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C H A P T E R 2 

Elastic Forces and

Lung Volumes
• Elastic resistance of lung tissue and chest wall
• Resistance from surface forces at the alveolar
■ Inward elastic recoil of the lung opposes gas–liquid interface
outward elastic recoil of the chest • Frictional resistance to gas flow through the
wall, and the balance of these forces airways
determines static lung volumes. • Frictional resistance from deformation of tho-
racic tissues (viscoelastic tissue resistance)
■ Surface tension within the alveoli • Inertia associated with movement of gas and
contributes significantly to lung recoil tissue.
and is reduced by the presence of The last three may be grouped together as
surfactant, though the mechanism by nonelastic resistance or respiratory system resist-
which this occurs is poorly understood. ance; they are discussed in Chapter 3. They
■ Compliance is defined as the change in occur while gas is flowing within the airways, and
lung volume per unit change in pressure work performed in overcoming this ‘frictional’
gradient and may be measured for lung, resistance is dissipated as heat and lost.
thoracic cage or both. The first two forms of impedance may be
■ Various static lung volumes may be grouped together as ‘elastic’ resistance. These
measured, and the volumes obtained are are measured when gas is not flowing within
affected by a variety of physiological and the lung. Work performed in overcoming elastic
pathological factors. resistance is stored as potential energy, and
elastic deformation during inspiration is the
usual source of energy for expiration during both
spontaneous and artificial breathing.
This chapter is concerned with the elastic
resistance afforded by lungs (including the
An isolated lung will tend to contract until even- alveoli) and chest wall, which will be considered
tually all the contained air is expelled. In con- separately and then together. When the respira-
trast, when the thoracic cage is opened it tends tory muscles are totally relaxed, these factors
to expand to a volume about 1 l greater than govern the resting end-expiratory lung volume
functional residual capacity (FRC). Thus in a or FRC; therefore lung volumes will also be con-
relaxed subject with an open airway and no air sidered in this chapter.
flowing, for example, at the end of expiration or
inspiration, the inward elastic recoil of the lungs
is exactly balanced by the outward recoil of the ELASTIC RECOIL OF THE LUNGS1
thoracic cage.
The movements of the lungs are entirely Lung compliance is defined as the change in
passive and result from forces external to the lung volume per unit change in transmural pres-
lungs. With spontaneous breathing the external sure gradient (i.e. between the alveolus and
forces are the respiratory muscles, whereas arti- pleural space). Compliance is usually expressed
ficial ventilation is usually in response to a pres- in litres (or millilitres) per kilopascal (or
sure gradient developed between the airway centimetres of water) with a normal value of
and the environment. In each case, the pattern 1.5 l.kPa−1 (150 ml.cmH2O−1). Stiff lungs have a
of response by the lung is governed by the low compliance.
physical impedance of the respiratory system. Compliance may be described as static
This impedance, or hindrance, has numerous or dynamic depending on the method of meas-
origins, the most important of which are the urement (page 29). Static compliance is meas-
following: ured after the lungs have been held at a fixed
Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
18 PART 1  Basic Principles

volume for as long as is practicable, whereas indicates that, if the surface tension of the alveo-
dynamic compliance is usually measured in the lus is the same, its pressure should be double the
course of normal rhythmic breathing. Elastance pressure in the left-hand alveolus. Thus gas
is the reciprocal of compliance and is expressed would tend to flow from smaller alveoli into
in kilopascals per litre. Stiff lungs have a high larger alveoli and the lung would be unstable
elastance. which, of course, is not true. Similarly, the
retractive forces of the alveolar lining fluid would
increase at low lung volumes and decrease at
The Nature of the Forces Causing high lung volumes, which is exactly the reverse
Recoil of the Lung of what is observed. These paradoxes were clear
to von Neergaard and he concluded that the
For many years it was thought that the recoil of surface tension of the alveolar lining fluid must
the lung was due entirely to stretching of the be considerably less than would be expected
yellow elastin fibres present in the lung paren- from the properties of simple liquids and, fur-
chyma. In 1929 von Neergaard (see section on thermore, that its value must be variable. Obser-
Lung Mechanics in online Chapter 2: The History vations 30 years later confirmed this when
of Respiratory Physiology) showed that a lung alveolar extracts were shown to have a surface
completely filled with and immersed in water tension much lower than water and which varied
had an elastance that was much less than the in proportion to the area of the interface.2 Figure
normal value obtained when the lung was filled 2.1, B, shows an experiment in which a floating
with air. He correctly concluded that much of bar is moved in a trough containing an alveolar
the ‘elastic recoil’ was due to surface tension extract. As the bar is moved to the right, the
acting throughout the vast air/water interface surface film is concentrated and the surface
lining the alveoli. tension changes as shown in the graph on the
Surface tension at an air/water interface pro- right of the figure. During expansion, the surface
duces forces that tend to reduce the area of tension increases to 40 mN.m−1, a value which is
the interface. Thus the gas pressure within a close to that of plasma but, during contraction,
bubble is always higher than the surrounding the surface tension falls to 19 mN.m−1, a lower
gas pressure because the surface of the bubble is value than any other body fluid. The course of
in a state of tension. Alveoli resemble bubbles in the relationship between pressure and area is
this respect, although the alveolar gas is con- different during expansion and contraction, and
nected to the exterior by the air passages. The a loop is described.
pressure inside a bubble is higher than the sur- The consequences of these changes are
rounding pressure by an amount depending on important. In contrast to a bubble of soap solu-
the surface tension of the liquid and the radius tion, the pressure within an alveolus tends to
of curvature of the bubble according to the decrease as the radius of curvature is decreased.
Laplace equation: This is illustrated in Figure 2.1, C, in which
2T the right-hand alveolus has a smaller diameter
P= and a much lower surface tension than the
R left-hand alveolus. Gas tends to flow from the
where P is the pressure within the bubble (dyn. larger to the smaller alveolus and stability is
cm−2), T is the surface tension of the liquid (dyn. maintained.
cm−1) and R is the radius of the bubble (cm). In
coherent SI units (see Appendix A), the appro-
priate units would be pressure in pascals (Pa),
The Alveolar Surfactant
surface tension in newtons/metre (N.m−1) and The low surface tension of the alveolar lining
radius in metres (m). fluid and its dependence on alveolar radius are
Figure 2.1, A, left, shows a typical alveolus due to the presence of a surface-active material
with a radius 0.1 mm. Assuming that the alveolar known as surfactant. Approximately 90% of sur-
lining fluid has a normal surface tension of factant consists of lipids, and the remainder is
20 mN.m−1 (20 dyn.cm−1), the pressure within proteins and small amounts of carbohydrate.
the alveolus will be 0.4 kPa (4 cmH2O), which is Most of the lipid is phospholipid, of which 70%
rather less than the normal transmural pressure to 80% is dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline
at FRC. If the alveolar lining fluid had the same (DPPC), the main constituent responsible for
surface tension as water (72 mN.m−1), the lungs the effect on surface tension. The fatty acids are
would be very stiff. hydrophobic and generally straight, lying paral-
The alveolus in Figure 2.1, A, right, has a lel to each other and projecting into the gas
radius of only 0.05 mm and the Laplace equation phase. The other end of the molecule is

