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Development and Psychopathology 17 ~2005!

, 927–957
Copyright © 2005 Cambridge University Press
Printed in the United States of America
DOI: 10.10170S0954579405050443

The psychodynamics of borderline

personality disorder: A view from
developmental psychopathology


Emory University

This article provides a contemporary view of the psychodynamics of borderline personality disorder ~BPD! from a
developmental psychopathology perspective. We first briefly describe the evolution of the borderline construct in
psychoanalysis and psychiatry. Then we provide clinically and empirically informed model of domains of
personality function and dysfunction that provides a roadmap for thinking about personality pathology from a
developmental psychopathology standpoint and examine the nature and phenomenology of BPD in terms of these
domains of functioning. Next, we describe prominent dynamic theories of etiology of BPD and examine these in
relation to the available research. Finally, we describe psychodynamic conceptions of treatment and the way BPD
phenomena manifest in treatment, followed again by consideration of relevant research, particularly on
transference–countertransference constellations empirically identified in the treatment of patients with BPD.

The conceptualization of borderline personal- from a psychodynamic perspective. It is an

ity disorder ~BPD! has changed significantly irony of our times that psychodynamic ap-
over the last 80 years. What emerged from the proaches are disappearing from the academic
psychoanalytic literature and remained an ex- and therapeutic landscapes just as empirical
clusively psychoanalytic construct for its first research has begun to corroborate some of
50 years has metamorphosed into a burgeoning their most important postulates, for example,
area of empirical research from multiple stand- about the ubiquity of unconscious processes,
points. Our goal in this article is to offer a con- including implicit affective and motivational
temporary description of BPD informed by both processes; the importance of early attachment
psychoanalytic clinical theory and observation relationships for subsequent development and
and by the available research, focusing on the psychopathology; the role of personality as a
phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of the diathesis for many disorders ~and the source
disorder. We argue that an empirically informed of much of their comorbidity!; and the role of
psychodynamic approach is central understand- the therapeutic relationship in effecting change
ing BPD from a contemporary developmental in psychotherapy ~Westen, 1998b!. What dy-
psychopathology perspective. namic perspectives on BPD have assumed from
Before beginning, we address briefly the the start is perhaps the core postulate that unites
question of why one might think about BPD theory and research in developmental psycho-
pathology: that psychopathology needs to be
Preparation of this article was supported in part by NIMH understood in its developmental context. No-
Grants R01-MH62377 and R01-MH62378. where is this postulate more important than in
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Drew
BPD, a malady whose core deficits and dys-
Westen, Department of Psychology and Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory Univer- functions are in domains of representation ~of
sity, 532 N. Kilgo Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322; E-mail: the self, others, and relationships! and emo-
dwesten@emory.edu. tion regulation that normally emerge in the

928 R. Bradley and D. Westen

context of nurturant attachment relationships considerable structure but that their capacity
and stable family systems. What perhaps con- to function adaptively breaks down under con-
tinues most to distinguish dynamic approaches ditions of low structure and high emotion. This
to treatment is the use of developmental mod- could be seen, for example, in their tendency
els in thinking about what needs to be accom- to make idiosyncratic and often malevolent
plished in helping patients with BPD change. attributions, even on such seemingly “struc-
As we shall see, clinical observers framed some tured” tasks as the Picture Arrangement sub-
important hypotheses about the nature, etiol- test of the WAIS if the tester were to inquire
ogy, and treatment of BPD that have turned about the story they had in mind while arrang-
out to be not only prescient but important in ing the cards ~Nigg, Lohr, Westen, Gold, &
understanding and treating borderline patients. Silk, 1992; Segal, Westen, Lohr, & Silk, 1993;
Westen, Lohr, Silk, Gold, & Kerber, 1990!.
The most important theoretical advance in
The Nature and Phenomenology of BPD defining the borderline construct emerged from
the work of Kernberg ~1975!, who proposed
Like the construct of psychopathy ~Cleckley,
that borderline personality organization ~BPO!
1941!, the construct of BPD emerged from the
be understood as a middle level of personality
observation of patients who seemed on the
organization on a continuum from neurotic
surface to be compos mentis ~who were not
to psychotic personality organization. For
psychotic, and could converse in socially com-
Kernberg, the hallmarks of BPO ~a broader
petent ways! but who appeared, on closer ex-
construct than BPD, reflecting a level of per-
amination, to have in some sense only a “mask
sonality organization or dysfunction, rather
of sanity.” We first describe the evolution of
than a specific personality disorder @PD# ! are
the construct from its psychoanalytic origins
distortion in reality perception ~as opposed to
to its current psychiatric definition. We then
the genuine loss of contact with reality seen in
examine empirical research on the complex
psychosis!; immature and maladaptive de-
pattern of function and dysfunction that con-
fenses ~ways of regulating emotion!; and an
stitutes the borderline syndrome.
inability to form complex, integrated represen-
tations of others, which contributes to inter-
Evolution of the Borderline Construct personal instability. Kernberg ~1975! described
borderline patients as having “nonspecific ego
Although the term borderline was first intro- weakness” ~i.e., multiple deficits in the psy-
duced in the psychoanalytical literature in the chological practices fostering adaptive func-
1930s ~e.g., Stern, 1938!, it was not until tioning!, including poor impulse control, low
Knight’s ~1953! classic article on “borderline anxiety tolerance, and breakthroughs of “pri-
states” that the construct began to gain wide- mary process” thinking ~i.e., disordered think-
spread attention. Knight described patients who ing!. As we shall see, many of these features
often had classic neurotic symptoms and in- are, empirically, descriptive of the types of
tact areas of functioning ~e.g., memory and patients he placed under the rubric of BPO.
“habitual performances”! but whose inability The decades of the 1970s and 1980s led to
to form constant and lasting relationships and an explosion of psychoanalytic theories of the
to adapt to environmental demands were se- nature, pathogenesis, and treatment of border-
verely impaired. Frosch suggested that border- line pathology. All of these approaches shared
line patients retain “a relative capacity to test what today we would describe as a develop-
reality, albeit frequently consistent with ear- mental psychopathology perspective, under-
lier ego states” ~Frosch, 1970, p. 48!. This standing the pathology, the pathways to its
view was echoed in the psychological testing emergence, and the pathways from BPD to
literature, where the aphorism, “clean WAIS healthier functioning in developmental con-
@Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale#, dirty Ror- text. Masterson ~1972! developed an object
schach” reflected the view that borderline pa- relations approach to borderline pathology, em-
tients could function reasonably well with phasizing the way borderline patients internal-
Psychodynamics of BPD 929

ize relationship patterns from their interactions menclature as a specific type of disorder rather
with their primary caregivers. He argued that than as a level of personality structure or dis-
children who go on to develop BPD form rep- turbance. Many of the PDs on Axis II of DSM-
resentations of others who withdraw or attack III, including paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal,
in response to their legitimate expressions of antisocial, histrionic ~and sometimes depen-
needs and affects ~e.g., for autonomy, separa- dent!, also fall under the rubric of BPO as
tion, and anger! and subsequently play out defined by Kernberg ~1975!. It is interesting
many of these relationship paradigms in their that, with the exception of schizoid, all of these
adult lives. Adler and Buie ~1979! described PDs show high comorbidity with DSM de-
the deficit in “evocative object constancy” of fined BPD, and studies of adaptive function-
borderline patients, that is, their inability to ing tend to find them clustered together on a
self-sooth by drawing on memories, images, continuum of personality pathology, with dis-
or experiences with soothing others. Adler and orders such as avoidant, narcissistic, and
Buie hypothesized that this deficit emerges obsessive–compulsive generally showing bet-
from childhood experiences with unempathic, ter adaptive functioning ~see, e.g., Skodol,
unavailable, or abusive parents, who fail to Gunderson, McGlashan, et al., 2002; Skodol,
help their children regulate their affects ~and Gunderson, Pfohl, et al., 2002; Tyrer, 1996!.
ultimately to learn to do so on their own!. As
noted below, research on attachment and af-
Domains of Function and Dysfunction
fect regulation patterns in high-risk children
in BPD: An Empirical Portrait
lends some support to these hypotheses, al-
though there is still much to be learned about Psychoanalytic theorists have proposed a range
the kinds of parenting that create specifically of models of personality “structure” ~i.e., re-
borderline pathology ~see, e.g., Bradley, Jenei, petitively activated psychological processes
& Westen, 2005; Cicchetti, Ackerman, & Izard, likely to be elicited under specific conditions!
1995; Cicchetti & Toth, 2000; Lyons–Ruth, that can be useful in organizing existing data
1996; Lyons–Ruth, Easterbrooks, & Cibelli, on the nature of borderline pathology and par-
1997; Sroufe, 1989!. ticularly in identifying targets of clinical change
With an increasing press to develop reli- ~see, e.g., Freud, 1933; Gabbard, 2005; Kern-
able criteria for psychiatric syndromes that berg, 1983; Lenzenweger, Clarkin, Kernberg,
would allow systematic and replicable re- & Foelsch, 2001; McWilliams, 1999!. In this
search, clinical description began to give way section we draw on a model of domains of
to empirical description of a more precisely personality functioning designed to integrate
delimited clinical syndrome ~for an early ex- psychodynamic clinical models of case formu-
ample, see Grinker, Werble, & Drye, 1968!. lation with relevant research from personality,
After reviewing the existing empirical and clinical, social, developmental, and evolution-
theoretical literature ~Gunderson & Singer, ary psychology ~Heim & Westen, in press;
1975!, Gunderson and colleagues developed Westen, 1995, 1996, 1998a; Westen, Gabbard,
the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Pa- & Blagov, in press!. The model suggests that a
tients ~Gunderson & Kolb, 1978; Gunderson, systematic case formulation must answer six
Kolb, & Austin, 1981!, which led to the first questions, each comprising a series of subques-
sustained research on BPD. In his role as Chair tions or variables. The first three questions are
of the first DSM Personality Disorder Com- central to personality or character structure,
mittee, Spitzer and colleagues developed a set and can help organize the empirical literature
of diagnostic characteristics ~Spitzer, Endi- on the phenomenology of BPD:
cott, & Gibbon, 1979! that became the basis
for the BPD criterion set introduced in 1980 1. What does the person wish for, fear, and
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of value, and to what extent are these motives
Mental Disorders ~DSM-III; American Psychi- conscious, conflicting, or mutually compat-
atric Association, 1980!. It was at this time ible? This question addresses both adap-
that BPD entered the official psychiatric no- tive and maladaptive strivings and conflicts
930 R. Bradley and D. Westen

among goals, and corresponds roughly to terminants of personality functioning and

