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RECEIVED 13 FEB 2018 MINISTERS OFFICE | | te Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Senator for South Australia Ref: MS18-000192 ‘The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio MP 09 FEB 200 Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change 8 Nicholson Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 RECEIVED DELWP 13 FEB 2018 AINISTERIAL SERVICES Dear Sine At the outset, may I reiterate the Australian Government's commitment to forestry in Victoria, through 20 year rolling extensions to the existing five Regional Forest Agreements, (RFAS). As you are aware, officials have been developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for our consideration and approval, outlining the actions our governments need to complete to agree 20 year extensions to Victoria's RFAs by 31 March 2020. A key issue in moving forward is resourcing of the engagement and assessment activities required for the 20 year extension of the five Victorian RFAS. As I wrote in my letter of 5 December 2017, the Commonwealth will contribute to those activities that are both essential and directly relevant for the long term extension to the RFAs. T understand Victorian officials have proposed a suite of engagement processes, studies, data collection and assessment activities worth approximately $23 million. Many of the proposed activities could not be considered essential and directly relevant to the long term extension of the RFAs. My key concems are: + A number of the proposed activities are for core forest management matters which are the responsibility of the state government. © [believe that analysis of existing information (such as assessments, reviews, State of the Forest reports, data on threatened species ete.) will more than adequately allow us to make decisions on the RFAs as strategie, high level, framework documents. © There has been scant analysis of what other data and information is available from other sources that can contribute to the further assessments of matters in the RFAs. I note the Australian Government has already contributed funding to a number of research projects. Padiamemt House, Canberra ACT 2600 ‘Tek 02 6277 3753 Facsimile: 02 6277 5825. Email: assistantministercuston@agriculture-gov.ate With respect to the 20 year rolling extension of the Tasmanian RFA, assessments were undertaken using a range of existing information. Furthermore, such processes are planned for New South Wales and Western Australia. There needs to be a consistent and equitable approach to these assessments across the RFA states. I cannot commit the Australian Government to contributing resources to the collection and analysis of new data and information for the assessments in addition to that considered essential and directly relevant. We will, of course, continue to provide in-kind staff resources, access to information and data in our possession, and where possible, the assistance of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. The Australian Government will contribute financially to the stakeholder consultation process (e.g. shared costs of advertising and venue hire), in a similar quantum to that which was agreed for the Five Yearly Review. Thave sent a copy of this letter to the Hon, Josh Frydenberg MP, Commonwealth Minister for Energy and the Environment, the Hon. Gavin Jennings MLC, Special Minister of State, and the Hon. Jaala Pulford MLC, Minister for Regional Development Yourg sincerely YW ynne Ruston. Ce The Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, Minister for Energy and the Environment The Hon. Gavin Jennings MLC, Special Minister of State ‘The Hon. Jala Pulford MLC, Minister for Regional Development

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