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 19

A Surface tension in both alveoli = 20 mN.m–1 (dyn.cm–1)

Pressure Pressure
2 x 20 Direction 2 x 20
= of gas flow =
0.1 0.05
= 400 Pa 0.1 mm 0.05 mm = 800 Pa
= 0.4 kPa 2T = 0.8 kPa
= 4 cmH2O R = 8 cmH2O

B Device to measure
surface tension on
platinum strip 40 tio

Surface tension (mN.m–1)

Platinum strip io
30 ns n)
Floating bar pa tio
Ex ira
20 (e
c tio

0 50 100
Relative area of surface

C Surface tension = Surface tension =

20 mN.m–1 (dyn.cm–1) 5 mN.m–1 (dyn.cm–1)

Pressure Pressure
2 x 20 Direction 2x5
= of gas flow =
0.1 0.05
= 400 Pa 0.1 mm 0.05 mm = 200 Pa
= 0.4 kPa 2T = 0.2 kPa
= 4 cmH2O R = 2 cmH2O
FIG. 2.1  ■  Surface tension and alveolar transmural pressure. (A) Pressure relations in two alveoli of different size
but with the same surface tension of their lining fluids. (B) The changes in surface tension in relation to the area
of the alveolar lining film. (C) Pressure relations of two alveoli of different size when allowance is made for the
probable changes in surface tension.

hydrophilic and lies within the alveolar lining

Synthesis of Surfactant
fluid. The molecule is thus confined to the
surface where, being detergents, they lower Surfactant is both formed in and liberated from
surface tension in proportion to the concentra- the alveolar epithelial type II cell (page 13). The
tion at the interface. lamellar bodies (Fig. 1.11) contain stored sur-
Approximately 2% of surfactant by weight factant that is released into the alveolus by exo-
consists of surfactant proteins (SPs), of which cytosis in response to high volume lung inflation,
there are four types labelled A to D.3,4 SP-B and increased ventilation rate or endocrine stimula-
SP-C are small proteins vital to the stabilization tion. After release surfactant initially forms areas
of the surfactant monolayer (see later); a con- of a lattice structure termed tubular myelin,
genital lack of SP-B results in severe and which is then reorganized into monolayered or
progressive respiratory failure,4,5 and genetic multilayered surface films. This conversion into
abnormalities of SP-C lead to pulmonary fibro- the functionally active form of surfactant is criti-
sis in later life.6 SP-A, and to a lesser extent cally dependent on SP-B and SP-C (see later).4,6
SP-D, are involved in the control of surfactant The alveolar half-life of surfactant is 15 to 30 h
release and possibly in preventing pulmonary with most of its components recycled by type II
infection (see later).7 alveolar cells. SP-A is intimately involved in

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
20 PART 1  Basic Principles

controlling the surfactant present in the alveolus component of surfactant has antioxidant activity
with type II alveolar cells having SP-A surface and may attenuate lung damage from a variety
receptors, the stimulation of which exerts of causes, suppressing some groups of lym-
negative feedback on surfactant secretion and phocytes, theoretically protecting the lungs from
increases reuptake of surfactant components into autoimmune damage. In vitro studies have
the cell. shown that SP-A or SP-D can bind to a wide
range of pulmonary pathogens including viruses,
Action of Surfactant bacteria, fungi, Pneumocystis jirovecii, and Myco-
bacterium tuberculosis. Polymorphisms of the sur-
To maintain the stability of alveoli as shown in
factant genes are associated with the severity of
Figure 2.1, surfactant must alter the surface
some respiratory diseases, for example, the likeli-
tension in the alveoli as their size varies with
hood of developing severe pulmonary manifesta-
inspiration and expiration. A simple explanation
tions of an influenza infection is influenced by
of how this occurs is that during expiration, as
a single nucleotide polymorphism of SP-B.11
the surface area of the alveolus diminishes, the
Acting via specific surface receptors, both SP-A
surfactant molecules are packed more densely
and SP-D activate alveolar neutrophils and mac-
and so exert a greater effect on the surface
rophages and enhance the phagocytic actions of
tension, which then decreases as shown in Figure
the latter during lung inflammation.10
2.1, B. In reality, the situation is considerably
more complex, and at present poorly elucidated.4
The classical explanation, referred to as the
‘squeeze out’ hypothesis, is that as a surfactant Alternative Models to Explain
monolayer is compressed, the less stable phos- Lung Recoil
pholipids are squeezed out of the layer, increas-
Treating surfactant-lined alveoli as bubbles that
ing the amount of stable DPPC molecules which
obey Laplace’s law has aided the understanding
have the greatest effect in reducing surface
of lung recoil in health and disease for many
tension.8 Surfactant phospholipid is also known
decades (see section on Lung Mechanics in
to exist in vivo in both monolayer and multilayer
online Chapter 2: The History of Respiratory
forms,3 and it is possible that in some areas of
Physiology). This ‘bubble model’ of alveolar sta-
the alveoli the surfactant layer alternates between
bility is not universally accepted,12 and there is
these two forms as alveolar size changes during
evidence that the real situation is more complex.
the respiratory cycle. This aspect of surfactant
Arguments against the bubble model include the
function is entirely dependent on the presence
of SP-B, a small hydrophobic protein, which can
• In theory, differing surface tensions in adjacent
be incorporated into a phospholipid monolayer,
alveoli cannot occur if the liquid lining the
and SP-C, a larger protein with a hydrophobic
alveoli is connected by a continuous liquid
central portion allowing it to span a lipid bilayer.4
When alveolar size reduces and the surface film
• When surfactant layers are compressed at
is compressed, SP-B molecules may be squeezed
37°C multilayered ‘rafts’ of dry surfactant
out of the lipid layer changing its surface proper-
form, though inclusion of surfactant proteins
ties, whereas SP-C may serve to stabilize bilayers
reduces this physicochemical change.
of lipid to act as a reservoir from which the
• Alveoli are not shaped like perfect spheres
surface film reforms when alveolar size increases.
with a single entrance point; they are variable
polyhedrons with convex bulges in their walls
Other Effects of Surfactant
where pulmonary capillaries bulge into them
Pulmonary transudation is also affected by (Fig. 1.7).
surface forces. Surface tension causes the pres- Two quite different alternative models have been
sure within the alveolar lining fluid to be less than proposed:
the alveolar pressure. Because the pulmonary Morphological model. Hills’ model proposes
capillary pressure in most of the lung is greater that the surfactant lining alveoli results in
than the alveolar pressure (page 408), both factors a ‘discontinuous’ liquid lining.13,14 Based
encourage transudation, a tendency checked by on knowledge of the physical chemistry of
the oncotic pressure of the plasma proteins. Thus surfactants, this model shows that sur-
the surfactant, by reducing surface forces, dimin- factant phospholipids are adsorbed directly
ishes one component of the pressure gradient onto the epithelial cell surface, forming
and helps to prevent transudation. multilayered rafts of surfactant (Fig. 2.2).
Surfactant also plays an important part These rafts cause patches of the surface to
in the immunology of the lung.9,10 The lipid become less wettable, and these areas are

