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Wednesday 14th March

From her conversation with a woman named S’lakshai ???, Maya found out about a group of
Astrologists living within the walls of Ishgard and set out to meet them to learn more about
controlling her powers, as well as the theory behind how Astrology works.
Upon arriving there, she had asked for directions to the Astrologian’s Guild in The Pillars, where
after much discussion, albeit loose with actual information about her past, she was permitted to
research Astrology there after witnessing her affinity for it.
Maya encloses herself within the archives and studies Astrology deeply, though as she is blind,
she is assisted by another Astrologist named Wilfram Berger (NPC) who showed compassion
towards Maya’s cause, as he had lost his younger sister to an Ahriman, who had shredded his
sister apart in front of him and used her limp corpse as an ingredient in its magical ceremony.
Wilfram helps her by searching for, and reading aloud, books that may be of some relevancy to
her search. Maya is extremely grateful to Wilfram, though she fears he is trying to throw his life
away as he insisted heavily that should the case somehow lead to anything Void Related in the
future, he wished for Maya to call upon him so that he may act as her shield.

The following are things Maya has learnt about Astrology through her studies with Wilfram:

History of Astromancy;
The famed author of The Five Ages, the Sharlayan sage Lewphon devoted two decades of his life
from the year 210 to the year 230 of the Sixth Astral Era to compiling a comprehensive study on
the merits of star gazing. By analysing the expansive historical records of man’s attempts to read
his own fate, Lewphon hoped to separate the fables of superstition from the more reliable
knowledge of evidence-based astrology. What his methodical scrutiny uncovered, however, was
that much of the ancients’ wisdom was founded in legitimate arcane theory. This revelation shifted
the entire focus of his research, and his subsequent efforts to reconstruct and adapt these
principles resulted in the creation of “astromancy” – an art which attuned the wielder’s aether to
the movement of the heavens.
Following Lewphon’s discoveries, the cards of the fortune teller – previously considered an
amusement fit only for children – were re-evaluated from an academic perspective. The deck of
arcana, with its cards representative of the constellations, was intergrated along with the star
globe into a uniquely Sharlayan discipline of magick.
Astronomy remained a minor field of study, eclipsed by larger ones such as conjury and
thaumaturgy, until three centuries ago when an Ishgardian astrologian by the name of Adaunel
the Younger discovered that the stars could be used to determine the movements of the Dravanian
It was then that Ishgardian Astrology was born, the focus moved from fortune-telling and fate-
scrying to preventing the death of knights by knowing when and where the Horde would arrive.
Until recently, you would not find an Ishgardian Astrologian carrying about a star globe or an
astrolabe. You will not see him consulting with a divining neck or gazing into the stars, hoping to
draw forth its aether and use it to manipulate fates.
You would not hear talk of the gates of the seven heavens or the chantings of minor spells woven to
heal cuts or enmusculate sword arms.
As of late, however, there are many, both low and noble-born, who have begun to take up the
discipline. Times are changing, and it is not known whether the new times are that will bring joy,
or frightening differences.

