
we are simply experiencing from others, without the “fault” or “prize” energy behind the creation
or experience. So if we do get an emotional charge, we process it.

Once or more times a day this week, ask yourself, “what am I manifesting in this moment?”

A lot of our manifestation are actually co-creations. They are co-created with other humans and
other species around us. Most of our experience of those co-creations can be seen by how we
react to what is happening. The reaction can turn into a decision, how we react, then it becomes
a response. How we respond to each moment continues our co-creations, strengthens it, or
debilitates it and removes it from our lives.

Another, super interesting aspect of this exercise, is that sometimes we step into other people’s
realities, what they are manifesting, and when we ask it, the answer is just “experiencing
another person’s reality”. We can then choose to co-create that reality with them, or simply
observe it and all its beauty.

So, let’s become conscious of what we are manifesting this moment :)

Week 39 - Time to Daydream!
This week, let’s daydream for at least 20 minutes per day.

Daydreaming is an amazing form or “story weaving” into our physical reality. It not only allow us
to explore endless possibilities, way beyond “what is possible”, but it also allows us to explore
the new reality in order to make decisions about it, process any firewalls and programs that get
kicked in, and lastly, it allows us to swim in the new vibrations that the new reality contains.

Daydreaming doesn’t always mean that what we daydream is going to come true. It is more like
“window shopping”. Once we reach full resonance with a particular daydream, we then use the
daydream every day to infuse ourselves within the energy of that reality. Particularly the feeling
of absolute satisfaction which it generates.

So, what exactly is a daydream? Wikipedia has a lovely sentence to describe it:
"Daydreaming is a short-term detachment from one's immediate surroundings, during which a
person's contact with reality is blurred and partially substituted by a visionary fantasy, especially
one of happy, pleasant thoughts, hopes or ambitions, imagined as coming to pass, and
experienced while awake."

Week 40 - Look Around
A lot of us spend time in front of screens. They could be as big as a 75” television (or bigger),
across the various computer screen sizes, to our “small” mobile telephone sizes.

One thing they all have in common, is that they are all “framed”. They have an edge. Even when
we are not looking at a screen, we usually limit ourselves to seeing what is directly in front of us
at any one time.

This week, I would like to invite you to see outside the frame.

If you wear glasses, take them off for this exercise. Each day, once inside and once outside,
become aware of what is in your field of vision in front of you. Simply explore the lights, objects,
people and shapes in front of you without “trying to see”. Then, close your eyes and feel the
field of energies in front of you. Take as long as you want, it could be a few seconds to several

After this, move your body (or head) to face what is on your right, left, above, below and behind
you while repeating the exercise.

Remember to do this one cycle inside, and one cycle outside.

As you do the exercise, your mind might start exploring the objects, people and other things that
you see and feel. If this happens, allow a free flow of exploration and observation to express
and expand.

Week 41 - What defines you?
As we walk through life, we pick things up that we identify with. It could be a cultural belief, or a
physical feature, or a career, interest, a group of people… the list is endless.

For this week, let’s look around our environment, the clothes we wear, the books we like to
read, and see if we can pinpoint what defines us.

The questions we can ask are:

“I am a person that…”
“I like to do…”
“I belong to…”
“I love to feel…”
“The objects in my space remind me of…”
“The place I live at meets … in me”

Week 42 - Stop to Smell The Roses
To stop and smell the roses is an English saying that means we take time out of our busy life to
enjoy and appreciate beautiful things, smells and simply life :)

Verb: stop and smell the roses (idiomatic) To relax; to take time out of one's busy schedule to
enjoy or appreciate the beauty of life.

For this week, let's go out of our way to spend at least two hours a day smiling and looking at
flowers, butterflies, sunsets, sunrises, beautiful landscapes and cityscapes, touching art that we
love, listening to the birds, music we enjoy, eating food we like, reading books that are inspiring
and beautiful, playing with our pets, sitting and listing out all the things we are grateful for.
Remember to smile!

