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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)

Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017, pp. 442–455 Article ID: IJMET_08_03_049

Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=8&IType=3
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


S. Naga Kishore
Research scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
JNT University College of Engineering Anantapur, India, Pincode-515002

T. Venkateswara Rao
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
DBS Institute of Technology, India, Pincode-52420

M. L.S. Deva Kumar

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
JNT University College of Engineering Anantapur, India, Pincode-515002

Over the past few decades there has been a consistent growth in the use of
circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers for its major advantages such as fuel flexibility
and environmentally friendly way. The special features keep CFB boilers more
attractive compared to PC fired boilers. The present paper is discussed principal
dimensions of the furnace for the CFB boiler operating with the thermal capacity of
210MW power plant by using Gujarat lignite. The current study is also focused on the
detailed procedure which is mentioned about the design of upper and lower furnace of
CFB boiler. The hydrodynamic parameters, axial voidage, radial voidage profiles and
pressure drop across the furnace bed are also studied.
Key words: CFB, Boiler, Lignite Voidage, Furnace
Cite this Article: S. Naga Kishore, T. Venkateswara Rao and M. L.S. Deva Kumar,
Furnace Design of 210 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler-Numerical Investigation,
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(3), 2017, pp. 442–

In India, the power generated from coal fired power plants is approximately 62% of total power
generation [21]. In total coal fired plants which are placed throughout India for generating
power, 40% are related to only 210 MW pulverized coal (PC) fired plants with number of units
[22]. But, it is proved that CFB technology is preferable for present environmental conditions
compared to PC fired power plants. And, CFB technology also has some more advantages than

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Furnace Design of 210 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler-Numerical Investigation

PC fired boilers like low operating bed temperature, fuel flexibility, uniform heat flux, low NOx
emissions, capturing SO2 emissions, good combustion efficiency, low corrosive nature and no
need of crushing [4].
The study of hydrodynamics gives information regarding the gas-solid flow behavior which
is the main difference between the CFB furnace and the PC fired furnace. The hydrodynamics
is mainly described by the solids hold up in the furnace, fluidization velocity and solid
circulation rate. The understanding of hydrodynamics is must for good design and effective
working of CFB boiler [4]. Some of the authors [26-30] suggested various correlations through
which useful hydrodynamics parameters of the CFB furnace were determined for this study.
Solids hold up in the furnace is explained by the voidage profiles. The solid holds up is
mainly based on gas velocity, solid circulation rate, solid inventory, particle properties and bed
geometry [10]. Kunii and Levenspeil [8] proposed and developed an expression for predicting
axial voidage profile in case of both dense and dilute zones. In some of the investigations,
Adanez et al [6] conducted an experiment using different solids (sand and coal) for studying
axial voidage profiles through which it is understood that the mean bed voidage has increased
by increasing superficial gas velocity and decreasing solid circulation rate. Similarly, the mean
bed voidage is decreased by increasing particle diameter and solid density. Adanez et al [6] also
proposed some expressions for predicting decay constant.
The various correlations are available to estimate local voidage in the furnace of circulating
fluidized beds. Some of the authors [16, 23, 27, 28] investigated radial voidage profiles at
different operating conditions. Guangwen Xu et al. [23] proposed equations for local voidage
at the wall and centre of the furnace only. According to Guangwen Xu et al [23], the wall
voidage can be considered as εmf when εavg is less than 0.75. And they also said that radial
voidage at the axis of the furnace does not depend on εmf when εavg crosses a value of 0.75. But,
a better correlation of local voidage which fits at any location in the riser was found by Allan S
Issangya et al [16]. This correlation was also proposed by P.Basu [4] in the design of CFB
The present work explains the determination of furnace dimensions of CFB boiler by using
operating steam parameters of 210 MW power plant. In this work, Gujarat (Surat) lignite is
used as a fuel for the operation of 210MW CFB boiler. The reason is that the Gujarat lignite
has high calorific value which reduces fuel consumption compared to other lignite available in
India [13]. Gujarat lignite coal has sulfur content in the range of 1% to 4%, moisture less than
42% and ash less than 19%. It is suitable for clean power generation in CFBC boiler [35]. The
availability of Gujarat lignite is also high in India. Coal directory of India [32] said that 2722.05
million tones of lignite resources are available in Gujarat. The mean particle diameter of lignite
for this study is taken as 1mm which was suggested by S.Balasubramanian et al [5] and
B.V.Sambashivam [2]. Solid particle density of Gujarat lignite is taken as 1200 kg/m3 [34]. In
the present work, bed voidage, wall voidage profiles in axial direction and local voidage are
investigated at minimum solid circulation rate. Pressure drop in axial direction is also studied
across the furnace at different locations based on gas solid flow.

