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TM FIG U RA A ase N o.1:18-cv-20818-D PG
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PlaintiffPDVSA US Litigation Trust(séplaintiff'),foritsAmended Complaintagainst

Defendants(each,attDefendant,and,collectively,theCtDefendants''l:1 LukoilPan Americas

lEach capitalized term defined in thisComplaintshallhavethemeaning ascribed to itherein

when beingso defined,unlessthecontextclearly requiresotherwise.
Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 2 of 60

Petroleum Ltd.,
' ColonialOi1 Industries,lnc.;Colonial Group,lnc.;Glencore Ltd.,

lnternationalA.G.;GlencoreEnergyUK Lt.
d.;M asefield A .G.;TrafiguraA.G.;TrafiguraTrading

LLC;Trafigura BeheerB.V.;VitolEnergy (Bermuda) Ltd.;VitolS.A.;Vitol,Inc.;Francisco

M orillo; Leonardo Baquero; Daniel Lutz; Luis Liendo; Jolm Ryan; H elsinge Holdings, LLC ;

Ltd., Saint-l-lélier, collectively Stl-lelsinge''l; W altrop Consultants, C.A.; Godelheim, lnc.,
Hom berg Inc.,
'SocieteDoberan,S.A.;Societe Hedisson,S.A ..
,Societe Hellin,S.A.;Glencorede

V enezuela,C .A .;Jehu H olding lnc.,

' Andrew Sum m ers;M axim iliano Poveda;Jose Larocca;Luis

A lvarez'
, Gustavo G abaldon; Sergio D e La V ega; Antonio M aarraoui;Cmnpo Elias Paez;Paul

Rosado;BAC Florida Bank;EFG Intem ationalA.G.;and Blue Bank lnternationalN.V.(BAC

Florida Bank,EFG lnternationalA.G.;and Blue Bank InternationalN .V .,collectively the sûBarlk

Defendants''),alleges,uponpersonalknowledgeastoitsownactionsand statesuponinfonnation
and beliefasto al1otherm atters as follows:


1. Thisactionarisesfrom anon-goingconspiracy(thedtl-lelsingeEntemrise'')nmong
intem ationaloi1com paniesand traders,theirbanks,and co-conspirators,including corruptagents

and ofticials of the V enezuelan state-owned energy com pany Petröleos de V enezuela, S.A .

(a) to fixprices,rigbids,andeliminatecompetitioninthepurchaseandsale
ofcrude oi1and hydrocarbon productsby PD V SA ;

(b) tomisappropriatePDVSA proprietarydataandintellectualproperty;and

to system atically lootPDVSA by causing corruptPDVSA officialsnotto

collectm oniesduePIIVSA,topayinflatedpricesforproductsand services

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acquired by PD V SA ,to acceptartiticially low prices for products sold by

PD V SA ,to overlook the failureto deliverproductsand services paid forby

PDVSA,and to fraudulently concealwhatwasowedto PDVSA.

2. By fixing prices,rigging bids,and eliminating competition in PDVSA 'Spurchase

and sale ofcrudeoiland hydrocarbonproducts,theHelsingeEnterprisewasableto:

(a) preventcompanies,includingmanylegitimate Americancompanies,from

com peting for PD V SA 'S business,and thereby secure thatbusiness forthe

OilCompany Conspirators(as defined below)membersc'

fthe Helsinge

(b) purchasePDVSA productsatartificiallylow prices;and

sellproductsand servicesto PD V SA atartificially high prices.

By bribing and corrupting PDV SA agents and ofticials,the H elsinge Enterprise

wasable to favorthe OilCom pany Conspirators and disadvantage,orexclude,m any legitim ate

Am erican and othercom petitors,includingby:

(a) structuring tenders for PDVSA contracts to favor the Oil Company
Conspiratorsand Helsingeand disadvantage,orexclude,competitors'

(b) securinginside,proprietaryinformationconcerningPDVSA'Srequirements
and plansbefore such inform ation waspublicly available,again with the

purpose and effect of advantaging the Oil Com pany Conspirators and

disadvantaging,orexcluding,com petitors;and

(c) securinginside,proprietaryinformation concerningcompetingbidssothat

the OilCompany Conspiratorscould beatthem .
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4. By bribing and com zpting PD V SA agents and ofticials,the Helsinge Enterprise

also induced such agentsand ofticialsnotto collectthe fullam ountsdue to PDV SA forthe sale

of PDVSA products to the Oi1 Com pany Conspirators and to overlook the failure of the Oi1

Company Conspiratorsto deliverthefullamountofproductsboughtand paid forby PDVSA.

5. lnitially, the Helsinge Enterprise acquired the proprietary inside PD V SA

inform ation used to im plem entitsschem esby bribing and com zpting PDV SA agents and officials

to providesuch inform ation on acase-by-casebasis.

6. H ow ever,as the conspiracy progressed,the H elsinge Enterprise w as able to obtain

directaccess to PDV SA'Sproprietary servers,including by installing an intercormected,dûclone

server,''and otherwise obtaining direct access to PDV SA 'S servers,that enabled the Helsinge

Enterpriseto m isappropriatePDVSA insideand proprietary infonuation on areal-time basis.

The lossesto PDVSA and the gains to Defendantsasa resultofthe misdeedsby

the HelsingeEnterpriseam otmtto many billionsofdollars.


8. PlaintiffPDVSA US Litigation Trustisa trustestablished pursuanrto the lawsof

New York to investigateandpursue clailnsagainstDefendantsand others.

Through bribes and intim idation, Defendants succeeded in concealing their

Schem es fOr m any years.H ow ever,as a result of an intensive investigation by law yers and

investigators in the U nited States, Venezuela,and Europe,the nature of D efendants'w rongful

conductw asuncovered,and the PDV SA U S Litigation Trustw asform ed on July 27,2017 forthe

speciticpum ose,among otherthings,ofpursuing recovery forDefendants'misconduct.

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10. Defendant LukoilPan Am ericas,LLC is a lim ited liability company organized

underthe law sofD elaw are w ith itsprincipaloftice located at1095 A venue ofthe A m ericas,N ew

Y ork,N ew Y ork 10036.

11. Defendant Lukoil Petroleum Ltd. is a company organized under the laws of

Switzerland with its principal place of business located at Rue Du Conseil-General 9, 1204

Geneva,Sw itzerland.

12. Defendant ColonialO ilIndustries,Inc.is a com oration organized under the law s

ofG eorgia w ith its principalplace ofbusiness at l01 N orth Lathrop Avenue,Savannah,Georgia


Defendant Colonial Group, lnc. is a corporation organized under the law s of

Georgiawith itsprincipaloffice located at101North Lathrop Avenue,Savalmah,Georgia31415.

14. Defendant Glencore Ltd.is a com pany organized under the law s ()fEngland and

W aleswith itsprincipalofficelocated at50 Berkeley Street,London,England W 1J8HD.

15. DefendantGlencore Intem ationalA.G.is a corporation organized underthe laws

ofSwitzerland with itsprincipaloftice located at301 TresserBoulevard,Stam ford,Connecticut


Defendant G lencore Energy U K Ltd.is a com pany organized under the law s of

England and W ales with its principaloftice located at50 Berkeley Street,London,England W 1J

8HD .

17. DefendantM asefield A .G.isa corporation organized underthe law sofSw itzerland

with itsprincipalofficelocated atBaarerstrasse69,Zug 6300,Switzerland.

DefendantTrafiguraAG isacorporation organized underthelawsofSwitzerland

with itsprincipalofficelocated at1rue deJargonnant,CH 1207 Geneva,Switzerland.

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19. DefendantTratiguraTrading LLC,fonnerly know n asiû-l-rafigura,1nc.,''isa lim ited

liability company organized underthe lawsofDelaware with itsprincipaloftice located at1401

M cKilmey Street,Suite 1500,Houston,Texas77010.

20. DefendantTrafigura BeheerBV is a corporation organized underthe laws ofthe

N etherlands with itsprincipaloffice located atEvertvan de Beekstraat 1-82,The Base,Tow erB ,

5th tloor,1118 CL Schiphol,TheNetherlands.

21. DefendantVitolEnergy(Bermuda)Ltd.,isacompanyorganizedunderthelawsof
Bermudawith itsprincipalofficelocated atM agnoliaTowers,Hamilton HM 12,Bermuda.

22. DefendantVitolSA,isacom oration organized tmderthelawsofSwitzerland with

itsprincipaloffice located atBoulevard du Pontd'Arve28,CH 1205 Geneva,Switzerland.

Defendant Vitol, Inc., form erly known as tdvitol SA, lnc.,''is a corporation

organized underthe lawsofDelawarewith itsprincipalofficelocated at2925 Richm ond Avenue,

11th Floor,H ouston,Texas 77098.

24. Defendant Francisco M orillo is a Venezuelan nationalresiding in Boca Raton,

Florida,M iami,Floridaand Geneva,Switzerland.

25. DefendantLeonardo Baquero isaVenezuelan nationalresiding in M iam i,Florida.

D efendantD anielLutz isa V enezuelan nationalresiding in M iam i,Florida.

D efendantLuis Liendo isa Venezuelan nationalresiding in Orlando,Florida.

28. D efendantJohn Ryan isa U .S.nationalresiding in Biscayne Park,Florida.

29. D efendantM aria Fernanda Rodriguez isa Venezuelan nationalresiding in M iam i,

Floridaanda confidante ofRyan,M orillo and Baquero,upon information andbelief.

30. DefendantHelsinge Holdings,LLC,isalimited liabilitycompany organized under

the lawsofFlorida with itsprincipaloffice located at1221BrickellAvenue,Suite 948,M iami,

Florida 33131.

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31. DefendantHelsinge,lnc.isacorporationorganized underthelawsc'

fPanama with

its principalplace ofbusiness at 122l BrickellA venue,Suite 948,M iam i,Florida 33131.

DefendantHelsinge Ltd.,Saint-l-lélieris a company organized unclerthe laws of

33. DefendantW altrop Consultants,C.A.isacorporation organized underthe lawsof

Venezuela with itsprincipaloftice located at 1221 BrickellAvenue,Suite 948,Idiam i,Florida


34. Defendant G odelheim ,lnc.is a corporation organized under the laws of Panam a

with itsprincipaloffice located at1221BrickellAvenue,Suite948,M iami,Florida 33l31.

DefendantHornberg Inc.isacorporation organized underthelawsofPanamawith

itsprincipalofficelocated at1221BrickellAvenue,Suite948,M iam i,Florida33131.

Defendant Societe Doberan, S.A.is a corporation organized under the laws of

Panam awith itsprincipalofficelocatedat1221BrickellAvenue,Suite948,M inmi,Florida33131.

37. Defendant Societe Hedisson,S.A.is a com oration organized under the laws of

Panam awith itsprincipalofficelocatedat1221BrickellAvenue,Suite948,M iami,Florida33131.

38. DefendantSoeieteHellin,S.A.isacorporation organizedunderthelawsofPanam a

w ith its principaloffice located at1221 BrickellA venue,Suite 948,M iam i,Florida 33l31.

D efendantG lencore de V enezuela,C.A .isa corporation organized underthe law s

of Pannm a w ith its principaloffice located at 1221 Brickell Avenue,Suite 948,M iam i,Florida


40. DefendantJehu HoldingInc.isacop oration organized underthelawsofBarbados

with itsprincipalplace ofbusinessin Barbados.

41. DefendantAndrew Sum mersisan individualresidingin Geneva,Switzerland.

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42. DefendantM axim iliano Poveda is an individualresiding in H ouston,Texas.

DefendantJoseLaroccaisan individualresiding in Geneva,Switzerland.

DefendantLuisAlvarez isan individualresiding in London,United Kingdom .

45. DefendantGustavo Gabaldon isan individualresiding in CosCob,Connecticut.

46. D efendantSergio De La V ega isan individualresiding in M exico City,M exico.

D efendantA ntonio M aarraouiis an individualresiding in H ouston,Texas.

48. DefendantCam po EliasPaez isan individualresiding in Caracas,Venezuela.

49. DefendantPaulRosado isan individualresiding in Savannah,Georgia.

50. DefendantBAC Florida Bank is a Florida banking corporation with its principal

oftice located at 169 M iracle M ile,R-10,CoralGables,Florida 33134.

Defendant EFG International fonuerly known as (EBSI'' is a banking

com pany organized underthe law s ofSw itzerland w ith itsprincipaloftice located atBleicherw eg

8,C11-9022 Zurich,Sw itzerland.

