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Phytother. Res. 24: 764–768 (2010)

Published online 26 November 2009 in Wiley InterScience
(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3043

Increased Vascular Permeability, Angiogenesis

and Wound Healing Induced by the Serum of
Natural Latex of the Rubber Tree
Hevea brasiliensis

Ricardo José Mendonça1*, Vanessa Beatriz Maurício1, Larissa de Bortolli Teixeira1,

João José Lachat2 and Joaquim Coutinho-Netto1
Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Surgery and Anatomy, Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Increases in vascular permeability and angiogenesis are crucial events to wound repair, tumoral growth and
revascularization of tissues submitted to ischemia. An increased vascular permeability allows a variety of cyto-
kines and growth factors to reach the damaged tissue. Nevertheless, the angiogenesis supply tissues with a wide
variety of nutrients and is also important to metabolites clearance. It has been suggested that the natural latex
from Hevea brasiliensis showed wound healing properties and angiogenic activity. Thus, the purpose of this
work was to characterize its angiogenic activity and its effects on vascular permeability and wound healing. The
serum fraction of the latex was separated from the rubber with reduction of the pH. The activity of the dialyzed
serum fraction on the vascular permeability injected in subcutaneous tissue was assayed according Mile’s
method. The angiogenic activity was determined using a chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane assay and its
effects on the wound-healing process was determined by the rabbit ear dermal ulcer model. The serum fraction
showed evident angiogenic effect and it was effective in enhancing vascular permeability. In dermal ulcers, this
material significantly accelerated wound healing. Moreover, the serum fraction boiled and treated with prote-
ases lost these activities. These results are in accordance with the enhancement of wound healing observed in
clinical trials carried out with a biomembrane prepared with the same natural latex. Copyright © 2009 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: Hevea brasiliensis; Euphorbiaceae; angiogenesis; vascular permeability; wound healing.

from the prominence of these vessels (Arnold and West,

INTRODUCTION 1991; Eming et al., 2007a).
Increased vascular permeability is one of the first
The search for specific agents to improve healing is as stages in angiogenesis. There is no doubt that in patho-
old as the practice of medicine. Wound healing cannot logical angiogenesis, permeability to water and macro-
occur without the formation of new blood vessels molecules is increased; vessels are leaky and solute
(angiogenesis). In response to the injury, microvascular delivery to tissue is uncontrolled. In wound healing, the
endothelial cells initiate an angiogenic process consist- inflammatory process and angiogenesis are responsible
ing of the induction of microvascular hiperpermeability, for the increase permeability (Dvorak et al., 1999;
local degradation of their basement membrane, migra- Vaquero et al., 2000; Bates and Harper, 2002).
tion and sprouting into the local stroma, cell prolifera- Recently, some reports are being published about a
tion and formation of granulation tissue, reconstruction new material based on natural latex from the rubber
of basement membrane, formation of new blood vessel, tree Hevea brasiliensis, which showed as an important
stabilization, and eventually regression and involution inductor of wound healing, regeneration of the esopha-
of the newly formed vasculature as tissue remodeling geal wall of dog and regeneration of the tympanic mem-
(Dvorak et al., 1995; Singer and Clark, 1999; Werner brane through mechanisms involving a marked increase
and Grose, 2003). On the other hand, the generation of in vascularization (Mrué, 2000; Oliveira et al., 2003;
new blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature is Mrué et al., 2004). In addition, the treatment of diabetic
believed to be accompanied in almost all states by an and phlebopathic ulcers with the biomembrane pre-
increase in vascular permeability (Arnold and West, pared from the natural latex showed the presence of a
1991; Dvorak et al., 1995; Clark, 1996). vascular growth factor in the latex, which acts on human
Newly formed blood vessels provide nutrition to tissues, permitting improved local vascularization
meet the local metabolic demands and comprise up to through its capacity for angiogenic induction and accel-
60% of repair tissue, giving the name to the granulation erating the repair of ulcers with consequently reepithe-
tissue to temporary organ of repair which is derived lialization (Frade et al., 2001; Frade, 2003).
In this study, we report the characterization of activi-
* Correspondence to: Ricardo José Mendonça, University of São Paulo,
Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Ribeirao Preto School of
ties as vascular permeability, angiogenic activity, and
Medicine, Av. Bandeirantes, 3900. 14040-900, Ribeirao Preto/ SP, Brazil. wound healing induced by the serum extracted from the
E-mail:rjmendonca2000@yahoo.com.br natural latex of a rubber tree.
Received 23 April 2009
Revised 14 August 2009
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 02 September 2009

