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INTRODUCTION incurred less total cost to the hospital compared

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a common with “conventional rehabilitation” (p. 146) due to
procedure used for patients with osteoarthritis (OA). decreased length of stay and reduced rate of post-
As time spent in hospital post surgery is rapidly operative manipulations (Lachiewicz 2000).
decreasing, it is important to find rehabilitation Although Fuchs et al (2005) reported CPM as
techniques that quickly re-establish knee range being protective against deep vein thrombosis, not
of motion (ROM) (Lenssen et al 2003a). Ninety-five all authors agree with this (Lynch et al 1988, Ververli
degrees of knee flexion has been shown to allow et al 1995, Vince et al 1987). Detrimental effects
activities of daily living to be carried out (Lenssen such as increased bleeding and complications of the
et al 2008), therefore restoration of post-operative wound have been reported (Lachiewicz 2000). In
ROM is considered a major indicator of the success addition, CPM is expensive because of the increased
of a TKA (Beaupre et al 2001). time it takes for staff to set up, maintain and adjust
Continuous passive motion (CPM) is a machine the machine as well as the cost of renting and
with an external motor which passively moves a buying additional equipment needed when using
joint within a certain ROM (Lenssen et al 2008). It CPM (Ritter et al 1989). Since the effects of CPM
is used widely in the rehabilitation of TKA. Having as an intervention post-TKA remain contentious,
outlined four stages of stiffness (bleeding, oedema, this systematic review aims to evaluate the recent
granulation tissue and fibrosis), O’Driscoll and literature on the efficacy of CPM after TKA. In
Giori (2000) proposed that CPM works like a pump, drawing conclusions about the clinical value of CPM
encouraging blood and fluid away from the joint in following TKA, the authors aim to identify areas for
the bleeding and oedema stages, thus preventing further research.
the joint from becoming stiff.
Proposed benefits of CPM include: reduced METHOD
knee manipulation rates, decreased analgesia An extensive search was conducted by one
requirement, reduced incidence of deep vein author (PV) in March 2009 to locate randomised
thrombosis (DVT), and increased ROM (Lachiewicz controlled trials deemed relevant to the review topic.
2000). It has also been suggested that patients The authors chose to exclude studies published
who have received CPM following TKA have before 2000, since they felt earlier studies were

14 NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1)

reviewed in an earlier publication on the same topic B-U0#&I8&W($0*+)'(X#Y$0*+)'(&$4)%#4)-&"'4&+%*7)#+&"'4&%5)+&4#.)#1G
(Milne et al 2003).
W($0*+)'(&F4)%#4)-8 !Y$0*+)'(&F4)%#4)-8
Studies were identified using electronic
databases (Medline, PEDro, Cochrane, CINAHL RC&(/,+-3,*&#/9&839-.6$3-&/&0.+@/.)&?VH RC&Y-4+-;&H.,+"%-*
and Google scholar) and reference lists of relevant
articles. Keywords used for database searching are MC& =(A& ;/*& 8*-9& /*& /& .-#/D+%+,/,+$3& MC&!,89+-*&;+,#&(F7.$&
+3,-.4-3,+$3 *"$.-*&D-%$;&`TRN
documented in Table 1a and the search strategy
used for Medline is presented in Table 1b. SC& 58,"$@-& @-/*8.-*& +3"%89-9& B3--&
considers only three criteria and focuses on double
H.,#.$0%/*,)1&Y-0%/"-@-3,&B3-- blinding as its main indicator of quality (Bhogal et
h5Yi ?VH al 2005). For these reasons, the authors believed
5*,-$/.,#.+,+* H:7 the PEDro scale to be the most appropriate for
this review. The components of the PEDro scale
h5Yi =(A are described in Table 3. The PEDro scale also
(#)*+"/%&,#-./0) considers introduction of bias through questions
5,#-.&B-);$.9*&8*-9Q&Y-#/D+%+,/,+$3f&Y/36-&$'&@$,+$3&EY5AL on blinding and intention to treat. Thus the total
PEDro score attributed to a study depends partially
on whether the study protected itself against bias.
One study was not found on the PEDro database
RC&H.,#.$0%/*,)1&Y-0%/"-@-3,1&V3--T (Bruun-Olsen et al 2009), but was evaluated using
the PEDro scale by an author of this review (PV)
and independently cross checked by the second
SC&V3--&g$+3,T author (MK).
`C&R&$.&M&$.&S B-U0#&P8&:!A4'&+$-0#&$'/,'(#(%+&*+#7&%'&+$'4#&4-(7'/)V#7&
]C&A$,+$3&?#-./0)1&=$3,+38$8*&(/**+4-T $'(%4'00#7&%4)-0+&'*%&'"&%#(&H$'/,'(#(%&K&)+&('%&$'(+)7#4#7&,-4%&
XC&=(AC@0C F'/,'(#(%+&'"&:!A4'&@$-0#T

