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TISSUES  Cuboidal Epith.

VERTEBRATES: CONNECTIVE TYPES  Contain blood vessels and nerves

 Specialized for secretion  Loose Connective LCT  Canaliculi: distributes nutrients
Anatomy: structure of an organism  Kidney tubules, salivary ˴ Most widespread in body  Interconnects lacunae
Physiology: functions an organism performs  Thyroid glands ˴ Binds epithelia to underlying tissues  Lacunae: Contains osteocytes
 hormone regulates body’s rate of fuel ˴ Packaging material  Blood
Physical Laws and the Environment consumption ˴ holds organs in place ˴ Plasma-liquid in matrix
Constrain Animal Size and Shape  Simple Squamous Epith. ˴ Includes Collagenous. Elastin, Reticulated  Water + salts + proteins
 Body plan of an animal results from a pattern  Thin and leaky ˴ Predominant: ˴ Suspended in PLASMA
of development programmed by the genome  Exchange of material by diffusion  Fibroblast-secrete protein  Erythrocytes (RBC)-oxygen
 Line blood vessels and air sacs, where ingredients of the extracellular fibers  Leukocytes (WBC)-defense
Animal forms and functions are correlated at diffusion of nutrients and gases is critical  Macrophage- amoeboid cells that  LYMPHOCYTES- antibodies
all levels of organization  Stratified Squamous Epith. roam the maze of fibers, engulfing  B-cells-SECRETE ANTIBODIES
foreign particles and the debris of
 Regenerate rapidly by cell division near  T-cells-DEVELOP IN THYMUS
Tissues: groups of cells with a common structure dead cells by phagocytosis
basal membrane  MONOCYTES
and function  Surfaces subject to abrasion  Adipose
 Differentiate into macrophages
 Held together by a sticky extracellular  Outer skin ˴ Specialized form of LCT
 Arise from stem cells of bone marrow
matrix that coats the cells or weaves them  Lining of esophagus, anus, vagina ˴ Stores fat
˴ Pads and insulates body  POLYMORPHONUCLEAR
together in a fabric of fibers  Abrasion affects the oldest cells OR GRANULOCYTES
˴ Stores fuel as fat molecule
˴ Swells: fat is stored  Highly variable shape of nucleus
 Fibrous Connective  Circulating phagocytes in blood
 Tightly packed cells: barrier of extracellular matrix where the cells at the
˴ Dense (large number of collagenous)  Neutrophil-most abundant
 Covers outside of body base of the epithelial layer are attached
˴ Fibers: organized into parallel bundles  First line of defense in infection
 Lines organs and cavities inside body  CT secreted by epithelial and CT cells
 Free surface: exposed to air or fluid  Maximizes nonelastic strength  Kill microbes through phagocytosis
 protection, absorption, secretion ˴ Found in tendons and ligaments  Eusinophil-secretes enzymes
 Glandular: secrete chemical solutions  Cartilage and destroys allergens
 Binds and supports
o Mucous membrane: formed in the lining  Sparse population of cells; scattered through ˴ Abundance of collagenous fibers  Basophil-secretes histamine
of digestive and respiratory tracts embedded in chondroitin sulfate  Platelets (fragments)-blood clotting
an extracellular matrix
 Matrix: web of fibers embedded in a uniform ˴ Chondrocytes: secrete chondroitin
 Number of cell layers ˴ Strong yet flexible support material  Don’t actively lengthen
 Secreted by cells of connective tissue  Originates from mesoderm
 Simple : 1 layer ˴ Replaced by bone as embryo matures
 Made of fibers  Composed of long cells called muscle
 Stratified: multiple layer ˴ Retained in some locations
˴ Absorbs physical impact without breaking fibers MF that are capable of contracting
 Pseudostratified: feeling stratified THREE KINDS:
˴ TYPES: when stimulated by nerve signals
because cells vary in length only that  Collagenous  Most abundant in animals
nucleus are polarized o Collagen: most abundant protein  Hyaline: clear and glassy
Trachea, nose  Fascicule – more complex
 Shape of cells on exposed surface o Nonelastic
 Elastic Lobe of ear, epiglottis  Sarcoplasmic reticulum – stores Ca2+
 Cuboidal cubes o Doesn’t tear easily when pulled
 Hydro cartilage Knee joints  Muscle contraction: accounts for much
 Columnar columns lengthwise
of the E-consuming cellular work in an
 Elastic  Bone
 Squamous flat active animal
o Long threads made of protein elastin ˴ Make up skeleton
˴ Mineralized connective tissue  Myofibrils – Contrasting units arranged
o Provide a rubbery quality that
 Stratified Columnar Epith. ˴ Osteoblasts :bone-forming cells that in parallel within cytoplasm of muscle MF
complements the nonelastic strength
 Lines inner surface of urethra of collagenous fibers deposit a matrix of collagen  MYOFILAMENTS
 Simple Columnar Epith. o Restores skin’s original shape ˴ Osteoclasts: removes bone tissue by  Actin – thin
 Lines intestines  Reticular removing its mineralized matrix  Actin molecule
 Secretes digestive juices o Very thin and branched ˴ Ca + Mg + P = hydroxyapatite  Troponin: located at intervals