If we find our self going to bed at night and we still haven't done our 2 hours, then simply wrap
yourself in your warm blankets, smile, snuggle into your pillow or partner (if you like him or her)
and relax into the niceness of the moment as you fall into joy and sleep.

Week 43 - Pick an Object.
This is a really nice little exercise that I will often do. It’s super simple, just pick a small object
that physically and vibrationally represents a perfect planetary life to you. It can be a crystal, a
stone, a piece of jewelry, cloth, picture, toy, or any object whatsoever.

I use a crystal and it is not always the same crystal.

Make sure that it is small enough to fit in your hand and your pocket or purse. And big enough
and sturdy enough that it won’t get lost or damaged very easily.

When you pick the object, tap into it’s vibration, and allow it to exist. Then tap into divine eternal
joylightlove, and see how the object becomes it. You can think it is glowing with it, or that it is
flowing out of it. If your imagination is not visual, then simply state, with words, “you are divine
joylightlove and express joylightlove vibrationally and visually.”

After that, you can hold it and admire it for as long as you want. When you are done admiring it,
put it in your pocket or purse. Take it out often throughout the days in the coming week (or
months), and simply hold it, feeling into its energy and enjoying it. Smile!

Week 44 - Letting Gaia Support Us
This week, I would like you to invite Gaia to support you.

1. Choose a room where you live, or perhaps the entire house or apartment.
2. Select an object that represents Gaia for you. It can be a photograph, a stone, a bowl of
water… anything at all that says “Gaia” to you.
3. Declare that this exercise is for your benefit, and anyone else who is consciously willing
to tap into it and be supported by Gaia in the room/house as well.
4. Sit in the middle of the room, or house/apartment. You can sit on the floor, on a pillow or
a chair of some sort. You can hold the object or place it on the floor in front of you.
5. Close your eyes and spend a few minutes simply breathing easily and relaxing your
shoulders and the areas around your eyes and mouth.
6. Next, call Gaia and simply tell her that you are willing to be supported and nourished by
7. Open your eyes, and look at your object. Allow the energy of Gaia to enter the house,
apartment or room. You can state this in words, or/and visualize how she starts covering
the floors and walls in the space.
8. Once you feel she is present, greet and thank her and you can then discuss or feel for
ways in which you can allow her to support you and your physical body.
9. Find a good place for your object, and sit and reconnect with Gaia for at least a few
minutes a day for the next week.

Remember, our very existence here on the planet supports Gaia and her wish to move us all
into a higher dimensional existence. By allowing her to support us back, we not only establish a
good relationship with her, but also increase the effectiveness of bringing her wish to fruition.

Week 45 - Allowing for Entourage Support
I would like to invite you to read an article about our Entourage, and afterward, do a small daily
exercise to call for their support and help.

Here is the article:

We do not live in isolation, either physically or spiritually. Just like we have people
around us that can provide us with good advice, teachings and wisdom on the
material plane, we also live in spheres of existence at a spiritual level that are also
populated with other spiritual beings. In fact, we come to Earth accompanied with a
whole entourage, a support team, of spiritual guides, teachers and helpers.

These have been called different names by different cultures, angels, ascended
masters, spiritual guides, Jesus, animal guides... the list goes on and on. The shape,
identity or vibration the guides take is very much designed for our personal and
cultural acceptance. Are they all the same entity? As much as we are the same entity
as our neighbors, teachers, brothers, sisters, parents and acquaintances. We are
indeed One in Oneness, but in our three dimensional reality we are separate and

There are two main things to remember about guides as you look for them and
accept them in your life:

1. They are not here to tell you what to do and to give you orders. I cannot tell
you how many people have asked me, "what do my guides want me to do next?".
They are not your parents and you are not a child. Asking them what they want us to
do is simply a form of avoiding responsibility for our growth, life and actions.