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 21



Fluid Alveolar epithelial cell Fluid

FIG. 2.2  ■  Morphological model of alveolar surfactant. Multilayered, less wettable, rafts of surfactant are inter-
spersed with fluid pools. Surfactant proteins lie within (SP-B) or across (SP-C) the lipid bilayers, facilitating the
formation and dispersion of the rafts with each breath to modify the surface forces within the alveolus. (Repro-
duced with permission from Webster NR, Galley HF. Anaesthesia Science. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.)

interspersed with fluid pools. Surface

forces generated by the interaction between
the ‘dry’ areas of surfactant and the areas
of liquid are theoretically large enough to
maintain alveolar stability. The rafts of
surfactant may be many layers thick, and
are believed to form and disperse with each
breath; their function is almost certainly
dependent on both SP-B and SP-C.
Foam model. Scarpelli developed different
techniques for preparing lung tissue for
microscopy.15 By maintaining tissue in a
more natural state than previous studies,
including keeping lung volume close to
FIG. 2.3  ■  Scarpelli’s foam model of alveolar struc-
normal, he described a ‘new anatomy’ for ture.15 Surfactant (red) lines the alveoli and forms films
alveoli. Scarpelli’s findings seem to show that span both the alveolar openings and the alveolar
that in vivo alveoli have bubble films across ducts. Inset, detail of the surfactant layer showing
their entrances, with similar lipid bilayer connection between phospholipid monolayer and
bilayer (not to scale).
films also existing across alveolar ducts and
respiratory bronchioles (Fig. 2.3). In this
model, each acinus may be considered
as a series of interconnected, but closed, Transmural Pressure Gradient and
bubbles forming a stable ‘foam.’ The
bubble films are estimated to be less than
Intrathoracic Pressure
7-nm thick,16 offering little resistance to The transmural pressure gradient is the differ-
gas diffusion, the normal mechanism by ence between intrathoracic (or ‘intrapleural’)
which gas movement occurs in a single and alveolar pressure. The pressure within an
pulmonary acinus (page 9). alveolus is always greater than the pressure in the
More research is clearly needed to either surrounding interstitial tissue except when the
confirm or refute these models. It would there- volume has been reduced to zero. By increasing
fore be premature to consign the well-established lung volume, the transmural pressure gradient
bubble model of alveolar recoil to the history steadily increases, as shown for the whole lung
books, but physiologists should be aware that in Figure 2.4. If an appreciable pneumothorax is
cracks have begun to appear in the longstanding present, the pressure gradient from alveolus to
physiological concept. pleural cavity provides a measure of the overall

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
22 PART 1  Basic Principles

–2 kPa
0 (–20 cmH2O)
Slope = ∆V = lung compliance
0 ∆P

At total lung Lung

capacity volume
–0.5 kPa
(–5 cmH2O)
0 ∆V
At functional
residual capacity ∆P
–0.1 kPa
0 (–1 cmH2O)

At residual volume

Total collapse
0 10 20
All pressures are Transmural pressure gradient (cmH2O)
indicated relative to
atmospheric pressure
FIG. 2.4  ■  Relationship between lung volume and the difference in pressure between the alveoli and the intratho-
racic space (transmural pressure gradient). The relationship is almost linear over the normal tidal volume range.
The calibre of small air passages decreases in parallel with alveolar volume. Airways begin to close at the closing
capacity and there is widespread airway closure at residual volume. Values in the diagram relate to the upright
position and to decreasing pressure. The opening pressure of a closed alveolus is not shown.

