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A simple wondering
Andrew P Freemind
The author would like this ‘play’ to be available and accessible to
as many people as possible, but copyright is reserved to the
author, his wife and children.

© Copyright reserved

You, the reader;

My dearest loved ones;

The Julia Camerons and Dorian Haarhoffs of the world,

for constantly rekindling our creativity and honing our

The Strunk & Whites, for 'elements of style',

which I often, intentionally, neglect;

and my Guides,

thank you!
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
~ Hamlet (1.5.167-8)

Good evening everyone. I’m your host Eve Freeman

and our very special guest tonight is Rex, an
extraordinary visitor to our abode and literally the talk
of the planet the last few weeks.

You may be aware of the amazing things that has been

happening around Rex and his discussions with top
world leaders at the UN and The Bilderberg Club last

It took some effort, but we have managed to secure

some time with Rex, to share some of his insights with

Eve: Welcome Rex and thank you for joining us.

Rex: My pleasure Eve.

Eve: Why did you choose the name Rex?

Rex: I did not, it was allocated to me by a

newspaper after one of my first press conferences, in

Rome. I recall a young woman asking if I was the risen

king, or something of the sort. I said I was no such, but

maybe that sparked it, in the media.

Eve: So what did you call yourself when first asked?

Rex: The first person who asked me was an

American general and I indicated that I am a guide.

Eve: What would you like to be called?

Rex: You can call me anything you like. My name is

not important.

Eve: OK, let’s stick to Rex then. Please tell us

where you came from.

Rex: I came from a place not very different from

this one – just a bit more advanced. You can call it

another ‘dimension’ if you like.

Eve: Not another planet?

Rex: Not quite. My world is far less dense than

yours. In fact it does not have the same sensory

acuteness than your reality, but it is even more beautiful.

Eve: And if you don’t mind me asking: what are


Rex: I am a being not dissimilar to you, but my

kind are more advanced than humans on earth are, at

the moment.

Eve: But you look almost just like us?

Rex: I took this form to make it easier for you to

relate to me, to understand my message clearly. My kind

can take any form we require, at anytime, anywhere.

Let’s leave it at that for now.

Eve: Straight question.

Rex: Please.

Eve: Are you a ‘grey alien’?

Rex: No!

Eve: OK. And your mission to earth is?

Rex: To confirm and re-share a few very important

messages with humankind. Like my kind have done

throughout your history.

Eve: OK, but wait, before we get to your messages

– the other question on everyone’s mind is: Are you an

angel or a god or maybe even what some would call the


Rex: No. My visit here is not about me, it’s about

you and I’m afraid that any attempt to try and explain

my nature to you may cause humans to misinterpret and

misunderstand and that could diminish the importance

of my message. I am certainly not any of the gods you

have come to define, encounter or speculate about to


Anti-Christ or Messiah?

Eve: Very well, but in all fairness, you have been

doing some astonishing things. You quite dramatically

appeared out of the blue, literally in the middle of a

battle in Syria, and again in Gaza, somehow disabling all

weapons and communication systems. You then

appeared at and somehow got everyone out before you

levelled the Pentagon and the August 1st Building in

Beijing. You also caused all the major stock exchanges

in the world to go offline for a whole day. As everyone

knows by now, no weapons had any impact on you.

You can hardly blame anyone to think you are a god of

some sort.

Rex: As I explained before, the reason I did those

things is to ensure that my messages are heard and

attended to by all people on Earth and I’m afraid

conflict and war, just ahead of economic injustice, is

humankind’s worst legacy, thus far. Let’s just say I got

your attention and had to neutralise any thought of

interference with my message by way of attempted

force. For reasons we will get to later, not all of you may

like my message, or that everyone can have access to it.

Your buildings can be rebuilt, using a fraction of the

budget your nations spend on their military.

But my abilities can easily be explained using your

current knowledge of quantum physics and mechanics.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
~ Arthur C. Clarke

Eve: We’ll get back to that. You are aware that due

to your remarkable entrance, you have been called “The

Antichrist” by some and “The Messiah” by others?

Rex: I once again assure you I am not anti-anyone.