52. Defendant Blue Bank lntelmational N .V ., form erly known as ''

kprem ier Bank

lntem ationalN.V.''isabanking company organized underthelawsofCuraçao with itsprincipal

office located atAbraham deVeerstraat9,W illem stad,Curaçao.


ThisCourthasfederalquestionjurisdictionpursuantto 28U.S.C.j 1331because

thisaction arisesoutofviolationsofthefederallawsand hassupplementaljurisdiction overthe
relatedstateclaimspursuantto 28U.S.C jl367.
54. Venueisproperin thisjudicialdistrictpursuantto 28 U.S.C.j 1391because a
substantialpa14oftheeventsgivingriseto Plaintiffsclaim soccurred in thisdistrid ,a substantial

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portion ofthe affected interstate trade and com m erce w as carried outin this district,and several

ofthe D efendantsreside and have offices in thisdistrict.

1. The O rigin ofthe C onspiracy and the R elevantParticipants.

55. One ofthe principalparticipants in the investigations thatuncovered the illegal

conductdescribed herein isJohn Brennan,ChiefExecutive OfficerofThe Brennan Group LLC

and aformerSeniorDetectiveatNew Scotland Yard.HisDeclarationisattachedhereto asExhibit

A,and thestatementstherein areincorporated by referenceherein.

Beginning on M arch 30, 2001, two Venezuelan nationals, Frmlcisco M orillo

($1M oril1o'')and Leonardo Baquero (tûBaquero'') formed an energy consultancy firm called
W altrop Consultants,C.A.(tûW TRPC'') in Venezuela.W TRPC'S ostensible purpose wœs to
provide market intelligence to energy traders doing business in Venezuela and with PDVSA


OnJanuary 30,2004,M orillo and Baquero form ed an energy advisory and trading

tirm called Helsinge,lnc.,which they incorporated in Pannma.Helsinge,lnc.was originally

located in Caracas,Venezuela,butHelsingeand W TRPC thereafterrelocated theirprincipalplace

of business to M iam i,Florida.zHelsinge and W TRPC describe them selves as energy advisory

firm s.

58. On behalf of the H elsinge Enterprise, M orillo and Baquero also form ed m any

the various illicit schemes described herein. Among the Panam anian Companies formed by

2 Helsingealsom aintainsofficesin Geneva,Switzerland and Saint-llélier,Jersey,in the Channel


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S.A.;(4)Homberg lnc.;(5)Godelheim,lcc.,
'(6)Glencore de Venezuela,C.A.;and (7)Jehu

Asisthecase with W TRPC and Helsinge,theHelsingeEnterprisetluough M orillo

and Baquero exertstotalcontroloverthePanamanian Com panies.However,M orillo and Baquero

do not appear as directors for any of the Panam anian Com panies. lnstead, the Panam anian

Companiessharethe snm efivedirectorswho residein Panam aand M iami,Florida.

60. The Panam anian Com panies are shellcom panies thatserve as conduitentities for

illegalpaymentsandmoneylaunderingschemes(a)usedtoprovideM orilloandBaqueroandtheir
co-conspirators w ith inside inform ation on PD VSA 'S tenders for the sales of its hydrocarbon

productsaswellasPDVSA 'Stendersforthepurchaseofitslightcrude oi1productsnecessary for

PDVSA'Srefineryoperationsso thatitcan lighten itsdom esticheavycrudeoilproductsforexport

oftheHelsinge Enterprise'sill-gotten gainstoparticipants.

61. Beginning in 2004,Helsinge (through Morillo and Baquero)received PDVSA'S

confidentialinside inform ation for itself and its select m ulti-nationalenergy trading corporation

clients by bribing PD V SA business m anagers in PD V SA 'S Com m ercialand Supply Departm ent

and itsTransportD epartm ent.

62. These PD V SA departm ents collectively controlthe PD V SA tenders for contracts

concerning PD V SA 'S purchases and sales of hydrocarbon products.The bribes were facilitated

and paid outofthe Pannm anian Companiesatthedirection ofM orillo and Baquero and with the

knowledgeand approvaloftheirmulti-nationalenergy trading corporation co-conspirators.

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63. The internationalenergy tracling com paniesthathave been provided access to this

proprietary PDV SA inform ation and thatparticipated in the bribery paym entsand bid-rigging and

otherschemesinclude:(1)LukoilPanAmericasLLC;(2)LukoilPetroleum Ltd.;(3)ColonialOi1
GlencoreEnergy UK Ltd.;(8)M asefieldA.G.;(9)TratiguraA.G.;(10)TratiguraTradingLLC;
(11)TrafiguraBeheerB.V.;(12)VitolEnergy (Bennuda)Ltd.;(13)VitolS.A.;1md (14)Vitol,
64. The Oi1Company ConspiratorshaveofficesthroughouttheUnited States.

The OilCom pany Conspirators'senior traders participating in this illicitactivity


(a) Trafiguraseniortraders,including MaximilianoPoveda,JoseLaroccaand

former Tratigura senior trader,Andrew Sum mers.Poveda is the Head

Trader for Tratigura's LPG business w orldw ide. Larocca is a D irector of

Trafigura and the Head ofOi1Trading and M emberofM anagem entBoard

of Trafigura Beheer B.V.Summ ers is the fonner Head Of Fuel Oil &

Bitum en forTrafigura;

(b) Glencoreseniortraders,including LuisAlvarez(theformerglobalhead of

G lencore Business Developm entExecutive,Sergio De La V ega;

(c) Vitol's Director of Latin American and Caribbean Trading, Antonio

M aarraoui;and

(d) ColonialGroup'sseniortrader,PaulRosado.

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66. Poveda, Larocca, Summers,Alvarez, Gabaldon, De La Vega, M aarraoui and

Rosado are som etim es collectively refen'

ed to herein as ttlndividualTraderConspirators''.

From 2004 to the presenttime,the lndividualTraderConspiratorshave served as

am ong the mostseniorenergy traders foreach ofthe Oi1Com pany Conspirators.ln the case of

Trafiguraand Glencore,JoseLaroccaand LuisAlvarez served ashiscom pany'sdirectorandhead


68. A m ong the banks used to facilitate the bribe paym ents m ade bv the H elsinge

Entep rise,including by M orillo and Baquero,Helsinge,and the Oi1Company Conspiratorsare:

(1)BAC FloridaBank;(2)BlueBank InternationalN.V.,(formerly tûpremierBankInternational

N.V.'');(3)EFG InternationalA.G.(formerly tdBSI'');and (4)CreditSuisse,through accounts
located in Florida,Switzerland,and Curacao.

69. This illegal activity is ongoing and the conspirators continue to use the sam e

Panamanian Com panies and banks to launder the pam ents to the bribed PDVSA agents and


Il. The Bid-R igging and Price-Fixing Schem es C oncerning PDV SA 'S Tenders for Its
H ydrocarbon Sales and Purchases.

70. PD V SA 'S policy is to buy and sell products only from traders w hom it has pre-

approved fordoing business w ith PD V SA .

From 2004 to 2011,neither H elsinge, W TRPC , nor any of the Pannm anian

Companieswereapproved asauthorized oiland gastraderswith PDVSA.

72. Notwithstanding this fact,in 2004,M orillo and Baquero leveraged theircontacts

within PDVSA 'S Com mercialand Supply l7epartmentand entered into an illicitagreem entwith

severalbusiness m anagers at PDVSA whereby M orillo and Baquero would pay the PDVSA

em ployees bribes in exchange for advance and confidential information concenking PDVSA'S

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 13 of 60

futuretendersforitspurchasesand salesofllydrocarbon productsandthebidsmadebycompeting


Am ong the key business m'

anagers coordinating thisillicit scheme from within

PDVSA wereReneHecker(thebusinessmanageroftheCommercialandSupplyDepartmenttmtil
2013),Marco Malave (Head ofthePDVSA Commercialand Supply Departmentfrom 2012 to
2017),EdgarGarcia (abusinessmanagerin PDVSA'SFreightand TransportDepartmentuntil
2008),and YsmelSerrano (thecurrentHead ofPDVSA'SCommercialand SupplyDepartment)
(each,aiéBribedPDVSA Employee''and,collectively,theûkBribedPDVSA Employees').
The Oi1 Com pany Conspirators w ere already existing traders approved to do

businesswith PDVSA in 2004.However,M orilloand Baquero promised and delivered to theOi1

Com pany Conspirators fulldetails ofcom peting bids as wellas PDVSA'S conlsdential inside

inform ationconcerning PDV SA'Sfuturetendersmonthsbeforethemarketplacereceived thesam e

inform ation from PDV SA .

75. A s explained in greater detail below , the advance receipt of this confidential

PDVSA information provided the OilCompany Conspiratorswith an acuteadvantage overtheir

m arketplace com petitors in tlw ilm ing'' the tenders offered by PDV SA . M any of these

disadvantaged com petitors are oi1trading com panies in the U nited States.

76. M orillo and Baquero, acting through H elsinge and the Panam anilm Com panies,

provided inside proprietary PD V SA inform ation as well as access to the Bribed PD V SA

Em ployees to the Oil Com pany Conspirators. ln return, the Oil Com pany Conspirators paid

Helsinge and the Panam anian Companies'fees or S'comm issions''for the receiptofthe inside

inform ation and riggedtenders.Thesepaymentscompensated M orilloandBaquero forservingas

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 14 of 60

the ltm iddle m an''forthe sale ofPDV SA 'S contidentialproprietary inform ation and w ere also the

funds ultim ately used in partforthe bribe paym entsto the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees.

77. As explained below,M orillo and Baquero attem pted to disguise the bribes and

launderthese illicitpaym ents.The paym entsto theBribed PDV SA Em ployeeswere paid by the

O ilCom pany Conspirators to the Panam anian Com panies'bank accounts.M orillo and Baquero

would then pay the bribes to the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees from the Panam anian Com panies'

bank accounts. Shortly before or afterthe paym entofthese bribes,the O ilCom pany Conspirators

would receive the advance PDVSA tenderinform ation and theircom petitors'competing bidsso

thatthe O ilCom pany Conspiratorsw ere assured to w in theirchoice ofPDV SA contracts.

78. Asexplained below,theOi1Company Conspiratorsknowingly participated in this

schem e. lndeed, the fraudulent and anti-com petitive schem es w ere so lucrative for the O i1

Company Conspirators,thatas partofthe conspiracy lndividualTraderConspiratorspersonally

received paym ents to rew ard theirinvolvem entin the conspiracy and assure their silence.

The conspirators expended substantialtim e and resources to concealtheir illicit

conduct, including by fraudulently generating fictitious (iagency', Or i(atjVjsory)? agreennents

betw een thePanam anian Com paniesand the OilCom pany Conspiratorsw hereby the OilCom pany

Conspiratorspurportedly ttretained''the Panam anian Com paniesasttm arketresearch''orlûbusiness

intelligence''firm sto assistthe O i1Com pany Conspirators'iûliaison''w ith PD V SA .

80. These fictitiousagency and advisory agreementswere generated between M orillo

and BaqueroandtheOilCompanyConspiratorsto providethe facadeoflegitimacyto them illions

ofdollarsin almualbribepaymentsbeing funneled bytheOilCom panyConspirators,through the

Panam anian Companies,to thecom zptPDVSA agentsand officials,and otherco-conspirators,in

furtheranceoftheirbid-rigging,price-fixing and otherschemes.Indeed,each oftheOilCompany

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Conspirators entered into an agency or advisory agreem ent with one or m ore Pannm anian

Com panies that served as the conduit for Lhe paym ents to the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees and


81. Given thatthe Panam anian ('

,om panieshave neverbeen approved t()do business

ofany kind w ith PD V SA and thatthe O i1Com pany Conspirators w ere allapproved traders with

agreem ents,which pum orted to paythePanamanian Companiesexcessively high com pensation

fortheirçtservices,''including non-refundablemonthly retainersbetween $15,000 1md $150,000,

plusadded compensation of$0.05 to $0.22 perbarrelofoilproductboughtfrom orsold to

PDV SA by the O ilCom pany Conspiratorsasa resultofthe Panam anian Com panies'ûûservices.''

82. The m nnnerin which M orillo and Baquero comm unicated PDVSA'Sproprietary

tenderinform ation and the third-parties'competing bids to the OilCompany Conspirators took

severalform s,asdescribed m orefullybelow.

