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(Mastering the Art of Glocagenuitive Intelligence via Technologies Empowering a Cooperating Humanity)

— Based on Schell (2008), Chiquet (2013), Stiegler (2013 ; 2016), Maurel (2008), Morin (2016), Stallman (2002), Wahl (2016) et Lévy (1997)

« Tools and procedures at the service of humanity  to support its evolution »

Teknai,  structures  (framework)  favoring  emerging  social  phenomena  on  a  self-managed  and  self-organized  basis  (approach  by  critical  design  anchored  in  the  Commons  of 
« Beauty » : Attractiveness and readability of the capability), universality (ecosocial vision of progress), constant social transformation (negentropic value)
generated environment(s) experienced through
these tools (affordance) :  interest  /  desire  Design process as a quest for essence by the senses: sensitive (touching the senses), intelligible (making sense, conceptualizing) and the pursuit of an unambiguous direction: 
(meaning and value).  Meaning, sensitiveness, a research that is part of a lineage that builds on the past and is projected into the future (HYX, 2014 based on Cassar, 2016). A subtle architecture that is both creative and 
attrapulsing (attracting  +  propulsing  coordinator  of  spaces  :  connected  environments  in  both  physical  and  virtual  worlds.  It  is  adapted  (to  context,  use,  climate,  users)  and  adaptable  (environments,  active  and 
semiotically) toward a desirable / wishable interactive, change according to previously defined parameters). It simultaneously attaches to material and immaterial aesthetics to produce surprises and singularities (ibid.).  A 
sustainable and responsible architecture, attentive to the long time, thus destined at the same time for the present generations (the time) and anticipating the future evolutions. 
direction (ecosocial vision or progress) An architecture that combines the pragmatic, the ecological and the social (ibid.)

Design for health (human, communitarian, ecosystemic and planetary), resilience and well-being (considered as desirable emerging properties), and avoid
/ prevent (by design) undesirable ones : fragility, sudden collapse of vital functions and negative impacts on some or all of the components of the system

FFUUNN Ergonomic Regenerative Interoperable Empowering
Aesthetic Ergonomic Regenerative Interoperable
the Mechanics
Mechanics/ /Technology Aesthetics
Aesthetics/ /Mechanics
Mechanics/ /Story
Story/ /Technology
 Mechanics Mechanics / Story / Aesthetics / Technology
 Mechanics/ /Story
Story/ /Aesthetic
Aesthetic/ /Technology
Aesthetics Aesthetics
MAGILAB Technology Aesthetics Aesthetics/ /Mechanics
Mechanics/ /Technology
Technology Mechanics / Story / Aesthetics / Technology Technology Technology
● Fundamental data of human ● Study of the relationship between humans ● Design for human and natural ● Product (functional work) or ● Mantras :
● « Pleasure with surprises » (Schell, 2008) sensitiveness  (Morin,  2016).  Pleasure of and their means, methods and work ecosystem health and resilience (Wahl,  system's interface completely ○ « Progress is worth it only if everyone can master
● Game as manipulation that satisfies curiosity the senses for a quest for essence by the environments, and the application of this 2016),  with  a  focus  on  wellbeing  and  understood, to work with other it »
senses (HYX,  2016) through sensitivity, knowledge to the design of systems that neguentropy, with more output : products or systems, at present
● Toy as object with which one plays and which meaning and desirable direction (Cassar,  ○ « Less raw power (entropizing / discriminating) for
can be used with maximum comfort, safety ○ Gravitating around « truth » or future, in either more evolutive one » (neguentropizing / inclusive)
it is fun to play 2015) toward an ecosocial vision of and efficiency by the greatest number. (embedded within a match between the implementation or access, Pursued / achieved via three fundamental values :
progress. Gravitates around « beauty » Understanding of interactions among
● Game as problem-solving activity, engaged objects'design and reality's characteristics without any restrictions (AFUL) ○  Freedom : To use, study the constitution, share and
and « elegance » through simplicity or humans and other elements of a system
with a playful attitude simplexity (« less for more ») and constraints to be fully considered in the modify / repair easily and at the lowest price possible
production and upcycling process) and ● Allows for free and sustainable
● Game design as « Motivational design » ● Applications of theories, principles, data information exchange, with the ○ Equity : Same potentiality of participation in the design
● Ecological aesthetic : Aesthetic « fairness » (goal of social justice, with process
(trying to stimulate the motivation of individuals and methods to design to optimize human consideration of social, political,
judgment informed by ecological literacy. universal progress based on an ecosocial
is in his opinion the real challenge of the game Influenced by how something looks and
well-being and overall system performance. and organizational factors that ○ Fraternity : Favors collaborative practiices based on a
designer according to Schell) : by a deeper questioning of how it was Three dimensions : impact system to system universal collective intelligence (Lévy, 1994) gravitating
○ Building local and regional resilience performance (Slater, 2012). Task around the technologies
○ Make the experience attractive : Get people made, out of what materials, by whom ad ○ Physical : Anatomical, anthropometric,
under what conditions. Aesthetics, as a through redundancies and self-reliance of building coherent services for
to watch the system and say « I want to do it » physiological and biomechanical features ● Neguentropizing legal and technical structure
participatory and systemic understanding while nurturing regional and inter- users when the individual
○ Make the experience engaging : Get people of Man in relation to physical activity favoring by design the production, sharing,
of our relationship with the rest of nature, reliance while nurturing regional and components are technically
to continue their activity, as they experience ○ Cognitive : Mental processes related to inter-regional collaboration on national hybridization and refinement of knowledge (as
is about perceiving beauty as an different and managed by
pleasure while participating expression of belonging and being in the work activity such as : perception, and global issues « savoir » according to Stiegler, 2016 and Lepage, 2012).
different organizations (Arms,
○ Make the experience easy : Avoid relationship (Wahl, 2016). Our perception memory, reasoning, language and motor ○ Evaluate their proposed actions on Favors cooperation and inclusive contribution
individuals having to make efforts that can of beauty and our aesthetic judgment responses. Topics of study include mental their positive, life-sustaining, through sharing / hybridization of knowledge within
annoy them. « Easy to use, hard to master » come to depend upon the effect that any tasks, decision making, performance, restorative and regenerative potential ● Neutral connections with other and between communauteks (Bonnecarrere, 2018).
(different levels of complexity within the creative activity has on life as a whole. human-machine interaction, human error s

