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Using information from the four (4) articles, write an outline based on the topic.
You are required to:
 write EIGHT (8) main ideas (i.e. 2 main ideas from each article)
 include a minimum of FOUR (4) supporting details for each main idea taken
from the articles

 All topic sentences and supporting details must be written in complete sentences.


Article 1: The writer being optimistic overall of the content in the article.__________
Article 2: The writer well informed and engaging the reader’s attention.___________
Article 3: The writer uses correct academic writing style and informative contents.__
Article 4 :The writer did not mentioned clearly about the supported researches.____
Article 1: The dieters who want to lose the weight by eating more fat and protein.___
Article 2: People who are vegetarians especially lacto-ovo-vegetarians.__________
Article 3: The dieters who want to lose the weight by eating more fat and protein.___
Article 4 : The dieters who want to lose the weight by attending weight management

Article 1: Talk about Atkins diet where consume more fat and protein and avoid____
Article 2: Mention about vegetarians diet that refering to lacto-ovo-vegetarians.____
Article 3: Explain about Ketogenic diet that have the same purpose as Atkins diet.__
Article 4 : To lose weight through Weight Watchers program using point system.___


© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

Article 1: Clearly explain about Atkins diet in short and understandable statements._
Article 2: The article engaging the readers who want to use vegetarians diet.______
Article 3: The articles help the readers to clearly understand how to follow keto diet._
Article 4 : The article needs to elaborate more on diet plan that suitable for weight__


TITLE: The Most Popular Diets Rated by Experts in 2017

Thesis statement:
This thesis consists of four diets plan rated by the experts which able to lose the weight ___
and helping to reduce the risk of non-infectious diseases such as diabetes, high blood_____
pressure, and cardiovascular disease.___________________________________________

Point 1: The aim of Atkins diet is avoiding carbohydrates and controlling the insulin
levels in order to lose the weight by consuming protein and fat as much as the
dieters wish.

Supporting details: a) Dr. Atkins designed the diet that the aim of it is to reduce the_
carbohydrates intake by individual.______________________
b) The reason why people put on weight because the_________
consumption of refined carbohydrates such as sugar, flour etc.
c) Ketosis in Atkins Diet means where people use their own ____
store of fat in the body to become a source of energy._______
d) Glycemic index is a scale used to measure how quick the____
blood sugar increase after consuming the food.____________

Point 2: Atkins diet helps to lose the weight through low consuming of carbs where__
when there is no glucose in the body, then the ketosis will happen and use__
the store fat in the body to send to blood as a source of energy.__________

Supporting details: a) There are four phases in Atkins diet which are induction,_____
balancing, pre-maintenance, and lifetime maintenance which_
by following the diet plan, the dieter able to lose their weight__
b) Through Atkins 40 plan, dieters start with 40 g net carbs per__
day and if they feel their weight start to go up, they look back _
on their carbohydrate intake and cut off the new carbohydrates
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

that they consume.___________________________________

c) Dieters should eat low glycemic loads and avoid high glycemic
loads such as meat, sugar, wheat, rice, high-carbs vegetables,
banana, apples, beans, cakes etc. which have high carbs.____
d) Many people lose their weight when they follow Atkins diet but
most people do not continue the diet plan after 2 or 3 years.__

Point 3: A vegetarian diet is where dieters do not consume meat or fish and only eat_
more plant-based foods which lead to longer life expentancy because they __
have more chances to make a healthy choice for types of foods they will eat._

Supporting details: a) Lacto-ovo-vegetarians are people who do not consume fish,_

meat and related products but they still consume eggs, dairy_
products, and honey. ____________________
b) A vegetarian diet could help to reduce the risk of obesity, heart
desease, type 2 diabetes and some cancer through consuming
leafy greens and avoiding any kind of meat from animals.____
c) Vegetarian dieter should eat variety of foods to ensure that ___
they will get enough nutrition and need to take supplements.__
d) The focus of vegetarian diet is on health where by avoiding___
meat products can help to enhance individual’s health better._

Point 4: Vegetarian diet bring a lot of benefits to the dieter such as lower body weight,
lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk for cancer but the dieter also need to
concern on the risk they will face because they lack certain important nutrient.

