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Anexa nr.

6 la Ghidul solicitantului

1004 50 47 81 64 143 81 94 47 114 21 33 61 24 34 43 170 81 76 28 72

Fertlisaton and nutrients

Food quality / processing

Supply chain, marketng

Farming equipment and

Waste, by-products and

Biodiversity and nature

Agricultural producton

Animal husbandry and

residues management
Pest / disease control
Plant producton and

compettveness and
Energy management
Water management

Climate and climate

Soil management /

Farming / forestry
and consumpton
Landscape / land

Genetc resource
Farming practce




and nutriton



Keyword in English/Name of macro-

abiotic energy resource x

acidification x x
adaptation to climate change x
added value product x x
adsorption x
advisory service x
afforestation x
agricultural biotechnology x x x
agricultural extensification x
agricultural intensification x
agricultural landscape x
agricultural robot x
agri-environment scheme x
agri-food chain x x
agrochemical x x
agroecology x x
agro-ecosystem x x x
agroforestry x x
agro-tolerant species x
air quality x
alfalfa x
alga x x
allelopathy x x
alluvial meadow x
alvar x
amphibian x
anaerobic digestion x x
animal breeding x x
animal disease x x
animal equipment x x
animal health x x
animal husbandry x x
animal welfare x
ant x
antibiotic x
aphid x
Apoidea x
apple x
application (noun) x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

apricot x
aquaculture x x
aquatic ecosystem x x
arable land x
arthropod x
artificial insemination x
asparagus miner x
aubergine x
avian flu x x
avocado x
bactericide x
bacteriological analysis x x x x x x x
bacterium x x x x x x x
bakery x
bamboo x
bank (seed / cryo) x x x x
barcode x
barley x
bean x
bean harvester x
beaverslide x
bee x
beef cattle x
beekeeping x
beetle x x
benchmarking x x
beneficial arthropod x x
beneficial insect x x
best practice x
beverage industry x
bioaccumulation x
biobased fertiliser x x
biochar x x
biochemical property x x x x x x
biodiesel x
biodiversity x
biodiversity loss x
bioeconomy x
bioenergy x
biofermentation x
biofilter (biological filter) x x
biofuel x
biogas x x
biological control agent x
biological health of soil x x
biological invasion x
biological pest control x x x
biomass x x x x
biomass production x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

biomaterial x
biopesticide x
bioprospecting x x
biorefinery x x
bioremediation x
biosecurity x x x
biosolid x
biotechnology x x x x
biotic energy resource x
bird x
bird directive x
bird migration x
bird scarer x x
black fallow x x
blueberry x
bottling x
bovine x
branding x x
breed x x
breeding bird x
broadcast spreader x
broadleaves forest x x
broccoli x
broker x
brucellosis x x
brush hog x
buckwheat x
buffalo x
buffer zone x x x x x
bulk density x
bumblebee x
business model x
business-to-business (B2B) x
business-to-consumer (B2C) x
butterfly x
by-product x x
cabbage x
cabbage beetle x
cabbage seed weevil x
Calcaric Cambisol x
Calcaric Regosol x
call x
canned food x
canning x
Carabidae x
carbamate pesticide x
carbon conservation x
carbon content x x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

carbon cycle x
carbon dioxide x x
carbon footprint x x
carbon market x
carbon retention x
carbon sequestration x
carbon to nitrogen ratio x x
carrot x
carrot harvester x
cash crop x
cassava x
catch-crop x
cattle x
cauliflower x
cereal x
certification x
chemical analysis x x x x x x x
chemical reaction in soil x
cherry x
cherry picker x
chick pea x
chicken x
chicken harvester x
chlorosis x x
circular economy x x
citrus x
clay soil x
climate change x
climatic zone x
clone x x x
closed production process x
clove x
clover x
coastal meadow x
coconut x
Codex Alimentarius x
coffee x
Coleoptera x
Collembola x x
combine harvester x
commodity x
common agricultural policy x
community supported agriculture (CSA) x x
companion planting x x x
competitiveness x x
compost x x
coniferous forest x x
conservation agriculture x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

consumer x
consumer education x
consumer information x
consumption pattern x
contamination x
contour farming x
contour trenching x
conventional farming x
conversion to organic farming x
coordinating expert x
corn sheller x
corncrake x
corporate social responsibility (CSR) x x
cost-efficiency x x
cotton x
cotton picker x
coulter (agriculture) x
cover crop x
cower crop x
cradle to cradle design x
crop x
crop diversity x x x
crop management x x
crop pest x
crop residue x x
crop rotation x x
crop sequence x x
crop variety x x
crop wild relative x x
cropping system x x
cross-compliance x
crucifer x
cuckoo bumblebee x
cucumber x
cultipacker x
cultivation (crop production) x
cultural heritage x
culture x
dairy cattle x
dairy farming x x
dairy production x x x
data-driven agriculture x
deadline x
decision support system (DSS) x x
decomposition of organic substance x x x x
deficit irrigation (DI) x x
defoliant x
denitrification x x
desiccant x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