Your guides are here to help you get where YOU WANT TO BE. And they have
no judgment, so if your main preoccupation is the thought that you are poor, they will
make sure you stay poor because the vibration you are giving is "I am poor". If your
main preoccupation is to continue on your soul journey, they will put in your path
teachers, books, tv shows, and people who will help you in this journey. And yes, the

journey will be flavored with what you think it should be like. So if you believe you
have to suffer to get into heaven.. guess what? You will be shown ways to suffer.
They are energetic entities, live beings, not supernatural, God like creatures, or
figments of your imagination. As such, they have their own evolutionary process to
accomplish, part of which is to come to Earth and help with your soul journey or

2. The way to interact with your guides is on an equal basis, like you are going to
meet a good friend who happens to have access to the Universal Library of All. You
establish a relationship of trust, then ask for guidance on your latest problem. So, for
example, it's not, "tell me what you want me to do next to become an evolved being."
Or, coming with a shopping list of items such as, "Can you send me money for
childcare, a new car, a beautiful house, my soul-mate, a new job." But, "When I try to
merge with Oneness, I am afraid I will loose my identity. Can you tell me if this is
going to happen or not?" In other words, be specific. Guides are here to guide us,
very much like a Tour Guide on your Earth Holiday. We don't go to the tour guide and
ask him or her what they want us to do next! No, we tell them where we want to go
and they show us the sites and explain the history and what you can do in the area.
But it is our choice of destination.

For example, recently I went to see the movie Avatar, which I highly recommend by
the way, and I was reminded of the Interconnectedness of Earth and all that is on
Earth, including us. Anyway, I went to bed that night wondering if this
interconnectedness is as still strong today as it was when I was a child, or whether in
fact we have "ruined" it for all of us through exploitation of natural resources. I asked
Mother Earth for a sign, a message, anything, to let me know what the situation was.

The next day, I wake up and go downstairs, put on the kettle, then go to my computer
to check email. My study has a very large window overlooking my suburbia garden.
There are two large willow trees at the back, one directly in front of my window.
Suddenly I see a huge, and I mean HUGE, Redtail Hawk land on this particular tree.
My jaw dropped. You see, I am in the middle of the suburb, and had never seen one
before in all my years here. Some blackbirds, which were about the 1/3 of the size of
this huge hawk, tried to scare it away, it just sat there watching them, and watching
me too. Then a tiny little bird made it's way through the branches and stood right next
to it, looking at it, had probably never seen such a creature in it's entire life. The hawk
just looked at it, as they do, and then looked back at me. You know the feeling you

get when you know an intelligent being is looking back at you? Well, that was the
feeling I was getting.

I sat down, and instead of checking email, I did a search on the spiritual meaning of
redtail Hawks, this is the first page I found:

"Part of the Role for the two-legged beside whom Red Tailed Hawk flies is that of
Guardian of the Earth Mother. These are individuals who will possess an astute
awareness of the concept of the interconnectedness of all things, and will have an
inner reverence for all life."

Do you see how it works? It is simple, yet inspiring, motivating and full of wisdom.

By the way, I'd like to thank Mother Earth for being such a powerful and inspiring
Guide and Teacher.

And the exercise is very simple. At least once a day, for the next week, close your eyes and feel
and say the words, “today, I allow my entourage to support me and communicate with me freely.
I also I allow myself to receive unlimited support from my entourage, and to have the capacity to
perceive and receive their communication in forms I can easily and unmistakably understand.”

If it helps, write the above words out and put them in your pocket, purse, bedside table or
bathroom mirror where you can easily see them.

Week 46 - Sacred Space - Altar
In many spiritual traditions, people are encouraged to set up altars in their homes. Most of these
are altars to project authority to a religion or deity. However, personal altars are found just about
every single culture on the planet. The reason is that having a sacred space in the home is
super positive.

This week, I would like to invite you to create or review your personal altar.

An altar can be a whole room, or a little shelf or table in a room, or a traveling altar if you are on
the road a lot.

The idea is to create a sacred spot that is either permanent (if in our room or house) or
temporary if we are on the road. What does the sacred spot do? It helps us enter an altered
state of consciousness, as well as raise our vibration.

