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Introduction “This Speaking Test Preparation Pack for CPE has been specially created to help you prepare your students for the Speaking test of the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) from Cambridge ESOL, Written by experienced Speaking test examiners, it consists of ‘+ a book containing comprehensive Teacher’s Notes and a set of six Student Worksheets, ‘which provide detailed practice for all parts of the CPE Speaking test, «+ one set of candidate visuals in colour to allow you and your students to practise with realistic visual stimulus + a DVD showing real students taking a Speaking test to give your students a clear idea of, what to expect on the day. ‘The Student Worksheets can be photocopied to use in class, or printed from the files on the DVD if you prefer, Worksheets 1-4 cover the three parts of the Speaking test in detail and contain a variety of exercises and discussion tasks using the video on the DVD. The Introductory Worksheet is designed to give students an overview of the whole Speaking test ‘and the Supplementary Worksheet covers how the Speaking testis assessed. ‘The Teacher's Notes for each worksheet explain in detail how to conduct each activity and provide answers to and commentary on the various exercises. There are also “Teaching Tips’ for ‘each of the four main worksheets, giving you extra ideas for use in class, and ‘Helpful Hints for Students’ with useful advice for you to pass on. “The DVD contains video of one complete CPE Speaking test for you to use with the worksheets and electronic versions of the Student Worksheets and candidate visuals. ‘We hope you enjoy using the Speaking Test Preparation Pack for CPE and wish your students every success when they take the test. Cambridge ESOL | SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE (Bs universiryo¢camprince CPE Speaking test ESOL Examinations Teacher's Notes = Aims of the DVD and worksheets + to raise the students’ awareness of the format of the CPE Speaking test ‘= to focus students’ attention on techniques that will improve their performance + to provide opportunities for students to practise the language used in the different parts of the test, ‘+ to update teachers on the current test format for the CPE Speaking test + to provide activities and teaching tips for teachers to use with examination classes. Please note: ‘The DVD and worksheets are not intended as a forum for discussing grades. Although in certain questions we are asking students to look at the candidates’ performance, itis with a ‘view to improving the students' own performance and not for them to grade the candidates on the DVD. ‘The CPE Speaking test on the DVD has been produced for teaching purposes only and is nota live exam. There are, therefore, no grades available. = How to use the DVD and worksheets ‘The Student Worksheets are at the back of this book in the section beginning on page 19. The tasks in the worksheets are to be used at your discretion to create maximum benefit for your students, The guidelines below are suggestions only. You can use it to ‘+ introduce the CPE Speaking test at the beginning of your course ‘= review or revise key points near the exam date ‘+ focus on tasks appropriate to your candidates ‘+ focus on different parts of the test at different times according to your syllabus. Please note: ‘The material is not designed to be used as complete lessons of any fixed length. Make sure that your students are aware when the answers to the tasks cannot be found on the DVD. ‘Some of your students may find these activities challenging, If necessary, adapt or simplify the tasks and give assistance where needed. ‘SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE 5 Student’s Introductory Worksheet m Task One: general information about the CPE Speaking test {Ask the students to fill in the missing information on the worksheet. Tell them they can find some of the information they need on the Candidate Support site at ‘www.candidates.CambridgeESOL.org/cs/Help with exams/General_English/CPE ‘and in the Information for Candidates booklet which they can download, Answers 1. Length: 19 minutes 2. Normal format: 2 candidates and 2 _ examiners 3, Number of parts! 