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Two Standards Means Problems: A Case

Study on Formal Protocol Descriptions

Alessandro F A N T E C H I *, Stefania G N E S I * 1. Introduction

and Cosimo L A N E V E **
• lstituto di Elaborazione dell'lnformazione, CN.R., Via S. Whenever two standards have been defined to
Maria 46, 1 56100Pisa, Italy specify the same class of objects, problems of
• * Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit?l di Siena, Via del incompatibility can arise.
Capitano 15, 1 53100 Siena, ltalv We consider a case of this type which concerns
the two standard Formal Description Techniques
(FDTs, in the following), Estelle and LOTOS,
Estelle and LOTOS Formal Description Techniques for
protocol specifications are considered as a typical example of defined by ISO. These F D T s have been developed
incompatibility problems which can arise when two standard with the aim of making possible formal descrip-
are used in the same context, tions of the standards of the OSI architecture [1].
The aim of this paper is to indicate the sources of possible Formal descriptions should provide a basis for:
problems and to show the effects of having incompatible - the unambiguous and clear specification of
specifications of the same system. A brief discussion follows on
some techniques and methods to verify the compatibility be- protocol standards;
tween Estelle and LOTOS specifications. - the verification of specifications in order to
identify errors and to prove properties:
Kevwords." OSI, Formal specification, Formal description tech- the implementation of a specification and
niques, Conformance testing, LOTOS, Estelle. testing of this implementation.
These two F D T s have been developed simulta-
Received: 18 April 1988
Revised: 16 August 1988 neously and so far neither is privileged within the
ISO committee. Consequently two formal descrip-
Alessandro Fanteehi, born in 1955, tions (Estelle and LOTOS) of communication pro-
_ graduated cum laude in Computer Sci- tOCOIS (at the working draft status) of the same
ence at the University of Pisa, Italy, in
1978. Since 1983 he has been working layer (for instance, the transport layer protocol,
with the programming Languages and class 0), can co-exist in ISO and there is no
Operating Systems group of the
Istituto di Elaborazione dell'Informa- guarantee that, when two protocols are imple-
zione of the Italian National Research mented on the basis of two different formal de-
i Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy. He has
~i;'I ~'~
also worked at the research center of scriptions, p r o c e s s e s w h i c h use these t w o p r o t o c o l s
Olivetti in Pisa from 1981 to 1983. His c a n communicate correctly.
current research interests include
semantics of concurrent programming It is true that currently the existing Estelle and
languages and applications of temporal logic to the specifica- LOTOS specifications of protocols and services of
tion and verification of concurrent systems, the OSI architecture do not constitute an official
standard. However, in the near future, it is likely
1 1 ~ Stefania Gnesi, born in 1954, g r a d - t h a t t h e y will b e g i v e n an official status, as refer-
i hated cum laude in Computer Science
at the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1978.
Since 1984 she has been working with
the programming Languages and Op-
erating Systems group of the Istituto Cosimo Laneve, born in 1962, grad-
di Elaborazione dell'Informazione of hated in Computer Science at The
the Italian National Research Council I h University of Pisa, Italy, in 1987. He
a ..... (CNR), Pisa, Italy. Her current re- currently holds a fellowship at the De-
search interests include methods and
tools for the specification and verifica-
tion of concurrent systems, and appli-
cations of temporal logic,
partment of Mathematics of the Uni-
versity of Siena, where he is post-
graduate student in Logics. His re-
search interests include concurrent and
distributed systems, formal descrip-
North-Holland tion techniques and temporal logics.
Computer Standards & Interfaces 9 (1989) 11-19

