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The effects of litter on

the environment

Sewage from underground pipes

Rotting rubbish
 Waste from industries disposed into sea without  Produce explosive gases
being treated  For example, methane can cause an
 Kill wildlife and make people ill explosion anytime

Gases from cars, homes, industries Rubbish settles

and power stations  Cause any buildings to collapse
 Gases drift into the air and causing many

Waste gases in the air Burning rubbish in an incinerator

 Cause acid rain, damage to buildings,  Fumes pollute the air, and lots of fossil
forests, lakes and rivers fuel energy is needed

Burning fossil fuels Air pollution

 For example, coal and oil
 Turn tourists away from visiting a place
 Cause lung problems

Climate is changing
Wildlife in danger  Land will flood by the seas
 Animals injure with the litter thrown  Affect everything on the planet
 Encourage disease and pests
Proper Diet
Preventing Diseases
 Well balanced diet containing
 precautions should be taken to Proper Education essential nutrients
protect our body from various
 Good health can be  Avoid certain substances in diet.
achieved through our For example, sugar and fat
 children should be immunized
effort and proper health content
through vaccination

Personal and Domestic Hygiene

Prevention of Accidents  Keep our body clean and wear clean
 Take precautions to prevent
 Wash hands thoroughly with soap
 Keep house clean and free from
Clean Food
Avoiding Hazardous GOOD HEALTH
Substances  Food should be free from
 For example tobacco, alcohol  Wash fruits with clean water
and narcotic drugs before consuming
 Hazardous substances cause
cancer and disease to our
Exercise Clean Water and Air

Drinking water must be clean and
Sleep and Relaxation  Rural exercise free from bacteria
 Each 24 hours our body needs  Exercise keeps muscles,  The places of living should be well
to rest bone, lung, heart and ventilated
 Cells of body recover to build blood vessels in good  Breathing polluted air causes
up supplies of energy condition respiratory disease

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