transmural pressure gradient. Otherwise, the perfusion ratios, and therefore gas exchange.
oesophageal pressure may be used to indicate the These matters are considered in detail in
pleural pressure, but there are conceptual and Chapters 3 and 7.
technical difficulties. The technical difficulties At first sight it might be thought that the
are considered at the end of this chapter whereas subatmospheric intrapleural pressure would
some of the conceptual difficulties are indicated result in the accumulation of gas evolved from
in Figure 2.5. solution in blood and tissues. In fact the total of
The alveoli in the upper part of the lung the partial pressures of gases dissolved in blood,
have a larger volume than those in the depend- and therefore tissues, is always less than 1 atm
ent part, except at total lung capacity. The (see Table 24.2), and this factor keeps the pleural
greater degree of expansion of the alveoli in the cavity free of gas.
upper part results in a greater transmural pres-
sure gradient, which decreases steadily down
the lung at approximately 0.1  kPa (or 1  cmH2O) Time Dependence of Pulmonary
per 3  cm of vertical height; such a difference is
indicated in Figure 2.5, A. Because the pleural
Elastic Behaviour
cavity is normally empty, it is not strictly correct If an excised lung is rapidly inflated and then
to speak of an intrapleural pressure; further- held at the new volume, the inflation pressure
more, it would not be constant throughout the falls exponentially from its initial value to reach
pleural ‘cavity.’ One should think rather of the a lower level attained after a few seconds. This
relationship shown in Figure 2.4 as applying to also occurs in the intact subject and is readily
various horizontal strata of the lung, each with observed during an inspiratory pause in a patient
its own volume and therefore its own transmu- receiving artificial ventilation (page 30). It is
ral pressure gradient on which its own intrap- broadly true to say that the volume change
leural pressure would depend. The transmural divided by the initial change in transmural pres-
pressure gradient has an important influence sure gradient corresponds to the dynamic com-
on many aspects of pulmonary function, so pliance, whereas the volume change divided by
its horizontal stratification confers a regional the ultimate change in transmural pressure gra-
difference on many features of pulmonary func- dient (i.e. measured after it has become steady)
tion, including airway closure and ventilation/ corresponds to the static compliance. Static

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 23

A Upright position

Trachea Oesophagus

–0.5 kPa –0.5 kPa

(–5 cmH2O) (–5 cmH2O)

Pleural bubble Lungs Heart Oesophageal

pressures and great pressures

0 0

Lung volume at FRC 3 l

Supine position


Heart and
great vessels

Corresponding Lung volume at FRC 2.2 l

intrapleural pressures +0.4 kPa 0
at these levels –0.2 kPa (+4 cmH2O)
(–2 cmH2O)
Oesophageal pressures

C Mechanical analogy of static relationships

Spring Tension recorded on Spring
representing spring balance representing representing
lungs intrathoracic pressure thoracic cage
10 5 0 cm
1 0.5 0 kPa

FIG. 2.5  ■  Intrathoracic pressures: static relationships in the resting end-expiratory position. The lung volume
corresponds to the FRC. (A) and (B) Indicate the pressure relative to ambient (atmospheric). Arrows show the
direction of elastic forces. The heavy arrow in (B) indicates displacement by the abdominal viscera. (C) The tension
in the two springs is the same and will be indicated on the spring balance. In the supine position: 1, the FRC is
reduced; 2, the intrathoracic pressure is raised; 3, the weight of the heart raises the oesophageal pressure above
the intrapleural pressure.

compliance will thus be greater than the dynamic points during inflation differs from that obtained
compliance by an amount determined by the during deflation. The two curves form a loop,
degree of time dependence in the elastic behav- which becomes progressively broader as the tidal
iour of a particular lung. The respiratory fre- volume is increased (Fig. 2.6). Expressed in
quency has been shown to influence dynamic words, the loop in Figure 2.6 means that rather
pulmonary compliance in the normal subject, more than the expected pressure is required
but frequency dependence is much more pro- during inflation and rather less than the expected
nounced in the presence of pulmonary disease. recoil pressure is available during deflation. This
resembles the behaviour of perished rubber or
polyvinyl chloride, both of which are reluctant
to accept deformation under stress but, once
If the lungs are slowly inflated and then slowly deformed, are again reluctant to assume their
deflated, the pressure/volume curve for static original shape. This phenomenon is present to a

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
24 PART 1  Basic Principles

Transmural pressure gradient (cmH2O) static and dynamic compliance as well as

0 –5 –10 –15 –20 forming a component of pulmonary resist-
2.0 ance (page 36). The crinkled structure of
collagen in the lung (Fig. 1.10) is likely to
favour stress relaxation and excised strips
Lung volume above FRC (litres)

1.5 of human lung show stress relaxation

when stretched.
Redistribution of gas. In a lung consisting of
Expiration functional units with identical time con-
1.0 stants* of inflation, the distribution of gas
Inspiration should be independent of the rate of infla-
tion, and there should be no redistribution
when the lungs are held inflated. However,
if different parts of the lungs have differ-
ent time constants, the distribution of
inspired gas will be dependent on the rate
0 of inflation and redistribution (pendelluft)
0 –0.5 –1.0 –1.5 –2.0 will occur when inflation is held. This
Transmural pressure gradient (kPa) problem is discussed in detail on page 111
FIG. 2.6  ■  Static plot of lung volume against trans­ but for the time being we can distinguish
mural pressure gradient (intraoesophageal pressure ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ alveoli (the term alveoli
relative to atmospheric at zero air flow). Note that
inspiratory and expiratory curves form a loop that
here refers to functional units rather than
gets wider the greater the tidal volume. These loops the anatomical entity). The fast alveolus
are typical of elastic hysteresis. For a particular lung has a low airway resistance and/or low
volume, the elastic recoil of the lung during expiration compliance (or both) whereas the slow
is always less than the distending transmural pressure alveolus has a high airway resistance and/
gradient required during inspiration at the same lung
volume. or a high compliance (Fig. 2.7, B). These
properties give the fast alveolus a shorter
time constant and are preferentially filled
during a short inflation. This preferential
greater or lesser extent in all elastic bodies and filling of alveoli with low compliance gives
is known as elastic hysteresis. an overall higher pulmonary transmural
pressure gradient. A slow or sustained
Causes of Time Dependence of inflation permits increased distribution of
gas to slow alveoli and tends to distribute
Pulmonary Elastic Behaviour gas in accord with the compliance of the
There are many possible explanations of the different functional units. There should
time dependence of pulmonary elastic behav- then be a lower overall transmural pres-
iour, the relative importance of which may vary sure and no redistribution of gas when
in different circumstances. inflation is held. The extreme difference
Changes in surfactant activity. It has been between fast and slow alveoli shown in
explained previously that the surface Figure 2.7, B, applies to diseased lungs and
tension of the alveolar lining fluid is greater no such difference exists in normal lungs.
at larger lung volume and also during Gas redistribution is therefore unlikely to
inspiration than at the same lung volume be a major factor in healthy subjects, but
during expiration (Fig. 2.1, B). This is it can be important in patients with airways
probably the most important cause of disease.
the observed hysteresis in the intact lung Recruitment of alveoli. Below a certain lung
(Fig. 2.6). volume, some alveoli tend to close and
Stress relaxation. If a spring is pulled out to a only reopen at a greater lung volume
fixed increase in its length, the resultant and in response to a higher transmural
tension is maximal at first and then pressure gradient than that at which
declines exponentially to a constant value. they closed. Despite this need for higher
This is an inherent property of elastic
bodies, known as stress relaxation. Tho-
*Time constants are used to describe the exponential filling
racic tissues display stress relaxation and and emptying of a lung unit. One time constant is the time
these ‘viscoelastic’ properties contribute taken to achieve 63% of maximal inflation or deflation of
significantly to the difference between the lung unit. See Appendix E for details.

