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Nerves have a structure of considerable complexity with features of special

relevance to nerve injury and nerve regeneration. These include variations

in the cross-sectional areas devoted to fascicular and epineurial tissue, the
fascicular redistribution and mixing of different branch fibers brought about
by fascicular plexuses, and the numbers of nerve fibers representing indi-
vidual branches. The elasticity and tensile strength of nerve trunks and their
capacity to resist traction deformation reside in the fascicular tissue, while
the epineurium provides a protective cushion against compression. The mi-
crostructure of nerve trunks provides the basis for a classification of nerve
injuries into five degrees of severity with partial and mixed types-each
with a clearly defined pathology and distinguishing clinical features. Follow-
ing a transection injury, changes occur in the severed axons, endoneurial
tubes, fasciculi, and nerve trunk. The type of injury and the nature of these
changes determine the outcome of axon regeneration.
Key words: nerve injury nerve regeneration.
MUSCLE & NERVE 13:771-784 1990



Although it is true that many of the problems of that is organized around each nerve fiber to form
nerve injury and nerve repair must wait on the its outer endoneurial sheath.
molecular biologist for their solution, it is equally T h e endoneurial tissue has some tensile
clear that, for the time being, we cannot afford to strength. T h e main component giving tensile
overlook the use of somewhat old fashioned but strength and elasticity to the nerve, however, is
well-tried methods and techniques that still have the perineurium. This sheath also constitutes a
much to offer. It is such an approach that forms diffusion barrier and resists and maintains an in-
the substance of this article. trafascicular pressure. The term perineural is of-
ten used incorrectly to apply to the perineurium.
THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF NERVE TRUNKS Perineural means around the nerve trunk and
A convenient starting point for our purposes is a perineurial means around a fasciculus; the two
transverse section of a peripheral nerve trunk. terms are not interchangeable.
This reveals those structural features that have The fasciculi are, in turn, set in an areolar con-
special relevance to nerve injury (Fig 1). Such a nective tissue packing, the epineurium, which pro-
section shows that nerve fibers are collected into tects them from compression. The superficial
fasciculi, each fasciculus being (1) surrounded by a epineurium forms an external sheath for the
thin but distinctive lamellated sheath of perineu- nerve, which gives it a cord-like appearance and
rial cells interspersed with fine collagen fibers, and consistency and which permits it to be easily sepa-
(2) occupied by a framework of endoneurial tissue rated from the surrounding tissues.
The deep fascia1 or paraneural tissue refers to
the unnamed, nonspecialized loose meshwork of
areolar connective tissue that fills the space be-
From the Department of Anatomy, University of Melbourne, Australia. Dr. tween specialized structures, such as muscles,
Sunderland is Professor Emeritus of Experimental Neurology. nerves, and vessels, connecting them loosely to-
Second Annual Reiner Memorial Lecture presented at AAEE (now AAEM) gether and permitting the movement of one on
Annual Meeting, International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regener-
ation, Washington, DC, September 17, 1989. the other. Though this tissue is associated in this
Address reprint requests to Dr. Sunderland at the Department of Anat-
way with nerve trunks, it is not regarded as a com-
omy, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3052, Australia. ponent of the nerve trunk whose outer limits are
Accepted for publication December 13, 1989 clearly outlined by a definitive sheath of epineu-
CCC 0148-639W90/090771-014 $04.00
rial tissue.
Q 1990 John Wiley & Sons,Inc. T o inspection and palpation, the nerve is a

Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990 771
FIGURE 1. Diagrammatic representation of a transverse section
of a nerve trunk. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Inju-
ries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permis-

cord-like structure; the light microscope examina-

tion of a single transverse section reveals the struc-
tural features just outlined, while the electron mi-
croscope reveals details of only a fragment of the
nerve at very high magnifications. All miss the sig-
nificant point that the structure of a nerve is con-
stantly changing along its entire length because
the fasciculi are repeatedly dividing and uniting to
form complex fascicular plexuses (Fig. 2). No fas-
ciculus runs an independent unaltered course
along the entire length of a nerve. FIGURE 2. Fascicular plexus formations in a 3 cm length of the
The examination of successive transverse sec- musculocutaneous nerve reconstructed from a serially sectioned
tions reveals that these plexus formations are re- specimen. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Ed-
sponsible for bringing about: inburgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)