 Absorbs nutrients o Composed of collagen; continuous ˴ Collagen + hard mineral = bone is harder along actin
 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epith. with collagenous fibers than cartilage but it’s not brittle  Globular subunits attached
 Mucus membrane : respiratory tract o Forma tightly woven fabric joining ˴ Osteons/Haversian Canal Systems: to tropomyosin
 Cilia move a film of mucus along surface connective to adjacent tissue have concentric layers of mineralized  Tropomyosin: lie near grooves
 Trap dust and sweep back up to trachea matrix between actin strands
 Myosin – thick  Nucleus  Carry out major body functions  Reception of environmental stimuli such as
 2 polypeptide chains wound in  Axon hillock  Coordination between system for pain, temperature, pressure
supercoil  Myelin sheath animal to survive  Locomotion
 head  Synaptic terminal  Movement of nutrients and gases
 A-BAND – broad region: length of SYMMETRY
 Terminal branches  Behavioral interaction between individuals
the thick filaments ˴ Balanced proportion
 Neurons can be ˴ Correspondence in size and shape of parts  Colorful display: to attract mates
 I-BAND – thin filaments
 Multipolar: several dendrites on opposite sides of the median plane
 Z-LINE- hold together the actin  Bipolar: 1 dendrite and 1 axon INVERTEBRATE INTEGUMENT
filament ˴ Spherical: any plane passing through the
 Neuroglia: supporting cell: insulates neuron center divides a body into an equivalent, 1. Plasma membrane
 Borders of the sarcomere membranes ˴ Unicellular protozoa
mirrored halves
 H-ZONE – center of the A-band ˴ Gas exchange and waste removal by
 Help in the nourishment of neurons  Unicellular forms and rare in animals
that contains only thick filament simple diffusion
 Microglia: can be mobile (protection  Best suited for rolling and floating
 Disappears when sarcomere ˴ Uptake of dissolved nutrients
by phagocytosis) ˴ Radial: forms that can be divided into
contracts ˴ Pellicle
 Astrocyte: lies between nerve cells similar halves by more than two planes
 SARCOMERE – from 1 Z-line to i. Thick protein coat found in protozoa
and capillary (nourishment of passing through the longitudinal axis
another ii. Further environmental protection
neurons)  Tubular, vase or bowl shapes
 Function unit of the microfibril iii. Semi-rigid structure: transmits force of
 Oligodentrocyte: secretes cells for  Biradial: only two planes passing cilia and flagella to entire body as the
myelin sheath through longitudinal axis produce
Muscle fibers – muscle cell mirrored halves (Comb jellies)
a. Skeletal muscle 2. Epidermis
Nerve fiber - neuron  Usually sessile, freely floating, or weakly
˴ Attached to bone by tendon ˴ Most multi-cellular invertebrates
Connective Tissue fiber – proteins swimming
˴ Syncitium – multinucleated ˴ Single layer of columnar epithelial cells
˴ Bilateral ˴ Some invertebrates have cuticle over
˴ Voluntary movement  Strongly associated with cephalisation
˴ Arrangement of sarcomere(contractile units) LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION IN their epidermis
(differentiation of the head) ˴ Delicate and soft in mollusks and
gives cells a striated appearance ORGANISMAL COMPLEXITY  Directional (forward movement)
b. Cardiac muscle contain mucous glands, some secrete
 Terminology calcium carbonate of the shell
˴ Single nucleus 1. Protoplasmic Organization in  Anterior: head Mantle
˴ Striated but involuntary Organismal Complexity
˴ Muscle fibers branch and interconnect via  Posterior: tail  Pair of folds formed by the dorsal body wall
 Found in unicellular organisms  Dorsal: back
intercalated disks  Outer surface secretes shell
 Protoplasm: differentiated into  Ventral: front
 Rely signals from cell to cell  Mollusks: more complex integument
organelles  Medial: midline
 Help synchronize heartbeat consisting of cuticle, simple epithelial, layer
2. Cellular  Lateral: sides
c. Smooth muscle of connective tissue, layer of reflecting cells
 Aggregation of cells: functionally  Distal: farther from middle
˴ Lack striations (iridiocytes), and thicker layer of CT
differentiated  Proximal: nearer from middle
˴ Found in walls of visceral organs  Arthropods have most complex of
 Division of labor is evident  Frontal/Coronal plane: dorsal/ventral invertebrate integuments
 Blood vessel; walls of digestive tract  Most cells for nourishment  Sagittal plane: right/left
˴ Spindle shaped cells  Some cells for reproduction  Transverse/xs: anterior/posterior PROTECTION AND SKELETAL SUPPORT
˴ Contract more slowly than skeletal but can 3. Cell-Tissue ˴ Segmentation: metamerism  Procuticle inner
contract longer  Aggregation of similar tissues into  Metamere/somite – segment  composed of protein and chitin
˴ Controlled by different kinds of nerves definite patterns of layers thus  Serial repetition of similar body segments  Epicuticle outer
˴ Involuntary becoming a tissue (hydra) along longitudinal axis of body  nonchitinous complex of protein and lipids