What do we put there? Things and items that represent high vibration, that gives us good
vibrations, and also activates all our senses. Things that represent all the elements, and
stimulate our senses. Think light, fire, air, smoke, earth, rocks, water. Think smells, touch,
hearing (bells?), beautiful items to look at or that stimulate an altered state, food items to taste.

Try to avoid religious icons, unless you are very much attached to a religion :) If you have
representations of divine energies that don't have dogma attached, those are super good. A box
or something that won't spill for your car, if you spend a lot of your time in the car.

After you are happy with your altar, spend time there every day. And remember, just like us, it
can change and evolve.

Week 47 - Stepping out - affecting others.
We do not live in isolation. Everything we think, do and say will and does affect others. Not just
the vibration of what we feel think or do affects others, but also the vibration we strive for affects
our environment in ways that are expansive and broad.

Often, when we realize that everything we do affects others both vibrationally and physically, we
might feel “bad” for not Observing our thoughts or actions, and reacting rather than responding.
We might also feel “bad” for feeling sad, low, angry, upset or fearful, because when we do,
that’s the vibration we are broadcasting.

And… it’s like a Catch 22 situation, when we feel guilty or bad about how we are feeling or what
we are doing, it compounds the negative vibration.

We might also perhaps feel “good” that we raised our vibration today, or that we did a selfless
act, or were kind, smiled at someone, helped someone or did something that raised our and
another person’s vibration - in other words, made another feel better either physically,
emotionally or mentally. Feeling good, proud or bad about the vibrations we try to have others
feel are kind of a firewall to fully expressing our inner selves. We might censor ourselves and
oppress negative feelings, and might very well fall into martyr or savior to get enough “good”

But how we make others feel, is not the same as the vibration we are broadcasting ourselves.
What we are feeling inside. This exercise is about what we feel inside.

This week, I would like to invite you to choose a high vibrational energy of feeling. You choose
it. Examples could be “love”, “happy”, “joy”, “enthusiasm”, “inspiration”, “gratitude”... the list is
huge. After you choose the feeling, choose a random person, animal or other live being each
day, and look at them while thinking of your chosen feeling. If you can generate that feeling
while looking at them, that’s great! If not, just saying the word over and over in your mind while
looking at them will do just as well.

The aim is not to “project” our energy or feeling onto them. The aim is to feel it inside of us. It is
an internal process :). The aim is to generate the feeling inside of us.

Who or what we choose is not important. It might actually be easier to choose someone or
something that we already feel that energy toward to begin with, and then experiment with

Our present human communication doesn’t allow us to “stare” at other people, in particular
strangers, so take measures to make sure you are not “spotted”. Sunglasses that don’t show
your eyes are a great “mystical” tool when doing these exercises.

Week 48 - Joylightlove in what you drink
This is a lovely little exercise for the week. I really love this one!

This week I’d like to invite you to positively charge every drink you ingest.

If you have bottles of water, sodas, teas, coffee, milk, alcohol, or whatever you regularly drink
during the week, put them between your hands and infuse them with Source
Energy/joylightlove. Do this with every drink in your house to begin with, or straight from the
faucet, then do it quickly before ingesting it.

If you are in a situation or emotional or mental state where you cannot tap into joylightlove to
charge your drinks for the week (or the one you are about to ingest, then simply say the words,
“I intend for Source Energy/joylightlove to infuse this drink”.

Sometimes it is also useful to write a little note and tape it to the drinks or our glasses and cups
when we store them or as we drink them, with the word/s Joylightlove. With bottles and cans, or
disposable cups, use a permanent marker to write the words directly onto them.

Enjoy and happy liquids this week!

Week 49 - If you had 10 Million Dollars
Often we base important (and not so important) decisions in our lives based on lack, or fear of
lack, or belief in lack.

This exercise is designed to look at a project we may have, or a decision we want to take, or the
life we are leading, and move away from lack in order to see what we really would do if chi,
ability to do, money was not an issue. In other words, what is our true life path.