The rabbit ear dermal ulcer model. Young adult New

Zealand white rabbits 2–3 kg were anaesthetized with
ketamine (60 mg/kg) and xylazine (5 mg/kg) injected
The Animal Ethics Committees of the Faculty of i.m., the ears immobilized and four 5-mm ulcers were
Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of São Paulo, made to the depth of bare cartilage under sterile condi-
Brazil, approved all experimental protocols (process tions using microsurgical instruments, a 5-mm punch
N° 261/2005), in accordance with the principles of and a binocular stereomicroscope (Mustoe et al., 1991).
laboratory animal care and use in research. The serum latex veiculated in a 1.0; 0.1 and 0.01% w/v
concentration in carboxymethylcellulose 2% w/v in
Preparation of the serum from natural latex. Fresh saline or vehicle alone were applied at days 0, 3, 6, and
latex was obtained from a rubber tree (Hevea brasilien- 9, and wounds were covered with an occlusive polyure-
sis) of the clone RRhim 600. The crude natural latex thane film (Tegaderm; 3M, Minneapolis, MN, USA). At
treated with NH4OH (2%) was obtained from Globbor days 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12, the ulcers were photographed,
Inc. Corp. Rubbers LTD (Guapiacu city, São Paulo, bisected, and fixed in 3.7% buffered formalin for routine
Brazil). The latex was mixed with a solution of acetic histologic processing (Mustoe et al., 1991).
acid 2.2% v/v at a 1 : 2 ratio. After the coagulation, the
serum was separated from the rubber and submitted to Histological analyses. Histological studies were carried
dialysis and liophilization. out using standard semithin sections (6 μM) stained
with haematoxilin-eosin.

Miles vessel permeability assay. The Miles assay was Statistical analyses. Results were expressed as mean ±
performed in rabbit skin as described previously (Miles SEM and analyzed for statistical significance using Stu-
and Miles, 1952; Senger et al., 1983; Needham et al., dent’s t-test, where P values (p ≤ 0.05) were considered
1988; Senger et al., 1990; 1996). Agents under test were to be significant.
freshly prepared in sterile phosphate buffered saline
(PBS) and were injected intradermally (100 μL) in 3
replicates. In all experiments, plasma exudation was
measured using the accumulation of the Blue Evans dye RESULTS
in the site of injection, extracted of skin with formamide
and the absorvance determined at 625 nm (Udaka et al., Increased permeability vascular activity and
1970). characterization of active(s) compound(s)

