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Hotden Manurung [17/419684/PTK/11794]

Chemical Engineering Department UGM

Pyrometallurgy Home work

Phase Diagram of Two and Three Components.

1. Two Components of U and Np

Figure 1.1 Phase Diagram of U – Np system (Landolt Bornstein 2007)

Generally from figure 1.1 we can see that melting point of two components are
diffrent. U melting point at 1135 0C and Np at 639 0C. Melting point of mixture of
U and Np in creasing when components of U increase and Np decrease from melting
point of Np. In this phase diagram we can find a kind of phase like liquid (L),
gamma (γ), beta (β), alpa (α), intermediet (δ) and combinations.

Both of U and Np has a gamma, alpha and beta but in diffrent temperature range,
and δ (intermediet) as a mixture of both. To make more understanding, we need to
make an point or line in phase diagram using percentage mixture of both
components (U-Np). The point A in 75% U and Np 25 % Np, B in 50% U and 50%
Np and C in 10% U and 90% Np like figure 1.2 below.
Hotden Manurung [17/419684/PTK/11794]
Chemical Engineering Department UGM


Figure 1.2 phase diagram of U and Np.

 Line A composed in 75% U and 25% Np, base on this line shows that
decreasing of U component in mixture will be decresea the melting point, then
decreasing temperature step by step will be change tha fase from liquid to γ
phase of U and Np. But before liquid transform to γ, there is a spesific phase
in interval temperature ±1000 0C when a part of liquid become γ. After that γ
will transfer to β phase of U in a relative small temperature diffrent and than
transform to α phase of U.
 Line B composed in 50% U and 50% Np, from this line we can see that melting
point is decrease. Before the liquid transfrom to γ phase there is a trnasform
phase from liquid to γ. After that will transfrom to γ for U and Np (γU, γNp).
And than in temperature ± 669 0C will forming to become intermediet phase
(δ) without transfrom to α and β until to the end of temperature decrease.
 Line C composed in 10% U and 90% Np, based on the C line we can see that
the melting point more close to Np melting point. It is because the composition
is mojority of Np (90%). After that, liquid will transfrom to γU and γNp. After
that will formed βNp from decreasing tremperatur from 576 0C until 280 0C
 Finally from βNp will forming αNp until the end of decrease of temperature.
Hotden Manurung [17/419684/PTK/11794]
Chemical Engineering Department UGM

2. There phase diagram of SiO2-CaO-AL2O3

Figure 1.3.Phase diagram of SiO2–CaO–Al2O3 system.(Vignes 2011)

Generally from figure 1.3 we know that mixture of three components will produce
many kinds of mineral in every situations, like in temperature, mixture composition
and atc. From the mixture of these three components can be formed kinds of
minerals like lime, gehlenite, anorthite, tridymite, mulite, corindon, cristobolite and
atc. From the diagram we can also see and imagine the forming temperature of
every conditions with following the break line. The phase of each components can
be diffrent, like in temperaturu 1707 0C close to maximum SiO2 composition we
may find two liquids.

Figure 1.4 below will present the proportion of each component to forming a kind
of mieral on % unit.
Hotden Manurung [17/419684/PTK/11794]
Chemical Engineering Department UGM

100 Si percentage (%)

CaO percentage (%)
90 percentage (%)




50 %





0 100

Figure 1.4 phase diagram of of SiO2–CaO–Al2O3 system with point

Figure 1.4 show the presentage of each part in phase diagram, so it will be easier
for us to know the aproximation value of each komponent when forming mineral
and aslo point equibilirium between each components.

 SiO2 and Al2O3 forming Gehlenite (3Al2O32SiO2) when the composition of

Al2O3 around ±70% and SiO2 around ±30% in temperature 1850 0C.

CaO and Al2O3 forming many kinds of minerals in spesific mixture component and

 In temperature range 1850 0C – 2020 0C with composition Al2O3 ±90% and

CaO ±10% and ±0% SiO2 forming CaO.6Al2O3.
 In temperature range 1730 0C – 1750 0C with composition Al2O3 ±80% and
CaO ±20% and ±0% SiO2 forming CaO.2Al2O3.
Hotden Manurung [17/419684/PTK/11794]
Chemical Engineering Department UGM

 In temperature range 1595 0C – 1605 0C with composition Al2O3 ±65% and

CaO ±35% and ±0% SiO2 forming CaO.Al2O3.
 In temperature range 1395 0C – 14005 0C with composition Al2O3 ±50%
and CaO ±50% and ±0% SiO2 forming 12CaO.7Al2O3
 In temperature 1535 0C with composition Al2O3 ±40% and CaO ±60% and
±0% SiO2 forming 3CaO.7Al2O3

CaO and SiO2 also forming many kinds of minerals in mixtures components and

 In temperature 2050 0C with composition Al2O3 ±0% and CaO ±75% and
±25% SiO2 forming 3CaO.SiO2.
 In temperature 2130 0C with composition Al2O3 ±0% and CaO ±65% and
±35% SiO2 forming 2CaO.SiO2.
 In temperature 1464 0C with composition Al2O3 ±0% and CaO ±60% and
±40% SiO2 forming 3CaO.2SiO2.
 In temperature 1544 0C with composition Al2O3 ±0% and CaO ±50% and
±50% SiO2 forming CaO.SiO2

Combination from three components are formed many kinds of minerals, and there
are 3 points for observed from the diagram A, B and C.

 Point A is in temperature 1393 0C forming Gehlenite with aproximation

composition CaO ±40%, Al2O3 ±40% and SiO2 ±20%.
 Point B is in temperature 1495 0C forming Anorthite with aproximation
composition CaO ±20%, Al2O3 ±35% and SiO2 ±45%.
 Point C is in temperature 1170 0C forming Tridymite with aproximation
composition CaO ±25%, Al2O3 ±15% and SiO2 ±65%.
Hotden Manurung [17/419684/PTK/11794]
Chemical Engineering Department UGM

From this figure we can see and understand that in one mineral or components can
formed many kind of mineral depend on temperature when the mineral formed from
liquid (system temperature)(Landolt Bornstein 2007)


Landolt Bornstein. 2007. Ternary Alloy Systems Phase Diagram, Crystallographic

and Thermodinamic Data. G. Effenbe. Vol. 11. Stuttgart, Germany: Materials
Science International Team, MSIT Springer. http://www.matport.com.

Vignes, Alain. 2011. Extractive Metallurgy 1 Basic Thermodynamics and Kinetics.

London, UK and Hoboken, USA: ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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