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Effect of processing on Charpy impact

toughness of metallic glass matrix composites

Article · May 2011

DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2011.92


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8 authors, including:

Henry Kozachkov Scott Roberts

California Institute of Technology California Institute of Technology


Marios D. Demetriou William Johnson

Glassimetal Technology California Institute of Technology


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Effect of processing on Charpy impact toughness of metallic glass
matrix composites
Carl Zachrisson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109
Henry Kozachkov, Scott Roberts, and Georg Kaltenboeck
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91126
Robert D. Conner
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91126; and California State University—Northridge,
Northridge, California 91330
Marios D. Demetriou and William L. Johnson
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91126
Douglas C. Hofmanna)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109; and California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, California 91126

(Received 15 December 2010; accepted 14 March 2011)

In this study, compact Charpy impact testing was used to investigate the effect of processing history
and dendrite morphology of bulk metallic glass matrix composites (BMGMCs) on impact toughness.
Composite samples were fabricated via suction casting and semisolid forging, and the results were
compared with crystalline alloys in the same geometry. A strong dependence on processing was
observed, with samples exhibiting up to a 30-fold increase in impact toughness depending on
processing and microstructure. Provided that attention is paid to processing techniques, BMGMCs are
shown to have properties that equal or surpass some conventionally used crystalline alloys. These
properties invite further exploration of these materials in structural applications.

I. INTRODUCTION demonstrated that the length scale associated with the

Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are a relatively new class of dendrites is directly related to the fracture toughness of the
engineering metals that have been widely investigated as composites. For example, a BMGMC, termed LM2
potential high-performance materials for a variety of applica- (Zr56.2Ti13.8Nb5.0Cu6.9Ni5.6Be12.5), cast from the liquidus
tions, from bulk structural hardware to microelectromechan- exhibited a plane strain fracture toughness of K1C 5 31
ical systems (MEMS).1–6 Unfortunately, BMGs have been MPa m1/2 (Ref. 18), which represents a twofold improvement
underutilized in high performance structural applications due over the fracture toughness of the matrix BMG, Vitreloy 1
to their abrupt failure in unconfined loading, their low fracture (Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5), K1C 5 15 MPa m1/2 (Ref. 19).
toughness, and low fatigue limit.7–9 Recently, significant By processing a BMGMC with similar properties when cast
progress has been made toward toughening BMGs by from the melt, DH1 (Zr39.6Ti33.9Nb7.6Cu6.4Be12.5), semi-
developing a series of ductile phase-reinforced BMG matrix solidly, the fracture toughness is dramatically enhanced,
composites (BMGMCs), which combine soft crystals (usu- K1C 5 97 MPa m1/2 (Refs. 8,12).
ally body-centered cubic) with a metallic glass matrix.10–17 The effect of processing on the mechanical properties
Although these BMGMCs first emerged a decade ago, and microstructure of BMGMCs has been well established
a correlation between processing and mechanical perfor- utilizing quasistatic and even dynamic mechanical testing
mance was not realized until recently.12,13 When cast from (see Refs. 20–25), such as tension tests and fracture
the liquid, BMGMCs exhibit a wide range of dendrite toughness tests, but not as widely for impact testing (Charpy
morphologies that develop as a result of thermal gradients or Izod). The objective of the current study is to investigate
during cooling. By processing the composites below the the effect of processing on the Charpy impact toughness
liquidus temperature, in the semisolid two-phase region, (CIT) of a series of Zr–Ti–Be-based BMGMCs and to
a more uniform microstructure can be obtained. It has been compare those results with some common high-performance
crystalline materials. The Charpy impact test was selected
for its simplicity in estimating notched toughness at mod-
Address all correspondence to this author. erately high-strain rates and has not been widely used for
e-mail: dch@jpl.nasa.gov BMGs because the American Society for Testing and
DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2011.92 Materials standard-sized specimen (10  10  55 mm3)

