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__ _______ ________
______ ____ | | ____ ____ ____ \ _ \ \_____ \
\____ \ _/ __ \ | | _/ __ \ / _ \ / \ / /_\ \ / ____/
| |_> >\ ___/ | |__\ ___/( <_> )| | \\ \_/ \/ \
| __/ \___ >|____/ \___ >\____/ |___| / \_____ /\_______ \
|__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
Don´t ask any question if you don´t follow this Instructions.

1-Install python with pip installed, if you have already installed python and you
don´t have pip, download this https://goo.gl/cKvcVZ and run it with python (shift +
rightclick in the folder and open a CMD here and use = python get-pip.py)

2- After the first step use this in the same folder:

pip install pyautogui

pip install psutil

pip install Pillow

pip install pyqt5

3-Now you will have installed python and pip with the needed modules,
so lets put your coords (unless you use 1920x1080 (already there)), for that go
here https://pastebin.com/DHBQB0XU
create a python file (make sure to have the option to see the extension of the
so just a file with the name that you want with that code but with .py not .txt

4- As it says the step 3 if you use 1080 just leave it like that if not,
you have to put the coords in the first line of the reconnect button,
in the second line the coords of the button to leave to lobby when you die (right
botton corner),
and in the thirth line the coords of the reconnect to the servers are busy msg. It
has to be like that (with your cords ofc)

1021 626
1721 960
972 615

1- If you have an error please report it on twitter @kpg_02, github or MPGH

2- If you want to contribute just tell me it <3

3- If you have less or 8 GB of ram you will be getting a msg that cannot be closed
because the PC has to be rebooted at 2 hours of running the bot

4- It can work with an empty input.txt (But it won´t click) (But make sure to have
the input.txt)

5- Around 6k per 8 hours without you having to do anything ( 42k bp a week @ 8

hours a day, all the crates + sell them on steam)

6- Safe, no has been banned for AFK farming

8- If you want to support me paypal peleonyt@gmail.com or just a thx in MPGH

CLOXEN NOTES (First developer (I´m just the current one))
Make sure you change your montior resolution to match whatever resolution you pick
in the bot, otherwise it wont work correctly.

Turn off any color corrections like reshade before using the bot otherwise it will
not work.


Make sure the game isnt open.

1.Open the bot (it takes a few seconds to load)

2. Choose your resolution
3. hit start
4. The bot will open the game. Wait for the game to load and the bot wiill auto
start working. (Dont worry if the bot ui freezes up, thats normal. )


If you run into any errors, find the bot not working correctly, or not running:

* Check the help tab in the bot

* if the bot is crashing, open cmd or powershell first, then run python botgui.py
and let me know what error you got


it conflicts with this bot and will cause it to not work correctly
CLOXEN NOTES (First developer (I´m just the current one))

This bot will:

* auto jump at a random point on the plane.

* auto hold down the space bar just in case you land in water and end up underwater

* It will also lay down after running and jumping.

* I added a few more configs to the bot so it supports 2560x 1440p and 2560 x1080p.
I dont have the last resolution so it might not work well for 2560 x 1080p.

* Create a file that tells you the Bps that you have won (It couldn´t be exact)

* Leave all the buttons (die(JUST WAIT BEFORE FLAME), reconnect, and servers busy)

* Can work with an empty input.txt ofc, it wont click that xD

Future changes:

*Make sure that the bor reopen the GAME

*"Laptop mode", to turn the bot off for 30m (with the game too ofc) (in april I
should have it)
*Tell me more <3

.__ _______ ________

______ ____ | | ____ ____ ____ \ _ \ \_____ \
\____ \ _/ __ \ | | _/ __ \ / _ \ / \ / /_\ \ / ____/
| |_> >\ ___/ | |__\ ___/( <_> )| | \\ \_/ \/ \
| __/ \___ >|____/ \___ >\____/ |___| / \_____ /\_______ \
|__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

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