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‒ Lesson 8 ‒



The supercharged engine is the assembly composed of engine and supercharging unit.
The establishment of the common operating point needs the correlation of the two components of
supercharging unit (the blower and the turbine) with the engine. For this, it is necessary to
determine the operating regime of each machine – in terms of common operation – in all situations
of assembly operation.
The conditions of the common operation of engine and supercharging unit are as follows:
• the equality between the air flow supplied by the blower and the air flow necessary
to be admitted into the engine;
• the flow of burned gases discharged from engine must ensure the turbine operation
at the needed parameters (including the situation of deflection a fraction of the
amount of exhaust gases, specific to the turbocompound system);
• the backpressure created by the gas pressure at the entrance to turbine must be
maintained at a level that will not affect the exhaust process of the engine cylinders;
• the power generated by the turbine and the power absorbed by the blower must be
in a ratio allowing the compressor operation, in any operating regimes. Depending
on the used supercharging system, this condition requires:
- the equality between the blower speed and the turbine speed (different from
that of the engine);
- the maintaining of a certain ratio between the engine speed and the blower
speed, in the case of mechanical supercharging.
In conclusion, the engine correlation with the supercharging unit requires to ensure the
PS = PT ⋅  TS , (8.1)
where PS is the power absorbed by the blower; PT – the power provided by the turbine and ηTS –
the mechanical efficiency of the turboblower.
The relationship (8.1) represent the mathematical expression of the correlation between the
engine and the turboblower. Specifically, the correlation involves the determination of the blower
and turbine characteristics, corresponding to the operating regime of engine, such that the
turboblower to operate with maximum efficiency.


The complexity of working fluid evolutions in the machines with baldes (within which belong
the blower and the gas turbine) raise some difficulties in the analytical predicting of their
performances in the operating regimes different of the calculation regime. Therefore, an important
role has the experimental research, allowing the extension of the data obtained by the prototypes
In general, the results obtained in the research of a specific type of machine can be
extended (eventually, improved) to another prototype, by building a model of its, with conveniently
chosen dimensions.

The conditions in which the data can be generalized, by experimentation of models, are
determined by the similarity theory. Under these conditions, we can say that the phenomenon of
model and of prototype are similar.
The first condition is that the prototype and the model to be also geometric, which means
that the prototype differs on the model only by its scale is achieved. Also, the operating regime of a
machine with blades is determined by four independent parameters:
• the fluid mass flow;
• the pressure in a certain section;
• the temperature in a certain section;
• the fluid velocity in various characteristic sections.
The thermodynamic behavior of the working fluid, considered to be a perfect gas, is
determined by the parameters which describe the exchange of mechanical work with the outside,
including and the mechanical work of friction. This parameters are:
• the gas constant R [kJ/kg·K];
• the specific heat cpT [kJ/kg·K];
• the dynamic viscosity μ [N·s/m2];
• the coefficient of heat exchange by conduction λ [W/m2·K].
The operating regime of the machine with blades is completely determined by five
dimensionless parameters, called similarity criteria:
• the Strouhal criterion Sh(Ho), that characterize the unsteady evolutions; in
turbomachinery this criterion is
Sh = , (8.2)
 ⋅ Dm ⋅ n
where c [m/s] is the fluid velocity in the absolute motion; Dm [m] – the average
diameter of the step and n [rev/s] – the speed;
• the Euler criterion Eu, expressing the intensity of mechanical work of friction:
Eu = , (8.3)
 ⋅ c2
with the pressure difference Δp in N/m2, the density ρ in kg/m3 and the fluid velocity
in the absolute motion c in m/s;
• the similarity criterion of fluid compressibility kM2, where:
M = , (8.4)
M is the Mach criterion, and a [m/s] is the sound velocity in the terms provided by
the flowing fluid;
• the Reynolds criterion Re, expressing the ratio between the inertial forces and the
friction forces:
c ⋅l
Re = , (8.5)

ν [m2/s] being the kinematic viscosity and l [m] – a characteristic length whose value
must be specified depending on the analyzed phenomenon;
• the Prandtl criterion Pr, which is defined as the ratio between the molecular
transport coefficient for impulse and the heat:
cp ⋅ 
Pr = , (8.6)
with the specific heat cp in kJ/kg·K, the dynamic viscosity μ in N·s/m2 and the
thermal conductivity k in kW/m2·K.
The respecting of all criteria of similarity offers the certitude that the model and prototype
phenomena are similar, and the relative parameters (like the compression degree πC, the
expansion degree δT and the efficiencies) are constant. But, the modelling in compliance with all
the criteria is virtually impossible, making it necessary to establish the criteria which do not
influence the phenomena in the machines with blades.

