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Standards compared:
Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VD E)
a) Regeln für die Bewertung und Prüfung
von elektrischen Maschinen. R. E. M. 1923
b) Regeln für die Bewertung und Prüfung
von Transformatoren. R. E. T. 1923
I. British Engineering Standards Committee.
a) Standardization Rules for Electrical Ma-
chinery No. 72-1917.
b) British Standard Specification for the
Electrical Performance of Industrial Motors
and Generators with Class A lnsulation.
No. 168 - 1923 .
2 . British Electrical andAllied Manufactures
Association, (B. E. A.. M.A.):
Standardization Rules for Electrical Ma-
chinery. Fourth Edition 1920. Provisionally
Standards of the American Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers (A.IEE) Iq22 Revision
(Exduding Railway- and Tramway Motors
and non-stationary Ra ilway Transformers.)

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH 1923


ISBN 978-3-662-24405-0 ISBN 978-3-662-26529-1 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-26529-1

Copyright 1923 by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Originally published by Julius Springer in Berlin in 1923.
The necessity and importance of the standardization of electrical
apparatus was recognized in Germany as early as 1894 and .the first
rules ("Sicherheitsvorschriften für elektrische Starkstromanlagen gegen
Feuersgefahr") came into force in that country in 189S.
In the U. S. of America the first discussion on Standardization of
Generators, Motors and Transformers took place in 1898 which resulted
in the appointment of a Committee and the subsequent acceptance of
the rules proposed by it.
In England the British Engineering Standards Association was formed
in IgOI. In connection with the British Standards an explanatory note
appears necessary: The B.E.S.A.'s rules have for many years been the
only generally accepted Standards. Since 19I3 the British Electrical
and Ailied Manufacturers Association, representing the most important
powerful British manufacturing firms, have issued Standardization Rules
of their own which have attained considerable commercial importance,
A special edition of these rules has been issued for export work which
on the whole are guided by ideas similar to those embodied in the
B.E.S.A. rules. As far as can be gleaned from the article in the
"Electrical Review" (Vol. 86 Nr. 2, 216, April 16t h 1920) it isintended
to publish a new revision of the B.E.S.A.'s rules which will probably
contain some of the recommendations of the B.E.A.M.A., so that this will
probably mean the return to one single system of Standards for Britain.
The B.E.A.M.A.'s rules being provisional and less important tban
the B.E.S.A.'s rules are treated in separate Appendices,
In this connection the International Electrotechnical Commission
Rules must also be mentioned which were adopted at the Plenary
Meeting held in London 1919. It must be hoped that some day an
international agreement on the most important points of Standardization
of Electrical Machinery will be arrived at.
The I.E.C. Rules have not been included in the comparison because
in practice they do not form yet the basis for important contract
specifications for wbich as a rule one or the other national system
of standards is still preferred. These rules are also very similar to
the A.I.E.E. rules except in less important details.
In December 1922 a meeting of the I.E.C.'s Advisory Committee
took place in Geneva. The main topic was the question of rat ing.
After considerable discussion, a proposal on the lines desired by the
4 Preface .

British delegates was agreed to for submission to the National Comrn it-
tees to the effect that overload ratings within the I.E.C. maximum
continuous rating be recognised and that, for general lndustrial machines
(the class to be defined later) · where overloads have to be provided, the
overload only to be applied under such conditions of air temperature
as will not cause the limits of maximum temperature Iaid down by
the I.E.C. to be exceeded, viz. 50° C for Class A Insulation measured
by thermometer at a maximum ambient air temperature of 40° C.
This means clearly that the overload can onIy be applied at ambient
air temperatures below 40 C.°
As far as Britain is concerned Report No. I68-I9z3 ot the B. E. S . A.
contains the Standard specificaiion tor Indusirial Motors and Generators
i, e. Machines {rom I B.H-P. or kY A uptaards with Class A Insulation
wound ior voltages not exceeding 7000 Volts hauing both Continuous- and
Short-Time Ratings. - This report came to hand onIy Iate but it was
possible to include the principal requiremenis tohich are marked thus: ><
In this connection it is important to note that the American dele-
gates have declared that they object to the Geneva proposals. Under
these circumstances an international agreement on this important
question does not .app ear to be within easy reach.
In the various countries quite a number of revisions appeared
necessary which had to take into consideration not onIy the enormous
strides made by the different branches of Electrical Engineering, but
also the experience gained in the application of the rules .
The study of the Iatest editions of the Standards of the three
countries mentioned above, (the indusion of other countries would not
have been conducive to lucidity), shows that the views adopted on the
principal points are related closely enough to allow a proper comparison
to be made.
The purpose of this booklet is to enable the engineer or mercbant
buying from or selling to foreign countries, to inform bimself quickly
on any of tbe principal points telling in the design and performance
of electrical machinery wbich he may be called upon to judge.
It is hoped, however, that it will also be of some use to the
student and even to the consulting engineer in framing specifications.
For manufacturers and in cases of disputes, where legal decisions
are involved, it will always be necessary to fall back on the original
wording of the rules published by the bodies mentioned on the
frontispiece; even in cases like this, the collation with tbe practice
adopted in another country may afford guidance for the settlement
of disputed points, on which the rules of tbe respective country migbt
not prove precise enough.
Charlottenburg-Westend I9 23 · F. N.
Seetion I.
Rotating Machines, exc1uding Railway- and Tramway-Motors.
Standard pressures and Frequencies 7
Rating-Classification • • . • • . • • 8
Heating • . • • . • . • . • •• . 9
a) Standard- and max. permissible Temperatures of cooling media , 9
b) Determination of End Temperatures and Temperature Rises, Heating
Test • . • • • • • . . . . • • • . . • • . • • • • . • • . 9
c) Method of measurement of Temperature of the cooling media 10
d) Method of measurement of Temperature Rises 10
e) Correction of Temperature Rises for Altitude II
f) Permissible Temperature Rises . • . . 12

High-Pressure Tests and Insulation Resistance 14

I. High-Pressure Test . • . • • 14
2. Surge Test (Germany only). • . . . • 16
3. Winding Test and Insularion Resistance Test 17
Efficiency • • • • . • • . • . 20
I . General. • • • • . . . 20
2. Determination of Losses for Conventional Efficiency Test 22

Inherent Regulation 25
Overspeed Test 26
Tolerances 27

Appendix to Section I.
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association Rutes (B. E.A.M.A.-
Rutes). • • . • . • • . • . • • • • • • . • . • • • • . • • • • • • 28

Section 11.
Rating-Classification • . • • . • . . . . • • • . . . . • • . • • • • • 31
Heating. • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . • . . • 33
a) Standard and max, permissible Temperatures of cooling media 33
b) Determination of End-Temperatures and Temperature Rises • 33
c) Methods of measurement of Temperature of cooling media 34
d) Methods of measurement of Temperature Rises 35
e) Correction of Temperature Rises for Altitude • 35
f) Permissible Temperature Rises • . . • . • • • 36
6 Contents,
High-Pressure Test and Insulation Resistance 38
I. High-Pressure Test 38
2. Surge Test (Germany only) .•••. 40
3. Winding Test and Insulating Resistance Test 40
Working in parallel (Germany only) 40
Overloads • . . • • . • • . • 40
Efficiency, Transformer Losses 41
1. General ' 41
2. Classification of Losses and their measurement 41
Inherent Regulation 41
Tolerances 41

Appendix to Section H.
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association Rules (B.E.A.M.A.-
Rules) • . . . . • . . . . • • . . • . • • • . • • • • • • • . 42
Rotating Machines.
Standard pressures and Frequencies and Classification
of Rating.

Germany Britain
U. S. A.
Generators_I Motors

I. D. C. Generators and Motors. Volts.

I ) For industrial I
115 110 110 machines r

23° 220 220 220 242

I none
460 44° 440 44° 484

2. Three-phase A. C. Generators and Motors. Volts.

125 ) For industrial
13° machines<
23° 220 220 240 264
4°° 380 4°° 416 457
525 5°0 5°0
315° 3000 3°00 3300 none
525° 5°00 6000 6600
6300 6000 (r o ooo) (11000)
1°5°0 10000 I
1575 0 I 15°00 I
3. Frequeneies, Cycles per second.

5° 50 I 60 (usual)
8 Seetion I.

Rating- Classification.

Germany Britain U. S. A.

a) Continuous Rating. The > a)The British Standard I a) Continuous Rating.

maehine sba ll give its rat ed [or Continuous Rating is A machine rated for
output for any de sired pe- the outpur at which a cont, service sball be
riod without exeeeding tbe maehine ean work for able to operate eontin-
limits speeified for observ- an unlimited period and uously at its rated out-
able temperature and tern- eomply witb these rules. put without exeeeding
perature rise. any of the rules.

b) Short -time Rating. Th e b) Standards [or Short- b) Short - time Rating.

maehine shall give its rated time -R ating, A machine rated for
output for the speeified I. One hour Rating. The sh or t-time service shall
period without etc, ( as output at which a ma- be able to opcrate at
above). I chine ean work for its rated load Ior the
one hour and comply time specified in eaeh
with the rules. ease without exeeeding
etc, (as above).
2. One half-hour Rating.
The output at wbieh Standard Short - time
a maehioe ean work ratings : 5, 10 , 15, 30 ,
for on e half-hour and 60 , 120 minutes.
eomply with the ru- I
les, (
c) Duiy-cycle Rating. Peri- c) Duty-cycte Raiing (in c) Duty - Cycle Rating.
ods und er pressure are Iol- special eases) is the For purposes of rating
lowed by periods during continuous rating which eith er a continuous or
wh ich tbe maehine is swit- is tbe tbermal equiva- a short-tim e equivalent
ehed off the total duration lent of the cycle of duty load may be seleeted,
of tbe eycle being max, specificd. wbieh sball s imulate as
10 minutes. nearly as possible the
Tbe intermittency Vi2. tbe thermal eonditions of
ratio of tbe period during tbe aetual duty- cycle.
wbicb tbe maebine is under
current to the duration of d) Nominal Rating. For
the cycle characterizes the Railway substation ma-
duty-cycle, Tbe machinc chines see as for trans-
sball be able to work on a formers page 32.
uniform duty-cycle service
without the specified temp,
limits being exeeeded. Stan-
dard values for inter mi t. ,
tency: 15,20,40%'
Rotating Maehines. 9


Gennany Britain U.S. A.

a) Standard- and max. permissible Temperatures of eooling Media.

Normal : zooe none specified I 25 °e (water)
*)Highestpermissible :350C 400e (air) 400e (air)
) 30° e (air) **) < I
*) on this Temperature tbe End Temperatures on page 12 are based.
**) ) wben full amount of sustained overJoad speeified on page 19 is required. <

b) Determination of End Temperatures and Temperature Rises.