4. The Speaking testis worth __20__% of the whole CPE exam (all papers). = Task Two: what happens in the GPE Speaking test ‘Ask the students to complete the table on the worksheet with the correct information from the box below. © tas for 2 minutes + respond indidaly + leadsa discussion 5 tivesinsucons ora decison making ask & oaks the canlates questions 5 fn togetherin response to question Answers Possible range of ars | rning | what te troctr does | hatte candidates do __|lnguageusea minutes | Theintetocaoraststhe | Thecandidatesrspend | General Candidates questions | Ididualytthetetocuors | tratinaland 4. tmeriew Sbouttemseves andthe | questions, ging personal | soiallnguage pencral opie. ‘omaton, preferences and | spins ‘animate |The teroutr gives he | 1. The onddatestalktogether | Spectr |canddtesnstuctonstor | inresponseteaquesionort | eaborang. faskbosed ona picture! | minute ‘meting Ning 2 Selena plete ‘pions, Conversation | exchanging Pmeced| 2. te intecutr 2.the candidates talk togetner | ntrmation, candies | desebesascerario | todscssthetaskand wok | decson-making, inoling the pictur and | towards negotiating decision, |e | shves instructions fora | ecto ating tsk Ta minutes | 1.theinerocvorgives | 3.Eachcandidate taster | Orang ager | tacheandlatescard. | Zmintesabout the question | untordscouse, | | The inteocutorasks the | onthe cad expressing and | Uisteningeanddatefo"” |The isteningcandidategesa_ | Nstng pions, | | comment bre brief response, feveloping topics. | 3. Individual | ‘The interlocutor asks both | Both candidates respond | fang tue Candidates afoowup | Idhualy | | ueston | scussion 2, Melntroutrteads | 2 Candidates esponds | discussion y sting. | candidates maybe given | Auestonsebted tothe | diferent questions and/or they | tbpcinthe candidates” | maybe asked to respond tothe | Iorstumsiserlres | sae questions; anajorthey | fier Can discuss question tgehe. 6 SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE m Task Three: about the CPE Speaking test ‘Ask the students to read the statements and write ‘True’ or ‘False’ next to each one. Answers 1, You are not tested on your general knowledge. ~ TRUE. This isa test of language, not of general knowledge, 2. Only the assessor awards you marks. - FALSE. The assessor gives detailed marks on grammar, vocabulary, discourse management, pronunciation, interactive communication, but the interlocutor also gives a global mark. 3. You are given your result at the end of the test. - FALSE. Examiners are not allowed to give any indication of a candidate's performance at the end of the test, and candidates should be discouraged from asking, 4, Part Lis the only part of the test in which you do net usually talk to the other candidate(s).~ ‘TRUE. In Part 1, candidates answer questions individually; in Part 2, and Part 3, candidates talk together, except during the long turn which is done individually. 5. You will always have several pictures to discuss in Part 2.~ PALSE, Candidates may be given. a single picture OR several pictures, 6. You must reach a decision at the end of the discussion in Part 2. FALSE, Itis not essential to reach a decision, but itis important that the discussion is negotiated to move towards 7. You can choose the topic for your long turn, - FALSE. The interlocutor gives each candidate a card which has a question written on, 8. You can prepare your long turn in advance, ~ FALSE, The topic of the long tum is unknown, until the test itself. 9. You can help your partner if they have problems during the long turn. - FALSE. The long tur is the time when candidates speak alone and uninterrupted. 10. You can ignore the prompts on your card if you want to. - TRUE, Candidates can choose not to use the prompts. However, the prompts have been added to help the candidate. 111 You can respond to your partner's ideas in the final discussion. - TRUE, Candidates can add to what their partners say in order to develop the final discussion. ‘Tell the students to check their answers with a partner. Then play the DVD and tell them to check if they were right. ‘SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE 7 universityo¢camprince CPE Speaking test WORKSHEET ESOL Examinations Teacher's Notes 1 ) ‘This worksheet is based on Part 1 of the CPE Speaking test. ailiiee u Task One 8 1, Tell the students to read the questions on the worksheet. Suggest that they work with a partner and ask and answer them + Where are you from? ‘+ Is English your main subject of study? + Doyou spend more time studying alone or with friends? ‘+ Can you tell us something about housing in your area? ‘+ Could you tell us about some of your favourite foods? + Ifyou could live in any country apart from your own, which would it be? “+ Ifyou could afford to, would you take a tip in space? tum, 2, Play Part 1 on the DVD. Ask the students to discuss how their answers were different from Catherine's and Benedike’s, Answers will depend on the students themselves and what they say. Encourage students to think about how well they answered the questions, and how they feel about the candidates con the DVD. = Task Two Play Part 1 on the DVD again. Ask the students to answer the questions on the worksheet. Answers 4. How many questions are given to each candidate? ~ Four. ‘Where are you from?" to both; Questions 2, 5,7 to Catherine and 3, 4,6 to Benedikt 2. What does the interlocutor say to introduce the last two questions? Why? ‘to ask you what you think about one or two things.’ To indicate that the questions ask for opinions and answers should be extended more. 43, Are questions always asked in turn to the candidates? ~ No, Benedikt is asked two questions in a row, However, usually candidates do answer the same number of questions. 4, Which questions require slightly more extended answers? ~The questions following the introduction detailed in Question 2 above 5, What extra dimension does Benedikt add to his answer about housing? ~ Although the {question is about housing ‘where you live’, he chooses to contrast it with housing in the UK ‘which gives him more to say and means his answer is more developed, if not always ‘smoothly delivered. 6. How does Catherine extend her answer to the question about favourite food? - She adds information about an event involving her favourite food (a student party that night); this produces an interesting and full answer, 7, How does Catherine develop her response to the question about space? ~ As her answer is negative, it might have been difficult for her to say very much mare. She develops it by altering the context of the original question, saying that she would be interested in going to ‘space if she could be there without actually having to do the journey. ‘Now weld like |8 SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE 8 TEACHING ‘TPs FOR PART evPruL Ts FOR ‘STUDENTS FOR PART ssi = Task Three ‘This is a chance for students to practise with further examples of questions which require some extension. Play Part 1 on the DVD again if necessary. Ask the students to practise answering the questions on the worksheet, * Do many tourists visit your area (in your own country)? + What do you look forward to most when you go home at the end of the day? ‘+ How important do you think itis to have a routine when working or studying? ‘+ What opportunities are there for doing sports in your area? ‘+ How important is it to speak a foreign language in your country? + What do you think is changing most in your country? + Do you think that communications are better now than they used to be? + With more shopping being done over the internet, what future is there for ordinary shops? + Do you think people will still go to the cinema in 10 years' time? Why (not)? Encourage students to think about: + strategies to extend their answers, drawing on personal information, personal views and experiences + strategies to deal with a question they find difficult or uninteresting. + strategies to deal with a question about which they might initially think they have nothing to say, Remind students: + to try and use a range of grammar and vocabulary + they should always give some kind of response + there is no correct answer + there is always a way to answer every question the total time for Part 1 is 3 minutes. 41. Get students in groups, pais and individually to discuss and describe as many topics as possible and how the issues relat their own lives 2. Get students to identify questions they cannot easily answer and discuss strategies for finding a M4 response. 3. Practise discussing topics such as differences in various countries, cultures, problems which face the ‘world, personal hopes and goals, personal experiences of education, environmental issues et 4 At this level, students should be able to use a range of structural forms accurately and have a wide range of vocabulary, and tobe able to express ther thoughts clearly and precisely. 5. Use of newspaper anicles, documentaries, news reports ee. can generate discussion and debate. | Don't prepare your answers in advance. They wll probably not be appropriate tothe question. gf Don’t answer just yes/no/don't now as you are wasting an opportunity to use a range of language. * Extend your answers appropriately by giving reasons ar examples. |? Bo your best to answer even you ee! you have not gt much 5a. ‘SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE ° °e WORKSHEET ‘This worksheet is base on Part 2 of the CPE Speaking test. Use the candidate visuals provided ‘with this book or, before the lesson, print out the Part 2 photographs (preferably in colour) from the DVD and make sure you have enough copies to give one set to each pair of students, é university ofcambripce CPE Speaking test ESOL Examin; Teacher's Notes = Task On focus question 1, Play the beginning of Part 2 on the DVD and tell the students to listen carefully to the interlocutor's instructions. Ask them to work with a partner and discuss the questions on ‘the worksheet. ‘+ Which photographs do the candidates have to discuss? + Whatis the task? ‘Tell the students to make notes in the box on the worksheet if they want, Answers Interlocutor: Now, inthis part ofthe test, you're gong to do something together. Here are some pictures of people indifferent situations. Fist, ike you to look t pictures B and Eand talk together about why these photographs might have been taken. 