The latex was coagulated by the acidification of pH with

Chorioallantoic membrane assay. Angiogenic activity the purpose to separate its hydrophilic components
of compounds from latex was examined by chorioal- (serum) from the rubber. The serum was dialyzed
lantoic membrane (CAM) assay, which has been against distillated water and freeze dried. This material
described previously (Wilting et al., 1991; 1992). Briefly, was dissolved in NaCl 0.9% w/v in the concentration of
fertilized eggs of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus, 1.2 mg/mL and its activity in the increased induction of
strain Rhoss) were purchased from Pena Branca (São the vascular permeability was analyzed through the
Carlos, Brazil). Eggs were incubated at 38°C with 75% Miles test; the serum was also boiled and treated with
relative humidity in an automatically turning egg incu- unspecific protease (proteinase K). The statistic analysis
bator (Brasmatic Inc. Corp. Ltd, São Paulo, Brazil). of the data was carried out in accordance with Student’s
After 5 days of incubation, the eggs were then cleaned t-test, being values p < 0.05 or 0.01 considered signifi-
with 70% ethanol and a window round about 1 cm2 was cant. (Fig. 1).
opened at the air sac using a circular electric saw This material (serum) increased vessel permeability
(Dremel multipro, Breda, Racine, WI, USA). The in the Miles assay. The result showed that the serum
external egg membrane was removed and a drop of compounds were able to enhance the microvascular
sterilized saline solution was deposited under the inner permeability when compared with saline solution. The
shell membrane to help the complete detachment of the use of denaturant protein treatment (boiled and prote-
shell from the CAM. The CAM was exposed and the ase) on this material demonstrated less activity on per-
window was sealed with sellotape and the eggs were meability which can suggest that a protein could be
returned to the incubator. On day 13, a dried filter responsible for this activity showed by serum.
paper (Whatmann N° 1) 5 mm in diameter, with a
sample: 3 μL of serum solution (2.5 mg/mL) or 3 μL of
distilled water was applied to each egg, in a sterile way. Angiogenic activity on CAM
The chick embryo was then returned to the incubator.
Three days later, the CAM was fixed in 3.7% formalde- The serum was dissolved in distillated water at
hyde, cut out from eggs and was photographed at 7X 2.5 mg/mL concentration. Three microliters of this solu-
magnification with the use of a stereomicroscope tion were applied on CAM in a filter paper which was
(Olympus Optical Co, Tokyo, Japan) with an attached used as a vehicle. The angiogenic activity can be evalu-
digital camera (DXC-107A CCD-IRIS Sony, Tokyo, ated quantitatively by counting the number of vessels
Japan). Images were captured with software (PixelView in the graph in Fig. 2 with software ImageJ. The photo-
Station v5.19 TV), analyzed and quantified with soft- graphs of CAM are shown in Fig. 3 and its histological
ware (ImageJ 1,32J, NIH, Milwankee, WI, USA). After, sections in Fig. 4.
the CAM was submitted to routine histological process- When compared with the control (Fig. 2A), serum
ing as described (Wilting et al., 1991). induces growth of blood vessels (Fig. 2B). The effects
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 24: 764–768 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/ptr

can be much more prominent with 7.5 μg than other quantification is expressed in percentage of blood
doses assays (0.75 and 75 μg) in a pilot test (data not vessels on photographs obtained of each test, and pro-
shown). Figure 2B shows the macroscopic effects of cessed with the ImageJ software in a way to separate
serum on vascular net of CAM. The presence of a the vessels of background and their quantifications. The
‘spoke wheel’ vessel pattern can be compared to the histological sections also confirm this result, with a high
effects observed by the bFGF (Wilting et al., 1992). presence of capillaries, mainly on the ectoderm. The
The quantification of blood vessels on photographs serum induces a thickening of the stroma which is due
of CAM confirmed a higher activity by serum com- to the production of extracellular matrix, and prolifera-
pounds than negative control, about 50–60%. The tion or immigration of fibrocytes.

Figure 1. Vascular permeability activity induced in rabbit skin

by intradermal injection of natural latex serum submitted to
different treatment. The samples are: Group I: Serum; Group II:
Serum boiled (100°C / 1 h); Group III: Serum treated with
proteinase K (200 μL in 0.32 mg/mL); Group IV: Saline (NaCl Figure 2. Measure of blood vessel quantities in corioallantoic
0.9% w/v) and Group V: Saline with proteinase K (200 μL in membrane of chicken eggs. The results showed percent of
0.32 mg/mL). Protein concentration 1.1 mg/mL (* p < 0.05; n = 3 blood vessels pixels compared with the total area pixels in the
rabbits/group, in triplicate). cam photography. (** p < 0.01; n = 12 eggs/sample).

Figure 3. Photographs of CAM: (A) the negative control with distillated water and (B) the serum (7.5 μg) effects. The circles indicate
where the filter paper (5 mm diameter) were applied vehiculating the samples: water or serum latex.

Figure 4. Histological sections of CAM. Semithin sections of the same CAM showed in Figs 3A and 3B. ec: ectoderme; ms: mesoderme
and en: endoderme. (A) control and (B) serum. The arrows show some blood vessels on the CAM. Barr = 16.7 μm.

Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 24: 764–768 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/ptr

Wound-healing activity of the serum in the rabbit ear the left ear was applied the control (carboximetylcel-
dermal ulcer model lulose in saline). On days 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12, the ulcers
were photographed and areas of the wound were ana-
The serum dissolved in carboximethylcellulose (2% w/v lyzed. The area of wound (mm2) was quantified by the
in saline) in 1.0; 0.1 and 0.01% (w/v) and applied once software ImageJ.
at days 0, 3, 6 and 9 on four ulcers in the right ear while The progress of the wound healing is showed in Fig.
6 where the reduced area of ulcer treated with serum
latex in 0.01% w/v in carboxymethilcellulose gel on 12
day post-wounding (D) can be compared with control
(B), saline treated. (Fig. 5). Both, reepithelialization
and formation of granulation tissue were analyzed by
histological means (not shown) and image analysis.
Because the cartilage is an avascular tissue and the peri-
chondrium was removed during surgery, new granula-
tion tissue arose solely from the periphery of the wound.
Differences in rates of healing could be readily appreci-
ated since at day 3.


Since antiquity, plants have been used to treat many

ailments. In traditional medicine, many herbs are used
in the treatment of angiogenic diseases and chronic
wounds. The process of wound healing involves several
phases, including the increase of vascular permeability,
the formation of granulation tissue, reepithelization and
tissue reorganization (Singer and Clark, 1999). Among
these phases, angiogenesis plays a critical role in the
early phases of wound healing. Agents that control
angiogenesis are beneficial to the development of thera-
peutics for treatment of wound healing, tissue regenera-
Figure 5. Kinetics of the wound-healing process in three serum tion, and others related diseases.
concentrations applied once at days 0, 3, 6 and 9. The area
(mean ± SE) was analyzed by processing images software
Natural latex biomembrane, traded as Biocure, is
(imageJ) (n = 4 animals, 4 ulcers each ear. Left ear = control; prepared from the natural latex of Hevea brasiliensis by
right ear = treated ulcers). prevulcanization at temperatures lower than 80°C; since

Figure 6. Photography of ear dermal ulcers of same rabbit ((A) and (B) are images from left ear; (C) and (D) from right ear). (A) 3
days post-wounding treated with saline in carboxymethylcellulose (control); (B) 12 days post-wounding treated with saline in car-
boxymethycellulose; (C) 3 days post-wounding treated with serum of latex (0.01% w/v) in carboxymethycellulose; and (D) 12 days
post-wounding treated with serum of latex (0.01% w/v) in carboxymethylcellulose.

Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 24: 764–768 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/ptr

2000 this is being used in the treatment of chronic ulcers with carboxymethylcellulose gel as a controlled release
such as diabetic foot ulcers, flebophatic and pressure matrix, topically applied to the ear dermal ulcers of
ulcers (Frade et al., 2001; Frade, 2003) with success. rabbits, accelerates the wound healing process, and
However, the mechanism of its healing activity is still opens a pathway of research to chemical characteriza-
unknown. We hypothesized that released compounds tion of the compound. The magnitude of the effect is
linked to the rubber content of the biomembrane stimu- equivalent to that seen with some growth factors
late angiogenesis, a critical process for the successful (Mustoe et al., 1991).
healing of chronic wounds. To test that hypothesis we Regardless of the underlying pathology, a typical
investigated whether the serum fraction of the natural feature of chronic non-healing wounds is the reduced
latex could induce angiogenesis on the CAM, increase granulation tissue formation. Therefore, treatment
vascular permeability and accelerate wound healing in modalities that normalize endothelial cell function and
the ear dermal wound model. promote tissue vascularization provide a central strat-
Results showed that serum fraction actively induced egy to normalize and accelerate the healing response
neovascularization on the CAM and increased the vas- and tissue regeneration (Eming et al., 2007b).
cular permeability of the dye Evans Blue IP injected. Its potential greater availability may offer significant
These activities are lost when the serum was boiled at advantages in terms of medical utility, mainly in the
100°C or treated with the unspecific proteolytic enzyme wound healing of chronic ulcers.
proteinase K, suggesting that a compound with poly-
peptide structure is responsible for these activities.
Fibroplasy observed on CAM could be due to its direct Acknowledgements
effect on fibrocytes proliferation, in accordance with The authors thank Vera L.A. Epifânio, Silvia H. Epifânio (Biochem-
action of various growth factors, such as basic fibroblast istry Department, FMRP-USP) for technical assistance and CAPES
growth factor (FGFb). The effects of the natural serum for scholarship to R.J. Mendonça.


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Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 24: 764–768 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/ptr

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