ZC&]&$.&X RL&&F%+6+D+%+,)&".+,-.+/&&& XL&& H**-**$.&D%+39+36

ML&Y/39$@&/%%$"/,+$3 ZL& H9-[8/,-&>$%%$;&80&E\Z]^&$'&
RNC&(#)*+"/%&?#-./0)&A$9/%+,+-*T 0/.,+"+0/3,*L
SL&=$3"-/%-9&/%%$"/,+$3 _L&& G3,-3,+$3&,$&,.-/,
`L&a/*-%+3-&"$@0/.+*$3 RNL&&a-,;--3&6.$80&"$@0/.+*$3
RMC&Y-#/D+%+,/,+$3T ]L&!8Db-",&a%+39+36 RRL& ($+3,&@-/*8.-*&E,.-/,@-3,&
RSC&Z&/39&RM -''-",L
R]C&`&/39&RN d&(F7.$&#,,0QTT(F7.$C$.6C/8T*"/%-e+,-@C#,@%f&A/#-.&-,&/%&MNNSf&
RXC&5*,-$/.,#.+,+*T&$.&5*,-$/.,#.+,+*1&V3--T A cut off score of 4/10 was chosen for this review.
Six out of ten is usually used for the PEDro scale
(Maher et al 2003). However, it has been shown that
whilst a cut off score of 4/10 generally does not
change the conclusion of a review it may increase the
Inclusion/exclusion criteria (Table 2) were level of evidence for a given conclusion (Maher 2003).
applied to studies identified from the search Data from included studies were extracted by
strategy by the searching author (PV). Studies one author (PV), documented into tables then
satisfying the criteria were assessed using the checked by the second author (MK) (Table 4).
PEDro scale to determine their methodological Results documented included: PEDro score, sample
quality (score out of ten). The PEDro scale is created size, length of follow up, outcome measures used,
specifically to assess the methodological quality interventions used, participant characteristics and
of physiotherapy studies. The scale’s scoring is the significance of results (p value). Specifically,
approximately two times less variable than the this review focused on knee ROM measures and
Jadad scale which is another commonly used scale functional status of subjects post-operatively.
(Bhogal et al 2005). The PEDro scale has also been This review compared the difference in means
shown to have fair to good inter-rater reliability of studies using CPM as an intervention against
with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.55- control interventions. Statistically significant
0.56 (Maher et al 2003). Furthermore, the PEDro results are described using p values (a statistically
scale encompasses a much wider range of criteria significant finding for this review was defined as
when assessing quality than the Jadad scale which p<0.05).

NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1) 15


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NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1)


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NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1)

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Study selection


A database search (Medline, PEDro, Cochrane,
CINAHL and Google scholar) and reference list
searching yielded 42 randomised control trials
relating to this review. However, nineteen were
published before 2000, four did not use CPM after
a TKA or did not use CPM on the knee, and four

were not in English. Of the remaining 15 articles,

six were excluded: one due to poor quality - 2/10

U3/%&Y5AC PEDro scale (Leach, et al 2006); four were deemed

not relevant once read (Davies et al 2003, Fuchs
et al 2005, Lenssen et al 2006, Salter, 2004) and
one did not have a non-CPM control (Leonard et al
2007). Figure 1 illustrates this selection process.

The nine articles included in this review are



summarised in Table 5.



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Methodological quality

Table 4 compares the methodological features

of each study. Random allocation, between group
comparisons and point measures were adequate
in all studies whereas no study had subject or
therapist blinding. All studies except Lau and


Chiu (2001) had assessor blinding. Concealment of


allocation and intention to treat were also factors



missing from many studies.

Range of motion
All nine studies measured ROM. Five studies
(Bruun-Olsen et al 2009, Chen et al 2000, Denis
et al 2006, Lenssen et al 2003a, Lenssen et al




2008), compared the effect of CPM as an adjunct


to physiotherapy (intervention) with physiotherapy


alone (control). Three of the five studies (Bruun-


Olsen et al 2009, Chen et al 2000, Denis et al

2006) found no statistically significant differences

in ROM. Lenssen et al (2008), detected a non-


significant improvement of 5º in the intervention

group at day seventeen (p=0.06-0.07). At follow-

up (six weeks and three months) no difference


was found. Lenssen et al (2003a), found passive


extension improved significantly in the intervention

group compared to the control group at the end of
their study (p=0.029).