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 25

A septa containing increased amounts of col-

Low lagen and elastin resulting in larger alveo-
High resistance lar diameters, so reducing the pressure
resistance needed to expand them. An elephant
therefore has larger alveoli and higher
compliance than a mouse.
Posture. Lung volume, and therefore compli-
ance, changes with posture (page 27).
Low High There are, however, problems in the
compliance compliance measurement of intrapleural pressure in
(stiff) the supine position, and when this is
taken into account it seems unlikely that
B High changes of posture have any significant
Low effect on the specific compliance.
High Pulmonary blood volume. The pulmonary
compliance blood vessels probably make an apprecia-
ble contribution to the stiffness of the
‘Fast’ ‘Slow’ lung. Pulmonary venous congestion from
alveolus alveolus whatever cause is associated with reduced
Low compliance.
Age. There is a small increase in lung compli-
ance with increasing age, believed to be
FIG. 2.7  ■  Schematic diagrams of alveoli to illustrate caused by changes to the structure of lung
conditions under which static and dynamic compli-
ance may differ. (A) Represents a theoretically ideal collagen and elastin rather than changes in
state in which there is a reciprocal relationship the amount or proportion of the two mol-
between resistance and compliance resulting in gas ecules in the lung connective tissue.17,18
flow being preferentially delivered to the most compli- The small magnitude of these age-related
ant regions, regardless of the state of inflation. Static
and dynamic compliance are equal. This situation is
changes is in accord with the concept of
probably never realized even in the normal subject. lung ‘elasticity’ being largely determined
(B) Illustrates a state that is typical of many patients by surface forces.
with respiratory disease. The alveoli can conveniently Bronchial smooth muscle tone. Animal studies19
be divided into fast and slow groups. The direct rela- have shown that an infusion of metha-
tionship between compliance and resistance results in
inspired gas preferentially delivered to the stiff alveoli choline sufficient to result in a doubling
if the rate of inflation is rapid. An end-inspiratory of airway resistance decreases dynamic
pause then permits redistribution from the fast alveoli compliance by 50%. The airways might
to the slow alveoli. contribute to over­all compliance or,
alternatively, bronchoconstriction could
enhance time dependence and reduce
pressure to open lung units, recruitment dynamic, but perhaps not static, compli-
of alveoli is a plausible explanation for ance (Fig. 2.7). This interdependence
the time-dependent phenomena described between small airways and their surround-
earlier, and there is now some evidence ing alveoli also affects airway resistance
that this does occur in healthy lungs at (page 37).
FRC. Disease. Important changes in lung pressure–
volume relationships are found in some
lung diseases, and these are described in
Factors Affecting Lung Compliance Part 3.
Lung volume. It is important to remember that
compliance is related to lung volume. This
factor may be excluded by relating com­ ELASTIC RECOIL OF
pliance to FRC to yield the specific com- THE THORACIC CAGE
pliance (i.e. compliance/FRC), which in
humans is almost constant for both sexes The thoracic cage comprises the ribcage and the
and all ages down to neonatal. The rela- diaphragm. Each is a muscular structure and can
tionship between compliance and lung be considered as an elastic structure only when
volume is true not only within an indi- the muscles are relaxed, which is not easy to
vidual lung but also between species. achieve except under the conditions of paralysis.
Larger animal species have thicker alveolar Relaxation curves have been prepared relating

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
26 PART 1  Basic Principles

pressure and volumes in the supposedly relaxed typical static values (l.kPa−1) for the supine para-
subject, but it is now doubted whether total lysed patient are
relaxation was ever achieved. For example, in the
supine position the diaphragm is not fully relaxed 1 1 1
= + .
at the end of expiration but maintains a resting 0.85 1.5 2
tone to prevent the abdominal contents from
pushing the diaphragm cephalad. Instead of compliance, we may consider its
Compliance of the thoracic cage is defined as reciprocal, elastance. The relationship is then
change in lung volume per unit change in the much simpler:
pressure gradient between atmosphere and the
intrapleural space. The units are the same as Total elastance =
for pulmonary compliance. The measurement lung elastance + thoracic cage elastance
is seldom made but the value is of the order of
2 l.kPa−1 (200 ml.cmH2O−1).
corresponding values (kPa.l−1) are then