Heating Test. .
Tbe heating test is to be The temperature I Wbatever metbod of tem-
earried out at rated load test sball be carried perature measurement (see
out at rated outpur Section d) be employed
it is required tbat :
I) tor machines with con- ) I) for machines with I) Tbe temperature test
tinuaus rating until the tern- continuousrating until of a maehine for contlnuous
perature doesnot rise no- suffieient evidence is seruice shall be continued
ticeably but not'longertban available to sbow until sufficient evidence is
10 hours, tbat the max. tempe- ava ilable to sbow tbat the
rature and temp. rise maximum temperature and
would not exceed the temperature-rise would not
requirements of tbe exeeed the requirements
rules if tbe test were of tbe rules, should tbe test
prolonged until a be prolonged until tbc at-
steady final tempern- tainment of a steady final
ture were reached, temperature.
I z) fotmaebines with short- 2) jor machineswith 2) The duration of test
time rating for tbe specified short-time rating for of a macbine with a ShOTt.
time, the testing being tbe timerequired by time rating sball be tbe time
started with maebine cold the rating. ( required by tbe rating. It
or when the Temperature sb all eommence only when
of any part of the winding tbe windings and other
is not bigher tban 3 ° e tban parts of the macbine are
tbe Temperature of tbe within 5°e of the ambient
eooling medium. Temperature,
3) for maebines for duty-
cyclerating until tbe tempera- Note : Tbe tempe- Note : A macbine may
ture does not rise noticeably. rature test sball be be tested at any convenient
The temperature is con- carried at any con- ambient temperature pre-
sidered constani if the rate venient air tempern- ferably not below ro ? e.
of increase does not exceed ture not exeeeding
:I ° C per hour, 40 0 e .
10 Seetion J.

Continuation: Heating.

G crmany Britnin U. S. A.

e) Methods of measurement of Temperature of the eooling media,

Same as Britain but ) Thc air ternperature shall Sam, as Britain but Ior
generally valid for be taken as the mean of Forced draught machines a
"eooling media". the readings 01 the thermo- weighted rnean shall be em-
With large mach i- meters taken at equal inter- ployed, a weight of four be-
nes having parts be - vals of time during the last ing given to the temp, of the
low the f1oor-line it quarter of the duration of cireulating air and a weight
is admissible for test the test. - Fo r a pipe ven- of one to the room air. -
purposes to make tilated or foreed draught Where machines are part/y
the pit-ternperature maehine, the air ternpera- b,/owthetlcor linethetemp. of
equal to the tempera- ture is to be measured by a tbe rotor shnll be referred to
ture outside ofthe pit, thermometer plaeed in the a weighted mean of tbe pit-
For maehines with eurrent of ineoming air. < and room temp, relative to
[orced draught-andioa- tbe rotor portions in and
ter-cooling see Trans- above the pit, Stator parts
Iormers Note pngeja. in the pit shall be referred
to the ternp. in the pit.
d) Methods of measurement of Temperature rises.
The Temperature ) I . Thermometer Method, I. Thermometer Method.
of windings is defi- Severnl thermometers Mereury, alcohol, resis-
ned as the higher of (mer e ur y or a lcoho l) shall tanee or thermocouple ther-
the two ualues as be- be applied to the hortest mometers applied to the
low : aeeessible stationary parts hottest aeeessible part of
during tbe test period and the eompleted maehine.
I. Mean Tempera- other thermometers to tbe

ture rise by the Resis- rotating parts as soon as

tance Method. the maehine is stopped tl.(
2. Tempereture rise 2. Resistance Method. 2. Resistanee Method.
01 the hottest accessible The temperature rise shall Consists in the measure-
spot measured by Ther- be ealculated from tbe re- ment of tbetemperaturerise
mometer (mercury sistances hot and cold, and of windings bytbeir increase
or alcohol], Where the initial temperature (by of resistanee. In tbe appli-
Resistanee Method thermometer) of the winding cation of this method ther-
is not applicable the itself, Thermometer mea- mometer measurements
Thermometer Me· surements shall also be sb all also be made wbenever
thod shall be used made to ascertain if there practicable witbout dis-
alone. is any bigber observable mantling tbe machine, Tbe
temperature. If sucb is higher temperature of tbe
found it shall be adopted two sb all be taken as "ob-
as the maximum observable servable" temperature.
Rotating Machines. 1I

Continuation: Heating.
d) Methods of measurement of Temperature rises.

Germany Britain U.S.A.

3. Embedded Tempereture Detector 3. Embedded Tempereture

Method same as U. S. A . but when Detector Method
specified with the enquiry only tt). consists in the measurement
(Temp, Coef- Compliance with Methods I & 2 of the temperature r ise by
ficient of cop- is however decisive . thermocouple or by resis-
per = 235.) (Temp. Coeffic. of copper = 234,5.) tance temperature detec-
tors, located as nearly as
Special cases:
possible at the estimated
D. C. Motors and Generators.
hottest spot. When requ ired
Field coils Method 2 or Method I
to be checked by method 2.
and 50 C lower Temp. rise.
(Temp. Coefficient of cop-
Synchronaus Motors and Generators.
per = 234.5.)
Field windings : Method 2.
Stator : Method 2 or Method 1
and witb 5' C lower temp , rise *). Note: Method 2 shall not
be used for circuits of low
Induction Motor or Generator.
resistance (othe r than trans-
Stator & Rotor Method 2 or Me-
former windings) as inter-
thod I with 50 C lower ternp. rise*).
. ) For Mach iDcs under 5000 Volts Me-
pole windings. Method 3
thod I aloDo is also permissible. should be applied to all Sta -
tors of machines having a
Hote:t) ) For industrial machines
thermometer Method is used only. ( width of 50 cm or over. It
tt) Method 3 shall be employ- should also be applied to aU
ed for machines over 3000 kW machines of 5000 Volts or
for rated pressures exceeding more, if rated over 500kVA
3300 Volts regardless of core width.

e) Correction of Temperature Rises for Attitude.

The rules For a machine intended for ser- GeneraUy the height
hold good for vi ce at an altitude over 1000 m above sea level at which
service at alti- (3300 ft.) the observable tempera- a machine is intended for
tudes up to ture rise if tested near sea level work is assumed not to
IOOO m over shall be reduced 2 1/. per cent tor exceed 1000 m . It is re-
sea level. If each IOOO [eet, commended that when a
amachinewill machine is intended to work
) For industriul machines as
have to work at altitudes above 1000 m
above but reduction 1 1 / . per cm:
in high alti- the permissible temperature
{or each IOOO feet .
tudes this Machines for service at alti- rise at sea level shall be
must be spe- tudes above 10000 feet are not reduced by I per cent for
ciaUy stated. each IOO m by wh ich the
considered standard. (
altitude exceeds 1000 m.
f) Permissible Temperature Rises (ET = End T emp erature; TR = Temp. Rise).

Germany Britain U.S.A. I'

For pressures up to 5000 ) 7000 ( Volts *) OE . . .. I Open Types **)
Part of "d" Class of
8 I Class of ETITR 0"
~ Insulation I machine 0C 0C ~ I~ I Class of Part of I' ET ' TR -5;;: Insulation Part of ' E T T R
I Insulation machine -c " .. -c
I «c
J I~
II I «c :-Je
I Imachine
,A. C. Stator 1
1 I I I
, windings 1 75 40 I ! 75 I 35
_ I Class I :
I in slots Class 0
Class 0 I
same as
cotton} Nol All other 2 class I same as Germany I' <IJ
windings Germany Class I ~
2 ; I pap er uated 85 50 2 :alt 80 I 40
except e 0
I Item 9&10 3 .~]