classical psychoanalytic concerns about mo- symptom expression ~etiology, current envi-
tivation and conflict ~e.g., Brenner, 1982!. ronmental and medical context, and recent
2. What are the person’s psychological re- stressors!, and longitudinal course ~prognosis
sources for adapting to internal and ex- and likely course of treatment!:
ternal demands? This question addresses
psychological functions essential to adap- 4. In what ways is the person symptomatic?
tation, including cognitive processes ~e.g., This question addresses the patient’s cur-
intelligence, memory, intactness of think- rent symptomatology and history of symp-
ing processes!, emotions, emotion regula- toms as well as the functional elicitors of
tion strategies ~including both conscious these symptoms.
coping strategies and unconscious defenses 5. How did the person’s personality and symp-
~see, Westen, Muderrisoglu, Fowler, Shed- toms evolve? This question addresses the
ler, & Koren, 1997!, skills, and other as- question of etiology, and focuses on the
pects of self-regulation ~e.g., impulse person’s genetics, developmental history,
regulation!. It corresponds roughly to ego- and their interaction. It also addresses con-
psychological approaches to adaptive func- textual variables ~e.g., recent stressors, med-
tioning ~e.g., Blanck & Blanck, 1974; ical conditions! that may help explain the
Hartmann, 193901958!. patient’s current symptoms and life circum-
3. What is the person’s capacity for engaging stances ~e.g., functional disability!.
in intimate relationships, and how does the 6. What is the person’s prognosis and likely
individual experience the self, others, and courses of treatment? This question fo-
relationships? This question addresses cuses on the likely course of the person’s
psychological functions essential to inter- life course, symptoms, and treatment, in-
personal functioning, such as mental rep- cluding ways the person’s personality pro-
resentations, social skills, and identity. It cesses are likely to manifest in the treatment
corresponds roughly to object-relations, and to influence and interact with the
self-psychological, attachment, and rela- clinicians’dynamics.
tional ~Aron, 1996; Mitchell, 1988! ap-
proaches to the experience of self in relation We focus in this section on the first three
to others, and reflects a rich body of devel- questions, which can be used to organize re-
opmental literature ~see Damon & Hart, search on the nature of borderline personality
1988; Fonagy, Gergely, Jurist, & Target, disturbance. The fifth and sixth questions ~eti-
2002; Harter, 1999; Livesley & Bromley, ology and treatment! are the focus of the final
1973; Main, 1995; Westen, 1990a, 1990b, sections. Because of space limitations, we fo-
1991c, 1994!. cus only in passing on the fourth question of
symptomatology in patients with BPD ~e.g.,
From this point of view, individuals with par- their vulnerability to mood, anxiety, and sub-
ticular PDs are likely to be characterized by stance use disorders!, which have been re-
distinct constellations of motives and con- viewed extensively elsewhere ~e.g., Gunderson,
flicts, deficits in adaptive functioning, and 2001!.
problematic ways of thinking, feeling, and be-
having toward themselves and significant oth-
Wishes, fears, and conflicts
ers ~Heim & Westen, in press!. ~Elsewhere we
address the question of how, and in what ways, In many respects, the wishes, fears, and con-
this clinically grounded understanding of per- flicts first identified by dynamic clinicians ~e.g.,
sonality structure relates to personality struc- fear of abandonment, sensitivity to rejection,
ture as understood in the trait psychology and fear of aloneness! continue to define cen-
tradition; Westen et al., in press.! tral aspects of the disorder. Patients with BPD
The remaining three questions focus on are in constant conflict between their desper-
symptom presentation, proximal and distal de- ate need for connection to others and their
Psychodynamics of BPD 931

fear, mistrust, and anger, which often drives with BPD may attribute malevolence to, or
others away. From a dynamic perspective, a fear abandonment by, significant others and
failure to develop the capacity for self-soothing hence resort to self-harm or threats of suicide
means that borderline patients may have to that further drive others away. Downey and
rely on the actual ~rather than internalized! colleagues ~Downey, Freitas, Michaelis, &
presence of another person to manage and tol- Khouri, 1998! have documented processes akin
erate emotions. to cyclical psychodynamics of this sort in in-
Research using the Shedler–Westen Assess- dividuals high in rejection sensitivity.
ment Procedure ~SWAP-200! Q-sort provides
empirical evidence for this view of BPD. In
Psychological resources
multiple community samples, the items most
descriptive of the personality functioning of Individuals with BPD show deficits across a
patients with BPD include items reflecting number of domains of adaptive personality
abandonment fears, rejection sensitivity, fears functioning. We focus here on cognitive pro-
of aloneness and three items of direct rele- cesses, emotion and emotion regulation, and
vance to dynamic accounts of motivation and impulse regulation.
conflict in BPD: “is unable to soothe or com-
fort self when distressed; requires involve- Cognition: Subclinical cognitive disturbance.
ment of another person to help regulate affect,” Psychodynamic theorists have consistently ar-
“is simultaneously needy of, and rejecting to- gued for distinct cognitive deficits in patients
ward, others ~e.g., craves intimacy and caring, with BPD, particularly involving executive
but tends to reject it when offered!,” and “tends functioning ~e.g., ability to plan and maintain
to feel misunderstood, mistreated, or victim- focus on goals!, the ability to think clearly in
ized” ~Shedler & Westen, 2004; Westen & the face of strong emotions, paranoia, and gen-
Shedler, 1999a; Zittel & Westen, 2005!. Other eral reality testing ~or what one might call
research has similarly documented the intense subclinical cognitive disturbance! ~see, e.g.,
alienation and lack of what Erikson ~1962! Kernberg, 1975!. Neuropsychological studies
described as “basic trust” in others in patients of BPD are limited. Some show few deficits,
with BPD ~Bell, Billington, Cicchetti, & Gib- perhaps reflecting the “clean WAIS” phenom-
bons, 1988!. enon ~Kunert, Druecke, Sass, & Herpertz,
In a creative use of a cognitive task adapted 2003; Sprock, Rader, Kendall, & Yoder, 2000!.
for research in psychopathology, Korfine and Others, however, indicate memory deficits, par-
Hooley ~2000! examined BPD patients’ re- ticularly for uncued recall of complex, re-
sponse to words associated with the kinds of cently learned information; deficits in attention;
interpersonal themes described above. They and impairment in visuospatial processing
compared the response of patients with BPD ~Judd & Ruff, 1993; O’Leary, 2000!.
to normal controls on a directed forgetting A small group of recent studies indicates
task using words expected to be particularly that impaired executive neurocognitive func-
salient to patients with BPD ~e.g., emptiness, tioning may characterize BPD, with degree of
enraged, abandoned, evil and reject!. As hy- impairment associated with degree of border-
pothesized, patients with BPD had more dif- line symptomatology ~e.g., Bazanis et al., 2002;
ficulty suppressing cognitive processing of Fertuck, Lenzenweger, Clarkin, Hoermann, &
words related to their preoccupations. Stanley, in press; Posner et al., 2002!. For
The characteristic wishes, fears, and con- example, Lenzenweger, Clarkin, Fertuck, and
flicts of patients with BPD often lead, through Kernberg ~2004! compared patients with BPD
a process Wachtel ~1977! calls “cyclical psy- to normal controls on tests of sustained atten-
chodynamics” ~by which people often inad- tion, visual working memory, and executive
vertently elicit precisely what they most fear!, functioning as assessed by the Wisconsin Card
to a tendency to experience intense but tran- Sort Task ~Heaton, 1981!. These studies find
sient relationships that reinforce these con- impairment of neurocognitive functioning in
flicts and concerns. For example, the individual BPD that is independent of negative or dys-
932 R. Bradley and D. Westen

regulated affect ~Depue & Lenzenweger, 2001, decision making, and attention that appear pri-
2005!, suggesting that even at emotional base- marily under conditions of affective arousal
line patients with BPD may show disruption in ~e.g., “has trouble maintaining focused atten-
core cognitive processes ~see Fertuck et al., in tion when distressed; when emotions are strong,
press, for a review!. To what extent these neuro- shows a noticeable decline in functioning;”
cognitive impairments are cause or effect of “has difficulty making sensible decisions when
some of the more widely emphasized emotional emotions are strong; tends to be overly swayed
disturbances in BPD is at present unknown. by the passion of the moment”!.
Both phenomenological descriptions and A form of subclinical thought disorder in
formal diagnostic criteria for BPD include psy- BPD that can be important with respect to
chotic or psychotic-like cognitive processes, differential diagnosis has been described by
although the nature of these processes has been Kernberg ~1975! in terms of “unmetabolized
a matter of debate. This debate can be seen in introjects,” by which he means experiences of
the evolution of diagnostic criteria since DSM- self in relationship to a caregiver that are en-
III ~see Gunderson, Zanarini, & Kisiel, 1995!, coded concretely rather than as either well-
which have variously emphasized brief psy- differentiated person representations or abstract
chotic episodes, paranoia, and dissociative moral internalizations. Routine psychiatric in-
experiences. terviewing can often confuse these “raw” or
Zanarini, Gunderson, and Frankenburg psychologically unmetabolized quasipercep-
~1990! identified three levels of cognitive im- tual experiences with genuine hallucinations
pairment in BPD: disturbed but nonpsychotic ~e.g., “I hear my mother’s voice screaming at
symptoms such as dissociation, depersonaliza- me, telling me to kill myself”!, even though,
tion, odd thinking, and nondelusional para- with careful probing, patients with BPD ~un-
noia; quasipsychotic symptoms defined as likely patients with schizophrenia! are gener-
transient ~less than 2 days! and circumscribed ally able to acknowledge that these quasi-
~affecting one or two areas in the patient’s hallucinations are not “real” ~e.g., “I know it’s
life! hallucination and delusions; and genuine not my mother, but it sounds just like her”!.
psychotic thought including prolonged ~more For example, when recalling aspects of her
than 2 days! and widespread delusions or relationship with her mother ~who was physi-
hallucinations ~i.e., Schneiderian first-rank cally and emotionally abusive!, one patient
symptoms!. Genuine psychotic thought was would be at a loss for words; instead she would
relatively rare among borderline patients ~14%! report a physically vivid experience that she
and always occurred in the context of comor- described as “worms swimming through my
bid Axis I diagnoses. However, the presence blood.” Although she knew there were no ac-
of quasipsychotic symptoms distinguished tual worms in her body, over time she came to
borderline patients from other groups. interpret this experience as “what it felt like”
In multiple studies using the SWAP-200 being with her mother. Phenomena such as
Q-sort, the item that has best captured BPD these are similar to phenomena sometimes re-
thought disorder has been “tends to become ported in the literature on psychotic and
irrational when strong emotions are stirred up; psychotic-like symptoms in posttraumatic
may show a significant decline from custom- stress disorder ~PTSD!; ~see Morrison, Frame,
ary level of functioning” ~Shedler & Westen, & Larkin, 2003 for a review! and reflect the
2004; Westen & Shedler, 1999a; Zittel, Bradley, often fine line between reexperiencing trau-
& Westen, in press!. Heim and Westen ~in matic memories and hallucinating phenomena
press! have recently attempted to distinguish that are not present ~see, e.g., Beck & Van der
the subclinical cognitive disturbances of bor- Kolk, 1987; Butler, Mueser, Sprock, & Braff,
derline and schizotypal patients. Although 1996; Read & Argyle, 1999!.
some dimensions of cognitive disturbance were
similar across the two groups, patients with Emotional experience and emotion regulation.
BPD showed particular elevations in a di- The DSM-IV criteria for BPD include multi-
mension indexing problems with judgment, ple items reflecting aberrant emotional expe-
Psychodynamics of BPD 933

