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Is Grebennikov's CSE levitating platform actually "stimulated" Orgone?

Haven't thought about this in awhile but John T. sent an email so here is part of my response. It
refers to duplication claims of the Grebennikov Cavity Structure Effect (CSE).

We have no proof any of it

works since no one we can
trust has posted
independent verification.

The guys posting the

'plans' on facebook either
stole them from another
group, possibly remnants of
that group or just someone
who stumbled on earlier
claims and they are now
trying to cash in on the
popularity of Grebennikov
on the net.

But their $400 price is

gouging everyone so thats
why I ferreted out the
information that was
available and posted with
circuit diagram at Grebennikov and Antigravity .

There appears to be some connection with orgone energy based on the use of organic
honeycomb cells and aluminum and stimulation by high intensity electrical pulses. As you might
know, orgone is attracted by organic mass and repelled by inorganic such as metal. So by using
these you can create a difference of potential to use the energy for various purposes. People will
take newspaper or pages from a magazine or book and layer them with sheets of aluminum foil to
make an orgone panel...very similar to a capacitor or an electret which collects and holds charges.

What is interesting and why I think there is a connection with their claim is that when you build an
orgone box so that orgone trickles in from the outside to the inside...eventually it will charge up
and if you try to collect more, the orgone will become very agitated and bounce all over the inside,
like a maser or laser. When this energetic bouncing reaches a certain level, it has enough energy
to escape from inside to box and shoot out of it...just like a capacitor or a laser. So I'm thinking with
their design that they use the honeycomb cells as the collector of the orgone and being wrapped
inside aluminum foil, it is thus an orgone box...and the high voltage applied to the aluminum foil
might stir up the orgone enough that it repels local gravity which is the aether/zpe which flows into
the neutral centers of all mass.

Normally, the influx of aether/zpe occurs at a regular velocity and intensity into the neutral centers
of mass....but you can stimulate the energy shell around the mass to make it act lie a semi
permeable membrane that will allow more aether/zpe to flow in or restrict the flow. So by reducing
the aether/zpe influx into the neutral centers, we have three observable and useable effects;

1) weaker gravity equals weight loss

2) reduced inertia
3) slower local time

So by increasing the aether/zpe influx into the neutral centers, we have three observable and
useable effects;
1) stronger gravity equals weight increase
2) increased inertia
3) faster local time

If you look at their drawing at the URL above you will see item #2 which is the honeycomb
wrapped in aluminum foil. Underneath that is the pancake coil to stimulate the foil/honeycomb
'reactor' which would EMIT aether/zpe to partially cancel incoming aether/zpe so that any mass
within the energy bubble would lose weight and even fly as they claim. By tilting this, you can also
produce thrust which is why you see the circline fluorscent lamp with the pancake coil, tilted at
about a 45 degree angle. Thats my take on this claim about duplicating the Grebennikov claim.

One other factor that indicates it is using orgone as the excitable medium...they suffer PAIN after
riding this thing for over an hour.

"Folks, these devices are fiendishly dangerous to your health. For a whole year I suffered from
sharp pains in the joints. The joints creak and hurt even with lighter loads ..."

"The CSE effect occurs very quickly. It should be strong hold on the handles because the thrust is
energetic. It therefore has a feeling of weight loss, it is have the visual disturbances (phosphenes,
wheels that rotate), and strong pulse in my ears. Colors become more vivid and you feel a sour
taste in the mouth. The vertical thrust lasts about 2-3 minutes, then one must choose whether to
move the grill or fall back ... "

Move the grill refers to tilting the angle of the circular bulb, pancake coil and honeycomb
reactor...totally horizontal gives only upward thrust....when you tilt it at 45 or so degrees you get
upward and sideways thrust...

The term Orgone is in honour of, and out of respect to one of the world’s great, forgotten, and
scorned scientists, namely Wilhelm Reich. A multitude of other scientists, great and small, have
given this mysterious force a name. There are at least 70 names by various individuals for the
same or a similar force. Orgone energy is the live cosmic energy of Nature. To quote Reich… The
Cosmic OR Energy fills the universe…and …it is a spontaneously pulsating, mass-free energy…
For interested readers, there is a huge collection of facts, opinions and absolute rubbish on the
internet regarding Reich and Orgone. Below are some of the relevant Properties of Orgone

1.It is mass free i.e. Orgone energy has no inertia or weight, etc., so conventional test
equipment that requires reaction or something to “push” against to measure a force will be

3. It is in constant motion. It has an uneven movement from West to East at a speed

considerably greater than the earth’s rotation. The motion is a pulsating expansion and contraction
and a flow normally along a curved path. Inside an accumulator, the energy is emitted as a
spinning, pulsating wave. Both of these can be seen to varying degrees in a charging vat and/or
cell. These signs are very important to the experimenter as they are his tools in the different
stages of seeding and breeding of the cell.

4. It negates the laws of entropy [old paradigm= entropy, new paradigm=negentropy ~D]. Orgone
energy flows from the lower concentrations to the higher concentrations i.e. Orgone
attracts concentrations to itself. This is the normal process of creation and as such is a proof of
Orgone being a living energy. For the experimenter, this is very important, especially in the
seeding stage. If the cell is located in unfavourable location, it may not seed or take a long time to
seed [! ;-)]. I have had cells taking 4 weeks to seed, others take only a few days.