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C. Zachrisson et al.: Effect of processing on Charpy impact toughness of metallic glass matrix composites

typically exceeds the critical casting thickness of many SC square beams or by semisolidly forging31 (SSF) 3-mm-
glassy alloys and requires at least 30 g of material per test thick plates and then cutting them into beams. The 3  3 
(for Vitreloy 1, for example). Several groups have in- 30 mm3 samples were then mounted and notched en masse
vestigated the impact toughness of monolithic BMGs in with a 90° notch 1-mm-wide and 0.5-mm-deep cut by an
compact (miniaturized or substandard) dimensions, primar- endmill. These samples were compared with a monolithic
ily with the focus of investigating the ductile-to-brittle glass (Vitreloy 1)6 and a BMGMC (LM2),10,11 both
transition.26–30 For example, Raghavan et al. demonstrated obtained commercially. The Vitreloy 1 samples were
a substandard impact toughness of 1.2 J in compact Charpy broken and suction cast, whereas the LM2 samples were
samples of Vitreloy 1 at room temperature, whereas Park cut from a large 3-mm-thick plate. Crystalline alloys used
et al. looked at the impact toughness of BMG/metal laminate for comparison (rolled 304 Stainless Steel, Al-2024-T6,
composites. The major objective of the current work is to Al-7075-T6, and Grade 5 Ti-6Al-4V) were cut from 3-mm
compare the CIT of two representative BMGMCs produced (1/8 in) plates and notched using the endmill.
through suction casting (SC) from above the liquidus Charpy tests were performed on a modified Riehle
temperature with those produced by semisolid processing, Impact Testing Machine, which was instrumented to detect
both in 3-mm-thick samples. As such, the selected geometry small changes in hammer velocity (Fig. 1). Standard Charpy
for the testing is a compact specimen (3  3  30 mm3), machines operate from two drop heights, 61 and 122 cm
which can be rapidly produced on a mini-suction casting (24 and 48 in) with two hammer masses so that four impact
arc melter. Although larger samples of the Be-bearing energies can be obtained, 41, 81, 163, and 325 J (30, 60, 120,
BMGMCs can be produced, the smaller geometry was and 240 ft-lbs). Unfortunately, full-sized Charpy testing on
selected so that future work on non-Be–bearing BMGs, Zr–Be-based BMGs from literature indicate only 1–5 J of
which typically cannot be produced thicker than 3 mm due energy is absorbed, whereas Zr–Be-based BMGMCs absorb
to cooling constraints necessary to produce BMGs, can be 25–45 J.12,26–29 Since the cross-sectional area of the compact
directly compared with the current results. The impact samples in the current work is ;10 times smaller, the
toughness of the compact specimens are directly compared amount of energy absorbed would be nearly undetectable
with commercially available BMGs and common crystalline using a standard drop height and hammer mass. As such, the
alloys for validity of the testing. In addition, the hardness of Charpy tester was modified by reducing the drop height and
each alloy tested was measured and compared. the hammer mass and the impact energy was measured both
by dial and computer. By equating the potential energy of
the hammer at the drop height (PE 5 mgh) with the kinetic
energy of the hammer at impact (KE 5 ½ mv2), the initial
Two different BMGMCs were produced and examined velocity (v0) of the hammer before impact is found to be
in this work, one based in Ti with 40% volume fraction of a function only of the height of the drop
crystalline phase (DV1)13 and one based in Zr with 67% pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
volume fraction of crystalline phase (DH3)12; the compo- v0 5 2gh : ð1Þ
sitions are given in Table I. The composites were produced
by arc melting high-purity elements in a Ti-gettered argon To instrument the machine, a 1-cm-diameter cylindri-
environment. Charpy specimens were produced either by cal magnet was attached to a plastic arm on the side of the

TABLE I. Physical and mechanical properties of the 11 different samples used in this study.

Name Vol% of crystalline Processing route CIT (J) CIT (J/cm2) ry (MPa) rmax (MPa) H (Rc) q (g/cm3) E (GPa) rmax/q

Vitreloy 1 0 SC 0.68 7.6 1700 1700 60.0 6.1 97.2 279

LM2 40 CCP 0.13 1.4 1000 1300 56.2 6.2 78.8 210
DV1 40 SC 1.31 14.6 1360 1430 58.3 5.2 92.4 275
DV1 40 SSF 4.82 53.6 1360 1430 50.8 5.2 92.4 275
DH3 100 Cryst 0.19 2.1 na na na 5.8 na na
DH3 67 SC 2.66 29.6 1100 1200 47.8 5.8 75.3 207
DH3 67 SSF 5.27 58.6 1100 1200 43.3 5.8 75.3 207
Ti-6Al-4V 100 Gd 5 STA 2.97 33.0 1100 1200 41.0 4.5 114.0 267
Al-7075 100 T6 0.38 4.2 500 570 6.0 2.8 71.7 203
Al-2024 100 T6 0.66 7.3 350 430 ,1 2.8 72.4 155
SS 304 100 STA 9.49 105.4 220 500 ,1 8.0 193.0 63