83. M orillo and Baquero and the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees com m unicated via

num erousprivate em ailaccountsusing a litany of aliasesto concealtheir identities. Forexam ple,

Rene Hecker (one of the Bribed PDVSA Employees) used a private email account at
sclups@ amail.com tocommunicatewithMorilloateitherM orillo'sW TRPC emailaccountorhis
many privateemailaccounts,includingD nciscomorillo@ cantv.net,whereby Heckerorone of
his com plicit subordinates w ould provide M orillo and Baquero w ith the details concerning

upcom ing PD VSA tenders.

84. M orillo and Baquero would then relay PDVSA'S proprietary inform ation

concerning futuretendersto the OilCompany Conspiratorsattheircorporate emailaccounts or,

atothertimes,to the IndividualTraderConspirators'private emailaccounts. A.

s explained in

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 16 of 60

greater detailbelow ,the O ilCom pany Conspirators would then instnzctM orillo and Baquero on

how torigselected futuretendersin suchamalmerso astoeitherensure(1)thattheywouldwin

thosetendersbybeing theonly biddersableto fulfillthequantitative and qualitative tennsofthe

85. M orillo andBaquerowouldthen relay theOi1CompanyConspirators'directivesto

the Bribed PDVSA Employees over private em ailto ensure the targeted future tenders were

modified accordingly.

86. As explained below, separate and apart from the use of private emails to

disseminate PDVSA 'S proplietary and confidentialinformation,M orillo and Baquero,with the

assistanceofcertain Bribed PDVSA Employees,particularly LuisLiendo,setup a ûicloneserver,''

and related interconnected electronic meansto gain imm ediate access to PDVSA'Sconfidential


87. Thus,M orillo and Baquero had directSûrealtime''access into PDVSA'Scomputer

system in the Com mercialand Supply Department.Thisenabled M orillo and Baquero to access

PDVSA 'Sconfidentialinform ation,including with respectto its future tendercontracts and the

realtime competing bids submitted by the OilCompany Conspirators'marketcompetitors for

tendersalready released by PD V SA forcom petitive bidding.

88. M orillo and Baquero w ould then either share w ith the OilCom pany Conspirators

their real-tim e access to PD V SA 'S com puter system or com m unicate the com peting bid

inform ation to the O ilCom pany Conspiratorsviaprivate em ailorthrough lnstantM essage Boards

in which M orillo and Baquero and the IndividualTraderConspirators,using aliasesto conceal

their identities, would discuss the çompeting third-party bids.Each of the lndividual Trader

Conspiratorshaveoperated,and continueto operate,with aliasesoftheirown and theconspirators

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 17 of 60

continue to usethe clone serverand otherr'

neansto obtain PDVSA'Scontidentialinfonnation to

their econom ic advantage. See the D eclaleation of John Thackray, dated February 12, 2018,

attached hereto asExhibitB,whosestatem entsare incorporated by reference herein.

89. The conspirators have concealed their actions from the m arketplace and from

PDVSA (apartfrom the Bribed PDVSA Employees whose misconductwmsunauthorized and

outsidethescopeoftheiremployment).In addition totheactionsdescribed above,M orillo and
Baquero instructed the Bribed PDVSA Employees to destroy evidence maintained atPDVSA

concerning the modification ofthetenderstargeted bythe conspiratorsso asto avoid detection by

PDV SA through its internal controls.The Bribed PD V SA Em ployees w ere also instructed to

destroy anyevidenceoftheircom municationswith theconspirators.

90. Asaresultoftheim properintluenceoftheHelsingeEnterprise,in2011PDVSA 'S

accreditation departmentapproved Helsingeasan authorized PDVSA trader.

91. Theaforementionedbid-riggingand price-fixing schemescontinued afterHelsinge

became an approved PDV SA trader and continueto the presentday.ln addition,Helsinge now

trades on its ow n accountas w ellas continuing to serve as the Etadvisor''orçlagent''for the O il

Company Conspirators,whereby M orillo and Baquero continue being com pensated by the Oi1

Com pany Conspirators for providing the inside inform ation and rigging the tenders on the O i1

Company Conspirators'behalf.

111. C ontroland R igging ofPD V SA 'S Tender Process for O ilProducts That It Sells and

92. M orillo and Baquero have controloverthe PDVSA tenderprocess through the

Bribed PDVSA Employees in the Commercialand Supply Department.M orillo and Baquero

controlthe detailsofthe launch ofatenderby PDVSA and thetender'sterm s.

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93. This gives H elsinge and the O i1 Com pany Conspirators an illegal and grossly

disproportionate advantage because itprovides them w ith the ability to dictate the procedure and

substance ofthe tenders in a m nnnerthatm akes itlogistically im possible fora m arketcom petitor

to even subm ita valid com peting bid.

94. Forexmnple,PDV SA 'SPlanning Departm entnotitiesthe Com m ercialand Supply

Departm entofPDVSA 'S supply ofheavy crude available for sale or conversely its lightcrude

requirem ents approxim ately 45 to 60 days in advance of w hen a tender should be lûofficially''

launched into themarketplace forbids.

Instead ofprom ptlyissuing thetenderfortheparticularhydrocarbon productto the

approved PDVSA traders,however,the Bribed PDVSA Employees only comm unicate this

informationtoM orillo andBaquero and witlzholdreleasingthetenderuntilsuchtim eastheBribed

PD V SA Em ployees receive feedback from M orillo and Baquero as to whether the tender is of

interestto H elsinge orthe O i1Com pany Conspirators.

96. M orillo and Baquero usethe(lfirstlook''and advancelead time to coordinate with

the Oi1 Company Conspirators (including through the lndividualTrader Conspirators) and
determineifanyoftheconspiratorshave arlinterestin closing on the specitictender.

97. If so,M orillo and Baquero directed the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees as to how to

change the quantitative and qualitativetenxsofthetenderto ensure thatone ofthe Oi1Company

Conspiratorsisthewilmingbidder(pertheinstructionsreceivedbyMorilloandBaquerofrom the
Oi1Company Conspirators).The adjustments made by the Bribed PDVSA Employees in the
Commercialand Supply Departmentinclude:(a)lowering theminimum pricing formula fora

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dem anding thata particularinspection com pany be available as the quality controlagent.

98. The Bribed PDV SA Employees hold back the tender issuance date to the

m arketplacein orderto compressthebid window and thetimeperiod from idbestand final''tender

offersto the closing date when thebuyermusttakedeliveryoftheproducton itstankerand leave

the loading port.

99. By com pressing the tim e period on those tendersof interestto the Oi1Com pany

Conspirators,the m arketcom petitors are placed ata further severe disadvantage in subm itting

competing bidsbecausetheycannotarrangeforfinancing,transportvesselsorinspection teamsin

such a shortperiod oftim e.

100. By contrast,H elsinge and the Oil Com pany Conspirators have nm ple tim e to

establish the linesofcreditand transportservices required to close on a contractbecause they

receive the tenderinformation atleastthirty (30)daysbeforethe competitorsdo.Asa result,

Helsinge and the Oi1Company Conspirators are able to acquire PDVSA'S crude oi1ata price

artificially low erthan the price thatw ould resultfrom com petitive bidding.

101. Helsinge and the OilCom pany Conspiratorsare engaging in the sam e fraudulent

schem e for supplying PD V SA w ith lightcrude productsthatPDV SA needs forblending w ith its

heavycrudeoi1in orderto sellitsoilproductsintothemarketplace,includingtheUnited States.

102. Justasw ith PDV SA 'Soi1productsthatitsellsthrough tendersdesigned to facilitate

com petitive bidding,M orillo and Baquero and the Oi1Com pany Conspirators pay bribes to the

Bribed PDV SA Employees in exchange lbr receipt of contidential PDVSA information and

controloverthetenderprocessforPDVSA 'Slight-crudeoilptlrchases.

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103. A m ong the lightcnzde productsthatPD VSA needsto purchase w ith regularity are

naphtha,M TBE,and Blend Stock.W ithout these lightcrude products,PD V SA cannotretine its

heavy crude and exportitsow n hydrocarbol)products.

104. H elsinge and the Oi1 Com pany Conspirators use their advance know ledge of

lightcrude products and petrochemicalsolvents from energy suppliers in advance ofPDV SA'S

ofticialissuance ofthe tenders so as to preventcom petitors from being able to source these

productsduringthecom pressedtim eframesdem anded in theriggedtenders.In addition,Helsinge

and the OilCompany Conspirators can dictate the price of these light crude ploducts sold to

PDVSA becauseoftheirtotalcontrolovertNetenderprocess.

105. M orillo and Baquero'sprovision ofinsideproprietary PDVSA tenderinformation

to theOi1Company Conspiratorshasoccun.ed from 2004 untilthepresentdate.

106. The Helsinge Enterprise's illicit schem es and control over the Bribed PDV SA

Em ployees,as orchestrated by M orillo and Baquero,have enabled H elsinge and the Oi1Com pany

Conspiratorsto earn billionsin unlawfulprofitsatthe expenseofPDVSA .

HelsingeandtheOilCom panyConspiratorsarenow thedominantsuppliersoflight

crude products to PD V SA .Between 2004 and 2017,H elsinge,G lencore,Lukoil,Traflgura,and

V itolconstituted five outofthe top ten suppliers of light cnlde products to PDV SA as m easured

by volum e and totalcontractprice.

108. This is remarkable for Helsinge given its small size (under l0 employees,
temporaryofficespace,andno significantinfrastructure)andthefactthatitwasnotanapproved
bidderorsellerto PDVSA until2011.

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109. Indeed,on D ecem ber 7,2016,H elsinge w as awarded one ofthe largestcontracts

forthe supply ofnaphtha in PDV SA 'Shistory - the supply of l8 m illion barrelsofheavy naphtha

w hich was scheduled fordelivery in the tirstsix m onthsof2017.

lV . Bid-Rigging and Price-Fixing Through D irectR eal-rrim e Access to PD VSA 'S

Com puter System .

110. M orillo and Baquero andtheirco-conspiratorshaveim plem ented asecond layerof

competitiveadvantage(also illicit)to ensurethatcompetitorsthattry to bid on rigged PDVSA

tendersareedgedoutonthe'ûbestand final''offersbecausetheyhaverealtimeaccessto competing

third-party bids through M orillo and Baquero's use of a dsclone server,''and other electronic

interconnections,which providesthem direct,real-time accessto the contidentialinformation of

the PD V SA Com m ercialand Supply D epartm ent.

111. A cloneserverwasoriginally installed atM orillo and Baquero'sM iamiofficesby

a former PDVSA IT Administrator nam ed Luis Liendo.Liendo was an associate of Bribed

PDV SA Em ployee Rene Hecker.Liendo ishimself a Bribed PDVSA Employee who received

directpam entsfrom Morillo andBaquero(throughthePanamanianCompanies)inexchangefor

his services.

M orillo and Baquero have referred to Liendo by hisalias,(t-l-he N erd,''and hisbribe

paymentshavebeen recorded in thePannm anian Com panies'booksand records.

113. Liendo successfully set up a clone server to operate autom atically and provide

M orillo and Baquero and theirco-conspiratorswith instantaneous realtim e tûlive access''to the

PD V SA Com m ercialand Supply server.

M orillo and Baquero and the co-conspiratorscontinue to utilize the clone server,

including to provideM orillo and Baqueroand,through them ,the HelsingeEnterprise,with direct

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access to PDV SA intem al com m unications attheir M iam i oftice,w hich serves as the principal

place ofbusiness forH elsinge,W TRPC,and the Panam anian Com panies.

lnitially,M orillo and Baquero utilized the clone server and conveyed the data so

obtained to the OilCom pany Conspirators. H ow ever,since atleastasearly as 201.

3,and up to the

present,M orillo and Baquero have been able to provide the O ilCom pany Conspiratorsw ith direct

accessto the clone serverand the PDVSA Com mercialand Supply Departm ent.This access is

controlled by M orillo and Baquero who are paid by the OilCompany Conspiratorsforthisillicit


In orderto prolong the illicitschem e,M orillo and Baquero took active m easuresto

fraudulently concealthe schem e from PDVSA'Smanagement.The scheme continued forovera

decade because s4orillo and Baquero and theirco-conspiratorsintentionally and knowingly

concealed m aterial facts, including that the PD V SA tenders w ere rigged and that M orillo and

Baquero and theirco-conspirators had accessto PDV SA 'S confidential,inside infonuation.

117. To concealtheir scheme,the co-conspirators bribed corrupthigh-levelPDVSA

managersto monitorand sabotageanypotentialdiscoveryoftheschem eand to rig thetendersand

bid awardsto create a false appearance ofregularm arkettransactions.In addition,M orillo and

Baquero ensured thattheirschem e w asnotdiscovered by m onitoring PD V SA 'S internalcom puter

system usingthecloneserverthatwascreated forthem bythe Bribed PDV SA Employees.