Thus, should be noted that the geometric similarity does not influence the phenomenon in
the research of the same machine, as well as the molecular weight, it does not change the nature
of the fluid. Also, under certain conditions, there are also phenomena that occurs with sufficient
accuracy, independent of the similarity criteria. All these phenomena represent the selfmodeling
field in relation to a particular criterion of similarity. It is very important to establish the selfmodelling
field, in order to specify the criteria to be respected in a particular operating regime.
In the case of machines with blades, without cooling, can neglect the influence of Re and Pr
criteria, so it is thought that the heat exchange with the outsize is null. As a result, in the
turbomachinery the similar regimes are determined by the Mach criterion.

1.1. The universal characteristics of the centrifugal compressor

The universal characteristic illustrates the varation of the compression degree πC and the
compressor efficiency ηC according to the parameters of similarity, expressing the similar operating
Previously it is noted that, for the same machine with blades (in this case, the centrifugal
compressor) and the same working fluid (same values of the fluid constant R [kJ/kg·grd] and the
adiabatic compression exponent k = cp/cv), with the assumption that of a flow in selfmodelling
regime with the criterion Re, the similar regimes are determined only by the criterion M.
For the centrifugal compressor is representative the inlet speed, so:
M C 1 = idem ; M u = idem (8.7)
or the coefficients of heat exchange by conduction:
 C 1 = idem ;  u = idem , (8.8)
= , (8.9)
a cr
acr being the critical speed of sound.
The universal characteristic of the centrifugal compressor is defined by the relationship
 C ,  C = f ( c 1 ,  u ) . (8.10)
It is considered the thermodynamic function of flow
1 1
 k + 1  k −1  k + 1 2  k −1
q(c1 ) = c1 ⋅   ⋅ 1 − c1  . (8.11)
 k   k −1 
As between λc1 and q(λc1) there is a unique relationship, the universal characteristic can be
defined by the relations:
 C = f1 [q(c1 )]  =const. ; (8.12)

C = f 2 [q(c1 )]  =const. . (8.13)


By processing the parameters λu and q(λc1), can be obtained the expressions:

  k +1 2 n
u = ⋅  ⋅ D ⋅ C∗ ; (8.14)
60  2kR  T1
• −
 ∗
k +1
 2
Ma T 1  k  2  k −1 
q(c1 ) = ⋅ ⋅ 1
 , (8.15)
p1∗ A1  R  k + 1  
 
where A1 is the section provided to fluid at the entrance in the rotor.

Defining the similarity parameter of speed:
= idem (8.16)
and the similarity parameter of flow:

M a ⋅ T1∗
= idem , (8.17)
the universal characteristic of the centrifugal compressor can be represented as the curves:
 • T1∗ 

C = f Ma⋅ ∗ , (8.18)
 p1 
  nC
= const .

over which are drawn the curves of equal efficiency (Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1

Therefore, it can be concluded that the main property of the universal characteristic is the
next: if a point in the diagram corresponding to the normal characteristic represents only one
operating regime (for a given couple of values p1*, T1*), in the case of universal characteristic, one
point represents the totality of the similar regimes, regardless of the state parameters of air at the
entrance in compressor or its speed.

1.2. The universal characteristics of the axial and centripetal turbines

Using the similarity parameters of speed nT T3∗ and flow M g ⋅ T3∗ p 3∗ , is obtained a

characteristic whose parameters are proportional with the speed nT and the gas flow M g , crossing
the turbine.

One of the most used forms of the universal characteristic of the axial turbine is
 • T3∗ 

 T , u = f M g ⋅ ∗ , (8.19)
 p3 
  nT
= const .

whose graphical representation is shown in Figure 8.2. The relationship (8.19) defines and the
universal characteristic of centripetal turbine, whose graphical representation is made in Figure

Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3



2.1. The graphics determination of the common operating point based on the
characteristic line of the engine air consumption

In this first case, the elements necessary to establish the common operating point of the
internal combustion engine with the turbocharger are:
• the characteristic line of the air consumption of engine;
• the normal or universal characteristic of the compressor;
• the normal or universal characteristic of the turbine.
The characteristic line of the air consumption assume the drawing of the curve of air flow

