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Design of a kinematic coupling

for precision applications
C. H. Schouten, P. C. J. N. Rosielle, and P. H. J. Schellekens
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Precision Engineering, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

To m a c h i n e a complex precision product, several tools are n e e d e d . These

tools are placed on a tool turret. A tool must r e t u r n several times to its
original position. To attain a very high repeatability between the u p p e r part
a n d the base o f the tool turret m o u n t e d on a precision lathe, it is preferable
that the parts of the tool turret are statically d e t e r m i n e d in their contacts.
This is attained by using a kinematic coupling. To attain the r e q u i r e d
stiffness this coupling is provided with a preload o f 1.5 • 103 N. The ma-
chining forces are typically less than 1 Newton. A special kinematic cou-
pling, consisting o f grooves a n d balls, was designed, made, and tested. By
providing the grooves with self-adjusting surfaces, hysteresis is r e d u c e d to
less than one-tenth o f a micrometer. M a x i m u m stiffness is a i m e d at by using
c e m e n t e d carbide, a material with a high admissible stress, at the contact
points. Experiments show that this kinematic coupling, u n d e r a preload o f
1.5 • 10 3 N, has a static stiffness o f m o r e than 1 • 10 8 N / m in every direction
and a repeatability better than one-tenth o f a m i c r o m e t e r . © Elsevier
Science Inc., 1997

Keywords: kinematic coupling; repeatability; static stiffness; hysteresis;

self-adjusting surfaces; elastic hinges

Introduction "Kelvin clamps. ''6 A kinematic coupling consists of

The position o f a r/g/d body is fully d e f i n e d if all six two parts. The n u m b e r of contact points between
degrees of f r e e d o m are constrained; t h e n the these two parts equals the n u m b e r of degrees of
body is said to be "statically d e t e r m i n e d . " Con- f r e e d o m that must be constrained. O n e of the
straining a d e g r e e of f r e e d o m m o r e than once possibilities is a kinematic coupling consisting of
requires elasticity (so the body c a n n o t be r/g/d any three radial V-grooves in one part and three balls
m o r e ) , which introduces difficulties in the design. (or segments of balls) on the o t h e r part, as shown
It is, therefore, preferable to design statically de- in Figure 1. Every ball has two contact points with a
termined, especially for precision machines, a,2 V-groove. This design consists o f similar parts, and
With such a statically d e t e r m i n e d body, it is possi- it shows predictable thermal behavior, with the
ble to replace that body to the original position, thermal c e n t e r located in the middle o f the cou-
with respect to the rest of the machine, with high pling. A high stiffness is obtained if the coupling is
repeatability. T h e r e are no r e d u n d a n t elements provided with a preload. T h e value of the maxi-
that constrain the same d e g r e e o f freedom. Re- m u m static stiffness that will be attained d e p e n d s
peatability of such a m a c h i n e can be m u c h better u p o n such parameters as the admissible stress of
than the m a n u f a c t u r i n g accuracy. the material and the dimensions of the balls and
In the literature, such statically d e t e r m i n e d grooves. If these parameters are known, the value
bodies are known as "kinematic couplings "3-5 or o f the static stiffness is highly predictable. 7 Be-
cause o f the symmetry of the coupling, a central
preload in the vertical direction causes a similar
Address reprint requests to Ir. C. H. Schouten, Tinelstract 166, deflection o f every contact.
5654 LX, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Calculations are often based on the assump-

Precision Engineering 20:46-52, 1997

© Elsevier Science Inc., 1997 0141-6359/97/$17.00
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 PII S0141-6359(97)00002-0
S c h o u t e n et al.: Kinematic coupling for precision applications