118. Absentthe co-conspirators'active m easures to covertly prevent any discovery of

the illicitschem e,PD V SA w ould have ceased doing business with the OilCom pamy Conspirators

and Helsinge.

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X* ThePaymentsFlowing from theOiICompany Conspiratorsto theBribed PDVSA

Em ployeesvia the Panam anian C om panies.

119. Paym entsfrom the OilCompany Conspiratorsto the Bribed PDVSA Em ployees

flowed and continueto flow,am ong othernleans,through the Panam anian Compaaies.

120. The Oi1Company Conspirators wire payments into the Panamanian Com panies'

bank accounts (many of which are located in Florida andelsewhere in the United States).
Typically,w ithin one week of receiving these paym ents from the Oil Com pany Conspirators,

M orillo and Baquero wire transferthe paym entsto the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees from the sam e

Panam anian Com panies'bank accounts.

121. M orilloand Baquero and theirco-conspiratorshaveundertaken elaborateeffortsto

facilitate the bribe paym ents to the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees.For exam ple,paym ents to these

employeeshave been m ade to ttstraw men''recipientsranging from shellcompanjesto relatives.

M oreover,in an effortto concealthese payrnents,the records ofthese paym ents routinely refer to

therecipientsthrough aliases.

122. M orillo and Baquero have coordinated thepaym entsrunning to the Bribed PD V SA

Em ployees and the IndividualTrader Conspirators from 2004 untilthe presenttim e by using the

Panam anian Com paniesastheconduitentitiesto facilitate and launderthepayments.

The Oi1Com pany Conspiratorsw ere fully apprised ofa11bribe paym ents m ade by

M orillo and Baquero which were disguised astkrepresentation fees''oriQhonorariost,in the books

and recordsofthe O ilCom pany Conspirators.

124. TheOilCompanyConspiratorshavealsoreconciledthebribesagainstthecontracts

steered toward each OilCompany Conspirator.These schedules include paym entsm ade to the


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125. M orillo and Baquero have maintained sim ilar records with the Oil Company

Conspiratorsand the schem e rem ains in place today.

V l. B anks Facilitated the FraudulentSchem e.

126. M orillo and Baquero could nothave perpetuated the m ultibillion-dollar fraudulent

schem e w ithoutthe active facilitation ofthe Bank D efendants.

127. The Bank Defendants failed to follow the due diligence requirem entscomm only

referredto asSllcnow yourcustom er''rulesinzposedbybankingregulations,industry standardsand

internalrules.The ttknow your customer''rules are designed to detectand prevcntthe type of

m oneylaunderingschem eM orilloand Baqueroexecuted.Theserulesrequireareasonableinquiry

to determ inethe intended purposeofacustom er'stransactionsand whethera customer'sbusiness

operations,and the proceedsofthose operatiions,constitute an illegalschem e. To the contrary,the

Bank Defendantshad actualand/orconstructiveknowledgeofthefraudnm by M orillo,Baquero,

and the Helsinge Enterprise.The evidence ofthe Barlk Defendants'actualand/orconstructive

know ledge include:

(a) M orillo and Baquero frequentlyOpened and closed accountson theirown

behalf,and on behalfofthePanamanian Companies,including closing and

opening accountsw ithin the sam e day;

(b) Morillo and Baquero and the Panamanian Companies made frequent
intercom pany w ire tnm sfersthatw ere obviously notrelated to the operation

ofany regularbusiness;

M orillo and Baquero provided identicalpretextualand suspiciousreasons

forclosing and opening accounts;

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(d) Morillo and Baquero provided evasiveand obscure answersto questions

regarding the Panam anian Com panies'businessoperations and the identity


(e) M orillo and Baquero and theBribed PDVSA Employeesshared thesame

private bankersattheBank Defendantsand opened and closed accountsin

tandem and wired substantialsum sofmoniesbetween theiraccountsatthe

Bank D efendants.

128. Forexample,M orillo and Baquero paid Rene Hecker hundreds ofthousands of

dollarsin bribes in fourtransactions overa three-m onth period. Those paym entsw ere paid outof

aPremierBank lnternationalN.V.(now BlueBankInternationalN.V.)accountheld inthename

ofone ofthe Panam anian Com panies and illto a Prem ierBank InternationalN .V .accountheld in

thenam e ofRene Hecker's shellentity.A 1l()fthesetransactionswerefacilitated by a singlebanker

atPrem ierBank InternationalN .V.,Randolph Arvelo.Two weeksafterthelastpaym ent,M orillo

and Baquero urgently requested Arvelo to close the barlk accounts on the sam e day as they

requested to open new accounts.M orillo m&d Baquero provided Arvelo with identicalpretextual

reasons forthe requestto close the accounts and open new accounts.

129. Sim ilarly,Prem ier Bank InternationalN .V .failed to perform the requisite t'know

yourcustomer''due diligence when M orillo and Baquero attem pted to open new accountsunder

the nnm esofdifferentPanam anian Com panies.Even w hen Prem ierBank lnternationalN .V .m ade

rudimentaryrequestsforbackground infonnation regardingthePanam anian Companies,including

the identity of directors, M orillo and Baquero refused to provide responsive information.

Notwithstandingtheevasiveness,Prem ierBarlk lntem ationalN .V.pennitted M oriltoand Baquero

to open the accotmtswithoutany f'


Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 26 of 60

lndustry standards, bank l'egulations,and the Bank Defendants' own policies

required thatsuspiciousactivitiesbe reported to the appropriateauthorities.M orillo and Baquero's

activitiesclearly raised red flagsthatwere,atbest,willfully ignored bytheBank Defendantsand

w ere neverreported to the authorities.Thus,asa resultofthe Bank Defendants'failure to com ply

withtheirown legalandregulatoryobligations,thefraudulentactivitycontinuedunabated forover

a decade and provided substantialaid to M orillo and Baquero's schem e,realizing m illions of

dollarsin feesfortheBarlk Defendantsasaresult.

V II. H elsinge and the O ilCom pany Conspirators H ave Failed to R em it FullPaym ent on
the Contracts in W hich PDV SA H as Sold to Them and They H ave Failed to D eliver
theQuantitiesofLightCrudeOiIProductsforW hichPDVSA HasAlreadyPre-paid.
A s a result of the conspirators' controlover the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees,the

Bribed PDVSA Employees caused PDVSA to overlook the factthatHelsinge and the Oil

Com pany Conspirators have failed to rem it full paym ent to PD V SA on sales contracts for

hydrocarbon productson which H elsinge o1'the O i1Com pany Conspiratorsclosed.

132. ln addition,H elsinge and the O ilCom pany Conspirators require PD V SA to pre-

pay 100% ofthe contract price forthe light crude products thatH elsinge and the OilCom pany

Conspirators sell to PDVSA. However, the Oi1 Company Conspiratorsand Helsinge have

consistently failed to deliverthe fullam ountofthe lightcrude oi1productsforw hich PD V SA has

fully paid.

133. The totalam ounts ofm onies owed by Helsinge and the O ilCom pany Conspirators,

fortheirrespective underpam ents on PD V SA 'Ssalescontracts and PD V SA 'Soverpaym entw ith

recentproductspurchased by PDVSA thathave already been identified alonetotalin the billions

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V IIl. Paym ents W ere M ade by PDV SA and Paym ents W ere Received by PD V SA From
and to PDV SA 'SA ccounts in Banlts in the United States.

PD V SA received pam ents for the sale of crude oi1and m ade paym ents for the

purchaseoflighthydrocarbon productsthrough itsaccountsin A m erican barlksorin foreign banks

with branchesintheUnited States.

135. Thus,totheextentthatthem isdeedsperpetratedbytheHelsingeEnterpriseresulted

in underpaym entsto PDVSA forthe sale ofcrude oi1productsand overpaym entsbyPDVSA for

thepurchaseoflighthydrocarbonproducts,PDVSA sufferedinjuryintheUnitedStates.

(PDVSA SalesofHydrocarbon Products-Violationsof
Plaintiff incorporates by refbrence and realleges paragraph 1-13 5 asthough

fully setforth herein.

137. PDVSA sells hydrocarbon products for foreign export. The United States isthe

largestm arketforPDVSA 'Sproducts.

138. The OilCompany Conspirators,Helsinge,and their co-conspirators contracted,

com bined,and conspired to um vasonably restrain trade by fixing the prices of,rikgging the bids

for,and excludingcompetition (includingthecompetition oflegitimateAmerican oilcompanies)

in,the purchaseofhydrocarbon productsfrom PDVSA,asdescribed in m ore detailabove.

139. Asa resultofthe suppressed competition described above,PDVSA wasinjured

because itwmsforced to selloi1productstcl
.the Oi1Company Conspirators and Helsinge,and to

do so atartificially depressed,below-m arketprices.

140. The Oi1Company Conspirators and Helsinge acted with the specific intent and

effectofpreventingtheircompetitors,includingU .S.importers,from competingwith them in the

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purchase and sale of products to and from PD V SA .That direct dom estic effact of lim iting

and notspeculative.

Asa resultofthis unlawfulconduct,PDVSA suffered billionsofdollarsin losses

by selling its products to the O i1 Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge at artificially depressed


142. Theactionsofthe Oi1Company Conspirators,Helsinge,and theirco-conspirators

constitute a continuing,horizontalagreem entand conspiracy to unreasonably restrain trade and

commerceinviolationofSection loftheShermanAct(15U.S.C.j1)byartificiallyreducingor
elim inating com petition.

TheOi1Company Conspiratorsand Helsinge(a)directlyentered intothe illegal

conspiracy andagreementwitheach other;and(b)enteredinto individualagreeznentswith their
com m on agents,M orillo and Baquero and theirco-conspirators,forthe expresspurposeofillegally

restrainingcompetition,whichthem selvesconstituteillegalhorizontalagreementstounreasonably

restrain trade and com m erce in violation ofSection 1 ofthe Sherm an A ct.

TheOi1Com panyConspiratorsandHelsinge,bydirectagreem entandthrough their

com m on agents, conspired to rig the bidding on the purchase of PD V SA 'S products.The Oi1

Company Conspirators and Helsinge's agreem entto subm itcollusive,non-com petitive,rigged

bidsconstitutesaperseviolationoftheSedion 1oftheShennanAct(15U.S.C.(F1).
TheO i1Com pany Conspiratorsand H elsinge,by directagreem entand through their

com mon agents, conspired to artificially depress the price of PDVSA'S products. The Oil

Company Conspirators and Helsinge's agreementto m iticially depress the price of PDVSA 'S

productsconstitutesaperseviolationoftheSection loftheShennanAct(15U.S.C.j 1).

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146. The OilCom pany Conspirattlrsand Helsinge,by directagreem entand through their

com m on agents, conspired to obtain and exchange m aterial, non-public infonnation to reduce

com petition forthe purchase ofPD V SA 'Sploductsin orderto artiticially depressthe priceofthose

products and to eliminate competitors.The information exchange am ong the Oil Com pany

ConspiratorsandHelsingefacilitated theirprice-fixing agreement,aperseviolationofthe Section

1oftheSherman Act(15U.S.C.j 1).

147. The O il Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge engaged in the above-described

conductw ith the participation ofM orillo and Baquero and their co-conspirators.

148. As a result of this unlawfulconduct and suppressed competition,PDVSA has

suffered billionsofdollarsin losses.Pursumtto Section 4 oftheClayton Act(15 U.S.C.j 15),

Defendantsareliablefortrebledam agesand thecostsofsuit,including reasonableattorney'sfees,

asa consequence ofDefendants'violations ofSection 1 ofthe Sherm an Act.

149. ln addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

D efendants from continuing to engage in the anticom petitive conductdescribed herein.

CO UN T 11
(PDVSA PurchasesofLightCrudeProducts-ViolationsofSectionIoftheShermanAct)
150. Plaintiff incom orates by reference and realleges paragraphs l-13 5, 137 -

14 1 and 14 3 -14 7 as though fully setfarth herein.

PDV SA exports oi1products including heavy crude oilto the United States and

othercotmtries.ln orderto transportthe heavy crude oil,PDV SA refines the heavy crude oilto

lighten the load. ln orderto refine the oil,PDVSA uses im ported petroleum solvents and light

crude oilproducts,including naphtha.

