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Unit/Lesson Title Lesson duration: 60 minutes Stage/Level 3 Year 5/6 Class/Group

Equivalent Fractions Mrs Field’s Math Group

Rationale Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content/Elaborations

The students Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts  Exploring the relationship between families of
should develop an (ACMNA077) fractions (halves, quarters and eighths or
understanding of thirds and sixths)
recognising that
fractions can be
differently. E.g. ½ is
equivalent to 3/6
Prior Knowledge Risk Assessment Resources
- Recognise and interpret common uses N/A - Nelson Maths: Teacher’s resource book
of halves, quarters and eighths of - UNO fraction game
shapes and collections relating the - Fraction Bingo
number of parts to the size of a - Fraction Spoons game
fraction. - Fraction Snap
- Model and represent unit fractions
including 1/2 , 1/4 , 1/5 and their
multiples to a complete whole.
Specific Teaching Target target (identified from previous teaching & related to presence in the classroom; use the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers)

Engage students in the activity and focus utilising a variety of teaching strategies for students to understand equivalence

Time Content/Learning Experience Teaching Class Assessment

Strategies Organisation GamesTechniques
are known and
5 minutes Introduction (Engagement) Teacher Grouping & Formative
engaging to students.
Divide the class into mixed ability groups of 3-4 students and provide them with questioning classroom
Student centred in body Summative
a station. environment What will you use
Engaging way to prepare
to assess their
Open questioning
students for the lesson
1st station- Fraction UNO game
Observing Make observations
Placed students of
2nd station- Fractions Spoons varied abilities students work walking around the
and scaffold room during
together so students
3rd station- Fraction bingo can support one when necessary
another. (1.1)
4th station- Fraction snap

Body (Exploration/transformation/ presentation) Catering tasks to suit a variety of

40 minutes
learning styles and abilities. By
Group 1- Students create their own fraction wall by colouring in
understanding how the students
different sections.
learn can enable for specific
Once completed, students will then play fraction Bingo and utilise their resources and activities to be
fraction walls as an aide to support their learning. developed to suit their needs.
10 minutes
Group 2

In pairs, students use coloured card and kinder squares to create a chart
representing equivalent fractions- focus on halves, quarters and eighths.

Group 3

Students create a number line and place fractions – halves, quarters and
eighths on the number line. Have students consider and develop a
solution for showing equivalent fractions.

Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection)
Think-Pair-Share: Ask students to partner up with someone from a Think pair share allows
different group and discuss what they learned about equivalent students to verbalise their
fractions. Then ask particular students from each group to present what understanding. Another
they learned to the class.
teaching strategy that suits
verbal and auditory learners.
Transitions to next lesson (How will this happen?)

Continue on with developing understanding of equivalent fractions of halves, quarters and eighths with students

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