1. Repeated changes in the size, number, and ar-

rangement of the fasciculi so that sections Radial: 1-20, 2- 13, 2-36, 8-29.
taken more than a few millimetres apart fail to Sciatic nerve:
present fascicular patterns that are identical in medial popliteal: 11-27, 16-33, 28-93,
every respect (Figs. 3 and 4). 32-83.
2. The fascicular redistribution, dispersal, and in- lateral popliteal: 1-15, 1-21, 5-20, 8-
termingling of different branch fiber systems as 24.
they are traced along the nerve (Fig. 5). Fea- b. Generalizing, the fasciculi in the median
tures of this fascicular behavior are: and ulnar nerves are larger and fewer in
a. The number of fasciculi varies from 1 to number above the elbow compared with the
more than 100 depending on the nerve and forearm.
the level. The following give some idea of c. T h e size and number of fasciculi are in-
the range of variation of fascicular numbers versely related at any level.
in 4 specimens of each nerve: d. T h e fasciculi are smaller and more numer-
Median: 3-22, 5- 16, 4- 13, 15-36. ous where a nerve crosses a joint.
Ulnar: 1-8, 1-18, 3-8, 12-36. e. For a given total fascicular area, the tensile

772 Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990
FIGURE 5. Diagrammatic representation of the fascicular redis-
Supracondylar E picondyle tribution of nerve fibers brought about by the fascicular plexus.
(From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Edinburgh,
FIGURE 3. Variations in the size and number of fasciculi in a Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)
specimen of the radial nerve. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and
Nerve Injuries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with

tributing to the cross-sectional area of the nerve

strength of a nerve increases with the num- varies from level to level along the same nerve. In
ber of fasciculi. Cables of the same size are general, the fascicular contribution varies from
stronger and more flexible if composed of about 30% to 70%. The sciatic nerve in the gluteal
many strands. region is an exception in that the fascicular tissue
in most of these nerves occupies only 20% to 30%
The Cross-Sectional Areas of Nerves Devoted to of the nerve; in one specimen examined, this area
Fascicular and Epineurial Tissue. The relative was as low as 12%.
amounts of fascicular and epineurial tissue con- As we shall see, the connective tissue compo-
nent of a nerve trunk and features of the fascicu-
lar anatomy of nerves provide an important line
of defense against compression injury.

@@ The Fascicular Redistribution, Dispersal, and Mixing

of the Different Branch Fiber Systems. Fascicular
plexuses bring about the fascicular redistribution,
dispersal, and intermingling of different branch
fiber systems as they are traced along the nerve
(Fig. 6). Thus the arrangement, considered from
A f- 2mm+ B A on 6 distal to proximal, is one-in which the localization
of any particular branch system is at first discrete,
FIGURE 4. The fascicular patterns present in transverse sec-
tions from a radial nerve taken 2 mm apart. (From Sunderland S: then discrete in combination with other branch fi-
Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston, ber% and finally a predominant one only until fi-
1979. Used with permission.) ber scattering ultimately reaches a degree at the

Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990 773
13 mm

63mm 85mm 127mm i8omm

FIGURE 6. The fascicular redistribution of branch fiber systems in a radial nerve affected by fascicular plexus formations. The figures
give the level of the section in mm above the lateral humeral epicondyle. APL and M indicate anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial
aspects of the nerve. o superficial radial; 0 combined posterior interosseous fibers, S, supinator; + extensor carpi radialis brevis; x
extensor carpi radialis longus; * combined radial extensor fibers; A brachioradialis; A brachialis. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and
Nerve lnjuries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)