rience ~e.g., intense anger!, perhaps most a recent study from our research group ~Wes-
importantly the “affective instability” crite- ten, Bradley, & Shedler, 2005!, we similarly
rion. This criterion grew out of observations found a range of dysphoric states to be highly
of the intense, fluctuating nature of emotions characteristic of patients with BPD, such as a
in patients with BPD. However, this construct tendency to feel misunderstood, mistreated,
itself has shown its share of “fluctuation” over or victimized or to feel inadequate, inferior, or
successive editions of the DSM, and its bound- like a failure. Although these moods did not
ary conditions with other axis I conditions, distinguish borderline patients from other PD
particularly bipolar spectrum disorders, re- patients, they tend to characterize their phe-
main uncertain. Researchers and clinicians nomenology on a day to day basis, unlike the
have long observed the co-occurrence of de- more florid signs of distress that empirically
pression and BPD ~e.g., Gunderson & Phil- distinguish BPD from other disorders but
lips, 1991! and raised the question of whether emerge only under extreme emotional and
borderline personality is better understood as interpersonal stress ~e.g., self-harming or sui-
a mood spectrum disorder. Akiskal ~1996, cidal behaviors!. Intense negative affect,
2004!, who has long argued for conceptualiz- though not specific to BPD, appears to be a
ing BPD as a mood spectrum disorder, has highly stable aspect of the disorder longitudi-
more recently championed the view of BPD nally ~Zanarini, Frankenburg, Hennen, & Silk,
as “soft” bipolar spectrum pathology with ex- 2003!.
tremely rapid cycling. A construct frequently used in describing
Although the high prevalence of mood dis- patients with BPD is emotional dysregulation
orders in patients with BPD is indisputable, ~Linehan, Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, &
critics of the bipolar spectrum hypothesis have Heard, 1991; Westen, 1991c; Westen & Shed-
argued that the affective instability of patients ler, 1999a, 1999b; Zittel et al., in press!. Emo-
with BPD is qualitatively distinct, in several tional dysregulation refers to a tendency for
respects. First, fluctuation in negative but not negative emotions to spiral out of control, to
positive mood seems to characterize border- be expressed in intense and unmodified forms,
line patients, as seen in experience sampling and0or to overwhelm reasoning. Empirically,
studies ~Stein, 1996!. Second, depressed mood emotional dysregulation is probably the most
in the context of BPD is marked by loneliness, characteristic feature of the disorder as de-
emptiness, anger, one-sided or “split” repre- fined in recent editions of the DSM ~see Shed-
sentations of the self and significant others, ler & Westen, 2004; Westen, Bradley, et al.,
and diffuse negative affectivity ~Kurtz & Mo- 2005; Westen et al., 1997; Westen & Shedler,
rey, 1998; Rogers, Widiger, & Krupp, 1995; 1999a!. Linehan ~1993a! suggests that vulner-
Westen et al., 1992; Wixom, Ludolph, & Wes- ability to emotion dysregulation in BPD is
ten, 1993!. Third, mood lability in the context characterized by high sensitivity to emotional
of BPD is highly reactive ~unlike mood in stimuli, high emotional intensity, and slow re-
major depression, for example! and is gener- turn to emotional baseline once emotional
ally associated with interpersonal sensitivity arousal has occurred. Related conceptualiza-
~Bolton & Gunderson, 1996; Gunderson, tions suggest that individuals with BPD have
2001!. difficulty recognizing, differentiating, and in-
Aside from depressed mood, borderline per- tegrating emotions and emotion-laden repre-
sonality is related to an increased vulnerabil- sentations of the self and significant others
ity to a range of intensely experienced painful ~e.g., Kernberg, 1975!. This inability to pro-
emotional states. Describing “the pain of be- cess emotional experience may result in global,
ing borderline,” Zanarini et al. ~1998! note undifferentiated affective states that do not
that borderline patients report higher levels of direct the individual to effective behavioral,
dysphoric emotions than nonborderline pa- coping, or defensive responses and instead
tients, and that these are often associated with elicit a range of desperate escape maneuvers
cognitive–affective states such as feeling aban- ~Krystal, 1974; Linehan & Heard, 1992; Wes-
doned, evil, like a small child, or betrayed. In ten, 1991b!.
934 R. Bradley and D. Westen

The emotional dysregulation seen in pa- Table 1. Emotion regulation and emotional
tients with BPD can be understood as a gross experience in BPD
failure to engage in normal emotion regula-
tion processes ~i.e., conscious and uncon- Has trouble recognizing or remembering anything
positive when feeling bad: when things are bad,
scious procedures used to maximize positive everything is bad.
and minimize negative emotional states!. A Tends to feel unpleasant emotions ~sadness,
number of maladaptive efforts at emotion reg- anxiety, guilt, etc.! intensely
ulation characterize patients with BPD. Some Tends to become overwhelmed or disorganized by
are behavioral, such as suicidal and self- emotion
Tends to feel sad or unhappy
harming behavior when these reflect efforts to Tends to ruminate or dwell on concerns when
obtain relief from experiences of intolerable distressed
or overwhelming emotions ~e.g., Kullgren, Tends to feel anxious
1988; Montgomery, Montgomery, Baldwin, & Has difficulty seeing other people’s perspective
Green, 1989; Yen et al., 2002!. BPD is also when emotions become strong
When distressed, tends to vacillate between
associated with a number of other maladap- clinging to others and pushing them away
tive behaviors likely to serve in part as affect Tends to be angry or hostile ~regardless of
regulation strategies, such as substance use whether this is consciously acknowledged!
and bulimic episodes ~see e.g., Vollrath, Al- Tends to lash out at others when distressed or
naes, & Torgersen, 1996!. Aside from failing angry
Tends to become needy, dependent, and clingy
to engage in the kinds of conscious coping when distressed
strategies that are one of the major foci of Is prone to tantrums and angry outbursts when
Linehan et al.’s ~1991! dialectical behavior thwarted or frustrated
therapy, empirically, patients with BPD also
engage in many of the maladaptive implicit Note: The data are adapted from Zittel, Bradley, and Wes-
ten ~in press!, using the Affect Regulation and Experience
emotion regulation procedures ~i.e., defenses; Questionnaire ~Westen et al., 1997!.
see Westen, 1985; Westen, 1994! long as-
cribed to them by psychodynamic theorists
~see Perry & Cooper, 1987; Westen et al.,
1997!. Table 1 reproduces the items most de- BPD ~Schmahl et al., 2004!. Although recent
scriptive of patients with BPD in a study just efforts are a very useful start, it is important
completed of emotion regulation and emo- to go beyond studies of neural correlates of
tional experience in BPD ~Zittel et al., in press!. known behavioral phenomena ~e.g., height-
Research using functional neuroimaging ened amygdala activity in response to nega-
~functional magnetic resonance imaging! and tive stimuli, the absence of which would might
other biological procedures to examine emo- just as readily imply a broken scanner! to
tion and emotional regulation in BPD is just research that can either contribute to an under-
beginning but holds promise in contributing standing of the neural systems that are dys-
to an understanding of the disorder ~and par- functional in borderline patients and0or can
ticularly of emotion dysregulation!. For exam- elucidate the processes underlying phenom-
ple, structural neuroimaging findings indicate ena currently understood at a behavioral level.
decreased amygdala volume in BPD ~Dries- For example, neuroimaging data could lead to
sen et al., 2000; Schmahl et al., 2003!. Most better understanding of the nature of the emo-
functional neuroimaging research begins with tionally one-sided “split” mental representa-
the hypothesis that BPD is associated with tions of patients with BPD, by presenting
hyperreactivity to emotional stimuli, which patients with BPD with images or imagery-
should be manifest in neural responses such guided scripts regarding people about whom
as heightened activation of the amygdala they have emotionally driven one-dimensional
~Donegan et al., 2003; Herpertz et al., 2001!. views. One would expect, for example, to see
The data, however, can be complex because greater relative activation of ventromedial rel-
patients with BPD who dissociated may be ative to dorsolateral prefrontal activity when
relatively less reactive than patients without patients with BPD describe or think about peo-
Psychodynamics of BPD 935

ple when their representations are affect driven, parents’ home for breaks, however, she en-
particularly if exposed to information counter gaged in self-harmful behaviors, such as tak-
to their one-sided representation ~e.g., infor- ing near overdoses of over the counter drugs
mation suggesting that the person can be fair and cutting herself. All of these behaviors were
or kind!. “impulsive” in the sense that they were not
planned and appeared to the patient to come
Impulse regulation. Problems with impulse “out of the blue,” but they had different mean-
regulation are reflected in the diagnostic cri- ings and eliciting situations.
teria for BPD, and research indicates that de- Impulsivity is a multifaceted construct, and
gree of impulsivity is predictive of severity of a number of research groups have begun to
borderline pathology over time ~e.g., Links, map the relationship between BPD and spe-
Heslegrave, & van Reekum, 1999! as well as cific types of impulsivity. Lenzenweger and
other clinically important variables, notably colleagues focus on low levels of nonaffective
suicidal behavior ~Soloff, Lis, Kelly, Corne- constraint ~the capacity to inhibit thought or
lius, & Ulrich, 1994; Soloff, Lynch, Kelly, action! associated with BPD, which they have
Malone, & Mann, 2000!. However, impulsivity associated empirically with diminished ability
is a multidimensional construct, with different to perform cognitive tasks that rely upon ef-
expressions in different forms of psychopa- fortful ~conscious! cognitive processing
thology ~e.g., cognitive impulsivity in attention- ~Hoermann, Clarkin, Levy, & Hull, 2005;
deficit0hyperactivity disorder @ADHD#, lack Lenzenweger et al., 2004!. Another form of
of concern about consequences of actions and impulsivity that has received considerable re-
poor planning in antisocial PD!. The precise search is what has been described as impul-
nature of impulsivity in BPD is not yet fully sive aggression, including aggression toward
understood. both the self and others. Research suggests
For example, borderline impulsivity primar- that serotonin dysfunction leads to a baseline
ily reflect a difficulty regulating affects, lead- of impulsivity that interacts with contextual
ing to behaviors such as cutting, as opposed to cues leading to aggressive behaviors ~Coc-
difficulty regulating attention, as in ADHD. A caro et al., 1989; Seroczynski, Bergeman, &
psychodynamic perspective would pose three Coccaro, 1999; Skodol, Siever, et al., 2002!.
questions about impulsivity in BPD. First, what For example, some research links lower levels
motivates impulsive action in BPD ~e.g., strong of 5-hydroxytryptophan ~5-HTT! with in-
affect states, particular feeling-states such as creased self-harmful and suicidal behaviors
interpersonal desperation!? Second, to what ~e.g., Mann, 1998!. Other research, however,
extent does impulsivity ~or different forms of suggests that impulsivity may not necessarily
impulsivity! in BPD reflect the extreme affect be linked to aggression in all or most patients
of patients with BPD that motivates them to with BPD ~e.g., Critchfield, Levy, & Clarkin,
act ~too much “gas”! or to what extent does it 2004; Depue & Lenzenweger, 2001!.
involve deficits in self-regulation or inhibi- Westen, Heim, and colleagues have also
tory control ~too little “brakes”!? Third, what begun examining the multidimensional nature
is the range of forms impulsive action can of impulsivity using an Impulsivity Question-
takes? Regarding this third question, impul- naire ~Westen & Heim, 2005! designed for
sive action in borderline patients is more likely use by clinically experienced informants, based
than in other disorders to include self-harm. It on either their knowledge of the patient
is also frequently manifest in bulimic behav- over the course of treatment or a systematic,
ior, reckless spending, senseless shoplifting, narrative-based clinical interview, the Clini-
substance abuse, and so forth. The specific cal Diagnostic Interview ~Westen, 2004; Wes-
form of behavior may change with the con- ten & Muderrisoglu, 2003, in press!. Factor
text. One of us ~RB! recently worked with a analysis of the instrument yields five dimen-
young adult patient who engaged while at col- sions: cognitive impulsivity ~e.g., “has diffi-
lege in excessive use of marijuana and reck- culty concentrating or maintaining focus on
less sexual behavior. Upon returning to her tasks or problems, even when mood is rela-
936 R. Bradley and D. Westen

