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Definition of learning interest

To be able to see the success of the learning process teaching, all factors related to

teachers and students should be noted. Starting from the behavior of teachers in teaching up with

student behavior as a counterfeit of a result teaching. Student behavior when following the

learning process can be indicating the student's interest in the lesson or vice versa, he was not

interested in the lesson.

This student attraction is one of the signs of interest of the five meanings can be

concluded that interest will arise when getting stimuli from the outside. And the tendency to feel

attracted to a field is sedentary and feel a happy feeling when he is actively involved in it. And

this feeling of happiness arises from the environment or comes from the object which are


Furthermore there are some understanding of interest among others are:

According to M. Alisuf Sabri Minat adalah kecenderungan untuk selalu memperhatikan dan

mengingat sesuatu secara terus menerus, minat ini erat kaitannya dengan perasaan senang,

karena itu dapat dikatakan minat itu terjadi karena sikap senang kepada sesuatu, orang yang

berminat kepada sesuatu berarti ia sikapnya senang kepada sesuatu.

According to Muhibbin Syah Minat adalah kecenderungan dan kegairahan yang tinggi

atau keinginan yang besar terhadap sesuatu.

According to Ahmad D. Marimba Minat adalah kecenderungan jiwa kepada sesuatu, karena kita

merasa ada kepentingan dengan sesuatu itu, pada umumnya disertai dengan perasaan senang

akan sesuatu itu.

According to Drs. Mahfudh Shalahuddin Minat adalah perhatian yang mengandung unsur-unsur

perasaan. Dengan begitu minat, tambah Mahfudh, sangat menentukan sikap yang menyebabkan
seseorang aktif dalam suatu pekerjaan, atau dengan kata lain, minat dapat menjadi sebab dari

suatu kegiatan.

According to Crow and Crow that interest can be related to the motion that drives us to tends or

feel interested in people, things, activities, or can be an effective experience that is stimulated by

the activity itself.

With this explanation, if a teacher wants to succeed in doing teaching and learning

activities should be able to provide stimulation to the students that he is interested in following

the learning process. If the student is already interested in following the lesson, then he will be

able to understand easily and vice versa if the student feel no interest in doing the learning

process he will feel tortured to follow the lesson.

B. Aspects of Learning Interests

As has been pointed out that interest can be interpreted as an interest in a later object

encouraging individuals to learn and pursue all that related to his interest. Interest obtained

through the existence of a learning process developed through the process of assessing an object

which then resulted in a valuation of a particular assessment of that object raises one's interest.

Assessments of objects obtained through the process learning that which then produces

a decision to know the attraction or disinterest of a person to that object face it. Hurlock (1978)

says interest is the result of experience or learning process. He further argues that interest has

two aspects

1. Cognitive aspects
This aspect is based on a concept developed by a person on areas related to interests. The

concept is building cognitive aspects based on experience and what learned from the


2. Affective aspects

This affective aspect is a concept that builds cognitive concepts and expressed in attitudes toward

activities or objects that generate interest. This aspect has a great role in motivate one's actions.

Based on the description, then mint on subjects a person's SKI is not innate, but it is learned

through a cognitive assessment process and a person's affective judgment expressed in attitude.

In other words, if the cognitive assessment process and one's affective towards the object of

interest is positive then it will be generate a positive attitude and can generate interest.

C. Indicators of Student Interest

In a large Indonesian dictionary the indicator is a monitoring tool (something) that can provide

guidance / description. Relation with student interest then indicator is as tool monitors that can

provide clues to interest. There are several indicators of students who have a high learning

interest this can recognized through learning processes in the classroom or at home

a. Feeling happy

A student who has feelings of pleasure or likes to SKI lessons for example, then he must

continue to study science related to SKI. There is absolutely no feeling forced to learn the field.

b. Attention in Learning

Attention is also an indicator of interest. Attention is the concentration or activity of our souls

towards observation, understanding, etc. to the exclusion other than that. Someone who has an

interest in the object certain then by itself he will pay attention to the object. For example, a
student is interested in a lesson SKI, then he tried to pay attention to the explanation of his


c. Interesting Teaching Materials and Teachings

Not all students like a subject area of study because of his own interest factor. Some are

developing their interests against the subject area because of the influence of his teacher,

classmates, interesting lessons. Nevertheless, over time if students are able developing a strong

interest in subjects undoubtedly he can get a successful achievement even though he belongs to

students who are capable of averaging.