Yield strengths, ultimate tensile strengths, and Young’s Modulus for the crystalline alloys were obtained from www.matweb.com, a materials property
database. Compositions in at.%: Vitreloy 1, Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5; LM2, Zr56.2Ti13.8Nb5.0Cu6.9Ni5.6Be12.5; DV1, Ti48Zr20V12Cu5Be15; and DH3,
Zr39.9Ti33.9Nb7.6Cu6.4Be12.5. Processing conditions are SC, CCP, SSF, cryst, STA, and CIT.
CIT, Charpy impact toughness; SC, suction cast; CCP, commercial cast plate; SSF, semisolid forge; cryst, crystalline; na, not applicable; STA, standard.

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C. Zachrisson et al.: Effect of processing on Charpy impact toughness of metallic glass matrix composites

FIG. 1. Instrumented small-scale Charpy testing. (a) The pendulum hammer has been stripped of mass to reduce the impact energy. A plastic
extension has been built to hold the magnet. As the pendulum swings, the magnet passes a coil before and after impact, which registers a current.
(b) The modified sample holder has a shorter span length of 20 mm for compact Charpy samples. (c) Suction cast (SC) samples of the alloy DV1.
(d) Data obtained from an impact test on DH3 using a digital oscilloscope. The location of the magnet relative to each coil during the test is shown
with a schematic. The hammer velocity slows during impact, which broadens the second peak. The width of the coils and magnets are known to be dx
5 1 cm, so the velocity of the hammer can be determined through v 5 dx/dt. The energy during the impact is E 5 1/2 mv2.

hammer pendulum. Two 1-cm-diameter copper coils were transit time of the magnet across the coil) and Dx is the
mounted on a plate, 70-mm apart, with their midpoint width of the coil. Using the known standard drop height
located at the impact location [Fig. 1(a)]. The coils were of the hammer, the initial velocity was calculated to be
wired to a digital oscilloscope connected to a computer. 3.46 m/s; using this known velocity, Dx was calculated to
When the magnet attached to the hammer passes the first coil, be ;1.0 cm for each coil by measuring the peak width.
it creates a voltage that registers as a sinusoidal peak on the Using the known original impact energy and hammer
oscilloscope. During the impact with the specimen, the height, the original effective mass of the hammer was
hammer slows down before it passes the second coil, creating calculated as 6.8 kg. To accommodate the small-scale
a difference in the width of the sinusoidal peak. The energy specimens, the energy of the hammer was reduced by
absorbed by the sample can then be determined through decreasing the hammer mass to 2.7 kg and the initial
velocity to 2.0 m/s. The new drop height was calculated to
1   be 21 cm (from the measured velocity) and, thus, the total
E 5 m v20  v2f : ð2Þ energy of the hammer was reduced from 41 to 5.6 J. For
samples requiring more than 5 J to fracture, a second drop
The velocity of the hammer can be determined by v 5 height was calibrated at 83 cm imparting 22.2 J of energy
Dx/Dt, where Dt is the width of the sinusoidal pulse (the at impact. A modified fixture to support the shorter

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C. Zachrisson et al.: Effect of processing on Charpy impact toughness of metallic glass matrix composites