˴ Movement of substances in lumens of body 4. Tissue-Organ
 Aggregation of tissues into organs  Seta
4. NERVOUS TISSUE  Eyespots, reproduction organs
 Senses stimuli and transmits signals in the 5. Organ System  Tanning
form of nerve impulses  Organs work together to perform some FUNCTIONS Arthropod cuticle can be hardened by:
 Neurons – consists of a cell body and two or functions  Protection from mechanical and chemical a. Calcification
more extensions or processes  Systems are associated with basic body injury and invasion of microorganisms ˴ Deposition of calcium carbonate in the
 Dendrites: neuron tip (rest of neuron) functions (Nemerteam worm, ribbon  Regulation of body temperature outer layers of procuticle
 Axons: toward another neuron or effector worm: excretory separate from  Excretion of waste materials ˴ For crustaceans
 Cell body digestive) b. Sclereotization
 Conversion of sunlight to vitamin D
˴ Protein molecules bond together with ˴ With blood vessels, collagenous fibers, c. More viscous – fatty acids and proteins ii. Provides resistance of muscles to act
stabilizing cross-linkages within and nerves, pigment cells, fat cells, fibroblasts d. Restricted to axillae, breasts, prepuce, against
between adjacent lamellae of the procuticle ˴ Support, cushion and nourish epidermis scrotum, external auditory canals ˴ Source
˴ Form of highly resistant and insoluble ˴ Macrophages and lymphocytes provide the e. Odor occurs when broken down by i. Some organisms use their fluid-filled
protein, sclerotin first line of defense bacteria coelom
˴ For insects ˴ Dermal derivatives i. PROPIONIC ACID **Main type of skeleton in most cnidarians
Molting of Arthropods: o Scales of fish, antlers, horn, carapace, Ceruminous glands and flatworms
 Epidermal cells are divided by mitosis armadelum ˴ Modified sudoriferous glands
 Epidermis secretes enzyme to digest o Antlers of deer – shed velvet during the ˴ Secrete cerumen (earwax) Earthworms
procuticle breeding system Mammary glands ˴ Setae – needlelike chitinous structure
 Absorption of digested materials  Velvet – covering of highly vascular ˴ Secrete milk ˴ Septa – wall between coelomic cavities
 New Epicuticle and procuticle formed soft skin ˴ Longitudinal Muscle LM
beneath the old ANIMAL COLORATION ˴ Circular Muscle CM
 New cuticle is thicker and calcified on Similarity of STRUCTURE of ˴ Vivid and dramatic when serving as important ˴ Alternate contraction of the CM and LM
sclereotized INTEGUMENTARY DERIVATIVES recognition marks or warning coloration allow earthworm to move
˴ Claw, horn , beak ˴ Subdued or cryptic when used for camouflage ˴ Use muscles to change shape of fluid filed
VERTEBRATE INTEGUMENT ˴ All are built of similar combinations of ˴ Aposematic coloration compartment
epidermal (keratinized) and dermal o Poisonous
Skin and Derivatives components o Warning coloration to advertise Muscular Hydrostats
˴ Chromatophores: pigment cells noxious qualities ˴ Work because they are comprised of
˴ 2 layers: DERMIS and EPIDERMIS Hairs incompressible tissues that remain at
˴ Other Structures  Epidermal growth, protection 1. STRUCTURAL COLOR constant volume
o Arrector pili muscle: found at the end  Shaft, root, follicle a. Produced by the physical structure of the ˴ Muscles arranged in complex patterns
of the root hair (GOOSEBUMPS)  Sebaceous glands, Arrector pili muscle, and surface tissue. Tissue reflects certain light ˴ No body fluid, only muscles
o Hair hair root plexus (touch) wavelength and eliminates others ˴ Tentacles, elephant trunk
o Hair follicle b. Phase interference microscopic structure of
o Sebaceous gland Nails the feathers 2. Rigid skeletons
o Nerve endings  Plates of highly packed, keratinized cells c. Different response depending on the direction ˴ Consists of rigid elements
o Hypodermis: subcutaneous layer  Protection, scratching, and manipulation or directionally illuminating (butterflies and ˴ Usually jointed
o Sweat glands  Formed by cells in the nail bed called the some fishes) ˴ Two principal types: endo and exo
matrix (in area of lunula)
Epidermis o White because of concentration of cells 2. PIGMENT COLOR A. EXOSKELETON
˴ Stratified Squamous epithelium  1 mm/week a. Biochromes –(pigments)  Mollusks – Calcium carbonate
˴ No blood vessels  Eponychium – cuticle b. Reflect light rays  Arthropods – Chitin, a polysaccharide
˴ Cells of basal part undergo frog mitosis as c. Chromatophores/pigment cells similar to cellulose
outer layer of cells are displaced upward by Skin Glands i. Melanophores/melanocytes  Protection and Locomotion
new generation of cells beneath, ˴ Sebaceous (oil) glands ˴ Melanin: black
KERATINIZATION takes place ˴ Usually connected to hair follicles ii. Xantophores B. ENDOSKELETON
˴ Cornified cells: highly resistant to ˴ Fats, cholesterol, proteins, salts, and coil ˴ Carotenoid: red/yellow
 Echinoderm and vertebrates