My messages are for something, not against, just like the

teachings of your great guides, like Jesua of Nazareth,

Siddhartha and alike. But I am not them. Their

messages were pure and there would not be any reason

to be anti anything they shared with humanity. But you

see, that’s one of the big challenges with the human

mindset to date – it got caught in an opposing thought


Eve: Sorry, what pattern?

In opposition

Rex: Opposing thought. You focus so much on

your differences, instead of focussing on what is most

important – your similarities and inter-connectedness.

Don’t get me wrong, I by no means wish to disrespect

the beauty of the apparent differences and uniqueness

you have as human beings. Earth bore people of

different races and cultures, largely due to geographic

consequence. And that is beautiful. But there will come

a time where you no longer need this – even your

gender differences will diminish.

When you however focus purely on and accentuate

your differences, it often leads to tension and dis-ease,

which in turn often leads to conflict and/or separation

and/or destruction. When, for example, you being a

woman, or black, or from a certain cultural background

or religious conviction, becomes so important to you

that you lose sight of the fact that you are, in essence,

the same source and fabric as a man, or a white person,

someone from another culture or someone that was

taught to or chooses to experience reality or even a

God-concept differently than you, you are starting to

think ‘opposingly’. When this happens, you become

self-centred and oppose others constantly.

Don’t get me wrong, self-centredness is different from

taking care of and being good to yourself. It is

universally recognised that to be able to contribute

optimally, one must nourish and nurture oneself. This is

not selfish.

Your opposing thought pattern forgets that your true

power and best outcome lies in working tolerantly

together with others – no matter how they appear or

think. Such a mindset does not realise that when you

become more important than others, you are

disconnected and alone. When you selfishly consume or

harm the environment in which you need to exist, you

are actually destroying yourself. Opposing thought

forgets that your growth and evolution as human beings

are dependent on your interconnection and interaction,

not your separateness.

Maybe the time has come and maybe you are slowly

getting ready to understand that you are in one hive, in

one nest, together, and your congenital differences will

all eventually melt into the same space, so to speak.

Eve: One?

Rex: Yes, of one mind, like a connected hive. Just

like there are many types of bees, or ants, who work

together and not against each other, for a common


This principle is designed into the very fabric of your

nature, but you keep ignoring it, still believing that your

reality will be better if you are better than others or use

others and nature to your advantage. This is a very

simplistic thought pattern, not conducive to a

sustainable future.

Eve: Do you relate this to your remark about our

‘economic injustice’ being a terrible legacy?

Rex: Exactly. You purport justice and equality for

all, yet you freely accept a system where twenty percent

of humankind owns as much as the remaining eighty

percent, who are struggling to survive every day, mostly

working for the twenty percent. You justify this by

claiming that your major economic system is open and

free to all, yet it favours those who, often, by

inheritance, luck or genetic makeup are able to utilise it

for their benefit. Does that make sense to you?

And yes, this too fuels opposing thought between you

and it may very well bring your civilisation to a catharsis

that could reverse your evolution with at least a few

centuries - which may not be a bad thing. It may

provide you with the opportunity to redesign and

rebuild, with the benefit of hindsight.

Eve: So we may already be doomed?

Rex: No, it’s in your hands. You can change it

peacefully in a relatively short space of time. You

already have the alternative models and technologies

available to you. But those of you who have and are

empowered, will need to decide to share, equitably, with

those who have not, to achieve an equilibrium.

By this I’m not saying those who work hard should not

benefit as a result. I’m saying your system needs to be

redesigned to provide equal opportunities and free basic

necessities – quality food, water, shelter, electricity,

security, healthcare and education, for everyone.

Nothing else is just or sustainable. As I mentioned, you

have the means and technology. Nikola Tesla’s work is

but one example of this. You always had communities

working together for the benefit of all the people in the

area. Your economic systems and social incohesion

changed that to a large extent.

Love, Power & Being God

Eve: Ok, so what you are basically saying is that we

should love each other and our environment more.

Rex: Please explain how you define love Eve.

Eve: Ha, ha, yes, the word all seems to know and

constantly say but very few can define. Some would say

that love is a state of existence or being, an emotion

difficult to explain, but if ‘you know it you know it’.

