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MAY 2016/ELC 550




Norman, T. (2015, July 31). Why Procrastinate: An Investigation of the Root Causes behind
Procrastination. Lethbridge Undergraduate Research Journal. Retrieved from
http://www.lurj.org/issues/volume-1-number-2/procastinate on date.

a) Introduction

The journal article written by Norman is a most suitable meaning for delaying tactics of a task or action
that was existing from beginning and effect for postpone or avoidance doing the task. The article aims to
inform the disadvantage of a procrastination and major factor that contribute to the problem of
procrastination among college students.

b) Body (point)

1. Modern technology makes it increasingly easier for college students to procrastinate.

2. Modern invention such as television, cell phones and video games.
3. Many college student practice modern values.
4. The student fear of failure.
5. Task aversiveness

The article is written for educator and curriculum designers. The article that was written by Norman has
elaborate well by explanation, supporting his point, provide a lot of evidence and current research. This
make the article objective as he presents applicable facts and sufficient examples. The article also reader
friendly as the author has used easy language that is both understandable and accurate. The author’s tone
is serious as the author has continues to talk about major factor that contribute to the problem of delaying
the task especially something that immediately attention. The article is useful as it provides clear
perception into the disadvantage of procrastination among the college student. There are two sides to a
coin, on the reverse side which is the author has failed to acknowledge student to overcome or need to
done to address the issue of procrastination among college students. The balance of the article could be
enhanced by the author by providing recommendation on strategies to help educator overcome of these

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