6. It can be manipulated and controlled. We do this in the cell by forming alternate organic
and non-organic “cylinders” to form an accumulator for the Orgone. Thus the organic
layers attract and soak up the Orgone and the metallic layers draw it from the organic
material and radiate it into the interior of the accumulator. Additionally we use electricity,
magnetism and electrolysis to assist with the breeding process.

8. It is affected by weather [orgone accumulators are not], i.e. humidity, cloudcover, temperature
and time of day affects the accumulation of Orgone. For the experimenter with a leaky cell this
explains the weird behaviour of leaky cells i.e. sometimes they work, other times not, but if you
stand on one foot, talk to it, try different water, chemistry, more or less power etc., it will “come
good.” This has created a whole religion of what you must do or not do, to such and extent that
with the blind leading the blind, the cell in the hands of a casual constructor is doomed to failure.
(the russians claim you can only fly the platform when their is snow on the ground)

9B. It moves at right angle to an electrical field. Again, highly important, as it dictates polarity
and wiring connection to the cell. (that is why tilting the circline bulb/honeycomb
reactor/pancake coil) will cause the flying machine to move UP or both up and SIDEWAYS)

11. It is polarized. As Orgone is polarized, that is, we can have positive or negative Orgonic force,
so we can build a positive or negative cell. But, as you mix your positive and negative construction
materials as most people do, then your result is a leaky or non-operationsl cell. [+ and – here refer
to direction of orgone flow, not good and bad orgone] (this could be a key to cancelling the
harmful physical effects noted after riding the flying machine)

13. It has a slow conduction rate. Orgone will take 20 seconds to traverse 50 yards of wire.
For the experimenter, this means that you should wait about 30 seconds after turning
power on to the cell before you can expect to observe Orgone action at a stable rate.

14. It exhibits a constant upward tendency, rising vertically. Highly important in creating a
non-leaky cell installation in a car. (again backing up the claim that the platform will rise in the
air or by tilting the honeycomb reactor, it will move both up and sideways)
18. It surrounds itself with alternating spherical zones of opposite polarity. This is utilized by
us to determine cylinder diameters and consequential spacing in the optimization of the cell [Joe
Blow, the inventor, made his cells without this consideration and they were successful. The one
demonstrated in his video was made in a glass sugar jar] (another possible clue to the
deteriorating health effects)

20. It can only be concentrated to the finite amount. If a cell is charged to its maximum
degree so that it can hold no more, the Orgone will transform itself into electricity, and in
this way or form, find a discharge. By the visual observation of the bubbles, pulsations, and
surface tension of the water, we utilize this fact to our advantage.

26. Torsion (Orgone) fields can be screened by aluminium. This allows the use of aluminium
coated mirrors, or highly polished aluminium to reflect our Orgone (torsion) field. See point 17

27. It will pass through all materials, but at different speeds.

So thats about all I have on it at the moment. I would recommend you get an empty organic
honeycomb. You can buy them in sheets on ebay. Wrap it in aluminum foil and shock the foil with
the high voltage from an old tv screen driver circuit which is roughly 50,000 volts. That is what they
did and claim the thing started bouncing around inside a barrel. Maybe you can find empty clean
organic honeycomb panels locally but here they come with honey from ebay.

In suggesting we can buy honeycomb panels from ebay, I am not sure this aluminum wrapped
honeycomb MUST also be inside a closed barrel like they say to further concentrate the orgone so
its a good idea to copy all that they did claim for their initial tests to verify that their actually is some
physical reaction we can see and measure. That's my take on it at the moment but las cosas
camien....things change!

In searching for a suitable honeycomb photo I found this article from Keelynet archives; 03/18/12 -
Copper Atoms with 30% stronger magnetic field than seen on Earth - Department of Energy’s
SLAC National Accelerator Lab have created a material never seen before by making copper
atoms behave as though they were exposed to a 60 Tesla magnetic field, which is 30% stronger
than any magnetic field ever sustained on Earth. They drew out this behavior in the atoms even
though no magnets were used. These “designer electrons” have tunable properties and could lead
to cool new types of materials and devices. The researchers were inspired by graphene to create
a similar atomic structure with a different material (copper electrons instead of carbon atoms).

They created the hand-crafted, honeycomb-shaped structures using a scanning tunneling

microscope, which they used to place carbon monoxide molecules, one at a time, on a smooth
copper surface. Carbon monoxide repels the electrons on the copper surface and forces them into
a graphene-like honeycomb pattern. [...] The researchers then repositioned the carbon monoxide
molecules on the surface so the electrons would behave as if they had been exposed to a
magnetic field of otherworldly strength. Carbon monoxide molecules, which are black in the image
[above], guide electrons, which are yellow-orange. Unlike ordinary electrons, they behave as if
they have no mass and travel at the speed of light as if they’re in a vacuum. - Is Grebennikov's
CSE levitating platform actually "stimulated" Orgone?

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