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Are you still here?
So, perhaps you are the bravest
among the brave.
In this second session,
we will try to understand which are the
basic bricks of emotional processes.
So, you can think on
a very specific action.
For example my avatar
is receiving a hit from
an unknown source, and
with a very strange book.
But anyhow,
what happens inside that brain?
First of all this is
a situation of an appraisal,
this is an estimation of the situation.
What is happening here,
it's a dangerous situation.
Secondly, this is a valence
of this process in which
the human being decides that
this is a negative input
at least regarding to his own body.
Third, we can find an elicitation
process in which moment the,
that guy tried,
tries to dodge the the, the peril.
There's also a drive situation in which
that guy try to pursue some goal.
For example,
avoiding having philosophy books at home
because they can be dangerous for
your mind and also for your head.
And, there are more things, like,
for example, the arousal in which
process we can consider the,
the several range of,
of possible responses that happen in that,
in that boy.
For example, the skin mech,
mechanoceptors receive a pressure,
then nociceptors create a,
a, a pain si, signal.
And there's a hormone
activation trying to,
to activate the fight or flight response.
The, there is also a communication
process in which the gestures, the tone,
the facial expression the painful face,
the yelling
vocalization is, is produced.
And also, can produce the situation
on empathy and empathetic process
that is when you put yourself
in other people's shoes.
For example, you can feel in your body
the hit that is received by
another guy in, in his body.
And this can produce a, a response of,
of help towards that, that guy or not.
So, we can try to find something like
general framework in which,
but the most important things that
happen in, in an emotional process.
And we could see two basic coordinates for
example, time and
intensity, but
the truth is that there are three.
Time, Intensity and Valence.
First, some emotions happen for
small, tiny,
long or, or
even non-ending lapses of time.
Secondly, we can find the intensity.
The intensity of the sign now,
we are receiving.
And finally, the valance,
the meaning of this kind of,
of input for your brain,
for your head, for
your body, for your general dispositions.
You can see here my avatar
finds a dangerous thing or
not, it depends on, on your evaluation of
the situation and produces a response.
So, we can think on emotions like
the coordination of several kind
of basic contexts and, and, and
pieces of in, of,
of information that produce things.
Or, along these three coordinates,
in time, for
example, creating moods
that are emotional,
stable action patterns that guide our ac,
our actions for
a specific extensions of,
of, extensions of time.
There is also an intensity
in which our body tie,
tries to stabilize the,
the, the whole system.
For example, take, consider
the body like a homeostatic system.
And finally, the balance.
Try to correlate the, the information
that has been captured by our senses.
Into some kind of
a reaction that surely will
benefit us or
at least will try not to harm our bodies.
So, when we think, think on emotional
actions, we can find several aspects
that can explain the emotional events.
These event, these aspects are put
into a two dimensional, or
even a three dimensional Cart,
Cartesian axes, or structure.
And at the same time, we can consider
emotions like dynamic strategies that
are very useful to deal with internal
as well as with external information.
And then to make possible
to allow proper reactions.
So, thank you so much for being here and
I hope to see you in the next session.

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