samples was built as an insert into the existing Charpy to the crack propagation through a fracture toughness tests
fixture, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The span length was thereby done in other studies (see Ref. 12).
reduced from 50 to 20 mm for the small-scale tests. The Surprisingly, the lowest impact energy observed,
microstructures of the samples were analyzed through 0.13 J, was that of the commercially cast plate of the
x-ray, backscattered scanning electron microscope (SEM), composite LM2, despite the 40% volume fraction of soft
Rockwell hardness testing, acoustical measurements, and crystalline phase. The brittle fracture surface representa-
optical microscopy. tive of the impact tests are shown in Fig. 3 and the micro-
structure is shown in Fig. 4. These cast samples were
fabricated from commercial-grade starting materials, us-
ing graphite crucibles in an industrialized (low vacuum)
Compact Charpy impact testing was performed on process. Quantitatively, the impact toughness of the BMG
10 alloys in total, six containing an amorphous phase and alloys in this study can be measured using the energy
four crystalline alloys, see Table I for compositions and absorbed during impact. Qualitatively, the impact tough-
processing. Figure 2 is visual plot to the data shown in ness can be estimated by observing the relative roughness
Table I, which shows the impact energy (in Joule) for each of the fracture surface, the number of shear bands observed
sample along with impact energy per cross-sectional area on the sample’s surface, and the distance that shear bands
(in Joule per square centimeter). On average, seven are observed from the edge of the crack (which is an
samples of each type were impacted to observe the effect estimation of the plastic zone size). The lack of roughness
of processing variation on impact energy and the average in the fracture surface of the LM2 sample, shown in Fig. 3,
value for each sample is shown in Fig. 2 with a circle. As demonstrates its low impact toughness, which is a well-
a baseline, the monolithic BMG Vitreloy 1 was also known result from the smooth fracture surfaces observed
evaluated via Charpy testing, as was done by several other in brittle crystalline metals after Charpy tests.
groups.26–29 Vitreloy 1, which is the most widely studied Figure 4(a) is a stitched backscattered SEM micrograph
and commercialized BMG to date (often under the trade of LM2 showing both the bulk microstructure and a crack
name LM1), is the matrix material for the composite LM2. propagating through the entire width of a sample. It is of
The samples were obtained commercially in a high-purity interest that the microstructure in the LM2 sample is
form and were then broken up and suction-cast into beams. actually quite coarse, despite being cast from near the
The impact energy for the monolithic samples was de- liquidus temperature (which generally leads to a smaller
termined to be 0.68 J, which is similar to the results from microstructure). This particular sample was produced
other studies when scaled to full size, despite differences commercially by die-casting the liquid from a shot sleeve
in sample geometry and origin. The crack propagation into a steel mold with the shape of a large plate. As such,
through the Charpy test of Vitreloy 1 also appears similar the cooling rate for this sample was quite slow, which
allowed the microstructure to coarsen to levels similar to
the SSF samples, as seen in Figs. 5 and 6. The dendrite
arms are ;10-lm thick, and the spacing between the arms
is 1–5 lm. The overall dendrites (i.e., the diameter of
dendrite trees sectioned near their centers) are ;100 lm in
diameter and are spaced several 100 microns apart.
Despite the coarsened microstructure, which is typical of
highly toughened alloys, the crack generated during the
impact essentially cleaves the LM2 sample [Fig. 4(b)],
without significant blunting or branching. Although some
regions near the crack exhibit shear bands [Fig. 4(c)], they
only extend between 5 and 50 lm away from the edge of
the crack. In total, very few shear bands are observed on
the surface, which is indicative of a brittle failure. The
reason for the low toughness is a combination of the high
FIG. 2. Compact Charpy impact toughness values from 11 alloys oxygen content in the BMG matrix (;5000 ppm) and
tested; one bulk metallic glass (BMG), six bulk metallic glass matrix brittle intermetallic phases that have nucleated during the
composites (BMGMCs) in various processing conditions, and four processing, as shown in Fig. 4(c). These brittle phases are
crystalline alloys. The processing conditions are commercially cast plate either carbide remnants from the graphite crucibles used to
(CCP), crystalline (cryst), suction cast (SC), and semisolid forge (SSF). cast these samples or from partial crystallization of the
The maximum hammer energy for the low drop height is displayed on
the plot along with a scaled estimation of the full-sized Charpy matrix due to insufficient cooling. The combined result is
toughness. On average, seven samples of each alloy were tested and that the matrix BMG is brittle, which promotes easy crack
the average is plotted as a circle. formation and propagation.

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FIG. 3. Fracture surfaces from six BMG composite samples tested in this study, along with their impact energy. X-ray scans from the composite DH3
in the SSF and the completely crystalline state are also shown. Although the body-centered cubic dendrites remain in the crystalline sample, the matrix
is no longer amorphous, evident from the numerous peaks. Also shown are magnified fracture surfaces from DH3 SSF and LM2, showing the
difference in the fracture pattern. Backscattered scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images from compact Charpy impact tests on the BMGMC DH3
(67% dendrites).