So, for this week, look at your life, or a decision you are thinking of taking, and ask yourself, “if I
had 10 million dollars, what would I change, if anything, about this life/decision/project?”

Week 50 - Expanding our Perception
This week, I would like to invite you to do an exercise that broadens our perception.

Within shamanic and mystical streams of consciousness, there is a “skill” that is developed
where a person will “borrow” into another person or animal’s physical body. This skill can take a
while to develop, but the first exercise for it is super good for expanding our own awareness.

The easiest beings to try this with are those which are small and uncomplicated. Birds and fish
are the easiest. If you have an affinity to lizards or bugs, you could try those too. If you have
animals at home, these are also pretty good for practicing.

The first thing to know about borrowing, is that it is done only with permission, and cannot be
“forced”. Also be very aware that borrowing is not “possessing”. Possessing is about taking full
control of another being, and using them like a puppet. Borrowing, is the sharing of their
perceptions, or tapping into them, so you can see and feel what they are seeing and feeling.

Keep each time you practice this to a few minutes only per day to begin with.

1. Choose an animal that you can see.

2. “Ask” the animal if you may see through his/her eyes, and feel through their body.
3. If you get no response, or find it difficult to connect with the animal, move onto another
animal as the answer is “no”.
4. Once you feel an animal being welcoming, move your personal viewpoint to be inside
their head and perceive through their body. This is simply done by “imagining” yourself
seeing through his or her eyes. This can last a few milliseconds at first, and then, after
much practice, it can last longer.
5. Once the connection is lost, thank the animal, send it love, and move around in your own
body, concentrating on what he or she is seeing and feeling in present time.

Week 51 - Becoming aware of our “edges”
Edges are what delineate our reality. Most of us are not aware of edges. Part of the shamanic
consciousness stream is about exploring edges, as edges are where our reality can then be

Where edges meet, whether in our body, or where the sky touches the horizon, or the edges of
a forest, or the ocean touches the land, these are places where we are able to find portals
between realities. It is the places where we can seed changes to our physical environment.

For this week, I would like to invite you to become aware of your physical body’s edges. These
are where our skin touch the air, clothes, or other items. Where our hair touches them too.
Choose a part of your body, hands are great for this, and then observer the edge around your
hands (if this is what you chose).

Move your hands and feel how the edge changes. Observe the edge.

Touch an item and be conscious of the edge between your hand and the item.

Now touch a person, animal or plant.

Feel the edge and with your senses perceive if there is a difference between your body’s edge
touching an object is different to your body’s edge touching a living being.

Week 52 - Stabilizing energies
Since January this year, there has been two main energies that are up for the human collective.
One is the need to become super aware of what choices we make day to day, and the other is
that this year we need to commit to embodying the new paradigm.

For the following weeks, I will be inviting you to look at something (small), to become curious
about and sit in Observation with. These will be joyful, inspirational and matter making things.

What is a matter making thing? Something that matters to you :)

This first week, I would like to invite you to pick something that inspires you. It could be a
photograph, a quote, a situation, an object, a place… anything at all. Set your alarm to go off
once per day, and when it goes off, simply spend time with that item. Sit in the space
(physically is preferred, but if not then in your daydream). Write it out or say it if it is a quote.
Touch it if it is an object. Hear it if it sound, voice or music.

A few seconds or minutes is enough. You can choose one object for the entire week, or as
many as you feel inspired to for the week.

Bonus Week 1 - Exercise: Smile often
There are a lot of programs we can override with a simple smile.

For this week, I would like to invite you to smile.

We often smile to external stimuli, but rarely originate a smile without external stimuli. This
week, I would like you to, whenever you remember, make a big broad smile and hold it for at
least a minute and for as long as you can.

Sometimes we might be under stress, or in deep thought, or meditating, or in a neutral

emotional state, or doing some other activities that don’t generate smiles. These are the best
times to “force a smile”.

The difference being that these smiles are not externally stimulated, but are created by us.