,.sioo:r 2sin2aC

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of a ball in a conven-

tional V-groove
/~2cosZa Cn

it is almost certain that the original position will

Figure 1 A kinematic coupling with three n o t be regained once this variation no l o n g e r ex-
V-grooves and three balls ists. This uncertainty of position is t e r m e d hyster-
esis s,,1 a n d can be described as:
tion of ideal Hertzian contacts 3,5 between the bod- 2. IF, I
ies. In this context, "ideal" m e a n s no friction be- Sv - (3)
tween the bodies in contact and no surface
roughness. In this frictionless situation, contact In this equation, F f is the friction force and c the
stresses do not c h a n g e if there is a relative move- stiffness in the same direction. If the preload on
m e n t between surfaces. However, in real contacts, the ball in the V-groove varies, the m a x i m u m fric-
every relative m o v e m e n t between surfaces intro- tion force that will a p p e a r is Ft. = f " F,, (with coef-
duces a friction force Fp in the direction opposite ficient of friction f and reactive force F,, in the
to the m o v e m e n t . This friction force is tangential contacts n o r m a l to the surfaces of the V-groove).
to the surface a n d causes a tangential deflection 8t. By using this relationship for ~ in Equation (3),
Expressions for the tangential displacement have m a x i m u m hysteresis in the direction of the pre-
b e e n f o u n d by Mindlin for the case of no-slip a n d load is given by:
by Deresiewicz for partial slip ( r e p o r t e d in J o h n -
2" [ F,,~I 2 " 12" f" Fn" sine[
sonS). In the first instance there is no slip at the sv - - (4)
interfaces. T h e tangential deflection 8 t is a func- cn,~ 2 • cos2cx • cn
tion of the tangential friction force Ff, the radius In this equation, Ff, is the friction force in the
o f the contact area a, the shear modules G, a n d the direction of the pre~'oad and %/, the n o r m a l stiff-
Poisson ratio v of the contact material, a T h e tan- ness in the same direction, Figure 2. With F,, =
gential stiffness is: F p / 2 c o s e ~ , Equation (4) becomes:

F~ 4aG E f" F0 • tano~ (5)

ct- ~t - 2 - v with G- 2(1 + v) (1) Sv- COS20~" C n
With a "local" n o r m a l stiffness c n =- d F n / ~ , , o f E e • a For o u r application, repeatability needs to be bet-
(Hertzian theory) a n d an equivalent elastic ter than one-tenth of a m i c r o m e t e r . Hysteresis is
Young's m o d u l e s E e = E / ( 1 - v ~) Equation (1) very undesirable w h e n such a high repeatability is
becomes: required. Equation (b) shows that hysteresis is
small if the angle of inclination c~ is small a n d / o r
Ct 2(1 - v)
- (2) the coefficient of friction f is small a n d / o r the
Cn 2 -- V n o r m a l stiffness c,, is large for a certain preload FF
Contact between a ball and a conventional Hysteresis is theoretically zero if there is no rela-
V-groove is shown schematically in F i g u r e 2. Varia- tive m o v e m e n t between the ball and the surfaces
tion of the preload causes a variation in (elastic) of the V-groove.
d e f o r m a t i o n (symbolized by an elastic spring) in
Minimizing hysteresis
the contact. It is also possible that there is a move-
m e n t between the surfaces (symbolized by fric- Repeatability improves w h e n hysteresis decreases,
tion). W h e n the preload varies so m u c h that there because t h e n the indefiniteness o f position is less
is a relative m o v e m e n t between ball a n d V-groove, after a force or t e m p e r a t u r e variation. According

S c h o u t e n et al.: Kinematic coupling for precision applications

stiffness o f the left elastic hinge, the tangential

deflection S t in is also very low; whereas, the tan-
saw-cut~ gential stiffness ct (= F J ~ t ) in the left contact is
very high. If a is approximately 45 °, the m o v e m e n t
u 0 o f the left surface of the V-groove by m e a n s o f