Class 1I: 4
7::1ass A J as line 1 Bl 55 Class A i
_ 1- ~
same as ö'
as Item 1 -11 85 150 - 5 I~
==i====1 ......
same asGermany ; ... III C'
~ I cotton} imprag- Germany as line 2 90 so CI) III
silk nate~ . class II also when I' ~b/l --:r5~
,- t-i
4 (not 0,1· as Item 2
t Idass II alse I~ ~o il- i m m ers ed ~e
pap er immer.s.)1
--;-I~ 6 "2 .,
oil-immers.." as line 3 55 cJ~
95 , 55
I ::l . ' (=
, =~===!::===F== -e
Class III: All windings not tot. enclosed ) 40 ( I .9 !t
cotton 60 tot. enclosed ) 50( "0
in com-' except 95 , e CI)
5 silk
pound Items 9& 10 ~.::
pap er I ... <J
=;=,= = = = =1 ....!:l
_LI ~ Class A .l:l 0
6 i Class IV: I as Item 5 i 95 60 8 III
i ......
o ... 9 I'0
IEnamelled wire 2 Enamelled wire : o
1Il.l:l 95 55
I 9
= =1== ===== ' b/llll
I .9 "0
I Class V: . 10 Class B I as line I I~I~ "Oe
Mica, Asbestos pre- 1 I Class B Cl 01
i parates if bind ing as Item 5 115 80 11 MiCa,AS?e~' as line 2 I IIO 1 70 _ sameasGermany
110/ 70
Imatter may be de - tos andsimi- 1 _ ~
stroyed wirheut im- lar material as line 3 115 75 2 I class V
pairing the insulat . 12 115 I 75
Class VI: Resteieted Class C, ire I no limits
by inOu- Class C no limits
I Raw Mica, I ence on 13
, proof and _ yet spe- yet spe-
8 Porcelain, fire as Item 5 refractory cified - , sameasGermany
adjacent cified
proof materials parts only material I class VI IE T IT R
Single-Iayer P a rt of machine Insular ion
field coils 100
- (ClassO)
9 Classes I-VI 65 single-Iayer field Class B
with expo-
coils (on stator and Class A
sed surfaces - I rotor) with expo -
(8S) (4S)
14 ins ula ted 100160 2 se d surfaces *) 100 60 120 80
10 Classes 1- VI Continu- bjgh~r
tha n - Sho rt Restrio ted Olh er Rotor Held (80)
ously short Items 1- 7 I circuited by inftu- 2 winding s
circuited ence on
95 (t~)EI 75
as 15 uninsulated winding s
windings adjaccnt
11 1 uninsulated It em 8 I
I I parts only Rotor wi nding s ~
I(7S) (~~ I ~I~
lron eore l ron eore -
wlthout witbout ) as lin e in siots (80) (40)
12 16 I - 2 115 75
- embedded as Item 8 embedded 15 ( 95 55
w ln dl ngs wl ndl ngs Short eire. wmd- (8S) (4S)
rron eore Iron eores I as lines I ings insulated on 120 80
w lth as Items with stat. and rotat. 100 60
13 - 17 I - cmbedded I-I2
embedded 1- 7 eo res and uninsul.
I windi~ windlngs ) 6a ( I shorteire windings as Britai n line 15
- ::0
Commu- ~ I Comm u- Comm utator s, co!- ET TR I
95 60
ta~or. and I I
18 I i - I t at ors a nd
0 50 I lector rings, bare E
sliprings slipr ings 9 1>45 ( met allic surfaces 115 75 ~.
L - I
I I! P la cing of I Insuiation Placing of I In sulation . a::
Bearings _
- I 'g I temperature
~ Class A I Class B te mpera tur e so
(Class 0) Class B (')
~ I t>"
~I i I ::. detector E T I TRI E T I T R detector Class A
16 -
All other Ia s It em 8 II Between 2 I 5 ° C more than
-I Wlndmgs witb 2
coll-stdes per slot.
par t s 19 3 coil-sides in De t, between top-
1 one siot lInes 4-6 IUnes 10 -12 3 and bortom coll- (8S) (4S)
sides and bct.ween I120 80
a pprox, 100 60
20 II 3 Between eOIl'/
slde and core cotl-sides and eore
below same as line s
5000 Volts 4- 6 I 10--12 For wmdlngs with (80) (40)1 115 1 75
No tempera ture detectors specifi ed. 0
I coll-side per slot 95 55
C more eacb and s be- minus 1 0 for everF;
Same as / 1 1000 II Voltsforover 3 tweendetector
cotl-slde and 1000 Volts by wbie
2I 3
lIne 2 0 but 0"' 5000 Volts than lInes core and coil-slde th e terminal pressure
5 000 Volts 4-6 I 10--12 and wedge exceeds 5000 Volts
Note. Method of measurement : *) Motors and g enerators euer sooo V *) W he n th ermometers are applied direct
11/~O C less for each 1000 V or part there- to bare wi nding surface the Temp. Rise
Items 1-9. Method I. Check ed by 2
of by wh ich the rated pressure exceeds shall b e 10°C h ig her than g iven by method I.
n 10-16. 2. -
" 5000 V . **) For enclosed machines the Temp. Rise
Data marked thus } ( r efer (also) to shall be taken 50 C higher than the values
industrial machines from I B. H. P . kW for aIl windings except short circuited in- .;;
or kVA upw ards, see Preface. sulated win ding s.
I. High-Pressure Tests. z
Germany Britain D.S.A.
I I. High-Pressure Test I. High-Pressure Test I . Test of Dielectric Strength
Kature 2. Surge-Test for wind ings 2. Insulation Resistance* 2. Insulation Resistance
of Tests over 2500 V. Data marked thus ) ( refer (also) to
i 3· Test on Turns * . industrial machines; see Preface.
-- . .- - .
I. High-Pressure Test I. High-Pressure Test I. Test 01 Dielearie Strength
Wave form . sinusoidal sinusoidal sinusoidal
.- - - ---- - _ ._ - . --~ - - - - -- - -
in general any between 25 not less than rated frequency ;
Frequenc)' rated, or 50 cyclcs p. sec. rated I and 100 per sec . 60 cycles per sec. recommended
Duration one minute one minute one minute
-- - C/l
Temperature ~
working Temperature working Temperature working Temperature ~
during Test
Rated Output Test pressure Test pressure Rated Output Test pressure
I I ~
a Rated Part of I Rated Winding Normal circuit I
Cl> Winding
terminal min. Machine I Output voltage E Volts Volts
....... Volts Volts mia.{mlI.
pressure E Volts i Volts . Sm.1I machinos leu than 25 V. I SOO
-- -- .. .. I -
Output I
below I Small .1660Watts or
2E a11 ; Generators 0,5 H.P. vol-
a - I smaller than 3E 74 6 Watts E - 900 -
Cl> +Soo Maebines I':' and Motors tage under
SOO Watts I
or I H.P. SOO
und er 27SV. to 2SV.
- 8"' -- I
.~ Output larger of 746 Watts ) 2 E )2000{ all Maehines except
2E all as otherwise speeified 2E
b ...
than sooW. 3E or I H.P. +1000 aboveP -
ll) +1000 Maehines 3 H. • (see below) +1000
u EuptosoooV . and over {
- H
below A.C . ma.! more than
~ 1,5 E I - ehines con- 300 Volts
.5 aU Maehi· 746 Watts +37S 2,73 E' + 1000
nected to
't:l E over 2E nes in ser- E' voltage
c c: - permanently grounded
sooo V. +5 000 vice (i. e. of eireuit to
'i single phase systems.
not new) of and over ground
I 746 Watts +75 0
I'SE I~ (Not 3·phase with neutral
-'öi grounded)
- -- - !
with Exciter Separ a tely excited 150 0
0 circuit always rotaring Iield windings lOE ) 2000 ( Field win- min .
closed with or : zE max, dings of 1500
d .c E ) Exeiter volts not over 750 < - loE
"CJ 35 0 0 A.C. Gene- max,
without start- 3 +1000

= ing from A. C. Exciter same as field rators i 3500
CIl windings
'C - - - --
= with Exeiter min,
'" starting 41 for starting min .
winding sec- I for 1500 c:
2" tionalized IOE zooo iwith A.C. with IOE )20oo( :a", with A.C. with
10 E 1500
c 41
without orwith +1000
fields closed- CJ
Cl "41
r field shorts max.
0: I
starting from :s eircuited 3500 circuited 3500
° ""
uB A.C. side CIl CIl CIl
0 ._- ..- -- -- - - -- - - - - -- _._-- --- :3 =
°:3 " 41
o 0
t:s with discon- =1:: EU for startlag
o 41
So :3'" neetable ex- for starting ""Cl withA.C. with
" >
.cc: .ce:
t:l:: e: eiter circuit 10E CJ 0 with A.C. with l;lCl
fields open 000
zooo break-up 5000 - circuited and 5 -
witbout start- +1000 ~u I»CIl
'0 ing trom A. C. CIlI» switch CIl"
0 sectionalized ~
CIl ........ 0
bIl .... oS" o 0 while starting
side 0 ... ~
-~ 0
_ ._._-- -- --, -- "':s e,
:a= ~t:l:: for starting IJQ
.9 M
for starting 5000
= 'Co 8000 'C = .~
withA.C.witb 5000 8000
with A.C. for for e:'C Iields open for for ~
... c: . ~ :3 III
as Item f but 20E without Exciter Exciler
g ....41 witb starting 2000 'i Volts ~ti circuited and Exciler n
break-up Volts Volts Volts I:T
'ü 'C r:: .~ eonneeted lus than from 275
from A.C.side +1000 'C less than 250,>275( S'
V switch and 250 alld V a11 in series 275 to 750 Cl>
~ " !"
t.t: fields open ) 275 < above
t.t: while starting

non-reverslng 2E 2 E+ 1000
Jlote. E represenls: Wound Phase-wcuad ordinary
1. Tbe rated terminal pressure of the machine, accordinl 10 + 500 Rotors of In- _. _ - I
Rotors of outpul as above )or 2E
with field WilldiDIS the rated exciter pressure, + 10 0 0 < ~uct:n Motors reversing 4E+ 1000
2. }'or differellt direct connected Willdillgs of one Induction I 1
or more maehines the highest possible pressure alainsl Motors reversing ~I-=-- Standard machines produced
the frame whell Olle pole is Ifounded. + 1000 ( in large quantities 2500 V. 20010 higher
3. For pbase-wound Rotor WilldilllS of asyn- Note. E represeats: or le.. than above
chronous motor.; noa-reeerslng : the rotor pressure, a) Tbc test pressure shall be based ou the
revcrsiDI : 1,5 times rotor pressure, rated pre..ure or the highesl pressure reached 15 0/0 lower than
4. For macbines with one rotor pole, permanently between any part of the windini and Ihe frame, Assembled apparatus tested
as electrical unlt lewest ind ividual
Irounded 1.1 times raled pressure. which ever is greater, test pressure
Short circuited wiadings need not be tested, b) For a machine driven by water·wheel aad
_. exposed 10 runaway conditions or for a machine Note . E represents :
0) SequCDco of Tests : 1, 2, 3. exposed to possible exccss pressure, pressure limi- Tbc normal voltaie of the circuit to which
ling dev ices should be employed otherwise test as the ma chlne is counected.
nuder a) is necessary. For Rotors of Inductica Molors the normal v.
--- ~. Sequence : ad"v7is-a-'b-'l-e-.- ·befö-re , : induced voltaie.
16 Section I.

2. Surge Test (Germany only) .

The surge test wh ich serves to ensure the efficiency of the insulation
against surges occurring under ordinary working conditions shall be
made with th e completely
assembled machine on the
factory test bed as far as
possible in accordance with
the diagrams of connections
as shown below for Syn-
a chronous- and Asynchronous
rnachines. (G = Generator,
M= Motor.)
The machine on test
shall be connected to cab-
Ies or static condensers (C)
over sphere spark-gaps (F) with solid spheres of at least 50 mm
The Test Capacitance of the cables or condensers shall be as folIows:

Capacitance in each
Rated voltage E
phase min, p, F.

2,5 to 6 °,°5
up to 15 0 ,02
over 15 0,01

Each spark-gap shall be set for 1,1 times rated Voltage. The ma-
chine shall be excited by a d. c. supply to abt. 1,3 times rated voltage
at ratedspeed or with 3-phase a. c. at rated frequency respectively.
The spark-gaps shall be caused to break down in any manner (say by
temporarily reducing or bridging of the gap) and the arcing maintained
for aperiod of 10 secs. During the test the spark-gap shall be placed
in an air current of a velocity of 3 m per sec.
Care shall be taken to make all connections for the purposes of
this test as short as possible.
Polyphase machines may be tested in single phase connection. The
connections shall in this case be changed as often as necessary so that
every phase will be subjected to the surge test,
Rotating Machines. 17

3. Test on Turns. 2. Insulation Resistance Test.

Germany I Britain U.S.A.

=-:----"='===...c=.-==-rJ=~ ~~=~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _.-

= - --- ---

The test on turns The insulation resistance

shall be made under may afford a useful indi-
no-load condition by cation as to whether the
increasing the supplied machine is in suitable con-
and generated voltage dition for application of
respectively (Motors & the dielectric test, The in-
Generators) up to the sulation resistance test shall
values given below. be made with a11 circuits
The frequency and of equal voltage above
speed respectively may ground connected together.
be increased corre- Circuits or groups of cir-
spondingly. cuits of different voltage
above ground shall betested
Duration of Test:
3 Minutes
Test pressure ij possible
Test D. C. 500 uolts. The minimum
talle ualue of insulation resistance
Winding -- -
Rated at operating temperature
lalle same as U. S. A. shall be :

a All windings
except Item b
I 1,3 )Megohms Megohms
Rated volts voltage at terminals
= RatedkVAorHP+looo( = rating in kVA+looo
bl Polyphase I
! Windings ! I The formula applies only
! with fixed I i
i Ito dry apparatus not for
i (not dis- ! oil -immersed types.
I connectable) 1,5
i I
connections II
i I Megohms

I between the ,
vol lage 100 I I
1000 10000


parts I I.I I

100 0,°9 1 0,°5 -
I 1000 O,QI 0 ,5 0 0,°9 1

10000 9,1 5,0 O,Ql

100000 - 9,1
I 5°

Nett el , Compariscn, 2
18 Section I.

Overloads, Starting, Commutation Test.

Germany Britain U.S.A.