Others say that it is no more than a chemical response

in the brain, to care or feel affection for someone. I like

a definition I once read that called it a verb – a positive

and constructive intention or deed that does not cause

any unjust negative impact on anyone or anything. That

it’s all about acting love, not merely saying it.

Rex: If you define it like that Eve, I will call it one

of the most important components of your human

existence on earth.

Eve: The other being?

Rex: Experiencing life to the fullest and making or

leaving a positive contribution - something more

powerful and lasting than any position or possession.

Eve: Talking about power, let’s get back to your

abilities which you described as explicable by quantum

physics and mechanics. If we are supposed to

understand the things you can do, why can’t we?

Rex: What you witnessed is no more than a

manipulation of energy Eve. Some of you were able to

do this and some still can, to a large extent and soon

most of you will. But most of you are not yet ready.

Quite frankly Eve, you still cling to opposing thought

and develop and use your advanced technology mostly

for military purposes or personal gain.

Eve: There are some who say that all of us can do

miracles because we are God and that we should not

seek a God outside of ourselves because we already

have everything inside us. It sounds like you are saying

that with all that potential, we possibly are?

“We and the entire universe are connected. The

field that connects everything is called by many
names…the fabric of the universe, collective
consciousness, infinite intelligence and, of course,
God. Our universe IS our consciousness and it
is participatory by its very nature. Therefore in
order to change our universe, our experience, we
need only change our thoughts.”

~Edward Dunn

Rex: Well, earth was designed in a specific way, for

a specific purpose, but not by humans. You need to

respect this. In all fairness, even though you have been

able to alter and even copy the elements of this design,

you have not been able to come close to creating even

the smallest part of its magnificence yourself. Ignoring

this would be almost as simplistic and arrogant as the

unfortunate belief some of you hold that what you

experience around you have come about by pure

coincidence. No, as I said - you are part of what you call

God and do have tremendous potential. You are indeed

evolving to a state in which you will be able to easily

achieve what you now see as miraculous. You will be

able to create freely, just like ‘gods’, so to speak. That

will make you gods in the eyes of those less advanced.

Eve: Why do you think so many people these days

do not want to believe in a god.

Rex: A yes. Like one of your psychiatrists and

authors, M Scott Peck, who by the way had some very

insightful epiphanies about the human mind, used to say

– “all symptoms are overdetermined”. This too

probably has a number of causes. Some of you may

have been hurt or disillusioned by institutionalised

religion or those who took advantage of it. I need to

add that, as you well know but often choose to ignore,

the message is pure, irrespective of what some chose to

do with it. Religion is very important for so many of

you – that’s why so many of you still chose to hold

some religious view. That is good, for as long as your

religion does not cause you to act in an ‘unloving’ way.

Others may simply believe in science, empirical

evidence, not realising that your science is just as limited

as your beliefs. They purport that if something cannot

be scientifically observed and studied it cannot exist,

forgetting that a number of elements in your universe

exited long before science ‘discovered’ or acknowledged


Eve: And here you are. Living proof that there are

other beings in the universe. You made a few people

rethink their beliefs, I can tell you.

Rex: I can imagine. But Eve, you had a lot of

recorded evidence of others visiting Earth long before I

came. Like I said, my kind, too, has come to Earth

many times and interacted with and taught many people

and influencers. Maybe due to fear, or your scientific

views, a lot of you just didn’t want to accept the


Eve: Mmmm. I must admit - I was one of those

people. It made me feel uncomfortable and less in

control thinking of more powerful beings than us out

there or affecting us.

Rex: Quite understandable.


Eve: Now, let’s discuss this reality of ours on this

planet we call Earth a bit more. There are some who say

that this is all an illusion and not real. Like we are living

inside a type of matrix of some sort. Just like in the


Rex: Yes and no.

Eve: You like doing that don’t you! Do you care to

be a bit more specific?

Rex: Sorry Eve, but these things are not as simple

as you make them sound. Remember, you are only now,

with quantum physics and mechanics and experiments

at your Large Hadron Collider in Cern, beginning to

grasp another layer of a part of your reality.