tively calm”!, impulsive aggression ~e.g., “is through time!; self-esteem ~specific and global
prone to angry outbursts or temper tantrums feelings about the self !; self-esteem regula-
in response to interpersonal disappointments tion ~ability to maintain relative constancy to
or frustrations”!, self-destructive impulsivity feelings about the self, despite momentary sit-
~e.g., “engages in potentially dangerous sex- uational changes!; feared, wished for, and ideal
ual behavior, such as unprotected sex”!, anti- self-representations that serve as standards or
social impulsivity ~e.g., “commits crimes or guides for behavior ~Higgins, 1990!; and what
antisocial acts that seem senseless” ~e.g., Erikson ~1986! referred to as identity, which
“kleptomania, fire-setting”!, and emotional im- includes the sense of self, representations of
pulsivity ~e.g., “has difficulty tolerating un- self, the recognition of one’s selfhood by the
pleasant feelings; acts quickly to escape them, social milieu, and an emotional weighting of
even when the consequences are potentially elements of self ~such as roles! the person
harmful”!. Empirically, items with the highest experiences as self-defining. Individuals with
correlations with dimensional BPD diagnosis BPD show disturbances in each of these do-
~number of DSM-IV BPD symptoms met! in- mains ~see Wilkinson–Ryan & Westen, 2000!.
clude ~but are not limited to! “is prone to From a psychodynamic perspective, a hall-
angry outbursts or temper tantrums in re- mark of BPD is a lack of integration of self-
sponse to interpersonal disappointments or representations ~Kernberg, 1976, 1983!. In
frustrations,” “has difficulty tolerating unpleas- particular, patients with BPD have difficulty
ant feelings; acts quickly to escape them, even integrating self-representations with differing
when the consequences are potentially harm- affective qualities ~i.e., good and bad!. A com-
ful,” “becomes actively suicidal ~including for- mon example is an inability to hold in mind
mulating or carrying out a plan! when upset or representations of self as both angry and lov-
angry,” “has difficulty inhibiting aggression ing ~and, conversely, of self as lovable when
when provoked, even when doing so would be significant others are angry!. This results in
in own interest,” and “expresses guilt, shame, sharp discontinuities in self-representations
or remorse after behaving badly, but cannot from day to day or moment to moment. At
use these emotions to refrain from acting.” times this appears to reflect a deficit in the
capacity to regulate the influence of mood on
cognition, whereas at others, it may reflect a
Experience of self, others, and relationships
defensive maneuver ~e.g., representing the self
The third broad domain of functioning that as unlovable to avoid the even more intolera-
defines a psychodynamic formulation of per- ble representation of the other as unloving!.
sonality dynamics regards the person’s expe- As described below, similar shifts occur in
rience of self, others, and relationships. Here representations of others. The actions of a sig-
we address three areas of theory and research nificant other may result in a representation of
regarding BPD: disturbances in self and iden- self as victim in the face of a callous, malev-
tity, object relations, and attachment. olent, or indifferent relational world.
Recent research using the SWAP-200 Q-sort
Self and identity. The term self and its deriv- ~and the more recent SWAP-II Q-sort! sug-
atives ~e.g., self-concept, self-esteem! has gests that the self-representations of patients
multiple, often confounded meanings in psy- with BPD, like their wishes, fears, and con-
chology. In general, however, one can distin- flicts, center on a view of self as inadequate,
guish several distinct domains of self and unlovable, and undeserving ~Westen, Bradley,
identity ~Westen, 1992!, all of which are clin- et al., 2005!. These representations are cap-
ically relevant, particularly for understanding tured in items such as “tends to feel s0he is
PDs ~Westen & Cohen, 1993; Westen & Heim, inadequate, inferior, or a failure,” “tends to
2003!. These include self-representations ~im- feel helpless, powerless, or at the mercy of
plicit and explicit views of self, activated un- forces outside his0her control,” “tends to feel
der various conditions!; coherence of sense of misunderstood, mistreated, or victimized,” and
self ~i.e., sense of agency and continuity “tends to feel like an outsider.” Zanarini and
Psychodynamics of BPD 937

colleagues ~1998! have captured similar themes ciation is often understood as a defensive flight
in their work on “the pain of being borderline.” from overwhelming and intolerable experi-
As these comments suggest, self-esteem ences and their attendant affect states. Empir-
in borderline patients often fluctuates to ically, BPD is associated with a tendency to
extremes, particularly negative extremes. dissociate ~see Gershuny & Thayer, 1999!, and
Whether, as asserted by some clinical theo- dissociation is now a component of one of the
rists, those extremes can include defensive diagnostic criteria for the disorder.
grandiosity, is unclear. However, baseline self- Another aspect of the sense of self is the
esteem in borderline patients is usually very sense of agency. Experience of self as agentic
low. Patients with borderline pathology often is often disrupted in borderline personality by
view themselves as permanently damaged, a pattern in which impulses are acted upon so
evil, or rotten to the core ~Zittel & Westen, immediately that the self is not experience as
2005!. Self-esteem in BPD also fluctuates the author of the act. Borderline patients often
more from day to day than self-esteem in react so irrationally or unpredictably in the
other patient groups who are also character- face of intense, negative emotions that they
ized by high levels of negative affect and poor feel unable to make sense of or explain their
self-esteem, such as chronically depressed behaviors ~e.g., self-harm or binge eating!. A
or dysthymic individuals ~see e.g., Tolpin, sense of agency is frequently disrupted by ex-
Gunthert, Cohen, & O’Neill, 2004!. This is periences of sexual abuse as well ~Westen,
not surprising given BPD patients’ vulnera- 1993!, which are common among patients with
bility to affective dysregulation and incon- BPD.
stant representations. The broadest construct related to self in
With respect to the sense of self ~sense of BPD is the construct of identity or identity
continuity over time, and sense of agency!, diffusion ~Clarkin, Kernberg, & Somavia,
clinical observers have long noted the diffi- 1998; Kernberg, 1983; Westen & Cohen, 1993!.
culty patients with BPD experience in creat- Identity is an overarching construct that in-
ing a coherent “self-narrative” that weaves cludes many of the aspects of self that are
together past, present, and future ~see Westen discussed above. Theorists have proposed a
& Cohen, 1993!. Autobiographical memories number of conceptualizations of identity and
in patients with BPD often include large gaps identity disturbance in BPD. Some emphasize
and disjunctions, leaving the patient without a the borderline patient’s experience of a lack of
sense of continuity over time. The mood- self cohesion, as seen in Adler and Buie’s
dependent nature of BPD representations also ~1979! description of borderline patients’ fears
renders a sense of continuity difficult. Fur- of “fragmentation,” “falling apart,” or “disap-
ther, because BPD is often associated with pearing.” One patient described a feeling that
difficulty sustaining relationships over time, her body was made of cracked glass that would
important memories or life experiences often crumble at the slightest sense of abandon-
involve relationships with others who are no ment, which she described as like a “ham-
longer in the patient’s life, leaving an experi- mer.” Theorists often link these experiences
ence of self as empty, missing something or to a failure to internalize characteristics of
someone, or transient ~see Westen & Cohen, primary caretakers that normally form the
1993!. building blocks of identity.
The sense of self as coherent and continu- Akhtar ~1984, 1992! summarized six central
ous across time is also interrupted by disso- feature of identity diffusion as described by
ciative experiences. Dissociation refers most Kernberg ~1975!: contradictory character traits
broadly to a divided psychological awareness, are significant contradictions in behavior, per-
in which experience is compartmentalized and ceptions of self, or vocational interests; tem-
the person’s connection to his or her own poral discontinuity of the self is a failure to
thoughts, feelings, body, or perceptions are experience the self as continuous through time;
diminished ~Spiegel & Cardena, 1991; van der lack of authenticity manifests in a tendency to
Kolk, van der Hart, & Marmar, 1996!. Disso- take on the characteristics of others and a
938 R. Bradley and D. Westen

chameleon-like tendency to change one’s per- Object relations

sonality in different situations; feelings of emp-
tiness reflect the absence of consistent, internal The term object relations in psychoanalysis
representation; gender dysphoria includes con- refers to the cognitive, affective, and motiva-
fusion about gender identification and sexual tional processes that underlie functioning in
orientation; and inordinate ethnic and moral close relationships ~Westen, 1991c!. Object
relativism refers to an absence of a stable set relations approaches to psychopathology high-
of values and a tendency for beliefs and val- light the primary need for human relatedness
ues to change in accord with those of a social that begins in infancy and emphasize the po-
group. Akhtar ~1992! added a seventh feature, tential impact of adverse relational experi-
disturbances in body image. ences on subsequent development ~see St. Clair,
Wilkinson–Ryan and Westen ~2000! inves- 2000!. According to most object relations theo-
tigated identity disturbance in borderline per- rists, relationships with others, beginning with
sonality empirically, applying factor analysis the mother–infant relationship, form the scaf-
to an Identity Questionnaire designed for use folding for development. Experiences in rela-
by clinically experienced informants ~much tionships become internalized such that the
like the Impulsivity Questionnaire described child eventually develops not only capacities
above! derived from the relevant clinical, theo- for self-regulation, moral judgment, and so
retical, and empirical literatures and intended forth but also representations of self, signifi-
to be used by clinical experienced observers. cant others, and relationships ~often called “in-
Factor analysis suggested that identity distur- ternal objects” or “object representations”!.
bance is a multidimensional construct, and These internalized representations ~both con-
yielded four factors. Role absorption refers to scious and unconscious! form the initial tem-
a tendency to define oneself in terms of a plates for the experience of self in relation to
single role, label, or reference groups, and in- others across the life span.
cludes items such as, “identity seems to re- Broadly speaking, psychoanalytic theorists
volve around a ‘cause’ or shifting causes,” have emphasized three aspects of borderline ob-
and “defines self in terms of a label that pro- ject relations. First, patients with BPD have def-
vides sense of identity.” Painful incoherence icits in the capacity to develop and maintain
includes items such as “patient tends to feel complex, constant representations of people’s
like a ‘false self ’ whose social persona does mental states and intentions. As noted above,
not match inner experience.” Inconsistency re- they tend to “split” their representations into
fers to objective inconsistency in behavior and good and bad, and often cannot remember in
attitudes that would make any coherent ren- one mood state how they experienced signifi-
dering of who one is difficult, includes items cant others in another mood state ~Kernberg,
such as, “beliefs and actions often seem grossly 1975!. They also frequently get confused about
contradictory ~e.g., espouses conservative sex- whose thoughts and feelings are whose; that is,
ual values while behaving promiscuously!.” their representations have poor or fluid “bound-
Lack of commitment describes a dimension in aries.” Second, patients with BPD tend to fear
which the person has trouble committing to rejection, abandonment, and mistreatment in in-
values, goals, ideals, and ideal self-standards, timate relationships, often making malevolent
including items such as, “patient has had dif- attributions of others’ intentions. This in turn
ficulty choosing and committing to an occu- frequently precipitates precisely the abandon-
pation.” Although all four factors distinguished ment or mistreatment they fear. Third, and as a
patients with BPD from comparison patients, result of these first two problems, patients with
the most distinctively borderline was painful BPD have difficulty forming and maintaining
incoherence ~the subjective distress associ- lasting intimate relationships. In all of these as-
ated with a sense of lack of coherence!. Sim- sertions, clinical observation has been borne
ilar factors emerged in a study just completed out by subsequent research.
with adolescent patients ~Betan & Westen, Initial empirical studies of object relations
2005!. in borderline patients focused on Rorschach
Psychodynamics of BPD 939