0920-5489/89/$3.50 ~v~1989, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

12 A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descriptions

ence specifications which can be used to derive (header definition)contains principally the defini-
formally tests to verify that implementations con- tion of the module name together with possible
form to them, or to directly derive implementa- input variables and the names of its interaction
tions. If neither Estelle nor LOTOS are preferred, points; the second part (body definition) specifies
the problem will arise as to whether two specifica- its behaviour. This part consists of three subparts:
tions of the same object will be compatible, i.e. (1) the declaration, which specifies constants, vari-
whether tests derived by them will check the same ables, local types and used functions; (2) the ini-
properties, or implementations derived by them tialization in which the local variables and the
will realize the same object, module state are initialized; (3) the transition
In the rest of the paper, after a brief presenta- which specifies the set of transitions that the mod-
tion of the two FDTs, we will address incompati- ule can execute. Each transition is made up by a
bility problems which can arise in the above de- set of clauses and a transition block. The transi-
picted situation, and specify more precisely the tion block, which is a list of statements, is ex-
notion of compatibility. We will also analyze the ecuted when all the clauses in the relative set have
intrinsic differences between Estelle and EOTOS been verified. The main clauses which concur to
which can cause the production of incompatibili- enable a module transition are:
ties and show that this will happen more often in - the state of the module,
certain application areas. Finally, we will briefly - the presence of a particular interaction in the
introduce and discuss the techniques and methods queue associated to an interaction point,
that can be used to detect potential sources of - the truth of a boolean formula,
incompatibility, stating possible directions of fu- - the priority among transitions,
ture research. - the time elapsed since the preceding transi-
Note that the last clause makes it possible to
model a synchronous system which can quantify
2. Estelle the time elapsed from the end of one transition to
the beginning of the next.
Estelle [2] is a Pascal-based language with ex- The 'firing' of a transition consists in the execu-
tensions to encompass parallelism. An Estelle de- tion of a block of statements associated to it and
scription of a system consists of a set of modules in the passage from the current state of the rood-
exchanging messages through bidirectional com- ule to that specified in the ' t o ' clause.
munication channels. Each module is an extended The set of modules which constitute the system
state transition machine which, when enabled, can description is hierarchically structured; it forms a
execute a transition from one state to another, tree whose root is the whole system specification.
In Fig. 1 the syntax of an Estelle module is This hierarchy is dynamically variable in terms of
shown. It consists of two parts; the first part modules and of channels linking them. In particu-
lar, the language provides constructs to dynami-
module Name (list-of-variables)process cally create and terminate modules (called 'sons').
ip Pl: channel-type(role) When a module is created, it is not linked to any
end other module. In order to be able to send or
body Name 1 for Name 2 receive messages, the father (the module that has
(DECLARATION PART} created it) properly connects its interaction points
const ... (by the statement 'connect').
vat ...
state ... By ' p r o p e r l y ' we mean that two interaction
... points (belonging to different modules) will be
initialize (INITIALIZATION PART) connected only if they have the same type and the
to ... {initial module state} two modules use them with dual roles. More pre-
'" cisely, as shown in Fig. 1, a type is associated to
(clauses, transition blocks)* every module interaction point. This type char-
end acterizes the primitives through which the module
Fig. 1. Module header and body definitions, may send and receive messages and identifies the
A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descriptions 13

channel name (Rol%, Role2) process behaviour. For example, the syntax of a
by Role~ behaviour expression B is simply:
Interaction Namel(typed parameters);
•" B := a ; B ' IB' op B" Ip[g][v] ]stop
Interaction Name N(typed parameters);
Role, Namel(typed parameters):
where B' and B" are behaviour expressions, a is
an action (or event) and op indicates the symbol
Interaction NameK(typed parameters): for sequential composition (":"), non-determinis-
Fig. 2. Channel definition, tic choise (" []"), parallel composition (" Ir' or "tl]"),
etc. The stop action denotes a process which is
unable to perform any action, p[g][v] denotes pro-
cess calling.
kind of messages exchanged between partners. The main actions considered are the communi-
Fig. 2 shows the syntax for channel definition, cations between a process and the external en-
which makes it possible, for each channel type, to vironment, which are based upon the general idea
express both the primitives for exchanging mes- of "interaction". In an interaction, a LOTOS pro-
sages and their type. These interaction points may cess and the external environment establish to-
he disconnected during the computation. Note gether the t-uple of values they want to exchange
that only two modules will be involved in a corn- through a 'gate' (or interaction point). The syntax
munication: the sender and the receiver. Conse- for these action is:
quently, this kind of communication is 'point to
point' (or symmetric), g?x:t g!v
A module delegates a son to receive messages which denotes, respectively, a process which can
from one of its interaction points. For this reason interact at the gate 'g' offering any value of type
the two interaction points must have the same ' t ' and a process which can interact at gate 'g'
type and the two modules must use them with the offering only the value ' v'.
same role. The synchronized parallel composition operator
Each module interaction point has an associ- is used to define processes which are going to
ated unlimited queue in which all the messages interact at the same gate. Interaction generally
received by the module are enqueued; conse- occurs between more than two processes: they
quently the communication is said to be asynch- synchronize by simultaneously offering/accepting
ronous, the same value at the same gate. In this way
synchronous point to point and multicast com-
munications can be modeled.
Another important action is the unobservable
3. L O T O S 'i'. This action is hidden from any external ob-
servation, i.e. an external observer of the system
LOTOS (Language of Temporal Ordering does not see its execution. Such actions may be
Specification) [3] is a language based on process produced as the result of a hiding operation per-
algebraic methods and is derived from Milner's formed on a system of composed processes. In this
Calculus of Communicating Systems [4]. A system way internal implementation details are hidden,
is seen, by LOTOS, as a single process which may and only the interactions with the external world
contain several interacting subprocesses. A pro- can be observed. This concept is the basis on
cess is described by defining the temporal relation which a notion of observational equivalence, which
between the events that constitute its externally can be used to relate descriptions at a different
observable behaviour. To shape the temporal abstraction level, is constructed.
ordering of events, the language provides several Another event considered in the behaviour ex-
operators (sequential composition, non-determin- pressions is the termination (unobservable) action
istic choice, synchronized and non-synchronized which makes it possible to pass a result value to
parallelism, etc); using these operators properly, it the continuation of a terminated process ('d'). In
is possible to build expressions which specify the this way, processes can be called as if they were
14 A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descriptions