The furnace design of CFB boiler gives the basic information regarding dimensions of furnace
like height, width and depth for lower and upper sections of furnace. Along with dimensions,
A furnace design also provides the value of water wall surface area. The arrangement of
components in the furnace is as shown in figure 1 and the following steps are needed for the
design of furnace of CFB boiler from P.Basu [4].

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S. Naga Kishore, T. Venkateswara Rao and M. L.S. Deva Kumar

Figure 1 Components of furnace in the CFB boiler

Table 1 Analysis of Coal and limestone

Description Value
Ultimate analysis of lignite
Carbon % 28.3
Hydrogen % 3.03
Sulfur % 2.25
Oxygen % 13.94
Nitrogen % 0.88
Moisture % 36.0
Ash % 15.6
HHV (kJ/kg) 11641.0
CaCO3 (%) 90
MgCO3 (%) 10
Other parameters
Combustion efficiency (%) 98
Ca/S 2
Sulfur capture efficiency (%) 90
Bed temperature (oC) 850
Solid particle density (kg/m3) 1200

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Furnace Design of 210 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler-Numerical Investigation

2.1. Heat duty calculations

The boiler system of 210MW CFB boiler contains economizer, evaporator (water wall and wing
wall), two superheaters (furnace superheater and backpass superheater) and one reheater. The
heat duty of each boiler element is determined by steam parameters shown in Table 2. The
operating steam parameters are assumed from the 210MW PC fired power plant and taken from
the open literature.

Table 2 Operating steam cycle parameters of 210 MW plant

Description Value
Steam flow rate (kg/s) 181
Feed water temperature (oC) 240
Final super heater outlet temperature (oC) 540
Reheater inlet temperature (oC) 358
Reheater outlet temperature (0C) 540
Reheater inlet pressure (MPa) 3.4
Ratio of steam mass in reheater & main flow 0.8
Final superheater steam pressure (MPa) 14.9
Pressure drop in superheater (MPa) 0.9
Stack temperature (oC) 150

Table 3 Hydrodynamics Correlations

Parameter Correlation Equation Reference

ρ ρ − ρ gd (1)
Ar =
Archimedes number μ

U d ρ
Re = = C + C Ar .
(2) Grace.J.R.[11]
Minimum fluidizaton velocity
Prabir Basu [3]
Where C1= 27.2, C2=0.0408

4 ρ −ρ gd
U = #
Terminal velocity 3ρ C" (3) Kunii D. and Levenspiel O. [9]
Where C" = for 0.4< Re <500
%&' (.)
U * = 1.45 × Ar .010
(ρ d ) (4) Peralas.J.F et al [25]
Transport velocity
ρ23 = ρ 1 − ε23 + ρ ε23

Cross sectional average density (5) Kunii D. and Levenspiel O. [12]

ε23 =1−
ρ (U7 − U )
Cross sectional average voidage (6) Kunii D. and Levenspiel O. [8]
D.Bai and K.Kato [26]
ε& − ε8
ε23 = ε& −
Cross sectional average voidage a(H )
(7) J.Adanez et al [6]

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S. Naga Kishore, T. Venkateswara Rao and M. L.S. Deva Kumar

2.2. Combustion calculations

Stoichiometric calculations are based on chemical reactions and required to determine the
correct quantity of air supply rate for reacting unit mass of fuel. Along with air rate, the
equations of combustion calculations [3] are provided the rate of lime stone feed for sulfur
capture, solid waste, flue gases. The ultimate analysis of Gujarat lignite and other characteristics
of lime stone and combustions which are used for combustion calculations are shown in Table

2.3. Heat balance

The heat balance provides the information about furnace heat losses. They are heat carried by
moisture and dry flue gases, calcinations loss, unburned carbon loss, ash, convection &
radiation, sulfation credit and FD fan credit [3].
The boiler efficiency in % can be calculated by heat loss method which is given as
ηb = (100 − % of total heat losses) (8)

2.4. Heat input and mass balance

Heat input of boiler is given by
Q= = (9)
Where Qth = Thermal capacity of boiler in MW
The total coal feed rate can be determined by using heating value and heat input. The other
parameters like total limestone feed rate, total air supplied for combustion, the total gases and
solid waste developed can be calculated by the respective correlations [4] by the coal feed rate.

2.5. Furnace cross section

Furnace cross section is a function of total flue gases developed in the combustor, density of
gases and fluidization velocity. It is given by the following formula from Prabir Basu [3].
AC&8 = F

Fluidization velocity is an important parameter of for the design of furnace and is based on
particle mean diameter, density of solid particle of coal, density of gases and viscosity of gases
and fluidization conditions in the combustor. The hydrodynamics of CFB boiler is available in
open literature which helps to determine the fluidization velocity and the various correlations
to explain hydrodynamics for this study are shown in Table 3.