2. Ask the students to work with a partner and do the task. Remind them they only have a minute. Be 3. Now play Benedikt and Catherine doing the task on the DVD. Tell the students to work with Tere) a partner and compare what they said with what Benedikt and Catherine said Answers will vary. Itis important that students share responsibility for the interaction, initiating and responding appropriately, without one person dominating. Benedikt and Catherine interact well. = Task Two: decision-making task Play the beginning of the next section of Part 2 on the DVD. Tell the students to listen THz, carefully to the interlocutor's instructions, Ask them ta work with a partner and discuss the questions on the worksheet. ‘+ What is the discussion task? ‘+ Whats the decision to reach? Answers Jnterlocutor: Now look tall the pictures. lke you to imagine that an insurance company is aunching a poster campaign to attract more clients. The picture on the left was used for ast year's postr. Talktogether about the aspects of protection shown nallthe pictures. ‘Then decide which ofthe four pictures on the ight would have the most impact for this year's poster 2, Tell the students to work with a partner and do the task, Remind them to spend 3 minutes, discussing all the pictures. 3, Now play all of Part 3 on the DVD. Ask the students to compare their performances with Catherine's and Benedike's As above, answers will vary. Once again itis important that the students share responsibility {or the interaction, initiating and responding appropriately, without one person dominating, 40 SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE Be = Task Three 1. Play all of Part 2on the DVD again. Ask the students to read the statements on the worksheet and write “True’ or ‘False’ next to each one. Answers 1. The candidates describe the pictures in detail. ~ FALSE, The candidates are not asked to describe the pictures, 2. The candidates only describe the pictures to illustrate their point. - TRUE. Some description of the images is likely to be helpful to illustrate the issue or theme. 3. The purpose of the pictures is to represent issues. - TRUE. At CPE level, the images themselves are representations of ideas or issues, not pictures to be described. 4. The candidates always agree. - FALSE. They mostly do, but itis fine for candidates to disagree. What is important here is the quality of the discussion, not whether candidates agree or not. 5. The candidates sometimes ask each other questions. - TRUE. This is a perfectly valid part of the interaction, along with other ways to interact. 6. The candidates acknoviledge each other's ideas before adding their own opinions TRUE. Candidates do not simply take turns to state their case; it is important that they build on what has gone before. 7. The candidates do not link what they say with what has just been said. ~ FALSE. Linking contributions (and building on them) shows good interaction skills. 8, Both candidates indicate the need to move the discussion forward at different times, TRUE. At various times, each candidate indicates the need to move onto another picture or to make a decision, 9, The candidates include the interlocutor in the discussion. - FALSE. The interlocutor is not involved in any way after the instructions have been given at the beginning, 10. The candidates do not reach a decision, - FALSE. They do, but this is not essential. What is important is the quality of the discussion. 