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Environmental Protection

Shifts in social and economic conditions within and put an end to severe contamination in a
Hungary from the mid-1980s onwards, and the number of fields. As a result of this, a decreasing
effects of the regime change in 1989, curbed a environmental toll has led to the improvement
hitherto intense environmental deterioration in the quality of the environment.

Air Pollution

In the 1980s a huge, contiguous strip of severe- linked to heavy traffic, residential heating and,
ly polluted air stretched along the north-east– in some places, to local industrial production.
south-west industrial axis, amidst the North Background concentrations of SO2 have been
Hungarian and Transdanubian Mountains, considerably reduced following the trend in
enveloping the cities of Miskolc, Budapest and declining emissions. In 2007, SO2 emission lim-
Veszprém to the extent that air pollution en- its were being respected throughout Hungary.
dangered the health of nearly half of Hungary’s Background concentrations of NO2 have been
population. Due to a decrease in the emission of slightly reduced in recent years, however the an-
air pollutants, areas with extremely high levels nual average immission level were exceeded in
of air pollution are now only found in small and Budapest, Miskolc and Pécs.
scattered patches. Since 2000, the proportion of Ground-level ozone is a major concern
national territory with poor ambient air quality throughout the country. In 2007 health protec-
has fallen from 11% to 6.3%, and the share of the tion standards were exceeded at all ozone moni-
population affected by air pollution has dropped toring stations; the highest exceedance rates oc-
from 40% to 35.9%. The rate of improvement is curred in Budapest, Dunaújváros, Kazincbarcika,
best seen when comparing levels of sulphur di- Salgótarján and Tatabánya.
oxide emissions. In 1980 SO2 emissions reached Ragweed pollen (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
1.633 million tons, whereas in 2006 only 118,000 potentially affects Hungarians who suffer from
tons were emitted, representing a 93% reduc- respiratory diseases or allergies. In 2004–2005
tion. The emission of nitrogen oxide decreased the country’s ragweed cover and airborne pol-
from 238,000 tons in 1990 to 208,000 tons in 2006, len levels generally dropped, but both increased
mainly due to the restructuring of the power again in 2006. In 2008, the highest daily concen-
sector. trations of ragweed pollen (measured in pol-
Over the period between 1980 and 2006, len grains/m3) were registered in Nyíregyháza
emissions of particulate matter (PM) decreased (1,015), followed by Szeged (976), Kecskemét
from 576,600 tons to 83,000 tons (i.e. from 54 kg (968) and Győr (957) (Figure 59).
to 8 kg per capita). The most severely polluted With regards to climate change, the re-
mosaics were found in the vicinities of Budapest, duction in greenhouse gas emissions from 115.8
Miskolc, Salgótarján, Pécs and Szeged (Figure 58). million tons in 1990 to 78.6 million tons in 2006
Since the 1990s, air pollution from transport has is notable (-32%). The most significant reduc-
begun to endanger settlements near motorways tion took place between 1988–1992 due to the
and major roads. Suspended PM poses an exten- collapse of energy intensive industries and the
sive problem in Hungary. In 2007 the highest restructuring of the Hungarian economy. Such a
concentrations of PM were measured in cities considerable decrease has also come about as a
such as Budapest, Miskolc, Pécs, Szeged and result of changes in the energy generation mix.
Várpalota. High PM concentrations are mainly To meet future climate change challenges, the

Hungarian Parliament unanimously adopted mining in the Mecsek Mountains. The funding
the National Climate Change Strategy in March primarily covered tasks related to pollution
2008. Prior to 1990 seventeen coal-fired thermal abatement and clean-up of the site.
power stations were in operation, whereas by The quality of the natural environment
2008 only one remained that was exclusively suffered severely as a result of the activities of
coal-fired. Currently there are ten mixed-fuel the armed forces prior to 1989. The former Soviet
power plants (using mostly natural gas, biomass Army had completed their gradual withdrawal
and coal), four that operate on natural gas and from military bases in Hungary by 1991. After
oil, whilst two power plants were permanently their departure, 171 registered and abandoned
decommissioned. Between 1998 and 2006, state military objects remained in the country and
expenditure for the purposes of landscape re- Hungary spent around HUF 5 billion on pol-
habilitation amounted to HUF 20.52 billion (ap- lution abatement, site clean-up and landscape
proximately EUR 8 million at current exchange rehabilitation in the period 1994–2006.
rates), in the wake of terminating uranium ore

