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In the praise of Sangde Sultan Kar Mushkal Asan

Oh, Sangde Sultan, you are king of the world

So help us in the time of difficulty and need
As you are king, so Sultan is added in your name
Do not ignore us and not send back empty hands
Oh, Sultan fulfills our all needs and hearty desires
Because, as you not only Sultan, but you are
Well known as a solver of problems and crisis
So you are famous in the world as the great king
So remove our crisis and make the task an easy
If you do not help slaves, then where they should go?
Beggars and persons of needs are standing at the door
So do a favor and help and give them glad tidings
Oh, Sultan in the world you are helping all so, please
Do not return your slave Hafeez from your court
He is your servant and he is standing at your door
For the sake Sultan of two worlds fulfill his desires
Oh,Sultan, you have your share in the court of Allah
So help your servant Hafeez and all other persons
Who all are in need of your merciful help and support.
by :
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(Tadhikaratal Awliya) & Hasth Bahist.
Email :hafeezanwar@yahoo.com

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