2, Tell the students to look at the statements again and discuss with a partner what good advice can be leamed from each point. m= Task Four Play Part 2 on the DVD again and tell the students to complete the table on the worksheet, Ask them to make notes of some examples of language Benedikt and Catherine use, Answers Language to: ‘Examples from the DVD {any examples of yes. Yes, that could bea reason but Yes, could be guess so. “Yes and thats totally diference rom tis picture which Definitely not That's areal good possibitty, yes. * Tagree picture Bis avery sutable solution acknowledge each other's ideas The ast plture we were talking about before Involve eachother Yes, but ook at the picture. What do you think about this one? ceeke) How could there bea context for an insurance protection? So when we lookat the other pictures ‘move the dscussion forward Yes and thats totally different fom ths picture which But ets talk about the others 00... So when we should pick one picture we should [=e *Lagree picture 8 is avery suitable solution SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE 38 Please note that the language in the table on the previous page is used to illustrate the importance of negotiation, sharing responsibility for managing, developing and concluding the discussion; itis not cited as the best examples of such language. Some language is shown, twice (marked *) as it fulfils more than one function. ‘Make sure that the students understand: © they don't have to describe the pictures + there may be a single picture OR several pictures ‘+ they should focus on the themes and issues represented by the images ‘+ they can look at the title on the picture sheet to remind them of the task ‘© there is no correct answer and they can agree to disagree. 1. Students can usefully practise with photographs from magazines. Give students pictures and ask them ‘to organise them into shared themes for subsequent discussion 2, Give students practice in identifying themesin a single picture ara theme linking a numberof pictues, 5. Give students practice in timed discussions of pictures. 4, Get students to record thei scussion and analyse how effective the interaction was. Respond to what your partner says before you offer another suggestion. Focus on/dscuss the isues suggested by the picture, rather than just descriptions, Be sensitive to turn-taking ‘Work with your partner to work towards negotiating a decision. Don't feel you have to agree with your partner Don't dominate the discussion. Don't make a decision until the end of your discussion. \ FOR PART 2 482, SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE unuverstryo/camprince. CPE Speaking test ESOL Examinations Teacher's Notes ‘This worksheet is based on Part 3 of the CPE Spesking test a Task One: focus on Benedikt 1. Tell the students to work with a partner and talk for 2 minutes sbout Benedilkt’s question, [YD] 2. Now play Benedikt talking about this question on the BVD.The prompts on his card are: (Sire) ~— —_—--—-——_-—_— [ + taditions j + entertainment | : + emotions | ‘Tell the students to discuss the questions on the worksheet with a partner. Answers, + Does Benedikt use the prompts? ~ Yes. + How does Benedikt structure his talk? ~ He starts with the third prompt (emotions) and then moves on to tradition and then entertainment, ‘+ What is the question Catherine is asked at the end of Benedikt’s talk? ~'Is there anything you would like to ada?" + What do you think of Catherine's answer? ~ Catherine’s answer is unfocused as she tries, to fit to much in, almost trying to answer the whole question again. The purpose of this {question is to respond to what has been said in the long turn and it should pick up on cone or two points only, for a maximum of 1 minute. ‘+ What is the follow-up question and who should answer it? -‘Do you think everyone has ‘musical ability?’ This question is for both candidates to answer in turn. Both Benedikt and Catherine give imaginative and interesting answers. The total time for this is ‘minute, so answers should not be too long, = Task Two: focus on Catherine 1, Direct the students to the question and prompts for Catherine. Ask the second student in. ‘each pair to talk about them for 2 minutes. | ‘When is it preferable to be in a quiet place or a noisy place? «age | l + activity = time of day Now play Catherine doing this task on the DVD. Tell the students to discuss the questions on the worksheet with a partner. Answers ‘+ Does Catherine use the prompts? - Yes. ‘+ In what order does Catherine use her prompts? - She starts by talking about age, then refers to activities and finally time of day, also linking it back to activities. ‘+ Is there always a clear division in the use of the prompts? ~No, as Catherine shows, the prompts can be dealt with as the candidate sees fit. This may be in any order, individually fr together, or even not at all ifthe candidate has enough to say without using them, ‘+ What is the question Benedikt is asked at the end of Catherine's talk? ~‘Is there anything you don’t agree with?" This question is nicely answered with Benedikt picking up on Catherine's point about time of day and activities. SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE 43 = Task Three [ID) Now play Benedikt and Catherine on the DVD again. Tell the students to discuss the questions TeT=_| on the worksheet