Factors Influencing Compliance of 1.17 = 0.67 + 0.5

the Thoracic Cage
Anatomical factors include the ribs and the state
Relationship between Alveolar,
of ossification of the costal cartilages, which Intrathoracic and Ambient
explains the progressive reduction in chest wall Pressures
compliance with increasing age.17 Obesity and
even pathological skin conditions may also have At all times the alveolar/ambient pressure gradi-
an appreciable effect. In particular, scarring of ent is the sum of the alveolar/intrathoracic (or
the skin overlying the front of the chest, for transmural) and intrathoracic/ambient pressure
example, from burns, may impair breathing. gradients. This relationship is independent of
In terms of compliance, a relaxed diaphragm whether the patient is breathing spontaneously
simply transmits pressure from the abdomen or being ventilated by intermittent positive
that may be increased in obesity and abdominal pressure. Actual values depend on compliances,
distension. Posture clearly has a major effect lung volume and posture and typical values are
and this is considered below in relation to FRC. shown for the upright, conscious relaxed subject
Compared with the supine position, thoracic in Figure 2.8. The values in the illustration are
cage compliance is 30% greater in the seated static and relate to conditions when no gas is
subject and the total static compliance of the flowing.
respiratory system is reduced by 60% in
the prone position because of the diminished
elasticity of the ribcage and diaphragm when STATIC LUNG VOLUMES
Certain lung volumes, particularly the FRC,
are determined by elastic forces. This is there-
PRESSURE/VOLUME fore a convenient point at which to consider
the various lung volumes and their subdivision
PLUS THORACIC CAGE Total lung capacity (TLC). This is the volume
of gas in the lungs at the end of a maximal
Compliance is analogous to electrical capaci- inspiration. TLC is achieved when the
tance, and in the respiratory system the com­ maximal force generated by the inspira-
pliance of lungs and thoracic cage are in series. tory muscles is balanced by the forces
Therefore the total compliance of the system opposing expansion. It is rather surprising
obeys the same relationship as that for capaci- that expiratory muscles are also contract-
tances in series, in which reciprocals are added ing strongly at the end of a maximal
to obtain the reciprocal of the total value, thus inspiration.
Residual volume (RV). This is the volume
1 remaining after a maximal expiration. In
= the young, RV is governed by the balance
total compliance
between the maximal force generated by
1 1 expiratory muscles and the elastic forces
lung compliance thoracic cage compliance opposing reduction of lung volume.

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 27

Spontaneous respiration
Factors Affecting Static
0 Lung Volumes20
So many factors affect the FRC and other lung
0 volumes that they require a special section of this
0 chapter.
–0.5 –0.75 –1 Body size. FRC and other lung volumes are
linearly related to subject height.
FRC FRC + 0.5 litre FRC + 1 litre Sex. For the same body height, females have
a FRC about 10% less than males and a
Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation smaller forced vital capacity (FVC), the
+0.5 latter resulting from males having less
0 body fat and a more muscular chest.
Age. FVC, FRC and RV all increase with age,
+1 but at different rates, with corresponding
0 changes in the other lung volumes as
–0.5 –0.25 0 shown in Figure 2.10. On average, FRC
increases by around 16 ml per year.
FRC FRC + 0.5 litre FRC + 1 litre Posture. Figure 2.11, A, shows the changes in
Figures denote pressure relative to atmosphere (kPa) lung volumes between the upright (seated)
and supine positions, showing a signifi-
Pressure gradient (cmH2O)
cantly reduced FRC when supine. The
–10 0 +10 +20 +30
+3 changes are caused by the increased pres-
Lung volume relative to FRC (litres)

Intrathoracic sure of the abdominal contents on the dia-

minus ambient
phragm in the supine position, displacing
+2 it in a cephalad direction and reducing
thoracic volume. This is further demon-
Alveolar minus strated in Figure 2.12 and Table 2.1
ambient (relaxation
curve of total system) showing the influence of different degrees
Alveolar minus
of body tilting and other body positions on
intrathoracic (transmural) FRC. Values of FRC in these figures and
Functional residual capacity
Table 2.1 are typical for a subject of 1.70 m
height, and reported mean differences
between supine and upright positions
–1 ranging from 500 to 1000 ml.
–1 0 +1 +2 +3 Ethnic group. Values for lung volumes vary
Pressure gradient (kPa)
between the different principal ethnic
FIG. 2.8  ■  Static pressure/volume relations for the groups in the world even after age and
intact thorax for the conscious subject in the upright
position. The transmural pressure gradient bears the stature have been taken into account.
same relationship to lung volume during both inter- Causes of these differences include geo-
mittent positive pressure ventilation and spontaneous graphic location, diet and levels of activity
breathing. The intrathoracic-to-ambient pressure dif- in childhood, all of which can influence
ference, however, differs in the two types of ven­
tilation due to muscle action during spontaneous
lung development. Increasing global
respiration. At all times: alveolar/ambient pressure dif- migration and interbreeding between
ference = alveolar/intrathoracic pressure difference + ethnic groups is now causing difficulties
intrathoracic/ambient pressure difference (due atten- with interpretation of ethnicity as a com-
tion being paid to the sign of the pressure difference). ponent of normal lung volumes.20
FRC, functional residual capacity.
Obesity. With the exception of tidal volume,
obesity causes a reduction in all static
However, in older subjects closure of small lung volumes, particularly expiratory
airways may prevent further expiration. reserve volume and so FRC (Fig. 2.11,
FRC. This is the lung volume at the end of a B).21 The effects of obesity are worse in the
normal expiration. supine compared with seated position, and
Within the framework of TLC, RV and FRC, in both positions arise from increased
the other capacities and volumes shown in intraabdominal pressure displacing the
Figure 2.9 are self-explanatory. A ‘capacity’ diaphragm into the chest cavity. In obese
usually refers to a measurement comprised of and non-obese subjects static compliance
more than one ‘volume.’ is similar when measured at normal lung

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
28 PART 1  Basic Principles

4 reserve Inspiratory Vital

Volume (litres) (BTPS)

volume capacity capacity

3 Tidal Total
volume lung
2 Expiratory
Functional reserve
residual volume
1 capacity
0 30 60
Time (seconds)
FIG. 2.9  ■  Static lung volumes of Dr. Nunn in 1990. The ‘spirometer curve’ indicates the lung volumes that can
be measured by simple spirometry. These are tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, inspiratory capacity,
expiratory reserve volume and vital capacity. The residual volume, total lung capacity and functional residual
capacity cannot be measured by observation of a spirometer without further elaboration of methods. BTPS, body
temperature and pressure, saturated.