152. PDVSA issuestendersto m arketparticipantsto providethem with alzopportunity

to bid on spotcontractsforthe saleoflightcludeproductsto PDV SA.

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153. The O ilCom pany Conspiratorsand H elsinge have also sold lightcrude productsto

PDV SA ,m any ofthese products com e fkonlthe United States.

The Oil Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge,through M orillo and Baquero,

reached an agreem ent on how they would rig PD V SA tenders forthe purchase ofits petroleum

solvents and light crude oil products,inclllding naphtha,in their favor and atthe exclusion of

155. ln addition their direct agreement to lim it com petition, the Oi1 Com pany

Conspirators and Helsinge also used M orillo and Baquero and their co-conspiu
rators as their

com m on agentsto participate in the schem e to rig PDV SA 'Stenders and artificially raise the price

ofthe hydrocarbon products acquired by PDV SA ,allas described herein,including,for exam ple,

bribing the Bribed PDVSA Employees to customize PDVSA tenders such that only the Oi1

Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge could m eet the dem ands of the tenders and otherwise

suppressing com petition.

156. ln addition to custom izing the tenderssuch thatonly the O ilCom pany Conspirators

and H elsinge could succeed,M orillo and Baquero also bribed the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees to

provide accessto materialnon-public inside infonnation regarding PDVSA 'Sprospective tender

pricing and specifications,to ftzrtherfacilitatethe bid-rigging schem e,w hich M orillo and Baquero

and their co-conspirators provided to the Individual Trader Conspirators,the Oi1Com pany

Conspirators,and H elsinge.

The O ilCom pany Conspiratorsand H elsinge'sadvance accessto PD VSA 'Stenders

allowedthem to acquireasubstantialnm ountofthesupply ofthelighterudeproductsrequiredby

PDVSA and store them in warehouses in tlle United Statesuntilthe publicrelease ofPDVSA'S

tenders. W ith regard to the tendersthatthe co-conspiratorsmanipulated,the schem e prevented

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 31 of 60

othercom petitorsfrom acquiring the lightcrudeproductsto sellto PDV SA w ithin the com pressed

tim efrnm es dem anded by the rigged tenders.

158. Asa resultofthe suppressed competition,PDVSA was injured because itwas

forced to purchase lightcrude products atartificially raised,above-market,prices from the Oi1

Company Conspiratorsand Helsinge.TheClilCompanyConspirators'and Helsinge'scompetitors

wouldhavebidto sellthelightcrudeprodudsto PDVSA atlower,competitive,pricesiftheywere

privy to the sam e PD V SA inside infonnation. The OilCom pany Conspirators and H elsinge were

able to suppresscom petition because they conspired with corruptPDV SA em ployeesto custom ize

and manipulatebidsin theirfavor.

159. The O i1 Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge acted w ith the specific intent and

effect of eliminating their competitors, including U.S. light crude product exporters, from

com peting w ith them by rigging the tendersto exclude these com petitors.

160. Asaresultoftheco-conspirators'unlawfulconduct,PDVSA unknowingly entered

into thousands ofrigged purchase contractsw ith the O i1Com pany Conspiratorsand Helsinge.

The OilCompany Conspiratorsand Helsingeentered into acontinuing,horizontal

agreementto unreasonably restrain trade and comm erce in violation ofSection 1 ()fthe Shennan

The O i1 Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge directly entered into the illegal

agreem entwith each other.

163. TheOilCompany Conspiratorsand Helsingealso entered into separate,individual

agreem ents with theircommon agents,M orillo and Baquero and theirco-conspirators,forthe

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expresspurpose ofillegally restraining com petition. Theuse ofM orillo and Baquero and theirco-

conspirators as the OilCompany Conspirators'and Helsinge's comm on agents constitutes an

illegalhorizontalagreem entto tmreasonabl'

vrestraintradeand comm erce.

164. TheOi1Com panyConspiratorsandHelsinge,bydirectagreem entandthroughtheir

com m on agents,conspired to rig the bidding on the tenders forthe sale oflightcrude products to

PDVSA .The OilCompany Conspirators and Helsinge's agreement to subm it collusive,non-

competitive,rigged bidsconstitutesaperseviolation oftheSection 1oftheSherman Act(15


com m on agents,conspired to artificially raise the price of the lightcnlde products PD V SA w as

seeking to acquire.The O i1Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge's agreem entto artificially raise

thepriceoftheseproductsconstitutesaperseviolationoftheSection 1oftheShermanAct(15
U.S.C.j 1).
166. TheO i1Colnpany Conspiratorsand H elsinge,by directagreelnentand through their

com m on agents,conspired to obtain and exchange m aterial,non-public infonnation to reduce

competition forthesale oflightcrudeproductsto PDVSA in orderto artificially raisetheprice of

those products.The inform ation exchange am ong the O i1 Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge

facilitatedtheirprice-fixingagreement,aperseviolation oftheSection 1oftheShermanAct(15

Because ofthisprice-fixing,PD V SA paid inflated,anti-com petitive pricesforlight

crude products which directly affected the price and the amount of such products that were

exported from the United States.

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168. The O ilCom pany Conspiral

o rs engaged in the above-described conductw ith the

pm icipation oftheirco-conspirators,including M orillo,Baquero,Helsinge,and VJTR PC .

169. A s a result of this unlaw ful conduct and suppressed com petition, PD V SA has

suffered billionsofdollarsin losses.Pursuantto Section 4 oftheClayton Act(15 U.S.C.j 15),

D efendants are liable fortreble dam ages,the costsofsuit,including reasonable attorney'sfees,as

aconsequence ofDefendants'violationsofSection 1oftheSherman Act.

In addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendants from engaging in the anticom petitive conductsetforth herein.

(PDVSA SalesofHydrocarbon Products-ViolationsofSection2(c)()fthe
171. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges p aragraph s 1-13 5 asthough

fully setforth herein.

ln concert w ith M orillo a1u1 Baquero and the Panam anian Com panies, the O i1

Company Conspirators,Helsingeand theIndividualTraderConspiratorspaid bribestotheBribed

PDVSA Employeesinorderto:(a)rigtendersforthesaleofPDVSA'Soi1products;and(b)gain
inside information,which allowed the OilCompany Conspiratorsand Helsingeto eliminate and

unreasonably restrain their com petition and purchase oil products from PDV SA at artifcially

depressed prices. Forexam ple,as described below :

(a) TheOi1CompanyConspiratorsandHelsinge,asthepotentialpurchasersof
PDVSA 'Sproduds,madeillicitpaymentstotheBribed PDVSA Employees

in orderto obtain acompetitiveadvantageoverotherpotentialpurehasers;

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 34 of 60

In exchange for paym ents, the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees m odified

PDV SA tenders such thatonly the O ilCom pany C onspirators and H elsinge

couldm eetthetenders'requirements'

In exchange for payments, the Bribed PDVSA Employees rejected

com petitive bids from m arketcom petitorsforpretextualreasons in orderto

aw ard those tendersto the O i1Com pany Conspiratorsand Helsinge;

(d) Inexchangeforpayments,theBribedPDVSA EmployeesprovidedtheOil

Company Conspirators,Helsinge,the IndividualTraderConspirators and

M orillo and Baquero with accessto non-public insideinform ation thatwas

unavailable to otherpotentialpurchasers ofPD V SA producls;and

The inside inform ation provided by the bribed PDV SA em ployeesallow ed

the O i1 Com pany Conspirators, Helsinge and the lndividual Trader

Conspiratorsto rig bidsforPD V SA productsand to fix the pricing forthose


173. TheO ilCom pany Conspiratorsand H elsingecolluded in the bribery schem e to gain

an advantage overother competitors forthe purchase ofPDVSA products.The bribery scheme

suppressed com petition and artificially depressed the price the O i1 Com pany Ccmspirators and

Helsingepaid PDV SA forthe oi1products.Absentthe OilCompany Conspiratorsand Helsinge's

bribery schem e,m ore com petitorsw ould have bid forPDV SA tendersand increased the price that

PDV SA w ould have received foritsproducts.

Asaresultoftheanti-competitiveconduct,PDVSA wasdirectlyinjuredbecauseit
wmsforcedto sellitsproductsforartificiallydepressed,below-marketprices.PDVSA istheparty

m ostdirectlyaffected by theanti-com petitive conduct.

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175. The O il Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge, through M orillo and Baquero,

continue to bribe the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees to conceal their illegal schem e from PDV SA

m anagem entand to sabotage any attem ptsatdiscovering the schem e.

176. The bribery schem e has adversely affected the tlow of com m erce betw een the

United Statesand Venezuela,including by excluding legitim ate Am erican companiesfrom fairly

competing to do businesswith PDVSA.

177. The Oi1 Company Conspirators and Helsinge have made the illicitpaym ents in

order to induce the Bribed PDV SA Em plol

yees to rig tenders in their favorand to allow the O il

Company Conspiratorsand Helsinge to acquirePDVSA productsatartificiallydepressed,below-

marketprices.TheOi1Company Conspiratorsand Helsinge have purchased PDV SA productsin

Venezuelaand mostoftheproductswereultimately delivered to the United Statesmarket.

178. The lndividual Trader Conspirators have used the U .S.barlk accounts of the O il

Company Conspiratorsand Helsingeto transferpaymentsto M orillo and Baquero,with theintent

and effectthatthe paym entsw ould be senton to the Venezuela-based Bribed PD V SA Em ployees


The Helsinge Enterprise through M orillo and Baquero,has m anaged the bribery

schem e from theirU .S.oftices.

180. ln addition,the IndividualTrader Conspirators and M orillo and Baquero directly

accessed PDVSA 'Sinside inform ation,which wasgained bypaying bribestotheBribed PDVSA

Employees,at the IndividualTraderConspirators'and M orillo and Baquero's l'

espective U.S.


Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 36 of 60

181. In furtherance ofthe O ilCornpany Conspirators'and H elsinge'sschem e to coln lpt

the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees,the IndividlmlTraderConspiratorsm etw ith M orillo and Baquero

in the United States.

182. The payments of bribes b'

j?the Oil Company Conspirators and Helsinge, as

purchasers,totheBribedPDVSA Employees,asagentsoftheseller,violated Section2(c)ofthe

Robinson-patmanAct(15U.S.C.j 13).
183. Asa resultofDefendants'unlawfulconductand suppressed com petition,PDVSA

hassuffered billionsofdollarsin losses.Pursuantto Section 4 ofthe Clayton Act(15U.S.C.j

15),the Defendants are liable fortreble damages and the costs ofsuit,including reasonable

184. ln addition to dnmages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendantsfrom engaging in theanticom petitiveconductdescribed above.

(PDVSA PurchasesofLightCrudeProducts-Violationsof
Section 2(c)oftheRobinson-patmanAct)
185. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges p argraph s 1-135an d 12 2-

181 asthough fully setforth herein.

186. ln concert w ith M orillo and Baquero and the Panam anian Com panies,the Oi1

Company Conspirators,Helsingeand the lndividualTraderConspiratorspaid bribesto theBribed

PDVSA Employeesinorderto(a)rigtendersforthesaleoflightcrudeproductstoPDVSA and

(b)gain advanceinsideinfonnation aboutthetimingand specificationsofthese tenders,which
allowed theOilCom pany Conspiratorsand Helsingeto squeezeouttheircom petition by acquiring

a signiticantsupply ofpetroleum solventproducts,stockpiling them and ultim ately manipulating

thepricing oftheseproducts.

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The O il Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge, as sellers of products to PDV SA ,

m ade illicit paym ents to the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees,as agents of the purchaser,in order to

obtain a com petitive advantage overotherpotentialsellers.

188. ln exchange for payments, the Bribed PDVSA Employees modified PDVSA

tenders such that only the Oil C om pany Conspirators and Helsinge could m eet the tenders'

requirem ents.

189. Inexchangeforpayments,theBribedPDVSA Employeesrejectedcompetitivebids

from m arketcom petitorsforpretextualreasons in orderto aw ard thosetendersto the O ilCom pany

Conspiratorsand H elsinge.

190. In exchange for pam ents, the Bribed PDVSA Employees provided the Oil

Company Conspirators,Helsinge,the lndividualTrader Conspirators and M orillo and Baquero

w ith accessto non-public inside infonuation thatwasunavailable to otherpotentialsellersoflight

crude productsto PD V SA .

Theinside inform ationprovided by the bribed PDVSA em ployeesallowed theOi1

Com pany Conspirators,Helsinge and the lndividualTraderConspiratorsto rig bidsforproducts

sold to PDV SA and to fix the pricing forthose products.