root of the limb where there is no segregation or 1. At the root of the limb, the fibers of branches
localization of the branch fiber system. at and below the elbow and knee are widely dis-
Expressed in another way, this means that, at tributed over many, if not all, of the fasciculi.
the root, the nerve fibers representing the distal They are mixed with the fibers of other more
branches are intermingled and widely distributed distal branches in varying combinations and
through the fasciculi of the nerve. On the other proportions, though each fasciculus does not
hand, the fibers of proximal branches are concen- necessarily contain fibers from every branch.
trated in that sector of the nerve from which T h e fibers of high branches, though mixed
branching is about to occur, though the fibers will with those from distal sources, are relatively lo-
be mixed with those for distally destined branches. calized and superficially placed because they
As the nerve proceeds distally, the fascicular plex- are shortly to leave the nerve.
uses effect a sorting out of the different branch 2 An intermediate zone where the fibers of a par-
fiber systems until, finally, the fibers for a particu- ticular branch are contained in fasciculi that,
lar branch are collected into their own fasciculus, though not devoted exclusively to them, occupy
or group of fasciculi, which then leaves the nerve a relatively localized position in the nerve.
as a definitive branch. 3. A distal zone where,-for a variable, but usually
The fascicular composition of the fibers repre- short, distance above the site of branching, the
senting any particular branch can be expressed in fibers of a branch are contained in a fasciculus
terms of three levels: or group of fasciculi devoted exclusively to

774 Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990
them, and are sharply localized and superfi- in a nerve representing individual branches. Such
cially placed in the nerve (Fig. 7). data is available for the major peripheral nerves.
As an example, the percentage values for the
Fasciculi are of two types as regards their branch branches of the radial nerve, averaged from the
fiber composition: (1) Simple fasciculi that are examination of 11 specimens, are:
composed of fibers from the same source, and (2) Superficial radial 29
compound fasciculi that are composed of fibers Brachialis 2
from several different sources in varying num- Brachioradialis 6
bers, combinations, and proportions. Extensor carpi radialis longus 9
Extensor carpi radialis brevis 7
Numbers of Nerve Fibers Representing Dlfferent Posterior interosseous 47
Branches. Counting the number of fibers in ev-
ery branch of a major peripheral nerve would be a In expressing branch fiber numbers in this way, it
formidable task. It is possible to obtain some esti- should be noted that such estimates are also influ-
mate of this feature, however, by measuring the enced by variations in the number of branches,
cross-sectional area of the fasciculi devoted solely the level of branching, and the distribution of
to individual branches. Admittedly, this method those branches.
has its limitations because the relationship be- The percentage cross-sectional area of fascic-
tween area and numbers is affected by such fac- uli composed of fibers representing individual
tors as the size of individual nerve fibers and the branches also depends on the level at which the
amount of intra-fascicular endoneurial tissue. measurement is made. This is illustrated by refer-
With this proviso, the cross-sectional area of the ence to the percentage cross-sectional fascicular
fasciculi devoted to individual branches may be ac- areas of a median and an ulnar nerve trunk occu-
cepted as a rough estimate of the number of fibers pied by cutaneous and “muscle” nerve fibers from

L v
FIGURE 7. Transverse sections from a median nerve above the elbow and at the wrist to illustrate the sorting out of the different branch
fiber systems that occur between these levels. (A) In the section above the elbow, the circles represent groups of fasciculi in which
different branch fibers are represented. Al, anterior interosseous; FCR, flexor carpi radialis; FDS, flexor digitorum sublimis; PC, palmar
cutaneous; PT, pronator teres; T, fibers of terminal branches in the hand. (B)In the section at the wrist, the circles represent individual
fasciculi. A.B.C., digital cutaneous fibers from the third, second, and first interspaces; D, cutaneous fibers from the radial side of the
thumb; M, fibers to thenar muscles; L, lumbrical fibers. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston,
1979. Used with permission.)

Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve injury MUSCLE 8, NERVE September 1990 775
the hand, measured at the wrist and above the el-
bow :
Wrist / Elbow Muscle Cutaneous
Median nerve 614 94 I 6 6
Ulnar nerve 44 I 28 56 I 3 5
Above the elbow, the same nerve fibers from the
hand are now combined with fibers of the remain-
ing branches of the nerve so that the former now
occupy a reduced percentage cross-sectional fas-
cicular area of the nerve. T h e significance of this
feature will emerge as we proceed.

