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Reinildes Dias

Elaine Hodgson

Denise Santos
Cristina Mott-Fernandez

Língua Estrangeira Moderna

Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental
9o Ano

capas TEAM UP - ALUNO - caracterizada.indd 7 10/6/15 12:44 PM

Reinildes Dias
Doutora em Tecnologia Educacional pela Concordia University (Canadá) e Mestre em Letras – Inglês
pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). É professora adjunta da Faculdade de Letras da
UFMG e atuou, por vários anos, como consultora da Secretaria da Educação (MG) e da Rede Municipal
de Educação de Belo Horizonte (RME-BH). É autora da Proposta Curricular de Língua Estrangeira do
Estado de Minas Gerais e coautora das Proposições Curriculares de Inglês da RME-BH.

Elaine Hodgson
Doutora em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) e Mestre em Linguística Aplicada pela
Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). É professora de inglês dos Ensinos Fundamental e Médio do
Colégio Militar de Brasília e orientadora do Mestrado em TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
da University of Birmingham (Reino Unido).
Denise Santos
Doutora em Linguística Aplicada pela University of Reading (Reino Unido) e Mestre em Educação em
Língua Inglesa pela University of Oklahoma (Estados Unidos). É pesquisadora do Institute of Education
da University of Reading, na área de ensino de compreensão oral em língua estrangeira. Possui mais de
30 anos de experiência no ensino de inglês e tem publicações pedagógicas e acadêmicas publicadas no
Brasil e no exterior.

Cristina Mott-Fernandez
Doutora e Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). É professo-
ra de língua inglesa no Instituto de Línguas da UEL desde 1988. Já atuou como professora no Ensino
Fundamental em escolas da rede privada e atualmente desenvolve pesquisas sobre coleções didáti-
cas de língua inglesa.

1ª edição
Cotia, SP – 2015

Manual do Professor

Língua Estrangeira Moderna

Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental
9o Ano
2015 © Macmillan Education do Brasil

Gerente editorial: Kelly Tavares

Gerente de criação de conteúdo: Ana Paula Landi
Editora de arte: Simone Oliveira Vieira
Editoras de conteúdo: Viviane Kirmeliene, Silene Cardoso, Ana Beatriz
Moreira, Daniela Gonçala da Costa, Gabriela Farcetta, Cristina Cesar
Coordenadora de produto: Carla Rodrigues Riquena
Coordenador de produção gráfica: Marcio Borges
Designer: Ivan Toledo Prado
Assistente de arte: Gabriela Rodrigues
Assistentes editoriais: Isabela Carvalho, Carol Nyerges
Consultoria acadêmica: Tony Berber Sardinha, Ronaldo Lima Júnior, Paulo
Rogério Rodrigues, Maria Luciana Gomes, Rodrigo Camargo Aragão
Preparadores e revisores técnicos: Thelma C. Guimarães, Antonio
Mello, Rejane Aguiar, Amanda Lassak, Olivia Yumi Duarte
Projeto gráfico: Tangente Design
Arte e diagramação: Tangente Design e Figurattiva
Capa: Fábio Kato
Pesquisadoras iconográficas: Marcia Sato, Odete Pereira
Tratamento de imagens: Paulo César Salgado
Ilustrações: Estúdio LAB 307, Diego Munhoz
Reprodução proibida. Art. 184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)

(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

Team up : anos finais : ensino fundamental / Reinildes

Dias...[et al.]. -- 1. ed. -- Cotia, SP : Macmillan,

Outros autores: Elaine Hodgson, Denise Santos,

Cristina Mott-Fernandez
"Componente curricular: língua estrangeira moderna -
Obra em 8 v.
ISBN 978-85-7418-955-0 (vol. 1, student's book)
ISBN 978-85-7418-972-7 (vol. 1, teacher's book )
ISBN 978-85-7418-956-7 (vol. 2, student's book)
ISBN 978-85-7418-974-1 (vol. 2, teacher's book)
ISBN 978-85-7418-957-4 (vol. 3, student's book)
ISBN 978-85-7418-973-4 (vol. 3, teacher's book)
ISBN 978-85-7418-970-3 (vol. 4, student's book)
ISBN 978-85-7418-971-0 (vol. 4, teacher's book)

1. Inglês (Ensino fundamental) I. Dias, Reinildes.

II. Hodgson, Elaine. III. Santos, Denise.
IV. Mott-Fernandez, Cristina.
15-04445 CDD-372.652

Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Inglês : Ensino fundamental 372.652

Todos os direitos reservados.

Todos os esforços foram feitos no sentido de encontrar os detentores dos direitos

das obras protegidas por copyright. Caso tenha havido alguma omissão involuntária,
a editora terá o maior prazer em corrigi-la na primeira oportunidade.


Rua José Félix de Oliveira, 383 – Granja Viana
Cotia – SP – 06708-645
Atendimento ao professor: (11) 4613-2278
0800 16 88 77 (Outras regiões)
Fax: (11) 4612-6098
Impresso no Brasil
Prezado/a aluno/a,
Este material pretende acompanhar você na sua aprendizagem da língua inglesa,
uma língua estrangeira que provavelmente já faz parte da sua vida de alguma forma:
em palavras que você usa (como show e e-mail); em filmes e seriados de TV falados
em inglês a que você já tenha assistido; em sites que você visita na Internet e que
usam esse idioma como meio de comunicação; em músicas que você ouve e canta,
entre outros.
Os assuntos focados neste livro, bem como as atividades aqui propostas, partem
da premissa de que você traz muitos saberes e experiências para a sala de aula.
Pretende-se, pois, partir do que você já sabe e de seus interesses para criar opor-
tunidades de desenvolver seus conhecimentos sobre a língua inglesa ao mesmo
tempo em que lê, ouve, escreve e fala em inglês.
Em outras palavras, concebemos este livro como um elemento colaborador da sua
aprendizagem, a ser explorado por você em sala de aula em interação com seus
colegas e professores. Em um processo de construção compartilhada de conheci-
mento, você vai aprender inglês ao mesmo tempo em que transita por outras áreas
do conhecimento, vai trocar ideias e experiências com outras pessoas e vai ser es-
timulado a posicionar-se criticamente diante de questões importantes para a sua
cidade, país e mundo.
Em casa, você pode explorar ainda mais este material (não apenas o livro em si, mas
também o CD que o acompanha) de várias maneiras, por exemplo: refazendo ativida-
des que lhe agradaram ou estimularam sua curiosidade, visitando sites sugeridos,
consultando o livro como material de referência para pesquisas escolares ou mesmo
atividades no seu meio social, tais como participação na Internet ou conversas com
familiares e amigos sobre os assuntos aqui tratados.
Esperamos que você interaja com este material com o mesmo entusiasmo com que ele
foi concebido. E que aprenda com prazer ou, como se diz em inglês, happy learning!