destoner x
diagnostic tool x x
dietary fibre x x
dietary requirement x x
Diptera x
direct marketing x
direct sowing x
disc harrow x
disease x
disease management x
disease prevention x
dispersal ability x
ditch bank x
drag harrow x
drainage x x
drawbar (haulage) x
drill (agriculture) x
drinking water x
drum chopper x
dry matter x
dryland farming x
duck x
earthworm x x
earwig x x
eco-design (design for the environment) x x
ecolabel x x
ecological compensation area x x
ecological engineering x
ecological equilibrium x
ecological focus area x x
ecological footprint x
economic benefit x x
economic valuation x x
economy x x
ecosystem functioning x
ecosystem service x x
ecosystem stability x
eco-tourism x
edge density x
edge effect x
education tool x
egg production x x x
electronic identification system x x
emission reduction x
emissions trading system (ETS) x x
energy x
energy conservation/saving x
energy consumption x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

energy efficiency x
energy forest x x
energy resource x
environmental assimilative capacity x
environmental focus area (EFA) x x
environmental impact x
environmental impact assessment x
environmental service x
environmental subsidy x
environmentally friendly farming x
enzyme x
erosion x
erosion control x x
ethanol fuel x
eutrophication x
evaluation system x
evaluation tool x
evapotranspiration x
export x
exposure assessment x x
extinction x
extraction x x
fact sheet x
factory farming x
faecal material x x
fair trade x
farm animal x
farm resilience x
farm shop x
farmer association x x x
farmers market x
farmgate balance (FGB) x x
farming activity x
farming equipment x
farming practice x
farmland biodiversity x
farmland bird x
farmland bird index x
farmland species x
fauna x
feed mixer x
fencing systems x
fermentation x
fertigation x x
fertilisation x
fertilisation map x x
fertiliser x
field capacity x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

field islet x
field margin x
field size x
final report x
fishery x x
flax x
flea-beetle x
flood control x
floodplain meadow x
flora x
fly (insect) x
focus group x
fodder crop x x
food x
food additive x
food chain x
food consistency x
food dehydration x
food freezing x x
food handling x x
food industry x
food poisoning x
food preparation x
food preservation x x
food processing x
food safety x
food security x
food storage x x
food supply x x
food technology x
food transport x x
food wastage x x x
foodborne disease x x
foot and mouth disease x x
forage x
foraging preference x
foraging range x
forest x x
forest biomass x
forest economy x x
forest edge x x
forest genetic resource x x
forest harvesting x
forest management plan x x
forest product x x
forest species x x
forestry x
fossil x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

from farm to fork x x

fruit farming x
fruit picking x
fuel x
fumigation x
functional agrobiodiversity x
fungicide x
fungus x x
game cover x
generalist species x
genetic diversity x x
genetic resource x
genetically modified organism (GMO) x
genetics x
geothermal energy x
glomalin x
glyphosate x
goat x
goose x
Gramineae x x
grape x
grass x
grassland x x
grassland butterfly index x
grassland restoration x
grassland utilization x
gravity wagon x
grazing x x
green corridor x x
green economy x
green energy x
green fallow x x
green infrastructure x x
green manure x
green technology (ICT) x
greenhouse x
greenhouse gas (GHG) x
greening the CAP x
grey partridge x
greywater x x
ground beetle x x
groundwater x
growth regulator x
habitat x
habitat directive x
habitat diversity x
habitat fragmentation x
habitat preference x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

habitat quality x
habitat restoration x
harvesting x
hay x x
hay conditioner x
hay elevator x
hay rake x
haylage x
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) x
hazelnut x
health food x
health product x
health risk assessment x x
heath x
heavy metal x x x x x x
hedgerow x
hemp x
herb x
herbaceous plant x
herbicide x
herbivore x
heritage landscape x
heterogeneous landscape x
high nature value farming x x
high nature value farmland x x
high nature value forest x x x
high nature value forestry x x
histosol x
hobby farm x
hog oiler x
homogeneous landscape x
honey bee x
horse engine x
horticulture x x
hoverfly x x
humidity x x
humification x
humus x
hybrid x x x
hydrogen energy x
hydrologic cycle x
hydropower x x
hydroseeding x
Hymenoptera x
ICT/Software x
impact of climate change x
import x
important bird area x x
important butterfly area x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

