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Gia Shafer
Professor Westfall
ECE 252
8, October 2017

Part A
1. Sloane is an eighteen-month-old female, I observed her mother dropping her off at school in

the Beetles Classroom which is the 18-24-month age group for fifteen minutes, Sloane was the

first student to arrive.

2. At 7:10 Julie B. (Mother) enters the classroom with her two children Sloane (18 m) and

Grayson (3 yrs). Ms. Jen says, “Good Morning Julie” then kneels down and says, “Good

Morning Sloane and Grayson” with her arms stretched out for a hug. Sloane is holding her

mom’s keys, smiles while sticks her tongue out and runs into Ms. Jen’s embrace. Friday’s are

spirit day and this Friday was plaid day. Sloane is wearing a pink plaid shirt with a blue jean long

dress over it, pink socks and white shoes. Grayson is wearing a grey and black plaid t-shirt, black

shorts and low top black shoes. Ms. Jen says, “I love your guy’s plaid, look you match me!”

Sloane looks up at Ms. Jen and smiles. Julie B. tells Ms. Jen she loves plaid day, Sloane woke up

at 5:30, ate breakfast at home and to watch her shoes, they are new and may be a little to big. Ms.

Jen listens and says, “Okay.” Julie B, tells Sloane she is dropping her brother off in his room and

can she have her keys back. Sloane leaves Ms. Jen, runs to her mom and hands her the keys.

Julie B. squats down, taking her keys, gives her a hug and kiss and tells her “I love you, be good

in school today and Daddy is picking you up.” Ms. Jen tells says, “Have a great day and I will let

you know how she does with her shoes.” As Julie B. leaves the classroom she stops in front of

the window to smile and wave. Sloane is standing on the carpet looking at the window, Ms. Jen

says, “Sloane wave bye-bye to your mom.” Sloane waves to her mom, Ms. Jen asks her “What

do you want to do?” Sloane smiles and walks over to the books, picking one out and sits down.

Ms. Jen sits next to Sloane. Sloane hands Ms. Jen a book that Ms. Jen begins to read.

Part B -

1. Sloane displays autonomy as she walks into the classroom holding her Mom’s keys. She was

not anxious when entering the classroom and from my observation I would assume she was

happy to be at school, I back this statement up with Sloane’s smile, her sticking her tongue out

and running into the classroom.

2. Julie B. participated in a perfect, textbook transition. She was not feeling anxious and was

happy to be at school and Slone’s feelings matcher her mothers. She gave Ms. Jen all the

information needed and told Sloane she was leaving and her Dad would be picking her up, being

honest, builds trust between parent and child.

3. Ms. Jen allowed Sloane to feel her feelings and did not try to distract her from looking out of

the window. She was nurturing and supportive by telling Sloane to wave bye-bye to her mom

and then went about their day.

4. Julie B. trusts and appreciates Ms. Jen, this is evident by their interactions and body language.

They smiled at each other, laughed and wear making eye contact the entire time.

Part C

1. Slone is trusting and independent she does not show any signs of separation anxiety. She

shows intense affection towards her mom and Ms. Jen, I support this with Slone’s face of

excitement and running into her classroom.


2. Ms. Jen provides an interesting and enticing environment. She also created a “secure base”

with Sloane where she can use Ms. Jen for emotional support. Ms. Jen was excited to see Sloane

at school and allowed the departure of her mom leaving last as long as the parent and child felt

was necessary.

Part D

1. How did you feel about this observation? (5 points) Like I mentioned earlier this was a

beautiful textbook transition. Mom, children and teacher all showed excitement for each other. I

appreciate the time Julie B. took to tell Ms. Jen about Sloane’s sleeping and eating patterns and

her shoes may be a little big. Julie was not distracted, she was honest with Sloane by telling her

she was leaving and her Dad would be picking her up.

2. What advice might you give to the caregiver and/or parent? (5 points) In my professional

opinion the entire interactions were beautiful and genuinely rich. Many needs we met, Sloane

was valued, independent and comfortable. Mom felt confident leaving her child with Ms. Jen and

obviously trusted her. Ms. Jen also felt valued and able to excel at her job knowing how Slone’s

morning went and what issues to look for (shoes.) Unfortunately, I do not have any advice.

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