data, largely using Blatt, Brenneis, Schimek, man, Hilsenroth, Clemence, Weatherill, &
and Glick’s ~1976! measure of object rela- Fowler, 2000!
tions, which codes various qualities of human In general, both adolescent and adult pa-
figures perceived on the Rorschach ~e.g., com- tients with BPD tend to show distinct patterns
plexity and differentiation!. Blatt’s measure of response on all these dimensions in relation
also yields an overall level of developmental to a range of comparison groups, such as ma-
maturity of percepts of human figures. As jor depressives and other PDs ~Westen, 1991a,
would be predicated by psychodynamic theo- 1991c; Westen, Lohr, et al., 1990!. The most
ries, patients with BPD score higher on devel- robust findings have emerged for the affect-
opmental level than schizophrenia patients and tone dimension, in which patients with BPD
lower than patients with nonpsychotic condi- show substantially more malevolent represen-
tions such as major depression ~e.g., Gartner, tations of relationships than any other group
Hurt, & Gartner, 1989; Spear & Sugarman, studied. These malevolent representations ap-
1984; Stuart, Westen, Lohr, Benjamin, et al., pear to reflect in part a tendency to assimilate
1990!. Later projective studies comparing BPD current people and relationships too readily to
with a range of patients using a range of dif- prototypes from the past. Nigg, Silk, Westen,
ferent forms of projective material have sup- et al. ~1991! found that a history of sexual
ported many long-held clinical views about abuse in borderline patients was associated
the object relations of borderline patients, such with particularly malevolent early memories,
as their difficulty forming well-bounded, dif- including representations involving deliberate
ferentiated representations ~Blais, Hilsenroth, injury ~even though most of these were not
Fowler, & Conboy, 1999; Diguer et al., 2004; sexual memories!. These results may be re-
Fowler, Hilsenroth, & Nolan, 2000; Greene, lated to recent neuroimaging findings that pa-
1996; Leichsenring, 2004!. tients with BPD show increased amygdala
Other researchers have studied borderline response to faces other individuals perceive
object relations using measures developed by as neutral ~Donegan et al., 2003!. As hypoth-
Westen and colleagues’ for assessing dimen- esized clinically, BPD is also associated with
sions of object relations from narrative data, a lower capacity for emotional investment in
such as clinical interviews, early memories, relationships ~i.e., a tendency to focus on the
and Thematic Apperception Test ~TAT! re- gratification, security, or benefits others pro-
sponses ~see Westen, 1991a!. These measures vide! and in values and moral standards ~e.g.,
distinguish several dimensions of object rela- poorly integrated standards for the self, fail-
tions and social cognition, derived from both ure to internalize and integrate value systems!.
object relations theory and research on de- An additional deficit that has replicated
velopmental social cognition: complexity of across studies is in the understanding of social
representations, affect tone of representations causality, reflected in both the tendency to
~the tendency to attribute malevolence or attribute unlikely intentions or motivations to
benevolence to other people!, understanding others and to have difficulty providing coher-
of social causality ~accuracy of attributions ent narratives. This finding is consistent with
and ability to provide coherent narratives in results from studies using the Adult Attach-
which people’s actions logically flow from ment Interview ~AAI; Main & Goldwyn, 1985!
realistically perceived intentions!, emotional on individuals classified as “unresolved with
investment in relationships ~tendency to view respect to loss or trauma,” who tend to have
others in need-gratifying ways or to experi- many borderline features ~Fonagy, Target, &
ence them as independent people with their Gergely, 2000; Fonagy, Target, Gergely, Allen,
own needs and concerns!, and emotional in- & Bateman, 2003!. “Unresolved” individuals
vestment in values and moral standards. ~Later show problems with meta-cognitive monitor-
versions of this scoring system include addi- ing while trying to provide narratives; that is,
tional dimensions of self-esteem, manage- they have difficulty recognizing when their
ment of aggressive impulses, and identity and narratives are difficult to follow or are incon-
coherence of sense of self; see, e.g., Acker- stant or contradictory.
940 R. Bradley and D. Westen

Some of the most interesting findings vis- relations, of BPD ~see Agrawal, Gunderson,
à-vis borderline object relations pertain to the Holmes, & Lyons–Ruth, 2004, for a meta-
complexity and differentiation of representa- analytical review!. Research on attachment in
tions of people, that is, whether individuals BPD focuses on the experience of unpredict-
with BPD can maintain coherent, complex, able, frightening, and0or abusive caregiving,
emotionally multivalenced representations of which contributes to an inability to form co-
the self and others. On the one hand, results herent internal working models of relation-
have consistently demonstrated that patients ships. As a result, the growing child ~and later
with BPD do tend to represent others’ internal the borderline adult! has difficulty predicting,
states with less complexity and differentiation understanding, and hence optimally adapting
than patients with other disorders such as ma- to significant others ~Lyons–Ruth & Jacob-
jor depression and, indeed, they do tend to vitz, 1999; Main, Kaplan, & Cassidy, 1985!.
split their representations by affective valence The attachment patterns linked most
~good and bad; see Baker, Silk, Westen, Nigg, strongly to BPD are the disorganized–
& Lohr, 1992; Westen, Lohr, et al., 1990!. disoriented pattern in infancy and the “un-
These findings, along with the findings on resolved” dimension in adulthood. The
social causality, are highly consistent with more disorganized pattern in infancy is marked in
recent research from an attachment perspec- laboratory studies by infants’ incoherent and
tive ~reviewed below! on failures of “mental- ineffective attempts to self-regulate following
ization” in BPD ~Fonagy et al., 2000!. a separation from a caregiver. Instead, infants
On the other hand, several studies using manifesting this style demonstrate seemingly
Rorschach, TAT, and other narrative data in- undirected or contradictory behavior, such as
dicate that borderline patients sometimes show freezing, rocking, or head banging. From an
hypercomplex representations. These repre- attachment perspective, disorganized attach-
sentations are uniformly malevolent and idio- ment patterns emerge when a child is faced
syncratically elaborated, often tinged with with an irresolvable dilemma. Separation from
psychotic or paranoid thinking ~Stuart et al., a caregiver causes the infant to become dis-
1990; Westen, Lohr, et al., 1990; Westen, tressed, which activates proximity seeking be-
Ludolph, Lerner, Ruffins, & Wiss, 1990!. Theo- havior. However, because the caregiver is
retically and clinically, these data suggest a unavailable, unpredictable, or frightening, the
phenomenon of complex affect-driven think- infant is simultaneously motivated to avoid
ing, or what might be called “complex split- rather than approach and cannot find a coher-
ting,” in which patients with BPD can produce ent strategy for either understanding or elicit-
highly elaborate representations whose elabo- ing security.
ration is motivated by their malevolent inter- Research on disorganized attachment yields
pretation of the other person’s motives. strikingly similar results to studies of object
Interestingly, researchers studying motivated relations in borderline adolescents and adults.
reasoning in normal children find that cogni- In one series of studies, children with disor-
tive complexity is often as high or higher in ganized attachment were more likely to re-
motivated reasoning ~e.g., when students are spond to pictures of distressed children
confronted with information threatening to their separated from their parents with stories de-
religious beliefs!, as they generate complex picting violent harm to the child or others
rationalizations for their beliefs ~Klaczynski ~Kaplan, 1987; Main et al., 1985!. In other
& Narasimham, 1998!. studies, parents are described as unavailable,
frightening, or frightened ~Solomon, George,
& De Jong, 1995!, and dolls representing the
child engage in angry0violent and idiosyn-
Attachment theory ~Bowlby, 1969, 1973! has cratic0odd behavior ~Cassidy, 1988!. Re-
provided a framework for some of the most search using the AAI also finds that parents
important contemporary research related to the categorized as unresolved with respect to loss
psychodynamics, and particularly the object and trauma are more likely to have disorga-
Psychodynamics of BPD 941

nized children ~for a recent meta-analytical Etiology of Borderline Psychodynamics

review, see van Ijzendoorn, Schuengel, &
Bakermans–Kranenburg, 1999!. Since the origins of the borderline diagnosis,
Because “unresolved” is a qualifier rather psychoanalytic clinical theorists have specu-
than one of the three primary attachment pat- lated about the etiology of the disorder. Al-
terns coded categorically from the AAI, the though some have emphasized temperamental
most common attachment pattern associ- factors ~particularly high levels of aggres-
ated with BPD is preoccupied ~analogous to sion!, all models share an emphasis on child-
anxious0ambivalent in infancy and child- hood experiences, particularly in primary
hood!. A combination of unresolved and pre- attachment relationships, that fall outside the
occupied attachment has been associated “average expectable environment” ~Hart-
with BPD in adolescents as well ~Nakash– mann, 193901958! that the human ~social! brain
Eisikovits, Dutra, & Westen, 2002; Westen, evolved to “expect.” We first briefly review
Nakash, Thomas, & Bradley, in press!. In gen- some of these models, many of which we
eral, the combination of preoccupied attach- touched on above, and which were grounded
ment, often alloyed with a classification of primarily in clinical observation of children,
unresolved with respect to loss or trauma, re- adolescents, and adults. We then turn to the
sembles the interpersonal style of patients with available empirical evidence.
BPD, marked by rejection sensitivity, alterna-
tion between anxious preoccupation and an- Theories of Etiology
ger with attachment figures, and incoherent
strategies for attempting to make intimate con- Kernberg ~1975! presented one of the first theo-
tact with others. ries of the pathogenesis of borderline pathol-
Using attachment theory as a framework, ogy. He proposed that borderline phenomena
Fonagy and colleagues propose a model of follow from a failure to integrate representa-
BPD with an emphasis on the development of tions of good and bad aspects of the self and
the capacity for mentalization ~e.g., Fonagy others. According to Kernberg, as a result of
et al., 2000!. Mentalization, or reflective func- excessive negative feelings ~particularly ag-
tion, refers to the ability to make sense of gression! reflecting temperament, severe en-
one’s own and others’ actions by reflecting on vironmental frustrations, or both, memories
and understanding one’s own and others’ men- of good and bad experiences with significant
tal states ~e.g., feelings, beliefs, wishes, ideas!. others are stored separately, by affective va-
In other words, mentalization refers to the abil- lence. Children who later develop borderline
ity to enter imaginatively into another person’s character structure are faced with a dilemma.
mind. In healthy development, this capacity On the one hand, they want to hold onto their
emerges in the context of attachment relation- “good” representations, and hence work hard
ships with primary caregivers. As caregivers to ward off any association with negative feel-
respond to children, they both observe and ings. However, these “good” introjects are
mirror the child’s mental ~and particularly emo- constantly threatened with rage and hostile
tional! states and allow the child to explore impulses. Thus, for Kernberg, a normative
the mind of the caregiver. This helps the child characteristic of all young children becomes,
elaborate an understanding of his or her own in individuals with emerging borderline char-
mind and provides important information about acter structure, a motivated effort to protect
the mental states of other people. A failure to “good” object representations ~i.e., a defense!.
develop reflective functioning leaves individ- The work of another theorist, Heinz Kohut,
uals with a tacit belief in the one to one cor- focused mostly on narcissistic pathology but
respondence between their own perceptions had implications for borderline development
~e.g., of others’ feelings and motives! and re- elaborated by other theorists. Kohut ~1977!
ality and a concomitant inability to consider argued that children develop a coherent sense
alternate interpretations of why people do what of self and a capacity to regulate self-esteem
they are doing. and emotion though “transmuting internaliza-
942 R. Bradley and D. Westen