Water Pollution

About 95% of Hungary’s surface waters origi- Framework Directive. Hungary is a country
nate abroad and its borders are crossed by 24 prone to inundation and with the largest flood
incoming rivers, which bring 114 km3 of water protection system in Europe (more than 4,200
annually. The risk of surface water pollution is km). In the last decade the country has taken
still grave and widespread, especially by nu- significant steps towards reducing its vulner-
trients and hazardous substances. The Danube ability to flood hazards, including the prepara-
generally has good water quality with regard tion of flood prevention and mitigation plans,
to chemical pollutants, whereas the Tisza is and the revision of land use planning and local
contaminated by mercury and zinc. Bacterial construction regulations.
contamination still prevails in large rivers (e.g. Despite the progress made in extending
Danube and Tisza). the water supply and improving purification
Some 60% of the Danube and 90% of the technology, 23% of drinking water (supplying
Tisza are accorded ‘quality class IV’ (polluted) 900 settlements with 2.5 million inhabitants)
for microbiological parameters and about 80% does not comply with EU standards for ammo-
of the Tisza’s length is accorded
qualities IV and V (extremely pol-
luted) for micro-pollutants.
Groundwater accounts for
only 16% of total water abstrac-
tions, but it provides almost the
entire drinking water supply of
the country (40% is bank-filtered,
about 10% is shallow groundwa-
ter and the rest is held in deep aq-
uifers). Shallow groundwater is
mostly affected by nitrates origi-
nating from agriculture and un-
treated municipal waste water.
A national river basin man-
agement plan is being prepared, in
order to implement the EU Water

nium, arsenic, nitrite, fluoride, boron, iron and water and of a sewerage system, over the pe-
manganese content. The volume of municipal riod 1945–1995. The drinking water network was
liquid waste produced in settlements without completed by the mid-1990s: by 2007, 94.7% of
sewerage systems totals 100 million m3 annually. dwellings were being supplied by piped water
Approximately 95% of this seeps into the soil and 69.8% of them were connected to the sew-
from poorly or incorrectly constructed septic erage network. The amount of municipal liquid
tanks. Statistics reported 4.69 million m3 of col- waste decreased during the period 1990–2007
lected municipal liquid waste in 2007. The re- with the extension of the sewerage system,
gional distribution in the volumes of municipal yet certain spatial disparities continue to exist
liquid waste can be explained by the widening (Figure 60).
gap between the availability of piped drinking

Waste Management

Waste management bears a special significance of 26.6 million tons of waste material, municipal
as far as the quality of the environment is con- waste accounts for 4.7 million tons and there is
cerned and in 1990 Hungary inherited severe 1.36 million tons of hazardous waste. Industrial
problems in this field as well. The amount of and commercial waste amounts to 20.5 million
waste being produced by industry and munici- tons, and is properly treated.
palities has been steadily decreasing since the The amount of collected municipal solid
1980s. In 1990 this amount was 106 million tons, waste increased by 188% in the period 1990–
deposited in approximately 2,700 legal landfills. 2007 (200.9 kg/person in 1990, rising to 466.9 kg/
There are not even estimates available as to the person in 2007) yet there are significant regional
number of illegal dumps. Due to economic re- differences behind this data (Figure 61). The in-
structuring, the total quantity of waste had re- crease can be attributed to economic restructur-
duced to 90 million tons by 1995, and further ing, changes in the standard of living and con-
reduced to 68.7 million tons in 2000. sumer habits, as well as to the fact that most
Industrial and commercial waste includes settlements (except for major cities) did not have
the waste material of various technologies and organised refuse collection before 1990. The an-
their by-products. Before 1989 the annual amount nual per capita amount of collected municipal
of waste from production activities reached 100 solid waste is especially high (over 600 kg/per-
million tons. By 1992 production waste totalled a son) in the counties of Komárom-Esztergom,
yearly 80 million tons, and by 1994 it had reduced Veszprém and Győr-Moson-Sopron. Such high
to two thirds of the 1989 quantity. Approximately quantities occur for a variety of reasons includ-
500 million tons of industrial waste (99% deriving ing changing consumer habits, and thanks to
from mining, iron ore smelting, steel manufac- different heating systems, since central or gas
turing, electricity production, and construction) heating does not facilitate the burning of oth-
has been deposited in old landfills. These have erwise combustible waste. In small settlements,
been shut and are today mostly reclaimed. An however, municipal solid waste is handled lo-
estimated 7% of the waste deposited in landfills cally, which is reflected in the low quantities for
qualifies as hazardous, and 90% of it is red mud Békés or Bács-Kiskun counties. The composition
from alumina extraction, whereas the remaining of municipal solid waste in Budapest is shown
10% is drilling mud. in Figure 62. Analyses show that the nationwide
Present-day waste management is regu- constituents of waste largely mirror that of
lated by the Waste Management Act of 2000. The Budapest. In 2007 decomposing organic matter
National Waste Management Plan (2003–2008) was the highest proportion of communal solid
sought to minimise the generation of waste, in- waste (24.5%), followed by plastics (18.3%) and
cluding hazardous waste. These days of a total paper (6.5%). Metal and glass represent the low-