free and open systems thanks to Limits the entropy phenomenon (homogenization /
and reliability, work stress ○ Modularity : Degree to which a
design rules (mechanics / story) for a wider Observation of things in their context, common open standards (social, dispersion of energy) in order to maintain a creative
from a systemic perspective that is informed system's components may be
spectrum of users with different needs and ○ Organizational : Optimization of socio- legal, technical norms and commonist social order based on constant social
by ecological awareness of the impacts of separated and recombined
expectations) technical systems, organizational formats). Reduces variability in transformation through Magiducation. Collective

production and consumption (ibid.). Aesthetic structures, definition of rules and work ○ Upcycling : Tansformation of by- working of social reality in order to strengthen the
○ Do not embarrass the public : The pleasure intercommunication software and
attraction as environmental imperative for processes. This dimension refers to products, waste materials, useless, or individual and collective imaginactive power (as
can provide, if tested in public, a feeling of sustainability (Hosey, 2012)
enhancing a common
topics such as the management of unwanted products into new materials « puissance » according to Lévy, 1997 and Maurel,
discomfort. Give the public the opportunity to understanding of the end goal to
● Health as aesthetic understanding of individuals, communication, working or products of better quality or for 2008).  Social mechanics  structuring a strong
experience your system privately, or not to be achieved
complexity. Within aesthetic perception of hours and rhythms, teamwork and new better environmental value (“lateral  demodynamic (Levy, 1997).
feel embarrassed if it is a necessarily public thinking  with  withered  technologies” 
activity diversity lies systemic relationship, forms of work
dynamism, complexity, symbiosis, according to Yokoi) ● Glocal authorities in charge of ensuring the respect
● Improve experiences by asking the following contradiction to measurement and ● Ergotherapy : Evaluating and of the open standards (and prevent their enclosure via
questions : Given what I know about my indefinite and procreative vitality (Collins, accompanying people in order to preserve potential sanctions against these common goods) and
audience, why will they like this experience, and 2004) and develop their independence and working together to favor the standards' evolution
how can I get them to to love it even more ? autonomy in their daily and social within growing complexity. Needs the widespread
● Singularity, discernment and cultural environment. Education, rehabilitation or participation of informed citizens collaborating in the
diversity increasing social resilience creation of regenerative communities at every
rehabilitation, through personal or
through Indivividuation and scale, empowered / capacitated (enabled) on a global
collective activity. Deals with handicaps :
subjectivation scale. Requires self-controlled / hosted physical
○ Physical ;
● General organology (Stiegler,  2013)  infrastructures (sovereignty on data), free code and
○ Cogntive ; free contents, with a strong dynamic of documenting
where are articulated :
○ Cultural : Literacy (semiotical, scientific, the techologies
○ Organology of human physiology artistic, digital, ecological,…) in order to
○ Organology of artificial organs increase the individuals et groups' critical ● Speculative design (based on design fiction)
○ Organizational thinking where taste, abilities on a constructive basis (favors favoring social imaginactive transformation (based on
judgment and discernment are the stimulation of organizational tensions Minvielle et al., 2016 ; Maurel, 2008) : Design used as a
manufactured socially (politically,  (of recognized or created opportunities) to tool to create not only things but ideas (Dunne and
economically,...) thrive in complexity) Raby, 2014), as a mean of speculating about how
things could be, to imagine possible futures and play
with them. Not predictions but "what if" questions that
are intended to open debate and discussion about the
kind of future people want and do not want

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" —- Albert Einstein

"The motto of capitalist society is : "What is good for everyone is worthless. You will be respectable only if you have "better" than others. We can oppose it with an ecologist motto : Only what is good for all is worthy of you. Only deserves to be 
produced which does not privilege or lower anyone" — André Gorz

"Liberation technology creates wealth, and open source technology creates wealth. In both instances the "centre of gravity" for dramatic change towards resilience and sustainability is the human brain mass of five billion poor - the one billion 
rich have failed to "scale". The human brain is the one unlimited resource we have on Earth. The potential for innovation (...) on the part of five billion poor is the most underdeveloped and underfertilized resource"  — Robert David Steel

"If we want to keep human knowledge open and freely available to humanity, we have to do the work to make it available that way. (...) If anything deserves a reward, it is social contribution. Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so 
far as society is free to use the results (…)  When the goal is to help others as well as oneself, we call that idealism. (...) If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough — you need to choose a method that works to 
achieve the goal. In other words, you need to be pragmatic. (…) Things like freedom and the expansion of knowledge are beyond success, beyond the personal. Personal success is not wrong, but it is limited in importance, and once you have 
enough of it it is a shame to keep striving for that, instead of for truth, beauty, or justice" — Richard Stallman
©  2018Thomas Bonnecarrere (CC BY- SA)

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