Supporting details: a) Most of the study found that the vegetarian dieters had a lower
Body Mass Index (BMI) compared to others._______________
b) People who follow this diet found to had lower cholesterol____
levels and 30 percent of them showed to have low-density____
lipoproteins (LDL) (the bad cholesterol that causes clogged to_
coronary arteries).___________________________________
c) The reasearches found that vegetarians have low risk to get__
cancer, Type 2 diabetes and the risk for cardiovaskular factors
compared to meat eaters. __________________________
d) However, the same study found that vegetarians have high___
possibility to get colon cancer and the dieters need to get to__
know the perfect meal for the vegetarians that can support the
diet process.________________________________________

Point 5: The goal for ketogenic diet is to get more calories from fat and protein rather_
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

than from carbs where the store of sugar in the body will use as a source of_
energy which cause ketosis and lead to weight loss and healthy life.________

Supporting details: a) Katogenic diet helps to speed up the weight loss because it___
takes more work to turn fat into energy rather than the carbs. _
b) People who follow the katogenic diet could feel healthier skin_
and this diet could reduce some cases of acne.____________
c) This diet is nearly same to Atkins diet where the dieters eat___
less carbohydrates and eat more fat and protein foods.______
d) However, dieter who chooses this diet plan should meet the__
doctor or a nutritionist. _________

Point 6: Ketogenic diet found to have significant impact on improving heart health,___
reducing the risk of cancer, protecting the brain functioning, and reducing___
seizures because less consuming on carbohydrates with high glycemic loads
help to lose weight but in opposite it also has complication and the risk._____

Supporting details: a) Ketogenic diet may help to loss the weight quickly and have__
health benefits but staying in this diet for a long time may give_
bad effect to health.__________________________________
b) Some of the risks faced by keto dieters are kidney stone _____
formation, acidosis,severe weight loss or muscle degeneration.
c) Dieters also face immediate effects such as constipation,____
sluggishness, and low blood sugar in the beginning of diet. ___
d) This diet is not suitable for the individual who suffer desease__
such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, or heart disease.__________

Point 7: Weight Watchers diet uses a point system to monitor the individual dietary___
habits by changing their eating habits which is to take more fruit, vegetables,_
lean protein, and less fatty and sugary foods.__________________________

Supporting details: a) The point is depends on the fat, sugar and protein where the_
higher the protein content in food, the lower the point gained._
b) A person will have the aim to lose weight depends on how___
heavy they are and how much weight they need to lose._____
c) Each person has their own daily and weekly target points to__
meet in their own way, but within the limits agreed.__________
d) When the member achieve their target weight, then they are in
maintenance period and need to maintain within 2 pounds to__
get free meeting as Lifetime Member and need to pay weekly_
fee if the weight increase more than 0.91kg in a month.______

Point 8: Weight Watchers diet found to be the effective way to lose weight twice_____
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

compared to those who are under standard weight loss care over a 12-month

Supporting details: a) Referral by healthcare experts to commercial weight loss_____

programs in terms of dietary advice and physical activity,_____
motivation, group support are clinically useful as early_______
interventions for the weight management process for those___
who are overweight and obese._________________________
b) Studies found that those adults that attended Weight Watchers
session 2 or 3 times in six months able to reduce their glucose
and insulin levels as well as their weight loss. _________
c) Weight Watchers also found to be as an early intervention of__
weight loss and refered by United Kingdom's National Health_
Service (NHS) if patient want to lose their weight.___________
d) People can join the diet program online or in person, choose__
for meeting only, individual coaching, or both and their website
provides a variety of recipes for diet process and weight loss._

Conclusion : As conclusion, people can choose their diet plan that they want to follow and
which one is suitable for them especially for those who have non infectious deseases such
as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular deseases and so on. However, to start any
diet plan, refering to doctor or nutritionist is important to get some advices from them before
starting any diet plan.________________________________________________________


Christian N. (10 March 2017). Vegetarian diet:What is it and should I try it? Retrieved
on January 4, 2018 from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/8749.php

Christian N. (13 April 2017). Atkins diet: What is it and should I try it? Retrieved on
January 4, 2018 from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/7379.php

James M. (21 March 2017). Ketosis: What is ketosis? Retrieved on January 4, 2018
from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/180858.php

Yvette B. (26 April 2017). Weight Watchers: What does it involve?. Retrieved on
January 4, 2018 from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/149454.php

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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