Total lung capacity A B

Non-obese Obese
IC 6 6
Volume (litres)

Volume (litres)

4 y
Functional residual capacit
4 4
2 Residual volum

0 RV
30 40 50 60 70 0 0
Age (years) Seated Supine Seated Supine

FIG. 2.10  ■  Changes in static lung volumes with age. FIG. 2.11  ■  Effects of position and obesity on static
The largest change is in residual volume, the increase lung volumes. (A) Nonobese subjects with a mean
in which reduces both expiratory reserve volume body mass index (BMI) of 23.2. Note the reduction in
(ERV) and vital capacity (VC) while inspiratory capacity expiratory reserve volume (ERV) and so functional
(IC) remains mostly unchanged. (After reference 17.) residual capacity (FRC) when supine due to the weight
of the abdominal contents displacing the diaphragm
in a cephalad direction. (B) Severely obese subjects
with a mean BMI of 46.8, in whom intraabdominal
volume, but is reduced at high lung volume pressure is increased irrespective of body position,
causing an even greater reduction in ERV and FRC. Vt,
in the obese. As a result of their low FRC tidal volume; RV, residual volume, IRV, inspiratory
obese subjects are therefore breathing at a reserve volume; TLC, total lung capacity. (Reproduced
less favourable part of their compliance from reference 21 with permission from BMJ Publishing
curve, which contributes to an increased Group Ltd.)
work of breathing (page 82).
All of the factors described so far must be
taken into account when attempting to ascertain where FRC is in litres, height in meters, age in
‘normal’ values for lung volumes in an individual years, and body mass index (BMI) in kg.m−2.
subject. For example, a predicted normal value This type of calculation is routinely performed
for FRC in an individual Caucasian male aged when measuring lung volumes, and the ideal
between 25 to 65 years and in an upright posture way of reporting the results is as a percentage
may be calculated from20 of predicted i.e. actual measured volume divided
by calculated normal for the individual. The
FRC = (5.95 × height ) + (0.019 × age ) diagnosis of many respiratory diseases is depend-
− (0.086 × BMI ) − 5.3 ent on this percentage result (Chapter 27);

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 29

Functional residual capacity (litres) (BTPS) Mean height 1.68 m FRC upright
30° 30° 60°
FRC supine

Lung volume (litres)

2 y
ng cap
3.0 Closi


2.0 Bars indicate 0

30 40 50 60 70
± 1 standard deviation
Age (years)
FIG. 2.13  ■  Functional residual capacity (FRC) and
FIG. 2.12  ■  Studies by Dr. Nunn and his co-workers closing capacity as a function of age. (Data from refer-
of the functional residual capacity in various body ence 24.)
positions. BTPS, body temperature and pressure,

lung volume below which this effect becomes

TABLE 2.1  Effect of Posture on Some
apparent is known as the closing capacity (CC).
Aspects of Respiratory Function22
With increasing age, CC rises until it equals
Forced FRC at approximately 70 to 75 years in the
Expiratory upright position but only 44 in the supine posi-
Ribcage Volume In tion (Fig. 2.13). This is a major factor in the
FRC (l) Breathing* 1 s (l)
Position (BTPS) (%) (BTPS)
decrease of arterial Po2 with age (page 183).

Sitting 2.91 69.7 3.79

Prone 2.45 32.6 3.49
Lateral 2.44 36.5 3.67 Compliance is measured as the change in lung
Data for 13 healthy males aged 24 to 64.
volume divided by the corresponding change in
*Proportion of breathing accounted for by movement of the appropriate pressure gradient, there being
the ribcage. no gas flow when the two measurements are
BTPS, body temperature and pressure, saturated. made. For lung compliance the appropriate
pressure gradient is alveolar/intrapleural (or
intrathoracic) and for the total compliance
therefore agreement on the correct formula alveolar/ambient. Measurement of compliance
to use is critical.23 Extrapolating outside of the of the thoracic cage is seldom undertaken but the
population used to develop the predictive equa- appropriate pressure gradient would then be
tion is a real problem, for example, using an intrapleural/ambient, measured when the respi-
equation based on readings taken from Cauca- ratory muscles are totally relaxed.
sian subjects aged 25 to 70 years to predict a Volume may be measured with a spirometer,
normal value for an non-Caucasian subject aged a body plethysmograph or by integration of a
75 will give a misleading result. Furthermore, flow rate obtained from a pneumotachogram.
differences in the predictive equations used can Static pressures can be measured with a simple
lead to a large variation in the population preva- water manometer but electrical transducers are
lence of common respiratory diseases which now more common. Intrathoracic pressure is
depend on lung volumes for their diagnosis.23 normally measured as oesophageal pressure
which, in the upright subject, is different at dif-
FRC in Relation to Closing Capacity ferent levels. The pressure rises as the balloon
descends, and the change is roughly in accord
In Chapter 3 it is explained how reduction in with the specific gravity of the lung (0.3 g.ml−1).
lung volume below a certain level results in It is convention to measure the pressure 32 to
airway closure with relative or total underventi- 35 cm beyond the nares, the highest point at
lation in the dependent parts of the lung. The which the measurement is free from artefacts

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
30 PART 1  Basic Principles

due to mouth pressure and tracheal and neck A

movements. Alveolar pressure equals mouth 1200
pressure when no gas is flowing: it cannot be Slope = compliance
measured directly. 800
= 32 ml.cmH2O–1

Tidal volume (ml)

Static Compliance
In the conscious subject, a known volume of air
is inhaled from FRC and the subject then relaxes 400
against a closed airway. The various pressure
gradients are then measured and compared with
the resting values at FRC. It is, in fact, very dif- 0
ficult to ensure that the respiratory muscles 0 20 40
are relaxed, but the measurement of lung com- Airway pressure (cmH2O)
pliance is valid because the static alveolar/
Inspiration Pause Expiration
intrathoracic pressure difference is unaffected by

