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Instituto de Ingles “FiRST CHOICE”

Güemes 3220 - Zavalla Cod. Postal 2125

Tel: (0341) - 4970 261 – Cel: (0341) - 156 162548

Ingles Basico
Primer Examen Parcial
Read carefully the text, and then do the exercises
Plants and animals characteristically differ in several ways. The most obvious of
these is the fact that they typically make use of quite different sources of energy. However,
although all animals (except a few protozoans) are heterotrophs, not all heterotrophs are
animals. Similarly, although all autrotrophs are plants, not all plants are autotrophs. Clearly,
we cannot make a simple distinction between plants and animals on the basis of differences
in nutrition.
In general, plant possesses chloroplasts, synthesize energy-rich substances and
contain cellulose in their cell walls. They tend to be fixed organisms or else to float freely
in or on water.
Special organs of excretion are absent and reproduction often takes place by asexual
as well as sexual methods.
In almost all organisms that contain chloroplasts we find other plant characteristics
as well.
However, there are a few organisms, like Euglena which posses chloroplasts but
show certain animal characteristics.
It must also be remember that plants such as Fungi always lack chlorophyll.
Nevertheless, we can regard the presence or absence of chloroplasts as a very basic feature.
Since chlorophyll enables plants to photosynthesize, it also makes it unnecessary for
them to move in search of food, and it gives them their characteristic green colour as well.
The fact that the nutrients are either liquid or gases means that they can enter the plants by
diffusion. The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way.
Animals, on the other hand, cannot synthesize sugars, starches and proteins and
must feed heterotrophically. Typically, solid food is taken in, but many animals are liquid-
Cellulose is not present in the cell walls, and nor are chloroplasts found.
Special organs of excretion are however, characteristic of animals, as also is the fact
that the most normal type of reproduction is sexual.
Certain animals characteristics can be explained on the basis of the fact that animals
lack chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize. Thus, the often complex mouth and digestive
system is needed to break up and prepare the food before it can be made use of. Again, the
need to find both food and water explains why animals typically have the freedom to move
about. The complexity of the waste materials produced during nutrition similarly explains
the need for a special excretory system.
a) Which are the most important differences between plants and animals?
Name them.
b) Translate
c) Contextual reference:
 They refers to …………………………………………
 That refers to …………………………………………
 Their refers to …………………………………………
 They refers to …………………………………………

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