All machines with conti- The machines shall be Continuously rated ma-
nuous rating - must be capable of withstanding chines shall be required
capable of withstanding on test the following Ex- to carry momentaryloads
IS times rated current for cesscurrents or torques in of ISO per cent of the
2 Minuus, following cont. excess of those corre- amperes corresponding
full load run, without dele- sponding to their Brit, to tbe continuous rating
terious effect or resulting Stand. Rating the pr es- keeping the rheostat
lasting deformation. sure b eing maintained for rated load excita-
as near tbe rated value tion,
This test shall be carried
as possible:
out for
Motors & Rotary Converters
a ) Machines jor conü- Motors for conttnuous
at rated pressure ; for Gene-
nuous seruice. seruice shall be requi-
rators the pressure should
red to develop running
be regulated as closely as Excess Am -
peres : ISO percent torque at least I7s o/o of
possible to the rated pres-
that corresponding to
sure, (See Note b elow.) Duration: IS seconds,
the running torque at
Motors shall be required
b) Indudion Motors for their rated load without
to develop tbe follow ing
continuous service, stalling.
max, running torques (or
more) without stalling. Excess torque
without stal-
max. Torque
Rating: (% of rated) ling : I7S per cent Machines with nominal
Continuous (except for abnormally ratlng, See as for Trans-
Short-Time low speed motors or formers. page 32.
Intermittent 20 % high frequencies).

A. C. Motors shall be r e- c) D. C. shunt wound

quired to develop a st arting Motors or squirrel cage
torque of at least 30°/" of inductionmotors [or inter-
therated torque,when work- mittent service,
ing with a suitable starter
Excess torque
during the wh oIe starting
when run-
period in each position.
ning: 200 per ceni
Note: Generators sbould Duration : 30seconds.
be amply designed so as to
enable them to generate d) All other motors Obviously durycyc/e
rated pressure at rated for intermittent service machines must carry
speed, power factor and shall have starting tor- their peak load without
exciter voltage and at ques equal to 200 per stalling.
125 % of rated current. cent of rated torque,
Rotating Maehines. 19

Overloads, Starting, Commutation Test.

) Britain: Industrial maehines only. <t)

Motors IkW
Generators Sustained Momentary

BHP or kVA Overload I Overload
.S per 1000 Revs. p. M. Torque or eurrent respeetively
not totally enelosed
Duration % Duration
[totally enclosed] Ofo
below 4 to 1 below 3 ~o I 25 1/2 hour
[-] [-) 5° IMin
U> [5°] [15 sees]
0 4 & upwards 3 & upwards
..... D .C.up to 100 15 sees
0 150 H.P. incl. - 25 2 hours
[75] [15 sees]
<J [-] [-]
A.C. a11 100 15 sees
siaes ") - f7S] I [15 sees]
... a11 sizes
I all sizes -
[-] I[::] I 30 sees
[30 sees]
U> I
t) not for motors of abnormally low speeds or high frequeney.
*) for single phase motors overloads are not yet speeified.

I Britain
I U.S.A.

Commutation Test. Commutation Test. Commutation

Machines with Commuia- ) D. C. maehines shall
tors shall work praetically work througbout the Continuous(y raud ma-
sparkless from no-load to range from no load to chines shall be required
full load, At ouerload test the highest momentary to eommutate success-
they must eommutate in fully momentary loads of
load speeified with fixed
sueh a way so that neither 15°% ot the Amperes
brush setting. Tbe ope-
eommutator nor brushes are eorresponding to the
injured. ration must be practi-
eally sparkless from no eontinuous rating keep-
Maebines with Commu- ing tbe rbeostat set for
tators shall work praeti- load to full load nnd
without injurious spar- rated load exeitation.
eally sparkless with fixed
brush setting as follows: king up to tbe highest M achines tor dldy-cycle
. .- momentary load speci- ope!ation shall commu-
I with fied, { tate suceessfully under
their specified eondi-
auxiliary poles
tions, Suceessful opera-
from from tion is such that neither
0,25 to
1,0 load I DO load to
full load brushes nor commu-
tator are injured by tbe

I test,
20 Section I.

Efficiency *).

r) General

Germany U.S. A.

t===========~ " . ".. . _ "= = = = = = ===t

Recognized Efficiences:
I. Directly measured Efficiency I. Direct1y measured Efficiency
Output Output
= Input' = Input '
2 . Conventional Efficiency (deter - 2 . Conventional Efficiency (derer-

mined from Iosses), mined from losses),

General conditions :
Unless otherwise specified the Unless otherwise specified the
conventional efficiency is to be conventioal efficiency is to be
employed. employed. Efficieney figures shall
Efficiency figur es sha11 corre- eorrespond to rated load , sine
spond to normal working condi- wave form, temperaiure of reterence
tions unless stated otherwise. When °
(at a11 loads) 75 C (tests shall
using method 2 the resistances preferably not be made at an am-
measured by D. C. sha11 be cor- bient temperature of less than
rected to a reierence temperaiure of 150C) . The efficiency of alter-
750 C. For measurement of other nators shall be stated at the rated
losses no temperature correction power faetor . Sine wave shall
shall be made. be standard unless different wave
form is inherent in the operati on
of the system.

*) Britain: Neither Definition nor Specification regarding measurement

sta ted. )For industrial maebines the declared (aetual) efficiency shall
inelude stray load losses estimated or ascertained as closely as possible, (
Rotating Maehines. 21


r) General

Germany U. S. A.

I =====,======
-= ===·_=~c==============-=,===~I

M iscellaneous losses :
Alllossesdue to auxiliaryapparatus- a) Field-Rheosta: Lasses shall be in-
but these only - of the maehine cluded in the g enerator losses
itself shall be eharged against the where there is a field rheostat
maehine efficieney. Sueh are: in series with the field magnets,
a) Lasses in Regulating-, Series-; Cali- even when the maehine is separa-
braüng-, Shunt- and similar resis- tely excited,
tances , Choking ,0Us, Aux üiary b) V,ntilating Blouur. When a blower
transjormers erc . whieh are neees- is supplied as part of a maehine
sary for the regular working. set, the power required to drive
(Exception see under c.) it shall be eharged against the
b) Ex,iter losses in ease of direet or eomplete unit, but not against the
indireet eoupled exciter j not in maehine alone.
ease of separate ez c ita tion, c) Otner Auxiliary Apparatus sueh as
e) Lasses in booster maehines 0/ Rotary aseparate exciter for a generator
Conuerters, if they form part of the or motor, shall have its losses
eonverter proper but not the losses eharged against the plant of which
of the transformers and ehoking the generator and exciter are
eoils belonging to the eonverter. I apart and not against the
These losses shall be stated se- generator. An exception should
parately. be noted in the ease of Turbo-
d) Lasses in b,arings supplied with the generator sets with direet-eonneeted
maehine but not in bearings sup- ezciters, in whieh ease the losses
plied by another firm. in the ezciter shall be eharged
against the g enerator, The
e) The power eonsumption of the
aetual energy of excitation and
ventilating blower if this is part of
the field-rheostat losses, if any,
the maehine proper. The power
shall be eharged against the
eonsumption in ease of separat,
ventilating blowlT as also that of
watIT and oilpumps is not to be d) FOT the Booster type 0/ Syn'Monous
ConviTters where the booster forms
eharged against the maehine effi-
an integral part of . the unit its
cieney but shall be stated se-
parately. losses shall be included in the
total eonverter losses.
22 Section I.

2. Determination of Losses for Conventional Efficiency Test.

References to Explanations given below. (Britain none specified.)

1a R Losses Uther Losse s

no-load I load Br ush

fric tion
Type Stan- • lJ • %: Beariog of Brush
of Ma chines dard. .i'; ~'S Arma- Cri ction commu- contact
. . =~'5 ture and and tators
Core 10ss
1" R
. Loues
g ~ ; -e Series windage and Loss
~ .!! a..~ windings col tecter
-e U r ings

D.C. I G. I a) I I b) zb, d) 1_3_1 4 a , b)

Machines U.S .A . la) · ~ V -=-
A. C. G. ~ za,d) _3_
Machines U.S .A . la) Ha) I lIla) I IVa) V -
G. I a) I b, c) I z c, d) 3 I e a,{J)


Germany (G.)
J U.S.A.

I. 19 R Losses. I. 111 R Losses.

a) [I RIasses at no-Ioad shall be a) The [I Rlosses shall be based
calculated from resistances measurcd upon the current and the measured
by D.C. resistance.
b) The [2 R loss in the Rotors 0/
b) [I Rlosses du, to load cu"ent shall
be calculated from resistances mea-
Polyphase Induaian Motors sbould be
sured by D. C. determined from tbe slip whenever
the latter is accurately determinable
c) For Indualon Motors tbe 1 11 R using the following aquation:
losses in tbe secondary circuit sbould II R 1 output X slip
R otor I oss = I"
be calculated from the slip, I - S lp
Rotating Machines , 23

Continuation: Determination of Losses for Conventional Efficiency Test.

Germany .-,-.,J~-,-.~---"'='-'-=.======-========t

d) For Rotary (Synchronous) Con-

verter tbe 1 2 Rlosses in tbe armature
I theInsliplargecannot
Slip .ring motors in which
be directly measured
windings sball be calculated from those by loading, tbe rotor 12 R loss sball
corresponding to its use as D . C. Ge- be determined by direct resistance
nerator by using tbe foll owing factors: measurement; tbe rotor full-load
current to be calculated by the
Number I
I !. 2 3 b I 12 following equation:
Current per ring
watts output
Number roter volts at standstill x "';3 x K
of 2 4 3 6 12 This applies to 3-phase motors i for
sliprings : z-phase rotors use 2 instead of
Factors: ,1,45 0,39 0,58 0,27 0,2 {i,. For motors of 150kW or larger
K = 0,95 ' For smaller motors K
decreases; no specific value stated.
e) Synchronaus Motors and Generators. c) Synchronaus Converters. I 9 Rlosses
Determination of 12 R plus stray load in armature windings from Iosses
lasses, corresponding to its use as D. C.
a ) Sbort-circuit method: Tbe machine generator by using suitable factors ,
witb short circuited armature win-
ding shall be driven by a calibrated
auxiliary motor at rated speed and
excited so tb at th e current is equal
to rated current, The input exclusiue
of 1 2 R loss at no load, bearing
friction and windage, brush fric-
tion and co re loss is considered
equivalent to 1ZR losses due to load
plus stray load losses.
P) Over-excitation method: Tbe rna-
cb ine a t no-load at rated pressure
and frequency sball be overexcited
so as to carry rated current. Tbe
input equivalent as under a).
2.Bearing frietion, Brush frietion 11. Bearing friction and windage:
windage and core losses. a) General: Drive tbe macbine from
Motor rnethod: Machine sb all be an independent motor, tbe output of
worked as motor at no load. which shall be su itably determined.
Tbe macbine under test sh all have
a) A . C. machines at rated pressure,
its brushes removed and shall not be
rated frequency a nd at no load speed.
excite d, The output r epresents the
b) D. C. machines at rated pressure bearing friction and windage.
+ or - the obmic pressure drop and b) Induetion motors: Losses as above
at rated speed. may be measured by running motors
c) SynchTonous machines witb exci- free at the lowest voltage at which
tation regulated so as to take tbe tbe motors will rotate continuously
minimum current, at approximately rated speed; the
For a)-c): watts input minus 1 2 R loss, under
The input minus P R loss and these conditions being taken as the
excitation losses is considered equi- friction and windage.
valent to bearing-, brush friä ion and c) For Engine-type Generators losses
windag« losses as above plus core lasses. as above are very small and shall be
24 Seetion 1.