Gathered Knowledge
Through their desire for success, man had wanted to control their own fate, though such efforts
proved futile – until they looked to the stars.
Thus, over a thousand years ago, Astrology was born, though the people of Sharalyan saw fit not
only to -read- the stars, but to also re-write their movements also. By attuning their aetherial
energies to that of constellations, they learned to wield magicks with unseen properties.
To further build on this, Astrology became capable of granting its users power over fate. Should
there ever be any two options in any given situation, an Astrologist has influence over which fate
should take effect.
Eorzeans believe that the stars represent realms beyond their understanding, where the Twelve
Gods and Man once lived side by side, but with the First Umbral Era came an end to the Age of
Gods, and they left Man alone. Including the land upon we rest and inherited, they created a
Heaven for each of the six elements, and a final Seventh Heaven above all. Two gods live in each
elemental heaven, and these six heavens are represented by the constellations that bear their
In the case of Eorzeans, the First Heaven is of Earth, and is the realm created by Nophica – who
planted the Bole – and Althyk – who raised it to greatness.
Astrologists should avoid teaching an outsider Astromancy, there are records of assassins and
mercenaries being hired by unknown powers in order to silence the Astrologists who would share
their secret with an outsider.
It is speculated that the party known as the Bibliothecs who are part of Sharlayan’s ruling body,
the Forum, are staunchly opposed to the spreading of knowledge to outsiders, and while Sharlayan
has been an institution for learning and academia across the known world for centuries, their
leaders and scholars share the belief that certain knowledge could be dangerous
Thanks to a recent encounter by the Warrior of Light and the primal Alexander, it was confirmed
that there are many possible futures and even though the past may be rooted in stone, and even if
the future an Astrologist sees may not necessarily be the one to pass... should the Astrologist
consider next week and see that Garleans will rain hell upon a village, then even if the Warrior of
Light steps up and saves the day, the Astrologist will know to pack an umbrella.
However, that is to say that fate is already pre-determined, meaning that though the Astrologian
has power over influencing fate, the outcome is already known from before a person is born.
Therefore, it is possible, during scrying to see as much as your own demise, or your own person
being saved from certain demise, meaning there is no need to fear death, as fate cannot be
changed, so regardless whether you die tomorrow, or you know you die a year from now, the
overall outcome is already decided and you cannot affect it directly.
Astrology is far more than a science or a study of stars, it is a spiritual journey and that spiritual
connection is what allows an Astrologist to manipulate aether into casting their spells, as well as
being able to utilize their deck for magicks.
It is written that Leveva has once said “The fate is written in the stars. How one reads and
understands the message however, depends on the individual; one reading can be different than
that of others.”
To build on this, there may also be different outcomes depending on who reads it, or how it is
perceived, as example; One astrologist may scry a King who is in search for a heir and may then
bestow him with a direction and the Arrow to increase his perception, in order to assist his search.
Another Astrologist may scry the same King but reach a different conclusion, instead, altering the
fate of the wife to increase chances for pregnancy. Both results will yield a heir, though the journey
will be vastly different.
Scrying has various degrees of accuracy and information yielded, for example, one may learn of a
day one meets someone who will be of important role in their life, though their appearance and
name may not be made known.
Astrologians attune their aether to the Benefic celestial bodies to produce healing magicks, and the
Malefic celestial bodies to produce damaging magicks.
To further build on this, Astrologians of the Sharlayan school draw on the aether contained in the
celestial bodies represented in the constellations by “Unlocking” or “Opening” the gate to heaven
that constellation is correlated with. Though it is necessary to remember that there is no -physical-
gate to open, instead it is more of a portal to the soul - An opening of the your mind, allowing for
attunement with these distant bodies, much like one attunes with an aetheryte, yet on a far
grander scale.
An Astrologian’s healing magicks will have Benefic based Aether enter the wound, correcting and
mending tears and conditions. Depending on the power of the caster, it may be possible to alter the
‘fate’ of a wound, to lessen its severity to another possible fate, where the recipient of the healing
would not be a damaged.
The Six Major Arcana (Bole, Balance, Arrow, Spire, Ewer and Spear) are based on the six major
constellations currently known.
Just as there are seven realms of the underworld, so too are there seven realms of the firmament.
Each of the first six represent one of the six basic elements — Lighting, Fire, Earth, Ice, Water and
Wind — with the seventh and final heaven representing the elements' astral polarity.