As autoras
Conheça seu livro
As unidades do livro são organizadas em seções e complementadas por boxes.
Conheça os objetivos e características de cada seção e boxe a seguir.

ººStarting Out
Propõe perguntas, acompa-
nhadas de imagens, que têm
como objetivo estabelecer
uma conversa entre você e
ººUnit Aims seus colegas sobre o tema
Apresenta os objetivos da unidade, levantando o que
linguísticos, atitudinais e você já sabe sobre o assunto.
de habilidades que você
vai trabalhar durante a
unidade. Eles são reto-
mados na autoavaliação ººBoxe Stay Tuned
na seção Reflect on Your Apresenta informações adi-
Learning. cionais relacionadas ao tema
da unidade, com o objetivo de
ampliar seus conhecimentos.

Desenvolve habilidades de
leitura e interpretação de
textos escritos dos mais di-
versos gêneros, como o artigo
de jornal, o cartum, o poema, o
anúncio publicitário, o infográ-
fico, entre outros. Ao final da
seção, perguntas estimulam ººBoxe Boost your
seu posicionamento crítico Reading
em relação aos assuntos dis- Discute as estratégias
cutidos. e dicas usadas na lei-
ººBoxe Looking at the Text
tura e compreensão
Apresenta as características dos textos que você
do gênero textual do primei- leu na seção Reading.
ro texto da seção Reading.

ººVocabulary in
ººLanguage at Work
Por meio da observação Context
de textos autênticos, esti- Apresenta e trabalha
mula você a deduzir regras palavras e expressões
e contextos de uso de relacionadas ao tema
estruturas gramaticais, e da unidade, de forma
trabalha essas estruturas contextualizada.
em situações de comuni-
cação oral e escrita.

ººBoxe Going Digital

ººBoxe Making Sense Apresenta sugestões de
of Language atividades, ou variações
Desafia você a “descobrir” de atividades do livro,
a aplicação das regras que podem ser desen-
gramaticais, com refe- volvidas com o uso da
rência à página da seção tecnologia digital.
Language Reference em
que você encontra a siste- ººBoxe Pronunciation Corner
matização dos conteúdos. Apresenta aspectos da pronúncia da língua inglesa
relevantes para situações de comunicação.

4 four
Além das unidades, seu livro apresenta outros
Desenvolve habilidades de conteúdos importantes para o aprendizado:
compreensão e interpretação
ººEnglish & Arts
de textos orais dos mais diver-
sos gêneros relacionados ao Propõe atividades que têm como objetivo sensibilizar
tema da unidade, como a letra você para diversas formas de arte, por meio da língua
de música, a entrevista, a apre- inglesa.
sentação, a conversa informal,
ººLanguage Reference
entre outros. Ao final da seção,
perguntas estimulam seu posi- Para cada unidade, apresenta a sistematização, por
cionamento crítico em relação meio de quadros e exemplos, dos conteúdos gramati-
aos assuntos discutidos. cais, uma expansão dos conteúdos do boxe The World
of English e um glossário, com a tradução das pala-
vras mais importantes (de acordo com o contexto em
que apareceram nas unidades). Essa seção é um ma-
terial de referência fundamental para seus estudos.
Tem como objetivo incentivá-lo a estudar sozinho, a fim
de consolidar a aprendizagem do que você estudou ao
longo das unidades.
ººAudio Scripts
Apresenta a transcrição dos textos orais trabalhados
ººBoxe Challenge! nas unidades, para sua referência.
Propõe atividades desafiado-
ººRecommended Books and Sites
ras que incentivam você a ir
Oferece sugestões de livros, filmes e sites relaciona-
além dos objetivos da seção.
dos aos temas das unidades, com o objetivo de ajudar
você a aprimorar seus conhecimentos e estudos.

ººWriting ººSpeaking
Desenvolve habilidades de Desenvolve habilidades
comunicação escrita, em de comunicação oral em
diversos gêneros, como a contextos de interação
ficha biográfica, o panfle- com os colegas de sala,
to, a resenha, entre outros. relacionados ao tema da
Na produção dos textos, unidade. Ao final da seção,
você trabalha em diversas perguntas estimulam seu
etapas – planejamento, es- posicionamento crítico
crita, avaliação e reescrita em relação aos assuntos
– e considera o contexto da discutidos.
produção do seu texto, seus
objetivos, sua disseminação,
quem vai lê-lo, entre outros.
ººBoxe Language Corner
ººBoxe The World of English Fornece informações adi-
Apresenta dados de frequ- cionais sobre questões
ência de uso de palavras e relacionadas a vocabulá-
expressões relacionadas ao rio e gramática, ampliando
tema da unidade, em textos seus conhecimentos.
orais e escritos, com base na
linguística de corpus.

ººReflect on Your Learning

Retoma os objetivos discutidos
ººIntegrate Your no início da unidade, em um
Learning momento de autoavaliação e re-
Propõe atividades que flexão sobre o que e como você
relacionam o inglês a aprendeu, buscando desenvol-
outras disciplinas do ver a sua independência como
Ensino Fundamental, aprendiz.
ampliando suas pos-
sibilidades de uso da
ººHaving Fun!
Propõe atividades lúdicas – cru-
zadinhas, caça-palavras, quizzes,
entre outras – por meio das
quais você pode aprimorar o uso
da língua inglesa.

five 5
Unit Reading Vocabulary in Context Language at Work

Welcome Unit A
ºº set of learning tips. Social
ºº affective strategies.
Lifelong (p. 11) (p. 10)
(p. 8)

ºº personal narrative. Teenage
ºº life: activities, Present
ºº perfect:
(p. 18) dates, and romance. since, for, already,
Romance A
ºº song. (p. 20) (p. 22) yet, ever.
(p. 16) (p. 25)

2 A
ºº news article.
(p. 34)
(p. 37)
situations. Present
ºº perfect,
simple present and
Human Rights simple past.
ºº diary.
(p. 32) (p. 41)
(p. 36)

ºº research report. Jobs
ºº and careers. Modal
ºº verbs –
(p. 50) (p. 54) advice, possibility,
Jobs and Careers A
ºº résumé. permission, and
(p. 48) (p. 52) obligation. (p. 57)

ºº online news article. Adjectives
ºº and nouns to Passive
ºº voice.
(p. 67) describe feelings. (p. 72)
Women in Charge A
ºº map. (p. 69)
(p. 64) (p. 68)
English & Arts Units 1-4 – Land art. (p. 80)