procedures; recursive calls are also admitted. In with proving the equivalence between these speci-
particular, the LOTOS BNF syntax of the process fications, but a weaker relation: their compatibil-
declaration is: ity. This notion can be informally described thus:
process declaration given a LOTOS description L and an Estelle de-
:= process process identification[gate*][value*] scription E of the same protocol, L and E will be
compatible if two processes using two protocols,
'.'= 'behaviour expression endproc one implemented from L and the other from E
A process is called by referring to its name and (using the standard derivation methods) can com-
supplying it with an n-uple of gates and an m-uple municate correctly.
of values. Compatibility can be defined formally as a
Values, value expressions and data structures in relation between two specifications which guaran-
LOTOS are represented using an algebraic specifi- tees that the derived implementations communi-
cation method which allows parameterized ab- cate [5].
stract data types to be defined. Assuming that we have a LOTOS and an Estelle
description of a given system, two main factors
may concur so that the descriptions effectively
4. Compatibility between Estelle and LOTOS De- specify two different objects:
seriptions - d i s t i n c t interpretations of the informal de-
An Estelle or LOTOS specification can provide - differences between languages.
the basis which can be used to develop an imple- Different interpretations of informal descrip-
mentation of the specified system (service, proto- tions by the relative specifiers (ignoring the possi-
col). The development from specification to imple- bility of errors made by them) may result in
mentation will consist of one or more transforma- differences between LOTOS and Estelle descrip-
tion steps which are generally written in different tions. In fact, as the reference description is infor-
programming languages. Each transformation step mal it may be ambiguous and thus two different
will include the implementation of details which specifiers (one using LOTOS and the other Estelle)
were not considered in the higher level specifica- may interpret it differently. We will not discuss
tion. This process should be associated to a notion this question in detail: we only want to stress the
of correctness which ensures that the derived ira- need for a comparison between formal descrip-
plementation conforms to (behaves as specified tions which are derived from the same informal
by) the specification, one.
In this context we assume that some rigorous A more interesting question is the presence of
standard or automatic way of deriving a correct differences between the two specifications which
implementation from a specification is available may arise because of differences between the two
(the development of such a technique is by no FDTs. To clarify this point we give a simple
means an easy task). Therefore we presume that example.
the implementation process is error free. This Consider the following system:
means that the origin of any difference between
implementations of the same system must be Sender:
searched in the formal descriptions from which -send the message '5' to Receiver,
they have been derived. Consequently, we can -wait until Receiver has acknowledged it,
concentrate on the differences between LOTOS -repeat forever.
and Estelle specifications. The presence of two Receiver:
formal specifications of the same protocol raises -receive a message of type 'nat' from Sender,
the question as to whether they really represent -acknowledge reception,
the same object. We are not concerned however -repeat forever.

proc Sender[a] noexit := a !5; Sender [a] proe Receiver [a] n o e x i t := a ?x: nat; Receiver [a]
endproc endproc
Fig. 3. L O T O S specification.
A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descriptions 15

module Sender process module Receiver process

ip ip
a: C access p o i n t ( P r o v i d e r ) individual queue a: C access p o i n t (User) individual queue
end end

b o d y s e n d e r for S e n d e r b o d y receiver for R e c e i v e r

state s 1, s2: state sl;
initialize to s 1 initialize to s I
trans trans
from s 1 to s~ from s 1 to s 1
begin when a.receive(x)
o u t p u t a.send(5) begin
end output a . a c k
from s ~ to s ~ end
when a.receive
output a . s e n d ( 5 )

Fig. 4. Estelle specification.