The Blood Supply of Nerves. Regarding this fea-

ture of peripheral
- - nerves, there is time only for a
passing reference to points that call for special

1. Nerves are well supplied by a longitudinally ar-

ranged anastomosing system of nutrient vessels
and networks on the surface and within the
nerve. This system is served by a succession of
regional nutrient arteries that enter a nerve
along its course. The arrangement is one that
ensures a continuing supply of blood to the
nerve should one or more entering nutrient ar-
teries be blocked or destroyed.
2. The largest nutrient vessels are located on the
surface of the nerve and in the epineurium.
3. The largest vessels inside a fasciculus are capil- J 4 4 J
laries. FIGURE 8. Changes occurring in the various components of a
4. There is much experimental and clinical evi- nerve trunk as it is stretched to structural failure. Only one fas-
dence to the effect that the blood supply to pe- ciculus in the nerve is represented. (From Sunderland S: Nerves
ripheral nerves plays a critical role in the sur- and Nerve Injuries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used
vival and functional integrity of axons. with permission.)

THE TENSILE STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY are at all times protected from being over-
OF NERVE TRUNKS stretched.
A nerve trunk runs an undulating course in its When the nerve and its contained fasciculi are
bed, the fasciculi run an undulating course in the finally straightened, the tensile properties of the
epineurium, and the nerve fibers run an undulat- nerve are recruited and the system commences to
ing course inside the fasciculi. This means that the resist further elongation and to behave as an elas-
length of a nerve trunk, and its contained nerve tic material. With continued stretching, the nerve
fibers between any two fixed points on the limb, is fibers are first straightened, then stretched, and fi-
greater than a straight line joining those points. nally ruptured. The nerve, however, continues to
When a nerve is gradually stretched, the undu- behave as an elastic structure despite the fact that
lations in the nerve and the fasciculi are first eIim- nerve fibers have ruptured inside the fasciculi. Fi-
inated but not those of the nerve fibers, which re- nally, the perineurial tissue ruptures, and with this
main tension free inside the fasciculi (Fig. 8). In structural failure the nerve loses its tensile
this way, the slack provided in the system absorbs strength and elasticity.
and neutralizes traction forces generated during Points of particular interest in this sequence of
limb movements so that the contained nerve fibers events include:

776 Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990

Table 1. Percentage elongation of human nerve trunks under tensile loading rate of elongation
7.5 cmlrnin

At the elastic limit At mechanical failure

Nerve Range Mean Ranae Mean
Ulnar 8 to 21 15 9 to 26 18
Median 6 to 22 14 7 to 30 19
Medial popliteal 7 to 21 17 8 to 32 23
Lateral popliteal 9 to 22 15 10 to 32 20
Anterior spinal roots 9 to 15 11 9 to 21 15
Posterior spinal roots 8 to 16 12 8 to 28 19

1. The range of elongation over which a nerve re- epineurial tissue, they are more vulnerable to
tains its elasticity depends on such factors as mechanical injury than where the fasciculi are
the magnitude of the deforming force, the rate smaller and more widely separated by a greater
of its application and the time for which it op- amount of epineurial tissue. With the former
erates, and its fascicular structure. Stretching arrangement, forces fall maximally on the main
the nerve at '7.5 cms/min gives a range of elas- component of the nerve trunk which is fascicu-
ticity of 6% to 20% of the length of nerve being lar tissue and, therefore, nerve fibers. In the
stretched (see Table 1). latter, the damaging forces would be dissipated
2. The rupture of nerve fibers precedes structural and cushioned by the epineurial tissue packing
failure of the fasciculi and occurs with elonga- and the fasciculi would be more easily dis-
tions of about 4% after the slack in the nerve placed within the nerve and so would tend to
has been taken up and it commences to take escape (Fig. 9).
3. A nerve retains its elastic properties as long as The significance of this feature is illustrated by
the perineurium remains intact. reference to the well-established clinical finding
4. As the fasciculi are stretched, their cross- that, in injuries of the sciatic nerve, the common
sectional area is reduced, the intrafascicular peroneal division is known to be more frequently
pressure is increased, nerve fibers are com- injured and more often suffers greater damage
pressed, and the intrafascicular microcircula- than the tibial.
tion is compromised. An investigation of the cross-sectional area of
5. With tensile loading, the rate of deformation is the sciatic nerve and its common peroneal and tib-
as important as the magnitude of the deform- ial divisions devoted to fasciculi and to epineurial
ing force. tissue has revealed that the fascicular pattern of
6. Traction forces generated during normal limb the common peroneal does present features that
movements are unlikely to reach limits that
would compromise nerve fibers inside the fas-
1. A special feature of peripheral nerves is the of-
ten large amount of epineurial connective tis-
sue that separates the fasciculi and holds them
2. When pressure is applied to a nerve, the
epineurium functions as a shock-absorber
which dissipates the stresses set up in the nerve,
thereby cushioning the fasciculi and their con-
tained nerve fibers and in this way protecting
them from damage. FIGURE 9. Dispersion of compression stresses by the epineurial
3. Where are Of large and tissue. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Edin-
closely packed fasciculi with little supporting burgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)

Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990 777
render this nerve more susceptible to injury than
the associated tibial division. T h e peroneal divi-
sion, particularly in the distal half of the thigh, is
composed of fewer and larger fasciculi with less
epineurial tissue than is the corresponding tibial 28
division (Fig. 10). This morphologic difference is a Sciatic notch

significant factor contributing to the increased sus- Junction upper f a

ceptibility of the common peroneal nerve to of thigh
stretch and compression injury. In addition, the
common peroneal division usually contains much
less adipose tissue in the epineurium than does
the tibial. Mid thigh


It is worth noting that nerve roots are more vul-
nerable to traction and compression injury than
nerve trunks because (1) they lack both epineurial
and perineurial tissue components (Fig. 1); (2)
Joint lml
nerve root fibers are arranged in parallel nonplexi-
form bundles; and (3) the collagen fibers of the
endoneurium are fewer and finer than elsewhere.


Currently, there are two classifications of nerve in-
jury based not on the cause but on the nature of
a&O&~c$)o Neck of the f~bula


FIGURE 10. Diagrammatic representation of the fascicular struc-

the lesion. In Seddon's classification, the terms tures of a sciatic nerve and its common peroneal and tibial divi-
neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis were sions at the levels indicated. The figures give the cross-sectional
introduced to cover conduction block, loss of con- fascicular areas measured at those levels. (From Sunderland S:
tinuity of axons, and loss of nerve trunk continu- NeNeS and Nerve injuries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston,
ity. The second, which I naturally prefer since it is 1979. Used with permission.)
my own, is based on the histologic structure of a
nerve trunk previously outlined. It recognizes five
degrees or types of nerve damage of increasing se- each axon is inevitably directed back to the end
verity from conduction block followed successively organ that it originally innervated. Consequently,
by loss of continuity of axons, then of nerve fibers, the restored pattern of innervation is identical
the fasciculi, and finally the entire nerve trunk with the original and function is fully restored.
(Fig. 11). Since my brief is to adhere strictly to the
role of anatomy in these matters, reference to clin- Third Degree Injury (3"). This is the concealed in-
ical detail is omitted. trafascicular lesion in which the fasciculi are left in
continuity but continuity of nerve fibers is lost.
First Degree Injury (lo). This is the temporary The damage may be localized o r be irregularly
conduction block lesion in which axonal continuity distributed along a considerable length of the
is preserved. The nerve conducts as far as and be- nerve.
low the block, but not across it. The internal structure of the fasciculi is disor-
ganized with (1) the disintegration of axons and
Continuity of the endo-
Second Degree Injury ( 2 O ) . wallerian degeneration; (2) the loss of continuity
neurial sheath of nerve fibers is preserved. Walle- of the endoneurial sheath and, therefore, the en-
rian degeneration occurs below the lesion, how- tire nerve fiber; and (3) hemorrhage, edema, an
ever, so that axonal continuity with the periphery inflammatory reaction, and finally fibrosis.
is lost. Later the length of the axon that has per- Axon regeneration is now complicated in two
ished as the result of the injury will be replaced by ways:
regeneration. Importantly, each regenerating
axon as it grows is confined to the endoneurial 1. Intrafascicular fibrosis blocks some axons, de-
tube that originally contained it. This ensures that lays others in their growth, diverts others from