with a partner. Answers + Does Benedikt use all three prompts equally? If not, which one(s) did he spend most time fon? - No. He talks a lot about emotions. He also talks quite a lot about traditions and he touches briefly on entertainment, but struggles to find enough to say. ‘+ What does Catherine add to her talk which Benedikt did not? - Rather than just talking about people in general, she adds a personal dimension, saying e.g. that she can read everywhere. + Why is this addition advisable? ~ By bringing personal comments or experience to the talk, candidates tend to give a more rounded talk. In addition, it gives them more ideas and content to draw on. m= Task Four 4, Tell the students to work with a partner and discuss the following: + how the prompts can help you structure your talk: + how the prompts can help you time your talk. 2, Students then talk about the questions again (they can talk about the question they did not do the first time). If students can record themselves, this is useful for feedback, Alternatively, partners/teachers can give feedback 1. Its important to make students realise that although using the prompts is optional, they have been Catefuly selected in order to help the candidates. 2. Ifeandidates spend approximately 30 seconds on each prompt and add ther own personal comment) experience, this is one helpful way to give students a practical way of approaching the question. 3. Give your students practice with talking about topics in pairs; they can take it in turns to speak and be the tistener/timer weLPrut HINTS FOR ‘STUDENTS FOR PART 3, Use the prompts to help structure your long tum ityou find them helpful Respond to your partner's [ong turn for about a minute. Don’t interrupt your partners long tum ‘Don’t worry ifthe interlocutor stops you. 44, SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE | ae untverstryofcamprince CPE Speaking test ESOL Examinations Teacher’s Notes WORKSHEET 9 ‘This worksheet is based on the discussion part of Part 3 of the CPE Speaking test. = Task One Play the discussion section of Part 3 on the DVD, Tell the students to answer the questions on the worksheet, Answers 1. The interlocutor states the topic of the discussion, which has been initiated by the long turns. What is the topic here? — ‘Sound in general, 2, How many questions does the interlocutor ask? - Four. The first question is to Benedikt, then Catherine. Then Benedikt comes in again. The second question is to Catherine, the third to Benedikt and the fourth to both candidates. 3, Does the interlocutor ask each candidate the same question? ~ Yes, sometimes. See the answer to Question 2. 4, Does the interlocutor ask candidates to answer questions individually or to discuss them together? ~ Both, see the answer to Question 2, The interlocutor may direct the question to cone candidate and then ask the other for a response or simply direct the question to both candidates for discussion, In what ways can candidates extend their answers? ~They can give reasons why or why not; they can describe their reaction to the question itself and say why; they can change an element of the question (as Catherine does with the final question), e.g. add a ‘but’ or ‘but if or although’ ete. 6. Does a candidate need to be asked a question directly or can they add their ideas in response to the other candidate's answer? ~ A candidate can add their ideas in response. = Task Two 1. Play this section on the DVD again. Ask the students to make notes on Benedikt's and Catherine's answers in the table on the worksheet. Answers Question Benet Catherine | Benedikt sanswerissighly | Catherine piks upon his pons wel awkward ashe struggles ofind | anahisresponse to Catherine isbeter ovou find the sounds Of the words he needs to express his | than his fist answer. ature reling? ‘ideas The content of answers una rat) Satisfactory, but the expressions not spontaneous Cathrine’ first ection fo say that A {hiss a fet question, which gives eee | era moment io think about howto ees approach answering it She does tis reasonaby wel, but could have bought more personel commentto the arse ‘Aareat fim needs a greet | Benediktis once again quite soundtrack Do you agree? | hestant,souggling ta express his (Wty2/¥ny not) ideas, note fuer. Doyouthinktht children | Benediktaddshis opinion ad | Catherine's arsners a good one anda arereisierthan adults? | develops the topic wel subsequent escusson flows | 2, Tell the students to work with a partner and discuss the question on the worksheet. ‘+ How effective are Catherine's and Benedikt’s answers? ‘SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR CPE 45

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