of red mud as its residue has de-
creased too. Hazardous waste out-
put has diminished by 49% in the
period 1996–2006. The most sig-
nificant decrease occurred in South
Transdanubia, as the amount of
hazardous waste per person was
nearly 30 times less in 2006 than in
1996. Major causes of the decrease
include the closure of excessively
polluting, large-scale industrial
works, e.g. uranium mines and
enrichment facilities, coal mines,
tanneries, shoe factories and other
chemical plants. Low values are
typical of the Somogy and Tolna
counties for similar reasons. The
est percentages. The total amount of recycled impact of industrial restructuring has resulted
material maintains these proportions. In order in an identically significant decrease in the coun-
to facilitate selective waste collection 4,000 re- ties of Komárom-Esztergom and Győr-Moson-
cycling collection points and 74 waste collection Sopron. Obsolete and outdated technologies
yards are available in 500 settlements. were replaced with new manufacturing plants.
The quantity of hazardous waste has been In contrast, the amount of hazardous waste has
gradually decreasing since the early 1990s due largely increased in Hajdú-Bihar County with
to industrial restructuring. The aluminium in- the expansion of the pharmaceutical works.
dustry, one of the major sources of such waste, Out of all the counties, it is Veszprém, with its
has dwindled significantly, thus the quantity outdated industry that was responsible for the

largest amount of hazardous waste after 2006. radioactivity. These hazardous waste materials
Hazardous waste produced in 1997 barely are professionally treated (in hazardous waste
reached 23% of the 1990 levels. incinerators, chemically safe waste dumps and
In Hungary, only the nuclear power sta- temporary containers). In 1999, about 950 kg of
tion at Paks uses nuclear fuel for electricity chemicals per capita were produced in Hungary,
generation. Annually 58.6 tons of spent nuclear one third of which was toxic. By 2006 the total
fuel elements are produced here, along with quantity produced had increased by 15% while
approximately 100 m3 of solid and 250 m3 of that of toxic chemicals grew by one third.
liquid waste of low and intermediate levels of

Environmental Conflicts and Policy

The most serious environmental conflicts in in the Kiskunság National Park, pollution of the
the period 2000–2009 gained publicity from the River Rába (Raab) from Austria, the planning
campaigns of environmental activists and mass of a waste incinerator by an Austrian corpora-
media, as they ran counter to the interests of en- tion near the Hungarian border at Heiligenkreuz
vironmental protection, and this is something in (Rábakeresztúr) in Burgenland, and the opening
which civil society has played a significant role. of a gold mine in Roşia Montană (Verespatak)
Among transboundary conflicts, the cyanide in Transylvania. The problems of environmental
pollution of the Someş (Szamos) and Tisza riv- protection are further exacerbated by the large
ers in Romania (by the gold mine in Baia Mare/ number of domestic issues, the solution of which
Nagybánya) in January 2000, and the heavy met- is mainly the responsibility of the regional envi-
al pollution of the same rivers in March of the ronmental authorities and local government.
same year, this time on the Hungarian section, At present Hungarian environmental pol-
count amongst the worst ever ecological disas- icy is based on the Environmental Act of 1995
ters in Europe. According to measurements, ca. and the 2nd National Environmental Programme
105–110 tons of cyanide were released into the (NEP) for the period 2003–2008, along with
Someş (Szamos) and Tisza, and all living or- the 3rd NEP (2009–2014) to be adopted by the
ganisms were affected as a result; the estimated Parliament by the end 2009. The present po-
amount of fishstock lost reached 1,241 tons on litical agenda is dominated by budgetary
the Hungarian sections of the two rivers. consolidation, short-term crisis management
A chronic conflict has remained out- and economic convergence with the EU. The
standing for twenty years between Hungary Hungarian National Sustainable Development
and Slovakia, over the issue of the hydroelec- Strategy, adopted by the Government in 2007,
tric power plant built at Gabčíkovo (Bős), and provides a long term vision for 2050. In 2008,
the cancellation of Hungary’s participation in two important institutions were established by
the project at Nagymaros (Danube Bend). The Parliament to enhance the concept of sustainable
operation of the Slovakian nuclear power plant development and environmental democracy:
at Mochovce (Mohi), and illegal waste transpor- the National Sustainable Development Council
tation and dumping has aroused further con- and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Future
cern. Other issues include the illegal disposal Generations (acting as ombudsman).
of hazardous waste originating from Germany


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