p u r e rotation of the elastic hinge almost equals
the normal deflection ~,,,x in the contact of the
ball with the right half o f the V-groove. O f course ct
is n o t infinite, b u t because o f the m o v e m e n t o f the
surface with the m o v e m e n t o f the ball, the tangen-
tial force F¢ is very small a n d so is the d e f e c t i o n S t.
Figure 3 Elastic hinge principle For a certain ball diameter in contact with flat
surfaces o f the V-groove, the m a x i m u m contact
stiffness, normal to a surface o f the V-groove Cn.nla,,
to Equation (5), this can be realized by, for exam- is calculated with the help of the Hertzian theory.
ple, the choice of a suitable material for the con- So the stress in the contacts equals the admissible
tacts: (1) with a low coefficient of friction f; a n d stress o f c e m e n t e d carbide. 7 Stiffness of the elastic
(2) with a high admissible (Hertzian) stress (for a hinge normal to the surface cx is chosen to be ten
high feasible stiffness %). times as large as C,,,ma,,. T h e total normal stiffness
A high value of the normal static stiffness c,,,x (this is a series c o n n e c t i o n of stiffness c,, a n d
leads n o t only to m i n i m u m hysteresis, b u t also to a Cx) is only 9% less than the normal stiffness with-
high total stiffness of the coupling. That is why o u t the elastic hinge. With the help of a theory
c e m e n t e d carbide, a material with a very high r e p o r t e d by J o h n s o n , 8 a relationship b e t w e e n the
admissible stress ( ~ 5 • 103 N / m m 2 ) , is used at the tangential a n d the normal stiffness in the contact
contacts. Because this c e m e n t e d carbide is used, is derived (Equation (2)). W h e n the m a x i m u m
instead of steel, the m a x i m u m contact stiffness normal stiffness Cn,max is given, it is now possible to
that will be attained with the same contact geom- calculate the m a x i m u m tangential stiffness c¢.... ,,
etry and p r e l o a d /~ is approximately twice as in the contact. T h e stiffnesses o f the elastic hinge;
high. 7 Unfortunately, the coefficient o f friction of cx (normal to the surface), cy (tangential to the
c e m e n t e d carbide (~-- 0.2) is similar to the coeffi- surface) a n d k0 (rotational stiffness) are calculated
cient of friction of steel. So hysteresis decreases, with equations given in a university textbook. 1
b u t if the p r e l o a d varies so m u c h that there is a W h e n the distance b e t w e e n hinge and contact is a,
relative m o v e m e n t b e t w e e n ball and surface of the the tangential stiffness in the contact, caused bff
groove, there is still the same friction force. Fric- the rotational stiffness of the hinge, is co -~ k o / a 2.
tion b e t w e e n the balls a n d grooves is theoretically T h e total tangential stiffness in contact Ct,y,O is a
zero when the surfaces of the V-grooves follow the series c o n n e c t i o n o f the stiffnesses ct, cy, and c0.
m o v e m e n t of the balls, when the p r e l o a d increases The total normal stiffness almost equals the nor-
or decreases. T h e n there is no relative m o v e m e n t mal stiffness without the elastic hinge. However,
b e t w e e n balls and surfaces of the grooves. This can the rotational stiffness has to be low to achieve the
be achieved by providing the V-grooves with self- r e q u i r e d mobility of the surfaces, so the tangential
adjusting surfaces, by means of elastic hinges in stiffness (with the elastic hinge) has to be m u c h
the material b e n e a t h the surfaces o f the V-grooves. less than the tangential stiffness without elastic
Such elastic hinges are created by drilling two
holes next to each o t h e r in the material and mak- ua= 5n,X"sin 2a
ing saw-cuts from the surface to these holes, as
shown in Figure 3.
In Figure 4 the V-groove-ball situation is de-
picted, showing the elastic hinges in the material
b e n e a t h the surfaces o f the V-groove. The situa-
tion is simplified by assuming that the left elastic
hinge has a very low rotational stiffness k0 (0
means a rotation a r o u n d the z-axis) and the right 5n~ / cy
half o f the V-groove has stiffnesses c,, a n d ct in the
ball-groove-contact and stiffnesses of the elastic
hinge; cx normal to the surface and cy tangential to
the surface. Because o f the very low rotational Figure 4 Ball in a V-groove with elastic hinges
48 JANUARY 1997 V O L 20 N O 1
Schouten et al.: Kinematic coupling for precision applications
hinge. So, unfortunately, a disadvantage o f a cou- gle of inclination of 40 °. O n tile c o u n t e r p a r t o f the
pling with elastic hinges is that the total stiffness is coupling, consisting of a disc, three (15-mm diam-
lower than the total stiffness of a coupling with eter) ball segments are m o u n t e d equally divided
conventional V-grooves. on the same radius. T h e coupling is m a d e of steel;