As quoted by Brown quoted by Ali Imran as follows:

Tertarik kepada guru, artinya tidak membenci atau bersikap acuh tak acuh, tertarik kepada mata
pelajaran yang diajarkan, mempunyai antusias yang tinggi serta mengendalikan perhatiannya
terutama kepada gur, ingin selalu bergabung dalam kelompok kelas, ingin identitas dirinya
diketahui oleh orng lain, tindakan kebiasaan dan moralnya selalu dalam kontroldiri, selalu
mengingat pelajaran dan mempelajarinya kembali, dan selalu terkontrol oleh lingkungannya.

d. Benefits and Functions Subject

In addition to feelings of pleasure, attention in learning and as well as learning materials and an

interesting teacher attitude. The benefits and functions of the lesson (in this case the lesson of the

SKI) is also one of the interest indicators. Because every lesson has benefits and functions. Like

many examples eg SKI lessons provide benefits to students when SKI is not only studied at

school but also learned otherwise if students do not read SKI lessons then students can not feel

that benefit in the lesson of the SKI.

D. Factors Influencing Learning Interest

One of the driving forces in learning success is interest especially high interest. That interest

does not appear on its own but many factors that can affect the emergence of interest. There are

several factors that can affect student learning interest between other:

1) Motivation

A person's interest will be higher when accompanied by motivation, both internal and external.

According to D.P. Tampubolon interest is a blend of desire and ability that can develop if there is

motivation. A students who want to deepen the Science of tafser for example, would be directed

interest to read books about tafser, discuss it, and so on.

2) Learning

Interest can be gained through learning, because by learning students who initially did not like a

particular lesson, old gradually because of increasing knowledge about the lesson the interest

grows so he will be more active learn the lesson. This is in accordance with his opinion Singgih

D. Gunarsa and Ny. Singgih D.G that interest will arise from something that is known and we

can know something with learning, as it increasingly learns the wider field of interest.

3) Lesson Materials and Teacher's Attitude

Factors that can arouse and stimulate interest is the factor of the lesson material that will be

taught to the students. Lesson materials that interest students, will often be learned by students

concerned. And conversely lesson material that is not attract students will certainly be ruled out

by students, as Slameto has pointed out that Interests have a great influence on learning, because

when the material lessons learned do not match the interests of students, then students will not

learn as well as possible, because there is no appeal to him. Master is also one of the objects that

can stimulate and generate interest in student learning.

According to Kurt Singer that the Master who succeeded in fostering the willingness to

learn his students, means doing the most important things that can be done for the benefit of his

students. Teachers are smart, kind, friendly, disciplined, and loved students very influential in

generating student interest. Instead teachers who have a bad attitude and are not liked by

disciples, it will be difficult to stimulate interest and attention student.

The forms of the personality of the teacher can influence the incidence of student

interest. Therefore in the process of teaching and learning teachers should be sensitive to the

class situation. He must know and pay attention to appropriate and appropriate teaching methods

Premises the level of intelligence of the students, meaning the teacher must understand the needs

and development of the soul of his students.

4) Family

Parents are the closest person in the family, by hence the family is very influential in determining

interest a student to the lesson. What is given by the family very influential for the development

of the child's soul. In the process the development of interest needs the support of attention and

guidance from families especially parents.

5) Friendship

Through the association of a person will be affected direction his interest by his friends,

especially his intimate friends. Special for teenagers, the influence of this friend is very big

because in the association that is they nurture the person and do the activities together together to

reduce the tension and shock that they are natural.

6) Environment

Through the association of a person will be affected interest. This is underscored by the opinions

expressed by Crow & Crow that interest can be gained from then as from their experience of the
environment in which they live. The environment plays a role in growth and child development.

The environment is a nurturing family and raising children, school where to educate, community

places hang out, also playground everyday with the state of nature and climate, flora and fauna

the size of the environmental influence on growth and development depends on the

circumstances of the child's environment self and body and spirit.

7) Ideals

Every human being has an ideal in his life, including students. Ideals also affect student interest

in learning, even ideals can also be said as the embodiment of interest someone in the prospect of

life in the future. This ideals are always pursued and championed, not even rare despite getting

obstacles, someone is still change for reach it.

8) Talent

Through talent a person will have an interest. This can be proved by example: when a person

from childhood has talent singing, indirectly he will have an interest in things sing. If he is

forced to like something else, chances are he will hate him or it is a burden for him. Therefore, in

giving a good choice of schools as well as other activities should be tailored to the talent


9) Hobbies

For everyone a hobby is one thing causing interest. For example, someone who is have a hobby

towards math then indirectly in he arose interest to pursue mathematics, as well with other

hobbies. Thus, hobby factor can not separated from interest factors.

10) Mass Media

What is displayed in mass media, whether print or media electronic media, can attract and

stimulate the audience to pay attention and imitate it. This influence concerns the term, lifestyle,
values, and also everyday behavior. Audience interest can be directed at what is seen, heard, or

obtained from mass media.

11) Facilities

Various facilities in the form of facilities and infrastructure, both of which being at home, at

school, and in society giving influence positive and negative. For example, when facilities are

support the full educational effort available, then interest arises children to add insight. But if the

facilities are there It erodes his educational interests, such as the spreading of places where

entertainment is in big cities, of course this has an impact negative for the growth of interest.

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