The Nocturnal Sect contains those celestial bodies ruled by the two moons. Two, because since the
dawn of astrology, disciples of Sharlayan Astrology have used Dalamud in their readings. Now,
even after the fall of the false moon, its position... or its absence, yet has influence over our fates.
The Diurnal Sect and the Sun represent the self, expression, the active – and the moon and the
nocturnal stars represent the unconscious, the passive – Dalamud represents, and still does
represent the uncontrollable. Its power has the ability to quicken the senses, as well as provide
added protection from the unknown – things beneficial when pursuing one’s fate.
The Six Major Arcana used by Astrologists work as a focus for the Aether that allows the
Astrologist to produce the fate they desire.
Any layman will tell you that the cards can predict a man’s future. This is both true and untrue. It is
not the future that a card predicts, but the card influencing the man so that a certain future
becomes more attainable.
Seeking to tell a man’s fortune, you ‘draw’ a card from your deck. Upon “reading” the card, you scry
that the man will be victorious in a coming battle. What is it that brings this man his victory but
aether tapped from one of the lower six heavens granting the man strength, making it all that
much easier for him to overcome his enemy (Balance)
Of course, what card is drawn is linked directly to a target’s destine, as well as your own. Will you
see this man to fortune, or will you lead him to downfall? It all depends on your reading.
If you are to become a capable Astrologian, it is important to believe in the path laid out before
you, and in your power to read it, follow it, and ultimately control it.
Furthermore, the Astroglobe has multiple purposes. Its primary function is to act as the
Astrologists’ sword and shield, granting him strength, as well as protection. But most important of
all, it will assist the Astrologist in determining the locations, paths and times of constellations
enabling one to channel their Aether into ones’ body. Though it can also be used for navigation,
calendar and date calculations as well as astronomical observations.
For example, one may use their Astroglobe for ascertaining the optimal aetheric flows from the
stars based on their locations as determined by proper application of their instrument.
An astrologist should regularly scry their own fate, lest they meet the same fate that the students
who had been researching Ascians, who had gotten so involved in their own research that they
ignored their own fates and perished.
Astrology -can- make mistakes, and is by no means a power of absolution. Even if an Astrologist
can choose between two outcomes, there is no guarantee that the ‘positive’ choice won’t bring with
it severe repercussions. There is, of course, also the possibility that the fate an Astrologist sees do
not come to pass.
Further, should an Astrologist pull an Ewer, but the recipient has no space for more Aether, the
Astrologist may then [Redraw] it and receive something more beneficial to the situation, however
the opposite is also true; Upon redrawing the Ewer, one may draw the Spire, though if the recipient
isn’t tired, this card will also be of no use. In this situation, the Astrologist is left without any
further power of fate manipulation and must wait before attempting again.
An Astrologist may [Redraw] a card, by means of returning a card to the deck and saving it for a
future that has yet to come, which may then be drawn once the time is right.
Further, [Spread] is a strict belief in patience, to hold the card aside and wait until said card and
its corresponding power may be used more effectively.
The above builds on the idea of accuracy vs precision in card reading and that one cannot
influence the card the stars will see you draw, though what you do afterwards is within an
Astrologist’s power.
To more closely describe the powers of Astrology, one would simply have to look at the four key
‘tricks of the trade’ of Astrology
- Astral Stasis; By throwing wide the gate to the seventh heaven-the highest of the astral
domains- the Astrologian favours the battlefield with celestial benediction. This technique
is said to hold the power to skew one's fate towards an almost certain victory.
- Benefic; Astrologians channel healing energies by attuning their aether to the "Benefic"
bodies in the heavens. Paired with an affinity fur "malefic" bodies to effect destructive
magicks, this attunement represents the fundamental principle of astromancy.
- Gravity; This magick manipulates the inexplorable pull of the stars to magnify the force of
gravity. Creatures within the area are subjected to a crushing pressure, with the worst of
the effects centred on the primary target.
- Celestial Opposition; Considered to be the very essence of Astromacy, this technique binds
the Astrologian’s aether to the loftiest of heavens. A single tug on this celestial cord alters
the patterns of fate, showering allies with fortune, and afflicting foes with sudden
As one can see, Astromancy is an extremely powerful magick, and though talented Astrologists may
use these magicks, they are not a power that can be called on at any time.
-Figuring out the limitations of abilities-
- Astrologists used Dalamud for their magicks in the past, it could be theorized that whether
an astral body is artificial or not does not change the fact that it is an astral body, and
therefore has influence on the fate that Astrologists deal with. Though naturally, the astral
body would require the powers of a Primal to fuel it, though not to say this is an impossible
In addition, it could be thought that in the future, it may be possible to launch artificial
moons into proper positions within the cosmos, giving even more power to Astromancy.
As example, should it be necessary to imbue an army with the power of Balance, artificial
moons could be launched into the sky to take positions to match, and thus allow for
Astrologists to cast endless Balance upon an army.

Building on to this theory, is it possible to create artificial humanoid bombs, by means of

forcibly imbuing them with Primal Influenced Aether to the point that they burst? Effects
may not be immediately visible, so caution is advised around bloated persons whilst

- There is a theory that Astrologists draw Aether directly from stars and thus this brings
about another theory.
It is possible that the distant suns such as one that Midgardsormr came from, may be,
rather than a humongous ball of nuclear gas, a very warm objects that also orbits around
Hydaelyn, which may mean that the distance between the Astrologist and a distant or
nearby Sun (Star) does not directly impact on the quantity or quality of Aether that can be
utilized by an Astrologist. The theory works on the premise that regardless of distance,
Aether does not deteriorate in quantity or quality, and instead an always ‘just-enough-
amount is available from the distant and nearby stars.
What this potentially may mean, is that an Astrologist is at all times powered by the
distant and nearby stars with just enough energy, no more than their body can contain,
and with enough training and practice, one can expand their bodily container for Aether to
be capable of taking in more of the energy, which would lead to more powerful effects of
their magicks.

- Using Dalamud as an example of a fake star that had, and still has, real effect on the
magicks of an Astrologist, it may be possible to have a non-primal artificial star within the
sky, which could be taught to young Astrologists to be a real star and they should not
question the truth of the star.
Could this bring in an era of brainwashed youths with enhanced powers through using
powers of fake constellations?
Blind faith like this can be seen all across Eorzea through the summoning of Primals that
occurs on a regular basis within the lands, due to the unwavering beliefs of their followers.

- Perhaps the entire idea of Dalamud being an influencing factor upon the magicks of
Astrologists is false in its entirety. In a sense, seeing as how Dalamud has disappeared, yet
an Astrologist’s powers did not change, it could be believed that Dalamud had absolutely
no impact before or after its disappearance, which would leave previous theories of
utilising the power of Primals possibly voided.
Cards and their Uses
- The Bole is used to enhance durability of a person and increase how much damage they
can take before they fall. It is especially useful for front-line adventurers and those working
heavy-duty dangerous jobs
- The Spire is used to enhance stamina recovery in order to allow for long-distance travel
without need for rest, or to allow for extended periods of combat.
Practical use of fate in combat
An astrologist may read their fate prior to entering combat, or learn of combat prior to it
happening and cast the necessary magicks to assist themselves in battle.
As example, an Astrologist may cast Bole to increase their durability, or an Arrow to increase
reaction times.

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