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2 Marks Questions

1. What is .NET frame work?

2. Define CLR and FCL.
3. What is MSIL?
4. What is an event driven programming?
5. What is VB.NET?
6. What is IDE? / Visual studio IDE.
7. Define Menu.
8. What is Garbage collection?
9. What is intellisence?
10. Explain the controls- Command Button and Textbox
11. Define Object.
12. Define controls.
13. Explain Label control.
14. Write the use of Form BorderStyle property of Form control.
15. Write the syntax to declare a variable in VB.NET.
16. Define Event.
17. What is MDI Form?
18. What is JIT?
19. Define Function.
20. Give any example for keyword.
21. What is message box?
22. Write the syntax for inputbox function.
23. What is an exception?
24. What is an option explicit?
25. What is SQL?
26. Expand ADO.net
27. What is File handling?
28. What is dialog box?
29. Differentiate between Radio Button and Checkbox control.
30. What is comment? How do we write comments in VB.Net?
31. Write the syntax of MsgBox.
32. What is a class? Write its syntax.
33. Define stream.
34. What is the use of Server Explorer component?
35. What is a tool tip?
36. What is a constructor?
37. Define Group Box.
38. Which application can be developed using .NET framework?
39. Mention all data types name in vb.net which holds floating point values and character values?
40. Explain code designer.
41. Explain data adapter.
42. Explain Picture Box control.
43. Explain Status strip control.
44. Differentiate between Month Calendar control and Date Time Picker control.
45. What is the use of Password Char property of textbox control?

5 Mark Questions
1. Explain the feature of the VB.NET.
2. Define Form object. Write any few properties of Form.
3. Describe solution explorer.
4. Describe the properties window in detail.
5. Explain the Architecture of .NET frame work.
6. What is Variable? Write the rules to declare the variables.
7. Explain various data type used in VB.NET.
8. Explain important properties of command button.
9. Write VB.NET program to convert a given temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice
10. Explain different branching statements with example.
11. Explain MsgBox() &InputBox() function with example.
12. Define and explain the working of following
1. ListBox
2. ComoBox
3. ScrollBar
4. Option Button
5. Timer
6. Data Grid
13. Write difference between CheckBox & OptionButton
14. What is timer control? Write a program to design a screen saver application using timer
15. Define Looping. Explain different looping statements with syntax and example.
16. Write a program to input 3 numbers & display the biggest number with interface.
17. Write a program to validate username and password with interface.
18. Write a program to design a pizza order application.
1. Write short notes .Progress Bar
2. Arrays
3. SelectCase
4. SaveFileDialog
5. ColorDialog
6. database
19. Explain different types of scope keywords.
20. Explain the mathematical and string function with example.
21. Explain the different operator in VB.NET.
22. List any five commonly used string functions.
23. Write a program to input any three numbers and display the biggest number with interface.
24. Define a Textbox. Explain its important properties and events.
25. What is sub procedure? Write its syntax and explain how you declare a sub procedure.
26. Write a VB.Net program to design an application which calculates EMI of a loan using functions.
27. Write a note on save file dialog box and print dialog box.
28. Explain various conditional statements in VB.Net.
29. What is a Scroll Bar? Write a program to design a color palette using scrollbars.
30. Write a program to accept 3 sides of a triangle and then find its area, perimeter and type of
triangle using classes (OOP).
31. What is calendar control? Explain important properties of calendar control.
32. Write a program to create a reminder application to schedule a meeting using calendar and
input box control.
33. Explain the following with examples
a. Static array
b. Dynamic array
34. Design an application to simulate the working of font dialog box using Combo Box.
35. Design an application to perform arithmetic operations using functions.

10 Marks Question
1. What is IDE? Explain all the components of IDE with diagram. / explain solution explorer, menu
bar, output window, class view, property window.
2. With syntax and example explain following VB.NET Constructs.
a) Select Case
b) Do loop
c) Return statement
d) OR else operator
e) For Next loop
f) GOTO statement
g) Concatenation operator
3. Explain two types of exception handling with example.

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