Continuation: Determination of Losses for Conventional Efficiency Test.

Germany j U.S.A.

d) Generator mothod: The maehine 111. Brush friction of Commutator

shall be driven at no-Ioad and rated and Collector Rings.
speed by a calibrated auxiliary motor General: Maehine shall be driven
and excited to rated pressure. The as under Ha) but with brushes in
mechanical input minus excitation eontaet. The brush frietion is equi-
losses are equivalent to losses as valent to the differenee of motor out-
under c). put obtained in test Ua) and this test.
Note: For D. C. machlnes plus or IV. Core loss.
minus the ohmic pressure drop, a) General: Machine shall be driven
as under III but excited so as to
produee at the terminals a voltage
eorresponding the ealeulated internal
voltage for the load under considera-
tion. The co re 1055 is equivalent to
the differenee of motor output ob -
tained by this test and that in test 111.
b )Synchronous M achines :The internal
voltage shall be determined by
eorreeting the terminal voltage for
the resistanee drop only.
c) For Induction Motors the eore
1055 is determined by measuring the
watts input when running . free at
rated voltage and frequeney minus
no-load eopper loss, bearing frietion
and windage.
3. Brush Contact I ~ R lass is cal- V. Brush Contact 12 RIo55.
eulated by assuming the pressure drop Carbon and graphite brushes I Volt
in eaeh brush as folIows: Standard (pigtails attached),
Carbon and graphite brushes 1 Volt. Carbonandgraphitebrushes l,sVOlt
Metal-graphite brushes 0,3 Volt. Standard (pigtails not attaehed).
Metal-graphite brushes eonsidered
4. Stray load lasses. See also 1 e a) VI. Stray load losses
and {/). Stray load losses for other a) [or Synchronous Machines s. 1. 1.
types are determined in aeeordanee are determined as under I e ce) (Ger-
with the following approximate values. many) minus I~ R losses for polyphase
The per cent values eorrespond to generators and motors. For single-
output in the ease of generators, to phase maehines stray load losses are
input in the ease of motors, to D. C. large but not yet speeified.
outpur in the ease of rotary eon-
verters. It is assumed that they vary b) Induction Machines with rotor
with the square of the eurrent. removed, measure the input to the
stator with different eurrents. Deduet
a) Compensated D. C. maehines 0.5 % 19 R loss determined from resistanees.
b) Not eompensated D . C. ma- The differenee represents approxi-
ehines with or without mately the stray load losses at the
eommutating poles IOfo different eurrents.
e) Rotary eonverters 0,5 °/0
d) Asynehronous maehines 0,5 %
e) Cascade Converters 1%
Inherent Pressure Regulation
(to be measured at the temp, attained und er normal operation),
Alt eration of load R egulation in "l« Gen eral condit ions during te st
Type of machine Stan- condi tion for pur-
., of r ated voltag e Speed or
dard I Excitation Remarks
poses of test *) is det ermined as trequ ency
i I
. D. C. Generators [or a) r esist ance in brushes in no r-
I ~. shunt field ci r cuit mal position
a) shunt wound from rated load
and - - - voltage ris e rated consta nt
to no-load
for b) exciting c ur -
b) separately exci t ed U.S ~A . -
.- .__. . -.- .'---,.
r e nt constan t
diff erence bet ween I
3 D. C. Generators G. I as line I
c) compound wound from r ated load 'to I h ighest ~nd lowest
no-load and from vo ag e .I rated - _ . \:l:l
-- - -- o
no-lo ad to rated load I mean value of th e as line I I
4 I (also series) U.S . A. (eonstant resistanee ..s
; two r esults shunling series field) I lIll
I voltag e va ri ation
5 G. (shall not exeeed 50°/. ;:
at P. F. = 0,8) at spe ci tie dP.F . n
- - i! l:I"
6 I Brit. S·
--j Syn chronausGenerators - - - from rated load r ated ex citation current ~
to no -load constant
I with direct connec- voltage r ise Power Factor
U.S . A. should be s\,>ecl-
7 :i ted ex citer and se- fled ; If not . F.
pa rate exci tati on assumed ::: 1
.. .-
8 G. volta ge rise on
a nd Cascade conuerters from r ated load I
- - rated as lin e I
Synchronous to no -lo ad D. C. side
9 U. S.A.
conuerters I
.. J
0) If
Inherent Regulation cannot be determlned by Load Method It can bc calcula ted trom the
---r G. magnetlc-test Curve, Refere nce tempera ture of resistances 750 C. . .
! As Ior Ger many. For Synchronous Generators I. R. can also be determlned trom estlmated
U.S.A. zeroN)Power Factor Curve.
- -- >F or industr ial machines : D . C. Gen erators as line J. ,
Brit. Sync hr. Generators as line 6. (
26 Sectioa 1.

Overspeed Test.
(Britain none specified.)

Germany U.S.A.

Duration: 2 minutes none specified

Test speed Test speed

Line Type of machine
Rated speed Rated speed

1 Generators except lines 2&3 1,2 1,25

._._- - -_. . ~-- .

_. . .. _- - - _.-._-- _._-- -

Generators driven by tested for max,

2 1 ,8
waterwheels runaway speed

c- o

when equipped when equipped
Generators driven by
3 with emergency with emergency
steam turbines
governor acting at governor
10 % overspeed
Synchronous and Cascade
4 Converters
1,2 -

- - - --_ ._-_ .. - _ 0.-- _ _ _ _ ___

Test speed
5 Motors for constant speed no-load speed 1,25
1 ,2

- -- _.. ---- _. . . - --- _ ._ .-

Test speed Test speed

Motors with several
6 max.no-lcad speed max. speed (rated)
rated speed
1,2 1,25

- - _ ._- - ----- ... --- - _._ .'_.,. _...._- 0· - . _- -- , ,- - . - .. -

7 Motors with speed variation 1,2 1,25

r-- - ._- - ._- _ ._ ._-- -- ------- -

Test speed
max. rated speed
Motors with series 1,2
8 characteristic not specified
Test speed
rated speed
Rotating Machines. 27

(U.S.A. none specified.)

Guarantees for:
Germany Britain
Output ±o/oof rated

otol,lkW 1O
Speed of Shunt wound ± 50f0of speed at the
1,ItOIlkW 7,5
Motors temp, of fuU load
over 11 kW 5

Speed of Series wound

° to 1,lkWI 15 ± 7,5 Ofo of speed at
1,1 to 11 kW ! 1O the temp, of fuU
overllkW 7 load

Speed variation of D.C. 100/0of specified

Motors variation -
Speed variation of
Asynchronous machine 200f0 of specified slip -
Inherent Pressure
Regulation of Generators 5 °/0 of rated pressure -
------ - - -- - -
lnherent Pressure Regu-
of Rotary Converters ±10f0 of rated pressure -
of Cascade Converters ±30f0 " " " -
-- - - -- - -
Momentary short-circuit
current of Synchronous 20% of specüied value -
._ -- - -
Stationary short-circuit
current of Synchronous
15% of specified value -
Max. running torque of
Motors 10% of specified value -
Starting torque of
Motors 100f0 -
1 - 7J rounded up to
Efficiency = 7J -
- - ; b ut mimmum
1 .. 0,01
1 - COS tp
6 rounded up
Power Factor = cos tp
t o - - ' but min. 0,02
Temperature Rise - expressly noae.
Section I.

Appendix to Section I.
British Electrical and Allied Manufactures Association Rules.
Fourth Edition 1920.

I 3
Standard pressures Temperature Test. f) Permissibl«
and Frequencies. Temperotur« Rises,
The temp. test shall
1. Generators: be carried out at
D. C. 1 A. e.
230 44 0
rated output for:
Insu- I
I l»'
4 60 550 I. Machineswith con- I a tiIon
.c;: öi::S
- () =
Ö Ü0

525 2200 tinuous rating Part of I g g 'E ~] E-< e

3°00 machine ::s tl g,-g
6600 until the temperature
11000 rise is practically con- IT R OelT R oe iT R -c
stant, that is until the
2. Motors: All
D.C. A. e. rate of increase of wind- i I
200I temperature does not
exceed 1° e per hour,
44° 4 00
500 5°0I 2. Machines with sulation
at consumers ter- short-time rating wholly
for the period defined orin im-
portant 40 47 55
3. Standard Highs by the rating,
pressure Systems part, of (therm.) (therm.] (therm.)

for A. C.: cotton,

c) Methods 01 mea- paper,
2000, 3000, 6000, surement 01 Tempera- varni-
10000, 20 000 Y.
ture 01 the cooling media shed
cloth or
4. Frequencies: same as B.E.S.A. rules, similar
50 and 25. ma-

d) Methods 01 mea-
surement 01 Tempern-
of Rating: ture rises. Higher values
a) continuous permissible
1. Thermometer
b) short-time Prepa- (not specified)
Method (generally) rates
Heating. 2. Resistancel\lethod
a) Standard and max. Raw,
(for special cases), Mica
permissible Tempera- Por- Higher values
tures 01 Cooling Media: e) Correäion 01 Tem- celain, permissible
Normal 250e (air) perature Rises tor fire
(not specified)
l\Iax. 35 0 e [air), Altitud«. p~~~f I
b) Determination 01 Temp, Rise to be
Bnd-Temperatures and reduced 21 / 2 per cent
Temperature Rises for each 1000 feet.
Rotating Machines.

Continuation: Appendix to Section I.

4 5 6

High Pressure Tests Note: E represents :

Ventilation and Insulation Re-
1- -'0 ..,....---1
= g =~
• Cl) «l .. "O S
Nature of tests ete. as
I. The test must be
based on the highest
pressure to which the
g g 't: t: ~ !-l ~ B. E. S. A. rules!
.0 ... 00
Part of windings may be sub-
machine ::s ~ llog A. High Pressure
Test. jected. H. P. tests on
T R 0C T R OC\T R 0C field windings are to be
I 1 ,
I Test based on theexcitation
Rated pressure
Corc in terminal pressure,
pressure E o .- 0 ~ Id~
;;. :;;:;;. 2 . In the case of ma -
ings 4° 4i 55
are em - Not more " i chines driven by wa-
bedded than 10001- terwheels and exposed
-- _.
333 Volts ! __ L__ to runaway eonditions
Commu- Above 333 \ I or otherwise exposed
tator but~~tmore l 3 E 1500 to possible excess pres-
1500 ~olts I I sure it is recommended
that pressure-limiting
Above I I devices shall be pro-
1500 but not 0
more than 145 °,I - vided, otherwise test
Alterna- I as under I) neeessary.

