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Analytical Best Practices

Establishing Acceptance
Criteria for Analytical Methods
Knowing how method performance impacts out-of-specification rates
may improve quality risk management and product knowledge.

o control the consistency and quality and specification limits (1) of drug product
of pharmaceutical products, analytical and drug substance once clinical trials have
methods must be developed to measure demonstated the drug to be safe and effec-
critical quality attributes (CQAs) of drug sub- tive. This logic is essentially laid out in two
stance/drug product. Analytical method accu- guidance documents: International Council for
racy/bias and precision are always in the path of Harmonization (ICH) Q6B Specifications and
drug evaluation and associated acceptance/fail- ICH Q9 Quality Risk Management (2).
ure in release testing. The following are three Clearly defined method acceptance criteria
equations that show how the analytical method that evaluate the goodness and fitness of an
is always influencing the quantitation of drug analytical method for its indended purpose
substance/product (Equations 1–3): are mandatory to correctly validate an anlyti-
cal method and know its contribution when
Product Standard Deviation = quantitating product performance or releasreleas-
ing a batch. Methods with excessive error will
√S 2
S2Analytical Method directly impact product acceptance out-of-spec-
ification (OOS) rates and provide misleading
[Eq. 1] information regarding product quality.

Product Mean = Sample Mean + Method Bias TradiTional Measures of

[Eq. 2] analyTical Goodness and HisTory
Historically, analytical chemists have worked
Reportable Result = Test sample true value + on the science of an analytical method and
Method Bias + Method Repeatability maintained their evaluations of method good-
[Eq. 3] ness independent from the product they intend
to evaluate. Traditional measures of analytical
Knowing what is the allowable contribu- goodness include the following:
tion of the method error in drug performance • % coefficient of variation (CV) = (repeatabil- Image: PASIEKA/Science Photo Library/Getty. Figures are courtesy of authors.

becomes crucial when building product knowl- ity/mean)*100

edge, process understanding, and the associated • % recovery = (measured concentration/stan-
long-term product lifecycle con- dard concentration)*100
trol. Mathematically, the variation • R-square of a curve comparing the theoretical
of any drug product or drug sub- concentration to the signal from the method.
stance is the additive variation of This strategy has its advantages and its draw-
the method and test sample being backs. The advantage is the lab can develop and
quantitated. evaluate the goodness of a method independent
Generally, to control the quality of the product and the associated acceptance
of a product and to manage drug criteria it is intended to measure. This is par-
safety and efficacy, there are two ticularly of interest during early development
Thomas A. Little PhD is president key elements: cinical trials eval- when product specification limits (Q6B) are not
Thomas A. Little Consulting, uting the pharmacokinetics (PK) yet available. The penalty for solely depend-
drlittle@dr-tom.com. response to drug product and dose ing on CV or % recovery is a method may be

2 BioPharm International www.biopharminternational.com October 2016

Analytical Best Practices

developed and qualified without Table I: Method validation and acceptance criteria.
knowing if it is fit-for-purpose or Method Validation Elements Acceptance Criteria
fit-for-use, and knowing its associ-
Specificity Yes
ated influence on product accep-
tance and release testing. Further, Linearity Yes
the traditional approach will often Range Yes
falsely indicate a method is per- Repeatability Yes
forming poorly at low concentra-
Bias/Accuracy Yes
tions, when in fact it is performing
excellently. Conversely, at high Limit of Blank, Limit of Detection, Limit of Yes
concentrations, the method will
often appear to be performing Intermediate Precision and Variance Components Yes
well—as the % CV and % recovery Robustness No, Development Report
appear to be acceptable—when it Method Stability No, Development Report
is actually unacceptable relative to
the product specification limits it
will be used to evaluate. analytical method? Finally, how made in the standard, although
does the method contribute to it is implied there will be accep-
Closing the gAP OOS events when releasing prod- tance criteria generated (3).
The % relative standard devia- uct to the clinic or market? • FDA, Analytical Procedures and
tion (RSD)/%CV and % recovery Method error should be evalu- Methods Validation for Dr ugs
should be report-only and should ated relative to the tolerance for and Biologics (6): “An analytical
be included in any evaluation of two-sided limits, margin for one- procedure is developed to test
an analytical method per ICH Q2 sided limits, and the mean or theo- a defined characteristic of the
(3). Measurements that are rela rela- retical concentration if there are drug substance or drug product
tive to some theoretical concen
concen-- no specification limits (Equations against established acceptance
tration should never be used in 4–6). criteria for that characteristic.
establishing acceptance criteria for Early in the development of a
an analytical method except when Tolerance = Upper Specification new analytical procedure, the
specifications are not available Limit (USL) – Lower Specification choice of a na ly t ica l inst r u-
and should be reevaluated when Limit (LSL) mentation and methodolog y
they are. In practice, no company [Eq. 4] should be selected based on
will release to the clinic or to the t he i nte nd e d p u r p o s e a nd
market the mean or theoretical Margin = USL – Mean or Mean – scope of the analytical method.
concentration; one releases every LSL (One-sided specifications) Parameters that may be evalu-
batch, tablet, vial, and syringe. [Eq. 5] ated during method develop-
What therefore should be the ment are specificity, linearity,
basis for measurement goodness, Mean = Average of specific concen- limits of detection (LOD), and
if not comparing method perfor- trations of interest limits of quantitation (LOQ ),
mance to the mean or the theoreti- [Eq. 6] range, accuracy, and precision.”
cal concentration? The answer is • USP <1225>: “When validating
simple: don’t evaluate a method physica l proper t y met hods,
relative to the mean, evaluate it DireCtion from consider the same performance
relative to the product specifica- guiDAnCe DoCuments characteristics required for any
tion tolerance or design margin What do regulatory and standards analytical procedure. Evaluate
it must conform to. This concept organizations say about acceptance use of the performance charac-
has been well established for many criteria for analytical methods? teristics on a case-by-case basis,
years in chemical, automotive, and The following are brief quotes from with the goal of determining
semiconductor industries and is the guidance documents regarding that the procedure is suitable
recommended in the United States acceptance criteria: for its intended use. The specific
Pharmacopeia (USP) <1033> and • ICH Q2: Discusses what to quan- acceptance criteria for each vali-
<1225> (4, 5). Effectively the ques- titate, what to report, study dation parameter should be con-
tion is: how much of the specifica- design, and sample size. No sistent with the intended use of
tion tolerance is consumed by the mention of acceptance criteria is the method” (5).