abrasions, water diffusion debris iii. Iridiophores
˴ Crystals of purine: silvery/metallic  Mineralized bone and cartilage
˴ Comprise outermost stratum corneum ˴ Moistens hair and skin
˴ Result of keratinisation (calluses)  Support, protection and reservoir of calcium
˴ Waterproofs skin
˴ Derivatives: and phosphorous
˴ Blackheads are oxidized sebum SKELETAL SYSTEM
o Feathers  Grows as animal grows
o Nails Sweat (sudoriferous glands) i. Does not limit space for internal organs
FUNCTIONS ii. Supports greater weight
o Hair (pelage) 1. Eccrine sweat glands ˴ Provide rigidity
o Scales of snake a. Water, salt, wastes ˴ Surfaces for muscle attachment Notochord
o Hoof b. Hairless regions scattered over body ˴ Protection for vulnerable body organs  Semi-rigid supportive axial rod of
o Plumage c. Function: To cool body
protochordates and all vertebrate larvae and
1. Hydrostatic skeleton embryo
Dermis 2. Apocrine sweat glands ˴ Functions  Composed of large vacuolated cells
˴ Dense connective tissue layer a. Larger i. Supports body form surrounded by elastic and fibrous sheaths
b. Associated with hair follicles
 Stiffening device; preserves body shape during ˴ Work with osteoblasts to heal broken bones  5 pairs o Hyaline cap appears
locomotion  Part of the ectoplasm
 Except in jawless vertebrates, surrounded or Hormones involved: APPENDICULAR SKELETON  Transparent and hardened
replaced by the backbone during embryo ˴ Parathyroid – stimulate bone resorption ˴ Consists of o Endoplasm flows toward hyaline cap
development o Osteoclasts o Bones within pectoral and pelvic girdle o Actin subunits attached to regulatory ABPs
o From parathyroid gland o Attach limbs  ABPs – prevent actin from polymerizing
Cartilage ˴ Calcitonin – inhibits bone resorption ˴ Pectoral Girdle – bones of shoulder into actin microfilaments
 Major skeletal element of some vertebrates o Osteoblasts o Anterior: Supports arms and hands  Regulatory protein – attached to the
 Soft pliable tissue that resists compression o From thyroid gland ˴ Pelvic Girdle – bones of pelvis actin
 Jawless vertebrates and elasmobranchs have ˴ 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 – maintain Calcium o Posterior: Supports leg and feet o Endoplasm fountains out to periphery
purely cartilaginous skeletons level in the blood o Actin subunits released and polymerized
 No blood vessels o Vitamin D3 CLASSIFICATION OF JOINTS  Due to interaction with phospholipids
1. Fibrous Joints o Microfilaments cross linked
Bone Plan of the vertebrate skeleton ˴ Immovable o Ca2+activate actin secreting protein
 Living tissue having a significant amount of ˴ Axial skeleton ˴ Between cranial bones o Myosin associated with and pull on
calcium deposits in the extracellular matrix o Skull, vertebrate, septum, bridge 2. Cartilaginous Joints microfilaments
 Highly vascular ˴ Appendicular skeleton ˴ Slightly movable  Forces endoplasm to flow towards
 According to ORIGIN: o Limbs, fins, wings, pelvic & pectoral girdle ˴ Between vertebrae hyaline cap
o Endochondrial or replacement bone 3. Synovial Joints
 Originally found in cartilage Human skeletal system ˴ Freely movable Ciliary Movement
 Endochondrial Ossification ˴ Supports and protects body ˴ Bones separated by a cavity Cilia
˴ Permits movement 4. Ligaments bind bones together at a joint ˴ Minute, hairlike, motile processes
 Replacement of cartilage bone
˴ Provides resistive foundation for muscles to act ˴ Occur in large numbers
 Embryonic cartilage eroded → against
osteoblasts invade honeycombed MOVEMENT ˴ Ciliate protistans
˴ Bone stores Ca and P ions ˴ Found in all major groups of animals
areas → deposit of Ca salts around ˴ Certain bones produce RBC (sternum)
strandlike remnants of the cartilage ˴ Move organism through aquatic movement
Contractile proteins change their form to relax or
o Intramembranous bone ˴ Propel fluid and materials across surface
AXIAL SKELETON contract: Actomyosin system
 Develop directly from sheets of
embryonic cells Vertebral Column Primary Steps
 Dermal bone is a type of  Supports the head and trunk Amoeboid, Ciliary and flagellar, Muscular
˴ Whiplike – longer
intramembranous bone
 Protects spinal cord & roots of spinal nerves Amoeboid movement
˴ Present singly or in small numbers
 Cranial, facial, clavicle
˴ Occur in unicellular eukaryotes
 According to DENSITY: ˴ Amoeba and other unicellular forms
Segments (superior to interior) ˴ Animal spermatozoa
o Cancellous or spongy bone ˴ WBC
 Cervical - neck ˴ Sponges
 Have irregular spaces ˴ Embryonic mesenchyma cells
 Thoracic – chest o Choanocytes – with flagella to
 Can still provide strength ˴ Other mobile cells
 Lumbar – small of back PRODUCE WATER CURRENTS
o Compact bone – dense ˴ Amoeba
 Sacral – sacrum/ pelvic ˴ Both cilia and flagella have the same
 Medullary Activity – filled with YELLOW o Movement depends on actin and other
 Coccyx – tailbone ultrastructure
bone marrow (fat storage) regulatory proteins