The first composite that was prepared in the laboratory the effect of SSF was dramatic, with an average Charpy
for Charpy testing was the Ti-based BMGMC DV1, energy of 4.8 J, almost four times higher than the impact
which is notable for its large amount of tensile strain energy of the SC samples and with much less scatter.
(;15%) and its low density (5.17 g/cm3).13 Ten samples The difference between the impact tests of DV1 pro-
were produced by SC, and their impact energy is plotted duced by SC and SSF is shown in Figs. 3 and 5. The
on Fig. 2. What is immediately clear from the plot is that fracture surface from DV1 produced by SC shows a
the SC produces a wide scatter in the impact energy of the rougher surface compared to the smooth LM2 sample.
composite, from as low as 0.56 J to as high 3.1 J with an The fracture surface from DV1 produced by SSF also
average of 1.3 J. Unlike Vitreloy 1 (but similar to LM2), exhibits a rough surface but has significant shear lips on
DV1 contains a metal crystal phase, whose morphology the edges perpendicular to the notch. Stitched backscattered
strongly affects the sample’s material properties. Although SEM micrographs of the crack propagating through both
SC produces very uniform samples of Vitreloy 1, which is samples are shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5(e). In the case of SSF,
monolithic, the distribution of dendrites in DV1 is clearly the microstructure is coarse enough that it can be seen at low
not uniform between casts, which can be seen in Fig. 5. To magnification. The crack moves in a jagged manner and
demonstrate the effect of semisolid processing on impact exhibits severe blunting, especially at the notch. Damage is
energy, a 90 g plate of DV1 was fabricated utilizing an observed 1–2 mm away from the crack edge and is
SSF technique developed in Ref. 31. The ingot was heated comprised of closely spaced shear bands (,10-lm separa-
into the two-phase region consisting of glass and dendrites tion) with significant damage evident in the dendrites
(at ;950 °C), was held isothermally for ;1 min to coarsen [Figs. 5(c) and 5(d)]. The nominal microstructure, shown
the microstructure, and was then forged between two in Fig. 5(b), exhibits a dendrite arm size of 10- to 15-lm
copper plates into a 3-mm-thick plate. In the case of DV1, thick, and the spacing between the arms is 5–10 lm. The

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C. Zachrisson et al.: Effect of processing on Charpy impact toughness of metallic glass matrix composites

