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Chapter 3


Tasks Assigned During Co-Op



3.0 Task Assigned & Completed

3.0.1 Standard Operation Process (SOP)

Standard operation procedure is a procedure made to make the worker easier by refer to a
standard packaging that is decided by this company itself or certain company. The present of the
SOP may reduce damaged and rejected product if this procedure is really follow through. SOP
made in this company is divided by its category machine, packaging and also for the assembly.
Instruction of the person-in-charge of the department had been recorded which is needed to add
into the S.O.P. SOP for machine

i. Welding
Welding process is the process which is to joins two different materials. There are many
different energy sources can be used for carried out the welding such as gas flame, an
electron beam, a laser and etc. In the company, most of the welding is divided by two
which is spot weld and also laser weld.
Spot Weld:
Spot welding is a process by the heat obtained from the resistance to electric current for
contacting metal surface. For the spot welding had also divided into two which is normal
spot welding or the spot welding robot. The requirements for the spot weld is spot
welding machine, water which is act as the cooler, compressor air, pressure meter and
also the welding setting.

Figure 1.3 Parameter Setting

Laser Weld:
The welding technique used to join multiple pieces of the metal through the use of the
laser is known as the laser welding. A concentrated heat source, allowing for narrow,
deep welds and high welding rates is provided by the beam. Laser welding is usually used
in high volume applications by automation.

ii. Combi
The combination of punching and laser cut of the machine is known as the combi
machine.TC6000R is one type of the combi machine. There are several gases is needed
for the combi machine for operate which is oxygen gas, helium gas and also nitrogen gas.

While the SOP had done, the registration in the QA department is needed for controlling.
3.0.2 Waste Water Treatment Plant

During the industrial training, waste water treatment plant had been done. The supervisor had
given the instruction to check the status of the plant and recorded the status into the waste water
treatment plant checklist. If there had any problems occurred need to report to the supervisor
whether the company will ask help from the company which is specialist in this territory.

Figure 1.4 Waste Water Treatment Plant Checklist

2.2.1 Process Description for Waste Water Treatment Plant

The industrial waste stream from the batch washing will transferred into existing sump
which located beneath the floor. Then, the waste water will be pumped into an equalization tank
with the help of submersible pump which according to the level. The manually transformation to
Concentrated Waste Water tank is done from the concentrated waste oil and will be pumped into
equalization tank by air operated diaphragm pump based to the water levels of the concentrated
waste tank or equalization tank. Air sparger system is installed to homogenize the incoming
waste stream and the concentrated waste stream inside the equalization tank.
The waste stream will be pumped into coagulation tank by centrifugal pump after mixing.
Inside coagulant tank, coagulation process occurs by adding metal catcher and coagulant. Caustic
will be dosed and the pH of the waste water will drop for ensuring the pH is maintained at
neutral stage. To enhance the flocculation, the polymer is added into the tank which named
flocculation tank that the waste water will overflow. Then, the waste water will flow into a
clarifier by gravity flow. In the clarifier, settlement of the suspended solid occurs and form
sludge at the bottom of tank.

While the sludge at the bottom of the tank, the supernatant will overflow into the break
tank. The supernatant will overflow into break tank, while the sludge will be pumped into sludge
thickener. For removing the Chemical Oxygen Demand, the waste water inside break tank will
be pumped into activated carbon filter. After the ACF, the treated water will be pumped to the
final discharge.

When the sludge sent to sludge thickener for further up-concentrated. The supernatant
will overflow back to the existing sump by gravity flow. While the sludge thickener is full of
sludge, filter press feed pump need manually for operated to feed the sludge into filter press.
After that, the filter press filtrate flows back to the existing sump, and the sludge cake will be
collected to dispose it.

By using the switches at the control panel which can set the mode to off, auto and manual
for controlled all the process. If the sensor detects the water level is high or low enough, all the
switch which had mention above had the LED light and will light up. The engineer from the
other company will always come and check for make sure that the sensor and also the waste
water plant treatment can functioning well.
Figure 1.5: The Layout for Waste Water Treatment Plant

Figure 1.6: The Front View 3D plan of Waste Water Treatment Plant
3.0.2 Site Project

The site project had been released and the intern had been divided into few group for do their site
project. The title of the site project was waste management. Waste management or waste
disposal is activities and action required to manage waste from production to its final disposal.
As a project, the needs for this project is to find out the way for improve the existing area and
also the design for the new extension area.

For doing the improvement of the waste management for the existing area, the research
had been done. The problems had been found and stated into the report along with the picture of
the current status. Then, the research in the internet and advice from the supervisor who in-
charge the site project is needed for finding the best solution to solve the problems which faced
now and also the improvement which can be done.

For the new extension area, the experience and also problems which occurred in existing
area had been paid attention. The building for the new extension area is still going, hence the
communication with the architecture who in-charge the project is needed. After had an idea
about how the new extension looks, the design of the waste management can be done.