5 An
ºº exhibition guide.
(p. 84)
ºº evaluating,
and doing art.
ºº and
uncountable nouns:
Visual Arts In A
ºº review about an art (p. 87) many, a lot of, much,
Brazil and Beyond exhibition. (p. 86) a few, a little.
(p. 82) (p. 91)

6 A
ºº letter asking for advice.
(p. 100).
(p. 103)
and values. Reflexive
(p. 106)

Choices A
ºº fable.
(p. 98) (p. 101)

7 A
ºº literary text.
(p. 116)
words with African Phrasal
(p. 122)

Voices from (p. 124)

ºº poem.
(p. 119)
(p. 114)

8 Compositions.
(p. 132)
ºº related to goal
of verb

The Next Steps An

ºº action plan. (p. 136) (p. 138)
(p. 130) (p. 134)

English & Arts Units 5-8 – Art on the street. (p. 146)

Language Reference – Units 1-8 (p. 148)

Self-Study – Units 1-8 (p. 164)
Audio Scripts (p. 172)

6 six
Integrate Your Reflect on Your
Listening Speaking Writing
Learning Learning
ºº Discussing
ºº feelings A
ºº list of new Self-assessment
ºº chart.
about learning towards language school year’s Digital
ºº learning tools.
experiences. learning and resolutions.
learning strategies. (p. 15)
(p. 12) (p. 14)
(p. 13)
ºº screenplay. Talking
ºº about A
ºº personal Portuguese:
ºº Love is Self-assessment
ºº chart.
(p. 24) personal narratives. narrative. in the air. Having Fun: Riddles.
(p. 29) (p. 28) (p. 30) (p. 31)

ºº news report. Interviewing
ºº A
ºº news article. History:
ºº Rights for Self-assessment
ºº chart.
(p. 40) someone. (p. 45) humans. Having Fun: Crossword
(p. 44) (p. 46) puzzle.
(p. 47)

ºº talk about Carrying
ºº out an A
ºº résumé. Math:
ºº Graphs. Self-assessment
ºº chart.
discrimination informal discussion. (p. 60) (p. 62) Having
ºº Fun: Word
at work. (p. 62) search.
(p. 59) (p. 63)

ºº speech. Debating
ºº women’s An
ºº e-mail. Geography:
ºº Women Self-assessment
ºº chart.
(p. 75) rights. (p. 77) at work. Having
ºº Fun:
(p. 76) (p. 78) Unscramble the words.
(p. 79)

ºº audio guide . Talking
ºº about an A
ºº description Art:
ºº Art now and Self-assessment
ºº chart.
(p. 90) artwork. of an artwork. then. Having Fun: Spot the
(p. 94) (p. 93) (p. 96) differences.
(p. 97)

ºº movie scene. Discussing
ºº the A
ºº letter in Portuguese:
ºº A fable. Self-assessment
ºº chart.
(p. 105) next steps in response to a (p. 112) Having
ºº Fun: Choose
a game book. moral dilemma. your way.
(p. 108) (p. 110) (p. 113)
ºº interview. Talking
ºº about A
ºº poem. Art:
ºº Art expression. Self-assessment
ºº chart.
(p. 120) African proverbs. (p. 127) (p. 128) Having
ºº Fun:
(p. 125) Cryptogram.
(p. 129)

ºº song. Presenting
ºº an An
ºº action plan. Portuguese:
ºº We Self-assessment
ºº chart.
(p. 141) action plan. (p. 142) need a change. Having
ºº Fun:
(p. 143) (p. 144) Word search.
(p. 145)

Self-Study Answer Key (p. 174)

Recommended Books and Sites (p. 175)
Bibliography (p. 176)

seven 7
UNIT Learning


Unit Aims
Nesta unidade, você vai:
 refletir sobre a importância das
estratégias sociais e afetivas na
aprendizagem; Little girl playing with educational toy.

 ler e discutir orientações sobre como

se tornar um eterno aprendiz;

 ouvir e compreender depoimentos de

jovens brasileiros que participaram
do programa Jovens Embaixadores;
 conversar sobre o processo de
aprender inglês e de usar estratégias
sociais e afetivas para melhorar o
aprendizado desse idioma;
 escrever resoluções para o novo ano Middle-aged man using a tablet.
escolar que se inicia.

Young man doing a research

with a book and notebook.

Teenager reading a book

in the library.

8 eight
Starting Out
Discuss the questions below with your teacher and classmates.
a Based on the photos on the left, explain what “lifelong learner” means to a person.
b What do the students in the photos below have in common? Would you like to have the
same opportunities they had? Why?

c Do you think that being proficient in English is important to apply for one the
opportunities below? Why?

Students taking part in the International

Mathematical Olympiad in Amsterdam, 2011.


Débora Queiroz Sena was part of the Youth

Ambassadors program in 2014.

Stay Tuned
A aprendizagem acontece ao nos-
so redor e, para aproveitá-la, é im-
portante usar nossos talentos e
nossas emoções. Além disso, é im-
portante entender e refletir sobre
as formas de aprendizagem que

são mais eficazes para nós e em

que aspectos podemos melhorar.

nine 9
Vocabulary in Context
Social affective strategies
1 What would you do in the situations below? Discuss your ideas with your teacher and
a You are about to start a difficult test in your English class. You are very nervous about it.
b You are doing your homework, but you don’t know how to do some activities.
c You need to give an oral presentation in your English class, but you are not very confident
about it.
d A student from an English-speaking country is visiting your school. You would like to ask
him / her a question, but you are not sure about the words you should use.

2 Use the words in the box to complete the photo captions.





Take Ask for

deeply for two minutes. . yourself. .

3 Work with a partner. Discuss how the actions in Activity 2 are related to the situations
discussed in Activity 1. Then share your ideas with the class.

4 Read the statements about positive attitudes related to English learning. Underline the
ones that are true to you. Then discuss your choices with your teacher and classmates.

a If I feel nervous before a test, I take a deep breath

Stay Tuned
and try to relax.
As emoções desempenham papel funda- b I’m willing to take risks during classes and in oral
mental na aprendizagem, por isso é impor- presentations for my peers.
tante ter atitudes positivas. Além disso,
c I encourage myself when I feel that the assignment
interagir com os colegas e participar da aula
is too hard.
contribuem para um aprendizado positivo.
d I like to work in groups with my classmates.

5 Check (✓) YES or NO to answer the questions below. Then write in your notebook one
reason for each “Yes.” Discuss with your teacher and classmates.
a Do you like to be praised by your teacher? YES NO
b Do you show empathy toward your classmates and others? YES NO
c Are you willing to collaborate in workgroup meetings? YES NO
d Do you try to support or help your classmate when he or YES NO
she makes a mistake?

