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EdTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Muscular and Skeletal System


Central Focus/Big Idea​: To what big idea/unifying science concept does your idea align? Think about
how you would teach this standard in multiple lessons- how would it build? ​Body Systems

Subject of this lesson: ​What is the subject of your lesson? ​Muscular System & Skeletal System

Grade Level​: For what grade level is the lesson designed? ​5th​

NC Essential Standard(s)​: What specific standards are you going to address in this lesson? Write it out,
don’t just list the number.​ ​http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/acre/standards/new-standards/

5.L.1.2 – Compare the major systems of the Human Body (Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, muscular,
skeletal, & cardiovascular) in term of their function necessary for life.

21​st​ Century Skills:​ Using the “21​st​ Century Skills Map-Science” available on Moodle, choose the two
or three skills that apply to your lesson. Explain why you chose these. ​Academic Language Demand

• Language Function: In the table below highlight the ​one​ most important language
function for your lesson. Explain why you chose this.
Analyze Argue Categorize Compare/contrast Describe Explain

Interpret Predict Question Retell Summarize

I chose retell because the students will learn the functions of the muscular system, skeletal system,
and how they interact and depend on one another. Then students will be expected to retell the
information they just learned.

• ​Scientific Vocabulary: What are the key scientific terms that your students will learn through
this lesson?

Muscular system, skeletal system, bones, muscles, movement, support, & interact

Instructional Objective​: What specific learning objective are you going to use? What are the students
going to be expected to learn? How will you know? Does your instructional objective include:
conditions, performance, and criteria?

Students will be able to retell what the functions of the muscular and skeletal system are and how they
interact, while receiving 6/8 points to show mastery.

Prior Knowledge​ (student): What Knowledge and skills should ​students ​already have to be successful in
this lesson?
Students should have background knowledge about muscles and that they contract (flex). Students also
should know that bones make up a skeleton and that they are in the body.

Content Knowledge​ (teacher): What background knowledge does the ​teacher​ need to have​? Provide
enough content here so that a novice colleague could teach this lesson.

Skeletal System functions – support the body and protects the organs
· ​Skull protects the brain.
· ​Rib Cage protects the lungs and heart.
Muscular System functions – body posture, provide movement, maintain body temperature, stabilize
· ​Muscles maintain body heat by shivering when the body is cold creating heat.
The connection between the muscular and skeletal system is that muscles must work with bones in order
for movement to occur. The muscles pull on the bones to create movement.
Accommodations for special needs​ (individual and/or small group): What will you do for students with
special needs (ELL, ability, etc.)?

For ELL students, I know the vocabulary will be challenging. I will have a ton of visuals throughout the
lesson to help break down that barrier and provide extra support.

Materials and Technology requirements​: What materials do you (as teacher) and students need? What
resources will be used? If materials are ‘exotic’, where can they be found? You need to be specific with
the amount of stuff you will need.

Projection device (smart board, promethean board, projector, overhead).

Students notebook – to record Venn diagram and other notes.

Half Sheets of sheet of paper for students to turn in for an exit ticket.

Total Estimated Time​: How long do you expect your lesson will take? ​1 hour

Source of lesson: ​Website, textbook, colleague…? ​ ​Lesson came from me.

Safety considerations:​ How will you make sure students are safe in your lesson?

Teacher must make sure that all students know that actions should be reasonable and not extreme. All
hands and feet should be kept to themselves as well.
Content and Strategies (Procedure)

In your procedure, be sure to include all of the following 5 E’s. ​Your procedure should be detailed
enough for a colleague to follow​. If you will be relying on technology (e.g., a YouTube video), describe
your back up plan ​thoroughly​. Imagine your most novice colleague needing to teach from your plan.
Don’t just answer the questions. Additionally, I expect you to include possible questions you could ask for
each section. This needs to include higher-order questions.

Engage​: How will students’ attention or interest be captured? How will you identify prior conceptions?

To begin there will be five questions on the board. These questions are meant to be for a turn and talkhB.
Students can turn to their shoulder buddy and discuss their answers. The point of these questions is to
determine what information students may already know about the muscular and skeletal system. The
questions are as follows:
· ​What do muscles do?
· ​What is the function of the muscular system?
· ​How could the muscular system and skeletal system work together?
· ​What is a skeleton?