192. The paym ents ofbribesby the OilCom pany Conspirators and H elsip
nge,as sellers,

to the Bribed PDVSA Employees,as agents of the purchaser,violated Section 2(c) of the
TheOi1CompanyConspiratorsandHelsingecolluded inthebriberyschem etogain

an advantage over other eompetitors for the sale ofproducts to PDVSA.The bribery schem e

provided the OilCompany Conspirators,blelsinge and the IndividualTrader Conspirators with

accessto advancenotice ofupcomingPDVSA tendersto purchase lightcrude products. The Oil

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 38 of 60

Com pany Conspirators, H elsinge and the lndividual Trader Conspirators used the advance

know ledge to acquire substantialam ounts 1

:)fthe m arket supply ofthe lightcrude products.The

resulting lack of supply of the products ilnpeded othercom petitors from bidding for PDVSA

tendersand artificiallyraised thepricesfortheseproducts.AbsenttheOi1CompanyConspirators

and Helsinge's bribery schem e, m ore com petitors would have bid for PDV SA tenders and

decreased the price thatPD V SA would have paid forthe productsPDV SA w asseeking to acquire.

Asaresultoftheanti-competitiveconduct,PDVSA wasdirectlyinjuredbecauseit
wasforced to buy lightcrude products forartificially increased,above-m arketprices.PDVSA is

theparty mostdirectly affected bytheanti-com petitive conduct.

195. The O il Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge,through M orillo and Baquero,

continue to bribe the Bribed PDV SA Employees to concealtheirillegalscheme from PDVSA

managementand to sabotageany attemptsa.

tdiscoveringthe schem e.

196. The bribery schem e has adversely affected the tlow of com m erce betw een the

United Statesand V enezuela.

PD V SA required the light crude products to lighten the heavy crude oi1sold to

purchasersin ordertotransportthecrudeoilfrom Venezuelanportstopurchasersprim arilylocated

in the United States,including the O ilCom pany Conspirators and H elsinge'scustom ers.

198. Once the Oi1 Company (a

-onspirators, Helsinge and the Individual Trader

Conspirators obtained advance know ledge of PDV SA 'S tenders for the purchase of petroleum

solvents,the IndividualTrader Conspirators acquired those solvents and stockpiled them in the

United StatesuntilPDVSA published itstenders.

199. Once PDVSA awarded the tenders forlightcrude products to the OilCompany

Conspiratorsand Helsinge,thesolventswere shipped from theUnited Statesto Venezuela.

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200. The Individual Trader Conspirators have used the U .S.barlk accounts of the O il

Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge to transfer paym ents to M orillo and Baquero,w hich w ere

destined to the Venezuela-based Bribed PD VSA Em ployees as bribes.

201. M orillo and Baquero managed the bribery schem efrom theirU.S.oftices.

202. ln addition,the IndividualR'

raderConspirators and M orillo and Baquero directly

accessed PDVSA'S inside infonnation,atthe lndividualTraderConspirators'offices,many of

which arein theUnited States,and atM orillo and Baquero'sofficesin the United States.

203. ln furtherance ofthe O i1Colnpany Conspirators and Helsinge's schem e to cornzpt

the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees,m any ofthe lndividualTraderConspirators m etw ith M orillo and

Baquero in the United States.

204. Asa resultofDefendants'unlawfulconductand suppressed com petition,PDVSA

hassufferedbillionsofdollarsin losses.Pursuantto Section 4ofthe Clayton Act(15U.S.C.j


205. ln addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendantsfrom engaging in theunlawfulconductdescribed above.

206. Plaintiffincorporatesby refkrence and reallegesparagraphs 1-134 asthough

fully setforth herein.

207. M orillo and Baquero were the principalcoordinatorsand facilitatorsofthe illegal

anti-competitiveschemes.M orillo'sand Baquero'scompanies,Helsingeand W TIT C,havetheir

principalplace ofbusiness in Florida.They hold theirboard ofdirectors meetings in Florida,

maintained theirbooksand recordsin Floridaand primarilyused Floridabank accountsto pursue

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 40 of 60

their illegal schem e.M orillo and Baquero coordinated their illegalschem es out oftheir Florida

office,including w ith theirco-conspirators,the O i1Com pany Conspirators and the Bribed PDV SA

Employees.M orillo and Baquero transferred illicitpaymentsto the Bribed PDVSA Em ployees

through Florida bank accounts.M orillo and Baquero and their agents, Lutz and Ryan, also

accessed PDV SA 'S confidential inform ation in Florida in furtherance of rigging the PDV SA


208. The OilCompany Conspiratorsand Helsinge have conspired in a bid-rigging and

price-tixing schem e,both constituting per se violations of the Shennan Act.By violating the

ShenuanAct,astatutethatproscribesunfairmethodsofcom petition,theDefendantshaveviolated

209. The O ilCom pany Conspirators and H elsinge have engaged in a schem e to corrupt

PDVSA 'Sem ployeesthrough commercialbribery in violation ofthe Robinson-patman Act.By

violating the Robinson-patm an Act,a statute that proscribes unfair m ethods of com petition,

Defendantshave violated the Florida Deceptive and UnfairTrade Practices Ad (Fla.Stat.j

D efendants engaged in a conspiracy to bribe the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees,

defraud PDV SA and m isappropriate PDV SA 'S conûdential inform ation, w hich independently

211. The Oil Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge, through M orillo and Baquero,

continue to bribe the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees to concealtheir illegal schem e from PD V SA

managementand to sabotageanyattemptsatdiscovering the scheme.

As a resultof Defendants' fraudulentschem e,PDV SA has suffered billions of

dollrsin losses.Pursuantto Sedion 501.211oftheFloridaDeceptive and UnfairTradePractices

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 41 of 60

Act,the Defendants are liable for actual(lam ages and the costs of suit,including reasonable

attorney's fees.

In addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

D efendants from engaging in the unlawfulconductdescribed above.

('O U N T VI
(ViolationsoftheU.S.RacketeerInlluencedand Corrupt
214. Plaintiffincorporatesby refkrence and reallegesparagraphs 1-135asthough fully

setforth herein.

M orillo and Baquero and theirco-conspirators form ed the H elsinge Enterprise,an

association-in-factdienterprise,''asthatterm isdefinedin 18US.C.j 1961(4),thatengagesin,and

the activities of w hich affect, interstate com m erce. M orillo and Baquero, their nam ed co-

conspiratorsand the Bribed PDVSA Em ployeesarem embersoftheHelsinge Enterprise.

2l6. ThemembersoftheHelsinge Enterprise are and have been joined in acommon

pum ose,have relationships with and am ong each other, and have associated through tim e

sufticientto pennitthose associated to pursue the Helsinge Enterprise'spurpose.The m em bers

forged sm biotic relationships and each m em berneeded and depended on the pai cipation ofthe

other m em bers to accom plish their com m on purpose of defrauding PDV SA through fraudulent

bids submitted to PDVSA tenders,including (a)M orillo and Baquero entered into an illicit
agreementwith severalbusinessm anagersatPDVSA,whereby M orillo and Baquero would pay

the PDV SA employeesbribes in exchange foradvance and contidentialinform ation concerning

PDVSA'Sfuturetenders,and otherassistancetorigthetenders;(b)Morilloand Baquero formed

HelsingeandthePannmanian Companiestofacilitateandconcealthebriberyschelne;(c)M orillo
and Baquero recruited the IndividualTraderConspiratorsto participatein thebid-rigging bribery

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 42 of 60

scheme;(d)theOi1CompanyConspiratorsknowinglyand activelyparticipatedinthefraudulent
scheme;(e) M orillo and Baquero coordinated and controlled the activities and relationships
between the mem bers to defraud PDVSA ;and (9 the Bank Defendants facilitated the illegal

paym ents from the Oil Company Conspirators to the Panamanian Com paniesand then the

Pannm anian Com paniesto the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees.

217. Each D efendant has been em ployed by and/or associated w ith the Helsinge

Entem rise.

218. Each Defendant has knowingly and directly participated in the conduct of the

Helsinge Enterprise's affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity consisting of repeated

violationsofpredicateacts,defined astcracketeeringactivity''under18U.S.C.j (961(1).These

includeactsinvolving briberywhich arechargeableunderthe lawsoftheStateofFlorida(F1a.
U.S.C.j 1343),thefederalmoneylaunderillgstatute(18U.S.C.j1956)andtheComputerFraud
andAbuseAct(18U.S.C.j 1030).
Pursuantto 18 U.S.C.j 19t;1(1)(A),any actinvolvingbribery chargeableunder
State 1aw asafelonyconstitutesaracketeeringactivity.UnderFla.Stat.j838.lti,theHelsinge
Enterprise has com m itted the crim e of eom m ercial bribery by paying the Bribed PDV SA

Em ployees with the intentto intluence those em ployeesto violate their dutiesto PD V SA .

220. The Helsinge Entem rise hascomm itted mailand wire fraud involving the use of

the United States m ails and telephone and electronic com m unication system s to subm itfraudulent

bidsand contractsfrom therespectiveUnitedStatesoftk esofM orilloandBaquero,thelndividual

Trader Conspirators,the Oil Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge,to PDVSA ,The bids are

subm itted in responseto PDVSA'Stenderswithoutdisclosureofm aterialinformation toPDVSA,

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 43 of 60

including the factthatthe tenders w ere rigged by the O i1Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge to

The lndividualTrader Conspirators,the O iI
.Com pany Conspirators and H elsinge knew thatthey

m aterially m isrepresented the true nature of'theirbids.

22 1. The H elsinge Entem rise and its m em bers have com m itted m oney laundering by

intentionallydisguisingthenatureand sottrceoftheirillegalproceedsbytransferringtheill-gotten

gainsand bribesto bank accountsin the United States,Switzerland and Curacao,in violation of

18U.S.C.jj 1956 and 1957.The HelsingeEnterpriseopened and closedbank accountsforthe

purposeoflaundering the illegalproceeds. Each ofthe launderingtransactionsexceeded $10,000
and were neverdisclosed to the applicable reporting authoritiesand werem ade with the specific

intent to avoid reporting incom e and gains to the applicable authorities. The laundering

transactionswere made by them emberswiththe intentofconcealing the scheme,and ofplacing

thestolenproceedsbeyond thejurisdictionalreach ofcourtsintheUnited States1md Venezuela.

The laundering transactionsaffected interstate and foreign com m erce asthey involved the transfer

ofm oney between accountsin the United Slatesorbetween accountslocated intheUnited States,

Sw itzerland and Curacao.

222. The H elsinge Enterprise and its m em bersviolated the Com puterFraud and A buse

Act,18 U.S.C.j 1030 by intentionally accessing PDVSA'S protected computersystem and

stealing PDVSA'Sconfidentialinfonnation concerning PDVSA'Supcom ing tendersforthe sale

ofcrude oilproducts;PD V SA 'Supcom ing lteed forthe purchase ofvariousadditiNesto add to its

crude oilproducts;and the competing bids ofotheroilcompanies.The Helsinge Enterprise and

its members accessed this infonuation to further their conspiracy to fix prices,rig bids and

elim inate com petition in the purchase and sale of crude oil and hydrocarbon products and to

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 44 of 60

structuretenders forPDVSA contractsto tli

tvorthe Oi1Com pany Conspiratorsand Helsinge and

disadvantage or exclude com petitors,including m any A m erican oiltrading com panies.

223. Defendants' fraudulent schem e took place over an extended period of time,

com mencing in 2004 and continuingtoday,and involvesdistinctand independentcriminalactsof

mailfraud,wirefraud,bribery,computertampering,theftoftrade secrets,and money laundering.

These acts were neither isolated nor sporadic events,but,rather,involved regulfLr and repeated

violationsoflaw toaccomplishtheHelsingeEnterprise'sdesiredobjectiveofdefraudingPDVSA.
These acts were related to each other by virtue of the com m on participants,a com m on victim ,

com m on m ethodsofcom m ission,and the com m on purpose ofstealing PDV SA 'Slùnds.

224. ln addition,the OilCompany Conspirators and Helsinge,through M orillo and

Baquero,continue to bribe the Bribed PDVSA Em ployees to concealtheirillegalscheme from

PDV SA managementand to sabotageany attemptsatdiscoveringthescheme.