10 ten

1 Work with a partner. Do you think it is important to keep learning throughout your life? Why?

2 Read the following tips about lifelong learning. Underline the ones you agree most with.


How to Become a Lifelong Learner

 Learn how you learn. Determine your own preferred learning style or styles. Note what
learning techniques are most efficient for you and use them as much as is practical, such as
viewing online tutorials on websites like YouTube if you’re more of a visual learner. […]
 Read, read, read. […] Reading is a portal into other worlds and into the minds of your fellow
human beings. Through reading you will never stop learning and being amazed by the incredible
creativity, intelligence and yes, even banality, of the human species.
 Create. Not all learning comes from outside you. In fact, some of the most powerful learning
happens when you are creating or formulating something for yourself. Creation, like intelligence,
can be artistic or scientific; physical or intellectual; social or solitary. […]
 Evaluate and reflect on what you learn. Does it make sense? Is it true? Who said so? How
was it determined? Can it be verified? […]

 Teach others. Teaching is a wonderful way to learn a subject better and improve your own
understanding of it.

WIKIHOW. How to become a lifelong learner. Disponível em: <www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Lifelong-Learner>. (Fragmento.) Acesso em: 2 maio. 2015.

3 Discuss with your teacher and classmates the tip(s) you chose in Activity 2.

4 Write T (true) or F (false) for the statements below according to the tips you read in Activity 2.

a It is important to understand how you like to learn.

b Reading offers limited learning opportunities.
c It is not possible to learn from creating new things.
d Teaching improves understanding of the content that is being taught.

5 Read this extract and discuss the questions in small groups. Then share your ideas with
the class.

Lifelong learning may be broadly defined as learning that is pursued throughout life:
learning that is flexible, diverse, and available at different times and in different places.
LIFELONG learning council Queensland INC. Disponível em: <www.llcq.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=12>. (Fragmento.) Acesso em: 2 maio. 2015.

a Do you agree with the statement? Why (not)?

b Can we learn in different places? Explain.

eleven 11
1 What do you know about educational programs such as the International Mathematical
Olympiad and Youth Ambassadors. Discuss with your classmates and teacher.

2 The photos below are related to the audio you are going to listen. Based on them, check (✓)
the content you expect to hear in it.

a a short talk about successful learning

by a young American student in Brazil.
b short reviews about learning
experiences in the United States.
c ✓ short testimonials about learning
experiences in the United States.

Disponível em: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVxocMqF9r0>. Acesso em: 19 jun. 2015.

1 3 Now listen to the audio and check your predictions in Activity 1.

1 4 Listen to the audio again. Then underline the correct option to complete the statements.

a Camila went first to Seattle, then to Brazil / Seattle, then to Washington D.C.
b Gabriel believes that one of the objectives of the program is to break / show stereotypes.
c Camila was surprised because she had the idea that Americans were very cold people /
very receptive people.
d Camila’s host family welcomed her resentfully / respectfully and warmly.
e Camila had a stereotypical / non-stereotypical view of Americans.
f Based on her own experience, Camila thinks that she improved herself because she
learned to believe in her potential as a person / helped others to believe in their
potential as lifelong learners.

Stay Tuned
Criado em 2002, o programa Jovens Embaixadores é dirigido a estudantes brasileiros de escolas públi-
cas que são exemplos em suas comunidades – em termos de liderança comprovada, atitude positiva,
consciência social, excelência acadêmica e habilidade na língua inglesa. O principal objetivo do programa
é valorizar e promover o fortalecimento da educação pública por meio desses estudantes, transforman-
do-os em modelos para seus colegas e comunidades.
UNITED States Diplomatic Mission to Brazil: Youth Ambassadors Program. Disponível: <http://brazil.usembassy.gov/yaprogram.html>. (Adaptado.)
Acesso em: 2 maio. 2015.

5 How important are educational programs like Youth Ambassadors for young people?
Discuss with your teacher and classmates.

12 twelve

1 Complete the quotes below with the words from the box. Do you agree with them?
Discuss with your teacher and classmates.

grateful language learn people

◆ everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there

will always come a time when you will be you did. ◆ (Sarah Caldwell)

◆ is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its

come from and where they are going. ◆ (Rita Mae Brown)

2 How do you feel about learning English? Circle
your opinions in the word cloud on the right. confident

embarrassed shy frustrated
3 In groups, you are going to discuss how you discouraged

feel about learning English and about some self-assured
strategies. Follow the steps below. comfortable
Step 1: In your group, check the most circled words in Activity 2. How do you and your
classmates feel about learning English?

Step 2: Think of other emotions and attitudes toward learning English. The following
questions may help you to come up with some ideas.
1 Do you like working with other 4 Do you worry about making mistakes?
learners or do you prefer to work
5 Is English an opportunity to learn
more about the world or just a subject
2 During an English class, are you you have to study at school?
usually relaxed or anxious?
6 Are you prepared to take risks when
3 While speaking English, are you learning English?
confident and relaxed or inhibited
7 Do you look for opportunities to use
and shy?
English in and out of class?
TEFL Matters. Disponível em: <http://marisaconstantinides.edublogs.org/2013/11/07/are-you-a-good-language-learner/#.VN-DFnZ8PV0>.
(Adaptado.) Acesso em: 14 fev. 2015.

Step 3: Discuss ways to deal with your negative emotions and attitudes and to improve the
positive ones. Which strategies would be useful? Take some notes.

Step 4: Change groups and share the ideas discussed in your group.

4 Do you and your classmates feel the same about learning English? Share your ideas with
the class.

thirteen 13
What: a list of resolutions.

Writing Goal: to follow your resolutions to improve your learning.

Audience: you.
Where: in your notebook or on the wall of your study room at home.

1 Read the cartoon on the right. Then discuss these

questions with a classmate.
a Do you think the cartoon is funny? Explain.


b Do you agree with Calvin? Why or why not?

Calvin & Hobbes, by Bill Watterson.

2 Take a look at these New Year's resolutions for teens. Circle the ones that are true for
you. Then compare yours with your classmates'.

❖ Eat more fruits and veggies. ❖ Don’t procrastinate.

❖ Exercise more. ❖ Be more open.
❖ Learn to play an instrument. ❖ Be an inspiration to others.
❖ Get organized. ❖ Make new friends.
❖ Challenge yourself.
❖ Find happiness in little things.
Make yourself smile every day.

❖ Give up a bad habit.

SWEETYHIGH. Disponível em: <www.sweetyhigh.com/blog/sweety-high-news/resolutions-2015>. (Fragmento). Acesso em: 4 maio. 2015.

3 Now write some resolutions for this new school year. List aspects you want to change or
improve in your school life. Follow the guidelines below.