Let me try and explain it this way:- Talking about

scientific experiments - you have come to accept the

truth that, at subatomic level, everything in your reality

is made up of energy and the density you experience

seems to be an anomaly to that. There are some that

propose that your ‘reality’ is only as real as your

perception of it and that it does not exist, or at least

exist in dense material form, until you look at or interact

with it.

Well, let’s take one of your experiments where someone

was put in a sensory deprivation room and told that it is

empty and just to walk around. If you put an obstacle in

that room, the person will stumble over or against it,

whether he or she knows or can sense it is there or not.

The same will apply to the anomaly of the wrong

number telephone call. If your reality is only as real as

you sensory or extra sensory perception of it, the call

you receive from a complete stranger who has no

relation to you, does not identify him/herself and hangs

up immediately he or she realise it was the wrong

number they dialled, does not tally with that explanation

of your ‘reality’.

Eve: I love it when you put the words ‘reality’ in

inverted commas with your fingers like that Rex. So,

what are you saying – that our ‘reality’ is real, but not


“Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

~Marcus Aurelius
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

Rex: All I’m saying is that although everything is

energy, your sensory perception of your world as dense,

or even separate or disconnected, is there for a reason.

Your minds are very powerful and can create very

convincing illusions. For example, the things people see

when they are using certain psychedelic compounds.

Although you know it is an illusion, it persists, for now,

in your daily lives, acutely. Respect that, even in your

Samadhi experiences. There is a lesson in it. Do not

oppose it.

Eve: Care to enlighten us more.

Rex: Why are you here, in this life Eve?

Eve: Come on Rex, now you’re avoiding.

Rex: Not at all. The question is very relevant to


Eve: Ok, let’s play. I have no idea. I’m just here

and I’m doing the best I can. And I believe that I’m part

of everything. The universe and our existence here is

God, or The Universe, or Source, or The All that Is, or

whatever you would like to call it, experiencing itself.

Rex: So you and your life here is no more than an


Eve: Yes, so to speak.

Rex: Nothing more?

Eve: What are you alluding to?

Rex: Two questions:- Why, although you feel

connected to everything, do you also feel distinctly

individual? Secondly, do you really believe that it is likely

that what you call God, or The Universe, or Source, if so

omnipresent and powerful and already ‘All that Is’, will

have the need to experience itself in your form here?

That seems like a very human-like trait, doesn’t it? As

though one of your kin created that view and assigned it

to ‘God’.

Eve: Very well, enlighten us please your majesty.

Rex: I am none of the sort and please do not call

me that again Eve. I am but a guide, no more.

Let me give you another alternative, one which I will

not call the truth or only truth, just an alternative.

Eve: Please do. Sorry about the pun. You know

how we get when we decide upon a perspective of truth

and someone challenges that, especially in our comfort


Rex: Fully understandable. Here we go. What if

what you call reality or the universe, or multiverse, is

indeed a continuous existence, never beginning, never

ending with no limits. Let’s call it The All That Is. And

from that, what you would call God, or Mind, came

forth and who created, among others, your universe and

an array of beings who in turn created other beings, and

so forth.

Eve: There goes the Big Bang Theory.

Rex: Why?

Eve: Well, the Big Bang Theory describes how our

universe started and how it keeps expanding and, and,

and, you know.

Rex: Think of it like your struggle with Darwin’s

theories. The tension and opposition quite a lot of you

have over this is due to the fact that you seek only one

absolute answer, excluding all others. Because they

make you uncomfortable.

Just like your theory of evolution can very easily co-exist

and integrate with the stories of your creation, your Big

Bang Theory can exist and integrate with another bigger


There is no reason why you could not have evolved as

you have and also along the line received what you can

call ‘a divine intervention’ in the process, causing you to

become homo sapiens. Similarly, there is no reason why

the Big Bang could not have contributed to your current

universe, yet being preceded and part of something

much bigger or more complex.

The moment you stop thinking in absolutes, driven by

fear or gain, you will stop feeling the need to oppose

and think exclusively. That point, which is already here

for some of you, will be the dawn of the next

understanding for those who choose to.