M a (engine needed) variation depending on the compression degree πC. The air flow is given by
the relationship
• 2⋅n
Ma = ⋅ Vs ⋅  a ⋅ V , (8.20)

where n [rpm] is the speed; τ – the stroke number of working cycle; Vs [m3/cycle] – the unit
displacement; ρa [kg/m3] – the air density in the inlet manifold and ηV – the volumetric efficiency.
The air density can be estimated using the relatonship
pCA p
a = ≅ 1 , (8.21)
R ⋅ TCA R ⋅ T1
where the index „1” corresponds to the air parameters at the exit from blower and the
measurement units of parametres are p [N/m2], R [J/kg·K] and T [K].
The temperature of supercharging
air will be:
• for the systems without
intermediate cooling:
 k −1

T o   p1  k
TCA ≅ T1 = To + ⋅   − 1 ; (8.22)
 C  p o  
 
• for the systems with intermediate
TCA = T 2 = T1 ⋅ (1 −  RA ) +  RA ⋅ T ar . (8.22’)
The establishing of the common
operating point of the engine and the
turbocharger are made by drawing over the
compressor characteristic of the air
consumption line of engine and the turbine
• •
characteristic, in the hypothesis M a = M g .
In other words, it is neglected the amount of
fuel injected in cylinders.
Is exemplified this methodology,
using the normal characteristics of a
centrifugal compressor and of an axial
turbine. The turbine characteristic is placed
under the compressor characteristic, as in
Figure 8.4. In continuation, is transfered
each curve from the lower diagram to the
higher diagram.
Thus, for the curves defined by the

 T = f  M g 

, (8.23) Figure 8.4
  TCE = const .
where TCE is the gases temperature in exhaust manifold, proceed as:
• from the points of intersection between the temperature curves TCE = const . and the
speed curves n T = const . of axial turbine characteristic, is draw vertical lines to the
intersection with the curves n C = n T = const . of the blower (compressor)
• are united the points thus obtained in the normal characteristic of compressor,
achieving the transposition of the isotherms from the axial turbine characteristic.
Analogous proceed and for the curves of constant efficiencies of turbine. Through the
superposition of the two characteristics, is obtained the turbocharger characteristic. On this
characteristic is drawn the line corresponding to the air consumption of engine. The inclination of
this line depends on the operating regime of the engine (for example, the operation at constant
speed, the operation at constant load, the operating of engine coupled with propeller etc.).
The correlation between the turbocharger and engine requires the fulfillment of the
following requirements:

• the characteristic line of the engine air consumption must be placed at a distance of

at least 10% of M a to the pumping line of the centrifugal compressor;
• the characteristic line of the engine air consumption must be located in the area of
maximum efficiencies of the axial turbine and the centrifugal compressor;
• the pressure difference between the inlet and exhaust manifolds must provide the
cylinders scavenging at any operating regime.
Because, in general, the turbine can operate efficiently for a wide range of burned gases
flow, is more important to examine the diagram obtained by the superimposing of the characteristic
of engine air consumption with the blower characteristic.

2.2. The graphics determination of the common operating point based on the
temperature variation at the entrance in gas turbine

In the case of this method, it needs the following data:

• for compressor:
- the variation of the compression ratio depending on the circulated air flow, at
 •

various compressor speeds  C = f  M a  ;
  nC
- the characteristic curve of the compressor for the in common operation;
• for turbine:
- the variation of the expansion degree in turbine depending on the burned gas
 •

flow, at various turbine speeds  T = f  M g  ;
  nT
- the characteristic curve of the turbine for the in common operation.
The needed curves can be determined experimentally (separately for each machine) or
analytically (through the use of similarity relations applied to the universal characteristics
determined for similar machines). In
the first case, the results are more TT nT1 nT2 nT3
accurate, but – due to the absence
of concrete data – is often used the 1 2
universal characteristics, that give 3
less accurate results, but technically c 1 M
c2 c3
acceptable. 1 2
In the case of turbocharging ηT 3
nT1 nT2
(the most common case in practice), nT3 3
it takes into account the fact that the nT3
turbine is driven by the exhaust δT nT2
gases from the engine. The gases 2
temperature at the entrance in nT1
turbine TT represents, in this case, 1 2
the correlation between the engine πC 3
and the turbocharger. The
connection between the two nC1 nC2 nC3
aggregates is only likely gas 1 2 3
dynamics. ηC nC1 nC2 nC3
It is considered known the
variation of temperature TT from the
characteristics curves of the
supercharging unit (only the
common operation of the Ma
compressor and the turbine) Figure 8.5


depending on the air flow M a , at various speeds of the turbocharger (nT1, nT2, nT3, ...), according
to the graphical representation of Figure 8.5.
This curves family C intersects the curve of temperature variation (the curve M), obtained
from the characteristic curves of engine for the common operation. For the curve M is taken into
account that she is determined at constant values of the speed and of the amounts of fuel injected
into the cylinders. Also, in the drawing of this curve, is neglected the influence of the backpressure
on the temperature TT.
From the intersection of the curves C with the curve M, result the common operating points
of the engine with the supercharging unit, with the condition to respects the same temperature TT
(the points 1, 2, 3, …). In Figure 8.5 are marked the corresponding points (1, 2, 3, …) and on the
 •
  •
  •
  •