 Invertebral disks of fibrocartilage act as o Core of microtubules sheathed by the
 Spongy – filled with RED bone marrow o Ectoplasm – located in the periphery
padding plasma membrane
 More rigid; gel like
o “9+2” pattern as in 9 doublets
BONE GROWTH AND RENEWAL o Endoplasm – found in central areas of
o Flexible “wheels” of proteins connect outer
˴ Cartilage structure in early development act as Rib Cage cytoplasm
doublets to each other and to the core
models for future bones  Protects the heart and lungs and assist in  Contains nucleus
breathing o Outer doublets connected by motor
˴ Calcium salts deposited in the extracellular  More fluid proteins
matrix by cartilage cells and later osteoblasts  Support by thoracic pending o Pseudopod – false foot
 12 pairs of ribs o Anchored in the cell by a basal body/
o Endochondrial Ossification o Hyaline cap kinetosome
 TRUE RIBS o Endoplasmic stream
 Connect directly to sternum o Axoneme – “9+2”tube of microtubules in
Osteoclasts ˴ Consensus model to explain extension and a flagellum/cilium
˴ Break down bone  7 pairs withdrawal of pseudopodia and amoeboid o Dynein Arm – connect doublets
˴ Remove worn cells  FALSE RIBS crawling:
 Operate to produce a sliding force
˴ Deposit Ca in the blood  Do not connect to sternum o Ectoplasm and endoplasm
between microtubules
o Radial spoke – made of proteins o Cause wing movement by altering the from the active site → Myosin x-bridges bind ˴ Muscles have creatine phosphates, an energy
 Connect outer doublets shape of the thorax to exposed active sites reserve
˴ The bending of cilia and flagella is driven by ˴ Prothorax 3. Myosin head swings toward the center of the ˴ Slow and fast oxidative fibers rely heavily on
the arms of a motor protein, dynein ˴ Mesothorax sarcomere(ATP) → ADP and phosphate group glucose and oxygen
o Addition to dynein of a phosphate group are released ˴ Fast glycolytic fibers rely on anaerobic
from ATP and its removal causes Sliding Filament Model 4. Myosin heads bind to another ATP molecule glycolysis
conformation changes in the protein ˴ Actin filament at both sides of ear → Myosin head is freed from the active site ˴ Muscles incur oxygen debt during anaerobic
o Dynein arms alternately grab, move and o One end of each filament is attached to a 5. Myosin head splits ATP → energy released is glycolysis
release outer microtubules Zplate and the other to the other end of retained CREATINE P + ADP → ATP + CREATINE
o Protein cross linked limit is sliding sarcomere Importance of tendons in Energy storage
o Force is expressed as bending o Other suspended in sarcoplasm Human muscular system ˴ Kinetic energy is stored form step to step as
˴ Myosin filaments in between Zplates ˴ Skeletal muscles extra elastin strain energy in tendons
Mechanism of Ciliary movement o Myosin filament contain cross-bridges that o Attached to skeleton by cable like fibrous ˴ Bounces along its tendons
1. Dynein arms link to adjacent microtubules pull the actin filament inward CT called TENDONS ˴ Uses far less energy than would be required if
2. Swivel and release in repeated cycles o Causes the Zplate to move toward each one o Arranged in Antagonistic pairs every step relied on alternate muscle
3. MT on concave side to slide outward past MT o Shortens sarcomere  Can only contract; cannot push contraction and relaxation
on the convex side o Sarcomeres stacked together in series cause  When 1 muscle contracts; it stretches its
4. Curvature of cilium increases myofibers to shorten antagonistic partner DIGESTION
5. Recovery stroke: MT on opposite slide ˴ Working muscle require ATP ˴ Muscle at REST exhibits TONE (minimal
downward o Myosin breaks down ATP contraction)
o Sustained excercise ˴ Muscle in TETANY is a maximum Dietary Categories:
Difference between Cilia and Flagella –  Requires Respiration sustained contraction 1. Herbivores
beating patterns  Regenerates ATP 2. Carnivores
˴ Flagella has undulatory movement Muscle performance 3. Omnivores
o Force is generated PARALLEL to the Muscle Innervations ˴ Slow oxidative fibers (red muscles) 4. Saprophagous – decaying organic
flagellum’s axis ˴ Neuromuscular junction o For slow, sustained contractions without matter (woodlice, deerfly, hermit)
˴ Cilia move more like oars with alternating o Synaptic contact between a nerve fiber fatigue Feeding Adaptations
power and recovery strokes and a muscle fiber o Contain extensive blood supply ˴ Suspension feeder – sits through food
o Force is generated PERPENDICULAR o Nerve impulses bring about the o High density of mitochondria particles in the water
to cilia’s axis release of a neurotransmitter that o Abundant stored Myoglobin o Coprophagy – consume food pellets (rabbits)
crosses the synaptic left o Important in maintaining posture in o Bivalve mollusks use gills as feeding devices
INVERTEBRATE MUSCLE o Signals the fiber to contract terrestrial vertebra and for respiration.