Inspiratory flow
any muscle activity.
In the paralysed subject there are no difficul-
ties with muscular relaxation and it is very easy Tidal
to measure static compliance of the whole respi-
ratory system simply using recordings of airway
pressure and respiratory volumes. However, 0
due to the uncertainties about interpretation of Pmax
Airway pressure

the oesophageal pressure in the supine position P2

(Fig. 2.5), there is usually some uncertainty
about the pulmonary compliance. For static
compliance it is therefore easier to measure lung
compliance in the upright position, and total
compliance in the anaesthetized paralysed patient 0
who will usually be in the supine position.
FIG. 2.14  ■  Automated measurement of compliance
during intermittent positive pressure ventilation.
Dynamic Compliance (A) Dynamic compliance. Simultaneous measurement
of tidal volume and airway pressure creates a pressure/
These measurements are made during rhythmic volume loop. End-expiratory and end-inspiratory
no-flow points occur when the trace is horizontal. At
breathing, but compliance is calculated from this point, airway pressure and alveolar pressure are
pressure and volume measurements made when equal, so the pressure gradient is the difference
no gas is flowing, usually at end-inspiratory between alveolar and atmospheric pressure. Total res-
and end-expiratory ‘no-flow’ points. The usual piratory system compliance is therefore the slope of
method involves creation of a pressure–volume the line between these points. Note that in this patient
compliance is markedly reduced. (B) Static compli-
loop by displaying simultaneously as x- and ance. Following an end-inspiratory pause the plateau
y-coordinates the required pressure gradient and pressure is recorded (P2) and along with tidal volume
the respired volume. In the resultant loop, as in the static compliance easily derived. This manoeuvre
Figure 2.14, A, the no-flow points are where the also provides an assessment of respiratory system
resistance by recording the pressure drop (Pmax − P2)
trace is horizontal and the dynamic compliance and the inspiratory flow immediately before the inspir-
is the slope of the line joining these points. atory pause (see page 47).

Automated Measurement
now routinely measure airway pressure and tidal
of Compliance volume. This enables a pressure volume loop
In a spontaneously breathing awake patient lung to be displayed (Fig. 2.14, A), from which the
compliance measurement is difficult because of dynamic compliance of the respiratory system
the requirement to place an oesophageal balloon. may be calculated on a continuous breath-by-
However, in anaesthetized patients or those breath basis. When no gas is flowing during
patients receiving intermittent positive pressure IPPV (at the end of inspiration and expiration)
ventilation (IPPV) in intensive care the measure- the airway pressure equals alveolar pressure.
ment of compliance is considerably easier. Many At this point, the airway pressure recorded by
ventilators and anaesthetic monitoring systems the ventilator therefore equals the difference

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 31

between alveolar and atmospheric pressure, REFERENCES

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PRINCIPLES OF MEASUREMENT OF et al. Surfactant protein C mutations are the basis
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Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
32 PART 1  Basic Principles

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Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2  Elastic Forces and Lung Volumes 32.e1

time-dependency of the respiratory system.

CHAPTER 2  ELASTIC FORCES AND Factors affecting lung compliance include
LUNG VOLUMES lung volume, posture, age and disease.
• Static lung volumes describe the amount
• Both lung and chest wall have elastic proper- of gas in the lung at different points when no
ties such that when isolated from the chest a air is flowing. These include residual volume
lung will contract, expelling the air from (RV, volume in the lung after a maximal exha-
within, and the chest wall will expand by a lation), functional residual capacity (FRC,
similar amount. The balance of these two volume in the lung after a normal tidal breath),
opposing forces determines the lung volume tidal volume (volume taken into the lung
when no gas is flowing. Elastic recoil of the during a normal breath) and total lung
lungs results partly from the elastin mole- capacity (TLC, volume in the lung after a
cules that form the lung parenchyma and also maximal inhalation). Other terms used can be
from the surface forces at the air/water derived from these volumes, including vital
interface within the alveoli. capacity (TLC-RV), expiratory reserve
• Surface tension in the lung would quickly volume (FRC-RV) and inspiratory reserve
cause total lung collapse were it not for the capacity (TLC-FRC).
presence of surfactant in the alveoli and • Static lung volumes are affected by posture,
small airways which reduces the surface for example the FRC is reduced when supine
forces by a variable amount depending on compared with upright due to the pressure of
alveolar volume. Surfactant is 90% phos- the abdominal contents displacing the dia-
pholipid and 10% protein, and is produced phragm in a cephalad direction, reducing
by type II alveolar epithelial cells. Its chest volume. Other factors affecting lung
mechanism of action is poorly understood. volumes include subject height, sex, age and
The surfactant proteins are involved in ethnic group, all of which must be taken into
organizing the phospholipid molecules into account when calculating ‘normal’ predicted
layers, and also have other functions such values for an individual. Obesity and lung
as antioxidant effects and the binding of disease also affect lung volumes.
inhaled pathogens. • Measurement of compliance requires both
• Elastic properties of the respiratory system are lung volume and the required pressure to
time dependent i.e. the relationship changes be recorded simultaneously when no gas is
from the initial values if the pressure or volume flowing. For dynamic compliance this may
is held constant. This gives rise to hysteresis, be done by calculating the gradient between
in which the inflation and deflation curves of the no-flow points on a pressure–volume
a pressure volume plot are different, forming loop and this is done automatically on some
a loop. Causes of time dependency include ventilators. Static compliance requires the
molecular changes in surfactant or lung lung to be inflated and held at different
elastin, and redistribution of gas between volumes so it is much harder to perform, but
areas of lung with differing compliances. again, may be automated by some ventilators.
• Compliance describes the change in lung Division of the measurements into compli-
volume per unit change of pressure, ance of lung and chest wall requires meas-
and may be measured for the lungs, chest urement of intrapleural pressure which
wall or both together. Lung compliance is done using an oesophageal balloon, so
requires measurement of pressure between this is an invasive procedure not routinely
the alveolus and pleural space (trans­mural performed.
pressure), chest wall compliance between • Some static lung volumes can be measured
the pleural space and atmosphere. Dynamic using a spirometer or pneumotachograph
compliance is measured during a normal which integrates the flow readings, but those
tidal breath, and static compliance measured volumes involving the residual volume require
after the lung has been maintained at a a tracer dilution or body plethysmograph
constant pressure for a few seconds: the technique to measure the volume of the gas
difference between the two reflects the that cannot be exhaled.

Descargado para renato castaño alarcon (rcastano@fucsalud.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 31,
2018. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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