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Dear Friends, I had received this message in one of the Whatsapp group, since it was in Tamil, for the

benefit of my friends who are unable to read and understand Tamil, I have translated this to English. If
there are any errors, please excuse me. I am giving below the original Tamil message and the English
translated version, it is bit long message, but I am sure it will be worth your time. Your comments and
criticism are eagerly awaited. Shrini

பபபபபப பபபப – பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப?

பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபப

பபபபபபபபப 80% பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபப
பபபபபப பபபபபப, பபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப
பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

‘பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபப பபபப பபபப

பபபப பபபபபபபபபப?

பபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபப

பபபப பபபபபபபபப?’

பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப.

பபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப,

“பபபபபபப பபப பபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபப”

பபபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபப. பபபபப பபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப

பபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப

பபபப_பபப பபபபபப பபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

“பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பப பபபபப

பபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபப. பபபபப பபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபப
பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபப
பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பப பபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப.”

“பபபபபபப பபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப?” – பபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப

பபபபபபபப பபபபப.

“பபபபபபபபப பபப பபபபபபபப. பபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபப. பபப பபபபப

பபபபபப பபப பபப பபப பபபபபபபப.

பபப பபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப…”

பபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபப
பபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப.

“பபப பபபப பபபபபபபப பபப?

பபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப…”

“பபபபபபபப! பபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபப”

“பபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபப. பபப, பபபப, பபபபபப, பபபப, பபபப

பபபப பபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபப!!!!

பபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபப?”


“பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப

பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபப!!!”

“பபபபபபபபபபபப் பபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப

(பபபபபபபபபபபபப) பபபபப பபபபபபபப?

“பபபபபபபப…! பபபபபபப பபபபபபபப?”

பபபபப பபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

“பபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபப.”

பபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப.

பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப.

“பபபபபபபபப பபபப பபப பபபபபபபப. பபப பபபபப. பபப பபபபபபபபப. பபபப

பபபபபபபபபப பபப பபபபபபபபபப பப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப
பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப.”

பபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபப. பபபபப

பபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப.

“பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப

பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபப
பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபப?”

“பபபபபபபபபபபபபப…. பப பபப பபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபப

பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப.

பப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபப,

பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப
பபபபபப பபபபபபபப.

பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

பபபப பபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப, பபபபபபப பபபபபப
பபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபப பப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப.”

“பபபபபப பபபபபபப பபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபப பப பபப

பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப.

பபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபப.

பபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபப பபபப.”

பபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

பபபபபபபபபபப பபபப. பபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப

பபபப பபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப.

“பபபபபபப #பபபபபப?” பபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

“பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபப.

பபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபப. பபபப பபபபப பபபப பபப. பபபபப.

பபபப பபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபப பபபபப. பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப.

பபபபப, பபபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப. பபபப

பபபபபபப பபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப. பபபபபபப பபபபபபப
பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப. பபப பபபபபபபபப பபப. பபப பபப.”

“பபபப பபபபபபப பபபபப பபபப? பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபப


பபபபப “பபப…” பபபபபப பபப பபபபபபபபபபபப.

பபபபபபப பபபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப. பபபபபபபபபப. பபபபபபபபபபபபபப

பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபப.

பபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப.

பபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப.

பபபபப பபபபப பபபபப

The Great War of Mahabharata – In fact, amongst whom the war had taken place?

Varun, a student was well aware that the Great war of Mahabharata which took place at Kurukshetra
had lasted for 18 days and this war had wiped out almost 80% of the male population. Varun had
visited Kurukshetra to have a look at the greatest battle field.
Varun, was aware that he was standing on the land where the Kauravas and Pandavas had fought and
shed their blood?

Was Krishna Paramatma here as Parth’s (Arjun’s) Sarathy (Charioteer) who had been a witness to this

Various doubts arose in him.

With all the doubts in his mind he was staring at the soil, he heard a voice…

"You can never find the truth my son," said the voice. On hearing the voice filled with surprise he turned
to the direction from where he heard the voice.

In between the soil flying land he saw an image of an old man clad in saffron robes.

"I know that you have come here to know more about the Battle of Kurukshetra. But you cannot know
that war without knowing between whom the war actually took place. "

Somewhat confused Varun asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"The Mahabharata is an epitome. A great epic. It's a philosophy rather than truth. That's what everyone
should try to understand ... " said the saffron clad old man with a mysterious smile.

"What is that philosophy sir?, asked Varun. Can you please explain me more about it.

"Surely! I have come here for that"

"Pancha Pandavas are none other than our Eyes (Sight), ears (sound), nose (smell), mouth (taste) and
touch the five sense that every person has !!!!

Do you know who the Kauravas are? "

No Sir, I would like to know from you.

The saffron clad old man continued…..

"The hundreds of evils within us, which day in and day out tries to attack these five senses and make
them it’s pray are Kauravas."

"Are your senses able to fight and resist against these evils which are huge in numbers?

"... Yes, you can! When, do you know? "

Varun stares at him in a confused state.

Yes, you can when Krishna Parmatma becomes your Charioteer and rides your chariot.
Varun sighs heavily…. And the old man continued…..

"Krishna is none other than your conscience. Your soul. Your guide. Once you give the charge of your life
to him then you do not have to worry about anything."

Varun forgetting himself went on listening to the old man, but now one more suspicion appeared in his

"If the Kauravas are evil, then the elderly Dronacharya and Bhishma stand beside them and fight for

"That’s nothing. As you grow up, your view for the older ones changes.

In fact, when you are growing up, you have certain feeling about certain people and you think that they
can never commit any mistake.

But as you grow up you realize that it is not like that, even they have their own share of mistakes

So whatever they have done if it is for your good, you have to decide whether you need them or not. "

"When this realization comes, you will at one point want them to fight for your good.

This is the hardest part of life.

This is the lesson of the Gita. "

Varun immediately fell on his knees and sat on the floor.

Not because of tiredness. But because of little bit of understanding of the lesson of the Gita.

"Then what about Karna?" He continued.

"You have come to the point, son”.

He is the brother of the five senses. His name is the desire. Infatuation. He is a part of your senses. Born
with you.

But he is always on the side of evil. He very well knows he's wrong. But he will say something, like your
wish. like desire. "

"Do you agree with me that what I say is true? Your desire and infatuation always wants to be on the
side of the evil? "

Looking at the floor, Varun is nodding like "yes ...".

He has a thousand of thoughts in his mind. Collecting all his thoughts together he looked up.

The saffron clad old man was missing.

All that he could see around was dust filled atmosphere on the lands of Kurukshetra, where the greatest
war of Mahabharata was fought.

This is the biggest truth of life. Krishna Parmatma is nowhere but he is within us.

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