18 NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1)


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Three studies (Bennett et al 2005, Lau and Chiu to climb stairs and walk. Both studies found no
2001, McDonald et al 2000), compared the use of significant differences between intervention groups.
CPM with a control group that did not receive CPM Lenssen et al (2003a) used the Hospital for Special
as part of post-TKA rehabilitation. McDonald et al Surgery Score, which focuses on pain, function
(2000), found no significant difference between the (including strength) and the knee joint itself. They
groups. Bennett et al (2005), observed a statistically found that the standard physiotherapy group’s knee
significant difference at day five in the early CPM function scores were significantly lower (p= 0.003)
group for active and passive knee flexion (p=.008 than the group receiving CPM after seventeen days.
and p<.0001). However, at the three month and one Two (Bennett et al 2005, McDonald et al 2000)
year follow-up, no differences were seen. Lau and of the three studies comparing a CPM group with
Chiu (2001), found active flexion improved in the a non-CPM group considered knee function. Both
CPM group; (61.3% of CPM group had 90° active studies used the KSS and found no significant
flexion at day seven versus 44.8% of no-CPM group difference between the groups. In addition, the
p<0.05) however, this difference disappeared by Beaupre et al (2001) study investigated knee
day 14. Beaupre et al (2001) divided participants function using the WOMAC osteoarthritis index
into three intervention groups: one group received and found no significant differences between the
standard exercises (SE) and CPM; the second three participant groups.
group received SE and sliding board therapy (SB);
the third group received only SE. They found no
significant differences in recovery of ROM between DISCUSSION
any of the groups. This systematic review investigated the efficacy of
CPM after TKA with results from nine randomised
Knee Function control trials. These ranged in quality from 4/10
Six of the nine studies considered knee function to 8/10 on the PEDro scale.
as an outcome measure. Out of the five studies Overall, three types of post-TKA intervention
investigating CPM and standard physiotherapy were used: CPM and physiotherapy compared to
compared to standard physiotherapy alone, three physiotherapy alone (five studies); CPM compared
(Denis et al 2006, Lenssen et al 2003a, Lenssen to no CPM (three studies); and a mixture of
et al 2008) explored knee function. Denis et al standard exercises, sliding board exercises, and
(2006) used the Western Ontario and McMaster CPM (one study).
Universities (WOMAC) osteoarthritis index (a 24 CPM intervention parameters were different
item questionnaire that focuses on lower limb in each study. The initiation of intervention was
activity and covers pain, stiffness and functional also found to be varied. Six studies began their
difficulty) while Lenssen et al (2008) used both intervention day one post-operatively. One study
the WOMAC osteoarthritis index and Knee Society started day two after surgery, while another
Score (KSS) which considers both knee assessment started day two or three depending on the group
(pain, stability and ROM) and functional ability the participant was in. Finally, one study gave all

NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1) 19

patients standard physiotherapy including CPM for (2001), and Bruun-Olsen et al (2009) had powers
four days before initiating the intervention. These of 80%. Chen et al (2000) required 32 participants
variations mean reliable comparison of the results per group for a power of 80% but the study failed
is difficult. to meet this requirement.
Among the participants in all the studies, there The lack of blinding in the studies (subject
were an unequal proportion of males and females and therapist) could introduce performance bias.
(generally the number of females outweighed males). However, considering the intervention, blinding
As gender characteristics may influence results, the would be difficult to achieve. Nonetheless, to reduce
results are thus likely to be more generalizable to bias as much as possible, assessor blinding should
females. Another noticeable feature of six of the be present in all studies. This was the case in all
nine studies was the inclusion of only participants studies except Lau and Chiu (2001).
with osteoarthritis of the knee and these tended to The possibility of publication bias must also
be older patients. Thus results may not apply to be considered when interpreting the findings of a
patients who received a TKA for reasons other than study. Positive or desirable results may be more
osteoarthritis (for example rheumatoid arthritis). likely to be published. This can cause results to
This review focused specifically on ROM and inaccurately represent true research findings.
function, which are important outcomes when Furthermore, limiting the language of included
gauging the success of a TKA. studies to English means there could be a language
bias on the types of results identified. Therefore
Range of Motion a limitation of the review is that only published
In all nine studies, a goniometer was used to English material was included. Unpublished
measure ROM. However, what was measured material was not considered.
differed from study to study. Three studies Adequate follow-up which ensures results are
measured active flexion and extension, two not influenced by loss of potentially significant data
measured passive flexion and extension, while a was not present in two studies. Intention-to-treat
further two measured active and passive flexion and was lacking in five of the nine trials: studies which
extension. Quadriceps lag, passive extension and exclude data from participants who do not complete
active & passive flexion were measured in Bennett the study may alter the results and introduce
et al (2005). McDonald et al (2000) did not define exclusion bias. Finally, only four of the studies
whether flexion and extension was active or passive. exhibited concealed allocation.
Notwithstanding variation in measurement, five As the length of follow up between included
(Beaupre et al 2001, Bruun-Olsen et al 2009, Denis studies was varied, it is difficult to draw conclusions
et al 2006, Chen et al 2000, McDonald et al 2000) on the long term effects of CPM after a TKA. Whilst
of the nine studies found no statistically significant the majority of studies had a follow up period of
change in ROM. Only one study found a significant at least three months and found no statistically
difference (p=0.029) in passive extension that significant differences between intervention
lasted to post-operative day 17, the end of follow- groups, Denis et al (2006), Lenssen et al (2003a)
up (Lenssen et al 2003a). Follow-up did not extend and Chen et al (2000) had much shorter follow up
for long enough after cessation of the intervention periods. Therefore whether CPM use had a long-
for conclusions to be made on long term effects of term effect on subjects of those studies could not
CPM on ROM; nonetheless, the findings seem to be determined. Lenssen et al (2003a) reported
indicate that if CPM has any benefit for ROM, it significant improvement in extension in the CPM
may be short term. group as well as decreased functional status in
their control group at day 17. However, as follow up
Knee Function did not extend beyond day 17 it is difficult to draw
Of the six studies which investigated the effect conclusions on the maintenance of the short-term
of CPM on knee function, five found no significant ROM improvement due to CPM. Though further
differences between intervention groups. It should research would be required to determine the exact
be noted, however, that different tools were used time frame involved, the studies reviewed show
to measure knee function (WOMAC osteoarthritis that any benefit to ROM and functional recovery
index, Knee Society Score and Hospital for Special in the post-TKA knee due to CPM disappears over
Surgery Score). Each of these tools differs slightly a relatively short period of time, and there is no
in focus, which may affect comparability of results. evidence to indicate that CPM groups recover at a
However in general it appears CPM has no superior different rate from control groups in the long-term.
effect over standard physiotherapy in terms of Whilst many of the studies had poor methodology,
improving knee function. and varied interventions (which made robust
comparison difficult), the results appear to illustrate
General Discussion that any benefit of CPM over physiotherapy alone
Statistical power illustrates the strength of a is short lived. In the long term it seems CPM does
study. Four studies did not define their power. not improve ROM or knee function any more than
Denis et al (2006) had a power of 86% while Lenssen physiotherapy.
et al (2008), Bennett et al (2005), Beaupre et al

20 NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1)

Although CPM seems to be a commonly accepted REFERENCES
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is a contentious and potentially costly and time- Dodd KJ, Taylor NF and Damiano DL (2002): A systematic
review of the effectiveness of strength-training programs for
consuming intervention post-TKA. Based on the people with cerebral palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine and
results of this review, the use of CPM does not seem Rehabilitation 83: 1157-1164.
justified as an adjunct to standard physiotherapy.
An earlier systematic review by Milne et al (2003) Articles used in review
Beaupre LA, Davies DM, Jones CA, and Cinats JG (2001):
concluded that CPM with physiotherapy may be Exercise combined with continuous passive motion or slider
beneficial over physiotherapy alone only in the board therapy compared with exercise only: A randomised
short term. Similarly, Lenssen et al (2003b) found controlled trial of patients following total knee arthroplasty.
Physical Therapy 81: 1029-1037.
CPM provided no long term effects on ROM. They Bennett LA, Brearley SC, Hart JAL and Bailey MJ (2005): A
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Lenssen TAF, van Steyn MJA, Crijns YHF, Waltje EMH, Roox
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This review has focused primarily on the effects of McDonald SJ, Bourne RB, Rorabeck CH, McCalden RW, Kramer
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research. Furthermore, as many different doses of Bhogal SK, Teasell RW, Foley NC and Speechley MR (2005):
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22 NZ Journal of Physiotherapy – March 2010, Vol. 38 (1)

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