“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive

and move toward higher levels…”
~Albert Einstein
Eve: OK, we would love to hear more about your

alternative, but first it’s time for a commercial break. I

don’t suppose I have to say don’t go anywhere, not with

the billions of viewers and ratings this show is reaching.

Fingerprints of the God(s)

Eve: Welcome back everyone. We are talking to

Rex, an astonishing and may I add, on a lighter note,

quite handsome ‘guide’ visiting us and sharing some of

his insights. You should see the comments the ladies are

tweeting about you during the break Rex. But, without

further ado, please continue.

Rex: Before we do Eve, just one thing. Although I

chose a male appearance I am not male or female, as

you know it.

Eve: You mean you have an androgynous mind?

Rex: You can call it that. All my kind does – we are

neither male nor female – we do not have the need for

it anymore and one day neither will you.

Eve: Wow, ok, let’s get back to that later. You were

talking about ‘God or Mind’ that came forth from ‘The

All that Is’?

Rex: Just as an alternative story.

Eve: Yes, understood.

Rex: We already alluded to the fact that, according

to your own logical principles, the probability that all

that is around you came about by pure coincidence and

not some intelligent design, is highly unlikely. This

assumption is correct. Those of you who purport the

theory of coincidental / natural formation of your

planet and beings on it, seem to be trapped in some

anti-paradigm or painful resentment towards any notion

of a higher intelligent design behind it all. They seem to

be set on fervently disproving something, rather than

proving something. They bluntly refuse to accept what

your modern quantum theories are beginning to accept,

just like some of your well known scientists did in the

past – that your reality is so astonishing and you still

know so little about it, that ignoring the obvious

conclusion is nonsensical.

Eve: You sounded a little judgemental there Rex.

Rex: Not at all. It is easy to understand how people

who suffered great physical or emotional pain or who

are very empathetic to the suffering of so many in your

world, would like to be anti any external powerful

creators that would allow such suffering.

Eve: Creator, singular, you mean?

Rex: Well, according to your Bible, in Genesis,

written long before the concept of Holy Trinity, and

other ancient spiritual texts and beliefs, the reference is


“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”

~Genesis 1:26

Eve: I didn’t know that. But let’s get back to our


Rex: A lot of you seem to believe that the

designer(s), or creator(s) of your reality is very

influential in your daily lives. That you are guided and

assisted, what you may call blessed, in some way, even

to the extent that you attribute your possessions to this.

You would use words like ‘God has blessed my business

and I am very grateful for it’. Yet you do not explain

why ninety percent plus of your population is not

blessed in such a way, apart from some of you would

really attribute that to a notion that the majority of

people either do not believe, worship or understand,

manifest or attract something in the right way and that

is why they are not a blessed. Those who purport this

even go as far as trying to sell the solution to others in

some way.

You also believe that you have free will. A belief we

share with you and that is evident in your lives. So have

you ever considered that your creator(s) may not be

actively affecting your life for exactly that reason. If

your creator(s) or then what you may call God,

interferes with your lives directly, by giving you things,

or protecting you from others, for example, you will

actually not have free will at all. This does not mean that

you do not have guides though. Those who would

provide suggestions or even messages of hope and

support, but who are not allowed to directly interfere,

since that will take away your free will and choices. If

you look at it this way, your creator(s) or ‘God’ is not

cruel in allowing some things to happen or distant when

you ask for help. Your gift of free will implies that you

have to live your life, in this reality, with all its

challenges and wonder, yourself, within certain

limitations and influences that are part of the reality you

are in. You even have the freedom to harm yourself, to

the extreme, as well as others. And to recover from that

or be forgiven for that. Is this not the ultimate

manifestation of your free will? With this, you do

however carry the responsibility of the consequences of

these choices too.

If a parent never leaves a child to go off and ‘do their

own thing’, to expose the child to life here in all its

facets and to stand or fall, the child will never truly be

free and grow as a person. If a parent constantly

protects a child or give it things, it will never become its

own person, learning to live life fully.

Again, the alternative, believing that only some of you

are sometimes protected or assisted, if you pray or

believe in the ‘correct way’, or in the wisdom of God,

does not really make sense, does it? This, again, sounds

like a concept developed by some of you for personal

gain – to purport to be able to show you just how to

‘get it right’ if you follow them of give them money. As

mentioned, it also fuels the notion by so many of you

that your creator(s) are either non-existent, uncaring or

even cruel, since you are not always helped or protected.