improved land management x

indicator x
indicator species x
industrial metabolism x
infiltration x x
information and communication technologies (ICT) x
information system x
information tool x
innovation x
innovation broker x
innovation support service x
innovative device x
input-output analysis x
insect x
insect outbreak x
insecticide x
inspection x
integrated farming x
integrated pest management (IPM) x x
integrated resource management (IRM) x
intercropping x
invertebrate x
irrigation x x
irrigation management x x
juniper formation x
kiwi x
knowledge exchange x
kohlrabi x
labeling x x
ladybird x x
land abandonment x
land cover type x
land development x
land use x
land use intensity x
landscape composition x
landscape diversity x
landscape element x
landscape index x
landslide x
leaching x
learning tool x
leguminous crop x
lemon x
Lepidoptera x
less favoured area x x x
lettuce x
ley farming x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

lifecycle assessment (LCA) x x x

lime x
liming x x
litter (giving birth for animals) x
livestock x
livestock density x
livestock emission x x
livestock fodder x
loader x
loam x
local breed x x
local condition x
local food x x
local product x
local variety x x
logging x
logistics x
logo x
low-impact production method x
low-input system x
machine and tractor station x
machinery x
machinery ring x
macrofauna x
macronutrient x x
mad cow disease x x
maize x
mammal x
management plan x
mango x
manufacturing x
manure x x
manure spreader x x
market x
market niche x
market price x
marketing x
meadow x
meadow bird x
meat production x x x
mechanical drying x x
mechanised agriculture x
medical flora x
methane x x
microbial activity x x
microclimate x
microfauna x
microflora x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

micronutrient x x
milking machine x x
millet x
mineral x
mineral fertiliser x
minimisation of pollution x
minimisation of waste x
mitigation of climate change x
mixed farming x
mixed forest x x
mixer-wagon x
model x
monitoring system x
monoculture x
moth x
mower blade x
mower-conditioner x
mowing x
mowing height x
mulch x
multiactor project x
multifunctionality x x
multipurpose forest x
mycorrhiza x x
nanotechnology x x
National Rural Network (NRN) x
Natura 2000 x
natural enemy x x
natural energy resource x
nature conservation x
nature-value species x
nectar x
nematode x x x
neonicotinoid pesticide x
nesting place for pollinators x x
network x
new entrant x
newsletter x
niche product x
nitrate x x x
nitrate sensitive area x x x x
nitrification x x
nitrogen x x
nitrogen content x x
nitrogen fixation x
nitrous oxide x x
noise reduction x
non-chemical pest control x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

non-chemical weed control x x

non-native species/alien species x
non-renewable energy resource x
non-wood forest product x x
normative framework x
nurse crop x
nut x
nutrient x x
nutrient balance x x
nutrient cycle x x x x
nutrient cycling x x x x
nutrient loss x x x
nutrient management x x x
nutrient recycling x x x x
nutrient use efficiency x x
nutritional information x
nutritional requirement x
oat x
oilseed crop x
oilseed rape x
olive x
omega-3 fatty acid x
onion x
operational group x
orange x
organic farming x
organic fertiliser x
organic food x
organic matter x
organophosphate pesticide x
ornamental plant x
overwintering site x x
oxygen demand x x x x
ozone x
packaging x x
parasitism x x
parasitoid x x
passive solar building design x
pasture x x
patch richness x x
pathogen x x x
pea x
peach x
peanut x
pear x
peat x
peat soil x
pepper x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

percolation x x
perennial crop x
permaculture x
permanent crop x
permanent grassland x x
pest x
pest control criterion x
pest insect x
pest resistance x
pest warning system x
pesticide x
pesticide application x
pesticide residue x
pesticide resistance x
phosphorus x x
photosynthesis x
pickling x
pig x
pineapple x
pistachio x
plant breeding x x
plant disease x x
plant nutrition x
plant production x x
plant protection x
plant stress x
planting x
platform x
ploughing x
plowshare x
polder x
pollen x
pollen beetle x
pollination x
pollination crisis x
pollution x
polyculture x
population change x
portable engine x
post-harvest loss x
potassium x x
potato x
potato harvester x
potato planter x
poultry farming x x
power take-off (PTO) x
power tower x
prairie x
precipitation x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

precision farming x
precision irrigation x x
predation x x
predation control x x
preservative x
private standard x
processing method x
producer group x x x
product x x
product design x
product life extension x
product traceability x x
production system x
production type x
productivity x
profitability x
protected area x x
protected designation of origin (PDO) x
protected geographical indication (PGI) x
protected species x
protection regime x
protection zone x
protein crop x x
protozoa x x
public good x
public-private partnership (PPP) x
pulpwood x
pulse x
push-pull strategy x x
pyrethroid pesticide x
pyrolysis x
quality label / products x
quality of life x
rabbit x
rainwater harvesting x x
raising awareness x
ransome victory plough x
raspberry x
ray grass x
reaper x
reaper-binder x
recovered phosphorus x x x
recreation x x
recycled water x x
recycling x x
reduced tillage x
regulation x
renewable energy resource x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

