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(Level 1)

Listening Comprehension



This exam consists of 20 multiple-choice items. You will read a sentence or a short selection and
students cither match a picture or choose a written answer based on what you read. There are

instructions for you and instructions for you to read to the students for each type of item.



Instructions to the teacher:

In this section, you will read each sentence twice. Students must match a picture with the
sentence you read. After you read the instruclions to students. you must:

. Read the question number

o Read the sentence a first time at a comfortable pace

o Instruct the students to look at the set of pictures, allowing them about 15 seconds
o Read the sentence again

o lnstruct the students to choosc the answer.

Read to students: Instructions to Students: In the first section, there is a choice amongfour
picturesfor each sentence I read. Iwill reqd a sentence lhat matches one of the pictures. Listen
carefully while I read. Choose the picture A, B, C or D that matches the sentence I read. You v,ill
hear the sentence twice. Get ready to listen to the first sentence now.

NCSE 2014 - Spanish - Paper 2 - l'eachers

l. Me gustan bastante las ciencias porque son divertidas.

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^5t B. C.

2. Estit lloviendo mucho.

/hJ T
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B. C. D.

3. Normalmente, Manuel llega al instituto en carro.

A. B.
4. Tengo mucha sed. Por favor, necesito un vaso de agua.

,.ffi tlIt
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A. C. D.

NCSE 2014 - Spanish - Paper 2 -'feachers

5. En su tiempo libre, N4arfa chatea con amigos por teldfono.


NCSI: 2014- Spanish -Paper2- leachers


Instructions to the teacher: ln this section, you will read a sentence and a question based on
the sentence fwice. Students must choose the answer to the question you read. After you read the

instructions to students. vou must:

o Read the question number

o Read the sentence a first time at a comfortable pace

o Instruct the students to look at the answcr choices, allorving them about 10 seconds
. Read thc question based on the sentence, allowing them about 10 seconds

r Read the sentence and thc question again

o Instruct students to choose the answer

Read to students:

Instructions to Students: In this seclion, I v,ill read a ,sentence and then a question or
incomplete slatemenl based on lhe sentence. Lislen carefully'while I read. Choose lhe answer A,
B, C or D to the question that I read. You will hectr the sentence and the queslion or incomplete
statement twice. Get ready to listen lo the first senlence and question now.


6. Alumnos, siintense ahora, por favor. ;Qui6n habla?

A. Una abogada
B. Un mddico
C. Una profcsora
D. Un policia

NCSF- 2014 - Spanish - Paper 2 - Teachers

7. Quisiera hacer una reserva por una habitaci6n.

El cliente va al
A. cine
B. estadio
C. gimnasio
D. hotel

8. Hoy, Anita tiene quince aflos. Ella celebra

A. el dfa del Santo

B. la Navidad
C. las Pascuas
D. la Quinceaflera

9. Sefior, su pasaporte, por favor. 6D6nde estii el seflor?

A. En el aeropuerto.
B. En el autobris.
C. En la playa.
D. En el restaurante.

10, "Es importante hacer la cama y barrer el suelo, hijo." ;euidn habla?
A. Un chico.
B. Un director.
C. Una mamii.
D. Una nena.

NCSE 2014 - Spanish - l,aper 2 - Teachers


Instructions to the Teacher: In this section, you will read two short selections. Each selection
will be read three times. Students must choose the answer to the questions you read. They will be

allowed to choose answers during the second and third readings. Students do not need to take
notes. After you read the instructions to students, you must:

. Read the title of the selection

o Write the names indicated on the blackboard and pronounce them clearly for students
. Read the selection a first time at a comfortable pace

o Instruct the students to look at the questions and answer choices for about I -2 minutes as


o Read the passage again

o Instruct the students to choose answers. Allow them about I -2 minutes as needed
o Read the passage a third and final time

e Instruct students to complete all answers. Allow them about 1-2 minutes as needed'

Read to students:

Instructions to Students: In this section, Iwill read lwo short passages three times each. Listen
carefutly while I read. You will see questions on the passages and four possible answers. Choose
the best answer A, B, C or D to each question. You will be allowed to shade your answers during

the second or third readings. Get ready to listen to the first passage now.

NCSII 2014 - Spanish - Paper 2 -'Ieachers


Passage I - Public Announcement

Buenas tardes, sefroritas. Bienvenidas a la primera clase de nataci6n en esta piscina bonita. Sus
trajes de bafio les quedan muy bien. Primero, ustedes tienen que poner sus bolsas en la mesa
detr6s de las sillas. Pueden dejar sus zapatos cerca de la pared azul. Hay que ducharse antes de
entrar en la piscina, por favor. Queremos comenzar a la una y cuarto en punto. Van a divertirse
mucho porque el agua no est6 muy frfa hoy.

I l . For which group of people is this announcement being made?

A. Young models.
B. Female swimmers.
C. Ballet dancers.
D. Eager shoppers.

12. Where is this scene taking place?

A. At the mall.
B. At a dance class.
C. At a photo studio.
D. At the pool.

13. They have to place their shoes

A. in the cupboard
B. near the wall
C. under the table
D. behind the chairs

14. When are they going to start?

B, l:00.
C. l:15.

15. Why are they going to enjoy themselves?

A. They love fashion.

B. Shopping is fun.
C. Dance is their passion.
D. The water is warrn.

NCSE 20l4 - Spanish -Paper 2 - Teachers

Passage 2 -ln lVly House

A mi madre le gusta levantarse primero, a las cinco de la mafrana. Mam6 entra en la cocina
donde prepara el desayuno, pone la mesa y friega los platos. Entonces a las seis, ella despierta a
nosotros, los dos hijos. E,lla abrc las ventanas de los cuartos. Yo mc lavo la cara, me cepillo los
dicntes y me ducho. Mari Luz, mi hermana mayor, se maquilla en su dormitorio. Ella siempre
tiene prisa porque quiere llegar al trabajo a tiempo. No hace su cama. Hay ropa y zapatos por
todas paftes. iQud desorden! Mam6 no est6 contenta con su hija.

16. La mam6 se despierta a las

A. tres
B. cuatro
C. cinco
D. seis

17. 6Quiin habla?

A. Un esposo.
B. Un chico.
C. Una hermana.
D. Una abuela.

18. ;Quien hace las tareas en la cocina?

A. La madre.
B. El pap6.
C. Los j6venes.
D. El lavaplatos.

19. A Mari Luz no le gusta

A. maquillarse
B. comer
C. baflarsc
D. llegar tarde

20. Cuando Mari Luz sale de la casa, 6c6mo est6 la madre?

A. Feliz.
B. Enojada.
C. Triste.
D. Sorprcndida.

NCSE 2014 - Spanish - Paper 2 - Tcachers


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