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Year 4 Animal Life Cycles and Their Habitat

Stop Motion Film Assessment

Due date: ____/____/_____

Curriculum Links:
- Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072)
- Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073)

Year 4 Animal life cycles and Their Habitat – Stop Motion Film Assessment

Student Names: ______________________________________________________

Animal: ____________________________ Impact: ________________________________

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Above Satisfactory

Life Cycle sequencing and Stages of life cycle are not Student presented 2-3 of Student presented all
accuracy of stage presented in sequential the stages of animal life stages of animal life cycle in
descriptions order and stage cycle in sequential order. sequential order and all
descriptions are inaccurate Half of the stage descriptions of each stage
descriptions accurate. accurate.

Human or environmental No human or Student provided a brief Student explicitly shows

factor actively shown in environmental factor and accurate statement/ environmental or human
video, and the impact on shown and no description sentence on how an factor impacting animal in
animal life cycle described. of impact the factor has on environmental or human video and provides detailed
the animal life cycle factor impacted the animal sentences describing the
life cycle. Briefly shows affect it has on the life cycle
impact in action in video.
Stop Motion Animation Animation is choppy. Animation is smooth and Animation is very smooth
Camera movement is a little there is very little and the characters/objects
distracting. distracting camera have fairly natural
movement. Most frames movements. All frames are
are in focus. in focus.

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