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Name : Muhammad Rafly Rahadiansyah_________________________________

Student Number : ___17524095____________________________________
Class : _____Elektro B__________________________________

Date: March 6, 2018

The Use of Dictionary
Find 10 words in engineering then find the information required.
NB: for making sentence take only 3 words from the list
No List of words How to Meaning

. pronounce
An increase or
improvement in
enhancement quality, value, or
1. ɛnˈhansm(ə)nt extent.
A person who
designs, builds, or
maintains engines,
machines, or
2. engineer ɛnddʒɪˈnɪə structures.
A thing which emits
3. emitter ɪˈmɪtə something
Relating to
stationary electric
charges or fields as
opposed to electric
4. electrostatic ɪˌlɛktrə(ʊ)ˈstatɪk currents.
Injure or kill
(someone) by
5. electrocute ɪˈlɛktrəkjuːt electric shock.
A soft metal core
made into a magnet
by the passage of
electric current
through a coil
6. electromagnet ɪˌlɛktrə(ʊ)ˈmaɡnɪt surrounding it.
An instrument for
electrical potential
without drawing
any current from
7. electrometer ˌɪlɛkˈtrɒmɪtə the circuit.
The ability or
capacity to do
something or act in
8. power ˈpaʊə a particular way.
Concerned with,
operating by, or
9. electrical ɪˈlɛktrɪk(ə)l electricity.
Of, worked by,
charged with, or
10. electric ɪˈlɛktrɪk electricity.

1. this programme of
enhancements will
improve the daily
experience of passengers.
It requires a
trained engineer to
properly design
each location.
the country's
largest emitter of
3. airborne toxins

Reading: Engineering and What’s it all about (Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical
Date: Information
March 6, 2018
Reading Passage Title:
Engineering and What’s it all about

Attach the diagram/branches of Engineering on page 11.

Vocabulary: Example:
Write 15 key words and phrases
especially in Engineering with the 1. Crane (noun) =
meaning in English and bahasa. English: a tall metal structure with a long horizontal part,
used for lifting and moving heavy objects
Bahasa : 1derek
1. ----
2. ----
3. ----

Language Study and Writing Write the result of the reading activity.

Task 5, 6, 7

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