˴ Fast fibers o Herring use gill rakers that project from the
Bivalve molluscan muscles Axon o Fast GLYCOLITIC fiber gill arches into the pharyngeal cavity to strain
1. Fast Muscle fibers ˴ Axon terminal plankton
 Lacks efficient blood supply
˴ Striated, can contract rapidly ˴ Axon branch ˴ Deposit feeder – eats its way through dirt or
 Pale in color
˴ Enables bivalves to snap shut its valves when ˴ Synaptic vessels – stores acetylcholine sediments and extract partially decayed organic
 Function anaerobically
disturbed (scallops) ˴ Synaptic cleft – thinly separates a nerve fiber material consumed along with the soil and
 Fatigue rapidly
2. Smooth Muscle and muscle fiber sediments (earthworm)
 Weightlifters, white meat ˴ Substrate feeder – lives in or on its food
˴ Capable of slow, long-lasting contractions ˴ Acetylcholine – released when a nerve impulse o Fast OXIDATIVE fiber
i. Adductor muscle – yung naiiwan sa shell or an action potential reaches a synapse source, eating its way through the food (Leaf
 Extensive blood supply miners)
ii. Kaya ayaw mag-open o Diffuses across the synaptic cleft and acts  High density of mitochondria and
on the sarcolemma to generate an ˴ Fluid feeder – sucks nutrient rich fluids from a
Myoglobin living host and is considered a parasite
Insect flight muscles electrical depolarization  Function aerobically
˴ Wings of small flies operate at 1000 beats/sec ˴ Synapse – special chemical bridge that couples (mosquito)
 Rapid, sustained activities ˴ Bulk feeder – eats relatively large pieces of
˴ Limited extensibility, shorten only slightly together the electrical activity of nerve and  Runners, athletes
˴ Direct muscles – connected to wings muscle fiber food (python)
o Not present in flies and midgets but ˴ Cephalopod mollusks have beak-like jaws
Energy for contraction that serve as tearing devices
present in locusts and dragonflies HOW DOES A MUSCLE CONTRACT ˴ ATP, main source of Energy
o Contraction of this is causes the 1. Action potential → sarcolemma → ˴ Chewing mouthparts adapted for seizing and
˴ Glucose broken down during aerobic crushing food
downstroke movement sarcoplasmic reticulum(thru T-Tubules) metabolism
˴ Indirect muscles – connected thorax 2. Ca ions released → bind to Troponin ˴ Mandible are strong , toothed plates whose
˴ Glycogen stores can supply glucose edges can bite or tear
→Troponin and Tropomyosin move away
˴ Maxillae hold food and pass it toward the pharynx, epiglottis tips down over the  Pyloric Sphincter – regulates flow of food  Trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase:
mouth trachea, nearly closing it → esophagus: into the intestine (duodenum) and prevents secreted in inactive form by the pancreas
˴ Birds lack teeth but are provided with serrated peristaltic contraction of esophageal muscles regurgitation into the stomach o Enteropeptidase converts inactive
edges → stomach  Relaxes at intervals to allow entry of acidic trypsinogen into active trypsin
˴ 4 types of teeth stomach contents o Active trypsin then activates the other
o Incisors – biting cutting stripping 2. CONDUCTION: Esophagus  Pancreatic juice two
o Canines – seizing piercing tearing  Bile  Disaccharides – split 12-carbon sugar
o Premolars – grinding crushing 3. STORAGE & EARLY DIGESTION  Collects in the gallbladder molecules into 6-carbon units
o Molars – grinding crushing Stomach: vertebrates; crop: insects, birds o Releases bile when stimulated by the o Maltase, Lactase, Sucrose
˴ Elephant’s tusk is modified upper incisor  Stomach – provides initial digestion as well presence of fatty food in the  Chlomicrons – fatty acids + protein
˴ Used for defense, attack, and rooting as storage and mixing of food with digestive duodenum +cholesterol
juices  Water, bile, salts, no pigments, enzymes  Lacteal
Types of Digestive System  Cardiac sphincter – opens reflexively when  Bile salts- essential for digestion of fats
food arrives at the stomach to allow food to o Reduce surface tension of fat  Colon recovers water in alimentary canal
INCOMPLETE: one opening, no anus enter globules → intestine breaks fat into  90% water is reabsorbed mostly in the small
COMPLETE: mouth and anus opening is o Closes to prevent regurgitation back tiny droplets intestine, the rest in the colon
into the esophagus  Bile pigments – produce yellow green  Feces become more solid as they are moved
Four main stages of food processing  Churning – most vigorous at the intestinal
1. Ingestion – act of eating color along the colon by peristalsis