In LOTOS this system may be described as in Receivert=-" Repeat

Fig. 3.
receive (Queue, x)"
Note that acknowledgement of reception is
omitted: acknowledgement is implicit due to the send (Mitt, ack)
LOTOS synchronous communication mechanism.
Likewise, the above protocol may be specified forever
in Estelle as in Fig. 4. However if we combine Sender k and Receiver E
As we have both LOTOS and Estelle formal the two processes will not communicate correctly:
descriptions, we can ask what will happen if we Mitt will send an infinite number of messages to
implement a protocol subset following the LOTOS Receivert~, while ReceiverF_ will wait forever the
description (for example the process 'Sender') and SenderL's reception of the acknowledge of the first
the remaining subset following the Estelle specifi- message sent.
cation. Let us use an implementation language The above example demonstrates the impor-
which has a synchronous communication mecha- tance of the differences between the two languages
nism and a construct which dynamically creates in producing incompatible descriptions.
and destroys processes (this is needed to realize
the Estelle unbounded queue associated to a chan-
nel). For the LOTOS description the Sender pro-
5. Differences between LOTOS and Estelle
cess will be implemented in the following way:

SenderL: repeat The main differences that we recognize between

send (Dest, 5) the two FDTs are:
forever 1. synchronous versus asynchronous communi-
For the Estelle description, the Receiver pro- 2. point to point versus multicast communica-
cess will be implemented as follows: tion,
Receivert~" (Queue IIReceiverF.') 3. the time notion.
In the following we will discuss the problems
We omit the detailed description of the Queue that each of the above points can cause in the
process (it implements the Estelle unbounded formal description phase, with particular attention
buffer). Receiver E' implementation is: to the OSI world.
16 A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descrtptions

Synchronous versus asynchronous. As we have tities are involved: one sending a message (sender)
already stated, communication between LOTOS and the other receiving it (receiver). On the other
processes is synchronous, whereas in Estelle com- hand, in multicast communication, a single entity
munication between modules is asynchronous with sends a message to more than one receiver. Multi-
a boundless queue. The Estelle interaction scheme cast communication is very useful, for example it
does not permit the "backpressure" control flow can serve at the operating system level to obtain
to be modeled directly [6]. Backpressure is an information on the physical location of distributed
implicit control flow mechanism of messages from resources, their availability, etc.
a user (or client) to a provider (or server), which The main problem raised in multicast com-
specifies that the user is blocked from sending munication is that of being able to send a message
other requests to the provider when the communi- to a set of processes synchronizing with all of
cation channel queue between them is full. In this them. With LOTOS, using all the facilities offered
mechanism, there is no explicit communication of by the parallel composition, simultaneous interac-
control information between the two partners. The tion with a set of processes is possible. It is
presence of a boundless queue between two corn- sufficient to compose correctly all the processes
municating modules imposed by Estelle means interested as follows:
that "full queue" status is never reached. For
instance, if the session protocol wants to send the ((---(P1 [glP2) [g[ ... )1 g IPN)
communication request to the transport protocol, in which processes P1, P2 . . . . . PN must interact at
it will perform: the same gate 'g'. The LOTOS parallel composi-
output T_ch.CR(process A, process B. . . . ) tion semantics forces every process in the above
set to interact (synchronize and possibly give a
where T ch is the channel which links the two value) at gate 'g', whenever possible. We may find
protocols. The message will be enqueued in the this problem in the OSI model when lower layer
correct queue without checking the queue status, protocols are to be specified (e.g. Ethernet).
Implementations derived from an Estelle formal Estelle only provides point to point communi-
description of this type should have a boundless cation mechanisms. This means that situations in
queue between these protocols, even if the imple- which a process must send a message to more than
mentation language has mechanisms for synchro- one receiver cannot be described directly. The
nous communication and for asynchronous corn- solution is to emulate the multicast communica-
munication with bounded queues, tion to n entities through n symmetric communi-
In LOTOS, it is easier to specify backpressure cations: each process must be directly connected
flow because a user can only send a request to the (through a channel) to the others; immediate
provider when the latter is ready to interact at the simultaneous synchronization of all the processes
same gate. Consequently, if the provider is busy is not respected.
meeting other requests, it may delay the service Time notion. The F D T s may be required to
request simply by not interacting at the gate in express time measuring features. This is impossi-
question, ble in L O T O S because there is no time notion. On
Note that the formal specification of backpres- the contrary, Estelle can express these aspects well
sure control flow is not taken into consideration in using the delay clause. This is a particular case of
the OSI model because it does not require interac- the differences between the two FDTs: using one
tions to be specified between adjacent entities of them time dependent synchronous systems can
(entities which, inside OSI architecture, are at two be specified, using the other it is not possible.
contiguous layers) but only between peer entities In the framework of the OSI model, examples
(entities of the same OSI layer but on remote in which temporal notions are needed may be
machines). In any case this mechanism needs a found in the lower layers. In order to cope with
formalization when the protocols specified are to message losses, in these protocols a mechanism is
be implemented by derivation, needed which warns the station that when a cer-
Point-to-point versus multicast. By 'point-to- rain period of time has elapsed after the transmis-
point (or symmetric) communication' we intend a sion, a message will be considered lost. The time
communication mechanism in which only two en- period can be specified to a sufficient degree
A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descriptions 17