T h e total axial stiffness Ca,totaI of the coupling c e m e n t e d carbide is used only at the points of
with elastic self-adjusting V-grooves can be de- contact. T h e material properties of c e m e n t e d car-
scribed with7: bide are: an elastic Young's m o d u l e s E o f 6 • 105
N / m m 2, an admissible stress of 5" 103 N / m m 2,
Ca,tota~ = 6 " COS2CX " Cn,x + 6 • s i n 2 a • ct, v,o (6)
Poisson ratio v of 0.25, and a coefficient of friction
The total radial stiffness C,;totaI of this coupling can f o f 0.2. C e m e n t e d carbide tiles, with a thickness of
be described withY: 2 m m , are glued on the surfaces o f the V-grooves,
Craota, = 3 " sin2eL(Cn,x -- Ct, v,,) + 3 " (ct, v,e + ct) a n d three c e m e n t e d carbide ball segments are
(7) glued on the o t h e r part o f the coupling. The glue
used is a t h e r m o s e t with an elastic Young's mod-
T h e total axial a n d radial stiffness of a coupling
ules of 2 • 109 N / m 2. Because the glue layer is very
with conventianal V-grooves can be described with
thin (only a few micrometers) a n d the contact
the same Equations (6) and (7), w h e n c,, and ct are
area fairly large (1.8 • 10 - 4 m 2 ) , this layer is very
substituted for c,,,x respectively ct,y,o.
Because ct < % (with V ~ 0,25 equation [2] stiff. This design enables comparison between a
conventional coupling a n d a coupling with sell=
becomes: ct ~ 0.86- %) a n d ct,y e << c,~,, (q,ye "~
0.01 • c,,,x), the axial stiffness cfecreasesl anal' the adjusting surfaces (by means of elastic hinges). For
radial stiffness increases as the angle of inclination this purpose, two holes are drilled next to each
0t increases. So, the best choice for the angle of o t h e r in the material b e n e a t h the two surfaces of
inclination is if C~;tota I = Ca,tota I. For the kinematic three V-grooves. T h e middle o f the d a m between
coupling with elastic self-adjusting V-grooves, this the holes coincides with the n o r m a l to the surface
is 37 °7. For the conventional coupling it is 550, 7 of the V-groove t h r o u g h the contact (of the ball
but this value is less critical, because the tangential with the V-groove). Cuts make the surfaces rela-
stiffness c¢ has the same o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e as the tively flexible in the tangential direction with re-
n o r m a l stiffness % spect to the rest of the coupling, f i g u r e 5 is a
Also i m p o r t a n t is the stiffness of the total p h o t o g r a p h of the kinematic coupling.
coupling u n d e r eccentric load (in tangential di- T h e coupling was tested with the help of a
rection). T h e equation for the so-called total tan- testing system, as shown in b~gure 6. By moving a
gential stiffness ct,tot~1 of the coupling with elastic mass M, the kinematic coupling is provided with a
self-adjusting V-grooves can be described withY: varying preload in vertical direction, by way of a
beam, two rods, a second beam, a n d finally a ball
Cr, tota I " 3 • (ca, x" s i n 2 ~ + Ct, y,O" CO S2OL) on the middle of the coupling. T h e relative move-
Ct, tota I
cr,tota~ + 3 • (Cn,x" S i n 2or + Ct, v,e" COS 2or) m e n t of the disc with the three ball segments with
(8) regard to the part with the V-grooves, attributable
to the compression in the vertical direction (by
T h e angle o f inclination oL has to be of such a
elastic deflection o f the contact surfaces), is mea-
value that the coupling does not self-lock d u r i n g
sured with a displacement t r a n s d u c e r fixed to the
positioning. Positioning of the coupling with elas-
u p p e r disc o f the coupling. The preload varies
tic self-adjusting surfaces does n o t give that prob-
progressively a n d is m e a s u r e d with a d y n a m o m e -
lem, because of the mobility of the V-groove sur-
ter, fixed to the b o t t o m of the lowest beam. T h e
faces. In case of a conventional coupling, the
c h a n g e that self-locking does o c c u r is the smallest d y n a m o m e t e r measures the pulling force on the
tbr an angle of inclination o f 43 °7. This angle of beam. T h e r e f o r e , the m e a s u r e m e n t s have to be
inclination is n o t critical. For an angle of 2 9 - 5 6 ° , c o r r e c t e d with the static mass o f the disc, the
the admissible coefficient o f friction is m o r e than beams, the rods and the ball (a total weight of 3.5
0.2 (the coefficient of friction of c e m e n t e d car- kg).
Elastic deflection and hysteresis
Design of a kinematic coupling and T h e coupling should be provided with a load to
test results attain the r e q u i r e d stiffness. This load is called a
A special kinematic coupling was designed. O n e preload a n d is m u c h larger than the external loads
part o f this coupling has six V-grooves: three con- in use, which are typically one Newton. Preload
ventional a n d three self-adjusting, all with an a n - versus displacement is recorded. T h e vertical dis-