This is one of the most simple and amazing frequency raising exercises on the planet. Our
bodies soon start generating “happy” chemicals and feelings due to our smile, which results in
the low frequency energies in our bodies dissolving away.

Bonus Week 2 - I am fully satisfied
In the past few weeks, we have been making little adjustments that embody the new paradigm.

For this week, there is a tiny exercise we can do once or more times a day, and that is to
generate the feeling of “satisfaction”.

Just like the smile exercise of last week, often we will only feel “satisfied” through external
stimuli. We are also often taught that nothing is quite good enough, whether something done or
created by ourselves, or stuff that comes into our lives from outside. So feeling satisfied is often
an emotion we don’t feel very often.

This week, I would like to invite you to generate random moments of satisfaction.

The first step is to remember what being satisfied feels like.

The origin of the word: late Middle English: from Old French satisfier, formed irregularly from
Latin satisfacere ‘to content,’ from satis ‘enough’ + facere ‘make.’

Another word often used to replace this one is “content”, which is related to “contain”.

The interesting aspect of this is that it is about “containing something within us that feels

So, how can we do this in small ways?

The first exercise we can do is to simply state, “I am fully satisfied right now”, and feel that we
are. Really feel the sense of satisfaction. If you get resistance or a sense of dissonance, we can
use external stimuli:

● Pick up a piece of paper, a pebble or any other small object. Hold it in your hand and
say, “My desire to hold this [name of object] is fully satisfied”.
● If you have access to flowers that smell good, or have a favorite incense, oil or scent,
take a sample, smell it deeply and say, “this scent fully satisfies my sense of smell”.
● Do you have favorite tea or other type of drink? Take a sip and say, “this drink fully
satisfies my sense of taste.”

Sometimes we can only hold the sense of satisfaction for a millisecond. And that’s enough. With
more practice, we can make it last more and more.

One of the interesting side effects of this particular exercise, is that the environment starts
responding and we start manifesting an environment that fully satisfies us.

Bonus Week 3 - Generating Beauty
For this week’s exercise, I would like to invite you to generate Beauty.

Basically, what we generate is the energy that builds up in all of our bodies (emotional, mental,
physical, energetic and egoic) when we see something beautiful.

A beautiful sunset, a beautiful flower, a beautiful situation, animal, scene, music, poem, painting,
story, person… anything that generates “this is sooooo beautiful” in us.

It is enough to simply generate that energy, that feeling (for which we have no name) when
observing something beautiful for a few seconds or minutes each time. And although this
energy can be used to “heal” or “transform” or “activate” things, communication between
species, and even our own expansion of awareness and ascension, it is best to keep it clean of
intents and agendas, and simply do it as often as we want or can.

Reminder: All weekly awareness expansion kits can be done every day several times a day,
once a week, or can be skipped! See how your inner knowing guides you and follow that

Bonus Week 5 - Gratitude
For this week I want to express GRATITUDE for every single person who has been doing the
exercises in this book :). Well done!

Gratitude is one of those energies that bypasses and shortcuts all processes. I feel so much
gratitude for each person who is aware, attentive has the intent to better their abilities,
capacities, power and expression of themselves changes all our lives for the better.

Find something in your environment that generates gratitude in you. For example, it could be
the fact that you have hands, or can breathe, or that you have somewhere to sleep. It could be a
friend, relative, a pet, a flower, a sunset, a situation that happened yesterday or today.

Choose one or more items to feel thankful for, and if you cannot generate the feeling of
gratitude inside of you, simply state it with words and a strong voice, “ I am grateful for [enter
item here]”.


Inelia Benz


The 7 Steps to manifestation…

We work on ourselves, find empowerment tools, and shift our awareness because we want
CHANGE. We want change to our personal lives, our perceptions and lifestyle, and we want to
see a larger, global change in our species.

For that change to happen, there are various factors we can work on:

1. There's the original intent, what we want to see.

2. Then there is a period of processing our fears, belief blocks and disbelief at the possibility of
the change. This may include any judgments we have about the current situation too.