Defendants'violationsof 18 U.S.C.jj 1962(c)proximately caused PDVSA to

sufferdirectdam ages and losses from PDVSA 'S U.S.bank accounts.The Helsinge Enterprise

targeted PDV SA 'S assets located in the United States and m isappropriated those assets.The

violatorshavecausedU .S.oil-tradingcom petitorsto losecontractsforthepurchaseand saleofoi1

products from and to PD V SA by m eans ofInefendants'rigging ofthe bidding process.

226. As a result of Defendants' unlawfulconduct, PDVSA has suffered billions of

dollarsin losses.Pursuantto 18U.S.C.j1964(c),Defendantsareliable fortrebledamagesand

thecostsofsuit,including reasonable attorney'sfees.

227. In addition to dnmages, Plaintiff is entitled to injundive ret

ief, enjoining
Defendantsfrom engaging in theillegalconductdescribed above.

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 45 of 60

f;OUNT Vll
(ViolationsoftheU.S.Racketeerlnnuenced and CorruptPractices
ActUnder18U.S.C.j 1962(d))
228. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges p aragrap h s 1-13 5 and

2 15-225 asthough fully setforth herein.

229. EachoftheDefendantsconspiredwitheachothertoviolate18U.S.C j1962(c),in

violationof18U.S.C j1962(d).
230. As a result of Defendants'unlawfulconduct,PDV SA has suffered billions of

dollarsin losses.Pursuantto 18U.S.C.j 1964(c),Defendantsareliablefortrebledamagesand

the costsofsuitincluding reasonable attorney's fees.

231. lnadditiontodamages,PlaintiffisentitledtoinjunctivereliefenjoiningDefendants
from engaging in the illegalconductdescribed above.

232. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges paragraphs l-l35 and

215-225asthough fully setforth herein.

233. M orillo and Baquero and theirco-conspiratorsformed the HelsingeEnterprise,an

association-in-factttenterprise''asthattenn isdefined inFla.Stat.j772.102(3),thatengagesin,

and the activitiesofw hich affect,Florida com m erce.

234. Themembersofthe HelsingeEntemrise areand have beenjoined in acommon

purpose, have relationships w ith and am ong each other, and have associated through tim e

sufficientto perm itthoseassociatedto purslletheHelsinge Enterprise'spurpose.The conspirators

forged symbioticrelationshipsand each mem berneeded and depended ontheparti.cipation ofthe

otherm embersto accomplish theircomm on pup ose ofdefrauding PDVSA through fraudulent

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 46 of 60

bids submitted to PDVSA tenders,including (a) M orillo and Baquero entereclinto an illicit
agreem entw ith severalbusiness m anagers atPDV SA ,whereby M orillo and Baquero would pay

the PDVSA employeesbribes in exchange foradvance and confidentialinformation concem ing

PDVSA'Sfuturetenders,and otherassistancetorigthetenders;(b)M orilloandBaquerofonued

HelsingeandvariousthePanamanian Companiestofacilitateandconcealthebriberyscheme;(c)
M orillo and Baquero recruited the IndividualTraderConspiratorsto participatein thebid-rigging

Conspirators,to knowingly and actively participate in the fraudulentscheme;(e)M orillo and
Baquero coordinated and controlled the activitiesand relationships betw een allof Lhe m em bersto

defraud PDVSA;and (9 the Bank Defendants facilitated the illegalpayments from the Oi1
Com pany Conspiratorsto the Panam anian Com panies and then from the Panam anian Com panies

to the Bribed PDVSA Em ployees.

Each Defendant has been employed by and/or associated with the Helsinge


236. Each D efendant has know ingly and directly participated in the conduct of the

Helsinge Enterprise'saffairsthrough a pattern ofcrim inalactivity consisting ofrepeated violations

Ad (F1a.Stat.j817.034).
,and conductthatconstitutesçtracketeeringactivity''under18U.S.C.j
1961(1),includingviolationsofthe federalmailfraudstatute(18 U.S.C.j 1341),thewirefraud
statute (18 U.S.C.j 1343),the federalmoney laundering statute (18 U.S.C.j 1956)and the

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 47 of 60

237. PursuanttoFla.Stat.j838.116,theHelsingeEnterprisehascommittedthecrimeof
com m ercialbribery by paying the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees with the intent to influence those

employeesto violatetheirdutiesto PDVSA .

The Helsinge Enterprise has comm itted commtmications fraud under Fla.Stat.

j 817.034 involving the use of the mails and telephone and electronic communication
systems to subm it fraudulent bids and contracts from the respective United States offices of

M orillo and Baquero,the lndividual Trader Conspirators,the OilCompany Conspirators and

Helsinge,to PDVSA .Thebidsare subm itted in responseto PDVSA'Stenderswithoutdisclosure

ofm aterialinfonnation to PDVSA ,including the factthatthe tenders were rigged by the Oi1

Com pany Conspirators and Helsinge to suppress competition and artificially setthe price ofthe

produdsthatwerethesubjectofthebids.'l-he IndividualTraderConspirators,theOilCompany
Conspirators and Helsinge knew thatthey m aterially m isrepresented the tnle nature oftheirbids.

239. Defendants' fraudulent scheme took place over an extended period of time,

com m encing in 2004 and continuing today,and involvesdistinctand independentcrim inalacts of

mailfraud,wirefraud,bribery,computertampering,theh oftradesecretsand money laundering.

These ads were neither isolated nor sporadic events,but,rather,involved regular and repeated

violationsoflaw toaccomplishtheHelsingeEnterprise'sdesiredobjectiveofdefraudingPDVSA.
These acts were related to each otherby virtue ofthe comm on participants,a common victim ,

com m on m ethods ofcom m ission,and the com m on purpose ofstealing PD V SA 'S l'

240. Defendants'fraudulentschem e wasorchestrated and coordinated by M orillo and

Baquero in theirFlorida ofticesand utilizing Floridabank accounts.

241. Defendants unlawfully,knowingly and willfully conspired with each other to


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242. The Oi1 Company Conspirators and Helsinge, through M orillo and Baquero,

continue to bribe the Bribed PD V SA Em ployees to concealtheir illegal schem e from PDV SA

m anagem entand to sabotage any attem pts atdiscovering the schem e.

243. Defendants'violations ofFla.Stat.jj 772.103 (3)and (4)proximately caused

PDVSA to suffer direct dam ages and billions of dollars in losses from PDVSA'S U.S.bank

accounts.The Helsinge Entem rise targeted PDV SA 'S assets held in the U nited States banks and

misappropriatedthose assets.

As a result of Defendants' unlawful conduct,PDVSA has suffered billions of

dollarsin losses.PursuanttoFla.Stat.j772.104(1),Defendantsareliablefortrebledamagesand
thecostsofsuit,includingreasonable attonkey'sfees.

245. ln additiontodnmages,PlaintiffisentitledtoinjunctivereliefpursuantFla.Stat.j
895.05(6),enjoiningDefendantsfrom engagingintheconductdescribedabove.
246. Plaintiffineorporatesby retkrence and reallegesparagraphs 1-135 asthough

fully setforth herein.

247. Defendants represented their sale and purchase bids to PDV SA as arm 's length

transactionsin an open and free marketthatwasunaffected by bribery ortheftofsecretbusiness

inform ation. Defendants m ade those representations in order to induce PD V SA to accept

D efendants'bids.

248. Defendants knew thatsuch representationswere false and thatthlly had,in fact,

secretly rigged the market in their favor. Defendants knew that PDVSA w as ignorant of

Defendants'riggingofthem arketandthattheirbidswerebasedupon secretinformation thatthey

had stolen by bribingPDVSA em ployees.

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PDV SA w as,in fact,ignorant ofD efendants'rigging ofthe m arkd ,theirbribery

and theftofPDV SA 'S secretbusiness inform ation.

250. PDVSA materially relied upon the existence ofan open and free marketwhen it

awarded the bids to D efendants.

251. A s a result of PDV SA 'S rel

Liance upon an open and free m arket for its sale and

purchase bids,and its ignorance ofDefendants'secretrigging ofthatm arket,PDVSA awarded

contractstoDefendantsthatinjuredPDVSA byfraudulentlyincreasingitscostsanddiminishing

252. Defendants'extensive fraudulentcondud dem onstrates a high degree ofm oral

tum itude and wanton dishonesty w hich entitlesPlaintiffto recoverpunitive dmnages.

253. Accordingly,by virtue ofthe foregoing,Plaintiff is entitled to cornpensatory and

punitivedamages,togetherwith interestandcosts,and anyotherreliefthe Courtdeemsjustand


254. ln addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendantsfrom the unlawfulactsdescribed above,along with an accounting,restitution andthe

im position ofaconstructivetrustagainstDefendants.

255. Plaintiff ineorporates by reference and realleges p aragraph s 1-13 5 asthough

fully setforth herein.

256. Defendantsknowingly and Svillfully entered into an agreem entforthe purpose of

defrauding PDV SA and violating U.S.antitalstandm oney latmdering laws.

257. Defendants' fraudulent schem e took place over an extended period of tim e,

com m encing in 2004 and continuing to the present, and involved distinct and independent

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unlaw fulactsoffraud,bribery andm oneylaundering.Theseactswereneitherisolatednorsporadic

events,but,rather,involved regular and repeated violations of law to accom plish the Helsinge

Enterprise'sdesired objective ofdefrauding PDVSA.These actswererelated to each otherby

virtue ofthe com mon pm icipants,a comnlon victim,comm on m ethods ofcom mission, and the

comm onpurposeofstealing PDVSA 'Sfundsand to disguiseand concealthe sourceofthefunds.

258. Absent Defendants' agreement to actjointly against PDVSA,the fraudulent

schem e m ay nothave taken place.

259. Accordingly,PDVSA was damaged by the Defendants'conspiracy to defraud it.

By virtue of the foregoing,Plaintiff is entitled to com pensatory and punitive dam ages, together

with interestandcosts,andanyotherrelieftheCourtdeemsjustandproper.
260. In addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining
Defendantsfrom engaging in theunlawfulconductdescribed above.

(Aidingand AbettingBreachofFiduciaryDuty)
261. Plaintiffincorporatesby reference and realleges paragraphs l-l35 asthough

fully setforth herein.

262. PDV SA 'S em ployees ow ed a fiduciary duty to PDV SA barring them from self-

dealing and assisting the D efendants in a schem e to defraud PDV SA .

263. The Bribed PDVSA Employeesviolated their fiduciary duty by accepting bribes

from Defendants to participate in a bid-rigging and price-fixing schem e thereby intentionally

causing PDVSA to losebillionsofdollars.

264. Defendants knew thatPDVSA employeesowed a fduciary duty to PDVSA and

thattheDefendants'paymentswould influencePDVSA'Semployeesto breach such duty.

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265. By bribing PDV SA em ployees, D efendants rendered know ing and substantial

assistance to the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees in breaching theirfiduciary duty.

As a result of the Defendants aiding and abetting the breach of PDVSA'S

employees'fiduciary duties,PDVSA suffered dam ages in the billionsofdollars,and Plaintiffis

entitled to com pensatory and punitive danlages,together w ith interest and costs,and any other

267. hz addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendantsfrom engaging in the unlawfulconductdescribed above.

(AgainsttheBank Defendants)
268. Plaintiff incop orates by reference and realleges p aragrap h s t-135 asthough

fully setforth herein.

269. ln orderto prolong the illicitschem e,M orillo and Baquero took acti.
vem easuresto

fraudulently concealthe schem e from PDVSA'S managem ent.The schem econtinued forovera

decade because M orillo and Baquero intentionally and knowingly concealed materialfacts,

including thatthey w ere paying bribesto the Bribed PDV SA Em ployees.

270. To concealtheir schem e,M orillo and Baquero bribed corrupthigh-levelPD V SA

managersto monitorand sabotageanypotentialdiscoveryoftheschem eand to rig thetendersand

bid aw ards to create a false appearance of a regular m arkettransaction.ln addition,M orillo and

Baquero ensured thattheir schem e w as not discovered by m onitoring PD V SA 'S iknternalsystem

through thecloneserverthatwascreated forthem bytheBribedPDVSA Em ployees.

271. M orillo and Baquero concealed the schem eby intentionally disguising the nature

and source of their illegaltransactions by transfening the ill-gotten gains and bribes between

variousbank accountsin the U nited States,Sw itzerland and Curacao held atthe Bank D efendants.

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A bsent M orillo's and Baquero's active m easures to covertly sabotage any

discovery of the illicit schem e,PD V SA w ould have term inated the Bribed PDY SA Em ployees

andceased doingbusinesswith the OilCorapany Conspiratorsand Helsinge.