And that is not the case, if you look at it from a free will

perspective. I once noticed an apt post on your social

media, where someone asked their God why he allows

so much suffering and chaos in the world and God

answered that he would like to ask humanity the same


Eve: I’ve never thought of it that way, in depth.

You mentioned that we carry the consequences of our

free choices. It does however appear as though some

people do not carry the consequences of their, often

heinous, choices.

Rex: Don’t let appearances fool you Eve. I’m afraid

the rule of cause and effect, some of you call it Karma,

is part of your designed reality Eve. There is no

escaping it. The energy you put out, you will receive

back. Positive for positive, negative for negative. It’s

acknowledged by your science as well.

Eve: That makes sense.

Rex: What I’m really trying to explain Eve, is that

you should open yourself up to other possibilities.

Eve: And that is?

Rex: That from The All that Is, in a manner that is

not important, forms of intelligence came forth which

formed the ability to create life and the universe as you

know it. And that beings like you and me, in the sense

of our current form, you as homo sapiens and me in the

form I am, were created and evolved with our realities -

yours being your dimension on planet Earth and mine

the dimensions my kind exist in. And that beings like us

and others have been interacting with beings like you, to

help guide you, in this and other universes, or

dimensions if you like, but that we have all been given

the opportunity to co-create our own realities and lives.

This includes taking responsibility for our own actions

and not attributing our fate to our creator(s).

“There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get
better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within.
Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.”

~ Miyamoto Musashi

Eve: But wait, why do you say it’s not important

how our creators came about?

Rex: What difference would it make? Remember,

all I’m doing is putting another option on the table for

you to consider. My people believe that one day this will

be revealed to all. But my purpose here is not to try and

give definitive answers to these questions to you, but to

share messages and principles you need. We inevitably, I

suppose, stumbled upon this topic due to your

questions on the purpose of my visit.

Eve: Do you have the answers to these questions?

Rex: I only shared with you what my kind

understand, that’s all. You do not have to believe it.

Some things are true whether you accept them or not.

Eventually it is not important.

Eve: Not important? According to your alternative

we may have no gods to pray for or that can help us.

assumption. Remember I said you co-create your

reality? If it is important to you to believe the way you

want to believe, then so be it. As long as you understand

that it’s only your belief and that you cannot, or rather

should not force others to share it. My point is that we

do not really know and in the absence of certainty we

need to respect difference of opinion.

What I meant is that your current life and existence is

far more important that your view on where you came

from, or even where you are going. You are free to

speculate, but you do not live in the past or future – you

live in the present and what you do in every moment is

your life. Not what is no more or a possible tomorrow.

Also, if prayer, or meditation, is important to someone,

that need to be respected too. You each deal with your

reality in your own best way and the way you deal with

it may differ from time to time as well. That is part of

your adventure.

Eve: So what do your kind believe or think we are?

Rex: Well, humans and my kind are different. As

mentioned, we are not so connected to a physical form

as you are. But, your consciousness, you may call it your

soul, like ours, is immortal and has the ability to be in

various dimensions at the same time. It is what

transcends your physical body after its death. It is the

real you, but part of you, me and The All that Is,

forever. In fact, humans tend to take death very

seriously. It is understandable that you miss a person’s

physical presence after they passed, but in reality none

of you ever die. Only your physical body does. It will be

easier for you to handle death if you think of it as just

another beginning. As you well know, everything is

always in a state of flux and change is the only constant.

Attachment to anything in physical form is unhealthy.

Make peace with that and your mind will be at peace.

Think of it in this way and you will also conquer your


Eve: Yes, the big F. If we can only eradicate it.

Rex: Remember what I said about your design. It’s

flawless. You have been given the concept of fear for a

reason. It has its purpose. It keeps you safe and

responsible, to a large extent. Respect that. It is only

destructive when it starts to negatively affect your mind

and functioning.

Eve: OK, getting back to who created ‘the real’ us

– our consciousness?

