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Names: _________________________________

Technology/Engineering criteria sheet

Technology I’ve used books, websites and I’ve used 2 out of the three (books, I’ve used 1 out of the three (books, I have used resources but I I didn’t used any resources and I don’t
Processes videos in my research. Resources websites and videos) sources for my websites and videos) sources for my don’t have a reference list. have a reference list.
are listed in my reference list. research. Resources are listed in my research. Resources are listed in my
reference list. reference list.
In the design brief, I have given 4 In the design brief, I have given 3 In the design brief, I have given 2 In the design brief, I have I have no reasons for the creation of my
‘real world’ reasons for the need ‘real world’ reasons for the need for reasons for the need for this product. given 1 reason for the need product.
for this product. this product. for this product.
I have sketched a labelled I have sketched a labelled diagrams I have sketched a labelled diagrams of I have sketched a labelled I have sketched a labelled diagram of a
diagrams of prototypes. I have 4 of prototypes. I have 3 pros and 3 prototypes. I have 2 pros and 2 cons diagram of a prototype. I have prototype.
pros and 4 cons of each design. cons of each design. of each design. 1 pros and 1 cons of the
I have listed ALL materials and I have listed ALL materials and I have listed MOST materials and I have listed SOME materials I have not listed any materials or
equipment (brand, amount, and equipment (brand, amount, OR equipment (brand, amount, OR and equipment. I have not equipment. I have not completed the
concentration) AND I have concentration) AND I have concentration) AND I have completed the safety audit. safety audit.
completed a thorough safety completed a detailed safety audit. completed a safety audit.
My method is written in the My method is written in the passive My method is written in the passive The method is written in the My method is missing.
passive voice, past tense. I have voice, past tense. I have included voice, past tense. active voice, future tense.
included pictures and video of the pictures OR video of the method.
My presentation has ALL key My poster has ALL key elements of My poster has SOME key elements of My poster has SOME key My poster is the pages of journal
elements of a technology task. a technology task. There is a a technology task. There is a elements of a technology printed out and stuck on cardboard. I
There is a mix of words, images predominance of words, images or predominance of words, images or task. My poster only has didn’t create my final design.
and graphs. My final design graphs. My final design graphs. My final design accompanies words. I didn’t create my
accompanies the presentation. accompanies the poster. the poster. final design.
Knowledge and I can describe, and justify, 5 ways I can describe, and justify, 4 ways I can describe, and justify, 3 ways the I can describe, and justify, 2 I can describe, and justify, 1 way the
Conceptual the final design meets the design the final design meets the design final design meets the design brief. ways the final design meets final design meets the design brief.
Understanding brief. brief. the design brief.
Evaluating and In my presentation, I have In my presentation, I have discussed In my presentation, I have discussed In my presentation, I have In my presentation, I have discussed my
Concluding discussed my results and my results and calculations and my results and calculations and discussed my results and results and calculations and interpreted
calculations and have thoroughly interpreted the data . I interpreted the data . I have evaluated calculations and have not the data . I have evaluated the
comprehensively interpreted the have evaluated the effectiveness of the effectiveness of my solar oven. interpreted the data . I have effectiveness of my solar oven.
data . I have evaluated the my solar oven. evaluated the effectiveness of
effectiveness of my solar oven. my solar oven.

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