55 !
2250 Volts !
tor field
coils (Res.) i Above I 2 E', B. Ln s u l a t i o n
- _ _-'--...... _.J...__.. _ 2250 Volts 1 -
. - Resistanee Test.
Shunt Note:
~ield wind-'
i I In general the follow-
field mgs of syn-, ing insulation resis-
60 65 70
coils of
D.C.ma- (Res.) (Res.) i (Res.)
chronous i ; tance is sufficient evi-
maehines I
ehines I I intended to
dence that the wind-
I i be started ings are in condition

====i=====i=j---'-- , --- from the A.

C. side are i
to reeeive the High-
pressure test,
to be tested i
with 5°001 -
Machines for Tropical con- unless the I
Rated I Resis-
field wind- tance
ditions or other cases where ingsarepro- pressure
the air temperature is in excess vided witha --'
- - - -_.. . -- --- - - -, --

!r;~s:r~_J ,
of 35 0 C (the permissible Tem- "breakup"
perature rises as above) are to switch,or 0,25
will always _
be reduced by 20010 except for be short cir-
Mica, Asbestos and fire proof cuited at above i
materials. starting 350 Volts :
3° Appendix to Section I (Rotating Machines).

Overloads, Commutation
Test, Starting.

a) Machineswith continuousraiing Subject Tolerance

having limits of full -load tempera- Speed of
ture rise and unobstruaed ventilation Shunt wound ± 5°10 of speed at full
Motors load temp.
are to be capable of withstanding
Speed of
25 % ouerload for tbe periods:
Series wound ± 7,5 0J0 of speed at full
load temp,
Outputs I
100 kW or HP variation of 500J0 on the listed value
2 hours
and above Asynchron- of slip
ous machines
Below roo kW or HP
1 bour
not below 25 kW or HP Inherent
Below 25 kW or HP Regulation of 0,4 of specified value
not below 2 kW or HP 1/2 hour Generators
Below 2 kW or HP 5 Min.
IIFulI load Ef'l
ficiency Ofo*) Tolerance
b) Machines as above but with ~1.L- 0,5
partially obstructed ventilation are to < 95 to 93 0,75
be capable of witbstanding I50J0 Efficiency < 93 to 90 I

overload for the periods as above. <9 0 t0 85 1,5

< 85 to 75 2
c) Machines as above but of the
totally enäosed dass have no oller- · < 75 to 6L.1 3 - -
I <65 4
load ratint except momentary as
required tor commutation tests. I Full load
P. F . %
I 0
Tolerance 10:
Motors with shart-time rating are
to be capable of carrying: < ~90 I 2

_ _v_e_rl_oa_d_ t_o_rq_u_e
roo %
30 Sees
Power Factor 90 to 85
< 85 to 75
< 75 to 65 I
<65 8

Commutation test.
f(tlt load
Efficiency x 4) }

Average load (s/ I d

D. C. machines must operate 4 oa " x 3) -e111
throughoul tbe range from no load Guarantee for plus :g
to the higbest specified overload Efficiency 1/2 load " x 2 :ä
with fixed brush setring. Tbe Tolerances as above
operation must be practically
sparkless from no load to full load
of Temp. Rise
and without injurious sparking up
.*) Above values apply 10 conTenlion ..1 Eßiciency.
tothemaximum specified overload. For directly measured efliciency tbe teleraace abould
be increaaed 1/."/0 rar EfficieDcies ~ 88 % ud .%
I for Eflicienciea< 88·'••

Germany L:rila,. I U.S.A.

a) Contim,ous Rating. Tbe T. shall give a) Continuous a) Continuous Rating.

its rated output for any desired period Rating The T . shall be able
without exceeding' the limits specified is tbe output to operate conti-
for observable temperature and tempe- at which a T. nuously at its rated
rature rise, can work con- output, without ez-
b) Continuous Rating ",ith short·tim, load, tinuously for ceeding any of the
The T. shall give the rated output for an unlimited limitations establish-
the specified period without exceeding period and ed,
the limits mentioned under a) , The load comply with
period ls assumed to he shorter tban these rules.
the time required by the T. to reach
the constant end temperature condition;
the no-load period (secondary windings
disconnected) is assumed to be of such
duration to enable the T. to reach the
constant no-load temperature.
c) Continuous Rating. Intumittent load,
Load periods of max, 5 min, are fol-
lowed by no-load periods the duration
of which is not sufCicient to enable the
T. to re.ach constant no -Ioad tempera-
ture. The T. shall g ive the rated out-
put with the specified relative load pe-
riods for any desired period wlthout
exceeding the limits mentioned under a) ,
32 Section H.

Continuation : Rating-Classification.

Germany Britain U. S. A.
1 _ _- _
._-====-====-,~---=--==t==-C==-o.-='-'='---·T-~ - --_
I .=- -= -= =-'-=-= = == = = =1
d) Shori- Time Rating. b) Short- Time Ra - b) Short - Time Rating. The T.
The T. shall give tbe ting is the output shall be able to operate at its
rated output for the at wbicb a T . can rated output during a limited
specified period witbout work for a limited period to be specified in eaeh
exceeding tbe limits period (to be spe- ease witbout exeeeding any of
mentioned under a) , eified in eaeh the limitations establisbed.
case) and eomply
with tbese rules,
e) Duty- cycl« Rating. c) Duty eyeie
» c) Duty - Cyele Operation. For
Periods under pressure Rating purposes of rating eitber a con-
of max. 5 Min. are fol- (in special cases) tinuous or a short-time equiva-
lowed by periods during is the continuous lent load may be selected which
wbich tbe T. is switcbed rating whieh is shall simulate as nearly as pos-
off (en tir ely), the dura- the thermal equi- sible tbe thermal conditions of
t ion of wbich is not valent of the cy- the aetual duty-cycle.
s uffic ie nt to enable tbe cle of duty spec i- d) Nominal Rating. (For special
T. to reach the tempe- fied . cases). Tbe nominal rating of a
ratur e of the cooling substation transformer*) carrying
medium. Tbe T . sball traction load shall be the KVA-
give the rated load output at astated power factor
under the same condi- input, which, having produced
tions as mentioned un- a constant temperature in tbe
der c), transformer may be increased
f) Agricultural Rating. 50 % [or 2 hours, without produ-
cing temp, rises exceeding by
100 °/0 overload is ad-
missible for 12 hours more than 5 ° C tbe limiting va-
per day and during lues stated bereafter. These T .s
should be capable of carrying
approx, 500 bours per
IOO % ouerload for one minute witb-
year. The T . sball give
I60 % oi the rated load out disqualifying them for conti-
nuous service.
contiuously w ithout ex-
ceeding the limits men-
e) Rating of Protedtue Reactors,
tioned under a) on P. R. sball be rated by:
I . KV A absorbed by normal cur-
IOO % ouerload as above
the specified limits for
2 . Normal current , frequency as
temperature and tempe-
lim (delta) voltage. -
rature rise may be ex-
3. Sb ort circuit current which tbe
ceeded by IO ° C.
P. R. is required to stand.
* a1so for Substation macbines.
Transformers. 33


Germany Britain U.S.A.

a) Standard- and max, permissible Temperatures of Cooling Media.

Normal 200 C - I -
Max. permissible air

Max. permissible water

Max , permissible oll 95 ° C Iadopted)900C 90° C
b) Determination of End-Temperatures and Temperature Rises.
Heating Test.
The Heaiing Test shall be carried out at As one page 7. 1 As on page 7.
rat~d load wit~ the exception of T .s with A' bl st i Further:
agncultural ranng :
. . . ,
Ir a
I . Air-blast Trans-
I., For Tis wlth continuous rating until the Correction ot formers. Correäion
attammen~ of a steady Temperature. (Test observed Temp : 01 observed temp ,
started with T . warm or cold.] Rise: I rise due to dif-
2. For T .s with cominuous rating and short- ference in resis-
time load. The test shall be started with .The Temp. tance when ternp,
the T . at constant no -load temperature and Rise as stated of ingoing air t
carried on for the specified period. on page 3 6 & differs from that
3· ror T .s Wlt' h short-ti. ' T he test d37 shall
ort-time rating, db be re-
oft h e stan d ar d
shall be started with cold Transformer i . e. uc: f y 1 pe~ of reference i. e.
with the temperature of the windings within c~~ t~r te~~ 400 Cels.
3 C (max. higher) of the temp, of the cooling 2 a ee 27 5
medium and carried on for the specified tfemthPer~t uer -- _-±.-
, d
peno ,
0 e air n-
tering the I '+
2345 t
4, For T .s with intermittent ratings as under Transformer Loading of T s for
~ and e on pa~es3I&,32. TheT.shall be su~- , isbelowaov C, Temperaiure ·Test.
[ected to an mtermittent load of the speci-
fied relative load periods and carried on The conditions
until the attainment of a steady temperature. shall be such to
It shall be discontinued at the end of the give losses as
last load period. For the test the duration nearly as possible
of a load-cycle shall be 10 Minutes. equal to those
obtained under
Note: For Ratings a. c and e (pag. 3I & 32) normal or speci-
the Heating Test may be considered satis- fied load con-
factory if the rate of increase of temperature ! ditions.
does not exceed IO C per hour and il the
temp, is 50 C below the guaranieed value.

5. For T.s with agricultural rating , For

the purposes of Heating Test the 60°10 over-
load is considered as rated Ioad, The 100 %
overload heating test is started with the
Transformer on constant rated load tempe-
rature and continued until the attainment
of a steady temperature but not Ion ger
than 12 hours.

Nett c I. ComparisoD. 3
34 Se ction II .

Continuation: Heating.

Germany Britain U.S.A.

c) Methods of measurement of Temperature of the cooling media.