Schouten et al.: Kinematic coupling for precision applications
Total axial stiffness of the coupling
The tangent (for a specific preload) on the pre-
l o a d - c o m p r e s s i o n graphs of Figure 7 gives the ax-
ial stiffness of the coupling. If the preload is
1.5 • 10 3 N, the axial stiffness of the conventional
coupling is about 6.1 • 1 0 2 N/lxm and for the cou-
pling with self-adjusting surfaces about 3.6" 10 9

b ~05"0.

Figure 5 (a) The kinematic coupling parts; (b) de-

tail drawing: an elastic hinge

placement is the relative m o v e m e n t between the

two halves of the coupling, which is the result of
the elastic deflection of the contact surfaces, is
plotted on the x-axis. The preload is plotted on the
y-axis. In Figure 7, the p r e l o a d - c o m p r e s s i o n
graphs for both couplings are shown next to each
other. displacement
Hysteresis is the difference between the
compression w h e n the preload increases and the I v ~., v, I
compression w h e n the preload decreases. As ex-
plained earlier, this hysteresis is the result of
friction between balls and V-grooves. W h e n the
preload decreases, the friction force is in the dynamometer
f /

opposite direction to the friction force with an

increasing preload. T h e r e is no relative move-
m e n t of the bodies in contact until the friction
has c h a n g e d direction. Figure 7 shows that hyster-
esis decreases by a factor of 10 if the surfaces of /~ L "f
the V-grooves are provided with these elastic Figure 6 (a) The testing system; (b) diagram of the
hinges. testing system

50 JANUARY 1997 VOL 20 NO 1

S c h o u t e n et al.: Kinematic coupling for precision applications

tained if the force in the radial direction is divided

7 / by the radial deviation. T h e radial stiffness o f the
conventional coupling is a b o u t 6.0" 1 0 2 N / t x m
Fp rN]l a n d a b o u t 3.7 • 1 0 2 N / t x m for the coupling with
self-adjusting surfaces.
1 Conventional V-grooves
2 Self-adjusting V-grooves /' Total tangential stiffness of the coupling

1000 In the same way as for the radial stiffness, the
tangential stiffness of the coupling (stiffness u n d e r
eccentric load) is m e a s u r e d with the set up. Now
the additional force is in the tangential direction
and the deviation is m e a s u r e d in the direction of
this force.
In Table 1, the results of the m e a s u r e m e n t s
a n d the calculated values are shown. All measure-
ments are taken with a p r e l o a d Fp of 1.5 • 103 N,
and calculations are m a d e for the same value of