trans munications: message and acknowledge. In gen-

from s, to s2 eral, the correspondence is not one to one; an
begin acknowledge may refer to several previous mes-
endOUtput M.msg; sages (sliding window protocols).
from s 2 to s 3 It is easy to be convinced that this kind of
delay(S0,50) communication does not involve the problems dis-
begin {the message has not been acknowledged} cussed in the previous section. Indeed, such prob-
" lems arise in the specification of the lower levels
end of the OS1 architecture, i.e. when we want to
f r o m s 2 to s 4
w h e n M.ack specify low level characteristics, in which syn-
begin {the message has been acknowledged} chronization, symmetry and time are important
--. aspects.
end Other areas in which such aspects are crucial
Fig. 5. A time-out example, include, in our opinion, the distributed real time
systems sector, in which time and synchronization
between processes play a preeminent role, and
because at these layers the physical medium and that of fault tolerant distributed systems, in which
the distance between stations and, consequently, we often have the problem of guaranteeing the
the time needed for a message to reach another simultaneous and consistent update of more copies
station are known. A similar situation is easily of the same object allocated on different nodes of
specified in Estelle using a 'delay' clause which the system. Algorithms which solve such problems
makes it possible to delay the execution of the can often be described more easily if multicast
relative transition block. For example, supposing synchronous communication is used.
that our time-scale is in milliseconds, a process Any future attempt by the standards organiza-
which sends a message and wait only 50 millisec- tions to give two formal specifications of protocols
onds for the acknowledgement can be described as and systems in these critical areas should take into
in Fig. 5. account the problems which may be created by
Another example of application can be found differences between the two languages. Although
in real time distributed systems. A formal descrip- it may appear that the considerations made in this
tion of these systems usually requires that an section suggest that it is only important to verify
event (i.e. the arrive of a message) occurs within a the compatibility between LOTOS and Estelle
precise time interval, spcifications in certain particular areas, it will
always be possible for two incompatible formal
specifications to be derived from an informal one
6. Critical A r e a s due to different interpretations by the two speci-
fiers, even for systems which are not in the critical
In Section 4 we have examined a case of incom- areas. This does not affect the general requirement
patibility between the implementation of a LOTOS for a compatibility checking method.
description and an Estelle one. The fundamental
point which caused this incompatibility is that:
synchronous communication guarantees the sender 7. C o m p a t i b i l i t y C h e c k
that the receiver has effectively received the mes-
sage," asynchronous communication does not. The above discussion clearly illustrates that a
Using this property of synchronous communi- method which can be used to compare LOTOS
cation, we have produced the simple example of and Estelle descriptions is needed. This is because
Section 4. protocols, which have been implemented from two
From an analysis of the high levels protocol different descriptions, may lose their compatibil-
specifications of the OSI architecture we can see ity, thus invalidating both the OSI standard and
that most communications are acknowledged, the formal descriptions.
Hence, in both Estelle and LOTOS specifications, In Section 4 we have discussed the need for a
each communication is modeled by a pair of com- correct method to derive an implementation from
18 A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descriptions

a specification, i.e. a proof that an implementation mentation details caused by differences in