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Analytical Best Practices

Figure 1: Studentized residuals of a linear fit. Repor table Spec if ic it y =

Measurement – Standard (units) (in
the matrix of interest)

S p e c i f i c i t y / To l e r a n c e * 1 0 0 ,
Excellent Results <= 5%, Acceptable
Results <=10%

recoMMended AccePtAnce
criteriA for lineArity
Linearity is measuring the linear
response of the method. The eval-
uation of linearity is minimally
80–120% of the product specifica-
tion limits or wider. Acceptance cri-
teria must demonstrate the method
Figure 2: Influence of repeatability on capability (out-of-specification [OOS] rate is linear within that range or higher.
in parts per million [PPM]). The following are techniques to
demonstrate the method meets
the minimum linear range of the
• Plot of the residuals and/or studen-
tized residuals from a regression
• No systematic pattern in the resid-
uals through visual examination
• No statistically significant qua-qua
dratic effect in a regression evalu-
ation of the residuals correlated to
the theoretical concentration.
To set the limit of linearity the
• USP <1033>: “The validation tar- elements that need acceptance following is recommended. Fit a lin-
get acceptance criteria should criteria and what elements are ear regression line when correlating
be chosen to minimize the risks ‘report only’ or need to be docu- signal versus theoretical concentra-
inherent in making decisions mented in a development report tion. Save the studentized residuals
from bioassay measurements (see Table I). from the curve. Add a line at +1.96
and to be reasonable in terms of (95% sure the response is linear) and
the capability of the art. When recoMMended AccePtAnce -1.96. Fit a quadratic fit to the stu-
there is an existing product criteriA for sPecificity dentized residuals. As long as the
specification, acceptance criteria There are two ways to show speci- curve remains within +-1.96 of the
can be justified on the basis of ficity: studentized residuals, the response of
the risk that measurements may • Identification, demonstrate it is the assay is linear. When the curve
fall outside of the product speci- measuring the specific analyte exceeds the 1.96 limit, one is 95%
fication” (4). and not some other protein or sure the assay is no longer linear. For
substance Figure 1, one is 95% sure this assay is
WhAt Are Method eleMents • Bias in the presence of interfering linear up to 30 ug/mL.
thAt need AccePtAnce criteriA? compounds or matrices.
There are two elements for evalu- Acceptance criteria should be recoMMended AccePtAnce
ating a method: determination of similar to accuracy or bias as a % criteriA for rAnge
the result (bias, repeatability, etc.) of tolerance: Range is established where the
and determination of the accep- Identification, 100% detection, response remains linear, repeat-
tance criteria for each element. report detection rate and 95% con- able, and accurate. Acceptance
The following is a summary of the fidence limits criteria for the range should be

4 BioPharm International www.biopharminternational.com October 2016

Analytical Best Practices

based on the following: Range of Figure 3: Accuracy to precision modeling.

the method should be less than or
equal to 120% of the USL and be
demonstrated to be linear, accurate,
and repeatable.

Recommended AccePtAnce
cRiteRiA foR RePeAtABility
Repeat abi l it y is t he st a nd a rd
deviation of repeated (intra-assay)
measurements (see Figure 2). As
repeatability error increases the
out of specification [OOS] rate
increases. The following are the
recom mended eva luat ion a nd
acceptance criteria. Repeatability
as a percentage of tolerance should
be used in the evaluation.