778 Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990
FIGURE 11. Diagrammatic representation of five degrees of nerve injury. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Edinburgh,
Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)

their proper course and, later, by constricting ber composition of the fasciculi (Fig. 6). Where
those that are successful in negotiating the scar the fibers have the same or a functionally related
tissue between the nerve fiber ends, adversely destination, the consequences are minimal. Where
affects their subsequent growth, development, the fiber composition is one in which sensory and
and function. This disorderly axon growth may motor fibers and those representing functionally
be so pronounced that the involved fasciculi unrelated systems are intermingled, however, the
develop a fusiform swelling at this site. consequences of the erroneous entry of axons into
2. Loss of continuity of the nerve fibers means foreign tubes can be serious. Despite the fact that
that regenerating axons, though still confined the nerve trunk is left in continuity, recovery fol-
within the fasciculi, are no longer confined to lowing severe third degree damage is often negli-
the endoneurial tubes that originally contained gible.
them. Since there is no known mechanism di-
recting axons into their original or functionally Fourth Degree InJury (4'). In this type of injury,
related endoneurial tubes, many fail to do so the fascicular structure of the nerve has been de-
and instead are misdirected into foreign ones. stroyed, nerve trunk continuity being preserved
by a strand of disorganised tissue. Regenerating
The significance of the erroneous cross-shunting axons are now free to escape not only from endo-
of axons occurring in this way depends on the fi- neurial tubes but also from fasciculi. The trauma-

Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990 779
tized, disorganized segment of the nerve trunk is
replaced by a barrier of fibrous tissue in which
axon growth is arrested. This is the type of injury
that requires excision of the damaged segment
and some form of nerve repair.

Flfth Degree Injury (5'). This represents loss of

continuity of the nerve trunk. Though the clinical
details of this classification are not the concern of
this presentation, one can say that the classifica-
tion is one that (1) has a sound pathologic basis;
(2) relates to the clinical events associated with a 30
lesion; (3) has diagnostic, prognostic and thera- 154 mm
peutic significance; (4)involves a terminology that
is readily understood, and (5) has the added at- FIGURE 13. The effect of the branch fiber composition of injured
fasciculi in a partial nerve injury. The notations are given in Fig-
tractiveness of simplicity. ure 6. (From Sunderland S : Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Edin-
burgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)
Mixed Nerve Injury. These are lesions in continu-
ity in which all nerve fibers are damaged but to a
varying degree. effects at the periphery depending on the branch
fiber composition of the affected fasciculi that is,
Partial Nerve Injury. These are lesions in which in turn, determined by the level of the injury.
some nerve fibers escape while others sustain Where the severed fasciculi contain a few of the fi-
damage of varying degree. A common lesion in bers of some or all branches, the resultant loss of
this category is partial severance of the nerve function is minimal and widespread and might
trunk. The consequences of such an injury de- even escape detection clinically. On the other
pend on (1) the size and number of the fasciculi hand, where the severed fasciculi contain all or
composing the nerve at that level; and (2) the the majority of the fibers of a particular branch,
branch fiber composition of the affected fasciculi. the peripheral effects are sharply localized and
clinically obvious. Thus, a partial injury at one
Size and Number of the Farciculi (Figure 12). level may either escape detection or give a widely
Where the fasciculi are small, numerous, and well distributed paresis, but a corresponding lesion at
separated by epineurial tissue, such lesions tend to another level or involving a different sector of the
be self-limiting. When the fibers are contained in nerve may produce a sharply localized paralysis or
one or two large fasciculi, however, breaching sensory loss.
these fasciculi has serious consequences.
The Branch Fiber Composition of the Severed Fa$- ON THE NERVE BELOW THE LESION
ciculi (Figure 13). Partial lesions produce variable Following a transection injury, changes occur in
the axons and myelin, the endoneurial tubes, the
fasciculi, and the nerve trunk.

The Axon8 and Myelin. The final stage of walle-

rian degeneration is one in which the interior of
the nerve fiber is occupied by axon and myelin de-
bris which is removed by the phagocytic activity of
macrophages and Schwann cells.