Writing Guidelines
1. Think about some aspects related to your school life and learning that you want to change.
2. List some decisions you have to make and actions you have to take in order to change
or improve what you want.
3. Write a draft of 5 or 6 resolutions for your school year. Exchange them with a classmate
and give him / her feedback on his / her work.
4. Write a final version of your resolutions. You can illustrate your work if you want.
5. Keep your resolutions in a place where you can easily see them. Always check if you
are following them.

4 Did you like to write your new school year’s resolutions? Do you think they will be helpful?
Share your ideas with your classmates.

14 fourteen

Reflect on Your Learning

1 Reflita sobre seu aprendizado nesta unidade. Assinale (✓) o emoticon que melhor
represente sua resposta.

Refletir sobra a importância das estratégias sociais e afetivas na


Ler e discutir orientações sobre como me tornar um eterno aprendiz.

Ouvir e compreender depoimentos de jovens brasileiros que

participaram do programa Jovens Embaixadores.
Conversar sobre o processo de aprender inglês e de usar estratégias
sociais e afetivas para melhorar o aprendizado desse idioma.

Escrever resoluções para o novo ano escolar que se inicia.

2 Quais das ferramentas digitais ou outros suportes listados abaixo você já usa na busca por
conhecimento e aprendizagem? Quais das opções você ainda não usa mas gostaria de usar?

Ferramentas de web pôsteres Sites para
para criação tirinhas cômicas
vídeos clipes

Com que frequência você ... sempre algumas vezes nunca

... utiliza dicionários online?

... utiliza mecanismos de buscas?

... confere letras de músicas?

... assiste a vídeos online?

fifteen 15

1 Romance

Unit Aims
Nesta unidade, você vai:
 ler e interpretar relatos pessoais e
uma letra de música;
 reconhecer e usar vocabulário
relativo a relacionamentos;
 identificar as acepções de uma
palavra em um dicionário, de acordo
com o contexto de uso;
 reconhecer e usar o present perfect e as
palavras since, for, already, yet e ever em
situações contextualizadas;
 produzir uma narrativa pessoal escrita;

 conversar sobre narrativas

pessoais, criando
 refletir sobre

16 sixteen
Starting Out
Discuss these questions with your classmates and teachers.
a In what ways are the relationships in the images similar? In what ways are they different?
b In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a positive romantic relationship?
c What are the characteristics of a negative romantic relationship?

Stay Tuned
A Internet oferece inúmeras infor-
mações sobre relacionamentos,
mas é importante relembrar que
nem todas as informações online

são confiáveis e corretas. Dê pre-

ferência a sites de instituições go-
vernamentais (com o domínio .gov)
e acadêmicas (terminados em
.edu ou .ac). Sites que contêm .org
normalmente remetem a organiza-
ções sem fins lucrativos e costu-
mam ser confiáveis. Sites com os
domínios .com ou .net podem ser
comprados por qualquer pessoa e
suas informações devem ser usa-
das com cautela.

seventeen 17
1 Discuss the questions below in pairs or in small groups.

a Is it always easy to explain in words what we feel about another person? Give examples
from your own experience, or from an event you have observed or read about.
b In what ways can we express the feelings listed in the box using body language, without
saying anything?

anger disappointment embarrassment love

2 Quickly read the personal narrative below. Then check (✓) its main objective.

a To describe intense emotions experienced by the writer.

b To describe the opinion of the writer about a girl he loves.
c To inform the reader about how to say goodbye.


It is the summer before my freshman year of college and Cait and I have been going out for two weeks. I’m driving her home
after a day of fun. Using her cute voice, typically reserved for “Good night” or “I miss you,” Cait says, “Mike, I thought you were
going to try to be less shy today.” 
“What more could I have done?” I ask. 
“Well …” she says, her cheeks slowly turning red, “you could have kissed me.”
We pull into the driveway and I walk her to the porch, my breath slow but silent. I try to hide my pounding heart and nervous
sweating. Cait is still blushing, afraid she ruined the moment by speaking too soon. I fold my arms around her in a good-
bye hug that seems endless. 
She locks eyes with me and smiles. Her lids slowly fall like a curtain after the final encore. My pulse quickens as I tilt my

head to the side. There, under the pale yellow lamplight, our lips touch and I experience my first kiss.

MIKE, D. High school: a love story. Teen Ink. Disponível em: <www.teenink.com/nonfiction/personal_experience/article/153387/High-School-A-Love-Story/>.
(Fragmento.) Acesso em: 20 fev. 2015.

Looking at the Text

A personal narrative is a true story about something that happened to the writer and it is written in
the first person (using the pronoun I). It usually presents the events in chronological order and uses
time expressions (first, next, then, after that) to help readers follow the story. A good personal narrative
does not simply tell a story: it shows the narrative by using dialogue and vocabulary that help the reader
activate his / her senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch ) while reading it.

18 eighteen

While Reading
3 Number the photos according to the order the events and feelings depicted in them
appear in the personal narrative on page 18. Then underline the parts of the text that
justify your answers.


4 Read the personal narrative again. While reading, imagine you are at the scene,
observing it. Then discuss the questions below with your teacher and classmates.
a Were you able to “visualize” the events and feelings in the narrative?
b Did it help your understanding? Why (not)?

Boost Your Reading

Visualizing what you read

Making a mental image of what you read may help you understand some texts better. Visualizations
can take the form of a static photo (e.g., when you read the description of a place) or the form of a
film (e.g., when you read personal narratives). Elements that help readers visualize are action verbs
(e.g., drive, kiss), dialogues, descriptions of feelings, verbs that indicate how something was said (e.g.,
shouted, whispered, hesitated, laughed), and descriptions of physical appearance, clothes, etc.

5 Match these excerpts from the personal narrative to the emoticons that illustrate them.
One emoticon will be used twice.
a “Mike, I thought you were going to try to be less shy today.”
b “... her cheeks slowly turning red ...”
c “I try to hide my pounding heart ...”
d “Cait is still blushing ...”



nineteen 19
6 Read another excerpt from the personal narrative. Discuss the questions in pairs.

“ […] Using her cute voice, typically reserved for ‘Good night’ or ‘I miss you,’ Cait says,
‘Mike, I thought you were going to try to be less shy today’. ”
a What does the author mean by cute voice? How do you know?
b How would you reproduce the way Cait said the final sentence?

7 Check (✓) the illustration and corresponding feeling which best depict how Mike felt at the
end of the personal narrative. You can write and draw another answer, if you want.

angry surprised in love


sleepy worried

8 Read an extract of the lyrics of Love Story, by Taylor Swift. Do you think the lyrics present
a personal narrative? Explain your answer.