through SC and SSF, but also in a third way by crystallizing

the matrix into a eutectic phase, as shown in the x-ray scans
in Fig. 3. The x-ray scan from DH3 is a nominal scan for all
the composites, which exhibit a superposition between an
amorphous background and body-centered cubic diffrac-
tion peaks. The x-ray scan from the crystalline DH3 sample
demonstrates that when the matrix phase crystallizes, many
new intermetallic compounds are present. X-ray scans from
the other composites are not shown.
The SC samples of DH3 show the reverse trend during
impact testing like the SC samples of DV1. Instead of
a wide distribution of data points, the Charpy energies are
clustered very close to the average value of 2.7 J. In the
case of DH3, the volume fraction of crystal phase is
sufficiently large that the compact arc melter cannot fully
melt all the dendrites before casting, leading to a more
uniform microstructure during casting. Similar to DV1,
the samples of DH3 subjected to SSF exhibited much
higher average impact energy (5.3 J) than those produced
by SC. In fact, the toughness of the SSF plates of DH3
FIG. 4. (a) A backscattered SEM micrograph showing a fractured exceeded the limit of the hammer’s impact energy and
specimen of commercially cast LM2. Despite the large, coarse dendrites, a larger drop height was required to break the samples,
other factors (like oxygen content and partial crystallization) make this which at least in part attributed to the large scatter. As with
the most brittle alloy. (b) The edge of the crack from a region in the DV1 samples, the scale of the microstructure in the
(a) demonstrating very little toughness. (c) Another region near the edge
of the crack showing that several shear bands have formed. (d) A region
DH3 SC and SSF samples varies by approximately an
where the matrix has crystallized into an unknown brittle phase. order of magnitude. The nominal microstructure from the
SSF samples, shown in Figs. 6(b) and 6(c), exhibits
dendrite arms that are 10- to 15-lm wide and spaced
overall dendrites are ;200 lm in diameter and are spaced ;5 lm apart. The overall dendrite size is 100–200 lm.
several 100 microns apart. In contrast, the crack propagat- The scale of the dendrites is very similar to the DV1 SSF
ing through the SC sample shows much less branching and samples, just with a smaller interdendrite spacing due to
blunting, with shear bands observed only ;100–200 lm the large volume fraction in DH3. In contrast, the dendrites
from the edge of the crack. Although many shear bands are from the DH3 SC sample exhibit an arm size of 0.5–1 lm,
observed, as seen in Fig. 5(g), there are significantly less shown in Figs. 6(e) and 6(f), and a spacing of only a few
than in the SSF sample. The microstructure from the SC 100 nm. The overall dendrite size is on the order of
sample, shown in Fig. 5(f), is one order of magnitude 5–10 lm in diameter.
smaller than the SSF sample. At low magnification, this As a direct comparison to the amorphous alloys, four
makes the sample appear gray in Fig. 5(e). The dendrite arm high-performance crystalline alloys were also tested in
size is 0.5–1 lm and their spacing is much less. The overall the same geometry. The aerospace aluminum alloys Al-
dendrite size is 5–10 lm in diameter, which is about 2024-T6 and Al-7075-T6 exhibited impact energies of
20 times smaller than the SSF sample. A highly magnified 0.66 and 0.38 J, respectively, with very low scatter.
image of the dendrites and the shear band spacing is seen in Samples of Ti-6-4 were also tested in the same config-
Fig. 5(h). Although the impact toughness from the DV1 SC uration, exhibiting average impact energy of 3.0 J. The
samples is about 3.5 times lower than the SSF samples, they impact energy of Ti-6-4 was most closely matched by the
are not brittle. In fact, the SC samples were 10 times tougher SC samples of DH3 but was surpassed by SSF samples of
than the LM2 samples, despite their fine dendrite structure. DV1, which exhibit similar mechanical properties (see
Although the smaller dendrites are not as efficient at Ref. 12 and Table I). To illustrate the importance of having
blunting the crack as the coarser dendrites, there is still an amorphous matrix in DH3, we fabricated an ingot
a significant amount of damage near the edge of the crack. through semisolid processing and then cooled the alloy
The next composite that was impact tested was the Zr– slowly by reducing the radio frequency (RF) power until
Ti-based BMGMC DH3, which is notable for its large crystallization was visible on the sample’s surface. As
fracture toughness (173 MPa m1/2) and fatigue endurance shown in the x-ray scan in Fig. 3, many crystalline phases
limit (25% of yield strength), mostly caused by the in- are present from crystallizing the matrix and a differential
creased volume fraction of soft dendrites (66%).12 Speci- scanning calorimetry scan was used to verify that very
mens of DH3 were prepared in a similar fashion to DV1, little, if any, glass phase remains. Although not shown, the

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C. Zachrisson et al.: Effect of processing on Charpy impact toughness of metallic glass matrix composites

FIG. 5. Backscattered SEM micrographs from the BMGMC DV1 (40% dendrites). (a) Crack originating at the notch and then propagating through
a SSF sample during a compact Charpy test. (b) Initial microstructure obtained through SSF and (c, d) higher magnification of shear bands interacting
with the Ti-based dendrites. (e) Crack propagating through a SC sample during compact Charpy test. (f)–(h) Higher magnification micrographs of the
shear bands in the SC sample along with the nominal microstructure.

FIG. 6. (a) Crack arrest and branching after impact in a SSF sample. (b) Near the edge of the crack, many shear bands have formed and been arrested
by the soft dendrites. (c) Magnification of a region in (a) demonstrating that even far away from the crack, shear bands still form in the glass matrix.
(e) Crack propagating through a SC sample of DH3 and (f, g) higher magnification images of the shear bands and microstructure.

microstructure of the sample appears similar to Fig. 4(d), unexpected. By crystallizing the glass, the toughness of the
with large coarsened dendrites and a crystalline eutectic matrix goes down substantially, with a corresponding decrease
matrix. The ingot was cut into several Charpy specimens, in the critical size at which cracks form (100 lm in the glass to
and the impact energy was measured to be 0.19 J (14 times ;10 nm in the crystalline eutectic).12 Since cracks form at
smaller than the SC samples and nearly 30 times smaller such small lengths in the crystalline matrix, the dendrites,
than the SSF samples). The results are remarkable, but not regardless of size, have no effect on toughening since cracks