2.6. Furnace height

P.Basu and P.K Nag [14] suggested to the boiler designers that the height of the water wall can
be considered for the height of furnace in the initial stage of design. The water wall height is
given by the following expression from P.Basu [4].
J*766 I2KK 2*&2
Gross wall area of water wall is a combination of available and unavailable wall area for
heat transfer.
The available area of water wall is obtained from projected wall area and ceiling area. For
this study, the unavailable area at exit area of furnace is assumed as 30% of upper bed cross
section [4]. The projected wall area is determined from P.Basu [4] and it is given by

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Furnace Design of 210 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler-Numerical Investigation

AII = (12)
The projected heat transfer coefficient of water wall is calculated by the given expression
from P.Basu and P.K Nag [14].
hII = 0.379 ρ23 .
(TC ) (13)


The axial voidage profile equation was developed by Kunii and Levenspeil [8].
ε = ε& − (ε& − ε[ )exp −a(h − h^ ) , h>hi (14)
The decay factor ‘a’ in above equation is based on mean diameter of solid particle and
determined by the given expression from J.Adanez et al [6].
a(U7 − U ) = 3.5 − 1670 d (15)
In order to evaluate the voidage profile, mean voidage of dense region ‘εd’ and furnace exit
voidage ‘εe’ are needed. J.Adanez et al [6] was used an expression for calculating the voidage
at the exit of furnace. It is given by
ε& = 1 − F (16)
a GH

The mean bed voidage of dense zone is measured from Mert Ozkan [31].
ε8 = ε (1 − δ) + δ (17)
The bubble phase fraction is an important parameter on which dense bed voidage is based.
And it is estimated by the following correlation from Johnsson et al [33].

δ= c.d (18)
M (GH SGeD )f(.g

The voidage near the wall is calculated from Tung.Y and Kwauk.M,[17]
εI = ε .1
The local voidage is a based on cross sectional voidage of bed and voidage at minimum
fluidization. The local voidage at any radial location in the furnace is determined by the relation
which is given by Allan S Issangya et al [16].
i d.c i g.g
S . M . h k M . h k
ε* = ε + ε−ε ε j j (20)
The pressure drop across the bed is given by the expression from Todd.S Pugsley et al [27].

= (1 − ε)ρ g


(i) The heat duties of boiler elements (economizer, evaporator, superheaters and reheater) were
calculated from Ganapathy [1] by using operating parameters of steam. The total thermal
capacity of 210MW CFB boiler was calculated as 491.560MW. The heat absorbed by
economizer, evaporator, superheater and reheater were determined and the percentage of heat
duties of each boiler element is as shown in figure 2.

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S. Naga Kishore, T. Venkateswara Rao and M. L.S. Deva Kumar

Figure 2 Heat duty percentage of boiler elements

(ii) The amount of air supplied, limestone feed rate, solid waste and flue gases developed were
calculated per kg of coal by using ultimate analysis of coal and correlations available from
Prabir Basu [3]. The percentages of excess air and primary air to be supplied were taken as 20%
and 40% respectively.
(iii) Figure 3 explains the theoretical values of components of heat losses which were calculated
by stoichiometric calculations, heating value of fuel and base temperature [3]. It was observed
that the majority amount of heat was lost through moisture (in limestone, lignite, air and burning
of hydrogen) and dry flue gases. Along with the losses mentioned in the figure 3, there were
two more negative losses called sulfation credit and FD fan credit. Sulfation credit was
calculated as 2.633% and FD fan credit was assumed as1% for large power plants [3]. The sum
of total losses for the CFB boiler was 16.52% and the boiler efficiency was 83.48% from
equation (8).

Figure.3: Heat losses in CFB boiler

(iv) The heat input developed by the coal was calculated as 588.836 MW by using thermal
capacity and efficiency of the plant. Using regular mass balance relations from Prabir Basu [3],
the total flow rates required for plant were calculated and mentioned in the given figure 4.

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Furnace Design of 210 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler-Numerical Investigation

Figure 4 Mass balance of CFB boiler

In addition to that the rate of coal ash was estimated as 7.891kg/s for the given feed rate.
Figure 5 discusses the major components of flue gases. In addition to that the total mass flow
rate of SO2 was measured as 0.2276kg/sec for 90% sulfur capture efficiency and fly ash was
assumed 10% of ash content in the fuel analysis [4].

Figure 5 Major components in Flue gases

(v) Using equation (10), the upper furnace cross sectional area was calculated as 137 m2 at a
superficial gas velocity of 6.8m/s which was calculated based on grate heat release rate of
Gujarat lignite [3]. The depth of the furnace is better to restrict a value less than 8m for avoiding
poor penetration of secondary air in commercially large CFB boiler plants (>200MW)[4].