For I. Transformer witb air- cooling
(se lf-c oo ling),
I Tbe a ir I The value to be adop-
temperature . t ed for t beambienttemp.
F or 2 . Transformer oil-irnmersed , sha ll be taken during a t est, is the mean
self-cooling. I a s the me an of th e readings of the
For 3. Transformer oil-immersed of the r ead- thermometers taken at
with separate oil cooler (a ir cooled ) l Ings of the equa l intervals during
and forced oil circulati on. I tbermometers the last qu arter of th c
The te rnp. of the cooling med ium " taken at cq ual ! duration of t est.
is to b e taken as the me an of the intervals dur- I
a mbient air t emperatures during tbe 1 ing th e last I
last quarter of tbe t est period. 1 quarter of the ,
For 4. T.s of air bl ast type. I' duration of :
For 5. T .s oil-immersed, t ank forced th~ Test. .For
air cooled. I pipeventila-
For 6. T.s oil-immersed, tank forced tion orforced-
air coo le d also forced o il circulation. d~augbt, . the
For 7. T .s oil-immersed with se pa - j arr temp.us to
rat e oil cooler which its elf is forced be measured
air cooled and forced oil circulation. by a thermo-
The temp. of the cooling m ed ium I ?leter placed
is to be taken a s t be m ean of the 10 the current
temperatures of tbe air at the air of .the in.-
inle t taken during the last q uarter comm g air.
of th e test period.
For water cooled types: Wat er-cooled r» . The
8. Witb indiv id ual parts only cooled. temp, ri se shaIl be based
Win din gs no t immersed. entirely upon the temp,
g.Oil-imme rsed,coole r insideoftank. of the coolin g water. lf
10. Oll-immersed , cooler outs ide of I under ass umed sta nda r d
conditions (wa t er 25 0,
tank and forc ed oil circulation.
The temp, of tbe cooling medium i air 40 ° C) the amount
shall b e taken a s the m ean of tbe : of heat c arried off by
temperatures of tbe water at th e water : the a ir is 15 % or more
inl et t aken during the la st qu arter 'I of the total, the ternp.
of the tes t period. of the c ooli ng water
during test sbould be
lf the amount of beat c arri ed off
by the ambient air is c onsiderable, m aintained with in 5 C°
of th at of the surreund-
tbe ternp. of tbe co olin g m ed ium is
ing air, Where this
to be considered the m ean valuc
is impracticable the
derived from the formula
ambient temperature
TM = TKU/K +7LWL sho uld be d et ermined
WK +WL from tb e change in th e
TM = mean valu c of temp. of cooling res istance of the wind-
m edium. ings, using a disconnec-
TL = temp, of ambi ent air. ted T r a ns for mer ,
TK = ternp. of other co ol in g m edium. su pplie d w itb thenormal
W L = heat carried off by ambient amount of coo ling w a ter
a ir kW. until the temp, of tbe
W K = h eat carried off by other me- w indings has b ecomc
d ium kW. co ns tan t.
Transformers. 3S

Continuation: Heating.

Germany Britain U.S.A.

d) Methods of measurement of Temperature rises.

The temperature rise of I
windings of air cool~ t.s is de- I

fined as th« highu 0/ tbe two

ualues as below
The temperature of
I. M,an t,mplTalllr, riSt by the windings sb all be
Resistanc« Method. measured by th,ir in-
z, T,mplratun rise 0/ th, JwI. I creas« 0/ resisumc« and
lest accusibl, spot m,asur,d Res;stance by thumometus which-
by Th,rmomet,r. Method for ever measurement yields
For 0;1 imm,rs,d T.s Method I I
windings tbe higher temp., that
only shall be used.
For T.s /OT v,ry h,avy currems
I temp, shall be taken as
tbe h ighest observable
temperature by metbod 2
the Resistance method is
(page 10).
not ezact; special arrange-
ments for measuring oil
temperature only are re-
commended. I

Temp, rise 0/ core shall be

determined by Thermometer
Temp, ris«
0/ core
I T emp. ris« 0/ core
same as Germany.
Method at the bottest acces- same as I
sible spot. Germany. I
Temp, ris« 0/ oil shall be Temp, ris« Temp, rise 0/ oil
determined by Thermometer 0/ oil shall same as Germany.
measured near oil surface in be determi-
tbe tank. ned by
1, in oil.

e) Correction of Temperature Rise for Attitude.

As on page 11 but
As on
As on page Ir. I water-cooled T. s are
I page 11 . I
f) Permissible Temperature Rises. (E T = E nd Temperature ; T R = Temp. Rise.) 0'>

Germany Britain U.S . A.

ET Typ e of Class of E T ITR.)

Class of Insulation E TITR Insulation 0C ITR
0C·) Insulation 0C 0C
0C 0C Transformer
~I !\ Air cool ed
not impreg na ted 85 50 not
I Class 0 80 40
I I Iimpr egna or air blast
cott on, te d - -
-- or oil- 85 45 --
-\ silk,
not impregnated I pap er immersed
but coil dipped in and
2 insulating fluid 85 50 similar 1-
without pressure "C
~ material im pregnated (J)
95 55 ~
Fi brous or vacuum Ö Class A n
0 0'.
.- - material - - () Class A
-~ -- -- Air cooled o
as impreg nat ed or ... same as =
:( or Germany 95 55 ....
pap er, compounded i. e. enameUed air blast r-
cotton, impregn ating ma - Class A 95 55 Hems 2 & 3
silk , terial Iills the sp a-
3 wood 95 60 - -
ce belween con -
ductor and insula - Asbestos
tion and between Class B 115 75
Mica et c.
the fibres
- - - - - - - - -- - - - -
insulating materi al s 95·) 55 Oil cooled Class A 95 55
4 immersed in oil 105 70 08 im mersed in oil
- u~
I - I -
5 Mica- and Asbest os preparates 115 ~
50 C more I ' Water
Raw Mica, Porcelain or oth er thanItems Class A based or
fire-proof materials cooled
1-5 water of
25 0 C
, '
l . - _ .. -
Part of Transformer

Sing1e-1ayer windings not 15° C more

7 thanItems
as other
Continuously short circuited windings
8 -
windings by resist.
method Part of Transformer jET ITR
air cooled types air cooled
60 Ul restricted
9 CI) restricted type
(wlndlngs not immersed) 95 lo<
0 by influ- by influ-
- Core in - - ence on Core ence on
= adjacent adjacent
lo< oil cooled parts on1y
10 oil-immersed types 1°5 ...... parts on1y
7° type
-- I g

11 Oil near surface 95 60 oB 9° 5° on 90 I- 8'

----- - - Ei
r estrlcted restricted ~
by influ- by Influ-
12 All other parts ence on All other parts ence on
adjacent adjacent
parts on1y parts only
*) Method of measurement: *) Method of measurement : *) Method of measurement :
Items 1-6. Resistance Method. see page 35. see page 35.
7- 12 • Thermometer
" "
Note: The end temperature must under no cir-
cumstances be exceeded. The temp. rise may be
exceeded on1y in such cases where the temp. of
the cooling medium is always so 10w that the end
temperatures (as above) will not be reached. w
I. High-Pressure Tests. w
Germany Britain U.S.A.
I. High-Pressure Test I. High-Pressure Test I. Test of Dielectric Strength
Nature 2. Surge Test for T.s from 2. Insulation Resistance Test 2. Insulation Resistanee Test
of Tests 1000 to 60000 Volts
3. Test on Turns

I. High-Pressur« Test I. High.Prtssurt Test I. Test 01 Didearic StTength

Wave form. sinusoidal sinusoidal sinusoidal
in general any between 25 not less than rated
Frequeney rated, or 50 eycles rated I 60 eyc1es recommended
and 100
Duration one minute one minute one minute
Temperature ~
working Temporature working Temperature working Temperature c
during Test 1:1 .
Type I r;:ss:re
of terminal
Ra~ed - -p--
Transformer Volts mi...
II pressure E I I- Volts

I 10000 Volts I3,25 E 25 F 00
All I ;---_...L_
10O:~01ts 1+,75 EI -15000
if measured
up to I cold:
Air cooled 10000Volts 3,74 E 1 28oo
not if measured
immersed) over cold:
10600 Volts 2,02 EI
+ 17'5 0
primary I
less than 5°00
up to E A. C. single I
I 2000 Volts
3000 Volts Transf. phase ! 2,73 E'
for direct primary permanently + 1000
Transformer connection over E' voltage
2000 Volts 10000 grounded 300 Volts
- --~- - ~- - to
Bushings and above (not 3-phase of circuit
consumers with earthed to ground
over + ' - circuit secondary neutral)
3000 Volts
(L.P.) I 2 E+ 1000
same as same as
Auto Trans-j apparatus Auto Trans- apparatus
- to wh ich former
- to which
I connected

E represents:
I. The rated terminal pressure when test- Note: Note: >-cl
ing individual windings against core. I I. The test must be based on the highest E represents the normal voltage of
2. For Current and regulating T.s with pressure E to which the windings may the circuit to which the machine is

separate primary and secondary wind- be subjected. connected, 8'

ings , the rated terminal pressure of 2. 'Ls are to have the same test between a
the circuit to which the windings are ~
high pressure winding and core as
connected in series. between high pressure winding and
3. For se ries connected windings, the sum
low pressure winding.
of the terminal pressures,
4. For regulating T.s with variation of
secondary voltage by switching off
and on of additional windings I the
primary terminal voltage necessary
for rnax. secondary voltage.
5. For T.s with one outer pole perma-
nently grounded 1,1 times rated ter-
minal pressure,
Note: At constant voltage the current
must not increase continuously nor must
there be sudden fluctuations. ....\0
4° Section 11.

Transformers Seetion 11.

2. Surge Test (Germany only),
Tbe surge test (purpose see under Se ction I) sball be made on the
factory test bed witb tbe completely assembled transformer witb windings
for rated voltages from 2S to 60 kV in accordance witb tbe diagrams of
connections as sbown below.
f! ~ Tbe Transformer winding on test sball be con-
nected to cables or condensers (C) over sphere
sparkgaps (F) with solid spheres of at least 50 mm
diameter, - Tbe test capacitance of tbe cables
or condensers shall be as follows:
Capacitance C
Rated of ea ch phase Suitable form of capacl-
Voltage E mb.. ~ F. tance
kV /Mikrofarads)
up to 6
2,5 0,05 cable or condenser
" ,,15 0,02 " ""
" ,,35 0,01 " " "
" ,, 6o 0,005 condenser
Details of test as for macbines Section I.

2.Insulation 2. Insulation
3. Test on Turns. Resistance Test.
Germany U.S.A.

Tbe winding test sball be made

under no -load condition by in-
creasing of the supplied voltage
up to the values given below.
Tbe frequency can be incr ea sed

Duration ofTest : 5 Minutes.


Efficiency, Transformer Losses.

Germany U. S. A.

I. General.
Recogniud Efficiencies : Losses only Recognlzed Efficiencies:
mentioned, tberefore Conventional I. Directly measured Effieieney
Etfieieney implieitly reeognized only. Output
Misce/lanlOlls lasses: Tbe power con- = Input
sumption of motors for separate venti- 2. Conventional Efficieney (deter-
lating blowers as also tbat of water- mined Irom Iosses),
or oil-eireulating pumps sball be
stated separately.
General conditions: see page 20 . I General conditions: see page 20.
2. Classification oi Losses and their Measurement.
No-load Losses are eonsidered equi- No-load Losses inc1ude the eore
valent to tbe input at normal rated loss, tbe IliR loss due to tbe exciting
pressure on tbe primary side, at rated current and the dielectric loss in tbe
frequeney and with the seeondary insulation,
terminals disconnected, They in- Th~y shall be measured witb open
c1ude the eore loss, the dieleetric secondary circuit at the rated fre-
1055 and the 19 R loss due to the no- quency, and with an applied primary
load current. The n. 1. 1. are gene- voltage giving the rated secondary
rally measured from secondary side, voltage plus the IR drop wbicb occurs
I in the secondary under rated load
Load Losses are considered equi- Load Losses inc1ude PR losses and
valent to the PR losses at rated stray Ioad-losses due to eddy-currents
current and frequency, at working caused by fluxes varying with' tbe
temperature measured within the load,
They shall be measured by applying They sball be measured by apply-
the impedance voltage to the T. with ing a primary voltage, at rated Ire-
the secondary windings short cir- quency, sufficient to produce rated
cuited. Stray-load losses due to eddy- load current in tbe with the windings
currents are included in the losses secondary windings short-circuited,
measured as before.
- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- _ .. - _._-- - - - -- - - - -- - ---~- - --_ ._ - --

Inherent Regulation
to be measured at the temperature attained under normal operation.
The I. R. of a T. at a specified Brita in U.S .A.
Power Factor is the rise of tbe se-
eondary voltage in per eent of the Same as Germany.
rated seeondary pressure if the load Unless a P. F. is speci-
is altered from rated load to no load fied the regulation is
and with . primary voltage and fre- understood to refer to
queney eonstant. P.F.= I.
- - -_ ._ - -- .._ - -------- - - - - - - - -_ ._- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Germany. for losses 10 % of eopper and eore losses.
Britain • • for temp, rise expresslj' none,
'.'--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ---1
Appendix LO Seetion II (Transformers).