While designing the new extension area, the area of it is refer to the existing area. For
decreasing the cost and also the scrap metal occupied the space, the scrap metal machine had
been suggested. For purchasing the scrap metal machine, the research need to be done and also
the size of the machine need to take note.

The waste management is design based on the waste which might been produced by
either machine or the used of the worker. For design the waste management area, the safety
problems need to be pay attention. This is to avoid the accidence which can be avoidable

Lastly, for build the waste management of the new extension area and also improvement
for the existing area there must be budget needed to mentioned and report to the company.
Hence, the estimating cost table had been done.
Figure 1.7 Floor Plan of the New Extension Site and Current Site

Figure 1.8 New Waste Area Floor Plan

Figure 1.9 Scrap Metal Machine Suggested

Table 1.0 Estimating Cost

3.1 Identification of the Problems and Solutions

The problems which faced towards the bending machine is after the changing jig for the
bending machine. The trial for bend the stainless steel pipe had been done. However, the bending
for the stainless steel pipe will slip and the angle of bending will out of dimensions. This is due
to the thickness of the stainless steel had a slightly different compared to last time. For solving
this problems, waste papers were tear into small pieces and bend together with the stainless steel
pipe. Hence, the stainless steel pipe had the correct thickness hence it will not slip again.

The problems which identified while carried on the waste water plant is that there are
some parts are malfunction especially for the carbon filter due to the waste water treatment plant
had old enough. The failure of the carbon filter functioned will cause the waste water consists
higher COD levels. High COD levels is the water consists of greater amount of oxidable organic
material which reduced the dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. Low DO levels will lead to anaerobic
conditions or deleterious to high aquatic life forms. Two methods can be used for solving this
problems. First, the replace a new carbon filter. However, the replacement of the carbon filter is
costly hence the company rejected for do it. Hence, the second method which can solve this
problems is by adding more water into the waste water.

While doing the site project, there were several problems had been identify. In the waste
management area for the current site, the flammable materials and chemicals tank is placed at
next to each other. Tina, hexane and oil will explode will it meet the fire. Therefore, this is
dangerous and need to be avoided because while the fire happen, it will speed up the fire for
growing. This conditions might happen due to the workers are lack of hazard awareness so the
workers do not realize that this might cause a serious incidents.

Besides that, the empty tank and not empty tank for the chemical storage is placed
together. This conditions will cause the confusion because the tanks are not labelled after it used
so it might occurred the chemical tank is treated as the empty tank and been throw away. This
will also increase the expense of the company because the company will have to buy more

The chemical storage had been shift to another side of the waste management area. By
solving the problems of separated new chemical tank and empty tank, the label is needed. This
can used for differentiate between the new tank and also the tank had been used. With the label,
the person in charge can also identify it by using the label if it is placed wrongly. For identified
the suggestion of the arrangement had been draw and shown.

Figure 2.0 Current Waste Area (After Improvement)

The problem which had faced while designing the waste management area for the new
extension site is that what waste might been provided in the new extension site. The waste
management area need to be design according to the waste which might been provided. For
solving this problem, the communication with the person-in-charge who planning the new
extension site is needed. After the confirmation of what machine and departments will be
implanted in new extension site, the waste of the machine and also the waste which might been
used by the worker can be identified. Hence, the designing for the waste management for the
new extension area can be carried on.
3.2 Safety and Health awareness

At the beginning of the internship, the manager of the safety department had given a talk
about the safety rules and regulations. For the automotive machine, there was a working area for
the desired machine. For preventing the incidents happen, keep a safety distance with the
machine and also there is a block for showing up the machine working area.

Besides that, the personal clothing also need to be paid attention for entering the
industrial. The cover shoes and long pans is needed for everyone who work in this company. The
earbuds will be provided for those who want to keep near to the area which will make the noise
such as stamping area.

While working in the quarantine area for checking the metals, the gloves is needed. This
is to prevent the dirty and also might been cut by the edge of the metal. While doing any
activities must follow to the instruction from the person-in-charge, any activities were carried on
without the permission of the person-in-charge is prohibited.

Besides of the safety rules and regulation, according to the observations, the safety
awareness for the stamping department’s worker need to be improve. Most of the worker forgot
to switch on the safety sensor for the stamping machine. For solve this problems, the supervisor
need to mention to the worker what is the important for switch on the safety sensor and also the
consequence which may occurred if the safety sensor did not switch on.

On the other hand, there were two way for operate the stamping machine which is press
the button or step on the pedal. Most of the worker will choose the method which is step the
pedal for operate the machine because it is easier. For the suggestion, the uses of pressing the
button is more safety than step the pedal. This is because of while they are step on pedal, they
will not move out their feet. This might cause the accident when they are trying to take the parts
out from the jig but they forget and miss step the pedal.

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