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S. Naga Kishore, T. Venkateswara Rao and M. L.S. Deva Kumar

Hence the depth and width of upper furnace were selected as 7.9m and 17.3m to provide proper
dispersion of air and fuel for the present 210 MW CFB boiler. The furnace height was estimated
as 30m from various equations (11), (12), (13), (5) and (6). The depth of lower furnace was
taken at 40% of primary air. The total dimensions of CFB furnace for 210MW plant operating
with Gujarat lignite are shown in figure 6.

Figure 6 Furnace dimensions of CFB boiler

Figure 7 Axial Voidage profile

(vi) Figure 7 shows the theoritical investigation of axial voidage distribution from the point of
injection of secondary air to the riser exit by using equation (14). This profile was effected
mainly by solid circulation rate, superfical gas velocity and particle diameter. The solid
concentration near the wall was also explained by figure 7. At the wall, the voidage is less than
centre of the riser. The reason is that solids at the wall have low gas velocity and the particle

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Furnace Design of 210 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler-Numerical Investigation

capturing ability of solids flowing over the wall [7]. It is obtained from the figure 7 that the bed
and wall voidages were almost constant from the bed height of 19.5m to the exit of the furnace.
(vii) As explained by Horio [20] and Harige [19], the local voidage at given cross sectional area
varies from the axis of the furnace to the wall. Fot this study, the local voidage profile at cross
sectional average voidage of 0.9867 was calculated from equation (20) and it is as shown in
figure 8. The maximum value of local voidage was obtained at centre of the furnace. The local
voidage distribution was almost in a flat way upto non dimensional radial distance (r/R) value
of 0.3 from centre. After that, the reduction took place and voidage reached minimum value at
wall of the furnace.

Figure.8 Local voidage profile

Figure.9 Pressure drop profile in the furnace

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(viii) Figure 9 explains the pressure drop along the bed height. It was observed that the heavy
pressure drop was taken place in the lower section due to rapid rise in voidage from the level
of minimum fluidization to secondary air injection. In the upper section of furnace, the voidage
rise was very less which caused for low pressure drop.

In summary, it can conclude from the above results that
• The furnace design of CFB boiler was investigated numerically by using operating steam
parameters of 210MW steam power plant and analysis of Gujarat lignite and limestone. The
cross sectional area of upper furnace was calculated as 137m2 at superficial gas velocity. The
furnace height was measured as 30m by using projected area heat transfer coefficient of water
wall and mean bed voidage at minimum solids circulation rate.
• Axial voidage profile was studied at different locations of upper furnace under theoretical
conditions based on various correlations suggested by different authors. The bed voidage was
raised from 0.9679 to 0.9975 in the upper section of the furnace.
• The radial voidage profile was also prepared at mean bed voidage. The local voidage was reached
maximum level of 0.9986 at centre and minimum value of 0.9443 at wall.
• Pressure drop was investigated throughout furnace between different locations from the level
of minimum fluidization. It can be concluded that pressure drop was maximum in dense zone
and minimum in dilute zone.

The authors are thankful to the Shri. Kali Basu, Research Advisor, Centre for Energy
Technology, Osmania University, for his valuable support in submission of the paper.

Abed Cross sectional area of bed (m2)
Aww Projected area of water wall (m2)
Ar Archimedes number
a Decay coefficient
B Depth of furnace (m)
Ca/S Calcium to sulfur molar ratio
CD Drag coefficient
dp Mean particle diameter (m)
f Dimensionless parameter in equation(18)
Gs Solid circulation rate (kg/m2 sec)
g Gravitational constant (9.81 m/s2)
H Total height of furnace (m)
Hf Height of dilute zone (m)
Hww Height of water wall (m)
h Bed height (m)
hi Height of point of injection of secondary air (m)
hww Projected heat transfer coefficient of water wall (W/m2K)
HHV Higher heating value of coal (kJ/kg)
mfg mass flow rate of flue gases (kg/s)

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Furnace Design of 210 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler-Numerical Investigation

ΔP Pressure drop across the height of the furnace (Pa)

QIP Heat input of a boiler (MW)
Qth Thermal capacity of boiler (MW)
Qww Heat duty of water wall (kW)
R Riser inner radius (m)
Re Reynolds number
r radial coordinate (m)
Tb Average bed temperature (oC)
Tww Temperature of water wall (oC)
Uo Superficial gas velocity (m/s)
Umf Minimum fluidization velocity (m/s)
Ut Terminal velocity (m/s)
W Width of furnace (m)

Greek letters
ρavg Average bed density (kg/m3)
ρp Density of solid particle (kg/m3)
ρg Density of gas (kg/m3)
ηb Boiler efficiency (%)
δ Bubble phase volume fraction
ε Bed voidage
εa Voidage at secondary air injection
εavg Average bed voidage
εe Voidage at the exit of furnace
εd Mean bed voidage of dense zone
εmf Voidage at minimum fluidization
εr Local Voidage
εw Voidage at the wall
μ Viscosity of gas (N.S/m2)

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