3. After that, we release the attachment to ways in which to get the result we want to see, as
well as limitations of the result (opening ourselves to "that or better" type energy).

4. We now process "blocks" that come up in real life that seem impossible to overcome.

5. That's when we make the decision that yes, this is going to happen. And more than a
decision, we are now living in an energy of "knowing".

6. We then "feel" the new reality as existing now. We sense it with our physical and emotional
bodies as being "real". Not something wanted or something needed, or something we are going
to achieve at some point in the future, but as an actual reality NOW.

7. And now, we take action in the physical world.


Let's create a real life type of experience example. Say, a person, let's call her Sam, wants to
get a new job but has huge financial and emotional ties with her present work structure:

1. Sam realizes she wants a new job and move on with her life independently of her present

This is the original intent. A new job.

2. She is afraid to lose something secure and then a new job not working out. She is also afraid
of whether she can manage financially to support herself and her children, and pay her husband
alimony. The job market is so bad right now that she feels at her age, she will never get a new

position somewhere. She is also afraid to lose the friendship she has with her co-workers and
supervisors. They take turns hosting bbqs every two weeks, and she is also heavily involved in
their golf league. And the job is not horrible. Some days, she actually enjoys it.

Her fears are loss of security, income, being too old for the job market, loss of friends and social
activities. She judges the present job as being "good enough" and perhaps it's not such a good
idea to make the change. She sits down and uses the Fear Processing exercise to dissolve her
fears, and the Firewall exercise to process her judgments and "made do" energy. She now
decides she will go ahead and start looking for possible positions.

3. She strongly feels that she must get a new job where she can use her creative art skills more,
within 20 miles of her home and that pays $90K per year.

Although a good starting point, she makes sure to add "or better" to her "list". As well as
releasing the attachment to location.

4. As soon as she has moved to a point where getting a new job is something she really wants
to do, her supervisor retires and she is asked to take over as department supervisor. Her work
hours, and administrative duties, increase. Her house is found to have termite and she is now
forced to take out a hefty loan for the treatment and repairs involved.

She sits down after her daily meditation and scans the energies that have manifested the
physical blocks. Are they ways in which her environment are reflecting that she should not move
jobs right now? Or are there fears or social beliefs she did not get to the bottom of? Or is it a
push from her higher self to radically change her life now? She decides it's a mixture of fear
and a push from her higher self to get out now. She processes her fears, and emotional
reactions to her new workload and financial burden.

5. She now KNOWS that she is getting a new job and that it's going to be an absolute
improvement to where she is at right now.

The energy of Knowing, as opposed to wanting or wishing, or needing a new reality is radically
different. For example, we know what color our hair is, we wish/want/need to go on holidays
more often.

6. Now, when she goes into work, she totally feels her new experience. The satisfaction, the use
of her creative, artistic, side, the shorter hours, the larger paycheck are not longer wishful
thinking, they are real.. She feels secure, appreciated, satisfied, happy and complete. People
compliment her smile all the time now and feel her self confidence and ... she's wearing much
nicer clothes!

When we make the shift, it happens in the present. It happens where we are. Soon after that,
our environment starts reflecting our new "reality".

7. This is when she writes down an honest, heartfelt Resume, that truly reflects her personality
and interests (physical action). She checks it for resonance, makes sure there is no fear,
neediness, or attachment energies on it, and clicks the send button to several companies
around the world. Then she gets afraid that she will be rejected, her true self be discarded and
thrown in the trash. She processes those fears and realizes that there is absolutely no
attachment to any results, or any job. She's happy, content and satisfied. She KNOWS her
perfect job exists, it's just a matter of vibrationally matching its timeline.

Program-free physical action is very important. And when we do it, often fears or misgivings pop
up, that's when we process those fears and misgivings in earnest.

This example could be translated into many life situations. Moving house, getting a love partner,
leaving a love partner, changing one's physical appearance, starting a new hobby, reaching
enlightenment... There really is no limit.


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