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C. Zachrisson et al.: Effect of processing on Charpy impact toughness of metallic glass matrix composites

simply propagate through the matrix unimpeded. Even in scale of the dendrites. All the composites exhibited
DH3, with 67% volume fraction of crystal, the toughness a higher hardness than the hardest crystalline alloy tested,
decreases by more than an order of magnitude when the Ti-6-4, at 41.0. Both Al alloys and 304 steel were too soft
matrix is crystallized. The fracture surfaces from all three for the Rockwell C scale, so a conversion from the
DH3 samples are also shown in Fig. 3 along with a higher Rockwell B scale was used instead. One potential disad-
magnification image comparing the dimpled fracture pattern vantage in using a BMGMC over a crystalline material in
between the tough DH3 SSF sample and the brittle LM2 a structural application is the stiffness (or Young’s
sample. As expected, the brittle sample exhibits approxi- modulus), also listed in Table I. The composites, with
mately an order of magnitude smaller dimple pattern than the their large elastic limits, have very low stiffness, typically
toughest composite alloy (;20 lm versus ;2 lm). The half that of steel and significantly lower than Ti-6-4.
fracture surfaces from the composites are shown in order of
increasing toughness from the crystalline DH3 sample to the
SC sample, to the SSF sample. In each case, the roughness
increases with toughness as does the size of the shear lips on The above results demonstrate the steep dependence of
the sample’s edge (;1 mm in DH3 SSF). the material properties of BMGMCs, in particular of CIT,
Lastly, rolled samples of 304 Stainless Steel were impacted, on processing techniques. In the example of DH3, the
leading to an average of 9.5 J. These samples exhibited average impact toughness ranged from 0.2 J for one
sufficiently high toughness that the hammer experienced processing technique (crystalline) to 5.3 J for another
substantial vibration and the results of the experiment were (SSF), a roughly 28-fold increase from the same compo-
widely scattered. Only the average is plotted in Fig. 2. sition. Even when all the processing techniques applied
It is also of note that the toughened BMG composite preserved the glassiness of the matrix, as for DV1, one
samples used in this study do not show a significant technique yielded CIT values ;4 times higher than
toughening effect from being in plane strain conditions another. Given such strong dependence on processing
due to the small sample sizes. This has been well conditions, the development of BMGMCs is facilitated by
observed during the construction of R-curves for fracture quick, repeatable techniques for characterizing the mate-
toughness testing (see Ref. 8). Therefore, despite using rial properties yielded by a given set of parameters. The
compact specimens in this study, the results should scale substandard-sized Charpy impact test used herein is one
to larger samples. This is evident by scaling the impact such method for quickly identifying the superior process-
energy from the DH3 SSF sample up to a larger specimen ing technique for each alloy. Provided that the correct
(58 J) and comparing it with half-sized semisolidly processing techniques are applied, the resulting BMGMCs
processed Charpy tests done in Ref. 12, also scaled up compare favorably to both BMGs and crystalline alloys,
(45 J). They are of the same order. Nevertheless, the results inviting further exploration of BMGMCs as high perfor-
of this study were compared with crystalline alloys (Al, Ti, mance structural materials.
and steel) in the exact same dimensions (3  3  30 mm3)
so that a direct comparison would be valid.
In addition to impact energy, Table I also lists the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
standard mechanical properties of the alloys tested in this The authors thank R. DeSalvo for assistance with the
work. The yield strength (ry), ultimate tensile strength setup and Liquidmetal Technologies Inc. for supplying
(rmax), density (q), and specific strength (rmax/q) of the materials. D.C. Hofmann acknowledges financial support
listed alloys allow a comparison between BMGMCs and from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
crystalline alloys; some values for the crystalline alloys Technology, under contract with the National Aeronau-
were taken from Matweb (www.matweb.com). In com- tics and Space Administration (NASA). C.F. Zachrisson
parison to Ti-6-4, the increased strength of the BMGMCs acknowledges financial support from American Associa-
counteracts their slightly higher densities and their specific tion for the Advancement of Science Entry Point’s
strengths are about the same. The specific strengths of the ACCESS, a program sponsored by NASA.
BMGMCs also exceed that of the Al alloys, which have
very low densities and low strengths. The hardness of the
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