other characteristic curves:  T = f  M a  ;  T = f  M a  ;  C = f  M a  and  C = f  M a  . So are
       
given all the points corresponding to the common operating regime of the supercharging unit with
the engine.
In continuation, in Figure 8.6, are transposed the points obtained in Figure 8.5 for the
compression degree πC, the expansion degree in turbine δT, the speed nC=nT, the temperature TT
and the isentropic efficiencies ηC and ηT. This variation curves satisfy the criterion of common
operation: the same value of the turbine inlet temperature TT. In Figure 8.6 was taken into account
that the pressure at the entrance in turbine is – at the same time – a backpressure for the engine.

Figure 8.6

From the curves of engine common operation, in various degrees of pressure reduction
(τT1, τT2, τT3, …), is selected the family of curves M. These curves intersect the compressor curve C
(curve obtained from the Figure 8.5, being drawn through points), resulting in a new lot of points (1,
2, 3, ...).
For each pair of values (πC, τT)j, can be calculated the ratio of the expansion in turbine δTj,
so resulting the points 1, 2, 3, ... on the curve N. The points on the characteristic of common
turbine operation δT describe the curve R, supposed to be known.
At the intersection of curves N and R, is obtained the point a, the point of correlation
between the engine and the supercharging unit. In continuation, the point a is translated to the
other curves in Figure 8.6 (the compression degree, the compressor speed equal to the turbine
speed, the turbine inlet temperature, the efficiencies of the two aggregates).
In this way, can be determined all the parameters of the common operation of the engine
and the supercharging unit. If not known the curves of the common operation of the two
components of supercharging unit, it can use a graphic-analytical method.

2.3. The graphic-analytical method for determination of the common operating

This method contains the following steps:
• is supposed known the calculation of the real operating cycle of the engine, at
nominal values;
• resume this calculation with different values of speed;
• is calculated the temperature TT by the relationship of energy balance
• •
 • •

M b c pb ∆Tb + M g c pev TCE − ∑ Q p =  M b + M g c pT TT , (8.24)
 
where, besides the parameters previously defined, they are also used the following

notations: M b [kg/s] – the flow of scavenging air; cpb, cpev and cpT [kJ/kg·K] – the
specific heats at constant pressure for the scavenging air, the exhaust gases and the
burned gases at the turbine entrance; ΔTb [K] – the temperature difference of air in the
scavenging process and ΣQp [kW] – the flow of lost heat through the exhaust manifold;
• is defined the scavenging coefficient φb, which is a criterion for assessing the quality
of the scavenging process:
• • •
Ma+ Mb Mb
b = •
= 1+ •
, (8.25)
Ma Ma
from where it can easily deduce the flow of scavenging air
• •
M b = ( b − 1) ⋅ M a ; (8.26)
• is defined also the ratio of temperature increase during the scavenging process
b = b , (8.27)
where Tc [K] is the temperature at the end of compression;
• is determined the flow of inlet air
• Ca  ⋅ L min ⋅ C h
Ma = = [kg/s], (8.28)
3600 3600
where Ca [kg/h] is the hourly air consumption of the engine; α – the coefficient of air
excess; Lmin [kg air / kg fuel] – the minimum amount of air necessary to the complete
burning of one kilogram of fuel and Ch [kg/h] – the hourly fuel consumption of the
• is determined the flow of fuel
• Ch
Mc = , (8.29)
• is determined the flow of exhaust gases, from the continuity equation:
• • •
Mg = Ma+ Mc ; (8.30)
• based on the presented relationships, is determined the gas temperature at the
entrance in turbine, for different values of speed, using the expression:

• •  1 
M a ( b − 1)c pb  b Tc + M a 1 + c pev TCE − ∑ Q p
  L min 
TT = ; (8.31)
•  1 
 b M a 1 + c pT
  b L min 
• at the considered speeds, are calculated the inlet coefficient λv, the mechanical
efficiency ηm and the burning duration Δαar, through the duration of delay to fuel self-
ignition ∆  aa = f (n ) ;
• is determined the universal characteristics of compressor and turbine, based on the
gaso-thermodynamic calculation with similarity relationships; if it has the universal
characteritics for similar machines with blades, can be transposed to a concrete
After the determination of the analytical elements previously mentioned, is applied the
graphics method presented in the previous paragraph (it draws the diagrams from Figures 8.5 and



In the following, it will be discussed the way of correlation between the turbocharger and
engine, in four distinct situations:
• the engine operation at constant speed;
• the engine operation at constant load (only in testing);
• the operation of the engine coupled with a fixed pitch propeller;
• the operation of the engine coupled with a variable pitch propeller.
In the first case, it is considered a supercharged 4-stroke engine, that operates at constant

speed. The value of the air flow M a will depend on the speed, on the air density and on the
pressure difference between the manifolds, during the simultaneous opening of the valves.