Love Story  Taylor Swift

We were both young when I first saw you. That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles, So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts: And my daddy said, “Stay away from Juliet” We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew
I’m standing there on a balcony in summer air. And I was crying on the staircase So close your eyes... escape this town for a
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. Begging you, “Please don’t go” little while.
See you make your way through the crowd And I said... Oh, oh.
And say, “Hello,” Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. […]
Little did I know... I’ll be waiting; all that’s left to do is run.

You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess,

It’s a love story, baby, just say, “Yes”.
SWIFT, Taylor. Love story. Fearless. Nashville (TN): Big Machine Records, 2008. Disponível em: <www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/
taylorswift/lovestory.html>. (Fragmento.) Acesso em: 23 abr. 2015.

20 twenty

9 Check (✓) the option that is true about the relationships described in Love Story, on page 20.

a J uliet loves Romeo, but Romeo doesn’t Stay Tuned

love Juliet.
b J uliet’s father wants Romeo to be Juliet’s Romeo and Juliet é uma famosa peça de
boyfriend. teatro escrita pelo dramaturgo inglês William
Shakespeare (1564-1616). A tragédia se passa
c J uliet loves Romeo and vice-versa but em Verona, na Itália, e retrata o amor proibido
Juliet’s father does not approve of their entre dois jovens oriundos de famílias inimigas.

10 Read the lyrics again and circle the parts that help you visualize the events in them.
Compare your answers with a classmate’s.

11 Discuss the questions below in small groups. Explain your answers.

a Has your visualization helped you see the setting, the actions, and the characters?
b Has it helped you imagine how the characters (the boy, the girl, and her father) feel?

12 Use the notes below to write down an important issue you have learned, or a thought you
have had, during your work in the Reading section.


13 Check (✓) the options that describe the topics of your notes. Compare your answers with
your classmates’.
a Relationships. c Visualizations.
b Personal narratives. d Other. Please specify:

14 Discuss the questions below with your teacher and classmates.

a When a group of people read the same text, does everybody learn the same things from
it? Does everybody think about the same things while reading? Give examples.
b Is it important to listen to and respect other people’s thoughts about a text? Why (not)?

twenty-one 21
Vocabulary in Context
Teenage life: activities, dates, and romance

1 Read the personal narrative below. Number the images according to the underlined part
they correspond to.

“I went bowling with this guy I really like from school.
While we were waiting for our lane, he told me to Google
his favorite bowling movie, The Big Lebowski. Totally not

thinking, I held my phone out for both of use to see while I
typed into the search bar. When I hit a few letters, my recent
searches popped up, and the last one was, ‘Is bowling a
good first date?’ Cringe. My crush laughed and said, ‘Um,
yup, it is!’ He was nice about it, but I felt like such a loser.”
Seventeen, September 2013, p. 165.


2 Read the extracts of two dictionary entries below. In each entry, underline the definition that
corresponds to the meanings of crush and date in the personal narrative in Activity 1.
date noun
1 a : the time at which an event occurs <the date of his
crush verb
birth> : to press or squeeze (something) so hard that it breaks
b : a statement of the time of execution or making <the or loses its shape
date on the letter> : to break (something) into powder or very small pieces
2 : DURATION by pressing, pounding, or grinding it
3 : the period of time to which something belongs : to defeat (a person or groups that opposes you) by
4 a : an appointment to meet at a specified time: especially using a lot of force
a social engagement between two persons that often 2
crush noun
has a romantic character
: a strong feeling of romantic love for someone that is
date verb usually not expressed and does not last a long time
: to do an activity with someone you might have a : the person on whom you have a crush
romantic relationship with : a crowd of people who are pressed close together
: to write the date on (something)

DATE. Merriam-Webster. Disponível em: <www.merriam-webster.com/ CRUSH. Merriam-Webster. Disponível em: <www.merriam-webster.com/
dictionary/date>. (Fragmento.) Acesso em: 25 abr. 2015. dictionary/crush>. (Fragmento.) Acesso em: 25 abr. 2015.

The World of English

Estas são algumas maneiras de expressar sentimentos na língua inglesa:
Menos intenso I like him / her. I really like him / her. I care for him / her.

Mais intenso I love him / her. I’m in love with him / her.
Fonte de pesquisa: GOOGLE N-Gram Viewer. Disponível em: <https://books.google.com/ngrams>. Acesso em: 7 maio 2015.

22 twenty-two

3 Answer the questions below.

a Do you have a crush on someone? yes no not sure

b In your opinion, is bowling a good first date? yes no not sure

4 Check (✓) the activities that would be appropriate for a first date.

a Going for a walk. d Doing a sports activity.

b Playing video games. e Going to the movies.
c Going to the mall. f Other :

5 Circle the best option to complete the cartoon below.
Use the information in Language Corner.
a breaking up   b  falling for   c  getting back with

Language Corner
To break up with someone – to end a romantic relationship
with someone.
To get back together – to start a relationship again.
To fall for someone – to fall in love with someone.

Stay Tuned
A adolescência é um período da vida marcado por mudanças físicas e socioafetivas. O despertar do interesse sexual
está associado à descoberta de quem somos, de que adulto estamos nos tornando, do perfil da pessoa por quem
nos sentimos atraídos. A orientação sexual diz respeito à atração romântica e/ou sexual que sentimos por outras
pessoas. Ela pode ser heterossexual (quando envolve atração por pessoa de sexo diferente), homossexual (na atra-
ção por pessoas do mesmo sexo) ou bissexual (atração por pessoas de ambos os sexos).
Questionamentos sobre interesse e saúde sexuais são comuns na adolescência, independentemente da orientação
sexual. É sempre uma boa ideia conversarmos com pessoas em quem confiamos para lidar com tais questionamentos.
O Programa Brasil Sem Homofobia, lançado em 2004, tem como objetivos o fortalecimento da cidadania no
Brasil por meio do combate à violência contra GLTB (Gays, Lésbicas, Transgêneros e Bissexuais) e a promoção
da cidadania de homossexuais. Mais sobre o programa em <http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/bra-
sil_sem_homofobia.pdf>. Acesso em: 25 maio 2015.
Fonte de pesquisa: NEMOURS. Sexual attraction and orientation. TeensHealth. Disponível em: <http://teenshealth.org/teen/
your_mind/relationships/sexual_orientation.html#cat20126>. Acesso em: 2 mar. 2015.

6 Check (✓) the column that best describes your opinion about each statement. Then
discuss your answers with your classmates and teacher, justifying your point of view.

I agree. I disagree. I’m not sure.

a It is a good idea to go to the mall on a first date.
b It is easy to break up with someone.
c We always fall for people who are just like us.

twenty-three 23
A screenplay

1 Quickly read the extract of the screenplay. Then answer the questions in small groups.

a What parts do you think are to be spoken by the actors?

b What parts are not to be acted out? What is their function?