Explore​: What common concrete experience will the students have that allows all students access to
materials? What questions will you ask to facilitate exploration?

Students will have two movement activities. They will work with the partner they did their turn and talk
with during the beginning of class. Students will move their arms back and forth. Looking for how their
bicep and triceps move when they move their arms. After the first demonstration students will come up
with one other simple movement and tell me what muscles they see move. The teacher will stop
discussion, then ask two pairs to come up and show their movements.

Potential Questions to ask for further thought?

· ​What would we look like without any bones?
· ​Could we move on our own without any muscles?
Explanation​: How will you structure student sharing from exploration? How will you facilitate
students’ conceptual development? How will you help students connect explanations back to their
experience? How will you build on student explanations to help students use appropriate vocabulary to
label concepts and ideas?

There will be one slide. With section for muscular system and skeletal system. Each section will have a
space to list the functions of that system. As a class we will come up with the functions and definition of
each system. As long as they align with the functions and definitions listed below.
Muscular System Skeletal System

Functions: Functions:
· ​Body posture · ​Support the body
· ​Provide movement · ​The skeleton protects the organs
· ​Maintain body temperature
· ​Stabilize joints
Possible Questions to ask:
· ​What do you use your muscles for? When do you think you use your muscles?
· ​Do you think a skeleton could move on their own?
Elaborate​: What opportunities will there be for students to apply newly learned ideas, concepts, and

Students will create a Venn diagram in their Science notebook (Be sure to review the concept and use of a
Venn diagram is before allowing students to do their work). One side will be the muscular system, the
other the skeletal system. Students will write down the functions of each system. Then in the middle,
students will come up with a way the skeletal system and muscular system interact/work together. As
students come up with their own ideas, the teacher will walk around and find one student who they would
like to share their work. That student will then share their Venn diagram with the class.
Example layout of Venn Diagram
Muscular System How they Interact or Work Skeletal System

Functions: Functions:

Possible Questions to ask:

· ​How would your muscles affect your bones?
· ​What do you think your most important muscle would be?
Evaluate​: How will you assess each student’s progress toward the stated objective(s)? What evidence
will be collected? What type of assessment will be used (formal, informal, formative, summative)?

Informative​: This will be assessed by questions asked throughout the lesson. Making sure students
understand what is expected and are comprehending the new content.
Summative​: Students will turn in an exit ticket. They will need to answer three questions. Students are
expected to get 6/8 points correct.

1. What are the functions of the muscular system? (List the four functions (1 point each))

2. What are the functions of the skeletal system? (List the 2 functions (1 point each))

3. How do the muscular system and skeletal system interact or work together? (2 points)
To be complete after the lesson is taught as appropriate

Assessment Results of all objectives/skills​:

Reflection on lesson​:
CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________
Cooperating Teacher Lesson Feedback Form

Note: A complete lesson plan should be provided by the teacher candidate prior to

To be completed by the teacher candidate prior to observation

Preservice Teacher: Victoria Mason Observer: ​Lisa Graham

Date: March 20, 2018 School: ​Sterling Elementary
Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am & 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm Grade: Fifth
1. What are your goals and objectives for this lesson?

To get the students to understand the functions and relationships between muscular system
and skeletal system. Then growing myself as a teacher to develop more skills to use in my

2. What are some specific things you would like observed?

My ability to manage the classroom and my ability to adjust a lesson if I need to.
So, I can be accommodating to the students in the classroom.

To be completed by the Observer:

3. Strengths to continue to build on:

● ​ id a great job adjusting to the lesson when asked to do a each question one at a time.
● Demonstrations and connect concepts were engaging and purpose.
● Collaboration among students was excellent. (Turn and talk)
● Allowing students to participate without being judge
● Great resources that enhance learning.

4. Suggestions for future lessons:

● Think Time before students begin to discuss.

● 1 question at a time. Too much for those students with learning disabilities to remember
with 4 questions at the same time.
● When enter a new classroom, give your clear expectation to the students and they will do
whatever you ask them.

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