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Citations: Issue

March 2018 The President of the People’s Republic of China. (2014, August 25). FIVE
Retreived March 29, 2018, from http: // English.gov.cn/ archieve/china_abc/

2014/ 08/ 23/ content_281474982987286.htm

Pariona, A. (2016, October 20). What Type of Goverrnment Does China

Have? Retrieved March 30, 2018, from https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/


Government System Of China

Volume 1
The President
. The Government of Peoples Repulic in China was formed in
Xi Jinping is the main leader of the 1949. The Communist Party of China has control of the country
Communist Party in China and and has lots of power of every worksite. China’s government
became the president of the system enables people to talk about policy decisions but all
people’s republic in China in 2013. members must support the majority of the decisions once they
He was elected by the nationals cast a vote. There are four divsions. They are the legislative,
peoples congress. It has been executive, judiciary, and military.
ruled by the Communist since
1949. You have to be at least 45 Prime Minister The Court System
years old to run for it. Xi Jinping
can have up to two consecutive
terms. He has kept his word by
making a campaign dealing with In the Court System, the
The prime minister is the doctrine of separation of
government corruption and has
head of the government and
arrested a few of China’s most powers plays an important part.
powerful people. holds the highest rank in They have the legislature to
civil service. The most make laws, the excective ti
current is named Li Keqiang implement the same, and the
and he started office in
judicuicary to explain the laws.
2013. He can have one
The Supreme Court is the
consqutive term as they are
highest judicial branch of the
five years each. Li was
state. It can be found in Benjing
approved by by the National
which is the capital of China.
People's Congress from the
There are three divsions for the
nomination of the President.
Supreme Peoples Court which
He is responsible for
are criminal, civil, and
organizing and
administering the Chinese
civil service.
ask the experts >>>

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