The pictures are down. The dressers We accept the love we think we deserve.
empty. The suitcase is open on the bed. He says it sober. Without judgement.
Charlie watches Sam fold clothes and put Sam lets it sink in. Charlie walks over
them in her suitcase. He has promised to the bed to do more packing. Then,
himself he will not cry. she turns to him.
I had lunch with Craig today. Then, why ?
CHARLIE Charlie didn’t expect that. He is
Yeah? silent. Heart pounding.
He said he was sorry, and that I was I, uh, I just didn’t think that you
wanted that.
right .
Driving away, I was feeling… so small.
Well, what ?
Just asking myself why do I and
everyone I love pick people who treat CHARLIE
I just want you to be happy.
us like ?

CHBOSKY, Stephen. The Perks of Being a Wallflower: Based on His Novel. Rascunho final. Disponível em: <www.pages.drexel.edu/~ina22/splaylib/Screenplay-
Perks_of_Being_a_Wallflower.pdf>. (Adaptado.) Acesso em: 2 mar. 2015.

2 2 Complete the gaps in the screenplay. Then listen and check your predictions.

Stay Tuned
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (no Brasil, As vantagens de ser invisível) é um filme de 2012, baseado no
romance de mesmo título. Trata dos desafios encontrados por um adolescente tímido (Charlie, interpre-
tado por Logan Lerman) ao tentar construir amizades, superar experiências traumáticas e desenvolver
relações amorosas, especialmente com Sam (Emma Watson).

3 Do you think making predictions can help you when you listen in English? Why (not)?
Discuss with your classmates and teacher.

24 twenty-four

Language at Work
Present perfect: since, for, already, yet, ever

1 Read the cartoon and check (✓) the ideas that can
be inferred from it. Underline the parts of the text
that helped you reach your conclusions.
a Kenny is the speaker’s son.

b Kenny is the speaker’s boyfriend.
c Kenny hasn’t called the speaker recently.
d Kenny made a phone call to the speaker last week.

Making Sense of Language

Check (✓) the options that complete these statements about the underlined phrase in “Kenny
hasn’t spoken to me in six months”.
a It refers to the past. present. present and the past at the same time.

b It is in the affirmative form. negative form. interrogative form.

c The verb phrase is formed by:

an auxiliary verb (has) + base form of speak. an auxiliary verb (has) + past form of speak.
an auxiliary verb (has) + past participle form of speak.

Check Language Reference, p. 148

2 Read the following extracts and underline the uses of the present perfect in them. Then
complete the statements with 1 or 2, according to the extract they refer to.

[…] When Troy and I broke up, we vowed to remain friends, but I’ve only had one
conversation with him since we broke up and it was through text.
LOWE, Brooklyn. 17 dating blogger: moving on post-breakup. Seventeen. Disponível em: <www.seventeen.com/love/dating-advice/a20395/post-breakup-
single-life/>. (Fragmento.) Acesso em: 25 abr. 2015.


I love someone I haven’t seen for years […]

Is it possible? […]
EXPERIENCE Project. Disponível em: <www.experienceproject.com/groups/Love-Someone-I-Havent-Seen-For-Years/33519>. (Fragmento.)
Acesso em: 25 abr. 2015..

a In Extract , the writer introduces a problem about his / her romantic life.
b In Extract , the writer suggests that it is hard to move from dating to friendship.

twenty-five 25
Making Sense of Language
1 In Extract 1, since introduces: a point in the past. a point in the future. a point in the
2 In Extract 2, for introduces: a point in time. a duration of time.
3 The present perfect is used in the extracts to describe events (having a conversation / seeing
from a point in the past up to the present. from now to the future. that happened in
the past.
4 The past participle form of have is ; the past participle form of see is .
Check Language Reference, p. 148

3 Write about what you have and haven’t done recently, using the past participle form of the
verbs in the box. The list of irregular verbs on page 149 can help you.

be have know see send speak

a I haven’t since last year.

b I have for about a month.

4 Read extracts from two websites which offer advice to teenagers. Then circle the answers
for the questions below. While reading, underline the uses of the present perfect.
Which text…
a describes the feelings of a person? Extract 1 Extract 2
b describes the feelings of a group of people? Extract 1 Extract 2


More than 5,700 of you took our survey on falling in love. Lots of you know what it feels like to be in love:
46% of our survey takers said they’re in love now or have been in the past. But an almost equal number
(43%) said that, although they like someone, they’re just not sure it’s really love. And 11% said they’d never

been in love (mostly because they haven’t met the right person yet). […]

NEMOURS. Your thoughts on falling in love. TeensHealth. Disponível em: <http://teenshealth.org/teen/your_mind/relationships/love_thoughts.html>. (Fragmento.)
Acesso em: 4 mar. 2015.


My parents won’t let me date! I’m 14 and ALL my friends have BFs except me. I really like this guy, and he likes
me back. My parents know him and think he’s nice but still say I am too young to date. I have already tried a
secret relationship behind my parents’ back and it didn’t work out, so I don’t want to do that again. Help!

ANONYMOUS. Girl talk family. GL. Disponível em: <www.girlslife.com/post/2010/06/03/parents-wont-let-me-date.aspx>. (Fragmento.) Acesso em: 4 mar. 2015.

26 twenty-six

Making Sense of Language

1 In affirmative sentences, we use to say that something happened (although
we don’t know exactly when).
2 In negative sentences, we use to say that something has not happened up to
the present, but we expect it to happen.

Check Language Reference, p. 149

5 Read sentences a–f. Write T for the sentences that are true for you, and F for the ones that
are false. In your notebook, write other sentences about yourself using already or yet.
a I have already had a crush on someone. d I haven’t gone on a date yet.
b I have already watched The Perks of Being e I haven’t fallen in love yet.
a Wallflower.
f I haven’t turned 15 yet.
c I have already broken up with someone.

6 Work in small groups. Read the cartoon and discuss why it is funny.


Making Sense of Language 7 Discuss the questions below with your

teacher and classmates.
Have I ever told you illustrates the use
of the a Is it important to express our affection
to the people we love?
simple past. present perfect.
The question in the first scene refers to an
b How can we express our affection to
another person with words? How can
action (tell) in
we express it without words?
a specific time in the past.
an indefinite, non-specific time in the past. Going Digital
In the context of the cartoon, ever means:
Conduct an online survey: ask questions about love
at any point until now. last week. and romance starting with "Have you ever...?" (for
To form questions in the present perfect example, Have you ever fallen in love?; Have you
we use: ever told someone that you love him / her? etc.).
You can find free online platforms and software to
subject + auxiliary + past participle.
design your survey on the Internet – just search
auxiliary + subject + past participle. for “free online surveys” and follow the steps listed.