Rex: My kind believe that all forms of individual

consciousness’ came forth from The All That Is.

Eve: And there could be many versions of me in

different dimensions at this moment.

Rex: Don’t only think of time as linear Eve. This

moment is as much part of yesterday as it is of

tomorrow. But to answer your question directly, yes. I

am aware of my consciousness being active in multiple

dimensions at, what you would call, this moment.

Eve: And what about heaven and hell.

Rex: Those are human constructs. Remember that

the stories humans have been telling through time

served a purpose. Whether it was to help understand

something, guide you children or to help govern your

society. What you call heaven and hell, are actually both

present in your current reality. Just like what you call

good and evil, are both present in your minds and you

have to choose which impulse to follow, constantly,

until you transcend.

Eve: So there are no angels and demons helping or

affecting us.

Rex: As mentioned before, there are beings, of

different nature and intent, you may call them as you

like, that may try to influence your decisions. They and

you have free will. The choice is always up to you. Just

like each of you have a choice, to a large extent, what

the life is you want to live, or is worth living.

A message of…

Eve: Very well, our time is almost up. Let’s move

on to your message. What have you come to share with


Rex: Before I leave this dimension of yours, I will

discuss and confirm our suggested approaches and

methodologies with your governments, teachers and

scientists in more detail. I can tell you that they will not

be new to humankind, since they have been shared

many times before, in many ways. But I will reinterpret

them, as required. It is then, as always, in your hands to

use them or not.

Eve: Well can you give us a summary tonight, so

that everyone can understand and benefit from your


Rex: Very well. I’ll try to summarise my messages,

but like I said, they should not be news to you:-

 Understand that:

o You are wonderfully designed beings in a

wonderfully designed reality.

o How you came about or where you are going

is not important now.

o This life and reality you are experiencing,

with its limitations and challenges, has a


o You are all connected, to everything, and you

are energy – energy that cannot be destroyed.

Your individual consciousness will continue

after the death of your physical body. What

your consciousness is or what will happen

after your physical death is not important

now, but I can tell you that there is no

heaven and no hell. Those were constructs of

fear and control, used to manage your society

in the past. What is important is how you live

and what you do now, moment by moment,

here and now.

o Your life and future are in your hands and

your hands, together, only.

o The key to your evolution and transcendence

does not only lie in your rationality, it lies in

your humanity and compassion.

o If you keep multiplying, consuming and

polluting nature at the current rate, your

resources and habitat will very soon run out.

o Excluding situations of trauma or great

physical pain, wherein you act instinctively,

your perspective on your ‘reality’ is what

enables you to free your mind and grow.

Only you choose your perspective:- Are you

suffering, experiencing, just observing,

enjoying - anything, at all times.

o Humility is probably one of your most

emancipating experiences. Ego has its

function, for survival, for now, but that is

where it should end.

o Everything is about balance. Harmony is the

ultimate goal.

 Eliminate opposing thought and self-centredness.

Ask what you can contribute before you ask

anything for yourself.

 Focus on living mindfully, with compassion and

respect for each other and your environment.

This life is your experience, but you are still

having it in symbiosis with others, in an

environment that supports it.

 Do the best you can with what you have, but do

not fight it too much – you have much to gain

and learn here. Change what you can, but make

peace with what you cannot. Your evolution to

higher states of consciousness is inevitable. Just

be patient and focus on what you can do now.

 Be good and kind to yourself - it all starts with

you. Once you have taken care of the basic

survival requirements, immerse yourself,

responsibly, in the pleasures and beauty of your

life – on a daily basis.

 Review your economic system and social

structuring. Share your resources equitably

between all people. Your current systems are not

sustainable and will lead to anarchy if social

justice is not reformed.

 Achieving resilience and your goals in this reality

is not about your ‘health, wealth and security’. It

starts with having a positive attitude, being

adaptable and effective relationships with others.

That should be ample, for now. Thanks for the

discussion Eve.

Au revoir

Well, on that note, that’s all we have time for tonight

folks. I’d like to thank Rex for making time to be with
us tonight.

I hope you found this as interesting as I did and that it

will be some food for thought.

Until next time, all of the best.



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