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Schneider ASQZ

Chapter 2


1. According to Beauchamp, market ____________________ emphasizes individual

responsibility, minimal obligation to the common good, and the fundamental freedom to all
individuals to be left alone.

Ans: Justice

Complexity: Moderate

A-head: Introduction

Subject: Chapter 2

2. The UCS report put pressure on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote
abstinence-only programs for preventing ____________ pregnancy.

Ans: teen

Complexity: Moderate

A-head: Political Interference with Science

Subject: Chapter 2
3. And example of __________ is children and young people can be restricted in their behavior
on the basis that they are not yet mature enough to make considered judgments as to their own
best interests.

Ans: paternalism

Complexity: Difficult

A-head: Economic Impact

Subject: Chapter 2

4. The _____________ omitted an entire climate change section from a major report rather than
compromise its credibility by misrepresenting the scientific consensus.

Ans: EPA

Complexity: Difficult

A-head: Political Interference with Science

Subject: Chapter 2


5. True or False? In times of economic difficulty, people are often willing to pay short-term
costs in order to obtain a benefit in the long term.

Ans: False
Complexity: Easy

A-head: Economic Impact

Subject: Chapter 2

6. True or False? While the government cannot guarantee health and safety for each individual,
its role is to provide for maximum health and safety for the community as a whole.

Ans: True

Complexity: Easy

A-head: Individual Liberty

Subject: Chapter 2

7. True or False? Public health measures such as sex education in schools and the provision of
contraceptive services are widely accepted by members of certain religious groups who believe
they discourage immoral behavior.

Ans: False

Complexity: Easy

A-head: Moral and Religious Opposition

Subject: Chapter 2
Multiple Choice

8. Public health often arouses controversy on moral grounds, most often when it confronts what
type of issues?

A) Economic issues

B) Legislative issues

C) Sexual and reproductive issues

D) Drug and alcohol issues

Ans: C

Complexity: Moderate

A-head: Moral and Religious Opposition

Subject: Chapter 2

9. In 2003, what publication reported that the National Cancer Institute’s website contained
information suggesting that having an abortion increased a woman’s risk of breast cancer?

A) Wall Street Journal

B) Washington Post

C) Chicago Tribune

D) New York Times

Ans: D

Complexity: Difficult

A-head: Political Interference with Science

Subject: Chapter 2

10. The Bush administration especially sought to suppress information and to discredit scientific
evidence regarding which of the following issues?

A) Bioterrorism

B) Embryonic stem cells

C) AIDS epidemic

D) Global warming

Ans: D

Complexity: Moderate

A-head: Political Interference with Science

Subject: Chapter 2

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