Appendix to Section II (Transformers).

British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association Rules .
Fourth Edition 1920.

Rating Classification. High Pressure Test

a ) eontinuous . and Insulation Resistance.
b) sbort - time.
Xature of Tests ete.: same as B.E.S.A.
Heating. I. High Pressure Test.

a) Standard- and max. pumiSSibJe\ ' .

/emp, 01 cooling medi«. ~ g Rated terminal
Test pressure
b) Determination 01 End - Temp, ~ .~
m in.
V o I ts V I
o ts
and Temp , Ris6S. :; ~
c) Methods 01 measurement 01 Ei: not more tban
temperatures 01 cooling media. ~ :;; 333 Volts
d) Methods 01 measurement 01 Tempe- above 333 Volts
ratur« Rists: not more than 3E 1500
o il cool ed typcs : RcsistanceMethod, 500 Volts
ai r 11 11 : Th ermometer "
Abovc 1500 Volts
T emp. Ri se of oil measured by but not more than 45 00
th crrnom etcr as also core tempe- 2250 Volts
r nture,
above 2250 Volts
e) Correäion 10r Altitude sarne as Ap -
pendix to Se ction I. Note: same as B.E.S.A. page 38& 39.
f) Permissible Temp, Rises, 2. Insulaüon R.sistanc.. In general
tbe tollowing insulation resistanee
CIass Type is sufficient evidence that the wind-
ET ings are in condition to receive the
of Insulation of Trans. high-pressure test.
forme r oe
Fibrous matc- air-coolcd Resistanee
rial as paper , (g ene rally)
85 so Rated pressure
cotton, silk o il cooled So low pressure 0,25
:\fica a nd
Asbestes Higber abovc 350,"olts
preparates values Overloads.
Raw l\Iiea permissiblc
Ovcrload capaeity :
or otber (n ot spe ci -
fied ) 25 % Ior 2 hours ,
Iire-proof 100% Ior 30 secs,
*) Method of measurerne nt sec IIn-
der d). Full-load Efficiency
(by summation of Tolerance
Note: Tran sformers [or tropical con· losses)
ditions or other cascs wherc tbe air
remp, is in excess of 35 0 e the per- 98 % or higher 0,25 %

missible temp, rise (as above) is to be bclow 98 Ofo 0,4 °10

reduced by ezccpt for
20% ~ica or
Asbestes Insularion . average load see page 30
Verlag von Julius Springer in Berlin W 9

Erläuterungen zu den Vorschriften für die Konstruktion

und Prüfung von Installationsmaterial, den Vorschriften
für die Konstruktion und Prüfung von Schaltapparaten
für Spannungen bis einschl. 750 V und den Normalien
über die Abstufung von Stromstärken und über An-
schlußbolzen. Im Auftrage des Verbandes Deutscher Elektro-
te c h n i k e r herausgegeben von Georg Dettmar, Generalsekretär des
Verbandes. Mit 46 Textabbildungen. Unveränderter Neudruck. '922.
GZ. 3,6 ; 3,60 Fr.: 0,75 $; 3 sh.
Erläuterungen zu den Normalien für Bewertung und
Prüfung von elektrischen Maschinen und Transformatoren,
den normalen Bedingungen für den Anschluß von Mo-
toren an öffentliche Elektrizitätswerke und den Nor-
malien für die Bezeichnung von Klemmen bei Maschinen,
Anlassern, Regulatoren und Transformatoren. Im Auftrage
des Verbandes deutscher Elektrotechniker herausgegeben von
Georg Dettmar. Sechste Auflage. Erscheint 19 2 3.
Erläuterungen zu den Vorschriften für die Errichtung und
den Betrieb elektrischer Starkstromanlagen einschließlich
Bergwerksvorschriften und zu den Merkblättern für Starkstromanlagen in
der Landwirtschaft. Im Auftrage des Verbandes Deutscher Elektrotechniker
herausgegeben von Geh. Reg.-Rat Dr. C. L. Weber. Dreizehnte, ver-
mehrte und verbesserte Auflage. 1923 . GZ. 3.3 ; 4 Fr.; 0,80$; 3 sh . 4 p.
Arnold-Ia Cour. Die Wechselstromtechnik. Herausgegeben von
Professor Dr.vrng. E. Arnold, Karlsruhe. In fünf Bänden. Unveränderter
Neudruck. Erscheint im Frühjahr 19 23.
1. Theorie der Wechsel ströme. Von J. L. la Cour und O. S.
Bragstad. Zweite, vollständig umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit 59' Text-
11. Die Transformatoren. Ihre Theorie, Konstruktion , Berechnung
und Arbeitsweise. Von E . Arnold und J. L. la Cour. Zweite,
vollständig umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit 443 Textfiguren und 6 Tafeln.
1Il. Die Wicklungen der Wechselstrommaschinen. Von E.
Arnold. Zweite, vollständig umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit 463 Text-
figuren und 5 Tafeln.
IV. Die synchronen Wechselstrommaschinen. Generatoren .
Motoren und Umformer. Ihre Theorie. Konstruktion, Berechnung und
Arbeitsweise. Von E . Arnold und J. L. la Cour. Zweite, voll -
ständig umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit 530 Textfiguren und ,8 Tafeln .
v. Die asynchronen Wechselstrommaschinen.
I. Teil : Die Induktionsmaschinen. Ihre Theorie, Berechnung,
Konstruktion und Arbeitsweise. Von E. Arnold und J. L. la Cour
unter Mitarbeit von A. Fraenckel. Mit 307 Textfiguren und 10 Tafeln .
z. Teil : Die Wechselstromkommutatormaschinen. Ihre
Theorie, Berechnung. Konstruktion und Arbeitsweise. Von E . Arnold,
J. L . la Cour und A. Fraenckel. Mit 400 Textfiguren. 8 Tafeln und
dem Bildnis E . Arnolds.

/)ü Grlllldz"It/,n (G~.) ~"ls;r,dl'H tln. "/lA",jii},r", ' ·(lyk,.i('rsfrt;S ~" ""f/,relb", mit ,(tiN jtwn·lti:,,,
1~'lItw,rl""rlfak/or (Umrcclmultgssd.liissd) 1'n''''''lJitlj"d,t de« I ~t'rk(Jufs/Jrt'is . U6t'r den zur Zt'it K,llrnd(1l
C,.,,.,,IIII,,,,g"'''';;IS<I g,bt" alk Bu,""andl.mgm "nt·;' der /",,.1"1: ~,,.tif,,,iII;t:st Austm» ft
Verlag von ]ulius Springer in Berlin W 9

Theorie der Wechselströme. Von Drv-Ing. Alfred Fraenckel.

Zweite, erwe iterte und verbesserte Auflage. Mit 23 7 Textfiguren. 1921.
Gebunden GZ. 11; gebunden 11,35 Fr. ; gebunden 2,30 $; gebunden 9 sh. 6 P:

Ankerwicklungen für Gleich- und Wechselstrommaschinen.

Ein Lehrbuch. Von Prof. Rudolf Richter, Karlsruhe. Mit 377 Text-
abbildungen. Berichtigter Neudruck. 1922 .
Gebunden GZ. 11 ; gebunden 14 Fr. ; gebunden 2,80 S; gebunden 11 sh . 9 p.

Kurzes Lehrbuch der Elektrotechnik. Von Dr. Adolf Thomälen,

a, o. Professor an der Technischen Hochschule Karlsruhe. Neun te, ver -
besserte Auflage. Mit 555 Textbildern. 1922.
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633 Abbildungen im Text. 1922.
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Hilfsbuch für die Elektrotechnik. Unter Mitwirkung namhafter

Fachgenossen bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Prof. Dr, Karl Strecker,
Geh . Oberpostrat. Zehnte, umgearbeitete Auflage. In drei Teilen.
In Vorbereitung.

Elektrische Starkstromanlagen. Maschinen, Apparate, Schaltungen ,

Betrieb. Kurzgefaßtes Hilfsbuch für Ingenieure und Techniker sowie zum
Gebrauch an technischen Le hranstalten. Von Studienrat D ip\.-Ing. EmU
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Mit 29 6 Textfiguren. 1923. GZ. 5 ; gebunden GZ. 5,8; 6,25 Fr. ;
gebunden 7,25 Fr.; 1,25 s.
gebunden 1,45 $ ; 5 sh. 3 p ; gebunden 6 sh.

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maschinen, Motoren und Transformatoren, Lichtanlagen, Kraftwerke und
Umformerstationen . Ein Leh r- und Hilfsbuch. Von Dipl.-Ing. EmU Kosack,
Studienrat an den Staatl . Vereinigten Maschinenbauschulen zu Magdeburg.
Mit 226 Textabbildungen. 1922. GZ. 4 ; gebunden GZ. 6; 6,80 Fr. :
gebunden 10 Fr.; J.75 $ ; gebunden 2 s.
5 sh. 8 p; gebunden 8 sh. 3 p.

Der Drehstrommotor. E in Handbuch für Studium und Praxis. Von

Prof. Julius Heubach, Direktor der Elektromotorenwerke Heidenau
G. m. b. H . Zweite , verbesserte Auflage. Mit 222 Abbildungen. 1923.
Gebunden GZ. 14,5; gebunden 18 Fr.; gebunden 3.M $ ; gebunden J 5 sh.

Elektrotechnische Meßinstrumente. Ein Leitfaden . Von Konrad

Gruhn, Oberingenieur und Gewerbestudienrat. Z we i t e, vermehrte und
verbesserte Auflage. Mit 3 21 Textabbildungen. J92 3.
Gebunden GZ. 5,8; gebunden 6,40 Fr.: gebunden J.30 $ ; gebunden 5 sh. 6 p.

Die Grutld zahlttl (GZ) ttllsprtchttl den 'utlCtflih rt tl V{)rk ritcsp rtilttl un d t rc dJttl ",il d"n jtwdligm
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