behaves as the specification prescribed (confor- the two languages, the third description lan-
mance proof). A way to check that the implemen- guage should be more abstract.
tation respect the requirements of the specification As an example of the second approach we
is to use a set of tests (called conformance tests), suggest converting both LOTOS and Estelle de-
In the OSI context, the conformance testing scriptions to axiomatic specifications of the object
activity aims at developing a standard set of tests being described. An axiomatic specification is a
for each standard protocol which guarantees that set of properties, or axioms, which qualify im-
implementations conform to the respective (infor- plicitly the behaviour of an object. Unlike F D T
mal) standards. Such tests are currently derived descriptions (called behavioural descriptions), as it
from the informal standard definition and indeed is at a higher abstraction level, an axiomatic de-
constitute the only formal objects with which im- scription of a system which states all its manda-
plementations can be compared, tory properties, will not explicitly specify all possi-
Conformance testing may be also applied to ble system behaviours.
LOTOS and Estelle descriptions to verify their A possibility considered in [5] is to use tem-
compatibility. We may envisage LOTOS and poral logic as a higher abstraction level specifica-
Estelle protocol descriptions as different imple- tion method: this has been recognized as the most
mentations of the relative informal standard, suitable formalism for axiomatically expressing
Therefore, we will consider the two descriptions properties of concurrent systems (the class of sys-
compatible if they both verify the conformance tems that can be specified by formalisms such as
tests for the protocol in question. LOTOS and Estelle). The proposed method con-
Unfortunately, practical limitations make it im- sists in comparing the properties of formal de-
possible to be exhaustive in testing a protocol, and scriptions, properties expressed in a language
economic considerations may restrict conformance based on temporal logic and derived formally
testing ever further. This means that, in general, it from the descriptions, and considering them
is not possible to use this method to test the equivalent if the two axiomatic descriptions pro-
compatibility of two specifications completely, duced are equivalent.
Another, more formal, way to check compati-
bility is by formal comparison of the specifica-
tions. Since LOTOS and Estelle are two different 8. Conclusions
languages, we have no direct equivalence between
specifications. Descriptions in these languages can The classical problem of incompatibilities raised
be formally compared in two ways: by the use of two different standards has been
1. by converting the LOTOS description to an studied for the case of the standard Formal De-
Estelle one and then comparing the two de- scription Techniques developed by ISO in the
scriptions, or vice-versa; this approach as- context of OSI architecture.
sumes the existence of a "correct" converter, We have indicated the sources of possible prob-
or translator, from one language to the other; lems, shown the effects of having incompatible
specifications in the target language can be specifications of the same system and motivated
compared using some notion of equivalence the need to consider such problems when giving
for the target language. A "correct" trans- official standard formal specifications.
lator should solve the problems discussed in Techniques and methods which can be used to
section 5. verify the compatibility between Estelle and
2. by converting both LOTOS and Estelle de- LOTOS specifications have been discussed. In any
scriptions to descriptions in another lan- case, we believe that any method to compare
guage and then comparing the two descrip- descriptions of objects of the complexity of an
tions in this new language. This approach OSI protocol or service will only have success if
does not require the existence of a translator, an automated support tool is provided.
since the third description can ignore specifi- Considerable work is still needed for the defini-
cation details which are not interesting for tion and development of tools which can effec-
compatibility. To cater for different imple- tively use some of the techniques involved and for
A. Fantechi et al. / Formal Protocol Descriptions 19

the integration of such tools in an environment [2] ISO Information Processing Systems - Open System
which would support a complete comparison lnterconnection,
Estelle: A Formal Description Technique
Based on an Extended State Transition Model, DIS 9074
method. (1987).
[3] 1SO - Information Processing Systems - Open System
lnterconnection, LOTOS, A Formal Description Technique
Acknowledgements Based on the Temporal Ordering of Observational Be-
haviour, DIS 8807 (1987).
We wish to acknowledge C. Peters for her [41 R. Milner, A. Calculus ofCommunicatingSystems, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science No. 92 (Springer Verlag, New
careful revision of our English. York, 1980).
The work of C. Laneve has been partially sup- [51 A. Fantechi, S. Gnesi and C. Laneve, Comparing LOTOS
ported by Ing. C. Olivetti S.p.A. with an under- and Estelle Formal Descriptions, EUTECO'88 Conference
Proceedings, Wien, April 1988 (North-Holland, Amster-
graduate fellowship, dam).

[6] C.A. Vissers and G. Scollo, Formal Specifications in OSI,

IBM Europe Seminar Networking in Open Systems, Ob-
References erlech, Austria (August 18-22, 1986).

[1] H. Zimmerman, OSI Reference Model: The ISO Model of

Architecture for Open Systems Interconnection, IEEE
Trans. on Comm. Vol. COM-28, No. 4 (1980).

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