Check Language Reference, p. 149

twenty-seven 27
What: a personal narrative.

Writing Goals: tell the story of something that happened to you.

Audience: classmates, the teacher (optional: family members).
Where: classroom walls (optional: booklet compilation to be
circulated around the students’ home).

1 In this section you will write a personal narrative about an event involving a relationship
with another person. Think of an interesting event and complete the chart below with
some information about it. The chart will help you organize your text.


At school My friend and I Last weekend Funny

2 Write your personal narrative.

Writing Guidelines
1 In your notebook, make a plan for your
What happened
personal narrative using an organizer like the Setting: 1.
one on the right. Use the personal narratives on Who, Where, 2.
In the end...
pages 18 and 22 for reference and inspiration. 3.

2 Write a draft of your personal narrative.

3 Revise your text, using the checklist below: Does the text...
have a title? contain descriptions of feelings?
present the setting, characters, and time allow readers to use their senses
in the first paragraph? (see, hear, smell, etc.)?
include “time” words like first, then, etc.? conclude by saying what you have
learned from the experience, or felt
contain action verbs?
about it?
contain dialogues?
4 Ask a classmate to read the latest version of your draft and to comment on it.
5 Make final revisions based on the feedback received.
6 Share your personal narrative with other people.

3 After reading some or all of the personal narratives written by your classmates, have a
group or whole-class discussion about the questions below.
a What similarities have you found between your personal narrative and other people’s
narratives? Give details.
b What differences have you found? Give details.
c What lessons about yourself as a writer have you learned from writing and reading
personal narratives?

28 twenty-eight

1 Think of an interesting conversation you have had recently. Discuss it with a classmate.
Use the questions below to guide your discussion.
a Who did you talk with?
b What did you talk about?
c Why was it interesting?

2 Based on your discussion in Activity 1, check (✓) the characteristics that make a
conversation interesting.
a Repetition of the same question.
b Use of different types of questions.
c No follow-up to answers.
d Short answers showing lack of interest.
e Comments showing interest.
f Questions asking for details.
g Unpleasant comments.

h Specific reference to the text written by a student.

Stay Tuned
“Envolvimento interacional” (interactional involvement, em inglês) refere-se ao esforço colaborativo dos
participantes de uma interação para que ela seja bem-sucedida. Os seguintes elementos contribuem
para a criação de envolvimento interacional: uso de perguntas variadas (cujas respostas são ouvidas
e comentadas), pedidos de detalhes, comentários positivos, uso de tom de voz mostrando interesse,
contato visual entre os participantes, entre outros.

3 Talk in small groups about the personal narratives you have written.

Step 1: Work in groups of four students. Spend some time “refreshing your memory” about
the personal narratives written by your classmates.
Step 2: In your notebook, make a list of questions you could ask during the conversation.
Step 3: List three good ideas to keep in mind while talking about your personal narratives.
Compare your ideas with your friends’.
a b c
Step 4: Talk to your friends about your personal narratives. Try to use your and your friends’
“good ideas.”
Remember: You are responsible for making your conversation interesting!

twenty-nine 29

Your Learning
Love is in the air

1 Look at the text below. What’s the main theme in it?

Internet love the eyes

2 Read the text and match the sentences.


O AMOR, quando se revela, E se um olhar lhe bastasse

Não se sabe revelar. P’ra saber que a estão a amar!
Sabe bem olhar p’ra ela,
Mas não lhe sabe falar. Mas quem sente muito, cala;
Quem quer dizer quanto sente
Quem quer dizer o que sente Fica sem alma nem fala,
Não sabe o que há de dizer. Fica só, inteiramente!
Fala: parece que mente...
Cala: parece esquecer... Mas se isto puder contar-lhe
O que não lhe ouso contar,
Ah, mas se ela adivinhasse, Já não terei que falar-lhe
Se pudesse ouvir o olhar, Porque lhe estou a falar...
PESSOA, F. Poesias inéditas (1919-1930). Lisboa: Ática, 1956.
(imp. 1990). p. 92.
Disponível em: <http://pensador.uol.com.br/frase/MTkwODg0/>. Acesso em: 14 abr. 2015.

a When love appears in the way one looks.

b Love can be seen it is hard to confess.
c The more one loves the less he / she can talk about it.

3 Is it really hard to say you are in love to the person you are interested in, as stated in
the poem? Discuss with your teacher and classmates.

Your Turn
A poem
Escreva um poema sobre relacionamentos, com base nas informações trocadas nesta unidade. O tema
pode ser o primeiro beijo, um sentimento por outra pessoa ou qualquer outro que foi apresentado.
Quando possível, use rimas com o vocabulário que já possui. Use o dicionário, se necessário, e o poema
desta página como modelo.

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Reflect on Your Learning

1 Reflita sobre seu aprendizado nesta unidade. Assinale (✓) o emoticon que melhor
represente sua resposta.

Ler e interpretar relatos pessoais e uma letra de música.

Reconhecer e usar vocabulário relativo a relacionamentos.
Identificar as acepções de uma palavra em um dicionário, de acordo
com o contexto de uso.
Reconhecer e usar o present perfect e as palavras since, for, already,
yet e ever em situações contextualizadas.
Produzir uma narrativa pessoal escrita.
Conversar sobre narrativas pessoais, criando envolvimento interacional.
Refletir sobre relacionamentos.

2 Preencha a coluna da esquerda com os tópicos que você marcou ou na Atividade 1.

Preencha a segunda coluna com um plano de ação: o que você pode fazer para transformar
esses tópicos em ?
O que posso fazer:
Preciso melhorar meus conhecimentos e habilidades
(p. ex.: Conversar com ..., Ler sobre ..., Pesquisar. ...,
com relação a ...
Procurar por ... etc.)

Having Fun!
Can you solve these riddles?
Riddle 1: What did the man with the broken leg say to his nurse?

Riddle 2: What did the paper clip say to the magnet on Valentine’s Day?
Riddle 3: Which Italian insects often fall in love?
Riddle 4: What did the boy owl say to the girl owl on Valentine’s Day?


LOVE riddles. DGreetings. Disponível em: <www.dgreetings.com/valentine-love/love-riddles.html>; VALENTINE riddles. Just Riddles and More. Disponível em:
<www.justriddlesandmore.com/Valentine/16.html>; KGB Answers. Disponível em: <www.kgbanswers.com/which-italian-insects-often-fall-in-love/10245201>;
VALENTINE riddles. Joe-KS. Disponível em: <www.joe-ks.com/archives_feb2008/Valentine_Riddles.htm>. Acesso em: 3 mar. 2015.
Riddle 4: Owl be yours. Riddle 3: Rome ants. Riddle 2: I find you very attractive. Riddle 1: I have a crutch on you.

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