273. The Bank D efendants knew thatM orillo and Baquero w ere seeking to disguise and

concealillicittransactionsby usingtheaccountsatthe Bank Defendants.

By failing to comply with tlleirkûknow yourcustom er''due diligenceobligations,

the Bank Defendants provided substantial aid and assistmwe to theconspirators' fraudulent

concealmentofthebribery schem e.

275. AsaresultoftheBank Defelldants'aiding and abettingthefraud,PDVSA suffered

damagesin the billionsofdollars.Accordillgly,by virtue oftheforegoing,Plaintiffisentitled to

compensatoryand punitivednm ages,togetherwith interestand costs.

276. ln addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendantsfrom engaging in the unlawfulconductdescribed above.

(PDVSA PurchasesofLightCrudeProducts-Breach ofContract)
(AgainsttheOilCompanyConspiratorsand Helsinge)
277. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges p aragraphs 1-135 asthough

fully setforth herein.

278. TheO i1C om pany Conspirators and H elsinge entered into agreem entsw ith PDV SA

w hich required PD VSA to pre-pay 100% ofthe supply contractprice forpetroleum solvents and

otherlightcrude products.

279. DespitePDVSA pre-paying in fullfortheproducts,the OilCompany Conspirators

and Helsinge failed to deliverthecontractually agreed amountsofthe products.Indeed,PDVSA

overpaid on approximately 80% ofthe contractsbecause the quantity received by PDVSA wms

lessthan the contract'svolum e specit-

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280. A s partofthe O ilCom pany Conspirators and H elsinge's schem e,they bribed the

Bribed PDV SA Em ployeesto fraudulently concealshortdeliveries.

281. By failing to deliver the contraded volum e, Helsinge breached these contracts

causingPDVSA damages.

282. By virtue of the foregoing,Plaintiff is entitled to compensatory and punitive

damages,togetherwith interestand costs.

283. In addition to damages, '

Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining
Defendantsfrom the behaviordescribed above,togetherwith an accounting,restitution and the

imposition ofaconstructivetrust.

(PDVSA SalesofHydrocarbon Products-Breach ofContract)
(AgainsttheOiICompany Conspiratorsand Helsinge)
284. Plaintiff incom orates by reference and realleges p aragraph s l-135 asthough

fully setforth herein.

285. TheOi1CompanyConspiratorsand Helsingeenteredinto agreem entswithPDVSA

which required the OilCompany Conspirators and Helsinge to make fullpaym entto PDVSA

based on the contractprice forhydrocarbon products sold by PD V SA .

286. Despite PD V SA supplying the full am ount of the products that it sold,the Oil

Company Conspirators and Helsinge failed to remitthe entire contractprice forthousands of

contracts,com prising billions ofdollarsin undelpaym ents.

287. A s partofthe O ilCom pany Conspirators and Helsinge's schem e,they bribed the

Bribed PDVSA Employeesto fraudulentlyconcealtheunderpaym ent.

288. By failing to remitthe entire contractprice,Helsinge and the Oi1Com pany

Conspiratorsbreached thesecontractscausing PDVSA dam ages.

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289. Accordingly,by virtue of the foregoing,Plaintiff is entitled to colnpensatory and

punitive dam ages,togetherw ith interestand costs.

290. In addition to damages,Plaintiff is also entitled to injunctive relief,enjoining

Defendantsfrom the behaviordescribed above,togetherwith an accounting,resritution and the

im position ofa constructive trust.

291. Plaintiffincoporatesby reference and reallegesparagraphs 1-135 asthough

fully setforth herein.

Defendants unjustly enriched themselves atPDVSA'S expense by engaging in

fraudulentbid-rigging and price-fixingreapingbillionsofdollarsofgains.

Itisagainstequity and good consciencetopennitDefendantsto retain the benetits

oftheirfraudulentschemeto m isappropriatebillionsofdollarsfrom PDVSA.

294. Therefore, equity requires that the benefit of Defendants'fraud be returned to


295. By virtue of the foregoing,Plaintiffis entitled to recoverthe am ountby which

296. In addition to dnm ages,Plaintiff is entitled to an accounting,restitution and the

impositionofaconstrudivetrustforthebillionsofdollarsunjustlysiphonedfrom PDVSA.
(Violation oftheComputerFraudandAbuseAct18U.S.C.j 1030)
297. Plaintiffincorporatesby reference and reallegespaxagraphs 1-135 asthough

fully setforth herein.

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 55 of 60

298. Defendants intentionally accessed PD V SA 'Sprotected com putersystem by setting

up an unauthorized clone server at W TR(

?C'S offices in M iam i, Florida or elsew here and by

otherw ise accessing PD V SA 'S com puter system in order to obtain direct tlreal tim e''access to

PD V SA 'Sconfidentialinform ation in excessofany authorization othem ise granted to them .

299. Defendants either actively participated in intentionally accessing PDVSA'S

protected computer system or rendered ltllowing and substantialassistance in com mitting the

unauthorized accessto PD V SA 'Sprotected com putersystem .

D efendants obtained PDV SA 'S contidential inform ation from the protected

PDVSA computersystem in excessoftheirauthorization.

301. As a result,there was a loss to PDVSA in excess of$5,000 in value each year
Defendantsaccessed PDV SA 'Scom putersystem .

302. Accordingly,Plaintiff is entitled to compensatory and punitive damages and a

preliminary and pennanentinjunction enjoining accessto and use ofthe internalcontidential

infonnation described above,restitution and disgorgementofprofits,togetherwith interest,costs

and attorney'sfees.

(Violation oftheStoredCommunicationsAct,18U.S.C.j2701)
Plaintiff incop orates by reference and realleges p arag rap h s 1-13 5 an d

2 9 8-3 00 asthough fully setforth herein.

304. D efendants intentionally accessed PD V SA 'S protected com puter system and the

stored comm unicationstherein and setup an unauthorized clone server atW TRPC'S officesin

M iam i,Florida orelsewhere in orderto obtain Ctrealtime''access to PDVSA 'S inform ation in

excessofany authorization otherwise granted to them .

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 56 of 60

Defendants either actively participated in intentionally accessing PD V SA 'S

protected com puter system and stored com m unications or rendered know ing and substantial

assistancein comm itting the unauthorized accessto PDVSA'Sprotected computersystem .

306. Defendants willfully,intentionally and in excess oftheir authorization obtained

PDV SA 'S electronic com m unications and confidential infonnation stored on the PD V SA

com putersystem .

As a resultofthese violations,PDVSA suffered actualdam ages,including lost

protits,and Plaintiffisentitled to recoversllch dam agesand attorney'sfees,interestand costs.

308. Because D efendants' actions were w illful and intentional,Plaintiff is entitled to

punitive dmnages.

309. ln addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendantsfrom theirunlawfulbehaviordescribed above.

(Violation oftheW ireand ElectronicCommunicationsInterceptionand Interception of
OralCommunicationsAct(FederalW iretap Act),18U.S.C.j2510)
Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges paragraphs 1-135 and

298-300asthough fully setforth herein.

311. D efendants intentionally accessed PD V SA 'Sprotected com putersystem and setup

an unauthorized clone serveratW altrop'soffices in M inm i,Florida orelsewhere in orderto obtain

directCirealtim e''accessto PDV SA 'S infornlation in excessofany authorization otherwise granted

to them .

Defendantseitheractively participated in intentionally intercepting and procuring

PDVSA 'S protected electronic comm unications, or intentionally disclosed or endeavored to

disclose to others the contents of those electronic com munications,or intentionally used or

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 57 of 60

endeavored to usethe contentsofthose electroniccom munications,knowing theinfonnation had

been obtained through the interception ofelectronic com m unications,al1in violation ofthe Federal

W iretap A ct.

313. A s a result of these violations, PD V SA suffered actual dam agespincluding lost

profits,andPlaintiffisentitled to recoveractualdnmagesand thedisgorgementofal1profitsm ade

by Defendantsasa resultoftheirviolationsofthe FederalW iretap Act.

314. Plaintiffisalso entitled to recoverinterestand costs.

315. ln addition to damages, Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, enjoining

Defendantsfrom theirunlawfulbehaviordescribed above.

(ViolationoftheFloridaUniform TradeSecretsAct,CH.688)
316. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges p aragrap h s 1-13 5 an d

2 9 8-30 0 as though fully setforth herein.

317. Defendants used unauthorized m eans,including bribing PDVSA employees and

settingup unauthorized electronicaccesssystems,inorderto gain accessto PDVSA'Sconfidential

trade secrets.

318. These trade secrets include PD V SA 'S confidential inform ation about upcom ing

tenders forthe sale of crude oiland expected am ounts ofcrtlde oilavailable for sale;PD V SA 'S

requirem ents for the purchase of light crude oi1products; and the term s ofbids received from

com peting oi1companiesforthepurchaseand saleofproducts.

Atthe time Defendants gained accessto PDVSA 'S trade secrets,they knew that

thesetrade secretswereacquired by unauthorized meansand wereobtained from individualswho

owed afiduciaryduty to PDVSA to m aintain thesecrecyofthese trade secrets.

320. Defendants'actionswerewillfuland malicious.

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 58 of 60

321. A s a result of these actions,Plaintiff is entitled to single and double dam ages,

W HEREFORE,PlaintiffdemandsjudgmentagainstDefendants,jointlyacdseverally,as
follow s:

Asto Count1,compensatol' y damages,trebledamages,injunctive relief,interest

andthecostsofsuit,includilzgreasonableattorney'sfees,pursuantto 15U.S.C.j

Asto Countll,compensatoq l damages,trebledamages,injunctiverelief,interest

andthecostsofsuit,includingreasonableattorney'sfees,pursuantto 15 U.S.C.j

111. Asto Count111,compensatory damages,trebledamages,injunctiverelief,interest

andthecostsofsuit,includingreasonableattorney'sfees,pursuantto 15U.S.C.j

IV. AstoCount1V,compensatorydamages,trebledamages,injunctiverelief,interest
andthecostsofsuit,includingreasonableattorney'sfees,pursuantto 15U.S.C.j

Asto CountV,actualdamages,injunctiverelief,interestand thacosts ofsuit,

As to CountV l,com pensatory dam ages,treble dam ages,interest and the costs of
suit,includingreasonableattonwy'sfees,pursuantto 18U.S.C.j 1964(c);
VlI. As to CountV ll,com pensatory dam ages,treble dam ages,interestand the costs of
suit,includingreasonableattolmey'sfees,pursuantto 18U.S.C j 16?64(c);
VIll. A sto CountV Ill,com pensatory dam ages,treble dam ages,interestétnd the costs of
interest and cost,an accounting,restitution and the im position of'a constructive

X. AstoCountX,compensatoryandpunitivedamages,injunctiverelief,togetherwith
interestand costs;

Xl. Asto CotmtX1,compensatoryandpunitivedamages,injtmctiverelief,restitution,

disgorgem entofprofhs,and an accounting togetherwith interestand costs;

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 59 of 60

X1I. AstoCountXII,compensatoryandpunitivedamages,restitution,injunctiverelief,
disgorgem entofprofits,and an accounting togetherw ith interestand costs;

XIll. Asto CountXIIl,compensatoryand punitivedamages,injunctiverelief,together

w ith an accounting,restitution,the im position ofa constructive trtlst,interestand

XIV. Asto CountXlV,compensatory andpunitivedamages,injunctiverelief,together

w ith an accounting,restitution,the im position ofa constructive tnlst,interestand

A sto CountX V ,com pensattlry and punitive dam ages,togetherw ith an accounting,
restitution,the im position ofa constructive trust,interestand costs;

of the internal confidential infonnation, described in such Count X V I,
com pensatory and ptm itive dam ages, restitution and disgorgem ent of profits,
interest,costsand attorney's fees;

XV11. As to Count XVII, actual dam ages, including lost profits, punitive dam ages,
XV111. Asto CountXVIII,actualdamages,disgorgem entofprofhsm ade by Defendants,
XIX. Asto CountXIX,singleand doubledamages,injunctiverelief,interest,costsand
attorney's fees.

and,granting Plaintiff such otherand further relief as the Courtdeemsjust,equitable and

appropriate,relating to this litigation.

Dated:M arch 5,2018


even W .D avis
Stephen N .Zack
100 SE Second Street,Suite2800
M iam i,Florida 33131

Case 1:18-cv-20818-DPG Document 12 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/06/2018 Page 60 of 60

D avid Boies
575 Lexington Avenue,7thFloor
New York,New York 10022
30 S.PearlStreet,1lti'Floor
Albany,N ew York 12207


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