end where food is steadily released into the o Gives feces its characteristic color  12 to 24 hours for material to travel the
2. Digestion – breaking down food into duodenum (1st region of small intestine)
molecules small enough for the body to absorb  Liver – produces bile length of the colon
 Gastric juice – secreted by deep tubular  Both have high bicarbonate content,  Diarrhea results if insufficient water is
3. Absorption: small molecules are taken in by
glands in the stomach wall which effectively neutralizes gastric acid absorbed
o Goblet cells – secrete mucus  Raises pH of liquefied food mass  Constipation if too much water is absorbed
4. Elimination: undigested material passes out of
o Chief cells – secrete pepsinogen (CHYME)
the digestive compartment
 PEPSINOGEN – precursor of pepsin, a  Large intestine: mostly harmless bacteria
protease (protein splitting enzyme) that is 6. WATER ABSORPTION AND  Escherichia coli – most common
˴ Digestion is entirely intracellular in protozoa
produced from pepsinogen only in an CONCETRATION OF SOLIDS inhabitants of human colon
and sponges
acidic medium Large intestine (vertebrates); hindgut (insects)  Colon bacteria generate gases, including
˴ Radiates, tubellarian, flatworms, and ribbon
o Parietal/Oxyntic cells – secrete HCl ** MALPHIGIAN TUBULES: excretory organs methane and hydrogen sulfide
worm practice both intra- and extracellular
digestion  Rennin – milk-curdling enzyme found in **CECUM  Produce vitamins including biotin, vitamin
˴ Extracellular: cells in lining of alimentary the stomachs of ruminant animals Region Secretion pH Composition K, and B vitamins
canals form digestive secretions and other o Slows movement of milk through stomach Salivary Amylase
by clotting and precipitating milk proteins Saliva 6.5
cells function for absorption glands Bicarbonate *** Helicobacter pylori – secretes toxins
˴ Arthropods and vertebrates: extracellular Pepsinogen causing inflammation in stomach’s lining
4. GRINDING – gizzard (birds), proventiculus Stomach Gastric Juice 1.5 HCl
(insects) Rennin  The terminal portion of the colon is called
Gut movement
Gizzard: assisted by stones and grit swallowed Bile salts the rectum, where feces is stored until
˴ Alternate constriction of rings of smooth Liver
along with food Bile 7,8 Pigments
muscle of the intestine Gallbladder eliminated
˴ Constantly divide and squeeze contents back Trypsin  Between the rectum and the anus are 2
and forth 5. TERMINAL DIGESTION & sphincters: one voluntary, one involuntary
˴ For mixing of food ABSORPTION – small intestine (vertebrates); Pancreatic Carboxypeptidase  Once or more each day, strong contractions
midgut (insects) Pancreas 7,8
˴ Waves of contraction of circular muscle behind Juice Lipase, Amylase, of the colon create an urge to defecate
the gut and relaxation in front of bolus  Increase absorptive surface of gut → increase Nucleases,
˴ Sweeps food down the gut length Bicarbonate Regulation of digestion
 Villi – minute finger like projections Aminopeptidase ˴ Length of digestive system is correlated with
1. RECEPTION: mouth parts, salivary glands  Give the inner surface of fresh intestinal Maltase diet
tissue the appearance of velvet Small Membrane Lactase ˴ Most elaborate adaptation for a herbivorous
 Amylase – hydrolysis of plant and animal Intestine Enzymes
starches  Birds and mammals diet have evolved in ruminants (deer, cattle)
 Break into two-glucose fragments (maltose)  Microvilli – lines each cell in the intestinal Phosphatase ˴ Human body regulates use of storage glucose (a
cavity major cellular fuel)
 Tongue pushes moistened food toward
pharynx →nasal cavity closes reflexively by
raisin the soft alate → as food slides into the
Nutritional Requirements  Suppresses appetite by acting on the ˴ Effectiveness of diffusion is enhanced by Respiratory Organs
˴ Nutritionally adequate diets satisfies: brain vascularisation LUNGS invaginations
˴ Undernourishment occurs if diet is  Positive pressure breathing FROG
chronically deficient in calories Animals need 20 amino acids to make RESPIRATORY ORGANS  Negative pressure breathing MAMMAL
˴ Malnourished if missing one or more proteins ˴ Cutaneous respiration direct diffusion TIDAL VOLUME – volume of air an animal
nutrients ˴ ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS must be in  Protozoa, sponges, worms inhales and exhales with each breath 500mL if
˴ Marasmus general undernourishment low in prefabricated form  Supplements gill or lung breathing in large resting
calories and proteins  Adult humans animals VITAL CAPACITY – Max tidal volume during