/ the preload. The u n c e r t a i n ~ of the e x p e r i m e n t s

was estimated to be +__ 5 • 10 N/Ixm.
Calculated values a n d m e a s u r e d values of the
axial a n d radial stiffness of the coupling agree well
1 2 3 4 8p [IJm] (Equations [6] a n d [7]). These values are highly
predictable. It is m o r e difficult to make a g o o d
Figure 7 Measurements of preload Fpversus elas- estimate o f the tangential stiffness of the coupling
tic deflection Gp; results: hysteresis and axial stiff-
(Equation [8] ).
For the conventional coupling, the m a x i m u m
value of hysteresis is calculated with Equation (5)
Total radial stiffness of the coupling at a total p r e l o a d of 7.5 • 1 0 2 N (after a variation
T h e radial stiffness o f the coupling is m e a s u r e d from 0 to 1.5 • 103 N). The e x p e r i m e n t a l value of
with the same setup. Again, the kinematic cou- hysteresis of the conventional coupling is less than
pling is provided with a central p r e l o a d o f 1.5 • 103 this calculated value, b u t n o t less than one-tenth o f
N in the vertical direction, as shown in Figure 6. a micrometer. By providing the grooves with self-
Using a spring-type force gauge, an additional adjusting surfaces, hysteresis is r e d u c e d consider-
force in the radial direction is i n t r o d u c e d to the ably. Because the m a x i m u m value of the friction
b o t t o m of the u p p e r disc (at the height o f the force F~......~x (= f " F,, ~ 66 N) is m u c h larger than
contacts). T h e radial deviation of the disc with the real tangential force F t ( ~ 3.3 N) hysteresis
respect to the base, which is the result o f the radial caused by m a c r o slip is theoretically zero. Results
force, is m e a s u r e d with a d i s p l a c e m e n t transducer. o f the e x p e r i m e n t s show that there still is some
An a p p r o x i m a t i o n of the radial stiffness is ob- micro slip in the contacts.

Table 1 Comparison of theory with experiments for a preload Fvof 1.5.103 N

Conventional V-grooves Self-adjusting V-grooves

Calculations Experiments Calculations Experiments

Axial stiffness, 6.5 " 10 2 6.1 • 10 2 3.7 • 102 3.6 • 102

%total, N/t xm
Radial stiffness, 6.1 • 109 6.0 • 10 2 4.3 " 10 2 3.7 • 109
c,~t,,tal, N/b~m
Tangential stiffness 3.1 • 102 1.4" 10`2 1.6" 102 1.1 • 109
Ct,total, N / ~ m
Hysteresis, btm max 0.79 0.42 None 0.03

Schouten et al.: gdnematic coupling for precision applications
Conclusions T T e m p e r a t u r e , °C, K
u Movement, m, m m
Hysteresis is very undesirable w h e n repeatability x
Axis o f coordinates, m, m m
between the u p p e r part a n d the base of a tool Axis of coordinates, m, m m
turret m o u n t e d on a precision lathe (to r e t u r n a Y
z Axis of coordinates, m, m m
tool several times to the original position) must be
better than one-tenth of a m i c r o m e t e r . After an Greek
external force or t e m p e r a t u r e variation, hysteresis 0~ Angle of inclination, [°], rad
can occur. By providing the grooves of a kinematic 5 Compression (elastic deflection), /xm
coupling with self-adjusting surfaces, hysteresis is 0 Spin parameter, rad
r e d u c e d by 95% and is less than one-tenth of a v Poisson ratio, [ - ]
m i c r o m e t e r for a preload of 1.5 • 103 N. This pre- ~p Spin parameter, rad
load is necessary to attain the r e q u i r e d stiffness in Spin parameter, tad
all directions. If it is possible to r e p r o d u c e the
preload with high accuracy, repeatability only de- Subscripts
pends u p o n the stability of t e m p e r a t u r e and ex- a Axial
pansion of the design. The static stiffness of the e Equivalent
coupling is highly predictable, with the equations f Friction
given in this article, for the conventional coupling F o f the force
as well as for the coupling with self-adjusting sur- max Maximum
faces. If the preload is as large as possible, which n Normal
d e p e n d s u p o n the admissible load of the material, P Pre-
r Radial
the stiffness o f both kinematic couplings are suffi- t Tangential
cient for most purposes, total Total
x in direction o f x
Acknowledgments y in direction of y
The e x p e r i m e n t s were carried out in the m e c h a n - z in direction of z
ical d e p a r t m e n t of the Philips Research Laborato- 0 Rotation a r o u n d z
ries Eindhoven. We thank all contributors, espe- ~P Rotation a r o u n d x
cially F. Jaartsveld a n d J. J. Baalbergen, for their Rotation a r o u n d y
advice, help, and skill, which were essential to this References
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Sv Virtual play (hysteresis), p.m 8 Johnson K. L. Contact Mechanics. Cambridge, UK: Cam-
t Thickness, m m bridge University Press, 1992

52 JANUARY 1997 VOL 20 NO 1

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