Because the speed is constant, at the load increase, the flow M a will increase with the
density value. Thus, the inclination of the characteristic line of the air consumption is determined by
the increasing rate of density (Figure 8.7). This regime is specific to the auxiliary engines and to
the main engines coupled with controllable pitch propeller.
Without intermediate cooling
With intermediate cooling

Air flow at
constant Air flow at
speed constant

Pumping Pumping
limit limit

Figure 8.7 Figure 8.8


In the case of operating at constant load, the variation of the flow M a is dependent on the
speed variation. Therefore, the characteristic line of the air consumption will have the configuration
shown in Figure 8.8.
The correlation between the turbocharger and the engine – for the two presented regimes –
must comply with the conditions mentioned in the previous paragraph: the line of the engine air
consumption must be located in the area of maximum efficiencies of compressor and turbine, but
and at a sufficient distance from the pumping limit.

In the case of 2-stroke engines, the variation of the air flow M a necessary to engine is
influenced by the pressure difference between the scavenging manifold and the exhaust manifold.
Assimilating the flow through the scavenging ports and the exhaust ports (valves) with a flow

through two holes arranged in series, the variation curve of the flow M a has the same
configuration, regardless of the engine operating regime (at constant speed, at constant load or
coupled with the propeller). This is illustrated in Figure 8.9.
In the version in wich the supercharging system is also provided with a scavenging pump or
an electric blower (for operation at low loads), the configuration of the air consumption line is
influenced by the additional sourse of scavenging air. For example, the use of a scavenging pump
with piston will make that the air consumption lines for operation at constant speed or constant
load to have the configurations of Figures 8.7 and 8.8.

The exterior characteristic of

Pumping maximum power
The extreme pitch

n [rpm]

Figure 8.9 Figure 8.10

This is explained by the fact that the major influence in determining the value M a has the
scavenging pump. Its flow can be determined with a relationship type (8.20), where Vs is the
volume of the pump cylinder. The correlation is correct, as in the first two cases, by respecting the
restrictive conditions already mentioned.
The most specific operating regime of naval engines is where the energy consumer is a
propeller (with fixed or variable pitch). Thus, for the propellers with fixed pitch, their characteristics
(the power variation required by the propeller depending on the wngine speed) comply with the law
PEPF = C ⋅ n m , (8.32)
where C is a constant and the exponent m ≈ 3, for merchant ships.
For the controllable pitch propellers, for each position of blades, will correspond a certain
characteristic, resulting in an area where are located the propeller characteristics (Figure 8.10).
For the operating speed nexpl and the normal speed nn, the expression (8.32) becomes
Pe exp l = C ⋅ n exp
l ; (8.32᾿)

Pe n = C ⋅ n n3 . (8.32᾿᾿)
Are used the following characteristic ratios:
- the load coefficient (the powers ratio):
Pe exp l
KP = ; (8.33)
Pe n
- the speeds ratio:
n exp l
Kn = . (8.34)
Between the two parameters exists the relationships:
K P = K n3 ; (8.35)
Kn = 3 KP , (8.36)
in Table 8.1 being included their usual values.

Table 8.1
KP 0,1 0,25 0,4 0,5 0,75 0,85 0,95 1 1,1
Kn 0,4645 0,630 0,737 0,794 0,908 0,947 0,983 1 1,032

The maximum operating speed is 103% of nominal speed, while the protection speed (at
overspeed) is nprot = (1,05...1,08)·nn.
In Figure 8.11 are presented the lines of air consumption of a supercharged 4-stroke
engine, coupled with a fixed pitch propeller (Figure 8.11.a) or a controllable pitch propeller (Figure
8.11.b). But it should noted that – in the case of supercharged 4-stroke engines, coupled with a
controllable pitch propeller – it is possible the appearance of pumping phenomenon, if it operates
on the extreme characteristic A-B.
For the supercharged 2-stroke engines, coupled with a fixed pitch propeller, the operation
ensures for the air consumption line a configuration like that shown in Figure 8.9.

a b

Figure 8.11


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