˴ Kwashiorkor a protein malnourishment,  PHENYLALANINE ˴ Tracheal systems branching system of tubes forced breathing 3.4L female 4.8L male
adequate in calories but deficient in protein  LYSINE  Insects and other arthropods RESPIRATORY PIGMENTS hemocyanin and
˴ Overnourishment obesity results from  ISOLEUCINE  Simplest, most direct, most efficient haemoglobin
excessive food intake  LEUCINE  Tracheae system of tubules
˴ Leptin, produced by adipose cell, key player in VALINE  Tracheoles fluid filled smallest end  When the control center registers a slight drop
a complex feedback mechanism: reduces  METHIONINE ˴ Gills or bronchia external internal in pH it increases the depth and rate of
appetite as fat storage increases  TRYPTOPHAN breathing and excess CO2 is eliminated in
o High Leptin: depress appetite → increase  THREONINE GILL VENTILATION exhaled air
energy consuming muscular activity and  Normal growth of children Movement of the respiratory medium over the  oxygen diffuses INTO pulmonary capillaries
body-heat production  HISTIDINE respiratory surface  Most oxygen combines with haemoglobin in
o Fat loss: leptin decrease → increase  ARGININE  Maintains the partial pressure gradients of O2 RBC to form OXYHEMOGLOBIN
appetite → weight gain ˴ Protein deficiency form vegan diet can be and CO2 across the gill that is necessary for gas  carbon dioxide diffuses OUT of pulmonary
avoided by eating a combination of plant exchange. capillaries
Principal GI Hormones foods that complement each other to supply all  Move their gills through the water or move  Some carbon dioxide combines with
˴ GASTRIN – pyloric portion of stomach essential amino acids water over their gills. haemoglobin to form
 Stimulated by: food in lower stomach ˴ VITAMINS organic molecules required in a  Fishes use the motion of swimming or CARBAMINOHEMOGLOBIN
 Increases stomach motility and acid diet in small quantities coordinated movements of the mouth and gill  Cooperative oxygen binding and release is
production ˴ 13 vitamins essential to man identified covers to ventilate their gills. evident in the dissociation curve for
˴ CHOLESYSTOKININ (CKK) – upper small ˴ Water-soluble vitamins function as  A current of water enters the mouth, passes haemoglobin
intestine coenzymes through slits in the pharynx, flows over the  BOHR SHIFT: A drop in pH lowers affinity
 Stimulated by: fatty acids in ˴ MINERALS simple inorganic nutrients in gills, and then exits the body of haemoglobin for oxygen
duodenum small amounts  A fish continuously pumps water through its
 Increase enzyme flow  Humans and vertebrates require large mouth and over gill arches, using coordinated Notes of Danni Gascon 2009-37383
 Increase bile secretion amounts of Ca and P for bone construction movements of the jaws and operculum (gill Third Long Lecture Exam
 Feeling of satiety and maintenance cover) for this ventilation. (swimming fish can
˴ SECRETIN: duodenal wall  Iron component of the cytochromes and simply open its mouth and let water flow past
 Stimulated by: acid food in duodenum haemoglobin its gills,) Each gill arch has two rows of gill
 Inhibits stomach motility  Na, K, Cl major influence in osmotic filaments, composed of flattened plates called
 Decrease bile secretion balance between cells and interstitial fluid lamellae. Blood flowing through capillaries
 Increase bicarbonate secretion  Excess consumption of NaCl is BAD. within the lamellae picks up O2 from the water.
Notice that the countercurrent flow of water
Appetite-regulating hormones and blood maintains a partial pressure gradient
˴ GHRELIN stomach wall
down which O2 diffuses from the water into
 Triggers feeling of hunger a mealtimes the blood over the entire length of a capillary.
approach CELLULAR RESPIRATION oxidative
˴ LEPTIN adipose tissue processes within cells COUNTERCURRENT FLOW
 Suppresses appetite EXTERNAL RESPIRATION exchange of Exchange of a substance or heat between two
˴ PYY small intestine CO2 between organism and environment fluids flowing in opposite directions.
 After meals  Process maximizes gas exchange efficiency
 Appetite suppressant GAS EXCHANGE SURFACES  Blood flows in the direction opposite to that of
 Counters ghrelin ˴ Effective diffusion: gas exchange must be water passing over the gills, at each point in its
˴ INSULIN pancreas o Moist travel blood is less saturated with O2 than the
 Rise in blood sugar level after a meal o Thin water it meets
o Relatively LARGE

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