Repeatability % Tolerance = (Stdev

Repeatability*5.15)/(USL –LSL), if
two-sided spec limits

Repeatability % Margin = (Stdev

or (Mean–LSL), if one-sided
% RSD or CV = Stdev Repeatability/ Recommended acceptance criteria Acce t nce cRiteRi
AccePtAnce cRiteRiA foR
Mean*100, if no limits for analytical methods for bias are inteRmediAte PRecision
Recommended acceptance criteria less than or equal to 10% of toler- I nter med iate prec ision is t he
for analytical methods for repeatabil ance. For a bioassay, they are recom- standard deviation of repeated
ity are less than or equal to 25% of mended to also be less than or equal measurements includ ing bot h
tolerance. For a bioassay, they are rec- to 10% of tolerance. intra- and inter-assay sources of
ommended to be less than or equal error. The following are the recom-
to 50% of tolerance. Recommended AccePtAnce mended evaluation and acceptance
cRiteRiA foR lod And loQ criteria. Intermediate precision (IP)
Recommended AccePtAnce Acceptance criteria for LOD and LOQ as a % of tolerance should be used
cRiteRiA foR BiAs/AccuRAcy should also be evaluated as a per- in the evaluation:
Accuracy or bias can only be evalu- centage of tolerance or design mar-
ated once a reference standard has gin: IP % Tolerance = (Stdev IP*5.15)/
been generated. The average of the (USL – LSL), if two-sided spec limits
distance from the measurement–the- L OD/ Tole r a nc e*10 0, <= 5% i s
oretical reference concentration is Excellent and <=10% is Acceptable IP % Margin = (Stdev IP*2.575)/
bias in units. Bias may be evaluated (USL-Mean) or (Mean-LSL), if one-
relative to the tolerance (USL–LSL), LOQ / Tolerance*10 0, <=15% is sided limit
margin, or the mean: Excellent and <=20% is Acceptable
% RSD or CV = Stdev IP/Mean*100,
Bia s % of Tole ra nce = Bia s/ If the specification is two-sided if no limits
Tolerance*100, and the LOD and LOQ are below
80% of the lower specification limit, Criteria for IP % of tolerance or
Bias % of Margin = Bias/(USL-Mean then the LOD and LOQ are consid- % margin: less than or equal to
or Mean – LSL) One Sided ered having no impact on product 25% Excellent, less than or equal
quality determination and thus to 30% Acceptable. IP should be
Bias % of Mean = Bias/Mean*100 acceptable. evaluated at each concentration,

October 2016 www.biopharminternational.com BioPharm International 5

Analytical Best Practices

variance components for the intra- evance links method performance

and inter-assay error should be to CQAs a nd t heir associated
reported (4) and IP % CV is report specification limits in a way that
only. Bioassay IP acceptance cri- nothing else will. Knowing how
teria: less than or equal to 60% of method performance impacts OOS
tolerance. rates adds to better quality risk
management and product knowl-
RePoRting RoBustness edge. Setting acceptance criteria
A robustness study has no accep- based on OOS rate impact is more
tance criteria; however, the robust- meaningf ul and suppor ted by
ness study should indicate the both FDA and USP guidance. %CV
method is accurate and repeatable and %Recovery should always be
at the recommended best set point included in development reports
and across a defined range. It is and method validation documents
expected that the robustness study as report only and should not form
will be used to determine settings the basis of acceptance criteria.
and ranges that will ensure bias
less than 10% of tolerance and RefeRences
1. ICH Q6B Specifications: Test
repeatability less than 25% of tol-
Procedures and Acceptance Criteria
erance. for Biotechnological/Biological
Products (ICH, March 1999).
ting stABility
tAB 2. ICH, Q9 Quality Risk Management
(ICH, 2006).
A st abi l it y st udy on c r it ic a l
3. ICH, Q2(R1) Validation of Analytical
reagents such as standards and/or Procedures: Text and Methodology
bulk materials has no acceptance (ICH, November 2005).
criteria; however, the study should 4. USP, <1033> Biological Assay
Validation, USP 38,, (USP, 2010).
indicate the expiry of pre-mixes,
5. USP, <1225> Validation of
bulks, or standards. Compendial Procedures, USP 38
(USP, 2015).
sing the AccuRAcy
Accu to 6. FDA, Analytical Procedures and
ecision PPRofileR
RofileR in Methods Validation for Drugs and
Biologics, Guidance for Industry
v luAAting
vA ting All Acce
AccePtAnce (CDER, July 2015).
cRiteRiA 7. T. Little, Accuracy to
Precision (ATP) Profiler, http://
For any method, the unique com-
generalstatistics/index.php ◆
bination of product var iation,
product average, method accuracy,
method repeatability, specificity,
and stability all can be evaluated
by a design space. The author has
developed a SAS/JMP based tool
(ATP Profiler) that can be down-
loaded to evaluate any method (7).
The advantage is one can evalu-
ate all of the dynamic elements of
a specific method and determine
the impact of the combined accep-
tance criteria on potential OOS
rates (see Figure 3).

summARy And conclusion

Moving from relative measures
of analytical method goodness to
measures that have product rel-

6 BioPharm International www.biopharminternational.com October 2016

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