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{The TNRS Answers team has produced and

is solely responsible for this material.}

Charlie and our TNRS Answers team have received many requests for information about Charlie
and about his mission and message. Is it credible? Has Charlie's work been reviewed by
competent authorities? Is Charlie or his message worthy of our trust?

To respond to these requests, and now to your request, the TNRS Answers team is happy to
provide the information we have on these matters.

Since 1995, Charlie has been under the spiritual direction of three priests. One priest is the
archivist who retains all of Charlie’s written testimony of his mystical experiences and messages.
These three priests are free to discuss everything with one another. Each priest, after reading
Charlie’s writings, has found them free of any error regarding "faith and morals." This is a
critical criterion in discerning authenticity as described in the norms first promulgated in 1978
by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Holy See, the dicastery responsible for
the investigation of such private revelation. The faithful are free to accept or reject the mystical
experiences and messages, with personal responsibility to discern as described in the Catechism
of the Catholic Church (67).

You also might be interested to know the following:

Charlie's local archbishop has not endorsed or approved Charlie's mystical experiences or
messages; neither has he criticized or condemned them. When Charlie moved to Colorado, his
archbishop was informed of Charlie’s presence and the nature of his work. Charlie has not
sought a letter of approval from his archbishop because he has not seen the need to do so. The
archbishop, for his part, took a silent "wait and see" approach until 2015.

In 2015, Charlie had meetings with Archdiocesan officials who were in the early stages of
determining whether there needed to be an investigation at all. They have monitored him and
they know that he has always been, and continues to be, obedient to the Church. These officials
did not think it necessary to ask him to stop his travels and visits which occurred throughout the
summer and into the fall of 2015. In fact, they held off meeting with him until after he returned
from his travels. They continued to monitor his website and his speaking visits, and they did not
have a problem with those.

From late 2015 into March of 2016, these officials did carry out a formal investigation. For
details about this investigation, please see Charlie’s Post on the investigation and on his meeting
with the Archbishop on March 1st, 2016:
In Charlie's travels around the country, some local bishops requested that Charlie’s presentation
not take place on Church property, yet they did not forbid him from speaking in the diocese. In
one diocese, Charlie had high-ranking members of the diocesan hierarchy on his event-planning

Charlie has said on a few occasions that he is in contact with roughly 60 priests and a "double
handful" of bishops. At the same time, he does not seek or want endorsements from them.

Furthermore, he has long maintained that if a person rejects the prophetic

element of his messages but accepts his core message, to "Acknowledge God, take
the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you," then all should be
well for that person. On the other hand, if a person accepts the prophetic element
but does not "Acknowledge God, take the next right step, etc.," then that person
could be at risk of being lost in the Storm.

Below is a portion of a website comment from Charlie which we think helps expand the
underlying themes of what we have written above. We include it here as you engage in personal
discernment [we have made a few minor formatting edits for readability]:

"I was trained to take full responsibility for what I say. Even when I am told something directly,
I am to take sole responsibility for it unless I am given leave – or ordered – to offer attribution
to one of the heavenly beings. Though one of my directors reads everything I write, including all
comments, he does not do it until AFTER I have published – to underline that the responsibility
is solely mine. If something is questionable, he calls me, but he does not pre-screen anything.

"The Lord wants each of us to take responsibility for what we say and do – and quit blaming
Him for our errant ways. The way you determine whether what I say is true or not on most
things is to first ask whether it is consistent with and obedient to the Church and its
Magisterium. Then, does it build up your faith or beat it down? Does it point towards reliance on
eternal things or towards temporal distractions?

"These will tell you whether I am worthy of consideration with some credibility – but they do not
give assurance of those prophecies of future events – which is just a fraction of what is given,
anyway. You do have to wait for those to come to pass.

"But the purpose of authentic prophecy is to help you to live your calling in particular times, not
the fortune-telling aspect that so many seek. If you wait until future events have transpired to
decide whether to listen and consider it seriously, it is too late. It has either already failed while
you wasted time considering it or it has come to pass without you living your faith in the present
moment to build yourself and others up – and you have squandered the merit of it, so it did you
no good.
"See, that is the fundamental problem. Many people are not looking for a “prophet;” they are
looking for a reliable fortune-teller. A prophet helps you to live your faith with fidelity according
to your times and circumstances. You must decide whether it is worthy or not and then take
responsibility for living your faith. There is no guru who can tell you with absolute certainty
every event that will happen – and looking for one is a form of gnosticism, a searching for secret
knowledge to be in the know rather than the simplicity of how to live. The latter is all that is

We hope this has helped you see not only that Charlie and his message are worth considering,
but also that numerous people and Church processes are engaged in monitoring Charlie and his
work on an ongoing basis. Further, we hope that Charlie's own words have given you some
guidance on your responsibility to discern in this situation as well as a sense of how to view and
put to productive use for yourself and those you love what Charlie is teaching us.

Ultimately, Charlie's simple message is designed to help us live - and live prophetically - through
the Storm that is already underway. We all hope to see the Fullness of the Storm not as a flurry
of random events but as the Rescue Charlie says we have been promised by "very late in 2017."

May you and yours be part of that Rescue.


The TNRS Answers team

Updated information for your consideration, added on 3/3/17:

In the months prior to January 20th, 2017, Charlie made a particular prophecy concerning the
inauguration of Donald Trump. Charlie said there would not be a smooth transfer of power. He
also prepared TNRS community for a possible different outcome than that which he had
prophesied. He reaffirmed that he is not infallible and the details of God’s Plan are fully known
to God Alone. God who is the Author of prophecy is not subject to it. He is ever making
allowances for prayers of mitigation as well as interjecting surprises at His Will. Charlie’s post,
“​Through a Glass Darkly​,” according to Charlie, describes best how God has worked with him in
his lifetime.

Just after the election of November 8, 2016, in his post, “​A Reality Check​,” Charlie said:
“Sometime in the next year, I will be significantly wrong about something. It won’t be the
Rescue, but it will be something. When it comes, it will not be a test of me, for I already know
that God is good and seeks our reclamation. It will be a test for some of you, to see whether you
have put your faith in me or your faith in God. If it is in me, your faith was always ill-placed. God
is good, all the time, whatever the circumstances – and works to call us all back to Him. When I
am wrong, I will accept the correction with gratitude and more wisdom. I will not leave the scene
unless it is one of the fundamentals, and then, in full obedience to Holy Church, I will wait on
the Lord, knowing that He will strengthen my heart and that it serves His purpose to call all His
children back to Him.”

In his post, “​A Decisive Conundrum​,” Charlie again spoke of the possibility of a failed prophecy
while reaffirming he had spoken to the best of his ability based on the interior knowledge he has
been given.

With the failed inaugural prophecy, Charlie removed himself from the public scene and entered
a watchful retirement. He is on duty through July 5, 2018, working hard on various projects that
are not public in nature. As we are left processing what has transpired, we must, in the end,
leave this failed prophecy in God’s Hands. “Was it a Jonah moment? Was it a Joan moment?
Was it further deception of the satan? Only the Lord knows! Stay tuned as we see the Storm
develop. God has a plan; God always has a better plan,… for those who are willing.”

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