tions” of soothing and mirroring functions of nerable to rejection and abandonment. The
early caregivers. In other words, optimal de- caregiver’s implicit and explicit responses to
velopment requires that that children experi- the child’s desires for autonomy and expres-
ence their parents as both admiring ~building sion of anger, and more general misattune-
self-esteem! and admirable ~so they can iden- ment with the child and focus on her own
tify with them and develop ideal-self stan- needs and emotions, may lead the child to
dards!. Like most psychoanalytic theorists, develop a “false self” based more on the
Kohut argued that children essentially need caretaker’s needs than on his or her own. To
“good-enough mothering” ~Winnicott, 1953!, put it another way, instead of getting reflected
that is, emotionally attuned but by no means appraisals of ~and help soothing! their own
perfect caretaking to develop. Indeed, Kohut emotional states, children of primary caregiv-
argued that minor empathic failures on the ers who themselves have borderline dynamics
part of parents are part of what impels chil- often have their feelings and emotions misla-
dren to internalize functions previously car- beled and understood idiosyncratically and
ried out by the parents. egocentrically by their primary caregivers.
Adler and Buie ~Adler, 1981, 1989; Adler They thus develop deficits in emotional under-
& Buie, 1979; Buie & Adler, 1982! applied standing, sense of self, reflective function, and
Kohut’s constructs to BPD. They argued that understanding of social causality. Further, ac-
borderline patients have a deficit in the capac- cording to Masterson, because the primary
ity to evoke memories of “good objects” to caregivers of borderline patients often have
provide self-soothing in times of distress. The tremendous fears of abandonment of their own,
capacity to hold onto comforting images of they may use their children as transitional ob-
others ~e.g., the mother’s smiling face, un- jects ~Winnicott, 1953! who provide them with
alloyed with fear, sadness, anger, or reproach! a sense of security, leading to the kind of role-
is a central step toward developing the capac- reversed relationships often seen between pa-
ity to self-sooth. Unlike Kernberg, who viewed tients with BPD and their parents ~Shapiro,
splitting as a defensive maneuver to avoid an 1978, 1982!. In response to repeated threats of
object-relational conflict ~between loving and abandonment by an early caregiver who can-
hating one’s primary caregiver!, Kohut empha- not tolerate her young child’s autonomy or
sized deficits in self-esteem regulation reflect- feelings, individuals with BPD become vul-
ing parenting failures in which conflict and nerable to “abandonment depression,” reflect-
defense are involved only secondarily. As we ing their belief that their “very existence
have suggested above, it is likely that both are depends on the presence of a need-gratifying
true: patients with BPD have trouble integrat- and life sustaining other” ~Klein, 1989, p. 36!.
ing representations because of a deficit in the Attachment theorists have also made a num-
capacity to do so and because doing so may ber of hypotheses about the etiology of severe
have emotional ramifications ~e.g., as when character pathology including BPD ~see Fon-
patients do not want to recognize the flaws in agy et al., 2000!. Freud and Burlingham ~1944!,
an idealized parent who failed to protect them Spitz ~1956!, and others observed infants who
from their highly disturbed or abusive other were orphaned during World War II or spent
parent!. their early years in orphanages and recog-
According to Masterson ~1976!, borderline nized an association between disrupted attach-
dynamics develop in a relationship with a care- ments in childhood and subsequent deficits in
giver who has her own tremendous difficul- the ability to form lasting relationships. Bowlby
ties with separation and emotion regulation, ~1969, 1973, 1980! relied on these observa-
who needs her child to stave off her own aban- tional studies and other experimental and nat-
donment fears and provide her with a sense uralistic data to integrate psychoanalytic theory
of security. The child’s normal autonomous with ethology in the development of attach-
strivings, negativism, or efforts to push the ment theory. From an attachment perspective,
caregiver away while angry are extremely disrupted attachments and emotionally misat-
threatening to a caregiver who herself is vul- tuned, threatening, unstable, or unpredictable
Psychodynamics of BPD 943

caregivers provide fertile soil for the develop- Bifulco ~1986! found a constellation of symp-
ment of incoherent ~disorganized! internal toms resembling BPD to be highly prevalent
working models, basic mistrust ~Erikson, 1962! among patients who had a specific kind of
toward others, the kind of global, negative “aberrant” separation in childhood, in which
views of self characteristic of many patients the mother appeared to have left her children
with BPD. for months or years with no “socially accept-
able” reason. To what extent the damage is
done by the separation per se or by the insta-
Empirical Data on the Etiology of bility or object-relational deficits of the moth-
Borderline Psychodynamics ers in these cases is unknown.
Although the available research casts doubt
Like observations of the phenomenology and
on Masterson and Rinsley’s ~1975! hypothesis
dynamics of patients with BPD, many clinical
that the mothers of most patients with BPD
hypotheses about etiology have proven sur-
themselves have BPD ~Links et al., 1988!, the
prisingly robust in the face of empirical scru-
limited available evidence suggests substan-
tiny. We cannot review all the relevant literature
tial pathology of object relations and attach-
here ~for an excellent review, see Judd & Mc-
ment in the childhood caregivers of patients
Glashan, 2003!. However, we will describe
with BPD, including BPD spectrum pathol-
the etiological variables that appear to contrib-
ogy ~e.g., Salzman, Salzman, & Wolfson,
ute most substantially to borderline psycho-
1997!. Demonstrating causation is of course
dynamics. We then describe some of the
difficult because of the likelihood of genetic
empirical and theoretical limitations of clini-
as well as environmental effects of parental
cally derived etiologic hypotheses about
pathology. However, several studies linked
BPD as the field has come to learn more
problematic parenting and parental bonding
about genes, childhood experiences, and their
with BPD ~Frank & Hoffman, 1986; Johnson
et al., 2001; Paris, 2003; Paris & Frank, 1989;
Russ, Heim, & Westen, 2003; Soloff & Mill-
Testing and refining clinical hypotheses ward, 1983; Walsh, 1977; Young & Gunder-
son, 1995!
Consistent with clinical hypotheses, disrupted Lyons–Ruth, Yellin, Melnick, and Atwood
attachments in childhood have shown an as- ~2005! are just beginning to analyze data on
sociation with BPD. A meta-analytic review the first prospective study of the development
found that 20– 40% of patients with BPD ex- of BPD from infancy, examining the relation
perienced traumatic separations from one or between videotaped interactions between in-
both parents in childhood ~Gunderson & Sabo, fants and their mothers in a high-risk sample
1993!. Childhood histories involving lengthy and the child’s Axis II symptoms in adoles-
separations from, or permanent loss of, one or cence and early adulthood. Of particular inter-
both parents differentiate patients with BPD est is a significant association ~r ⫽ .31! between
from patients with schizophrenia, depression, disrupted maternal communication with the
and other PDs ~Akiskal et al., 1985; Bradley, child in infancy ~e.g., frightening behavior,
1979; Frank & Paris, 1981; Goldberg, Mann, misattuned emotional responding, role-reversal
Wise, & Segall, 1985; Gunderson, Kerr, & involving seeking comfort from the infant!
Englund, 1980; Links, Steiner, Offord, & Ep- and number of borderline symptoms in late
pel, 1988; Paris, Nowlis, & Brown, 1988; So- adolescence. Supporting Masterson and Rins-
loff & Millward, 1983; Zanarini, Gunderson, ley’s ~1975! notion of maternal withdrawal
Marino, Schwartz, & Frankenburg, 1989!. from the child as central to creating borderline
However, the circumstances and psychologi- dynamics, Lyons–Ruth and colleagues found
cal meaning surrounding separation from a a particularly strong correlation ~r ⫽ .42! be-
parent may play as important a role as the fact tween inappropriate maternal withdrawal from
of the separation itself. For example, a classic her infant and borderline symptoms in her child
study of depression by Harris, Brown, and years later.
944 R. Bradley and D. Westen

Also of relevance is the finding by Fonagy stand people’s actions and intentions ~poor
and colleagues ~Fonagy, Steele, & Steele, understanding of social causality! characteris-
1991! that parents whose AAI narratives dem- tic of BPD shows a strong association ~around
onstrate a low capacity for mentalizing are r ⫽ .50! with a simple metric of family insta-
likely to have insecurely attached children. bility, namely the number of times the family
Recent findings by Kim–Cohen, Caspi, Rut- moved ~Westen, Ludolph, Block, Wixom, &
ter, Thomas, and Moffitt ~2005! suggest that Wiss, 1990!. Much of the literature on trau-
maternal antisocial traits incrementally pre- matic precursors to PDs ~and other psychiatric
dict depression in the offspring of depressed symptoms, such as depression! has not taken
mothers, after controlling for the deleterious into account the impact of family environ-
effects of the mother’s depression. Given that ment, making it difficult to disentangle the
antisocial PD is highly comorbid with BPD in impact sexual or physical abuse from the over-
women, and that in this sample women with all family context within which abuse typi-
antisocial traits also tend to have a history of cally occurs, such as family chaos, disrupted
suicidality ~Kim–Cohen et al., 2005!, there is attachments, multiple caregivers, parental ne-
some reason to believe that these findings may glect, alcoholism, and0or evidence of affec-
partially reflect maternal borderline traits. tive instability among family members ~Dahl,
Macfie, Houts, McElwain, and Cox ~2005! 1995; Gunderson & Phillips, 1991; Ogata et al.,
are currently pursuing research on the parent- 1990!. Multiple studies of adverse childhood
ing practices and child outcomes of children events have linked the number of such events
of mothers with BPD directly. to multiple poor medical and psychiatric out-
Aside from early attachment disruptions, a comes ~Dong et al., 2004; Edwards, Holden,
variable that has shown clear associations with Anda, & Felitti, 2003!. Studies that have con-
BPD is childhood abuse. Stern’s ~1938! orig- sidered several of these variables together in
inal description noted that “actual cruelty, ne- the etiology of PDs have often found that the
glect, and brutality by the parents of many context within which abuse occurs ~e.g., prob-
years’ duration are factors found in these lematic attachment relationships, emotional
patients. These factors operate more or less abuse, and neglect! is as strongly associated
constantly over many years from earliest child- with BPD as the presence or absence of phys-
hood. They are not single experiences” ical or sexual abuse ~Johnson et al., 2001;
~p. 470!. However, childhood abuse was not Ludolph et al., 1990; Zanarini et al., 1989!.
considered in most psychodynamic theories For example, a recent study of the relation-
of BPD until its “rediscovery” 50 years later. ship between childhood abuse, family environ-
Numerous studies now identify a link be- ment, and BPD found that family environment
tween abuse, particularly childhood sexual partially mediated the relationship between
abuse, and BPD ~see, e.g., Herman, Perry, & abuse and level of BPD symptoms ~Bradley,
Van der Kolk, 1989; Ogata et al., 1990; Silk, Jenei, et al., 2005!, although abuse showed a
Lohr, Ogata, & Westen, 1990; Westen, Lu- substantial unmediated relation to BPD. In
dolph, Misle, Ruffins, & Block, 1990; Za- other words, sexual trauma predicted BPD,
narini, 1997!. Aside from presence0absence but part of its effect reflected the effects of an
of abuse, several studies suggest that charac- unstable, nonnurturing family environment.
teristics of abuse including severity, age of
onset, number of types of abuse experienced
Limitations to clinical hypotheses
contribute to degree of impairment related to
about the etiology of BPD
borderline pathology ~McLean & Gallop, 2003;
Silk, Lee, Hill, & Lohr, 1995; Yen et al., 2002; Although many clinical hypotheses about the
Zanarini et al., 2002!. etiology of borderline dynamics have ob-
More broadly, an unstable, nonnurturing tained empirical support, their limitations are
family environment appears to contribute to also worth noting. Psychoanalytic theorists tra-
the development of BPD. In adolescent pa- ditionally assumed that pathology recapitu-
tients, for example, the tendency to misunder- lates ontogeny: that is, different levels of
Psychodynamics of BPD 945