The Endoneurial Tubes. With the removal of the

axon and myelin debris, tension is reduced in the
FIGURE 12. The effect of fascicular structure on the conse-
endoneurial wall of the fiber which slowly contracts
quences of a partial nerve injury. (From Sunderland S: Nerves down on the remaining contents of the tube, which
and Nerve Injuries. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used are Schwann cells, so that its caliber is gradually re-
with permission.) duced. This reduction increases with the duration

780 Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990
of denervation, rapidly over the first 3 months be- The Nerve Trunk. The epineurial tissue under-
yond which there is little further change. goes little change except for some edematous
The fibers are affected in proportion to their swelling at the nerve end. This tissue is excised at
size, so that the largest are ultimately reduced to the time of the repair.
tubes 2 to 3 pm in diameter. At the end of 3 Because the fasciculi and epineurial tissue re-
months, most tubes are less than 3 pm in diameter act so differently to denervation, it follows that the
with only an occasional tube of 4 p,m (Fig. 14). extent of the shrinkage of the nerve trunk will be
influenced, not only by the duration of denerva-
The Fasciculi. The shrinkage of the endoneurial tion, but also by the percentage cross-sectional
tubes is associated with a corresponding atrophy area of the nerve occupied by fascicular tissue.
of the fasciculi. Thus, the cross-sectional fascicular Thus, the reduction will be greater when the fas-
area is reduced by about 50% to 60% at 2 months, ciculi are closely packed and occupy most of the
and then by about another 10% over the next cross-sectional area of the nerve than where the
month, beyond which there is no further signifi- fasciculi are small and widely separated by a large
cant reduction (Table 2). amount of epineurial tissue.

1234567890 123456789012345 123456789012345 12345

Diameter of endoneuriol tubes (microns)

FIGURE 14. Histograms of endoneurial tube shrinkage with increasing periods of denervation (Aus-
tralian marsupial, Trichosurus vulpecula). (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve lnjuries. Edin-
burgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)

Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990 781
Table 2. Nerve trunk and fascicular atrophy consequent
Axon Regeneration and Functional Recovery. At
on denervation. the outset it is necessary to emphasise the impor-
tance of carefully distinguishing between axon re-
Duration of Percentage Percentage
generation and the functional outcome of that re-
denervation fascicular nerve trunk
Nerve in days atrophy atrophy generation. The recovery of function requires far
more than the regeneration of axons to replace
Ulnar 44 64 49 the part lost below the injury. Of even more im-
Median 49 54 10
portance is the final destination of those axons be-
Ulnar 59 67 28
Median 59 50 31 cause, for regeneration to be functionally effec-
Ulnar 68 61 56 tive, each axon must reach and reinnervate its old,
Ulnar 76 50 59 or at least a functionally related, end organ. Fail-
Ulnar 89 68 35 ure to do this represents abortive and wasteful re-
Median 89 56 43
generation, which leaves recovery incomplete and
Ulnar 140 61 30
Median 140 68 26 impaired.
Median 185 62 25 Thus, axon regeneration per se does not nec-
Ulnar 196 54 45 essarily guarantee functional recovery and, be-
Ulnar 224 63 54 cause it is possible to have good axon regeneration
Median 224 54 45
and yet little functional recovery, it is necessary at
Median 229 59
Ulnar 229 69 54 all times to keep in mind that axon regeneration
Median 252 68 42 and functionally effective axon regeneration are
Ulnar 254 62 53 two very different events in the regenerative pro-
Ulnar 254 67 52 cess.
Ulnar 280 74 55
Ulnar 335 72 22
Ulnar 335 74 42 Neurotropism. It is now well established that,
Ulnar 444 88 86 when the nerve ends are well separated, regener-
Ulnar 444 67 61 ating axons are attracted to the distal nerve stump
Ulnar 485 72 48 under the influence of neurotropic factors elabo-
Ulnar 485 66 56
rated in and operating from that site. The source
Because of dffferencesin the cross-sectional areas of the distal nerve of the neurotropic factor appears to be widely dis-
end devoted to fascicularand epfneurfaltissue, the degree of nerve tributed throughout the tissues of the distal stump
trunk and fasocular atrophy do not necessanly correspond (Australfan
marsupal. Trrchosurus vulpecula) and is not confined to Schwann cells as was origi-
nally believed.
This influence, however, becomes irrelevant
Consequently, the reduction in the cross- after nerve suture because when regenerating ax-
sectional area of the nerve below the transection ons emerge from the proximal stump they are al-
does not follow the fascicular atrophy. On the ready at the distal nerve end. The question at is-
contrary it will, for a given period of denerva- sue now becomes one that asks, are there
tion, vary irregularly depending on fascicular- neurotropic influences operating at the suture line
epineurial tissue ratios. This is illustrated in Ta- interface that impart a matching specificity to the
ble 2. process whereby each regenerating axon is inevi-
tably attracted back to the endoneurial tube that it
THE MANNER IN WHICH ANATOMICAL FEATURES originally occupied or to which it is at least func-
AT THE SUTURE LINE INFLUENCE THE OUTCOME tionally related. It would be reassuring to know
OF AXON REGENERATION that such influences do exist but, unfortunately,
The concluding section of this saga on the anat- there is some hard evidence against the concept.
omy and physiology of nerve injury concerns
axon regeneration and the inevitable loss of re- 1. Regenerating axons show no preference for
generating axons that occurs as they cross the su- fascicular tissue. They will grow just as readily
ture line. outside the nerve or into the interfascicular tis-
Regarding axon regeneration, two points are sues of the distal stump.
worthy of special comment: (1) the distinction that 2. Nerve cross-union experiments show that re-
should be drawn between axon regeneration and generating motor axons will enter and grow
functional recovery; and (2) the role of neurotro- down sensory endoneurial tubes, and sensory
pism in axon regeneration. down motor.

