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US History – George Washington’s Social Media

Step One – Notes/Discussion

Problems in George Washington’s Tenure as President

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Step Two – CERC Paragraph

 Complete paragraph on back of sheet.
 Must be color coded.
o Color #1 – Topic Sentence/Conclusion Sentence
o Color #2 – 3 separate sentences stating problem of Washington’s tenure
o Color #3 – 3 separate sentences explaining, supporting, or elaborating on the 3
problems of Washington’s tenure you are describing
 Must be approved by Massman before moving onto Step Three.

Step Three – Washington’s Social Media

I am choosing to create George Washington’s (circle one):


Four tweets (preferably with hashtags), at least one retweet of another historical figure, header
photo, profile photos)

Three detailed, colorful pictures with captions (preferably with hashtags), profile name, profile

Notes section complete _____ / 2

CERC paragraph approved and completed _____ / 8

(get initials here)

Social Media completed properly _____ / 10

Social Media completed with effort, creativity, neatness, pride _____ / 10

TOTAL: __________ / 30
Example (John Adams…yours should be about George Washington)

John Adams faced many problems during his tenure as

President of the United States. First, he had a Vice President,
Thomas Jefferson, who was a member of a different political
party than Adams himself. This made getting simple tasks
getting done hard to do without some disagreement or tension.
Secondly, Adams had to work hard to keep America out of war
with France. The XYZ Affair angered many Americans who
called for military action, but Adams managed to keep peace.
Lastly, John Adams faced critics for his administration’s passing
of the Sedition Act. Many people felt this law infringed on First
Amendment rights. It’s quite clear Adams dealt with several
problems during his presidency.

Your paragraph should start here:

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