personality disturbance lie on a developmen- hand, much of the sexual abuse that appears to
tal continuum ~see Westen, 1989, 1990b!. In contribute to the development of BPD occurs
other words, the earlier the etiological insult, long after the preoedipal years and appears to
the more severe the pathology is likely to be. be associated with some of the hallmarks of
Because borderline pathology is less severe borderline psychodynamics, such as malevo-
than psychotic but more severe than neurotic lent representations of people. It may make
pathology, and Freud linked the latter to the more sense to view the first few years of life
“oedipal” years ~age 4–5!, that left the postin- as clearly a sensitive period for the develop-
fancy “preoedipal” ~toddler! years as the fo- ment of healthy and maladaptive attachment
cus of theories of the etiology of BPD. Thus, patterns but to recognize that pathological
BDP was often understood as a fixation or parenting, parental psychopathology, family
regression to preoedipal experience. instability, and abuse and neglect tend to in-
The fixation0regression concept is not com- fluence children continuously, not just in a
pletely without merit. Winnicott ~1953! pro- single developmental era.
posed that transitional objects ~such as teddy Further, although Kernberg ~unlike many
bears! in normative development give infants other theorists! emphasized temperamental
and toddlers a concrete “object” that can help contributions to BPD, models of temperament
them self-sooth in the absence of the care- have always been underdeveloped in psycho-
giver. According to Winnicott, such objects analysis, and increasingly research suggests
represent a transition toward the development that genes have both main effects and inter-
of “internalized objects” that can be drawn upon active effects in combination with environmen-
for comfort or security. Supportive ofAdler and tal traumas ~see Caspi et al., 2002; Nigg &
Buie’s ~1979! hypothesis about the failure of Goldsmith, 1994; Torgersen, 1980; Torgersen
evocative object constancy in BPD, a number et al., 2000; White, Gunderson, Zanarini, &
of studies find that BPD is in fact associated Hudson, 2003!. Recent studies suggest that
with the use of transitional objects in adult- subdimensions or endophenotypes of border-
hood ~Cardasis, Hochman, & Silk, 1997!. line personality ~e.g., affect dysregulation and
The focus on the toddler and preschool years instability in interpersonal relationships! may
is sensible in other respects as well. Preschool be more heritable than the disorder itself. For
children have difficulty with impulse regula- example, a recent study ~Zanarini et al., 2004!
tion and emotion regulation, have trouble found that although the diagnosis of BPD
maintaining constant representations ~e.g., showed familial aggregation, broader border-
screaming “Daddy, I don’t love you anymore” line symptom categories ~affect, cognition, im-
when Daddy refuses to give them a candy pulsivity, and difficulties in interpersonal
bar!, have a need-gratifying approach to rela- relationships! showed even stronger familial
tionships, and rely on others for crucial func- aggregation and discriminated better between
tions such as self-soothing. However, they do the relatives of BPD probands and those of
not have other hallmarks of the disorder, such the comparison subjects.
as a bias toward hostile attributions or a ten- Direct examples of the interaction of ge-
dency toward self-mutilation and dissociation. netic and environmental risk factors in the
Indeed, the focus on the preschool years, etiology of BPD do not exist at this point.
although linking borderline pathology to nor- However, a number of studies in domains re-
mative developmental phenomena, was in one lated to the development of BPD ~e.g., child-
sense too late and in another too early. On the hood sexual and physical abuse, attachment
one hand, the patterns of maternal misattune- disorganization, impulsivity, depression! have
ment that produce disorganized–disoriented at- demonstrated an interaction of environmental
tachment styles can already by observed in and biological influences ~see Hoffman & Mc-
infant–mother interactions by 12–18 months Glashan, 2003 for a review!. Two areas of
~see Lyons–Ruth et al., 1997!, prior to the research are of particular relevance for BPD.
years linked by many theorists ~e.g., Mahler, Caspi and colleagues ~2002, 2003! have fo-
Pine, & Bergman, 1975! to BPD. On the other cused on gene–environment interactions in a
946 R. Bradley and D. Westen

large longitudinal sample from New Zealand. Theories of Treatment, Transference,

In a landmark study ~Caspi et al. 2002!, they and Countertransference
found that a functional polymorphism in the
promoter region of the serotonin transporter Although dynamic therapies for BPD focus
~5-HTT ! gene moderated the influence of on all of the domains of functioning described
stressful life events in both childhood and above as well as on the traumatic histories
adulthood on subsequent depression. Stress- common in patients with BPD, generally speak-
ful events in adulthood, as well as abuse in ing, dynamic approaches to the treatment of
childhood, predicted subsequent depressive BPD share three goals. The first is to identify
symptoms and suicidality, two features that in and alter pathological relationship paradigms
combination often point to the presence of ~e.g., victim–victimizer! hypothesized to orig-
BPD, in individuals with the short allele of inate in patients’ families of origin, particu-
the 5-HTT promoter, as compared to individ- larly in primary attachment relationships. Thus,
uals homozygous for the long allele. In a sec- dynamic work centers on patients’ fears of
ond study, Caspi et al. ~2003! found that a rejection, abandonment, and victimization, of-
functional polymorphism in a gene regulating ten as these become expressed in the therapeu-
monoamine oxidase moderated the relation- tic relationship.
ship between child abuse and antisocial behav- The second goal is to increase the complex-
ior in adulthood. ity and coherence of patients’ representations
Research on the neurobiology of early life of themselves, others, and relationships. Per-
stress also highlights the importance of the haps the central goal of Kernberg’s approach
interaction of genetic and environmental fac- to treatment is to identify, confront, and help
tors in the development of psychopathology. patients integrate split representations.
These studies suggest that early life stress mod- The third goal is to identify and alter patho-
ifies brain circuits involved in stress regula- logical modes of emotion regulation. The psy-
tion, resulting in a type of “biological priming” choanalytic literature has largely focused on
that interacts with genetic vulnerabilities to self-destructive or manipulative behaviors used
increase the risk of later psychopathology to regulate emotions ~often by drawing others
~Heim, Meinlschmidt, & Nemeroff, 2003!. Al- in! and on implicit forms of affect regulation
though none of the research to date directly ~defense!. Kernberg ~1975! tends to empha-
addresses the development of BPD, the types size borderline patients’ difficulty regulating
of early life stress studied ~notably early sep- rage and aggression and their use of immature
aration from mother in animal analogue stud- defenses such as splitting, denial, and projec-
ies, and childhood sexual and physical abuse tion of their own feelings or impulses onto
in human studies! as well as the domains of others. Self-psychological approaches focus
documented outcomes ~e.g., depression and on deficits in self-soothing in the face of tre-
substance abuse! are germane to an understand- mendous pain and the consequently desperate
ing the interaction of genetic0biological risk ways patients with BPD may try to enlist oth-
factors in BPD. ers to help them avoid feeling empty, alone, or
“fragmented” ~i.e., feeling like they are “fall-
ing apart”!. This latter approach to treatment
Treatment of Borderline Psychodynamics
emphasizes empathic attunement with pa-
We conclude with a brief discussion of treat- tients with BPD and the internalization of
ment because perhaps the most distinctive fea- soothing functions not developed in child-
ture of psychodynamic treatments for BPD is hood. In reality, most dynamic treatments in-
their grounding in developmental theory. Once volve elements aimed at addressing both the
again, we first describe theories that emerged rage, manipulativeness, and splitting fre-
from clinical observation and then describe quently seen in patients with BPD and empha-
relevant research, focusing on both treatment sized by Kernberg, as well as and the desperate
principles and the nature of the patient– pain and incapacity to self-sooth emphasized
therapist relationship. by theorists such as Adler and Buie ~1979!.
Psychodynamics of BPD 947

Indeed, it would be difficult to imagine pa- ~1938! identified “negative therapeutic reac-
tients benefiting or staying over time in a treat- tions” as one of the defining characteristics of
ment in which they did not receive some borderline patients. He described borderline
balance of confrontation of their pathology patients as having a narrow margin of psycho-
and empathic nurturance.! In practice, most logical stability and security, leading to de-
dynamic clinicians also focus on deficits in pressed, angry, and despondent responses to
conscious or explicit strategies for affect reg- interpretations likely to yield more favorable
ulation ~coping! emphasized and addressed reactions in higher functioning ~neurotic! pa-
systematically by Linehan ~1993b!, Using con- tients. Others noted that the development of
structs derived from ego-psychological ap- immediate and intense transference reactions
proaches to severe character pathology ~Blanck is a hallmark of therapy with borderline pa-
& Blanck, 1979; Redl & Wineman, 1951!. tients. Thus, Knight ~1953! advocated as early
Compared to technique, psychodynamic ap- as the 1950s a more structured approach to
proaches also share the assumption that the therapy with borderline patients than with the
therapeutic relationship provides an impor- neurotic patients who had been the primary
tant medium through which to explore and focus of psychoanalytic theory and practice.
alter problematic relational dynamics, repre- Other psychoanalytic authors recognized
sentations, and emotion regulation strategies. early the strong countertransference responses
In other words, patients are likely to express often elicited by patients with BPD. In his clas-
the problems that emerge in intimate relation- sic paper, “The Ailment,” Main ~1957! de-
ships as they develop a more interpersonally scribed ways patients with BPD treated in
meaningfully relationship with the therapist hospital settings create conflict among staff that
over time, particularly as the therapy relation- essentially reproduce the patient’s split inter-
ship begins to assume features of an attach- nal world. The result is often “staff splitting,”
ment relationship. This is particularly true of that is, conflict among staff members, who be-
patients with BPD, whose relational patterns come polarized into those who see the patient
tend to be activated readily and often very as manipulative and malignant and have strong
early in the therapy relationship. Indeed, the hostile or punitive reactions to the patient, and
notion that structural change in aspects of per- those who see the patient as a passive victim
sonality such as emotion regulation and attach- and want to “save” the patient, often from other
ment status generally requires the clinician to staff members ~Gabbard, 1989; Main, 1957!.
become a significant other ~if not an adult In such scenarios, staff members are drawn into
attachment figure! over time is a distinguish- enactments of the patient’s experience, play-
ing feature of dynamic approaches to treat- ing out two prominent roles in the intrapsychic
ment of personality pathology. This reflects a life of many patients with BPD: victimizer and
developmental hypothesis, namely that com- protector. For example, one patient was hospi-
petencies such as the ability to soothe oneself talized following an incident in which she had
in the face of intensely distressing experi- brandished a knife in front of her children ~one
ences ~e.g., loss, rejection! emerges in the con- of whom was herself improving from a severe
text of caregiving relationships and is unlikely psychiatric illness, and in so doing was be-
to become fully internalized outside such a ginning to separate psychologically from her
context, even in adulthood. To what extent mother!, imploring them to kill her. The mother’s
this hypothesis is accurate is yet to be evalu- treating physician on the inpatient unit con-
ated empirically. vened a meeting of all the mental health pro-
The concepts of transference and counter- fessionals treating the family and began by
transference ~which refer in the therapeutic announcing that the patient had major depres-
situation to the constellations of thoughts, feel- sion and had been mistakenly “billed as a bor-
ings, motives, and behaviors of the patient derline” by other members of the treatment team.
and the therapist, respectively! have figured Later psychoanalytic theorists came to rec-
prominently in clinical descriptions of border- ognize that the intensity of BPD patients’ emo-
line psychopathology from the start. Stern tions, particularly toward the therapist, their
948 R. Bradley and D. Westen