782 Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990
3. Regenerating motor axons will occupy the en- Discrepancies in the fascicular patterns at the
doneurial tubes of a cutaneous nerve graft and nerve ends so that fasciculi are opposed to
grow rapidly and readily along them. epineurial tissue and vice versa (Fig. 4).
4. An analysis of the results of nerve repair are The absence of any branch fiber localization at
consistent with the random entry of regenerat- the level of the repair particularly in mixed
ing axons into the endoneurial tubes of the dis- motor and sensory nerves (Fig. 16). The
tal nerve end. chances of useful regeneration are improved,
however, at levels where some branch fiber lo-
Neurotropism as a force converting order out of calization is present.
chaos at the suture line is a nonevent. Physical in- At levels where there is no branch fiber local-
fluences outlining paths of least resistance ization, the numbers of nerve fibers represent-
through the interface tissues are the principal de- ing individual branches becomes a factor influ-
terminants of the direction taken by regenerating encing the entry of axons into functionally
axons after they leave the proximal nerve end. related endoneurial tubes. Thus, in the median
Under such circumstances, we may well ask what
are the chances of regenerating axons reaching
and reinnervating functionally related endoneu-
rial tubes, particularly in view of the many haz-
ards to be overcome enroute.
Disregarding the well-established influence of
suture line scarring, other less obvious hazards
that are just as damaging include:

1. Discrepancies that have developed in the cross-

sectional dimensions of the two nerve ends
(Fig. 15).

36mm 38mm

132 m m 136mm
FIGURE 16. The effect of fascicular branch fiber localization on
the outcome of axon regeneration. The notations are those given
FIGURE 15. Diagrammatic representationsof factors at the su- in Figure 6. The arrangement in the lower pair favors the misdi-
ture that are responsible for the loss of axons during axon regen- rection of regenerating axons into foreign endoneurial tubes.
eration. (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Edin- (From Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve lniuries. Edinburgh,
burgh, Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.) Churchill Livingston, 1979. Used with permission.)

Anatomy and Physiology of Nerve Injury MUSCLE & NERVE September 1990 783
nerve in the mid-forearm, where the sensory fi- cause of irreversible changes in the wall of
bers for the hand greatly outnumber motor fi- shrunken endoneurial tubes which prevent the
bers, the former will have a decided advantage maturation of fibers to their original calibre and
in the competition for endoneurial tubes SO degree of myelination. This could contribute to
that the prospects for sensory recovery are the permanent reduction in the conduction veloc-
much better than those for motor recovery. ity of regenerated nerve fibers. The challenge is
Clearly, large numbers of regenerating axons to correct or at least modify these adverse factors,
are inevitably lost at the suture line so that rein- but that is another story.
nervation is always incomplete and imperfect. A I hope that sufficient has been said to convince
further minus is that, with delayed nerve repair, the reader that the anatomy and physiology of
even those axons entering functionally related en- nerve injury is a subject worthy of the most care-
doneurial tubes and reinnervating functionally re- ful consideration; on that note I shall conclude
lated end organs fail to develop fully. This is be- this presentation.

~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~

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