repellent x
research x
research need from practice x
resistance to disease x
retailer x
retention of nutrients x x
re-use x x
rice x
rice huller x
rice transplanter x
risk assessment x
risk management x x
road ecology x
road verge x
roadkill x
rodent x
rodenticide x
roll over protection structure (ROPS) x
roller (agricultural tool) x
roller mower x
rotary mower x
ruderal species x
runoff x
rural development x
rural development plan x
rye x
salinisation x
salmonellosis x x
sandy loam x
sanitation requirement x
screw conveyor x
scrub x
scrubland x
seasonal food x
seaweed x
seed contamination x x
seed drill x
seed germinator x
seed mix x x
seed rain x x
self-assessment x
seminar x
semi-natural habitat x
semi-natural pasture x x
sensor x x
sensory analysis x
service x
sesame x
set-aside x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

sharecropping x
shear grab x
sheep x
shelterbelt x x
short supply chain x
short-term grassland x x
shrub x
silage x
silk x
silt x
silviculture x
Simpson diversity index x
single area payment scheme (SAPS) x
skid-steer loader x
skylark x
sludge x
slurry x
small and medium enterprise (SME) x
small-scale farming x x
snail x x
social farming x
social impact x
socio-economy x x x
soil x
soil aeration x
soil assimilative capacity x
soil biodiversity x x
soil capillary moisture x x
soil carrying capacity x
soil compaction x
soil conditioner x
soil degradation x
soil DNA x x
soil enzyme activity x
soil fertility x
soil food web interaction x x
soil formation x
soil health x
soil management technology x x
soil mapping x
soil microbial biomass x x
soil moisture content x x
soil organic matter (SOM) x
soil pH x
soil profile x
soil quality x
soil reactivity x
soil respiration x
soil sealing x
soil seed bank x x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

soil structure x
soil temperature x
soil type x
soil water availability x x
soil-borne disease x x
solar energy x
solitary bee x
sorghum x
sowing x
sown flower strip x x
soybean x
spatial planning x
special area of conservation (SAC) x x
special protection area (SPA) x x
specialist species x
specialization x
species x
species composition x
species diversity x
species' protection site x
species vulnerability x
spider x x
spinach x
sprayer x
spring oilseed rape x
springtail x x
spring-tooth harrow x
Stagnic Luvisols x
standard x
stone picker x
stoneheap x
stonewall x
storage condition x x
straw x x x
strawberry x
strip farming x
stubble x x
stump-jump plough x
subgroup on innovation x
subsoiler x
sugar beet x
sugarcane harvester x
sulfonylurea pesticide x
sunflower x
supply chain x
support scheme requirement x
surface condition x
sustainability x
sustainable consumption x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

sustainable forestry practice x

sward x
sweet potato x
swine flu x x
symbiotic relationship x x
synthetic pesticide x
systemic pesticide x
technology x
tedder (machine) x
telescopic handler x
thematic network x
threatened species x
three-point hitch x
threshing board x
threshing machine x
threshing stone x
tillage x
tillage machine x
timber x
timber industry x
tomato x
toxicant x x x x
tractor x
tractor PTO auger x
traditional speciality guaranteed (TSG) x
training x
transaction cost x
tree spade x
turkey x
undersowing x x
university x
un-ploughed habitat x
urban agriculture x
urban gardening x
utilisation notice x
value chain x x
variety x x
variety development x x
vascular plant x
vegetable x
vermiculture x x x x x
vertical coordination in production/marketing x
vineyard x x
viral disease x
vitamin x
walnut x
warehouse x
waste x
Anexa nr.6 la Ghidul solicitantului

waste management x
water x
water availability x
water erosion x x
water footprint x x
water management x
water pollution x x
water quality x
water retention x
water salinity x
water scarcity x
water storage x
water supply x
water use efficiency x
waterlogging x x
watermelon x
weed x x
weed hook x x
weeding x x
weeding fork x x
wetland x
wheat x
wide span vehicle x
wild animal x
wild bee x
wildlife x
wind energy x
wind erosion x
wind turbine x
wine x
winter crop x
winter oilseed rape x
winter plant cover x x
wood x x
wooded meadow x
wooded pasture x x
woodland x x
woodland bird x x
workshop x
World Health Organization (WHO) x
worm x x
yield x
yield gap x
zero tillage x
zoonotic disease x x

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