difficulty reflecting on ~rather than assuming berg, 1989; Masterson, 1978!. These rapid rep-
the veracity of ! their feelings and attributions resentational shifts can lead the therapist to
toward the therapist, and their tendency to experience feelings analogous to those of a
enact rather than to talk about their feelings child with a borderline caregiver who devel-
toward the therapist tends to elicit strong coun- ops a disorganized–disoriented attachment pat-
tertransference reactions even in clinicians tern, unable to form a coherent working model
who are experienced and self-reflective ~e.g., of the patient that can help him or her predict
Searles, 1979!. Stolorow ~1995! and Gabbard the patient’s firestorms. The result is a mix-
~2005! suggest that a useful way to under- ture of approach and withdrawal, anxiety and
stand the transference–countertransference anger, which the patient often ~correctly! per-
constellations that often emerge in psychother- ceives, consciously or unconsciously.
apy with borderline patients is by distinguish- More generally, Gabbard and Wilkinson
ing two prominent relationship paradigms: a ~1994! have described some of the common
repetitive dimension involving reenactment of countertransference reactions to borderline pa-
relationships with early caregivers, and a wish- tients. These include anger and hatred, help-
ful dimension reflecting the patient’s fantasy lessness and worthlessness, fear and worry,
of obtaining a kind of nurturant, empathic “par- resentment, a sense of being manipulated, and
enting” from the therapist hypothesized to be urges to save or rescue the patient. In addi-
absent from the experience of many children tion, they point out that transgressions of ther-
who ultimate develop borderline dynamics. In apeutic boundaries ~the most severe of which
the first pattern, the patient may see the ther- involve sexual contact! are more likely to oc-
apist as the punitive, angry, or abandoning cur in relationships with borderline patients,
and herself as enraged, destructive, and defec- who themselves tend to come from families in
tive. As in other relationships, the patient’s which boundaries are poor and role reversals
consequently provocative, angry, or demand- are common.
ing behavior ~including self-harmful or sui-
cidal actions! often in turn provoke precisely
Research on Treatment, Transference,
the kinds of responses the patient most fears
and Countertransference in Patients
~e.g., the therapist “dumping” the patient be-
with BPD
cause of anxiety about her unpredictable sui-
cidality, which is difficult for even experienced Until recently, data on psychoanalytic treat-
clinicians to tolerate!. In the second ments for BPD were scant. However, two re-
transference–countertransference configura- search groups have now conducted randomized
tion, the therapist is often idealized, and the controlled trials ~RCTs! on time-limited ~1 to
patient experiences herself as like a depen- 2 year! versions of dynamic therapy for BPD.
dent child and the therapist as a gratifying One group, led by Kernberg, is testing a 1-year
parent who can fulfill unmet childhood needs. manualized version of Kernberg’s approach to
This often results in the patient perceiving a treating BPD called transference focused psy-
special relationship with the therapist ~e.g., chotherapy ~TFP; Clarkin, Yeomans, & Kern-
believing the therapist fully understands him berg, 1999; Yeomans, 2004!. Most generally,
or her in a way others, particularly parents TFP attends to the object-relational dynamics
and past treaters, did not!. ~e.g., fear of abandonment, aggression! and
As in other relationships, these representa- defenses of patients with BPD ~e.g., splitting!
tions of self and others may shift rapidly or by confronting aggression and manipulation,
alternate. For example, when the therapist fails helping patients attain more balanced views
to behave in a manner consistent with the of themselves and others, and interpreting con-
patient’s idealizing expectations ~e.g., going flicts impeding the capacity to love and work.
on vacation or not returning a phone call TFP proceeds through a hierarchy of treat-
quickly enough!, the patient may be unable to ment goals, moving from containment of
imagine the range of possible reasons and shift suicidal and self-destructive behavior and ad-
to seeing the therapist as victimizer ~Kern- dressing negative transferences that can inter-
Psychodynamics of BPD 949

fere with treatment to a focus on identifying current relationships, learn to express the emo-
and altering dominant relational dynamics. tion appropriately, and to understand the re-
As the name implies, TFP focuses on clar- sponses others are most likely to have to the
ification, confrontation, and interpretation patient’s emotional expression ~Bateman &
within the context of the patient–therapist re- Fonagy, 2003!. The therapist maintains a “men-
lationship and on identification of dominant talizing stance” by focusing on and discussing
object-relational paradigms ~e.g., idealizer0 the “here and now” mental states of the ther-
idealized! active in the therapist–patient re- apist and patient and linking these inter-
lationship. This includes observing and actions to broader representational patterns in
interpreting changes in these relational para- the patient’s experience. Transference inter-
digms ~e.g., a switch from role of victim to pretations are kept simple and limited primar-
that of victimizer!. A central principle under- ily to relatively immediate or “experience near”
lying TFP is that increased awareness and un- encounters ~e.g., the patient’s tendency to quit
derstanding of distortions and problematic psychotherapy when she begins to feel too
expectations the patient brings to relation- close to the therapist! and avoid historical
ships, including the therapy relationship, will interpretations.
lead to a more coherent understanding of self A preliminary study ~Bateman & Fonagy,
and others; and that this, in turn, will lead to 1999! examined the effects of an 18-month
increased ability to regulate emotions, partic- MBT-based approach to partial hospitaliza-
ularly those emerging from interpersonal tion on patients with BPD. Results were in-
interaction. cluded decreased self-mutilation and suicide
A preliminary study of TFP ~Clarkin et al., attempts; reduced length of inpatient hospital-
2001! evaluated 23 female patients in twice izations; and reduced anxiety, depression, and
weekly TFP over the course of 12 months. interpersonal problems by self-report. Data col-
Initial pre–post data found significantly re- lected at 18-month follow-up ~e.g., 36 months
duced numbers of suicide attempts, decreased from start of treatment! found that these treat-
severity of injury resulting from self-harming ment gains were maintained over time ~Bate-
behavior, and fewer days and numbers of hos- man & Fonagy, 2001!. The investigators have
pitalizations. A rigorous RCT of TFP has re- recently completed an RCT of outpatient MBT,
cently been completed ~see Clarkin, Levy, whose results, like those of TFP, are currently
Lenzenweger, & Kernberg, 2004! comparing in preparation or under review.
it to supportive therapy and dialectical behav- With respect to transference and counter-
ior therapy ~Linehan et al., 1991!. Initial pa- transference, two recent studies from our lab-
pers describing the results are currently in oratory are of particular relevance ~Betan,
preparation or under peer review. Heim, Conklin, & Westen, 2005; Bradley,
A second treatment that has received re- Heim, & Westen, 2005!. We developed two
cent empirical attention is Fonagy’s mental- psychometric instruments for use by experi-
ization based treatment for BPD ~MBT!, which enced clinicians, one to assess patients’ char-
is grounded in attachment theory ~Fonagy & acteristic ways of responding in therapy
Target, 2000; Fonagy et al., 2000!. This ap- ~transference! and the other to assess clini-
proach focuses on developing increased men- cians’ own cognitive, affective, and behavioral
talization capacities in patients with BPD ~i.e., reactions to a given patient ~countertransfer-
the capacity to imagine and reflect with greater ence!. The items consist of descriptions, in
complexity and accuracy on their own and plain clinical language ~i.e., with minimal jar-
others’ mental states!. Given the difficulties gon, so they can be used by clinicians of any
patients with BPD have with the experience, theoretical orientation!, of ways of respond-
expression, and regulation of emotion, MBT ing cognitive, affectively, and behaviorally in
also aims to help patients identify emotions psychotherapy described over many years in
by clarifying and naming the emotion, under- the clinical literatures on transference and
standing immediate precipitants, understand- countertransference. In both cases, factor analy-
ing the emotion in the context of past and sis yielded highly interpretable dimensions that
950 R. Bradley and D. Westen

were similar across theoretical orientations whelmed by his0her strong emotions”; “I feel
~psychodynamic and cognitive–behavioral!, overwhelmed by his0her needs”; “I worry
suggesting that they were not primarily the about him0her after sessions more than other
product of clinicians’ theoretical preconcep- patients”; “I feel used or manipulated by him0
tions, given that cognitive behavior therapy her”; “I feel I am ‘walking on eggshells”
does not have well elaborated versions of these around him0her, afraid that if I say the wrong
constructs. For example, the transference mea- thing s0he will explode, fall apart, or walk
sure yielded five dimensions, three of which out”; “I feel mistreated or abused by him0
~anxious0preoccupied, avoidant 0counter- her”; “S0he frightens me”; “I feel sad in ses-
dependent, and secure0engaged! strongly re- sions with him0her”; and “I feel pushed to set
sembled adult attachment patterns identified very firm limits with him0her.”
using the AAI. These data provide substantial support for
These measures can also be used to create long-held clinical notions about transference
aggregate descriptions of transference and and countertransference in the psychotherapy
countertransference patterns with different of borderline patients. They also document
kinds of patients ~see Betan & Westen, 2005; both the push–pull and love–hate dynamics
Bradley, Heim, et al., 2005!. Thus, for the patients with BPD present and draw from their
present purposes, we correlated all 90 items treaters, as well as the disorganized–disoriented
from the transference measure with a dimen- countertransference response they elicit from
sional measure of BPD ~the number of DSM-IV those who try to help them.
BPD symptoms met! and arranged the corre-
lations in descending order of magnitude. This
provides a description of the items most de-
scriptive of transference patterns in BPD. We The borderline diagnosis, and a developmen-
present here the 10 items with the highest cor- tal approach to understanding the disorder, has
relations with BPD pathology ~r ⫽ .34–.46, its roots in psychoanalytic clinical theory and
p , .001!, in descending order. These items observation. As we have seen, understanding
provide a compelling portrait of transference of the disorder has grown exponentially with
in borderline patients: “has difficulty dealing the advent of empirical methods that can
with separations ~e.g., becomes upset, or de- refine, revise, and discard hypotheses that
nies clear distress, at vacations, etc.!”; “flies emerged through clinical observation but can-
into rages at the therapist”; “is manipulative”; not be systematically tested without the ad-
“is afraid of being abandoned by the thera- vantages of controlled quantitative research.
pist”; “vacillates between idealizing and Whereas once we might have hypothesized
devaluing the therapist”; “needs excessive re- primarily direct effects from misattuned care-
assurance from the therapist”; “needs to be givers to borderline dynamics, today we rec-
special to the therapist; wants to be more im- ognize the likelihood that in many cases, above
portant than the therapist’s other patients”; and beyond such direct effects may be genet-
“creates one crisis after another in therapy, ically moderated effects of multiple contribut-
leading to continuous questions about whether ing environmental pathogens, and that even
the relationship will survive”; “worries that the most “environmental” causes may lead
the therapist doesn’t like him0her”; and “is to cascading biological processes ~e.g.,
argumentative.” corticotropin-releasing hormone dysregula-
We performed the same procedure using tion, or amygdala hyperactivity! that mediate
the 79 items from the Countertransference later psychological meanings in interpersonal
Questionnaire. Once again, a simple listing of encounters. Nevertheless, we hope to have
the 10 items with the highest correlations with shown that a dynamic approach to the nature,
number of BPD symptoms ~r ⫽ .37–.44, p , etiology, and treatment of BPD is not a fossil
.001! provides a striking empirical portrait of for the psychiatric museum but a living com-
the “average expectable countertransference” ponent of an evolving understanding of this
response to patients with BPD: “I feel over- enigmatic syndrome.
Psychodynamics of BPD 951


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